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3  1833  01103  3641 




Richardson  County 





With  Biographical  Sketches  of  Representative  Citizens  and 
Genealogical  Records  of  Many  of  the  Old  Families 



B.  F.  BOWEN  &  COMPANY,  Inc. 

Indianapolis,  Indiana 



To  the  memory  of  the  i)ioneers  of  Richardson  county  who  worked  with 
earnest  purpose  and  unflinching  hearts  through  tlie  trials  and  privations  of 
this  frontier  and  to  those  generous  and  progressiAe  citizens  of  today  whose 
loyal  support  has  made  its  publication  possible,  this  vohinie  is  respectfully 



Extensive  efforts  have  been  made  fur  years  liy  archaeulogisls  and 
ethnologists  in  an  effort  to  recover  and  preserxe  for  our  i;eneral  infcjrnia- 
tioii  everything  tliat  it  has  l)een  possible  to  discover  of  otlier  races  of  peoples 
who  have  inhabited  this  eartii.  In  this  great  \V(jrk  the  scientific  men  of  all 
countries  have  been  engaged,  expending  much  money,  time  and  energ}-  in 
tracing  the  history  of  races  with  whom  we  sustain  no  kinship  or  direct  rela- 

We  think  it  equally  laudable  of  us  in  a  more  local  wa\  to  want  to  know 
and  try  to  preserve  what  little  is  possible  of  the  story  of  those  wlio  have 
gone  directly  before  us,  not  only  for  our  own  pleasure  and  benefit  but  for 
th(ise  who  will  follow. 

It  was  for  this  reason  that  the  work  of  preparing  the  present  volume 
was  undertaken  and  it  was  not  Ijegun  a  da\-  out  of  season,  for  l)ut  few  <if 
the  pioneers  are  still  among  us  and  in  a  short  time  they  tno  may  have  moved 

There  are  \et  among  us  those  who  saw  Richardson  cuunt}'  as  an 
unpeo])led  wilderness  and  who  were  so  charmed  with  its  natural  lieautx'  as 
a  land  to  li\e  in  that  tliey  would  go  no  further  in  search  of  homes. 

They  have  remained  through  all  the  years  and  have  contributed  much 
toward  the  steady  march  of  progress  which  has  so  changed  the  land  that  luit 
little  remains  to  remind  them  of  the  cinuUr\  the\-  once  knew  as  a  part  <'f 
the  Great  I'lains. 

The  story  of  tiie  settlement,  growth  and  (le\elopnieni  of  Richard'-on 
county  is  set  forth  in  tlie  succeeding  pages.  I'^very  eft'ort  was  made  to 
ascertain  the  facts  in  so  far  as  it  has  been  able  to  cover  the  ground. 

It  is  desired  iierewith  to  make  due  and  fulsome  acknowledgment  of 
the  great  kindness  and  uniform  courtesy  extended  us  from  all  sides  in  the 
preparation  of  the  material  used  herein. 

In  this  connection  we  feel  under  especial  oliiigation  to  Mr.  Ch-is.  l.oree 
for  his  unfailing  courtes}-  and  kindness.  Mis  early,  wide  and  intimate 
acquaintance  and  perfect  memory  of  men  and  e\ents  connected  with  Rich- 
ardson L'ounty  Histor\-  is  trul\-  marxelous  and  ha\e  been  inxaluable  to  us. 

Grateful    acknowledgment    also    is    due    man\"    iiersons    wJio    ha\-e    cu- 

triluiltd  materially  to  the  progress  of  the  work.  Amor.g  tiiese  are:  Jose])h 
H.  Miles,  Governor  John  H.  JMorehead.  Arthur  J-  Weaver.  David  D.  Reavi>. 
-Mrs.  Thomas  J.  Gist.  H.  C.  Davis.  A.  R.  Keim.  .Mr.  and  :\lrs.  W.  II.  Keeling. 
Drs.  C.  T.  Biirchard  and  J.  A.  Waggener.  Stipt.  D.  H.  \\'eber,  J.  O.  Shroyer. 
Mrs.  J.  R.  Wilhite.  Eunice  Ha.skins.  Dr.  E.  R.  Matthers.  and  nian\  others 
who  ha\e  given  us  kindly  words  of  encounigenient. 



All  life  and  achie\eineiit  is  t\oluti(iu:  present  wisiloni  cnines  fnnii  past 
experience,  and  present  commercial  prosperit}'  has  come  only  from  past  exer- 
tion and  sacrifice.  The  tleeds  and  motives  of  the  men  who  have  gone  before 
ha\e  been  instrnmental  in  shaping  the  destinies  of  later  communities  and 
states.  The  develoj)ment  of  a  new  conntry  was  at  once  a  task  and  a  privi- 
legs.  It  required  great  courage,  sacrifice  and  privation.  Compare  the  pres- 
ent conditions  of  the  people  of  Richardson  county.  Nebraska,  with  what  they 
were  sixty  years  ago.  bVoni  a  trackless  wilderness  and  virgin  land,  the  county 
h;is  come  to  be  a  center  of  prosperity  and  civilization,  with  millions  of  wealth, 
systems  of  railways,  educational  and  religious  institutions,  \aried  industries 
and  immense  agricultural  and  dairy  interests.  Can  an\-  thinking  person  be 
insensible  to  the  fascination  of  the  study  which  discloses  the  aspirations  and 
efforts  of  the  early  pioneers  who  so  strongly  laid  the  foundation  upon  which 
has  been  reared  the  magnificent  prosperity  of  later  days?  To  perpetuate  the 
story  of  these  people  and  to  trace  and  record  the  social,  religious,  educational, 
political  and  industrial  progress  of  the  community  from  its  first  inception,  is 
the  function  of  the  local  historian.  A  sincere  purpose  to  preserve  facts  and 
personal  memoirs  that  are  deserving  of  perpetuation,  and  which  unite  the 
present  to  the  past,  is  the  motive  for  the  present  publication.  The  publishers 
desire  to  extend  their  thanks  to  those  who  have  so  faithfully  labored  to  this 
end.  Thanks  are  also  due  to  the  citizens  of  Richardson  county,  for  the  uni- 
form kindness  with  which  they  have  regarded  this  undertaking,  and  for  their 
many  services  rendered  in  the  gaining  of  necessary  information. 

In  placing  the  "History  of  Richardson  County.  Nebraska."  before  the 
citizens,  the  publishers  can  conscientiously  claim  that  they  have  carried  out 
the  plan  as  outlined  in  the  prospectus.  Every  biographical  sketch  in  the  work 
has  been  submitted  to  the  party  interested,  for  correction,  and  therefore  any 
error  of  fact,  if  there  be  any,  is  solely  due  to  the  person  for  whom  the  sketch 
was  prepared.  Confident  that  our  effort  to  please  will  fully  meet  the  appro- 
bation of  the  public,  we  are.    , 




Al'TER      I— TOPOGRAPHY.      GEOI-OGY,      ETC.,      OF      RIGHARDSOX 

Rolling  Prairies  of  This  Section  of  Nebraska  Were  an  Alluring  Feature  That 
Did  Xot  Escape  the  Eye  of  the  Settler  in  Quest  of  a  Home  in  the  Xew 
Country — Streams  of  F'ine  \Vater.  the  Banks  of  Which  Were  Well  Tini- 
liered — Xative  Timber  Restored  by  the  Mastery  of  the  Old  Prairie  Fires 
and  the  Former  Aspect  of  the  Country  Has  Been  Changed  Thereby — 
•  Juality  of  the  Soil — Inexhaustive  Quarries  of  Excellent  Building  Stone — 
Trilnitaries  of  the  Great  Nemaha  River — Description  of  the  Area  of  the 
County — Climatic  Conditions  and  a  Scientific  Analysis  of  the  Physiographic 
Position  of  the   County. 


Pawnees  .\ppear  to  Have  Had  the  Best  Claim  as  the  Aboriginal  Inhabitants 
of  the  Country  Now  Comprised  in  Richardson  County — Story  of  Their  ( )ccu- 
pane3'  and  of  That  of  the  Sacs  and  Foxes — Review  of  the  Various  Treaties 
Under  \\'hich  the  Red  Man  Gradually  Gave  Up  His  Lands — Evidences  of 
Prehistoric  Occupancy  Based  Upon  the  Finding  of  Skeletons  and  Relics  at 
Several  Points  in  County — Coming  of  the  Missionaries  to  the  Indians  and 
Sometliini;  of  the   llabits  of  Living  and  of  the   Religion  of  the  Red  Man. 


F'irst  \\hite  Men  to  Set  F'oot  on  the  Land  Xow  Comprised  Within  the 
Conlines  of  This  County  Were  the  .\dvcnturous  Cavaliers  of  Coronado"s 
liand  Which  Came  Up  F'rom  the  .\ztec  Country  Seeking  What  They  Might 
I'ind  in  the  Xorth  Country  and  Who  Left  a  Record  of  Having  Reached 
The  I'-ortieth  Parallel  of  Latitude,  Together  With  a  Report  of  the  Condi- 
tions of  Life  of  the  Indians  at  That  Time  Occupying  This  Country — Later 
\'isit  of  the  I'rench  F2xplorers,  the  Coming  of  the  Lewis  and  Clark  Expedition 
the  .\cc|uirement  of  the  Louisiana  Territory  and  the  Gradual  Development 
of  Settlements  Leading  Up  to  the  F.ventual  Creation  of  Nebraska  Territory 
and   the    Passing   of   the    Kansas-Xeliraska   Act. 


I'itting  Tribute  to  the  American  Pioneer,  Who  Is  Descril)cd  as  a  Distinct 
Tyi>e  Well  Qualified  to  I-^nter  Upon  the  X'eritable  Garden  of  lulen  Which 
.\waited  His  .Advent  Out  Here  Beyond  the  Missouri — Review  of  Conditions 
\\  hich  Led  to  the  Immigration  Stream  in  This  Direction  and  Bit  of  Refer- 
ence to  the  Character  and  Stock  of  That  Hardy  Band  Which  Sought  a  Wider 
Horizon  Here  On  the  Limitless  Prairies — Influence  of  the  Missouri  River 
in    Directing    Settlement    IlitherwanI — l'"our    l-'.pochs    in    Settlement    Period — 


Roster  of  Pioneers  Who  Settled  Here  Prior  to  1860.  Together  With  a  Brief 
Review  of  Conditions  They  Faced  and  the  Hardships  They  Were  Compelled 
to  Undergo  While  Making  Habitable  a  Place  for  Those  Who  Should  Come 
After — Land  Speculation,  Claim  Jumpers,  Jayhawkers,  the  "Underground 
Railroad"  and  Something  Regarding  the  Various  Separate  "Colonies"  Which 
Settled  Here,  Closing  With  a  Review  of  the  Early  Surveys  of  County,  and 
a   Story  of  the    Iron   Monument. 


Name  of  County  Was  Given  in  Compliment  to  First  Territorial  Governor — 
Temporary  Organization  in  1854  Was  Definitely  Established  bj'  the  Terri- 
torial Legislature  in  18SS,  and  the  First  Election  Was  Held  in  This  Latter 
Year — First  County  Officers  Chosen — Original  Boundaries  of  County — The 
Half  Breed  Tract — First  Census  and  Polling  Places — Organization  of  Pre- 
cincts— Legislative  .\cts  With  Reference  to  the  County  and  the  Gradual 
Development   of  a   Stable   Form   of  Local  Government. 


Historian  Has  Been  at  Pains  to  Examine  the  Official  Records  With  a  View 
to  Determining  the  Influences  Underlying  the  Long  Struggle  Which  Per- 
sisted in  the  h'.arly  Days  of  the  County  in  the  Matter  of  the  Location  of  the 
County  Seat  and  Which  hinally  Resulted  in  the  Rejection  of  the  Respective 
Claims  of  Archer  and  of  Salem  and  the  Establishment  of  the  Seat  of  Local 
Government  at  I'"alls  City — Vote  by  Precincts  Attesting  the  Final  Choice 
of  the  People — County  Buildings  and  a  Word  Regarding  Early  Political 
Conditions  in  the   County. 


In  the  List  Given  in  This  Chapter  of  Those  Who  Have  Served  the  People 
of  Richardson  County  in  an  Official  Capacity,  It  Is  Gratifying  to  Note  That 
Some  of  the  Very  /Vblest  Men  in  the  County  Have  Thus  Rendered  Efficient 

Service  and  That  the  County  Government  Has  From  the  Very  Beginning 
Been  Singularly  Free  From  Scandal — Names  of  Officers,  Including  County 
Clerks,  Probate  Judges,  County  Judges,  Registers  of  Deeds,  Clerks  of  Dis- 
trict Court,  County  Treasurers.  Sheriffs,  County  Commissioners,  Superin- 
tendents   of    Public    Instruction,    Surveyors,    Coroners,    Supervisors,    County 

Attorneys  and  the  New  Commissioners  .appointed  Under  the  Recently 
Adopted    Commission    I'orm    of   County    Government. 


Here  WiU  Be  Found  the  Stories  Regarding  the  I'"ormation  of  the  Several 
Townships  or  Precincts  Which  h'orm  Units  of  Civic  Government  in  the 
(General  Government  of  the  County,  Beginning  With  Barada.  Which  Was 
Xamed  for  Old  Antoine  Barada.  One  of  the  Most  Interesting  and  Picturesque 
Figures  of  the  Plains  Country  in  the  Early  Days.  Together  With  an  Interest- 
ing Collection  of  Narratives  of  Incidents  Relating  to  the  Early  Life  of  the 
County  and  Personal  and  Illuminating  Reference  to  Many  of  Tliose  Hardy 
I'igures  Which  Made  Possible  the  -Settlement  of  This  Favored  Region — 
Topulation  Statistics  and  Sonietlnni;  in  Relation  to  Townsites  That  Early 
Were    Located    lor    I'ublie    .Mlolnient    and    Sale. 



In  This  Chapter  There  Is  Set  Out  in  Interesting  Form  a  Mass  of  Official 
Information  Taken  From  the  Records  of  the  County  and  Bearing  on  the 
Original  Orders  of  Incorporation  of  the  Towns  and  Precincts  of  the  County, 
Together  With  F'urthcr  References  to  the  Men  Who  Were  the  Foremost 
Figures  in  Such  Transactions.  With  Stories  Relating  to  Many  of  Them,  and 
a  Brief  History  of  the  Various  Towns  and  Villages  Which  Have  F'rom  the 
Beginning  Constituted  Valuable  Social  and  Commercial  Centers  for  the  Peo- 
ple of  the  Several  Communities  in  the  Countj'. 


Nothing  in  the  History  of  Any  Community  Carries  More  of  Interest  Than  a 
Narration  of  the  First  Incidents  Bearing  on  the  Settlement  of  Such  a  Com- 
munitj'.  and  This  Chapter  Relating  to  the  "Firsts"  of  Richardson  County 
Ought  to  Be  Regarded  as  One  of  the  Most  Interesting  in  the  Book,  for  Here 
Will  Be  F"ound  Set  Out  in  Orderly  Ai-Vay  the  Story  of  the  Beginnings  ot 
Things  in  This  Region  Based  Upon  the  Activities  of  Those  Who  Were 
Among  the  First  of  Those  Who  Dared  and  Did  in  the  Days  of  the  Beginning 
of  the  Establishment  of  a  Definite  Social  Order  on  This  Side  of  tlu 


From  the  Days  of  the  Unbroken  Growths  of  Luxuriant  Prairie  Grass  Which 
Covered  the  Rich  Plains  Throughout  This  Region  to  the  Present  Period  of 
llighlj'  Developed  and  Specialized  Agriculture  Is  Not  a  Far  Cry  as  Meas- 
ured in  Years,  for  There  Are  Those  Still  Living  Here  Who  Helped  to  Turn 
the  First  F'urrows  in  These  Prairies,  But  in  the  Measure  of  Results  Accom- 
plished an  Astonishing  Distance  Has  Been  Covered,  and  This  Chapter  Is 
Designed  to  Present  the  Story  of  the  Wonderful  Development  That  Has 
Marked  Agricultural  Processes  During  the  Comparatively  Short  Period  in 
Which  the  White  Man  Has  Been  in  Possession  of  the  Countrj'. 

ROADS    292 

Herein  Will  Be  Found  the  Story  of  the  Development  of  the  Means  of  Travel 
and  Transportation  From  the  Days  of  the  l-tiver  Steamboat  and  the  "Prairie 
Schooner"  to  the  Present  Day  of  the  Transcontinental  Steel  "Flyers"  and 
the  High-powered  .\utomobiIes,  Which  Latter,  in  Particular.  Are  Serving 
to  Bind  Communities  More  Closely  Together  and  to  Bring  the  Farm  Into 
Close  Communication  With  the  Markets  and  Social  Centers — Interesting 
Story  of  the  Old  Days  of  the  River  Boats  and  the  Great  Trains  of  the 
h'reighters  Along  the  Overland  Trails  of  a  Day  Gone  By — First  Effort  in 
Behalf  of  a  Railroad — When  the  Railroad  Reached  Falls  City — Excursion  to 
Atchison — Coming  of  the  Automobile  and  a  Comparison  With  Condition'^ 
That   Existed  in  the   Days   of  llie  Old   Overland  Stage. 

CH.M'TER   XIII— SC110(J1,S    AXD    EDl'C.\TION Mc 

In  This  Chapter  Countj-  Superintendent  Weber  Presents  an  Interesting 
Review  of  the  School  Activities  of  Richardson  County  From  the  Time  of  the 
County's   Early   Settlement   arid   the   Humble  "Subscription"   Schools   to   the 


I'lcsent  Day  of  the  Highly  Specialized  School  Systtm  Comprising  the  VVcU- 
Orsanized  Schools  of  the  Cities  and  Villages  and  the  Equally  Well-Organ- 
ized Consolidated  Schools  of  the  Rural  Districts,  All  Being  Operated  I'nder 
a  Definite  Plan,  \\'ith  a  View  to  Securing  the  liest  .\ttain;il)le  Kcsults  in  the 
Way  of  Educating  the  Youth  of  the   County. 

chai'T1-:r  XIV— chlrciiI':s  oi-  riciiardsox  couxty i7i 

(  hurch  History  of  a  Locality  Is  Inseparable  From  Its  Growth  and  Devel- 
opment, the  Induence  of  the  Church  Being  Felt  in  Every  Force  That  Goes 
to  Make  Up  a  Prosperous  and  Moral  Community,  and  in  Xo  Phase  of  the 
Development  of  Richardson  County  Has  There  Been  a  Stronger  Influence 
for  Good  Than  the  Church  Organizations  of  the  County;  a  Story  of  Which, 
Together  With  Many  Interesting  Incidents  Relating  to  the  Religious  Ob- 
servances of  the  Pioneers  Has  Been  Compiled  Under  the  Direction  of 
David  D.  Reavis  and  Is  Here  Set  Out  for  the  Information  and  Inspiration 
of  the  Present  Generation  and  the-  Guidance  of  the   Future. 


In  This  Chapter  the  Historian  Has  Presented  a  Comprehensive  and  Enter- 
taining Review  of  the  Operations  of  "the  Fourth  Estate"  in  Richardson 
County  and  Has  Incidentally  Preserved  for  the  Edification  of  the  Present 
and  the  Information  of  Future  Generations  of  Readers  Numerous  Stories 
of  the  Doings  of  the  Newspaper  Editors  Who  Proved  Such  Powerful  and 
Influential  F'actors  in  the  General  Life  of  the  Community  in  the  Old  Days, 
and  Whose  Unselfish  and  Untiring  Efforts  in  Behalf  of  the  New  Country 
Worked  Such  Wonders  of  Accomplishment  in  the  Way  of  Assisting  in  the 
Development  of  the  Various  Interests  of  the  County  at  a  Time  When  the 
"Getting  Out"  of  a  Newspaper  Was  Very  Much  More  a  Pure  Labor  of  Love 
Than  It  Is  Today— Veteran  Editor's  Tribute  to  the  Old-Timers  in  Local 


Close  and  Intimate  Relation  Borne  by  the  I'amily  Physician  to  the  Real  Life 
of  the  Community  to  Which  He  Ministers  Makes  Him  One  of  the  Most 
Vital  Factors  for  Good  in  That  Community,  and  in  the  Chapter  to  Which 
the  Reader  Here  Refers  the  Importance  of  This  Situation  Is  Clearly  Brought 
Out,  the  Medical  History  of  the  County  of  Richardson  Being  Interestingly 
and  Entertainingly  Reviewed  by  Doctor  Burchard  and  Doctor  Waggener, 
Whose  Long  and  Intimate  Acquaintance  With  the  Conditions  They  Portray 
Gives  to  Their  Narratives  an  Informative  Importance  That  Will  Be  Valued 
and   Appreciated   More  and   More   as   the  Years   Pass. 

CIIAI'Tl-.k  XX'IU^TIII".   r.l-.XCll    AXD  TllIC  P.AR 440 

.\o  History  Is  Complete  Without  Some  Specific  Reference  to  the  Courts 
and  Lawyers  of  the  Section  That  History  Seeks  to  Cover,  for  to  the  Bench 
and  to  the  Bar  Fall  a  No  Unimportant  and  a  No  Indecisive  Part  in  the 
Development  of  the  Human  Progress  l"pon  Which  History  Is  liased.  and 
the  Development  of  Social  Conditions  in  Richardson  County  Has  Been  Xo 
h'xeeption  to  This  Rule,  the  Courts  and  the  Lawyers  Having  Played  Con- 
sijicuous  Parts  in  the  Creation  of  the  Splendid  Conditions  .\mid  Which 
the   I'cople  nf  This  County  Today    I'ind  Themselves.  .Ml  of   Which    Is   Enter- 



During  the  Pioiieir  I'criod  in  Richardson  County  There  Were  Xo  Banks  and 
\'ery  Little  liankiiii;-  lUisiness  Done  Except  Such  as  Was  Conducted  by  the 
I'.arly  Merchants.  I!ut  as  Settlement  Developed  and  Communities  V^xpanded 
the  Xecessity  for  the  F.stablishment  of  Recognized  Mediums  Through 
Which  the  Credit  h'acilities  of  the  Community  Might  Systematically  ( )perate 
Led  to  the  Organization  of  Fn.pcrly  Accredited  Hanks.  Cntil  Xow  There  Is 
Xo  Appreciable  Social  Center  in  the  County  That  Is  Xot  Provided  With 
(^ne  or  More  Stal)K-  I'inancial  Institutions  for  the  Proper  Accommoda- 
tion of  the  Community  Thus  Served,  and  This  Chapter  Gives  in  a  Nutshell 
tlie  Story  of  the  I'reation  id"  Tliese  I'.anking  Institutions.  Together  With  a 
Statement    Relative   to  the    Respective    Present   Status  of   Each. 


Though  Nebraska  Had  Not  Been  Admitted  to  Statehood  at  the  Time  of  the 
I'.reaking  Out  <>!  the  Civil  War  the  Hardy  Pioneers  Who  Had  Even  Then 
I'ound  a  b'oothold  On  the  Soil  Here  Did  Well  Their  Part  in  That  Struggle 
in  Defense-  of  the  Cuion,  as  the  Reader  Will  Kind  Is  Made  Clear  in  the 
Chapter  Here  Ueferred  to.  Wherein  Is  Set  Out  the  Story  of  the  Participation 
of  Richardson  County  in  That  Struggle,  as  Well  as  the  Story  of  Her  I'ar- 
ticipation  in  the  Subsequent  Spanish-American  War  and  in  the  Present 
Great  World  \\  ar.  in  Which  Latter  Supreme  Str'uggle  So  Many  of  the 
Active  and  Determined  Young  Men  of  This  County  Are  Taking  Part  at  the 
Time  These   Words   Are    Being  Written. 


In  This  Chapter  There  Is  Set  Out  at  Informative  Length  and  in  an  Enter- 
taining h'ashion  the  History  of  the  County  Seat  of  Richardson  County  E'rom 
the  Days  of  Its  Inception  to  the  Present  Day  of  Its  Important  Develop- 
ment, With  a  View  to  Giving  the  Reader  Some  Notion  of  the  Various  Steps 
in  This  Process  of  Development  and  of  Preserving  for  the  Future  a  Record 
of  the  Same. 

.\PTER   XXI— Till-:   CITY   OF    IIL"MBO[-DT 53S 

The  Historian  I  las  Here  Set  (Hit  a  Comprehensive  Review  of  the  Variou.s 
Phases  Through  Which  the  Second  City  in  Richardson  County  Has  Passed 
in  .Vttaining  Its  I'resent  High  State  of  Development,  and  Has  Presented  at 
the  Same  Time  an  Interesting  Collection  of  Pioneer  Reminiscences  Relating 
to  Huml)oldt  and  the  Humboldt  Neighborhood,  With  Biographical  Sketches 
of    Many    of   the    l-.arliest   Settlers   Therein. 


Beginning  With  a  Story  of  the  First  Pre-F"mptors  .'Klong  the  Rich  Valley  of 
the  Nemaha,  William  I'enton  Has  Presented  in  This  Chapter  a  Review  of 
the  Beginning  and  the  Development  of  the  Pleasant  Village  of  Dawson  and 
Has  Set  Out  in  That  Connection  Much  Exceedingly  Interesting  Information 
Relating  to   the    ICarly   Days   of  That    Xeighborhood. 

\pti-:r  xxiii— di-:i'CXCt  'I'owxs  of  richardsox  cocxtv      _.  -^75 

The  "Ohl-Timer-  W  ill   I'ind   Numerous  References  in  This  Chapter  Relating 

to   Towns   and   Townsites  That   Gave    Promise  in   the  Days   of  the   Pioneers 

.That    Will    Revive    Many   Pleasant    Recollections   in    His    Mind   of   the   Days 

Gone    P.y.   for   Here  .\re  Set  Out,  as  Tales  That  Were  Told,  the  Stories  of 


the  De|);irte(l  Glories  of  Such  Onc-Tiine  Ambitious  Sites  as  Those  of  Archer. 
Yankton.  W'innebago,  Stumps  Station.  Shasta,  Ehiiore,  Cottage  Grove,  Elk- 
ton.  Breckenridge,  Peora,  Springfield.  Geneva,  Flowerdale,  Dorrington.  Xora- 
ville,  Monterey,  Meonond.  Pleasant  Valley,  Old  St.  Stephens,  and  the  Be- 
s^inning  and  End  of  Arago.  Which  at  One  Time  Had  a  Population  Right 
Around  Fifteen  Hundred  and  Which  Now  Boasts  of  a  Bare  Half  Dozen 


This  Ouglit  to  Prove  One  of  the  Most  Interesting  Chapters  in  the  Book, 
for  Here  -\re  Given  at  First  Hand  Xumerous  Stories  of  the  Old  Days,  Pre- 
serving the  Recollections  of  the  Pioneers  With  Respect  to  a  Xumljer  of  the 
Most  Interesting  and  Important  Events  in  the  Early  Days  of  the  Settlement 
of  the  County;  a  Symposium  That  Will  Prove  of  Incalculable  Value  to 
Those  Who  in  After  Years  May  Feel  Called  On  to  Compile  a  Later  History 
of  the  County. 


For  the  Information  of  the  Present  Generation  There  Are  Presented  Here 
a  Xumber  of  Brief  Biographical  Sketches  of  Some  of  the  Sturdy  Pioneers 
Who  Helped' to  Bring  This  Region  to  a  Habitable  State  and  Make  Clear  a 
Way  for  the  Enjoyment  of  the  Many  Blessings  of  a  Settled  Social  Order: 
Included   in   This   Distinguished   Roll   Being  Such   Xames  as  Those  of  John 

B.  Didier.  David  Thomas  Brincgar.  Jonathan  J.  Marvin.  Jesse  Crook.  David 
Kinney,   Francis  L.   Goldslierry.  David   Dorrington,   David   R.  Holt,  Thomas 

C.  Cunningham.  James  Henry  Lane.  Fulton  Peters.  Antoine  Barada,  James 
Robert  Cain.  Sr.,  David  L.  Thompson,  DiUard  Walker,  Mrs.  Mary  S.  Quick. 
James  I,.  Overman  and  Others. 


In  This  Exceedingly  Interesting  and  Engaging  Bit  of  Autobio.graphy  Writ- 
ten by  the  Hon.  Isham  Reavis  in  1909  the  Reader  \\"\\\  Find  One  of  the 
Most  Entertaining  and  Informative  Collections  of  Reminiscences  of  the  Old 
Days  in  Xebraska  That  Has  Ever  Been  Written,  Including  References  to 
the  Days  Back  "in  the  Beginning  of  Things"  When  This  Region  Was  as 
Completely  Isolated  From  the  World  and  Civilization  as  Was  Alaska  at  the 
I  )i)cniiig  of  the   Past   Century. 


Here  Are  Collected  a  Series  of  Valuable  Reminiscent  Papers  From  the 
Hands  of  Such  Pioneers  as  David  Dorrington.  E.  H.  Johnson,  William 
Witherow.  Jesse  Crook,  Thomas  F.  Brown.  Isaac  Crook.  William  G.  Goolsliy. 
J.  C.  Lincoln.  F.lisha  Dorian  and  Antoine  Barada  Relating  to  Incidents  of  llie 
Early   Days. 


In  This  Concluding  Chai)tcr  There  Are  Presented,  Just  as  Its  Title  Indi- 
cates. Several  Matters  of  Engrossing  Local  Interest  That  Fit  In  Well  to  the 
(General  Scheme  of  the  Book,  Covering  Details  of  Pioneer  History  Xot 
1-Usewhere  Touched  On;  Typical  Tales  of  Pioneers  Told  First  Hand  and 
Thus  Informative  to  a  Degree  Xot  Possible  of  Attainment  by  One  Who 
Has    Merelv    Heard    Them    Instead   of    Having   Lived   Them. 



Adventurous    llomcseekcrs    101  . 

Agricultural    Development 282 

Agriculture  and  Stockraising — 253-291 
Alfalfa   No   Longer  an    l'"xperiment_  250 

Altitude    3-4 

Alumni  of  Falls  City  High  School,  341 
Alumni  of  Humboldt  High  School.  351 
American   Pioneer,   a   Distinct   Type     99 

Apple  Orchards   265-27(i 

Arago    Precinct — 

Early    Settlers    from    P.uffalo 198 

Establishment    of   148 

Old    Pork-packing    Plant 198.  055 

Population    of    211 

Seat    of    Early    iMetropolis 429.577 

Settled   in   1858 198 

Arago.  the  Old  Town  of-293.  429,  577.  585 

Archer   Camp    Meeting   Grove 195 

Archer,   Old   Town   of— 

Backset   in   1856 220 

First    County   Seat 219 

First  Settler  199 

Incorporation    of    212 

Made    County    Seat    149 

Promoters    of    220 

Old  Cemetery,  the   22^ 

Seat   of  Government   Departs 199 

Townsite    Vacated    153 

When    Laid    Out loS 

Who   Laid    It   Out 578 

Ara1)ility   of   Land   34 

Area  of  County   34.30 

Area  of  the  State  of  Nebraska 97 

Auto    Enlarges    Social    Life 289 

Automobile,  the  .i22 

Average  Size   of  Farms 01 

Awakening   of    the    Farmers 240 

Banks    and    Banking 472-480 

Barada.    Antoine    252.  7.i5 

Barada   Precinct — 

Boundaries    of    190 

First   Settled   by   Frencli 190 

Old  Home  of  Governor  Morehead  192 

Old    Settlers    of 192 

Population  of  211 

Story    of    .\ntoine    Barada 19(1 

The   King   Settlement 192 

Bar    of    Richardson    County 440 

Base   Line   Established 12'' 

Battle    with    Missouri    Bandits 492 

Beef  Cattle   259 

Beginning  and    End   of   .\rago 585 

Bench  and  Bar.  the 449-471 

Bitter   County-Seat    Feud 169.700 

■•Black    Land"    Farms .>5 

lilizzards    ___025.  710 

"Bloody    Flux"    l'ro\es    l-'.piclemic 110 

Bluffton    240 

Bohemian    Benevolent    Association.   118 
Bohemian    Settlement   at    Hunilxddt   Ho 

Bonded    Indelitedncss   214 

"Boomers"    Face    Ruin 10) 

Boundaries   of   County 30.  134.  143 

Boundary   Road,    Marking   ..f 145 581 

Brinegar.    David   Thomas 608 

Broady.    Judge    JetTerson    H 4.56 

Brown.   John   113,028 

Brown.   Thomas    F.   721 

Bruun     Memorial    Li1)rary 551 

Buffalo's   Service   to   Indians 87 

Building    Stone    Plentiful 34,  .i5 

Burbank,    John    A 501,  O.W 

Burchard.    Dr.    C.    T 428.442 

Butler.    Gov.    David 166.001 

(.ain.   James    Rclicrt.   Sr O/S 

tharters    of    N'illagcs 2\2 

Chaiitauquas    -287 

Cluap    Land    in    ICarly   Days 202 

ClK.lera.  Visitation  of 443.594 

Christmas    Day    Anioni;    IMon'eers 735 

Clnirches   of   Ricliardson   County-373-4(l3 

City    Physicians    44(1 

Civilization    Restores   Timber   33 

Civil   War,  the . 487 

Claim  "Jumping"  in  I'arly  Days 110 

Clerk   of    District    Court 17li.  4()7 

Climatic   Conditions    01 

Coal   Formerly  Mined  in  Speiscr —  2(17 

Comc-to-Sunday-School    Day    299 

Coming  of  the   Railroad 295 

Commercial    Orchards    in    County--  25ii 
Commodore  O'Grady's  Shrewd  Deal   12(1 

Commissioner    System    Adopted 188 

Company   D.   Fifth    Nebraska 50(1 

Company    ¥..    Fifth    Nebraska 494 

Completion   of    First    Railroad 303 

Conservation  of   Orchards   275 

Contrary    Creek    205 

Contrast  with   the    I'ast 239 

Corn   and   Wheat    Conditions 253 

Corn   Used   for   Fuel 287 

Coronado's    Expedition    8fi 

Coroners     183.439 

Costly   Railway    Bridge 239 

Cottage  Grove 591 

County   Agricultural    Society 205 

County  Attorneys   189,  4()8 

County    Bar   Association 470 

County    Buildings    l(v4.  507 

County   Clerks   171 

County   Coinniissioncrs    181 

County    Fairs   _205. 281 

County    Insanity   Conmiission 44(1 

County    Medical    Society    44(i 

County  Officers.  Roster  of-.         .171-189 

County.   Organization   133-153 

County,  Original   Boundary   of.. .130-143 

County    Physicians   44(1 

County    Seat    I'llcction    Contested...   IijO 
County  Seat.  Location  of  1.54-170.  .^07.  700 

County  Seat  War 109.  7(!:i 

County's    Name.    Origin    i)f 133 

Ct.unlv    Surveyors    183 

County    Treasurers    17ij 

Courts  and   Lawyers 449-471 

"Crime   of   Agriculture."   the 267 

Crook,  Jesse.. -103.   106.   169.  205.  246. 

250.  561,  625.  650,  671.  715 

Crop   Conditions   Set   Out 36-62.254 

Cunnin.gham,    Thomas    C,    6/5 

Curriculum   .>f   Public   Schools .»3 


Dairying,   Live   Stock   and    P..ultry..  259 
Dalbey.  J.   L.  418 

Davidson.   Judge   Samuel    Presley—  455 

Dawson    Mills,   the    121 

Dawson.   Town   of — 

Coming  of   Railroad 563 

Karly    Settlers    of 562 

Historical    Sketch    561 

Newspapers    572 

Old    Settlers    .\ssociation 568 

Physicians     436 

Population    of    ■—  213 

Schools   and   Churches .569 

\\'hen   Surveyed    5(>4.  571 

Dean  of  the   Bar 405 

Defunct  Towns  of  the  County 575 

Deserted   \'illage  of  Arago 590 

Development    of    Modern    School 327 

Didier.   John    B 114.  6o5 

Died    Within   Sight   of   Help 028 

Disastrous    Fires   at    Stella 230 

District   .\ttorneys   189 

Distressing   Railway   .Vccident 30  i 

District   Schools  of   County i5S-272 

District    School    Teachers .?71 

Dividing  Line  between   States 129 

Dorian.    lUisha   731 

Dorrin.gton,    Postoliice   ..f .5S3 

Dorrington,    "Cncle"    David 518. 


Dorrin.gton.    William     1'. Oil 

Drainage  System 34,  58,  276-281 

Duel   l)etween   Lawyers 46^' 

Dundy,   Judge   I'.lmer  S 221.452 

IHinkard    Cdony,    the    122 

Karly   (.-harters     ..f     \  iUa^e. 212 

l-.arlv    Indian     Histnrv    731 


ICarly  Judges  of  IClection 157 

ICarly   Legislative    .\cts   148 

I'^ai-ly   Marriage    Roonrds    24S 

I'arly   Political    Items    71:-: 

ICarly  Schools,  Crude    ICc|iiipnieiit  of  32o 

I'.arly  Settlement   of   County 99-132 

Early  Surveys  of  County 125 

ICarthquake   of   1866   594 

"ICconomy"  Measure  Defeated 185 

Educational    i2b-i71 

l-:iUton    Postoffice   581 

IClniore    58(1 

ICngineer's   Cool   Presence  of   Mind-  316 

Epidemic  of  1860 110 

■■ICvery   Man   His    Neighbor" 288 

ICxcursion   to   Atchison    315 

ICxplorer's    Mistaken    Conclusion 9(1 

Extortion  of  Steanilioat   Lines 19/ 


Falls   City   High   School   Alumni 341 

Falls  City  Precinct — 

Boundaries    of    194 

I'-Stablishment   of   19i) 

Falls  of  the  Nemaha 194 

Loree   Bridge,  tlic 195 

Old   Indian   Village   195 

I'opulation    of    211 

Town  of  Falls  City 190,501 

Walnut    Creek    195 

Falls  City  Rifle  Club 494 

Falls   City,   the    County   Seat— 

P)eautiful    for   Location 501 

Court    House    \'ictory 162 

Creation   of   County   Scat 507 

First  House  in 1^1 

Hinton    Park    514 

Hotels    517 

Incorporation   of  135 

Industrial    Concerns    533 

In   Retrospect   504 

In   1870  509 

Library  Association 521 

Modern    Improvements    502 

Municipal    Improvements    503.  528 

Naming  of   _   loo 

Newspapers    _  407 

Physicians    432 

Population   of   211.213 

Falls  City — Continued — 

Postoffice    520 

Public    Schools    336 

Secret   Societies   518 

When   Laid   Ofif 196 

Falls   of   the    Nemaha 194 

Farmers  Mutual  Insurance  Company  486 

Farmers    Union,   the    289 

Farming  and   Cattle   Raising 253-291 

Farming,    Methods    of   260 

Farm   Labor.   Adequate   Supply   of„  261 

Farms.   Size  and   X'alue  of 262 

Father's    Heroism    Saves    Family...  627 

Fa\ored    Sites   of    Early    Homes 280 

Fenton.    William    561.003 

Fertility   and   Quality   of   Soil 34 

Fine    Future    for    Farmers 290 

Fire    Destroys    Flour-Mill 229 

Fires   at   Falls   City 515 

First     Bohemian    Settlement 116 

First    Case   in   County   Court 459 

First   Census  and  Polling  Places 137 

First   Cluirch    in    County 373 

First   Circus   at    Arago 593 

First    Commercial    ( )rcliard    257 

First    County    (  Xlicers    134.220 

First   Couple    Married    220 

First   County    Seat    149 

First   Court    House    104.507 

First   Court  in   Log  House 252 

First   Election   in   County 134.155,220 

First    Events,    a    Series    of 245-252 

First   Flour-Mill   in  the  County— 204.  246 

First   French  Settlement 114 

First   Funeral    in    County 247 

First   Governor's   Reception 166 

First    trrand    ]\.\vy    461 

First   Harvest,    the    107 

First   Homeseckcrs,    the    101 

First   Licensed    Ferry    290 

First  Locomotive   \Velcomed   ,306 

First   Mail    Carrier    and    Banker 250 

First   Mill    Dam    Authorized 148 

First   Ne1)raska    Regiment    489 

P^irst   Newspaper    in    County 404 

First   Newspaper    in    Falls  'city._._  410 

First   School    at     F'alls    City 33o 

First   School  at  Humboldt 349 

First   School    in   County 246,355,614 

First  Settler   at    Archer   Grove 199 


First  Settlors    of    County H'i 

First  .Steamboat,    the    89 

First  Survey   in  Territory 125 

First  \'aluation    of    Property 139 

First  White   Men   to   \'isit   this   Re- 
gion    89 

First  W'oman  Mail  Carrier 251 

Flood  of   1858.   the 711 

Flowerdale     .583 

Forays  with  "Jayhawkers" 112.749 

Forney,    the   Rev.   John 12.^ 

Four    Eras   of    Development 101 

Franklin    Precinct   146 

Franklin.   Town   of   .596 

Frauds  Practiced  on  Indians 82 

Freighting   in  the  Old  Days 297 

French    Explorers    Early   on   Scene.  89 

■'Front    Door"   of   County 238 


Geneva 218,  582.  597 

Geology    of    County 33-62 

Goolsby,   Uncle    Billy 200,696.720 

Grain   Farming  Takes   the    Lead 254 

Grant    Precinct— 

Dawson    Mills    20() 

Elements   of   Wealth 206 

Compliment    to    General    Grant —  205 

Population  of 211 

The   Miles   Ranch   206.263 

Grasshopper   Period,  the 6.^0 

Great  American  Desert,  Solitude  of  105 

Great  Nemaha    River   34.  194.  21  IS 

Great  Plains,  the  .-     .53 

"Gretna   Green"   of   Pioneers 220 

(irnvcs  and   Orchards ii.  2bS 


.  Half-1'.reed    Tract,   the 125.  1. in 

Hamilton,    the    Rev.    William 799 

Hardships    of    Pioneers 104,715 

Harrison,  Frank  .\ 621 

Haskins,   Miss   Eunice 227,  646 

Hay    Crops    255 

Highway  of  Gold  Seekers 95.278 

Highways   and    Railroads 214.292 

Historical    Sketches    711 

Hogs 2S^' 

Holt.    David    R (.74 

Homesteaders,  the 102,206 

Horses    259 

Horse  Thieves   470 

Horticultural  Society 258 

Howe.    Ed.    W.    408 

Huml)oldt,   City  of — 

As  an   Early   Market 203 

Business   Interests 538 

Churches 387,  539 

City  Government 539 

Distinguishing    Features    555 

Early   Events   543 

Early   Settlers    540,557 

Glimpses  of  in   1873 544 

Lodges  553 

Naming  of   542 

Newspapers  412,  539 

Physicians     4.34 

Population  of 211 

Puldic    Library    551 

Public    Utilities   538 

Schools    348,  539 

Humboldt   Precinct- 
Boundaries   of   217 

City   of   Humboldt    538 

Estaldishment   of   146 

Petition    for    Organization 217 

Hunting  the    Buffalo 752 


Incorporation  of  Humbcddt 540 

Incorporation   of   Towns 216-244 

Indian  History 63-84,731 

Indians   Troublesome   615 

Indomitable    Spirit    of    I'ioneers 105 

Industrial  Statistics 214 

Industries    at    County    ,Seal 533 

In  the  Days  of  the   Indians 63-84.731 

Inundation    of    1858.    the 711 

Iowa  Indiana    Reserve    (i4 

Iowa  Indians,    Number    .if SI 

Irish   Pioneers,   First   Ccdony  of 119 

Iron   Monument,  the   129 

.u,    Sewell    R 
nvkers,"    the 
y-Cake    Ridge 
Hon.    Cass— 


740,  747 


Jones,  William  M.,  the  Story  of 740 

Journal   of   Lewis  and   Clark 92 

Judges  of  County 173,  181.  408 

Judicial  Reapportionment 436 

"Jumping"   of    Claims    Resisted 110 


Kansas-Nebraska    Act,    the 98.  10(j 

Kansas.   Territory  of   95 

Kinney.   David   672 

Kinsman    of    Abraham    Lincoln 234 

Kirk.   Abel    D.    404 


Ladies   Research   Club 231 

Lad  Stolen  by   Indians 191 

Land    Rentals   61 

Land    Speculators   a    Detriment 201 

Lane.  James  Henry  675 

Large   Farms   in   County 262 

Last   County  Scat   Election 160 

Law  Cases  of  Another  Day 459 

Laws  Relating  to  Drainage 277 

Legislative   Representation   139 

Lewis  and  Clark   Expedition 90 

Liberty    Precinct — 

Boundaries   of   203 

I'arly    Settlers    of 204 

Population  of  211 

Subdivided    in    1869 203 

Village   of   \'erdon   204 

Library   at    Falls    City 521 

Lincoln,   J.    C.    234,248,728 

Local  Man  Constructs  Early  Auto-  322 
Local  Nomenclature.  Comment  on._  206 
Location  of  County  Scat-154-170,  507,  700 

Location  of  Tovvnsites 213 

Long,   Major  Stephen  89 

I.oree    Bridge,   the 195 

Louisiana   Purchase,  the 93 

Lynch   Law 470,694 


Maddox,  Margaret   M 735 

Magnificent  View  from  Salem 235 

Mail   Delivery  and   Telephones 215 

Mail   Routes   and   Post   Roads 638 

Maple  Grove  Cemetery 247 

Margrave   Ranch,   the   264 

Mark    Twain    Has    His    Say 294 

Martin.     Charles    115,713 

Marvin,    Jonathan    J 670,708 

Medical    Profession,   the 428 

Medical    Societies   445 

Meek-Davis   Tragedy,   the   168,651 

Memories  of  Other  Days  Recalled 

225,  236,  282.  603,611 

Meonond     584 

Messler's   Fife   Band  "Hails  the 

Chief"  167 

Methods    of    Agriculture 260 

Middleburg    208 

Miles  Ranch,  the 263,585 

Miles,  Stephen  B 206.250,298 

Military  History  487-500 

Miscellaneous    Matters   73} 

Missionaries    Early   on    the    Ground     7S 

Missionary's    Life    Threatened 81 

Missouri,  Territory  of 94 

Modern    District    School 328 

Monterey    203,  584 

Monument,   the   Iron 129 

Morehead,  Gov.  John  H 192 

Mortgage    Indebtedness    659 

"Most   Sanguine    Hopes   Realized"--  162 
Muddy  Precinct — 

Boundaries  of 201 

ICast  and   West   Divisions 201 

Establishment  of   147 

Population    of   211 

Stella    and    Shubert 202 

Municipalities    of   County 211 

Mythology   of   the    Sauk 77 


McC.iy,  the   Rev.   Isaac 78 

McKesson.   Jolm    C 592 


Native    Timljer    Growth    Restored—     33 

"Nebraska,"    a    Poem 99 

Nebraska,    Origin    of    Name 656 

Nebraska  Territory,  Creation  of— 96,  139 

Nemaha  Falls,  the  Town  of 218 

Nemaha   Precinct — 

.\bundanee   of   Stone 209 

Colonized    l)y   Swiss 209 


Xeniaha  Precinct — Continued — 

Named    for    River -W 

Population  of -H 

"Rattlesnake"    District    ^W 

Well   Watered  -^"S 

Well's    Mills    -"9 

New  Board  of  Commissioners 1S8 

News    Items    in    1864 421 

Newspapers  of  Richardson   Coutny. 


Xims   City,  the   \illagc   of 241 

Noraville 57.1  .-iH-l 


Ohio   Precinct- 
Archer  Grove IW 

Estahlishment    of 148 

First   Settlement   in    County 199 

Old   Town   of   Archer 199 

Population    of    -H 

Official    Directory    of    1804 42(1 

Old  Archer    Cemetery    222.22?: 

Old  Coal    Mining  Company 252 

Old  Fair   Grounds   205.281 

Oldest  House  in  County <W 

Old  Pork-packing-   Establishment   _-   198 

Old  Settlers  Association -iti8 

Old  Settler's   Feat   of   Strength 191 

Old  Settler's  Notion  of  a  "Living".-  204 
"Old-Timers    in    Newspaperdoni"---  418 

Old-Time  Teacher's  Story .^34 

Old  Village  of  St.  Stephens 24,=; 

"Orcharding,"   by   A.    J.   Weaver 2o,^ 

Organization  of  County l.W-l.^,i 

Organization  of   Precincts 140 

Organization    of    School    Districts—  .i.^,5 

(Jrganization  of  Townships 190-21.i 

Original  Boundary  of  County 1.36.  14.i 

Origin   of   Place   Names 200 

Otoe    Indian   Lands   9.1 

Overflow    Lands,    Drainage   of 276 

Overland    Freighting    297 

Overman,  James   L  "80 


Padonia.    Battle   of 'i41 

Paradise    for    Nomadic    Indians W 

Parochial    Schools    -"0 

i>-,,.ii..,.    ("iiiinlv    14.5 

Pawnees,  the —     '" 

Peora S«- 

Pension    Surgeons   -1-*" 

Peters,    Fulton   67(i 

Physicians    at    Falls    City 4.52 

Physicians   of   Richardson   County--  428 

Pioneer  Banking  Methods   472 

Pioneer    Exploits    7.i.i 

Pioneer    Funeral    -*-' 

Pioneer   Mothers,  a  Tribute  to 2'JI) 

Pioneer  Recollection 225,  23() 

232,  603,  611 

I'ioneers    of    Huinl...UU    .557 

I'ioneers   of    Kichanls.m    County-l()2. 247 

Pleasant    N'alley    ■'^85 

Plum  Creek   Mission,   the 84 

Population    Statistics    211.21.1 

Pork  Packing  in   the  (^Id   Days 198 

Porter   Precinct — 

l-:arly   Mail   Facilities 203 

Establishment    of    14*1 

Location  and    llonndaries 202 

Monterey     ^(^13.  384 

Named  for  First   Settler 202 

Organization    of    -1" 

Population   of  -H 

Town  of  Humboldt   203.5.58 

i^ostoffices   and    Post    Roads ''<i3 

Postoffices   in   1864 420 

Pottery  of   Prehistoric  Origin 71 

Powder  River  E.xpcdition,  the 751 

Prairie   Fires 33,  oH) 

Prairies,  Appalling  Vastness  of 105 

Prairie  Sod,  the  Breaking  of 117,121 

Precincts,  Organization  of 140 

Prehistoric    Times    0.5-84 

Present    County   Officers 189 

Preston,  Town  of — 

In  the  Old   Indian   Days 241 

Old   Shippin.g   Point   2-iO 

Original    Name    "Bluffton" 240 

Population    of    ^13 

Preston    Picnic   Grounds 31.i 

Primitive    Methods   of   Travel 2):<'^> 

Principal    Money    Crop,    the 2.=i4 

Probate  Judges   172 

Products   of   the    Dairy   2.59 

Prominent    Pioneers '>'>5 

Prospective   Settlers   Impatient ^X' 

Prosperity   of    Farmers -525 


(JuacUs    and    Charlatans 44-4 

Quaint  Marriage  Contract 249 

Quality    uf    Soil .54 

Quarries   of   First-class    Stone 3-i.  209 

Quick,    Mrs.    Mary 080 


Kailroad    Bonds    Contriiversy 242  Kural    M 

Railroads  and   HiKhways__-_' 214.292  ''^i'"'''   ' '' 

Railr.iad    I'rojects    Numerous ,502's    Completion    t'elel. rated-   1()7 

In    .Steamlioat     Days    29.5 

Original    Residents   2,59 

Physicians  of 4,5.5 

Population   of   211 

Rich    in    History    2.5K 

Schools  and  Churches 240 

When    Laid    Out 2.5K 

Rural     lluilding 284 

Railroad    Surgeons    440  Sacs   and    Fo.xes 6.5,19-1 

Raper,   Judge   John    llutler 457  Salem    Collegiate    Institute .5,5(. 

Rattlesnake    District    210  Salem   Precinct — 

Rcavis.    David    D 37,^  Building    Stone    20.- 

Reavis.   Hon.    Isham 166,   225,  427.  I'.arly    Settlement    of 20-1 

46.5.081  I'.stablishment  of  14'- 

Recollections    of    Jesse    Crook O.-O  First   Flour-Mill   in   County 204 

Register   of   Deeds 174  Population    of   211 

Relating   to    .\griculture 25,5-291  Settled   liy   Missourians   205 

Relics    of   a    Prehistoric    Race 07  \  illage    of    Salem 204 

Religion    of    the    Indians 8,'  Salem,   Town   of— 

Religious   .\ctivities  .57.5-40.1  Conditions    in    1857 204 

Reminiscences    of    a    Wayfarer 081  l.arly  Trading  Post 2.54 

Richardson.    William    .\ 9o.  1,5.-  Clim'pses   into   the    Past 2.5o 

River  Towns  of  the  (  )ld   Days 29.'  lnc,u-p<, ration  of 148 

Rock   Island   Highway,  the .50(1  Made  County  Seat 1,50 

Roll   of   the    Bar 400  Physicians  of 4,57 

Roll   of  the   First   Settlers— 102  Population  of  211 

Roster  of  Company    1".,   Fifth  Present    Status    of 2,55 

Xe])raska     497  Promoters  of        2.5.5 

Roster   of    County    Officers 171-189  .Sauk     Indians    7o 

Rotation  of  Crops   261  Schocds  and    l-".ducatioii 326-.572 

Rouleau.    Charles  Scho.d    Teacher    "Skips" ,5o.5 

Rulo    Precinct^  Second    County    Seat    l-.lection 155 

Boundaries   of 19o  Second    Xeliraska    I'axalry 491 

F.stablishmcnt  of  148  Seimering.    F.    W.    i62 

Former   Indian   Reservation 197  Series   of    First    l".\ents 245-252 

Founded    by    Charles    Rouleau 19<]  Settlement    of    County    99-1.52 

Order   of   Court   Regarding- 219  Settlers'   Claims.    Register   of 12." 

Physicians  of 4.5.5  Shasta  57'-' 

Population   of  211  Sheep     25" 

Rulo,  Town  of—  Sheriffs   178.  4o7 

I'.cautiful  for  Location 2.58  Shooting   Matches   in   Old    Days 205 

Fifty    Years    .\go 68.5  Shroycr,  J.   O.,   Reminiscences  of—  2"^! 

.'Front    Door"    of    County 23S  Sluibert.  Town  of— 

How   and    Why    Named 238  .\dniirah1e    for    Location 2.',7 

Incorporation  of 142  Commerce  and    Industry 237 


Sliubert — Continued — 

Many   Substantial   Homes -'37 

I'opulation   of  213 

Schools    anil    Churches 238 

Sidelights   of    County   History 603 

Silver   Creek   Community 122 

Sioux   and    \Vinnel)a80CS 03 

Skalak,   Wenzel   117 

Slave  Auction   Broken  Up 749 

Smith,    the   Rev.   James    S 33-1 

Social  Conditions   in  Old  Days 288 

Soil   Survey   36-62 

Soil,  \'arieties  of  35 

South  Fork  of  Xcmaha 207 

Spanish-American    War,    the 493 

Spanish  Explorations 8.5 

Speculation  in  Townsites 108 

Speiser   Precinct — 

Ample   Water   Supply 207 

Coal  Formerly  Mined 207 

Early  Settlers 207 

Establishinent   of  146 

Old  Middleburs 208 

Population  of  _^ 211 

Springfield  582 

Springs  of   ExCL-llent   Water 20(1 

Stage   Coaches   301 

State  Board  of  Health 441 

Statistics    Relating   to    Banks 474 

Statistics   Relating   to   Schools 329 

Steamboat   Days  in   Richardson 292 

Steamboat,   First   on   the   Missouri—     89 
Stella.  Town  of — 

Coming  of  the   Railroad 321 

Commercial    and    Professional 232 

Early   Industries   229 

First  Church  229 

First  School  228 

How  and  Why  Named 231 

Interesting  History  of 227 

Newspapers    415 

Physicians  439 

Population  of  213 

Public  Schools 369 

When  Incorporated 228 

When  Organized  227 

Story.  Stephen __116.  738 

Strausville.  tlie   \illage  of 241 

St.    Stephen-     (11,1    'r..w.,   of .599,  C45 

St.   Stephens   Precinct — 

ICstablishment    of    147 

How   Named   11(. 

Now  Part  of  Barada 193 

Old   Village  of 245 

I'etition   for   Organization   of 217 

Population  of - 211 

Postoffice   of   Williamsville 193 

Stumbo,    Francis    M 619 

.Stuml)o,   James    L 501 

Stumps  Station 579.598 

Subscription  Schools 326 

Sunday  School  Association 395 

Superintendent   of   Instruction 181 

Supervisors    184 

Surgeons   in   World   War 447 

Surgery,  Past  and  Present 442 

Survey  of  Soil  Conditions 36-62 

Surveyors  Erect  Iron  Monument 129 

Surveys  of   Richardson   County 125 

Swiss   Colonists   Early  on   Ground-  209 


Tabic   Rock,   the 621 

Taxes   Collected   in   1857 141 

Teachers  Institutes 332 

Teachers.   Wages   of 331 

Telephones  and   Mail   Delivery 215 

Territorial   Legislature.  Acts  of 148 

Third  County  Seat  Election 156 

Thompson,    David    L 679 

Timlier    Growth    Restt)red 3.i 

Tinker.   Hon.   (J.  J 542 

Tisdell,    D.    A 2M, 

Toll    Bridge    Early    Established 251 

Topography  of  County 33-(iJ 

Towle,  Hon.   Edwin  S 4()5 

Township   Sectional   Divisions 131 

Townships,   Organization   of 190-215 

Towns,    Incorporation    of .216-244 

Townsitc    Locations    213 

Trackless  Wilderness,  the 105 

Transportation    in    Old    Days 292 

Travel   by   Primitive    Methods 2>i'i 

Treasurer    of    County.-     17(i 

Treaties   with    Indians   04,95 

Trials   and   Adversities   of    Pioneers  105 
Tributaries   of   th<-   Great   Nemaha—     SS 


L-  to  I'ionci-r 
Hanging  A\ 
1    Talc   of   tl 

■■L'ikUtht..,,.,,!    Railr,.a,l,"   tlu-   11,? 


\accination  in  Old  Days -t4i 

Valleys    First    Attract    Settlers ,1.1 

\'alues    of    Farm    Lands (il 

\erdon,  Town  of — 

Contented  Residents   2-44 

ICarly   Legal    24-' 

Location  of  241 

Original   Tlat   Filed   242 

Physicians   4.iiS 

Population  of  213.242 

X'  Government   242 

\icw   into   Three   States 23X 

Xillage   Charters    212 

X'oting   Precincts,    Kstablisliment   of  14(j 


\Vages  of  Teachers 331 

Waggener,  Dr.  J.  A 434,441 

Walker,    Dillard   ,y9 

Water   Power  in  the  Old  Days 531 

Waterworks    at    Falls    City 530 

Wealth    of    Richardson    County 058 

Weaver   Brothers'   Farms.--, 262 

XX'caver.  Judge   .Archibald  j 455 

Weber.  Daniel  H 182,326 

Welsh    Colonists    645 

Wlieat  anil  Corn  Conditions 253 

Whisky  Ruin  of  Indians 83 

Wicked  Fraud  of  Surveyors 690 

•\\  ild-Cat"   Money 108 

Wild    Game   and    Fish 653 

Wilhite.   Mrs.  J.   R 608.625 

Williamsville 193 

Winnebago,    the    Town    of 216,  578 

Withee,    Francis    633 

World    War.    the    494 

Yankton   57o,  597 

Zulek.   Charles  lid 



Ahern,  John   880 

Allemend,  Eugene 984 

Allison,  Cyrus  X.,  D.  D.  S 1358 

Atkins.   Martin   B.   1411 

Atwood,  Theodore   G.   1172 

Auxier.   Edward  E. 1168 

Auxier.   Xathaniel   D.   1287 

Aycrs.  Oliver  C. 960 


Bacon.   Alfred   G. 1080 

Uahr.    l->ed   1228 

Barlow,  Stephen  C. 770 

Bates,  William   R.  1237 

Bauer,  John  H.  1398 

Baync,  Samuel  H.   938 

Becker,  August  B. 821 

Billings,  Lewis  M. 951 

Bloom.  Jacob  1137 

Bloom,    Joshua    1021 

Bobst.   Samuel    B.    1037 

Bolejack.  Emery  E. 1001 

Boose.  William  R..  M.  D 893 

Bowers.  Emerson  L. 1256 

Bowers.  Impertous  M. 1236 

Bowker,   George   1140 

Bowker.  Thomas   G.   1184 

Boyd.   Hugh   E.  788 

Brandow,  William  M. 1133 

Brecht,  Conrad 1309 

Brecht,  Fred 1416 

Brecht,  Henry 1166 

Bucher,  Fredrick,  Sr. 1052 

Burns.  James  W. 1350 

Butler.  William  F. 1016 


Cade,   William   1333 

Campbell.  Xewton  C. 1147 

Church,  Frank  E. 1143^. 

I  lark.  Isaac  S.  - 1220 

Colglazier,  William  S. 1266 

Coons.  John  H. 1032 

looper,  Orrin  A. 1248 

Cornelius,  Joseph  K. 784 

loupe.  Richard  A. 1351 

Crook.  Guy  A. 1383 

Crook,  John  A 1383 

I  rook.  Hon.  William  H. 1230 

CuUen,  Joseph  W. 1204 

Cummings.  Edward  W. 1213 

Cunningham,  Thomas  C. 901 


iJaeschner,   Henry   1253 

Davis,  Henry  C. 973 

Davis,  Jairus  S. 1092 

Davis,  James  B. 1123 

Davis,  Levi  L.  864 

DeMcrs.  Xapoleon 1006 

Dennis.  Prof.  David 971 

Deweese.  Lena 10(M 

Didier,  John  B 976 

Dorrington,  David 1284 

Dorrington,  William  E. 1319 

Draper,  William  I. 1063 

Duerfcldt.  Gustav  W. 795 

Durl'ee.  Edmond  J. 1128 

Durfee,  Edward  E 920 

Durfee.  Mark  J. S40 

Duryea.  Elva  J. 1264 



l-.asley,  Williiim  D. 1346 

ICbel,  Albert 818 

l-.els.  Hiram  E..  D.  D.  S 982 

lulwards,  Lewis  C. 1353 

Kickhoff,  Joachim  U 992 

i:is,  Frank . 950 

Else,  William  H 1232 

J'.vans,  John  M, 862 

reverts.  James  S 1339 


lalloon,  Edwin >76 

1-ankhauser.  John 957 

l'"ellers,  Hon.  .\ugnstns  H. llSt! 

Ich.  Charles 1067 

lonton.  William  T 1192 

I'crgus,  Ernest  S 1019 

I'indlay,  John 823 

I'-inck,  Lonis 1258 

I'ischer,  Herman  A. i:95 

I'isher,  Chester  A 1409 

lonts,  Roy  W.,  M.  D 1345 

I'lanklin.  Allen 904 

l-riend,  Morris 1289 

l-imk.  George  1". 1077 


Gandy,  George  G.,  M.  D 948 

(;el)hard,  Charley  M. 1283 

Gerdes,  Henry 1259 

Gergens.  Peter  M 871 

Gerweck.  Wendelin 1321 

Giannini,  Marino 1194 

(.ill.ert,  J.  Edward 1075 

Gird,  George 1392 

(.ist,  Thomas  J 1377 

Goctz,  William 970 

Greene,  John  M..  M.  D 875 

Gridley.  Charles  1! 1096 

(irinstead.  Koliert  E. 1267 

Gutzmer.  Cieorge  1407 

llaeffele,  Fred 1134 

llanika,  -Anthony  j. 925 

Harden,  Emerson  A 1224 

llargrave.  Charles  G. 947 

Harding,  Merrick  W. 1251 

llarkendorff,  I'rederick  H. 1365 

Harkendorff,  John  F. 1382 

Harrah,  Jess  R 867 

Harris.  Isaac  W 1200 

I  larshbargcr,  Reuben 879 

Hasler,  Rev.  Paul 1311 

Hays,  Edward  R.,  M.  D 910 

Hays.  Michael  L 1100 

Heacock.  Hon.  Philo  S 1360 

llebenstreit.  Frank  A. 1012 

Heim,  Israel  L. 1061 

I  leim,  Jacob  S 1034 

Heim,   John    1087 

Heim.   Jonathan    W,    1085 

I  leim,  Joseph   G.   1331 

Heim,   Samuel  F.   945 

lleinenian,   Fred  W.   1294 

Iklfenbein,  John   C. 810 

I  lellmann,  John  W.  826 

Henderson.   Charles   G. 1222 

Herbstcr,   William   1401 

Jlessler.    Paul    935 

Hews.   J.   Abner 988 

Hews.   William   S.  1182 

Higgins.    Daniel    1070 

Hill.  Elijah  C,  Jr. 1108 

Hill,  Marshall   N.  861 

Hill.   Reuben  J.   997 

Hill,   Roland   M.   932 

Hillyard,  James  S. 944 

Hoffman,  Rev.  John  J. 1110 

Holland,   George   W. 1336 

Holland.   John    H.   928 

Holt.  George   P..  975 

Holt.   John    W.    780 

Holt.   William   R.   891 

Horn,    Christian    1226 

Horton,  Joseph  O. 1150 

Hustead.  Charles  I...  M.  D. 900 

Hutchins,   Warren   1341 

llutchings,  John  H. 1356 


James,  Richard  C. 820 

James,  William  W. 1125 

Jenne.  William  \V. 1117 

Jones,  Hon.  Cass  1185 


Jones,   William   G.  1102 

Jorn,  Christian  A. 1107 

Judd,  Xorman  B. 838 


Kammerer,    Christian   1176 

Kanaly,  Jeremiah 829 

Kean,    David    1026 

Keeling,  Major  William  H 1104 

Keim,  Albert  R.  1120 

Kelly,  James   1362 

Kelly,  James  F.,  M.  D. 851 

Kelly,  Martin  1247 

Kelly,  P.  J. 1406 

Kentopp,  William  F. 1238 

Kirk,   Homer  D.   1136 

Kinimel,  Samuel 977 

Korner,  Wilson  S.  --•- 843 

Kors,  George  E. 1088 

Koso,  John  H. 954 

Kotouc,  Frank,  Jr. 800 

Kotouc.Otto   981 

Knight,  Ward  K.' 898 

Kupcr,   1-ienry   H.   1164 


LcClere.    George   W.   1219 

Lewis,   Daniel   D.   1000 

Lewis,   George  W. 1095 

Lewis.   Ellis   O.  941 

Leyda,  W.  S.  1315 

Lihhee,  Elijah  T. : 1048 

Lichty,   John    854 

Lietzke,  William  L. 1400 

Linn.  Claude  M. 918 

Lord,   Joshua   S.   802 

Lichty,   Samuel   1374 

Loree,  Charles  816 

Lord,  Charles  A. 1379 

Luni,  Clyde  V. 1216 

Lundy,  James  W. 952 

l.yford,  Victor  G. 877 

Lynch.  Thomas  11. 1074 


McCarthy,   Dennis 966 

McMahon.    Matthew   1244 

McMiillen.  .Mcxander  R. 1179 


Maddox,  Wilson  M. , 845 

Madowsc,   Christ.   790 

Majerus.  Jacob 872 

Mann,   Leonard  R. 1146 

Marburger,  Lewis  F. 1139 

Margrave,  James  T.  1387 

Marcjrave,  William  C. 1202 

Marsh,  Orion  O. 1344 

Marsh.  William  S. 1208 

Martin,   Charles  H.   930 

Martin,   William   1199 

Mathers,  Edgar  R.,  D.  D.  S 1082 

Maust.   Albert   836 

Maust.  Irvin  C.  1338 

Mez.   Max  1408 

Miles,  Joseph  H. 755 

Miles,  Stephen  B. 1372 

Mooncy,  John  W 1394 

Morchcad,  Hon.  John  11. 1296 

Morris,   Edward   D.   1098 

Morrison.   Joseph    E. 1198 

Mosiman.  John.  Jr 1240 

Mosiman.   William   1229 

Mullen.   Barney 1008 

Mullen.  John  C 993 

Mun.hy,  Patrick  F. 1181 


Xiemeyer,  William  G. 1277 

Xims,   Charles  E. 1090 

Xims.  Frank  A.  848 

Xims,  Joy  M. 824 

Xitzsche,  Frederick  E. 827 

Xofsger,  Louis  W. 1047 

Xoltc.  John   H.   1402 

Xorton,  William   e\ 1031 


O-Hrien,  Father  Francis  A. 1151 

O'Connell,   Bryan 1215 

Ogle,  John  ___' 1163 

Ogle,   Joseph   1072 

O'Grady,  John 1045 

Oswald,  William  C. 798 

Ovcnnan,  James  11. 989 


I 'age 


Cleon 1206 

•ercival,  William 1306 

'cters,   Fulton   "23 

Vtersen,  Leroy  T..  M.  D. 121- 

'hillips,  Clifford  F. 1030 

'hilpot,  John 


'hi'.pot,  Ralph  R. 1131 

'ittock,  Henry  P. 1278 

•oilard,  Perry  — 956 

•orr.  Leopold 1024 

'ower,  William  S. 104O 

'rihbeno,  Charles  F. 1369 

'ril>l)cno,  Henry  F. 1178 

'richard,  Leander  C. 814 

'ntnam.  William  H 1324 

Katekin,  Daniel  13. 808 

Rcavis,  Hon.  Charles  F. 1367 

Reavis,  David  D. 1218 

I'teavis.  Hon.  Isham 760 

Kedwood.  William  L. 841 

Rell.  Josiah  F. 1042 

RevcUe,  Benjamin  F. 1161 

Richardson,  John  H. 1160 

Rickards,  Charles  H. 859 

Rieschick,  John  W 1335 

Rieschick,  William 1189 

Rieschick.    Hon.    William   F 1245 

Rife.  William  M, 1081 

Riky.  Bernard  1035 

Rik-v.  Daniel 804 

Riky.  Dan  J 834 

Rilcy.   Michael 884 

Riley,   William   10.56 

Ivuegsje,  Henry  L. 783 

Ivnnihaugh.  Rev.  .\ndrc\v  J. 1386 

Sailors.  Washington 1291 

.Sailors,  William  H 968 

Schneider,  Charles  F 894 

Schock,  Charles  H 940 

Schock,  Frederick  H. 959 

Scholl,  William 779 

Schr.uler,  Harry  H 1242 

Schnlenberg,  Matthias 

Segrist,  Louis  J. 

Shellenbarger,  Leonard  G. 
Shelly,  John  R. 

,.-  1234 
-_  1270 
__  1404 
__  1303 

Shildneck,  Charles 1142 

Shildneck  Family,  The 1141 

Shildneck,  Hiram  S. 1141 

Shildneck,  William 1142 

Shubert,  .\ustin  G. 1010 

Shubert,  Henry  W 757 

Shubert,  James  F. 986 

Shubert,  Williard  M, 995 

Siemering,  Henry 936 

Sinianton,   Brevet 1304 

Skalak,  Wenzel 1348 

.Slagle,  William  E —  1389 

Slocum,  James  L. 774 

Smith.  Charles 1144 

Smith,  Julius 912 

Spicklcr,  Joseph  W 998 

Spragins,  Judge  John  D. 765 

Staver,  Hon,  Hugh  O. 1280 

Steele,  Edwin  F. 1152 

Steele,  Joseph 1152 

Steele,  Robert  Edwin 1152 

Stephens,  William  L. 933 

Sterns,  Bernard  W 1322 

Stettler.  .•\lfred 980 

Stitzcr,  Henry 1156 

Stoltz,  Charles  E. 1114 

Stoltz,  William  F. 917 

Strawn,  Charles  A 1112 

Suess,  Louis  U. 1210 


Tanner.  Jacob  C. 865 

Taylor.  George  E. 852 

Thornton.  Charles  11. 

Tiehen.  Herman 

Timcrman.  Jason 882 

Timerman,  Romanc 921 

Towlc,  Edwin  H 1326 

Towle,  John  W 130O 

Tvnan,  Andrew 856 


Lhri,  Edward  — 
L'lmer,  Martin  D. 
L'lmer,  Emanuel  - 




N'anilevcnter,  Morgan  H. 868 

Wij^ele,  lidward  C. 1175 

\oii  r.ergen.  J.  Louis 906 


Waggener.  J.  A. 965 

W'aKKoner,  Riley  D. 896 

Walil,  Samuel 1078 

Walkiiis.  George 1262 

Weaver,  lion.  Archibald  J. 1272 

Weaver,  lion.  Arthur  J 1328 

Weaver,  I'aul  B 1413 

Weber.  Daniel  H 1020 

Weddle,  John  F ^_  1028 

W  eddle.  William  M 1054 

Weick,  Charles  F. 1044 

Wheeler.  James  M 888 

Wheeler.  William  H. 786 

Wiekham,  Ernest .  1368 

Wilhite.  James  R. 1014 

Wilkinson,  Thomas  M. 832 

Williamson.  Charnock  W'. 1363 

Williamson.  J.   Rock 914 

Wilson,  Frank  P. . 1,327 

Wilson.  Lester  C. 1022 

Wilson.  Millard   L.,  M.  D. 768 

Wiltse.  John  874 

Windle.    Grant    L.    1307 

Windle.  Joseph 1127 

AV'issinger.  Jacob  F. 1317 

Wissler.  John  E. ...  962 

Withee.    Francis 1058 

Wittwer,    Frederick   lOSO 

W'ixon.  John  W. 1064 

VVuster.    Christ    1149 

Wuster.   Thomas   I-'.   927 

Wyatt.   Henry   F.   1312 

Vutzy.  Josei.h  C.  D.  D.  S. 885 


Zimmermann,   Ernest 1399 

Zimmermann,  Gust. 1415 

Zoeller.  llenrv  C. 1396 


Topography,  Geology,  Etc.,  of  Richardson  County. 

The  rolling  prairies  of  wiiich  Richardson  county  is  largely  made  up,  are 
an  alluring  feature  which  did  not  escape  the  eye  of  the  early  settler  in  quest 
of  a  home  in  this  new  countr}-.  The  recurring  prairie  fires  of  the  period 
when  it  was  only  inhabited  by  Indians  had  retarded  the  growth  of  the  timber 
to  a  great  extent  in  large  portions  of  the  county,  and  those  coming  across 
the  Alissouri  were  so  impressed  with  the  openness  of  the  country  that  it  was 
long  known  as  a  portion  of  the  Great  Plains. 

It  is  traversed  from  west  to  east  by  streams  of  living  water,  the  banks 
of  which  are  well  timbered.  I'pon  the  coming  of  the  white  man  and  the 
breaking  up  of  the  soil,  the  prairie  fire  disappeared  and  the  trees  thus  pro- 
tected, together  with  those  set  out  and  planted  by  the  thousands,  now  give 
the  country  the  appearance  of  a  woodland  and  especially  is  this  noticeable 
in  and  about  the  towns,  rivers  and  creeks,  and  farm  homes-  throughout  the 
county.  Tliis  fact  is  now  so  prominent,  that  to  the  traveler  passing  through 
the  country  nor  to  those  residing  therein,  does  the  w-ord  "prairie"  have  any 
significance  in  a  descriptive  way  and  indeed  it  is  no  longer  used  in  the  vocabu- 
lary of  the  people.     The  prairie  in  the  old  sense  is  gone  forever. 

The  forest  gro\-es  are  made  up  of  box  elder,  maple,  cottomvood.  walnut. 
oak,  elm,  ash,  hickory  and  willow.  In  tlie  east  end  of  the  county  the  Mis- 
souri river  bluffs  ha\-e  always  been  and  are  today  heavily  overgrown  with 
timber,  and  in  later  \-ears  extensive  orchards  are  replacing  cleared  portions 
and  rank  in  ])roducti\'e  cai)acit\-  and  f|u;dity  and  f|uantity  of  fruit  with  the 
liest  in  the  I'nitetl  States. 

The  \-alleys  and  low  lantls  adjacent  to  the  streams  were  the  first  choice 
with  the  early  settler  and  in  the  earlier  years  of  less  rainfall  were  most 
profitablv  worked  as  farms,  but  the  heavv  rainfall  of  more  recent  vears  has 


necessitated  extensixe  drainage  s\stems  for  relief  from  overtlows.  The 
uplands  or  early  prairie  farms  ha\e  proven  most  valuable  for  all  purposes 
and  are  the  most  desirable  of  all  and  most  productive  at  this  time. 

Inexhaustive  quarries  of  first-class  building  stone  are  available  in  mam- 
parts  of  the  county  and  of  easy  access  near  the  surface  of  the  ground.  Coal 
in  numerous  places  over  the  county  has  been  found,  but  never,  so  far.  in 
sufficient  (juantities  to  ser\e  any  great  number  of  the  people  as  a  fuel. 

The  lowest  altitude  is  found  near  Rulo,  in  the  extreme  southeast  corner 
of  the  county,  w  here  but  eight  hundred  and  seventy-five  feet  above  sea  level 
is  registered.  Passing  toward  the  northwest  and  west  end  of  the  county  a 
gradual  and  gentle  rise  is  noted. 

The  county  is  now  eighteen  miles  wide,  north  and  south,  and  thirty-six 
miles  long,  east  and  west  at  the  southern,  and  twenty-seven  miles  at  the  north- 
ern boundary,  containing  in  the  aggregate  in  round  numbers,  five  hundred  and 
fifty  square  miles,  or  three  hundred  fifty-two  thousand  six  hundred  acres. 
The  townships,  except  in  the  eastern  portion  are  six  miles  square  and  con- 
tain thirty-six  sections,  ^^'ithin  this  area  the  land  is  all  tillable,  except  on 
the  lowest  river  bottoms,  which  is  now  used  as  pasture  and  grass  lands.  So 
it  may  be  stated  that  there  is  Init  a  very  small  per  cent  of  the  land  which  may 
not  be  utilized. 

The  Great  Xemaha  rixer.  which  traxerses  the  southern  precincts,  east 
and  west,  and  empties  into  the  Missouri  river  near  Rulo,  in  its  meanderings, 
prior  to  numerous  cut-ofifs  made  by  the  drainage  ditches  to  shorten  it, 
was  (iiie  lunulred  miles  long.  It  is  now  reiluced  to  less  than  half  that  dis- 
tance and  is  fed  by  numerous  small  streams  from  a  \-ast  watershed.  The 
Mudd\-  creek  drains  the  east  precincts,  being  fed  by  many  small  streams  and 
empties  into  the  Xemaha  in  Jefferson  precinct. 

Tlie  most  extensive  valley  is  that  of  tne  Great  Nemaha,  which  varies 
from  one  to  three  miles  in  width  and.  being  the  repository  for  the  rich  soil  of 
the  uplands,  is  most  fertile. 


Tliere  is  excellent  clay  for  the  manufacture  of  brick,  which  on  account 
of  the  absence  of  saw  timber  and  the  distance  from  the  lumber  regions,  has 
been  extensixely  used  as  tlie  principal  building  material  and  much  of  the  out- 
put is  in  great  demand  at  points  outside  the  state. 

The  soil  of  the  hills  is  perfectlv  adapted  for  fruit  culture  and  extensive 
iirchanls  of  apjjle,  of  all  kinds,  peaches,  i^ear.  plum  and  grapes  are  success- 


fully  grown.  The  soil  is  a  deep  black  loam  from  eighteen  to  thirty-six  inches 
in  depth.  The  "Ijlack  land  farm"  is  a  reality  the  county  over  and  its  well- 
known  richness,  after  fifty  years  continuous  usage,  precludes  the  necessity 
for  fertilization  so  much  in  vogue  in  Eastern  states.  Small  grain  of  all  kinds 
is  raised  in  al)undance,  and  farming  here  is  a  pleasure  rather  than  a  drudgery, 
and  well  it  may  be,  for  the  soil  is  easil\-  worked,  and  the  farmer  has  e\-ery 
assurance  of  a  crop  annually.  14'?  ^ilfifi 


The  Great  Xemaha  river,  of  Richardson  county,  enters  the  Missouri 
near  the  southeast  corner  of  the  county  and  traverses  its  entire  length.  The 
river  forks  near  the  center  of  the  county  (near  Salem),  one  branch  coming 
from  the  Northwest,  called  the  North  Fork  and  the  other  heading  in  Nemaha 
county,  Kansas,  called  the  South  Fork  of  the  Nemaha. 

Muddy  creek  comes  also  from  the  northwest,  running  parallel  with  the 
Nemaha,  which  it  enters  four  miles  east  of  Falls  City. 

The  principal  tributaries  of  the  Nemaha  and  Muddy  in  this  countv  are 
Walnut,  Long  Branch,  Four-Mile.  Rattlesnake,  Easley,  Sardine,  Half-Breed 
and  Harvey  Creeks. 

The  Nemaha  and  Muddy  are  mill  streams,  and  there  is  timber  imi  all 
the  branches.  It  will  thus  be  seen  that  Richardson  county  is  the  liest  tim- 
bered as  well  as  the  best  watered  county  in  Nebraska. 

Good  limestone  for  lime  and  building  purposes  abounds  on  the  streams 
and  coal  of  good  quality  has  in  other  days  been  found  on  the  Nemaha  and 
its  tributaries,  the  latter  in  quality  as  good  if  not  better  than  that  mined  suc- 
cessfully for  years  in  the  \icinity  of  Leavenworth,  Kansas. 

The  county  as  a  whole  is  most  highly  improved  and  has  more 
good  farms  and  farmers  than  any  county  in  the  state. 

.\11  the  grains  of  this  latitude  flourish  here,  and  it  is  without  a  doulit 
the  best  adapted  for  fruit,  which  is  now  being  produced  on  a  larger  scale  than 
in  any  section  of  the  state. 

Both  spring  and  fall  wheat  do  well,  and  it  is  doubtful  if  there  be  a  better 
corn-growing  region  \\est  of  the  Missouri.  Oats,  rye.  ]iotatoes  and  other 
vegetables  produce  finely. 



By  A.  H.  Meyer,   of  the   United  States  Department   of  Agriculture. 
Stewart,  and  C.  W.  Watson,  of  the  Nebraska   Soil   Sii 
D.  Rice. 


Richardson  county  is  situated  in  the  extreme  southeastern  part  of  Ne- 
braska, about  fifty-four  miles  south  of  the  Platte  river.  It  is  bounded  on 
the  north  by  Nemaha  county,  on  the  east  by  the  Missouri  river,  which 
forms  the  state  line,  on  the  south  by  Doniphan,  Brown,  and  Nemaha  coun- 
ties, Kansas,  and  on  the  west  by  Pawnee  county,  Nebraska.  The  county 
is  approximately  rectangular  in  shape,  with  one  irregular  side,  its  greatest 
length  from  east  to  west  being  thirty-six  miles  and  its  widtii  from  north 
to  south  eighteen  miles.  It  has  an  area  of  545  square  miles,  or  348.800 
acres.  The  northwestern  corner  of  the  county  is  about  seventy  miles  from 
Lincoln  and  the  southeastern  corner  approximately  halfway  between  Omaha 
and  Kansas  City. 

The  surface  features  of  the  upland,  which  constitutes  far  the  greater 
part  of  the  county,  are  variable,  though  in  general  the  topography  is  rolling. 
In  the  southwestern  and  extreme  western  parts  of  the  county  the  drainage 
system  is  intricate  and  the  surface  is  marked  by  numerous  steep  and  pre- 
cipitous slopes,  largely  the  result  of  high  rock  ledges.  The  steep  slopes  occur 
largely  along  the  stream  courses  of  the  Nemaha  river  drainage  system.  How- 
ever, there  are  in  this  section  gently  arched  divides  or  plains  and  gently 
sloping  areas.  The  remainder  of  the  county,  except  the  bluff  zone  along 
the  Missouri  river,  is  gently  rolling  to  rolling,  with  no  abrupt  slopes.  The 
divides  are  gently  sloping  to  almost  flat,  and  in  a  few  instances  attain  the 
elevation  of  the  original  constructional  surface  of  the  loess  plains.  These 
topographic  features  occur  mainly  lietween  the  Nemaha  and  Little  Mudd\- 
Creek  drainage  systems,  with  their  best  development  in  Franklin  town- 
-ship.  In  the  eastern  part  of  the  county  the  upland  merges  through  a  nar- 
row strip  of  hilly  land  into  the  Missouri  river  bluff  zone,  which  in  some 
places  is  two  and  one-half  miles  in  width.  This  strip  is  characterized  by 
V-shaped  valleys  with  a  depth  of  about  three  hundred  and  fifty  feet.  The 
roughest  and  most  dissected  topography  occurs  in  the  northeastern  and 
southeastern  parts  of  the  county. 

There  are  some  alluvial  terraces  in  the  count)",  l)ut  tiiey  are  of  \ery 
small  extent  and  occur  onlv  in  the  southwestern  section.     Thev  varv  from 


five  to  ten  feet  above  the  present  flood  plain  of  the  streams.  The  terraces 
are  flat,  benchHke,  and  uneroded. 

The  greater  part  of  the  first-bottom  land  occurs  along  the  Nemaha 
river  and  its  branches.  The  Missouri  river  flows  so  near  the  west  side  of 
the  valley  that  there  is  scarcely  any  first  bottom  along  the  course  in  this 
stream  within  the  county.  The  surface  of  the  bottom-land  areas  is  level, 
except  along  the  Missouri  river,  where  the  topography  is  relieved  by  low 
ridges  with  intervening  depressions,  sloughs,  and  ox-bow  lakes. 

The  upland  has  an  average  elevation  of  about  i,ioo  feet  abo\e  sea 
level.  The  highest  point,  1,220  feet,  occurs  in  the  northwestern  part  of 
the  countv.  The  average  elevation  of  the  bottom  land  is  about  900  feet 
above  sea  level  and  the  lowest  elevation  is  about  850  feet.  The  general 
slope  of  the  county  is  southeastward. 

The  Missouri  river  flows  along  the  eastern  boundary  and  receives  the 
drainage  of  the  entire  county.  The  Nemaha  river  is  the  only  tributary 
of  any  consequence,  and  drains  practically  all  the  county.  It  flows  in  a 
southeasterh'  direction  through  the  area.  The  north  fork  and  south  fork 
of  the  Nemaha  unite  at  Salem.  Muddy  creek  is  an  important  branch  of 
this  stream.  The  Nemaha  river  and  its  tributary  streams  are  winding  and 
rather  sluggish,  and  have  reached  base  level.  The  Missouri  river  is  navig- 
able.    The  streams  in  this  region  are  not  used  for  power  development. 

There  is  a  complete  system  of  drainage  ways  in  the  county,  and  adequ- 
ate drainage  is  provided  for  all  sections.  Springs  are  numerous  in  the 
southwestern  part  of  the  survey,  and  on  many  farms  furnish  most  of  the 
water  for  the  stock.  All  the  first  bottoms  are  overflowed  annually,  but 
rarely  are  the  overflows  of  a  destructive  nature,  and  the  water  seldom  re- 
mains more  than  twelve  hours  on  the  surface  of  the  flood  plain.  However, 
in  the  season  of  1915,  a  number  of  destructive  floods  occurred,  and  practi- 
cally no  crops  were  harA^ested. 

The  first  permanent  white  settlements  in  Richardson  county  were  made 
in  1855,  about  a  mile  north  of  Falls  City,  by  settlers  from  Tennessee.  The 
county  was  created  in  1854,  and  reorganized  in  1855  by  the  first  territorial 
Legislature.  When  first  created  the  county  contained  a  large  part  of  the 
area  now  included  in  Johnson  and  Pawnee  counties,  but  within  a  few  years 
it  was  reduced  to  its  present  size.  Most  of  the  early  settlers  came  from 
Iowa,  Illinois,  Missouri,  Tennessee,  and  the  New  England  states.  Later 
some  foreigners,  including  Germans,  Swedes,  Welsh,  Bohemians,  Irish,  Eng- 
lish and  French  settled  in  the  county.  Less  than  eight  per  cent  of  the  popu- 
lation, however,  is  of  foreign  birth. 


The  mean  annual  rainfall  of  Richardson  county  is  32.71  inches,  the 
highest  mean  annual  precipitation  recorded  in  the  state  of  Nebraska.  From 
seventy-five  to  eighty  per  cent,  of  the  rainfall  occurs  during  the  growing 
season,  from  April  to  September,  inclusive.  About  forty-five  per  cent,  falls 
during  the  months  of  May,  June,  and  July,  with  the  maximum  during 
July.  December,  January  and  February  are  the  driest  months,  with  a  total 
precipitation  of  2.53  inches. 

Most  of  the  rainfall  in  the  summer  occurs  in  the  form  of  thunder 
showers,  and  the  precipitation  is  very  heavy  within  short  periods  of  time, 
ranging  from  one  inch  to  six  inches  in  single  storms.  Something  over 
one-half  the  rainfall  of  May,  June,  and  July  occurrs  in  quantities  of  one 
inch  or  more  in  twenty-four  hours.  The  rainfall  in  May  and  June  usually 
is  well  distributed,  and  droughts  in  these  months  are  practically  unknown. 
In  July  the  distribution  is  not  quite  so  favorable,  though  on  the  average 
rain  falls  at  least  once  every  four  days  during  the  months  of  May,  June, 
and  July.  During  August  and  September  the  precipitation  is  lighter  and 
less  favorably  distributed.  Periods  of  drought,  of  only  occasional  occur- 
rence, are  chiefiv  confined  to  July,  August,  and  September.  The  average 
annual  snowfall  is  about  twenty  inches.  Little  snow  falls  Ijefore  December 
or  after  March. 

The  mean  annual  temperature  is  about  53"  F.  January  and  February 
are  the  coldest  months,  with  an  average  temperature  of  about  27  .  July 
is  the  warmest  month,  with  an  average  of  "jf.  The  lowest  temperature 
recorded  at  Dawson  and  Falls  City,  Nebraska,  is  30^  below  zero,  and  the 
highest  III"  F.  The  average  date  of  the  first  kilHng  in  the  fall  is 
October  8,  and  of  the  last  in  the  spring,  April  24.  The  date  of  the  earliest 
recorded  killing  frost  in  autumn  is  September  12  and  of  the  latest  in  si)ring. 
May  27.  There  is  an  average  growing  season  of  about  one  himdred  and 
seventv  davs,  which  is  sufliciently  long  for  the  maturing  of  all  the  ordinary 
farm  crops. 

The  winds  are  prevailingly  from  the  northwest.  During  the  mouths 
of  June.  July,  and  .\ugust,  however,  they  are  mainly  from  the  south  and 
southeast.  Tlie  average  velocity  of  the  wind  at  Omaha  is  about  nine  miles 
per  hour.  Tn  storms  winds  of  thirty  to  fifty  miles  per  hour  are  common. 
Tornadoes  are  of  rare  occurrence. 

The  relative  humidity  is  quite  regular,   the  average   for  the  vear  being 



about  seventy  per  cent.  The  humidity  is  about  seventeen  per  cent,  lower 
at  eight  o'clock  in  the  evening  than  at  nine  o'clock  in  the  morning.  On  the 
average  there  are  one  hundred  and  seventy  to  one  hundred  and  eighty  clear 
days  and  eighty  to  ninety  cloudy  days  during  the  year,  the  remainder  being 
partly  cloudy. 

The  following  table,  compiled  from  the  records  of  the  weather  bureau, 
gives  the  normal  monthly,  seasonal,  and  annual  temperature  at  Dawson  and 
precipitation  at  Dawson  and  Falls  City. 

Xoniial  Dioiithly.  seasonal,  and  annual  temperature  at  Dazcsoii  ami  precipita- 
tion at  Dawson  and  Falls  Citv,  Nebraska. 






driest  .vear 

wet.  year 


Abs.  ma.\-. 

Abs.  min 








Inches:.       i 





— l.T 



























—  2 















—  2 





72  5 



4  30 


6  73 






1.22    • 


0  5-/ 

Summer  _ 






















—  8 







—  S 











Upon  the  basis  of  physiographic  position,  the  soils  of  Richardson  county 
may  be  divided  into  three  groups,  upland,  terrace,  and  first-bottom  soils. 
The  upland  group  embraces  the  Marshall,  Grundy,  Knox,  Carrington,  and 
Shelby  series,  and  Rough  stony  land;  the  terrace  group  includes  the  Wau- 
kesha series;  and  the  first-bottom  group  the  Wabash,  Cass,  and  Sarpy  series 
and  Riverwash. 

Practically  all  the  soils  are  derived   from  transported  material,   except 


most  of  the  Rough  stony  land.  The  upland  originallj-  was  covered  with  a 
thick  veneer  of  plains  loess,  which  has  been  almost  entirely  removed  by 
erosion.  Where  erosion  has  progressed  enough  to  give  rise  to  a  rolling 
topography,  as  in  the  eastern  part  of  the  county,  the  loess  subsoil  as  well 
as  soil  is  loose  and  friable.  Along  the  bluff  line  of  the  Missouri  the  loess 
has  been  modified  by  material  blown  from  the  sand  and  silt  bars  of  the 
river.  The  loess  beds  vary  in  color  from  yellow  or  pale  yellow  to  light 
gray,  and  are  always  more  or  less  calcareous  and  blotched  with  iron  stains. 
It  is  thought  by  the  state  survey  that  the  plains  loess  was  laid  down  in 
sluggish  waters  as  outwash  from  the  glaciers  to  the  north. 

Only  two  remnants  of  the  original  constructional  surface  remain,  ami 
they  are  located  in  the  northwestern  part  of  the  county.  Owing  lo  the  tlat 
to  slightly  undulating  topography  in  that  section,  the  clay  has  not  been 
carried  away  by  rain  waters.  Init  has  Ijeen  washed  down  into  the  subsoil, 
forming  a  hardpanlike  layer. 

Below  the  plains  loess  lies  the  upjier  or  weathered  phase  of  the  Kansan 
drift,  which  is  very  similar  to  the  loess.  The  material  is  yellowish  brown 
or  pale  yellow  to  light  gray,  and  is  smooth  and  silty,  and  contains  fewer 
lime  concretions  than  the  loess.  It  also  contains  some  sand  and  «  few  small 
pebbles,  which  are  absent  from  the  loess.  In  a  vertical  section  there  is  no 
well-defined  line  of  demarcation  Ijetween  the  loess  and  the  weathered  drift. 
However,  the  loess  has  a  more  decided  tendency  to  weather  in  perpendicular 
walls  than  the  drift.  The  soil  derived  from  this  phase  of  the  drift  has  a 
heavier  and  more  compact  subsoil  than  that  derived  from  the  eroded  loess. 

Below  the  weathered  phase  of  the  drift  is  the  Kansan  drift  proper. 
There  is  a  sharp  line  of  demarcation  in  color  and  te.xture  between  these 
two  divisions.  The  upper  part  of  the  Kansan  drift  is  thoroughly  o.xidized, 
showing  that  it  has  been  subjected  to  weathering.  The  Kansan  sheet  is 
distinctly  till,  and  consists  of  a  heterogeneous  mass  of  clay,  silt,  sand,  gravel, 
and  bowlders.  The  upper  part  of  the  till  varies  in  color  from  yellowish 
brown  or  brown  to  reddish  brown,  and  the  lower  part  from  light  gray  t'> 
pale  yellow,  with  numerous  iron  stains. 

Below  the  Kansan  drift  lies  the  Aftonian  material,  which  consists  largely 
of  stratified  sand  and  gravel,  witli  a  few  bowlders.  This  does  hot  occur 
as  a  continuous  stratum,  but  as  sand  or  gravel  trains.  The  material  outcrops 
west  and  northwest  of  Humlioldt  and  northeast  of  .Salem.  It  has  given 
rise  to  local  sandy  spots  in  the  drift  soils. 

The  lowest  drift  sheet,  the   Xel)raskan,  consi.'^ts  of  lilue  clav,  contain- 



R  I, 










ing  smell  pebbles  and  large  numbers  of  bowlders.  It  is  exposed  only  in 
deep-cut  banks.  It  may  be  seen  north  of  Rulo  and  also  west  of  Rulo  in 
the  railroad  cut. 

The  loess  and  drift  beds  lie  on  a  very  uneven  surface  of  bedrock  belong- 
ing to  the  Pennsylvania  division  of  the  Carboniferous  system.  In  many 
places  the  streams  have  cut  through  the  loess  and  drift  and  exposed  large 
areas  of  bedrock.  Most  of  these  are  in  the  southwestern  part  of  the  county. 
In  the  northern  and  eastern  parts  of  the  county,  the  mantle  of  rock  is  from 
fifty  to  one  hundred  feet  deep,  with  only  local  outcrops.  The  upper  layers 
of  the  bedrock  consist  of  well-defined  beds  of  shale  and  limestone;  in  places 
the  shale  is  wholly  composed  of  clay  and  in  other  places  it  grades  into 
sandstone.  The  rocks  dip  northwestward  in  the  southeastern  corner  of  Rich- 
ardson county,  then  flatten  out  to  near  Salem,  beyond  which  they  are  nearly 
level  in  an  east-west  section,  remaining  so  to  a  north-south  line  just  west 
of  Humboldt.  Between  this  line  and  Table  Rock  there  is  a  sharp  rise  of 
the  beds  amounting  to  about  four  hundred  feet,  and  some  of  the  formations 
exposed  in  the  eastern  part  of  the  county  are  again  brought  to  the  surface. 
The  most  important  rocks  are  the  Cottonwood,  Falls  City,  .\spinwall,  Tarkio, 
Preston,  Fargo,  Burlington,  and  Rulo  limestones. 

The  lower  limestones  named  above  outcrop  near  Rulo  and  in  an  anticline 
southwest  of  Humboldt.  The  limestones  are  of  use  for  building  purposes, 
and  are  of  value  in  road  making.  There  are  about  thirty-five  square  miles 
of  bedrock  exposed,  giving  rise  to  a  thin,  stony  soil,  seldom  more  than  two 
to  ten  inches  deep. 

The  terraces  .of  Richardson  county  are  very  inextensive.  The  ma- 
terial forming  them  consists  largely  of  silt,  known  in  the  State  of  Ne- 
braska as  valley  loess.  It  was  deposited  at  a  time  when  the  streams  were 
flowing  at  a  higher  level.  The  material  was  largely  derived  from  the  plains 
loess  and  finely  divided  drift  debris. 


The  main  areas  of  alluvial  soils  occur  along  the  Missouri  and  Nemaha 
rivers,  with  small  areas  widely  distributed  throughout  the  county.  They 
are  of  recent  origin  and  are  constantly  receiving  additional  sediments  from 
the  overflow  waters  of  the  streams.  The  material  along  the  Missouri  river 
represents  waste  mainly  from  the  glacial  and  loessial  Rocky  Mountain  and 
Great  Plains  provinces.  The  soils  along  the  other  streams  represent  re- 
worked and  deposited  loessial  and  glacial  material. 


The  Marshall  series  includes  types  with  darJi-brown  to  black  surface 
soils  and  a  lighter,  yellowish-brown  subsoil.  This  series  comprises  the  dark- 
colored  upland  loessial  soils  which  predominate  in  the  prairie  region  of  the 
Central  West.  The  soils  are  characterized  and  distinguished  from  those  of 
the  Knox  series  by  the  large  quantity  of  organic  matter  in  the  surface  soil. 
The  topography  is  level  to  rolling.  The  series  is  represented  in  Richardson 
county  by  a  single  type,  the  silt  loam. 

The  soils  of  the  Grundy  series  are  dark  brown  to  black  to. an  aver- 
age depth  of  about  eight  inches.  The  soiL  becomes  somewhat  heavier  with 
depth,  more  rapidly  as  it  approaches  the  subsoil.  The  transition  from  soil 
to  subsoil,  however,  is  not  abrupt.  The  upper  subsoil  is  mottled,  heavy,  and 
rather  plastic  when  wet  and  hard  when  dry.  The  mottling  consists  of 
dark  drab  and  yellowish  brown.  This  layer  is  six  to  ten  inches  thick  and 
passes  gradually  into  material  of  somewhat  lighter  color  and  texture.  As 
a  rule  the  mottlings  are  not  well  defined  in  the  lower  subsoil.  This  series 
is  derived  by  thorough  weathering  from  silty  material  overlying  the  Kansan 
drift.     The  silt  loam  is  the  only  representative  of  this  series  in  the  county. 

The  Knox  soils  are  prevailingly  light  brown  and  the  subsoil  is  light 
yellow  or  light  grayish  yellow.  These  soils  occur  mainly  in  the  central 
prairie  states.  They  are  derived  from  loessial  deposits.  The  loessial  cover- 
ing where  the  Knox  series  is  found  is  always  thick  enough  to  fonn  a  subsoil 
as  well  as  a  surface  soil,  the  deeper  lying  glacial  till  being  far  enough  from 
the  surface  to  have  no  marked  influence  on  the  general  character  of  the 
soil.  The  topography  is  gently  undulating  to  rolling,  and  the  surface  drain- 
age is  generally  good.  The  silt  loam  is  the  only  member  of  the  Knox  series 
encountered  in  Richardson  county. 

The  Carrington  soils  are  derived  through  weathering  of  glacial  till, 
with  little  or  no  modification  from  loessial  deposits.  The  series  is  developed 
in  the  central  and  western  prairie  region  and  consists  mainly  of  prairie 
soils.  The  soil  generally  is  black,  ranging  in  some  cases  to  dark  brown. 
The  subsoil  is  lighter  colored,  generally  light  brown  or  yellowish.  The  topog- 
rapliy  is  gently  undulating  to  rolling,  though  some  areas  are  nearly  flat. 
In  Richardson  county  only  the  Carrington  silt  loam  is  recognized. 

The  soils  of  the  Shelby  series  are  dark  brown  to  Ijrown ;  the  subsoil 
is  a  yellow,  reddish-yellow  or  light-brown,  tenacious,  sandy  clay.  These  soils 
are  derived  from  the  Kansan  drift.  Only  the  Shelby  loam  is  mapped  in 
Richardson  county. 

The  surface  soils  of  the  Waukesha  series  are  dark  brown  to  black, 
and  the  subsoil  is  yellow.     These  soils  occur  in  areas  of  deep  glacial  drift. 


They  are  derived  from  water-assorted  glacial  debris  deposited  on  broad 
filled-in  valleys  or  as  outwasli  plains  and  terraces.  The  topograph}-  is  mainly 
flat  to  undulating.     Drainage  is  good. 

The  Wabash  soils  are  prevailingly  black,  ranging  to  dark  brown,  and 
contain  a  high  percentage  of  organic  matter.  The  subsoil  is  brown  or  brown- 
ish gray.  These  soils  occur  in  the  first  bottoms  of  streams  in  the  central 
prairie  states.  They  extend  for  long  distances  along  the  Mississippi  river. 
The  material  is  derived  principally  from  the  loessial  and  associated  soils 
of  the  region.     The  Wabash  areas  are  flat  and  poorly  drained. 

The  surface  soils  of  the  Cass  series  are  dark  brown  to  black.  The 
subsoil  is  lighter  in  color  and  in  texture.  These  soils  are  alluvial,  and  are 
most  extensively  developed  in  the  bottoms  along  the  Mississippi  and  Mis- 
souri rivers  and  their  tributaries.  They  occur  in  association  with  the  Sarp}- 
soils,  occupying,  however,  areas  which  are  somewhat  less  well  drained,  being 
subject  to  overflow.  Between  the  high  stages  of  the  streams  the  drainage 
is  good. 

The  soils  of  the  Sarpy  series  range  from  light  gray  to  dark  brownish 
gray  or  nearly  black.  They  differ  from  the  Wabash  soils  in  having  loose, 
silty  or  fine  sandy  subsoils,  distinctly  lighter  in  texture  than  the  surface  soils. 
The  material  is  alluvial  in  origin.  Owing  to  their  low  position  these  soils 
are  subject  to  overflow,  although  the  nature  of  the  soil  and  subsoil  is  such 
that  drainage  is  thorough  to  excessive  between  flood  stages  of  the  streams. 
In  general  the  topography  is  flat. 

The  following  table  gives  the  name  and  actual  and  relative  extent 
of  each  soil  type  mapped  in  Richardson  county: 

Areas  of  different  soils. 

Sciil.  .Veres.     Per  Ct.  8oil.  Acres.  PerCt. 

Slielh.v  loiini 8.570  2.5      Ciiiriugtou  silt  lo;iui 162,624  46.5 

W:il);isli  cla.v   3.136  .9       Wabash  silt  loam 62,288  19.6 

Itiveiwash    1,004  0.5      Marshall  silt  loam 57.472  16.5 

Wtiiikeslm  silt  loam 1.152  .3      Kough  stou.v  land 17,408  5.0 

Sarp.v  very  fine  sandy  loam  960  .3      Wabash  silty  clay  loam 13,568  3.9 

Cass  <-lay   320  .1       Knox  silt  loam 12,864  3.7 

(Iniiidy  silt  loam 320  .1               Total 348.800      

Sarpy  silt  loam 2."i0  .1 


The  Marshall  silt  loam  is  a  dark -brown,   moderately   heavy   silt   loam, 
eight  to  fifteen  inches  deep,  having  a  decidedly  siuooth  feel.     It  grades  through 


a  thin  brown  layer  of  silt  loam,  about  four  inches  thick,  into  yellowish- 
brown  material,  the  color  changing  with  increasing  depth  to  yellow.  As 
a  rule  the  color  of  the  subsoil  is  uniform,  though  occasionally  the  lower 
part  is  slightly  mottled  with  light  gray  and  streaked  with  rusty  iron  stains. 
The  subsoil  is  open  and  friable  and  becomes  more  so  with  depth;  as  a  rule 
the  fourth  foot  is  highly  calcareous,  the  lime  occurring  chiefly  in  the  form 
of  concretions.     As  the  color  indicates,  the  soil  is  high  in  organic  matter. 

The  depth  of  the  soil  is  variable,  and  depends  upon  the  topographic 
position.  In  the  flatter  areas  and  on  the  gently  arched  divides  it  is  fifteen 
to  eighteen  inches  deep,  while  on  the  shoulders  of  hills  and  along  gullies 
the  depth  is  only  six  to  eight  inches,  and  often  the  yellowish-brown  subsoil 
is  exposed.  On  the  lower  parts  of  slopes  the  soil  is  darker  in  color  and 
deeper,  owing  to  the  deposition  of  colluvial  material,  and  at  the  foot  it  is 
commonly  twenty-four  inches  or  more  in  depth.  Included  with  this  type  are 
small,  narrow  strips  of  colluvial  material,  occurring  along  intermittent  streams. 
Where  the  Marshall  silt  loam  gives  way  to  the  Knox  silt  loam,  small  spots 
of  the  latter  tj^pe  are  included.  In  general,  the  color  of  the  Marshall  silt 
loam  is  lighter  where  the  type  adjoins  areas  of  the  Knox  silt  loam. 

The  Marshall  silt  loam  dififers  from  the  Knox  silt  loam  in  having  a 
higher  content  of  organic  matter.  It  is  very  difficult  to  draw  a  definite 
boundary  line  between  the  two  soils,  because  of  their  patchy  occurrence 
where  they  unite.  In  texture  and  structure  the  two  soils  are  similar.  Both 
have  the  vertical  structure  and  extremely  smooth  feel  characteristic  of  loess 

The  Marshall  silt  loam  occurs  as  a  belt  about  six  miles  in  width  in 
the  eastern  part  of  the  county,  running  parallel  with  the  Alissouri  river  bluff. 
On  the  east  it  gives  way  to  the  Knox  silt  loam,  and  nn  the  west  to  the  Car- 
rington  silt  loam. 

In  general  the  topography  is  rolling.  Where  the  type  adjoins  the  Kno.x 
silt  loam,  it  is  steeply  rolling,  and  where  it  adjoins  the  Carrington  silt  loam 
it  occupies  rather  gently  sloping  divides.  In  the  vicinity  of  Zion  church 
and  in  the  area  south  of  Preston  the  soil  has  a  gently  undulating  surface. 
The  drainage  is  good  and  the  physical  condition  of  the  soil  is  such  that  it 
withstands  protracted  droughts.  Where  the  slopes  are  steep  there  is  con- 
siderable wash,  though  less  than  would  be  expected  on  such  slopes  on  ac- 
count of  the  favoral)le  texture  and  structure  of  the  soil.  The  tyi)e  lies 
at  an  elevation  of  eight  hundred  and  eighty  to  one  thuusand  one  hundred 
and  sixtv  feet  above  sea  level. 


The  Marshall  silt  loam  originally  supported  a  thick  growth  of  the  prairie 
grasses  common  to  this  region,  but  very  little  of  the  native  sod  remains. 
Approximately  ninety-five  per  cent,  of  the  type  is  under  cultivation.  It 
is  considered  by  farmers  the  best  upland  corn  soil  of  eastern  Nebraska. 
About  one-half  the  farm  land  is  devoted  to  the  production  of  this  crop,  and 
the  remainder  is  largely  in  wheat  and  oats,  with  some  clover  and  timothy 
and  alfalfa.  In  average  seasons  corn  yields  thirty  to  forty  bushels  per 
acre,  and  occasionally  as  much  as  sixty  bushels.  Oats  ranks  second  in  acre- 
age, and  ordinarily  yield  thirty  to  thirty-five  bushels  an  acre.  The  acreage 
in  wheat  is  being  gradually  extended,  as  the  crop  has  proved  very  profitable. 
Yields  of  twenty  to  thirty  bushels  an  acre,  and  sometimes  as  much  as  forty 
bushels  per  acre,  are  obtained.  Clover  and  timothy  and  alfalfa  are  the 
principal  hay  crops,  though  some  millet  and  sorghum  are  grown. 

In  wet  seasons  clover  does  well,  but  in  dry  seasons  it  is  difficult  to  get 
a  stand.  In  view  of  this  fact,  alfalfa  is  coming  more  in  favor,  even  though 
it  does  not  fit  nearly  so  well  in  the  crop  rotation.  In  favorable  seasons 
clover  yields  one  and  one-half  to  two  tons  per  acre,  while  alfalfa  yields 
three  to  five  tons.  Small  patches  of  barley  and  rye  also  are  produced. 
About  one-half  the  corn  crop  and  all  the  wheat  are  sold.  The  remainder 
of  the  corn  is  largely  fed  to  hogs.  The  oats  and  hay  produced  are  chiefly 
fed  to  the  work  stock.  The  present  tendency  on  the  Marshall  silt  loam  is 
to  grow  less  corn,  more  wheat,  and  more  leguminous  crops,  and  to  keep 
more  live  stock.  In  the  vicinity  of  Shubert  there  are  a  number  of  commercial 
apple  orchards.    The  apple  does  especially  well  on  this  type. 

At  present  no  definite  rotations  are  followed  on  this  type.  The  gen- 
eral practice  is  to  keep  the  land  in  corn  from  two  to  three  years,  oats  one 
year,  and  wheat  one  year,  returning  the  field  to  corn.  Occasionally  the 
wheat  field  is  sowed  either  to  clover  and  timothy  or  to  alfalfa.  Tenant 
farmers  pay  less  attention  to  the  rotation  of  crops,  and  often  use  the  same 
field  for  corn  or  wheat  four  or  five  years  in  succession. 

This  soil  is  friable,  silty,  free  from  stones,  and  very  easy  to  handle. 
It  can  be  cultivated  under  a  wide  range  of  moisture  conditions,  without 
clodding  or  baking  badly  on  drying.  Though  the  natural  productiveness 
of  the  type  is  high,  it  responds  readily  to  good  methods  of  cultivation,  ferti- 
lization, and  the  growing  of  leguminous  crops.  Only  small  quantities  of 
barnyard  manure  are  applied,  and  no  commercial   fertilizer  is  used. 

The  value  of  the  Marshall  silt  loam  ranges  from  one  hundred  ti)  two 
hundred  dollars  an  acre,  depending  on  location,  improvements,  and  tlie  con- 
dition of  the  land. 


The  Marshall  silt  loam  is  a  very  productive  soil  and  it  is  only  in  cases 
where  the  same  fields  have  been  devoted  to  the  same  crops  for  a  series  of 
years  that  the  soil  has  materially  deteriorated  in  productiveness.  Deeper 
plowing  is  needed  on  most  farms,  and  though  the  type  is  high  in  organic 
matter,  it  is  advisable  to  rotate  the  cereal  crops  with  leguminous  crops  e\ery 
four  or  five  years  in  order  to  keep  up  the  organic-matter  content.  On  steep 
slopes  where  erosion  is  a  serious  factor  the  type  should  be  kept  in  cover  crops 
as  much  as  possible.  The  Alarshall  silt  loam  is  well  suited  to  the  produc- 
tion of  apples  on  a  commercial  scale,  and  within  reasonable  distances  from 
railroad  points  this  industry  might  be  profitably  extended. 


The  surface  soil  of  the  Grundy  silt  loam  is  a  dark-brown,  heavy  silt 
loam,  about  fifteen  inches  in  depth.  It  passes  rather  abruptly  into  a  very 
compact,  plastic  silty  clay  of  darb  color,  mottled  with  yellowish  brown.  When 
dry  the  upper  part  of  the  subsoil  is  tough  and  decidedly  granular.  Below 
twenty-four  to  thirty  inches  the  color  as  well  as  the  texture  becomes  lighter 
and  the  structure  is  more  friable.  As  a  rule  the  mottlings  are  not  so  con- 
spicuous in  the  lower  part  of  the  subsoil.  The  soil  is  high  in  organic  matter, 
and  as  a  rule  lime  concretions  are  encountered  in  the  lower  part  of  the  sulisoil. 
The  upper  subsoil  layer  is  locally  called  "hardpan." 

This  soil  is  very  similar  to  the  extensive  areas  of  Grundy  silt  loam 
mapped  in  Gage  county,  Nebraska.  It  appears  heavier  than  that  mapped 
in  Seward  and  Polk  counties,  but  not  quite  so  heavy  as  that  in  Gage  count}-. 

The  type  is  very  inextensive;  it  occurs  as  two  small  areas  in  the  north- 
western part  of  the  county,  which  extend  into  Nemaha  county.  It  occupies 
a  high,  slightly  undulating  divide  which  undoubtedly  represents  the  original 
constructional  surface  of  the  loess  plains.  The  type  is  well  drained  in 
normal  seasons.  In  wet  seasons  the  drainage  is  somewhat  deficient  on  ac- 
count of  the  hardpan  layer  and  in  very  dr\'  years  the  soil  is  rather  cIroug!u\- 
for  the  same  reason. 

The  agriculture  on  the  Grundy  silt  1(  vim  is  the  same  as  that  on  the  sur- 
rounding Carrington  silt  loam.  The  land  is  valued  at  one  hundred  and  hft\ 
to  two  hundred  dollars  an  acre. 


The  surface  soil  of  the  Knox  silt  loam  is  a  yellowish-brown,  light- 
brown  or  bufif -colored,   friable,  smooth  silt  loam,   from  six  to  eight  indies 


deep.  It  is  underlain  by  a  bro\vnish-}'ellow  or  yellow,  open,  loose,  friable 
silt  loam.  Light-gray  mottlings  and  yellowish-brown  or  reddish  iron  stains 
are  frequent  in  the  lower  subsoil,  and  often  occur  throughout  the  substratum. 
Lime  concretions  are  very  common  in  the  subsoil.  The  soil  varies  consider- 
ably with  difiference  in  topographic  position.  On  the  sharp  divides  and 
upper  steep  slopes  a  light  yellowish  gray  variation  with  numerous  lime  con- 
cretions occurs.  Where  erosion  has  been  very  severe,  the  surface  has  a 
whitish  appearance.  On  the  tops  of  divides  or  on  the  lower  slopes  of  hills 
and  in  forested  areas  the  soil  is  brown,  and  in  places  approaches  a  dark- 
brown  color.  In  the  timbered  areas  the  color  is  due  largely  to  leaf  mold, 
which  would  soon  disappear  with  cultivation.  The  soil  has  a  vertical  and 
open  structure,  a  characteristic  of  the  Missouri  river  bluff  loess.  The  typical 
soil  contains  very  little  black  organic  matter. 

The  Knox  silt  loam  is  rather  inextensive  in  this  county,  having  a  total 
area  of  20.1  square  miles.  It  is  confined  to  the  Missouri  river  blufifs.  It 
is  best  developed  in  the  northeastern  and  southeastern  parts  of  the  county. 

This  soil  has  an  extremely  dissected  topography  and  is  thoroughly  drained. 
The  valleys  are  V-shaped,  with  very  steep  slopes,  and  are  two  to  three  hundred 
feet  deep,  but  steplike  slopes  are  very  conspicuous  features  in  some  places. 
The  hills  are  usually  rounded,  a  characteristic  of  loess  soils.  Along  the 
Missouri  river  slopes  are  extremely  steep  to  precipitous.  The  type  is  sub- 
ject to  severe  erosion,  though  since  the  subsoil  is  of  practically  the  same 
character  as  the  surface  soil,  the  washing  away  of  the  surface  material  does 
not  greatly  change  the  character  of  the  type  nor  render  it  useless  for  agri- 

Practically  all  this  type  originally  was  forested.  The  chief  growth  on 
the  upper  slopes  and  crests  of  the  hills  was  hazel  brush,  sumac,  and  scrubbx- 
bur  oak,  and  in  the  draws  elm,  oak,  hickory,  bitter  hickory,  basswood,  box 
elder,  ash,  and  some  black  walnut,  with  an  undergrowth  of  hazel  brush, 
prickly  ash,  and  dogwood.  At  least  fifty  per  cent,  and  probablv  more  of 
the  type  is  still  forested,  though  it  is  slowly  being  cleared. 

Owing  to  the  steep  slopes  the  growing  of  small  grains  is  impractical)le. 
Some  oats  and  wheat,  however,  are  grown  where  the  topographv  is  more 
favorable.  Oats  constitute  the  most  important  grain  crop,  and  are  used 
largely  for  feeding  work  stock.  Oats  yield  an  a^^erage  of  twenty-five  bushels 
per  acre,  and  wheat  sixteen  to  eighteen  bushels.  At  present  corn  is  the  prin- 
cipal cereal  and  is  mainly  a  cash  crop.  On  the  lower  slopes,  and  where 
there  is  sufficient  organic  matter,  it  does  well  and  vields   from   twentv  to 


forty  bushels  per  acre.  On  the  high  crests  and  steep  slopes  the  growing 
corn  has  a  yellowish  appearance  and  makes  a  stunted  growth  unless  heavily 
manured.  ^AJfalfa  is  grown  very  extensively  and  promises  to  become  the 
leading  cash  crop.  It  does  well,  owing  to  the  thorough  drainage  and  favor- 
able distribution  of  lime.  On  some  farms  it  is  produced  extensively,  and  is 
baled  and  shipped  to  St.  Joseph  or  Kansas  City.  Ordinarily  alfalfa  yields 
three  to  four  tons  per  acre  per  season.  Clover  and  timothy  do  well,  but  it 
is  difificult  to  get  a  sand  in  dry  years.  Sweet  clover  grows  luxuriantly  on 
this  type,  and  is  found  along  roads  and  in  uncultivated  fields,  but  the  crop 
is  not  utilized.  Apples  and  small  fruits  are  grown  to  a  small  extent.  The 
type  is  too  far  from  railroad  points  for  the  successful  production  of  fruit 
on  a  commercial  scale. 

Owing  to  its  dissected  surface  the  type  is  hard  to  manage,  notwith- 
standing its  loose  structure  and  favorable  texture.  As  very  little  live  stock  is 
kept  on  this  soil,  very  little  barnyard  manure  is  applied.  Commercial  fertil- 
izers are  not  used. 

This  type  is  valued  at  twenty  to  seventy-five  dollars  an  acre,  depending 
largely  on  the  proportion  of  land  suitable  for  cultivation. 

For  the  improvement  of  the  Knox  silt  loam  it  is  necessary  to  handle 
in  with  considerable  care  in  order  to  prevent  erosion  and  gullying.  The  type 
should  be  kept  in  pasture  as  much  as  possible,  the  cuhivated  areas  should 
be  plowed  deeper,  and  more  organic  matter  should  be  incorporated  with 
the  soil.  Where  sufiicient  barnyard  manure  is  applied,  crops  do  as  well 
as  on  the  Marshall  silt  loam.  As  the  timber  is  very  stunted,  the  forested 
areas  should  be  cleared  and  used  for  pasture  or  seeded  to  alfalfa.  Grass 
crops  do  well,  and  dairying  and  stock  raising  should  prove  profitable  on 
this  type.  With  proper  attention  the  commercial  production  of  apples  should 
meet  with  success,  where  transportation  and  market  conditions  are  favorable. 


The  soil  of  the  Carrington  silt  loam  consists  of  a  dark-brown,  heav)- 
silt  loam,  eight  to  fifteen  inches  deep.  In  the  flatter  areas  the  soil  is  darker 
and  approaches  a  black  color.  The  soil  carries  a  higher  j>ercentage  of 
clay  than  the  Marshall  silt  loam,  and  as  a  result  breaks  down  upon  drying 
into  angular  granules  instead  of  a  fine  powder  like  the  ^larshall  silt  loam. 
The  subsoil  is  a  yellowish-brown  or  liglit-brown,  very  compact  silty  clay. 
with  a  decided  grayish  cast.  Below  twenty-four  to  thirty  inches  the  subsoil 
is  ligliter  in  color,   and  the  gray  appears  as  light-gray  mottlings.      In   the 


lower  part  of  the  subsoil  Ijright  }-ellowish  brown  iron  stains  are  common. 
In  places  there  is  a  la\er  of  material  between  the  soil  and  subsoil,  from 
two  to  four  inches  in  thickness  and  consisting  of  a  brown,  heavy  silt  loam, 
heavier  than  the  surface  soil.  There  is  a  pronounced  difference  between 
the  soil  and  sulisoil  in  te.xture,  but  the  change  is  not  abrupt,  except  in  the 
flatter  areas.  The  subsoil  is  moderately  plastic  when  wet,  though  when  dry 
it  is  very  hard  and  compact  and  difficult  td  break  down  between  the  fingers. 
At  thirty  to  forty  inches  the  subsoil  is  likely  to  be  looser  in  structure  and 
lighter  in  texture.     The  soil  is  high  in  organic  matter. 

There  are  a  number  of  patches  of  heavy  soil  in  the  Carrington  silt 
loam,  known  locally  as  "gumbo  spots."  In  these  places  the  soil  is  a  dark- 
brown,  heavy  silty  clay  loam,  eight  to  twelve  inches  deep,  with  a  grayish 
cast  at  the  surface.  The  soil  has  numerous  cracks  aiid  is  extremely  difficult 
to  handle.  The  subsoil  is  a  drab,  plastic  silty  clay,  mottled  with  yellowish 
brown.  The  drab  becomes  lighter,  changing  to  light  gray,  and  the  mottling 
decreases  with  depth.  Lime  and  iron  concretions  are  numerous  in  the  lower 
subsoil.     Crops  do  not  mature  in  these  spots. 

In  the  gently  undulating  region  in  Franklin  precinct  there  is  a  varia- 
tion of  this  type  marked  by  a  "hardpan"  layer.  This  is  similar  to  the  fi^f 
phase  of  this  type  mapped  in  Gage  county,  Nebraska.  It  consists  of  a  dark- 
brown,  heavy  silt  loam,  twelve  to  fifteen  inches  deep,  underlain  abruptly  by 
a  rather  tough.  Ijlack  clay.  The  material  is  extremely  difficult  to  penetrate 
with  a  soil  auger  and  is  decidedly  plastic.  At  twent}-  to  twenty-four  inches 
the  subsoil  changes  to  a  drab  silty  clay.  niLittled  with  yellowish  brown.  The 
lower  part  of  the  subsoil  is  not  so  compact  and  heavy  as  the  upper  layer. 

On  shoulders  of  hills  and  moderatel\-  steep  slopes  the  soil  is  not  so 
deep  and  is  usually  lighter  in  color  than  typical.  In  places  the  subsoil  is 
exposed,  but  downward  along  the  slopes  the  soil  becomes  deeper  and  darker 
in  color,  and  at  the  foot  of  the  slopes  it  is  a  dark-brown  to  black,  heavy 
silt  loam  from  twenty  to  forty  inches  deep.  The  type  also  includes  narrow 
strips  of  colluvial  material  along  the  intermittent  streams.  The  variations 
I  if  this  type  are  not  sufficiently  extensive  to  be  shown  on  the  soil  map. 

The  Carrington  silt  loam  differs  from  the  Marshall  silt  loam  in  origin, 
texture,  and  structure.  The  Carrington  is  a  glacial  soil,  while  the  Marshall 
is  a  loessial  soil,  free  from  stones.  The  Carrington  soil,  and  particularlv 
the  subsoil,  is  heavier  than  the  Marshall  silt  loam.  These  soils  also  differ 
in  that  the  Carrington  silt  loam  does  not  stand  up  so  well  in  vertical  banks 
as  the  Marshall  silt  Inam.  Even  with  these  differences,  the  tvpes  grade 


into  each  other  so  that  the  boundaries  are  difficult  to  estabHsli  and  are  more 
or  less  arbitrary. 

The  Carrington  silt  loam  is  the  most  extensive  t}pe  in  the  county,  and 
covers  about  two-thirds  of  the  western  upland  region.  It  is  more  or  less 
broken  with  areas  of  Rough  stony  land  and  Shelby  loam. 

This  type  is  gently  rolling  to  rolling  and  is  thoroughly  drained.  West 
and  northwest  of  Humboldt,  where  it  is  associated  with  the  Shelby  loam, 
it  occupies  the  gentler  slopes  and  the  divides.  It  has  a  similar  topography 
in  the  southwestern  part  of  the  county,  where  most  of  the  steeper  slopes 
are  occupied  by  Rough  stony  land.  The  gently  undulating  areas  are  con- 
fined to  the  divide  between  the  Nemaha  river  and  Muddy  creek,  which 
extends  from  Falls  City  northwestward  into  Nemaha  county.  Other  areas 
with  a  gently  undulating  surface  occur  south  of  Falls  City.  It  is  only  on 
the  steeper  slopes  that  there  has  been  any  serious  erosion.  With  proper 
tillage  and  crop  rotation  this  soil,  owing  to  its  rather  high  organic-matter 
content,  is  very  retentive  of  moisture. 

The  type  originally  was  prairie.  About  ninety-five  per  cent,  of  it  is 
now  in  cultivation,  the  remainder  being  in  permanent  pastures  and  farm 
lots.  Corn  is  the  most  important  cash  crop,  though  a  large  part  of  the 
corn  produced  is  fed  to  hogs.  About  one-third  of  this  soil  is  in  this  crop, 
and  the  yields  average  about  thirty  bushels  per  acre,  though  much  higher 
yields  are  obtained  with  careful  cultivation.  Oats  rank  second  in  acreage 
to  corn  and  yield  from  thirty  to  forty  bushels  an  acre.  The  oats  are  largely 
fed  to  work  stock.  Wheat  is  strictly  a  cash  crop,  and  is  receiving  increased 
attention.  Ordinarily,  yields  of  twenty  to  twentj'-five  bushels  per  acre  are 
obtained.  Clover  and  timothy  are  grown  more  extensively  than  alfalfa, 
though  alfalfa  is  becoming  more  popular.  Clover  and  timothy  do  well  in 
wet  years,  though  in  dry  years  considerable  difficulty  is  experienced  in  getting 
a  stand.  In  favorable  years  yields  of  one  and  one-half  to  two  tons  per  acre 
are  obtained.  Some  timothy  and  clover  are  grown  alone  for  seed  with  very 
profitable  returns.  Alfalfa  does  well,  and  three  to  four  cuttings  per  season 
are  made,  with  a  total  yield  of  three  to  five  tons  per  acre.  The  tendency 
on  this  type  is  to  produce  less  corn  and  more  wheat  and  alfalfa  and  to  keep 
more  dairy  cows  and  other  live  stock. 

A  few  potatoes  are  grown,  but  scarcely  enough  to  supply  the  home 
demand.  Some  sorghum  is  produced  for  sirup.  There  are  only  a  few  com- 
mercial orchards  on  this  type;  they  give  profitable  returns,  though  the  trees 
do  not  do  so  well  as  on  the  Marshall  silt  loam. 


The  general  practice  on  this  type  is  to  keep  the  land  two  or  three  years 
in  corn,  one  year  in  oats,  one  or  two  years  in  wheat,  and  in  every  second 
or  third  rotation  to  grow  clover  and  timothy.  The  land  is  usually  kept 
two  or  three  years  in  clover  and  timothy  and  seven  to  ten  years  or  longer 
in  alfalfa. 

The  four-hitch  team  is  used  almost  entirely  in  the  preparation  of  the 
seed  bed  on  this  type ;  gang  plows  generally  are  used  for  turning  the  soil. 
Owing  to  its  stone-free  nature,  favorable  topography,  silty  texture,  and 
granular  structure,  this  type  is  very  easy  to  handle.  When  plowed  too  wet 
it  bakes  and  clods.  Only  small  quantities  of  barnyard  manure  are  applied, 
and  no  commercial  fertilizers  are  used. 

The  price  of  farm  land  on  the  Carrington  silt  loam  varies  from  one  hun- 
dred to  one  hundred  and  seventy-five  dollars  an  acre.  In  the  vicinity-  of 
the  towns  this  land  is  held  for  two  hundred  dollars  an  acre. 

On  most  farms  deeper  and  more  thorough  tillage  of  this  soil  would 
prove  beneficial.  Leguminous  crops  should  I)e  grown  in  order  to  keep  up 
the  organic-matter  content  of  the  soil. 


The  surface  soil  of  the  Shelby  loam  is  a  dark-brown  to  brown  loam, 
with  an  average  depth  of  about  eight  inches.  The  subsoil  is  a  yellowish- 
brown  sandy  clay  loam,  which  becomes  lighter  in  texture  with  depth.  Below 
about  thirty  inches  the  material  is  almost  yellow.  In  the  northwestern  part 
of  the  county  and  other  localities  where  the  Aftonian  material  is  near  the 
surface,  the  subsoil  is  considerably  lighter  in  texture  and  the  surface  soil 
is  often  a  sandy  loam.  This  variation,  however,  is  too  patchy  to  be  .shown 
on  the  soil  map.  In  places  the  subsoil  has  a  reddish  tint,  which  is  due  to 
the  color  of  the  original  material  and  not  to  oxidation.  The  content  of 
organic  matter  is  moderately  high.  The  subsoil  contains  considerable  gravel 
and  rock  deliris.  Gravel  is  usually  scattered  over  the  surface,  and  a  few 
bowlders  are  present,  though  in  the  most  fields  these  are  not  sufficiently 
numerous  to  prevent  cultivation. 

The  Shelby  loam  occurs  as  small  areas  scattered  throughout  the  Car- 
rington silt  loam  type.  It  is  best  developed  west  and  northwest  of  Hum- 
boldt in  the  Long  Branch  drainage  basin.  The  type  usually  occurs  along 
the  steep  slopes  between  the  Carrington  silt  loam  on  the  higher  land  and 
the  Wabash  silt  loam  in  the  Ijottom  land.  The  drainage  is  thorough,  and 
is  excessive  in  local  spots  where  the   Aftonian  sands  lie  near  the   surface. 


W'liere  the  snljsdil  is  typical  the  soil  withstands  dnjtight  well.  The  type  is 
subject  to  destructive  enision,  gullies  ten  to  fifteen  feet  deep,  with  numerous 
branching  laterals,  being  very  common. 

The  Shelby  loam  is  derived  from  the  Kansan  drift  sheet,  but  is  more 
or  less  influenced  by  the  w"ash  from  the  silty  upland  soils.  The  large  bowlders 
and  pebbles  on  the  surface  and  the  gritty  or  sandy  cla\'  subsoil  distinguish 
it  from  the  Carrington  silt  loam. 

The  native  vegetation  on  the  Shelby  loam  consists  of  the  prairie  grasses 
common  to  this  region.  Along  the  drainage  ways  a  large  part  of  the  type 
is  forested.  About  forty  per  cent,  of  the  Shelby  loam  is  under  cultivation, 
and  the  remainder  is  largely  in  permanent  pasture.-  with  some  hay  land.  Xo 
farms  are  composed  entirely  of  this  type.  The  yields  of  crops  are  lower 
than  on  the  Carrington  silt  loam,  though  the  same  crops  are  grown.  Corn 
yields  fifteen  to  thirty-five  bushels,  oats  twenty  to  twenty-fi\e  bushels,  wheat 
fifteen  to  twent}-  bushels,  and  alfalfa  two  and  one-half  to  three  and  one- 
half  tons  per  acre. 

No  definite  crop  rotation  is  practi.sed  on  this  type.  The  general  meth- 
ods are  about  the  same  as  on  the  Carrington  silt  loam.  Owing  to  the  steeper 
surface  and  the  larger  quantity  of  stony  material  present,  this  soil  is  much 
less  desirable  than  the  Carrington  silt  loam,  with  which  it  is  closely  asso- 
ciated. When  cultivated  too  wet,  the  Shelby  loam  clods  and  bakes,  and 
large  checks  and  cracks  form.  .\  heavv  farm  equipment  is  required  in 
cultivating  this  type,  except  in  the  sand  spots.  Onl_\-  small  (|uantities  of 
manure  are  applied,  and  no  commercial  fertilizers  are  used  Land  values 
on  this  t\"pe  range  from  fift\   to  ninety  dollars  an  acre. 

b'or  the  improvement  of  the  Shelby  loam  consideral)le  care  is  necessary 
to  prexent  gullying  on  the  .^teej)  slopes.  The  steeji  areas  should  remain  in 
permanent  pasture  or  cover  crops  as  much  of  the  time  as  jiossible.  The 
content  of  <irganic  matter  shoukl  be  maintaineed  by  turning  under  green 
crops   and   growing  leguminrius   cr<ips. 


The  W'aukesha  silt  loam  consists  of  a  ilark-brown.  smooth,  friable  silt 
loam,  having  an  average  depth  of  about  eighteen  inches.  The  soil 
through  a  brown,  heavy  silt  loam  into  a  brownish-yellow  silt  loam  which 
is  hea\-ier  and  more  compact  than  the  surface  soil.  The  sulisoil  liecomes 
lighter  in  color  with  depth,  lieiiig  yellowish  in  the  lower  pan.  The  sul)- 
stratuni    is   oi)en    :ind    verv    triable,    and    the   material    in    the    fourth    foot    is 


calcareous.  The  soil  section  of  the  Waukesha  silt  loam  is  similar  to  that 
of  the  Marshall  silt  loam.  As  the  color  indicates,  the  Waukesha  silt  loam 
is  high  in  organic  matter. 

In  extent  the  ^Vaukesha  silt  loam  is  very  unimportant,  having  a  total 
area  of  only  1.8  square  miles.  It  occurs  as  .small,  isolated  areas  along  the 
streams  of  the  county. 

This  type  occupies  distinctly  benchlike  areas,  modified  to  some  extent 
by  stream  erosion.  The  terraces  are  from  ten  to  fifteen  feet  above  the  present 
flood  plain.  The  Waukesha  silt  loam  is  well  drained  and  withstands  drought 
over  long  periods. 

Originally  this  soil  was  covered  with  a  luxuriant  growth  of  prairie 
grasses.  Xearly  all  the  type  is  now  under  cultivation  to  the  staple  crops 
commonly  grown  in  the  county.  No  farms  consist  entirely  of  this  type. 
Corn  yields  twenty-five  to  fort)-five  bushels,  oats  thirty-five  to  forty  bushels, 
and  wheat  twenty  to  thirty  bushels  per  acre.  Leguminous  crops  receive  little 

The  methods  of  cultivation,  rotation,  and  fertilization  are  similar  to 
those  on  the  Marshall  and  Carrington  silt  loams.  The  productive  capacit\' 
of  this  soil  has  been  somewhat  impaired  by  the  failure  to  grow  clover  and 

The  value  of  farm  lands  on  the  Waukesha  silt  loam  varies  from  one 
hundred  and  fifty  to  two  hundred  dollars  an  acre. 

For  the  improvement  of  this  soil  there  is  a  general  need  for  more, 
thorough  cultivation  and  the  growing  of  leguminous  crops  to  maintain  the 
organic-matter  content. 


The  soil  of  the  Wabash  silt  loam  is  nearly  black,  and  to  an  average 
depth  (if  about  twenty  inches  consists  of  a  heavy,  smooth  silt  loam.  This 
is  underlain  by  a  slightly  heavier  and  more  compact  silt  loam,  which  usually 
is  somewhat  lighter  in  color,  though  it  is  not  uncommon  to  find  little  difi'er- 
ence  in  color  or  texture  in  the  three- foot  section.  In  places,  usually  along 
the  edge  of  the  bottoms,  the  subsoil  is  a  black,  compact  siltv  clav.  Lime 
concretions  and  also  iron  stains  are  common  in  the  lower  part  of  the  subsoil. 
In  poorly  drained  situations  the  lower  subsoil  usually  is  gray,  mottled  with 
yellowish  brown.  A  high  content  of  organic  matter  is  characteristic  of  the 
surface  soil  of  this  type.  In  section  24,  township  i  north,  range  17  east, 
and  section  ig,  township  i  north,  range  18  east,  there  is  a  variation  of  the 


Wabash  silt  loam,  characterized  by  the  admixture  of  large  quantities  of 
sand.  Otherwise  the  soil  is  similar  to  the  main  type.  The  higher  sand 
content  has  given  it  a  somewhat  more  friable  structure. 

This  type  is  the  most  important  bottom-land  soil  in  the  county  and 
has  a  total  area  of  106.7  square  miles.  It  occupies  the  first  bottoms  along 
the  Nemaha  river  and  its  north  and  south  forks,  Muddy  creek,  and  along 
the  smaller  streams  of  the  county. 

The  surface  is  generally  fiat,  with  only  slight  topographic  relief  where 
old  cut-offs  occur.  Originally  the  drainage  of  this  type  was  poor,  but  by 
clearing  and  straightening  the  channels  of  streams  the  drainage  conditions 
have  been  very  much  improved.  About  sixty  miles  of  ditches  have  been 
constructed.      Practically  all  the  type  is  subject  to  overflow  in  the  spring. 

Along  the  stream  channels  the  type  originally  was  forested  with  elm, 
box  elder,  willow,  cottonwood,  ash,  linden,  hackberry.  bitter  hickory,  and 
black  walnut,  and  a  large  part  of  this  timber  remains.  Other  parts  of  the 
type  support  a  luxuriant  growth  of  marsh  grasses.  About  sixty  per  cent 
of  this  soil  is  devoted  to  the  production  of  staple  crops,  and  the  acreage  in 
cultivation  is  rapidly  being  extended.  Corn  is  the  dominant  crop,  and  there 
are  about  six  acres  of  corn  to  one  acre  of  wheat  and  oats  combined.  Higher 
yields  of  corn  are  obtained  on  this  land  than  on  any  other  soil  in  the  county. 
The  yields  ordinarily  range  from  forty-five  to  fifty-five  bushels  per  acre,  but 
with  good  cultivation  in  favorable  seasons  as  much  as  ninety  bushels  has 
been  obtained.  About  one-half  the  corn  is  fed  and  the  remainder  is  sold. 
Where  this  soil  has  been  devoted  to  the  production  of  corn  for  a  numl^er 
of  years,  and  is  well  drained,  wheat  does  well,  producng  from  twenty-five 
to  thirty  bushels  per  acre.  Wheat,  however,  is  not  grown  extensively.  Kher- 
son oats  do  fairly  well,  yielding  from  thirty  to  forty  bushels  per  acre.  The 
long-straw  varieties  are  likely  to  lodge.  On  farms  that  do  not  include 
some  upland  not  enough  oats  are  grown  for  the  feeding  of  work  stock. 
In  well-drained  areas  alfalfa  does  well,  although  very  little  of  this  crop  is 
grown.  A  large  area  of  the  type  is  hay  land  and  pasture,  ^^'ild  ha\- 
vields  from  one  to  two  tons  per  acre.  Owing  to  the  fact  that  this  type 
affords  good  pasturage  and  produces  good  yields  of  hay,  the  raising  of 
beef  cattle  has  been  more  extensively  developed  than  on  the  upland.  No 
crop  rotation  is  practiced,  owing  to  the  high  natural  productiveness  of  the 
soil.  In  many  cases  it  is  reported  that  fields  have  been  in  corn  continuouslv 
fi>r  ten  \ears  or  longer.     Occasionally  is  corn  alternated  with  oats  or  wheat. 

The  flat  topography,  silty  texture,  and  desirable  structure  of  this  soil 


make  it  very  easy  to  handle.  In  the  spots  of  heavier  material  there  is  a  ten- 
dency for  the  soil  to  form  hard  lumps  when  cultivated  too  wet.  No  barn- 
yard manure  or  commercial  fertilizers  are  used.  The  Wabash  silt  loam 
ranges  in  value  from  one  hundred  and  twenty-five  dollars  to  one  hundred  and 
seventy-five  dollars  an  acre,  depending  on  location  and  drainage  conditions. 
The  important  problem  confronting  the  farmers  on  this  type  is  that  of 
drainage.  The  installation  of  a  standard  drainage  system  to  remove  the 
excess  soil  moisture  as  well  as  the  overflow  water  is  needed.  In  the  better 
drained  situations  ditches  would  serve  the  purpose,  while  in  the  low,  poorly 
drained  areas  tiles  should  be  laid  about  three  rods  apart. 


The  soil  of  the  Wabash  silty  clay  loam  is  a  black  silty  clay  loam,  ranging 
from  twelve  to  fifteen  inches  in  depth.  It  grades  into  a  hard,  compact  silty 
clay,  which  does  not  smooth  out,  but  breaks  into  small  aggregates  when 
crushed  between  the  fingers.  The  subsoil  becomes  heavier  and  denser  with 
depth.  At  twenty-four  to  thirty  inches  the  material  is  lighter  in  color,  being 
dark  drab,  mottled  slightly  with  yellowish  brown.  The  soil  as  well  as  the 
subsoil  has  a  granular  structure,  a  characteristic  of  soils  consisting  largely  of 
clay.  Locally  this  type  is  called  "gumbo."  The  soil  is  very  high  in  organic 

The  Wabash  silty  ciay  loam  is  an  extensive  bottom-land  type.  It  has  a 
total  area  of  21.2  square  miles',  and  occurs  in  the  first  bottoms  of  the  Nemaha 
river  and  the  north  and  south  forks  of  this  stream. 

The  topography  is  flat  to  slightly  depressed.  The  drainage  is  very  poor, 
owing  to  the  impervious  character  of  the  subsoil.  The  type  is  subject  to 
annual  overflow. 

The  original  growth  on  this  type  consisted  of  slough  grasses  and  water- 
loving  plants.  Most  of  the  type  is  in  hay  land  and  pasture;  about  20  per 
cent,  of  it  is  under  cultivation.  Corn,  wheat,  and  Kherson  oats  do  well. 
except  in  wet  years.  Corn  yields  forty  to  fiity  bushels  per  acre,  wheat  about 
thirty  bushels,  with  a  maximum  of  forty-five  bushels  per  acre,  and  Kherson 
oats  about  thirty  bushels  per  acre.  This  soil  is  particularly  well  adapted  to 
wheat,  owing  to  its  heavy  texture.  In  dry  seasons  a  fairly  good  quality  of 
wild  hay  is  produced  on  this  tj'pe,  yielding  from  one  to  two  tons  per  acre, 
though  in  wet  years  the  hay  is  too  coarse  to  be  of  much  feeding  value.  In 
very  wet  seasons  crops  are  practically  a  failure  because  of  the  frequent  over- 


flows.  Owing  to  the  abundance  of  pasturage  and  ha\-.  more  live  stock  is 
i<ept  on  farms  of  this  type  than  on  the  upland. 

The  Wabash  silty  clay  loam  is  much  harder  to  handle  than  the  Wabash 
silt  loam.  Under  favorable  moisture  conditions  it  granulates  and  works  up 
into  a  mellow  seed  bed,  but  when  worked  too  wet  it  bakes  and  forms  in- 
tractable clods.  The  type  receives  no  fertilization  of  any  kind.  This  land 
is  \  alued  at  twenty-five  dollars  to  eighty  dollars  an  acre,  depending  largely  on 
the  drainage  conditions. 

The  establishment  of  efficient  ilrainage  b}-  supplementing  the  present 
ditches  with  tiles  alxmt  three  rods  apart  is  necessarv  nver  a  large  part  of 
the  type. 


The  Wabash  clay  is  a  black,  waxy,  plastic  clay,  fifteen  to  eighteen 
inches  deep,  underlain  by  a  dark  slate  colored  subsoil  of  the  same  texture. 
The  subsoil  becomes  lighter  in  color  with  depth,  and  below  thirty  to  thirty- 
six  inches  is  gray,  mottled  with  bright  yellowish  brown.  Small  iron  and 
lime  concretions  are  encountered  in  the  subsoil.  Both  soil  and  subsoil  have 
a  granular  structure  and  are  very  high  m  organic  matter.  The  soil  checks 
and  cracks  considerably  during  periods  of  dry  weather.  The  AVabash  clay  is 
similar  to  the  Wabash  silty  clay  loam,  except  that  it  is  heavier  in  texture. 

This  type  is  relatively  inextensive,  and  is  confined  to  the  southeastern 
part  of  the  county.  It  occurs  in  the  first  bottom  at  the  mouth  of  the 
Xemaha  river. 

The  W^abash  clay  has  a  flat  to  depressed  topograph}-  and  is  ver_\-  poorly 
drained.  The  type  has  been  provided  with  several  ditches,  although  addi- 
tional laterals  are  needed  to  remove  the  surface  water.  It  is  subject  to 
annual  overflows,  which  usually  occur  early  in  the  spring.  It  is  sometimes 
inundated  in  the  growing  season. 

The  Wabash  clay  is  largely  utilized  for  pasture  land.  In  dry  seasons 
it  furnishes  good  pasturage,  but  during  wet  seasons  or  when  overflows 
occur  little  or  no  pasturage  is  available.  About  one-half  the  cultivated 
area  is  in  wheat,  which  in  dr_\'  seasons  produces  fnun  tliirt\-  to  fort}-  bu>hels 
per  acre.  Corn  does  well,  but  is  less  extensively  grow  n  than  in  former  years. 
It  yields  from  thirty  to  forty-five  bu.shels  per  acre.  The  soil  is  too  rich  for 
the  production  of  oats.  Wild  hay  yields  from  one  ton  to  one  and  one-half 
tons  per  acre.  The  hay  is  mainly  fed.  Most  of  the  stuck  raised  on  this  type 
consists  of  beef  cattle,  few  dairy  cattle  being  kept. 

This  is  the  most  difficult  soil  in- the  county  to  handle,  and  ;i  lieavv  farm 


equipment  is  required.  When  cultivated  too  wet  it  forms  clods,  though 
under  favorable  moisture  conditions  the  soil  works  up  into  a  mellow  seed 
bed.  No  fertilizers  are  used.  The  value  of  this  land  ranges  from  twenty 
dollars  to  sixty  dollars  an  acre,  depending  mainly  on  drainage  conditions. 

This  type  requires  the  same  treatment  as  the  \\'abash  silty  clay  loam. 
It  is  greatly  in  need  of  drainage. 


The  surface  soil  of  the  Cass  clay  is  a  dark-drab  to  black,  sticky  clay, 
six  to  ten  inches  deep.  It  is  underlain  by  a  drab  or  gray  clay,  faintly  mottled 
with  brown  and  rusty  brown.  In  places  the  mottling  is  reddish  yellow. 
Below  twenty-four  to  thirty  inches  a  yellowish-gray  mottled  with  reddish- 
yellow  ^'ery  fine  sandy  loam  is  encountered.  This  t)-pe  differs  from  the 
Wabash  clay  in  that  it  has  a  sandy  subsoil.  The  soil  is  high  in  organic 

The  Cass  cla_\-  is  inextensive  in  this  county,  having  a  total  area  of  less 
than  one  square  mile.  It  is  encountered  in  the  Missouri  river  first  bottoms. 
occurring  north  of  Rulo  and  in  the  northeastern  part  of  the  county. 

The  surface  is  generally  flat,  with  a  few  meandering  sloughs.  Owing 
to  the  underlying  light-textured  material,  this  type  possesses  fair  drainage. 
The  sloughs  occasionally  are  inundated. 

Practically  all  this  type  is  reclaimed.  It  is  largely  devoted  to  the  pro- 
duction i>f  corn,  wheat,  oats,  and  alfalfa.  Corn  is  by  far  the  most  important 
crop,  and  yields  from  forty  to  fifty  bushels  an  acre.  Oats  do  fairly  well, 
but  are  likely  to  lodge.  Wheat  does  well,  yielding  about  thirty  btishels  per 
acre.  ^  Alfalfa  is  grown  cjuite  extensively  with  seasonal  yields  of  three  to 
six  tons  an  acre.  Owing  to  the  natural  productiveness  of  this  soil,  the  rota- 
tion I  if  crops  receives  little  attention,  and  the  fields  usually  are  planted  in 
corn  until  an  appreciable  reduction  in  crop  yields  takes  place,  when  some 
small  grain  crop  is  substituted  for  a  few  years.  Corn,  wheat,  and  alfalfa  are 
cash    crops. 

This  type  is  difficult  to  handle,  although  easier  than  the  \\'abash  clay. 
A  heavy  farm  e(|uipment  is  required  for  thorough  tillage.  No  barnvard 
man-iu'e  is  applied  and  no  commercial  fertilizers  are  used.  The  Cass  clay  is 
valued  at  sixt\-  dollars  to  one  hundred  dollars  an  acre,  depending  on  the 
extent  to  which  it  is  subject  to  erosion  by  the  Missouri  river. 

.\s  on  all  bottom-land  soils  there  is  a  general  need  for  die  practice  of 
crop  rotation  on  this  type. 



As  it  occurs  in  Richardson  county,  the  Sarpy  very  fine  sandy  loam 
consists  of  a  light-brown  to  brown  very  fine  sandy  loam  to  a  depth  of  ten 
to  fifteen  inches,  containing  an  appreciable  quantity  of  coarse  silt.  This  is 
underlain  by  a  yellowish-gray,  lighter  textured  very  fine  sandy  loam  which 
contains  but  little  silt  or  clay.  Below  twenty-four  inches  the  subsoil  is 
mottled  with  light  gra}'  and  shows  bright  yellowish  brown  iron  stains.  The 
low  percentage  of  organic  matter  is  indicated  by  the  light  color  of  the  soil. 

This  type  is  very  inextensive,  occurring  as  small  areas  in  the  Missouri 
river  bottoms.  It  lies  usually  about  eight  feet  above  the  normal  flow  of  the 
stream.  The  surface  is  generally  flat,  though  marked  by  slight  ridges. 
Between  stages  of  high  water,  the  drainage  is  good;  at  high  stages  of  the 
stream  the  low  areas  are  overflowed. 

The  greater  part  of  this  type  is  under  cultivation,  and  is  almost  entirely 
devoted  to  the  production  of  corn.  In  seasons  of  favorable  rainfall  corn 
does  well,  yielding  from  twenty-five  to  thirty-five  bushels  per  acre.  Some 
wheat  and  oats  are  grown.  Wheat  yields  fifteen  to  twenty  bushels,  and 
oats  thirty  bushels  an  acre.  Potatoes  of  good  quality  are  produced  on  this 
soil,  though  the  crop  is  grown  only  to  supply  the  home  demand.  Some 
alfalfa  is  grown  and  does  fairly  well. 

The  Sarpy  very  fine  sandy  loam  works  up  into  a  very  mellow  seed 
bed  and  can  be  tilled  under  any  moisture  conditions  as  long  as  there  is  no 
water  standing  on  the  surface.  Small  quantities  of  manure  are  added  to 
the  reclaimed  areas;  no  commercial  fertilizers  are  used.  T-and  values  range 
from  thirty  dollars  to  eighty  dollars  an  acre. 

For  the  improvement  of  the  Sarpy  very  fine  sandy  loam  it  is  recom- 
mended that  green  crops  be  turned  under  to  increase  the  organic-matter 


Areas  of  the  Sarpy  silt  loam  are  indicated  on  the  soil  map  b\-  inclusion 
symljols  in  the  Sarpy  very  fine  sandy  loam  color.  The  soil  of  tlie  Sarpv 
loam  is  a  light-brown  to  brown  silt  loam,  twelve  to  fifteen  inches  deep,  con- 
taining a  high  percentage  of  very  fine  sand.  The  subsoil  is  a  yellowish  or 
brownish-gray  very  fine  sand>'  loam  with  streaks  of  coarser  as  well  as  heavier 
material.  The  change  in  color  between  the  soil  and  subsoil  is  not  marked 
In-  a  distinct  line,  nlthougli  as  a  rule  the  lower  subsoil  i.^  a  shade  lighter  in 


color  and  streaked  with  rusty-brown  iron  stains.  The  soil  is  not  nearly  so 
high  in  organic  matter  as  the  Wabash  silt  loam. 

This  soil  occurs  in  a  single  small  area  east  of  Rule  in  the  Missouri 
river  bottoms;  it  covers  two  hundred  and  fifty-six  acres. 

The  type  is  flat,  but  owing  to  its  sandy  subsoil  it  is  well  drained  between 
stages  of  high  water.  It  lies  about  eight  to  ten  feet  above  the  normal  level 
of  the  river.     Owing  to  the  high  water  table,  it  is  very  drought  resistant. 

Practically  all  this  type  is  under  cultivation,  being  devoted  mainly  to 
com.  This  crop  does  well,  yielding  from  forty  to  fifty  bushels  an  acre. 
Some  alfalfa  is  grown,  and  this  is  a  very  profitable  crop.  The  value  of 
land  of  this  type  ranges  from  eighty  dollars  to  one  hundred  dollars  an  acre, 
depending  on  the  extent  to  which  it  is  subject  to  erosion  by  the  Missouri 

For  the  improvement  of  the  Sarpy  silt  loam  the  incorporation  of 
organic  matter  is  needed.     Liberal  applications  of  manure  should  be  made. 


The  areas  mapped  as  Rough  stony  land  consist  of  land  too  stony  and 
rocky  to  permit  cultivation.  The  soil  is  seldom  deeper  than  eight  inches, 
and  over  large  areas  the  bedrock  is  exposed.  What  little  soil  has  remained 
is  chiefly  a  black  silt  loam  to  silty  clay,  underlain  by  rotten  limestone  or  shale 
of  the  Pennsylvania  formation  which  vary  in  color  from  white  to  red.  In 
local  spots  the  soil  contains  some  sand  and  is  a  loam  in  texture.  Consid- 
erable coarse  material,  such  as  bowlders  and  gravel,  is  scattered  over  the 
surface.  It  is  probable  that  most  of  the  soil  is  derived  from  the  bedrock 
and  not  from  glacial  debris. 

Rough  stony  land  is  rather  extensive  in  this  countv.  It  occurs  as  small 
areas  mainly  in  the  southwestern  part  of  the  county,  scattered  throughout 
areas  of  the  Carrington  silt  loam. 

The  topography  is  broken  and  marked  by  an  intricate  drainage  svstem. 
Along  streams  the  slopes  frequently  are  precipitous.  The  areas-  mapped 
include  rock  blufifs  along  streams  and  occasional  low -knobs  in  the  higher 
lying  land. 

Along  the  drainage  ways  most  of  the  Rough  stony  land  supports  a 
scrubby  growth  of  bur  oak.  The  other  areas  support  a  fairh-  luxuriant 
growth  of  the  prairie  grasses  common  to  the  region. 

6o  .         Ricn  \RDsoN   cnrxTv,   Nebraska. 

This  land  is  used  only  for  grazing.  Beef  cattle,  mainly  Herefords,  are 
raised,  and  are  sold  chiefly  in  Kansas  City  and  St.  Joseph.  Land  values 
range  from  ten  dollars  to  forty  dollars  an  acre. 


Ri\er\vash,  as  mapped  in  Richardson  count}-,  comprises  mainlv  areas 
of  mud,  silty  tiats,  and  sand  bars  in  the  Missouri  river.  The  material  is 
very  light  colored  and  ranges  in  texture  from  a  clay  to  a  fine  sand.  A 
large  part  of  the  Riverwash  supports  a  growth  of  young  willows,  and  is 
in  the  transitional  stage  from  Riverwash  to  soil  of  the  Sarpv  series. 

There  are  two  and  six-hundredths  square  miles  of  Riverwash  in  this 
county.  The  surface  is  only  a  few  feet  above  the  normal  level  of  the  river, 
and  the  areas  are  overflowed  with  slight  rises  of  the  stream.  The  Riverwash 
changes  with  each  overflow  and  even  during  the  normal  flow  of  the  stream 
the  outlines  of  the  areas  are  constantly  changing.  The  new  deposits  are 
considerably  modified  by  wind  action,  and  in  stormy  davs  form  dust  clouds. 


Richardson  county  lies  in  the  extreme  southeastern  corner  of  Nebraska, 
bordering  the  Missouri  river.  It  has  an  area  of  five  hundred  and  forty-five 
square  miles,  or  three  hundred  and  forty-eight  thousand  eight  hundred 

The  topography  varies  from  gently  undulating  to  steeply  rolling  or 
broken,  though  most  of  the  area  is  rolling.  The  elexation  of  the  county 
above  sea  level  ranges  from  eiglit  hundred  and  fifty  to  one  thousantl  two 
hundred  and  twenty  feet.  The  greater  part  of  the  area  lies  between  one 
thousand  and  one  thousand  i;)ne  hundred  feet  above  sea  level.  The  general 
slope  of  the  county  is  southeastward.  .\11  sections  are  provided  with  ade- 
quate surface  drainage  by  a  complete  system  of  drainage  ways  belonging 
to  the  system  of  the  Nemaha  river,  an  importaiit  tributary  of  the  Missouri. 

According  to  the  census  nf  igjo,  Richardson  county  has  a  population 
of  se\-enteen  thousand  four  hundred  and  forty-eight,  of  which  eighty-one 
and  three-tenths  per  cent,  is  classed. as  rural.  The  principal  town  is  Falls 
City,  the  county  seat.  The  transportation  facilities,  except  in  the  north- 
eastern corner  of  the  county,  are  gotxl.  Tn  general,  the  countx  is  pro\ided 
with   excellent  dirt   roads.      Kansas   City.    St.   Joseph,    and   Omaha   are   the 


principal  markets.  All  parts  of  the  count}-  are  provided  with  rural  mail 
delivery  and  telephone  ser\ice  and  good  schools. 

The  climate  of  Richardson  county  is  pleasant  and  is  well  suited  to  agri- 
culture. There  is  an  average  growing  season  of  about  one  hundred  and 
seventy  days.  The  mean  annual  precipitation  is  about  thirtv-three  inches, 
and  the  mean  annual  temperature  about  fifty-three  degrees  ¥. 

Grain  farming  is  the  main  type  of  agriculture.  Corn,  oats,  wheat, 
timothy  and  clover  mi.xed,  alfalfa,  and  wild  grasses  are  the  principal  crops, 
ranking  in  acreage  in  the  order  named.  The  raising  of  hogs  and  beet 
cattle  and  dairying  are  important  industries.  The  farm  buildings  are  sub- 
stantial and  the  surroundings  present  an  appearance  of  thrift  and  prosperitv. 

Systematic  crop  n nations  are  not  practiced.  On!\-  small  quantities  of 
barnyard  manure  are  applied,  and  scarcely  any  commercial  fertilizers  are 
used.  There  is  an  abundance  of  farm  labnr,  but  it  is  hard  to  obtain  efficient 
help.  Most  farms  consist  of  one  hundred  and  si.xt_\-  acres,  though  the 
average  size  is  reported  in  the  1910  census  as  about  one  hundred  and  fiftv- 
cit^ht  acres.  About  fifty-three  per  cent,  of  the  farms  are  operated  b\'  the 
owners,  and  practically  all  the  remainder  i)y  tenants.  About  ninety-fi\e  per 
cent,  of  the  area  nf  the  county  is  reported  in  farms  and  of  the  land  in  farms 
eight\-six  ])er  cent,  is  reijorted  impnned.  The  value  of  farm  land  ranges 
from  twenty  dollars  to  two  hundred  dnllars  an  acre.  Land  is  rented  mainh 
by  the  share  SN'stem.  Cash  rents  range  frdui  aliout  three  dollars  to  si.\ 
dollars   per  acre. 

The  county  lies  almost  entirely  within  the  glacial  and  loessial  region, 
with  only  a  small  area  belonging  to  the  River  b'lood  Plain  province.  The 
.soils  of  the  glacial  and  loes.sial  region  are  deri\ed  from  the  weathering  of 
the  loess  and  drift.  The  loess  material  has  given  rise  to  the  Marshall. 
Grundy  and  Knox  soils  and  the  drift  to  the  Carrington  and  Shelby  soils. 
The  second  bottoms  are  occupied  b\'  the  Waukesha  soil.  The  recent  deposits 
along  the  streams  are  classed  with  the  W.abasb,  Cass,  and  Sarpv  soils,  antl 

Small  areas  closely  iissociated  with  the  drift  have  l)een  formed  through 
the  tlisintegration  of  the  shales  antl  limestones  of  the  I'enns\l\ani;i  forma- 
tion.    This  material  is  classed  with  Ri)ugh  stony  land. 

The  Marshall  silt  loam  is  one  of  the  extensive  soil  types  in  Richardson 
county.  It  is  well  suited  U>  the  production  of  corn,  oats,  wheat,  and  hay. 
The  utilization  of  the  (irundv  silt   loam  is  simila.r  to  that  of  the   Marsli:dl. 


The  Knox  silt  loam  is  chiefly  devoted  to  corn  and  alfalfa,  as  it  is  too  hilly 
for  the  production  of  the  small  grains. 

The  Carrington  silt  loam  is  by  far  the  most  extensive  and  important 
type  of  soil  in  the  county.  This  soil,  together  with  the  Marshall  silt  loam, 
dominates  the  agriculture  of  the  county.  The  Shelby  loam  and  Rough 
stony  land  are  best  used  for  pasture. 

The  Waukesha  silt  loam  is  well  adapted  to  corn,  oats,  and  wheat. 

The  bottom-land  soils  are  best  suited  to  com.  though  considerable  hay 
and  some  wheat  and  oats  are  produced. 

Indian  History  and  Prehistoric  Times. 

The  Indians,  found  along  the  west  bank  of  the  Pekitanoui  or  Missouri 
river  in  this  county  by  the  first  white  men  who  came  up  the  river  as  voyagers, 
explorers,  trappers,  or  missionaries  or  across  the  plains  from  the  southwest 
Spanish  settlements  in  New  Mexico,  who  had  resided  within  the  present 
limits  of  the  county  so  long  that  they  were  regarded  as  the  original  occu- 
pants of  the  country,  were  the  Panias,  Paunias,  or  Pawnees.  The  Pawnee 
nation  was  divided  into  four  tribes,  each  of  which  had  an  Indian  name  and 
a  white  name :  Chau-i,  Grand ;  Kitke-hahk-i,  Republican ;  Pita-hau-erat, 
Noisy;  Ski-di,  Wolf.  These  tribes  were  each  divided  into  bands  and  lived 
together  in  groups  and  kept  together  on  the  march.  The  Sacs  and  Foxes 
and  lowas  came  later  and  were  the  only  tribes  who  were  here  by  removal. 
The  Pawnees  appear  to  have  the  best  claim  as  the  original  red  Indian  inhabi- 
tants of  this  section.  They  were  holding  it  at  the  time  the  Spaniards  first 
came  out  of  Mexico  and  appear  from  records  to  have  been  in  possession 
perhaps  for  three  or  four  hundred  years.  They  were  open  prairie  dwellers, 
and  are  believed  to  have  drifted  into  the  country  from  the  southwest.  The 
Pawnees  were  a  very  religious  people  and  given  much  to  the  ceremonies  of 
the  same;  their  language  and  customs  marked  them  as  differing  much  from 
other  tribes  and  as  a  whole  never  were  at  war  with  the  white  people.  They 
were  distinct  from  other  Indians  who,  like  themselves,  were  crowded  out 
of  this  Missouri  river  valley  country,  such  as  the  lowas,  Winnebagoes,  Sioux, 
Sacs  and  Foxes,  all  of  whom  were  forced  westward  from  the  shores  of  the 
Great  Lakes  by  stronger  peoples,  and  the  white  settler  from  the  East. 

In  the  interregnum  between  1825  and  1827  the  United  States  govern- 
ment established  tiiese  tribes  or  parts  of  them  in  this  county.  The  Sacs  and 
Foxes,  whose  homes  were  on  the  \\'isconsin  and  Fox  rivers,  united  in  the 
early  part  of  the  nineteenth  century  and  began  a  migration  to  the  southwest 
and  acquired  a  large  territory  in  Iowa  and  Missouri.  Under  a  treaty  made 
between  tliem  and  the  government  on  September  17,  1836,  they  made  an 
exchange  of  tliese  lands  for  territory  west  of  the  river.  The  territory  thus 
receixed  was  for  the  most  part  in  Kansas  and  north  of  the  Kickapoo  river, 


but  extended  nortli  to  the  Great  Xenialia  river  in  this  county.  By  \-irtue  of 
this  treaty  tlie  lowas.  Sacs  and  Foxes  became  permanent  neiglibors  in  this 
county  under  wliat  was  known,  until  aljout  i860,  as  tlie  Great  Xemaha 
agency.  .Anch^ew  S.  Huglies  \\as  the  first  appointed  to  have  charge  of  this 
agency.  The  lands  so  held  were  described  as  being  "The  small  strip  of  land 
on  the  south  side  of  the  ^lissouri  river  lying  between  the  Kickapoo  boundary 
line  and  the  Great  Xemaha  river,  and  extending  from  the  ^lissouri  and  west- 
wardly  to  the  said  Kickapoo  line  and  the  Grand  X'emaha,  making  four  hun- 
dred sections  to  l.)e  di\-iderl  between  the  said  lowas  and  the  Missouri  band  of 
Sacs  and  Foxes,  the  lower  half  to  the  Sacs  and  Foxes  and  the  upper  half  to 
the  lowas." 

By  treaty  of  May  18,  1S54  (  10  Stats.  1074),  the  Sacs  and  Foxes  ceded 
to  the  United  States  all  of  the  country  above  described,  except  fifty  sections  of 
six  hundred  and  forty  acres  each,  to  be  selected  in  the  western  part  of  the 
cession.  The  fifty  sections  were  selected  in  1854,  having  been  surveyed  and 
established  by  John  Leonard,  a  deputy  surveyor. 

Under  a  joint  treaty  of  March  6,  1861,  with  the  Sac  and  Fnx  and  Iowa 
Indians,  all  that  part  of  their  reservation  lying  west  of  Xohart  creek  and 
within  the  boundary  as  surve\'ed  by  Leonard,  was  to  be  suld  to  the  govern- 
ment, half  of  the  proceeds  to  go  to  each  nf  the  tribes.  This  cession  was 
sold  and  the  money  invested  for  the  Indians. 

L'nder  the  terms  of  treaties  at  various  times  the  boundaries  of  the  tribal 
lands  sufifered  changes  but  the  last  home  of  the  Sacs  and  Foxes  comprised 
lands  as  follows :  Beginning  at  the  intersection  of  the  south  line  of  the  Iowa 
reserve  with  Xoharts  creek,  thence  along  this  line  to  the  south  fork  of  the 
Nemaha,  or  Walnut  creek,  thence  down  this  creek  to  its  mouth,  thence  down 
the  Great  X'emaha  river  to  the  mouth  of  X'oharts  creek,  thence  up  this  creek 
to  the  place  of  beginning.  The  lowas  retained  the  lands  to  the  east,  which 
lay  between  the  (n-eat  Xemaha  and  Missouri  rixers.  a  \cr\-  large  part  of 
which  was  in  the  state  of  Kansas. 

By  authority  of  the  act  of  Congress  of  August  15,  1876,  ten  sections  of 
the  west  end  of  this  resen^e  were  sold  with  the  consent  of  the  tribe,  which 
was  given  on  January  8,  1877.  The  sale  was  made  through  the  land  office 
at  Beatrice  and  Charles  Loree,  of  Falls  City,  had  local  charge  of  the  same, 
under  direction  of  the  land  office. 

In  IQO-'  what  was  left  of  the  Iowa  reserve  consisted  of  ele\en  tliousand 
six  hundred  acres,  all  allotted,  and  that  of  the  Sacs  and  Foxes,  eight  thousand 
and  thirteen  acres,  all  allotted,  except  nine  liundred  and  sixtv  acres.  The 
earlier  enumeration  of  these  bands  by  the  government  places  the  figure  at 


nearly  a  thousand.  These  Indians  being  so  long  isolated  on  their  small 
reservation  and  separated  from  other  and  larger  bands  of  wild  Indians, 
dropped  their  roving  disposition  and  were  quite  friendly  with  the  whites  and 
ne\er  gave  trouble  to  the  settlers.  But  few  are  left  in  this  county  at  the 
present  day. 

In  i860  a  remnant  of  the  W'innebagos,  who  for  a  long  time  had  lived 
with  the  Sacs  and  I'oxes  at  the  Nemaha  agency  went  back  to  their  tribe  in 
Minnesota.  \^'.  P.  Richardson,  Daniel  Vanderslice.  Major  John  A.  Burbank 
and  C.  H.  Norris  were  in  charge  of  the  Nemaha  agency  during  the  period 
between  1850  and  1867,  the  latter  two  being  residents  of  Falls  City. 

On  account  of  their  participation  in  the  Black  Hawk  War  in  Illinois  and 
Iowa,  the  Sacs  and  Foxes  were  taken  in  hand  by  the  United  States  govern- 
ment and  removed  to  reservations  in  IMissouri  and  Iowa  first,  and  later  to 
this  county. 

TREATY  OF    183O. 

L'nder  a  treat}-  witli  the  various  tribes  of  Sioux  and  other  Indians  on 
July  15,  1830,  at  Prairie  du  Chien,  Wisconsin,  a  strip  ten  miles  wide  between 
the  Great  Nemaha  river  in  this  county  and  the  Little  Nemaha  river  in 
Xemaha  county,  being  about  twenty  miles  long,  was  set  aside  as  a  reservation 
for  the  half-breeds  and  mixed  bloods  of  the  Omahas,  lowas,  Otoes  and 
Yankton  and  Santee  bands  of  the  Sioux  family  of  Indians.  The  Winne- 
bago  Indians,  who  were  a  branch  of  the  Sioux,  at  one  time  occupied  a  tract 
of  land  in  the  northeast  part  of  the  county  having  a  village  on  what  is  known 
as  Winnebago  creek  in  Arago  township,  this  being  within  the  "half-breed" 
strip  or  reservation.  So  it  is  apparent  that  the  Indians  found  here  in  1853-4, 
when  Nebraska  was  first  opened  to  white  settlers,  were,  themselves,  early 
arrivals  in  this  part  of  Nebraska  territory  and  are  not  to  be  taken  into  account 
when  an  effort  is  made  to  discover  what  people  antedated  the  Pawnees. 

The  Sacs  and  Foxes  were  of  the  Algonquin  family  or  Eastern  Indians 
and  were  distinct  from  the  lowas,  Winnebagoes,  Omaha  and  Sioux  family 
tribes  with  whom  thev  were  closely  associated  while  living  in  the  Great  Lake 
region.  "The  Hand  Book  of  American  Indians",  a  publication  of  the  United 
States  Bureau  of  .\merican  Etlmology,  lias  the  following  to  say  relative  to 
the  Sacs : 

"The  culture  of  the  Sauk  was  that  of  the  eastern  or  wooded  area.     They 

were  a  canoe  people  while  they  were  in  the  country  of  the  Great  Lakes,  using 

both  the  birch-bark  canoe  and  the  dug-out.     They  still  retain  the  dug-out, 

and  learned  the  use  and  construction  of  the  bull  boat  on  coming  nut  upon 



the  i)lains.  Thev  practiced  agriculture  on  an  extensive  scale.  Despite  their 
fixed  abode  and  villages  they  did  not  live  a  sedentary  life  together  and  fish 
almost  the  whole  year  around.  They  were  acquainted  with  wild  rice,  and 
hunted  the  buffalo.  They  did  not  get  possession  of  horses  until  after  the 
Black  Hawk  War  in  1832,  and  they  did  not  become  very  familiar  with  the 
horse  and  the  mule  until  following  their  arrival  in  Kansas  after  the  year 
1837.  Their  abode  was  the  bark  house  in  warm  weather  and  the  oval  flag 
reed  lodge  in  winter;  the  bark  house  was  characteristic  of  the  village.  Every 
gens  had  one  large  bark  house,  wherein  were  celebrated  the  festivals  of  the 
gens.  In  this  lodge  hung  the  sacred  bundle  of  gens,  and  here  dwelt  the 
priests  who  watched  over  them.  It  is  said  that  some  of  these  houses  were 
of  the  length  required  to  accommodate  five  council  fires.  The  ordinary  bark 
dwelling  had  but  a  single  fire,  which  was  in  the  center. 

"The  Pawnees  are  by  many  regarded  as  having  attained  a  higher  culture 
than  the  Indians  who  were  placed  on  reservations.  They  possessed  horses 
sooner,  and  were  great  buflfalo  hunters.  Xo  Indians,  of  course,  had  guns  or 
horses  before  the  white  man  came. 


"But  liack  and  before  the  Indians  whom  the  white  men  ever  met,  were 
tribes  of  men  in  possession  of  the  Missouri  river  country,  delighting  especially 
to  build  their  houses  on  the  high  bluffs  where  the  eye  could  have  a  wide 
sweep  over  the  waters  and  surrounding  country.  These  old  house  sites  are 
now  hidden  from  view  by  the  acaimulated  dust  of  centuries  and  to  be  seen 
and  appreciated  must  be  excavated  and  dug  out  of  the  rubbish  heap  of  time, 
like  buried  cities  of  antiquity." 

The  articles  foinid  in  these  house  sites  indicate,  so  archeologists  claim, 
a  higher  state  of  culture  and  mental  development  than  possessed  by  the 
Indians  who  occu])ied  the  ground  later.  InU  were  less  warlike.  Some  believe 
that  there  was  a  large  population,  while  (jthers  hold  to  the  belief  that  the 
c()untr\-  could  not  have  been  thickly  settled  even  along  the  river  bluffs,  but 
that  the  settlements  endured  over  long  periods  of  time.  It  is  most  probable 
that  the  number  was  not  great,  as  the  means  of  subsistence  was  not  so  easily 
1  litained  by  the  early  or  primitive  peoples.  They  cultivated  the  soil  and 
raised  crops  of  some  kinds,  probably  pumpkins,  gourds,  squash,  corn  and 
I)eans.  but  as  they  had  no  tools  with  which  to  cultivate  the  soil,  except  bone 
ini])lenients,  it  is  unlikel\-  they  could  ha\e  worked  on  an  extensive  scale. 

The)-  jjossessed  neither  horses  nor  metal  tocils,  !)ut  were  hunters,  as  evi- 


•  lenced  by  the  fact  that  many  articles  used  were  made  of  the  bones  of  deer 
and  buffalo  and  are  found  among  their  remains.  They  were  also  fishermen, 
as  shown  by  the  bone  fish-hooks,  and  living  so  long  on  the  river  they  knew 
the  use  of  boats  and  dugouts.  They  built  quite  large  one-story  houses,  made 
pottery  and  many  kitchen  and  household  utensils  out  of  the  clay  found  on 
ihe  hills. 

One  of  the  seats  of  this  ancient  tribe  was  on  the  Stephen  Cunningham 
farm.  al30ut  a  mile  north  of  Rulo,  near  the  old  townsite  of  Yankton  in  sec- 
tions 5  and  8,  of  township  i,  north  of  range  No.  i8,  east  of  the  sixth  p.  m. 
The  story  of  its  discovery  in  December,  1913,  is  as  follows  and  very  inter- 
esting : 


A  story  had  been  sent  out  from  Rulo  some  time  previous  and  given  wide 
])ublicity  in  the  state  press  to  the  effect  that  the  remains  of  a  prehistoric  race 
iiad  l)een  found  near  that  city.  The  editor  of  this  work  together  with  Mr. 
.\.  R.  Keim,  editor  of  the  Falls  City  Journal,  went  to  Rulo  for  the  purpose 
of  making  a  personal  investigation.  Arriving  there  we  were  directed  to  the . 
farm  of  Stephen  Cunningham  about  a  mile  and  a  half  north  of  Rulo.  The 
farm  at  that  time  was  occupied  by  A.  R.  Morehouse,  a  tenant,  who  was  kind 
enough  to  give  us  every  assistance  required.  The  land  is  adjacent  to  the 
Missouri  river  and  a  good-sized  creek,  which  drains  the  farm  and  surround- 
ing country,  empties  into  the  Big  Muddy,  near  the  site  of  the  obsolete  village 
of  Yankton,  which  was  located  on  the  east  side  of  the  farm,  fronting  the 
river.  The  village  and  all  traces  of  it  except  cellars  over  which  building  had 
stood  ha\e  long  disappeared,  and  it  is  said  to  have  been  at  its  best  in  the  days 
when  steamboats  were  numenrus  on  the  river.  The  creek  referred  to.  at  the 
]iresent  time,  has  but  little  water  in  it,  but  the  waters  from  heavy  rains  and 
the  hack  water  from  the  Missouri  river,  at  times  when  it  has  been  high,  have 
washed  a  deep  and  wide  gorge.  It  is  on  the  south  banks  of  this  ravine  and 
at  a  distance  of  about  a  thousand  feet  west  of  a  point  where  it  formerly 
emptied  into  the  Missouri  river,  that  the  find  of  skeletal  remains  was  made. 
The  first  find  of  human  bones  had  been  made  some  weeks  prior  to  our  visit ; 
further  recent  heavy  rains  brought  more  tones  to  view.  When  we  arrived 
at  the  scene  we  found  quite  a  quantity  of  bones  lying  around  on  the  ground 
and  were  told  that  the  students  of  the  schools  at  Rulo  had  visited  the  scene 
and  removed  many  good  specimens. 

However,  as  some  bones  were  in  plain  view  protruding  from  the  bank. 
shovels  were  brought  and  after  a  little  digging  two  more  complete  skeletons 


were  iinco\ered  and  plenty  of  evidence  to  show  that  many  more  might  be 
found  in  the  wall  of  the  ravine.  The  skeletons  were  all  found  with  the  head 
to  the  east  and  at  a  depth  from  the  surface  of  the.  ground  of  six  or  seven 
feet  and  were  found  embedded  in  a  formation  of  joint  clay,  which  gave  no 
evidence  of  having  been  distmbed  in  centuries.  A  string  of  white  shell  beads 
were  found  around  the  neck  of  each  and  all  the  bones  were  in  a  good  state 
of  preservation.  The  oldest  inhabitants  of  that  section  were  interrogated, 
but  had  no  memory  of  any  burial  ground  located  in  this  spot  and  no  one 
could  he  found  who  could  throw  any  light  on  the  presence  of  the  skeletons  in 
such  a  place.  One  skull  and  a  number  of  the  bones  was  sent  to  the  Nebraska 
State  Museum,  where  they  are  now  placed  on  exhibition. 


Professor  Barbour  made  the  following  report  of  the  receipt  and  examina- 
ti(jn  of  the  skull,  tones  and  shell  beads:  "I  have  received  and  examined  the 
skull,  l^ones  and  beads  recently  received  submitted  for  examination.  The 
shells  used  for  these  beads  are  Paludina  dccapitsta,  so  named  because  the  apex 
of  the  S])ire  is  truncated,  suppressed  or  "cut  off".  The  Paludinas  are  fresh 
water  gasteriwd  "shells",  which  live  in  lakes  and  large  swamps.  The  par- 
ticular specia  which  were  u.^ed  in  making  these  beads  had  very  thick  walls 
and  an  inflated  bod}-  whorl,  which  gave  the  shell  a  rounded  appearance,  and 
the  thickness  gave  the  bead  strength  and  lasting  qualities.  We  know  of  no 
other  paludina  with  equally  thick  walls.  The  lx)dy  whorls  are  ridged  and 
ornamented  in  a  pleasing  way.  .  Altogether,  these  shells  seem  to  have  been 
wisely  chosen  by  early  Nebra.^kans.  The  apertures  of  these  shells  are  large 
and  by  grinding  or  rubbing  the  shells,  presumably  on  rough  stones,  a  second 
hole  was  made  through  the  body  whorl  just  back  of  the  aperture.  Thus,  two 
openings  were  made  and  the  shell  could  be  easily  strung.  The  shells  are 
used  very  considerabl\-  and  it  may  not  be  over  fanciful,  perhaps,  to  imagine 
that  the  necklace  may  have  been  graduated  much  as  necklaces  of  modern 
l)eads  are  graduated,  with  the  larger  in  front  and  the  smaller  ones  back. 

"Tlie  skull  and  bones  appeared  to  be  those  of  a  tvpical  Indian.  The 
forehead  is  of  good  size,  the  frontal  eminence  well  developed,  the  dome  of 
the  skull  large,  the  face  erect,  with  little,  if  any,  protrusions  of  the  muzzle, 
superciliary  ridges  very  reduced  and  cheek  bones  of  average  prominence, 
eyes  well  apart,  average  cross  temples.  It  appears  to  be  the  skull  of  an 
Indian  of  the  higher  rather  than  the  lower  tribes.  The  tibia  is  characterized 
by  an  tinc<imm(inly  high  crest  and  pronounced  anterior  curvature,  but  this  is 




not  uncommon.  The  skull  seems  to  be  finely  preserved,  with  mandible  in 
place  and  the  dentition  complete.  Even  the  hyoids  may  he  seen  between  the 
rami  of  the  jaws." 

A  reporter  for  the  Nebraska  Journal  interviewed  the  professor, 
after  the  report  was  sent  out  that  Spanish  coins  had  been  found  among  the 
Indian  remains  and  this  reporter  made  the  statement  that  it  was  now  the 
Professor's  opinion  on  re-examination  that  the  skull  represented  a  low  type 
of  Indian.  The  interview  was  as  follows:  "Spanish  coins  near  the  place 
where  a  number  of  skeletons  were  found  may  have  been  brought  there  by 
Coronado,  but  the  skeletons  are  not  those  of  followers  of  the  Spanish  explorer. 
This  is  the  decision  reached  by  Professor  Barbour  of  the  state  museum,  after 
he  had  examined  for  the  second  time  the  skull  sent  him  from  the  recent  find 
at  Rulo.  The  skull  is  typically  Indian  and  a  low  type  of  Indian  at  that. 
There  is  not  the  least  possibility  that  it  could  be  a  member  of  the  famous 
Spanish  expedition,  which  passed  through  the  country,  in  the  early  days  of 
American  discovery  and  exploration.  The  examination  showed  that  the 
skull  had  a  peculiar  triangular  shaped  bone  at  the  back.  The  bone  is  found 
almost  exclusively  in  Indian  tribes.  The  professor  measured  the  facial  angle 
and  discovered  that  it  was  by  far  too  low  for  that  of  the  European  and  even 
abnormally  low  for  that  of  the  Indian.  This  latter  does  not  point  to  the 
fact  that  the  skull  is  that  (^f  a  specia  of  mankind  lower  than  that  of  the 
Indian.  Rather  it  shows  an  individual  variation  in  the  particular  specimen. 
The  skull  is  that  of  a  middle-aged  man.  This  is  pr')ven  by  the  fact  that  the 
sutures  are  well  formed  and  closed.  They  are  not  closed  tightly  enough, 
however,  to  be  that  of  a  man  in  advanced  years.  In  making  this  observa- 
tion the  professor  pointed  out  that  the  sutures  remained  partly  opened  until 
mature  vears,  to  allow  the  brain  a  chance  for  growth  and  consequently  give 
the  individual  a  chance  for  intellectual  expansion.  In  the  ape  family  the 
sutures  close  early  in  the  life  of  the  individual.  As  the  different  races  of 
mankind  become  more  advanced,  sutures  close  at  correspondingly  later  periods 
of  Hfe." 

Following  closely  upon  the  finding  of  the  skeletons  mentioned  above 
came  stories  of  the  finding  with  them  of  Spanish  coins  of  gold  and  the  .story 
created  a  sensation  in  this  section  and  was  widely  commented  upon  by  the 
press  of  this  and  other  states.  The  story  of  the  "'coins"  came  from  parties 
who  had  visited  the  scene  in  our  absence  and  the  matter  of  their  having  been 
"actually  found"'  in  the  place  indicated  was  never  fully  authenticated  to  our 
satisfaction.  We  saw  the  purported  coins,  which,  in  fact,  were  not  coins 
at  all,  but  more  in  the  nature  of  medals  about  the  size  of  an  American  half 


dollar  and  made  of  a  cheap  metal  and  coated  to  resemble  gold.  Upon 
examination  the\-  proved  to  be  emblems  of  the  Catholic  Knights  of  St.  George 
and  l)ore  Latin  inscriptions.  On  one  side  of  the  coin  was  a  figure  of  St. 
George  nicnnted  on  a  horse  with  a  spear  in  his  hand  fighting  a  dragon,  and 
the  words  "St.  Georgins  l<>|uitnm  Patronns."  On  the  reverse  side  of  the 
coin  were  the  figure  of  a  small  sailing  ^■essel  of  the  style  of  the  days  of 
Liilunilius.  the  rising  sun  over  the  sea  and  the  words  "In  tempestiis  Securitas.'" 


Hon.  R(jbert  ]•'.  (iilder,  of  Omaha,  a  member  of  the  Omaha  Jl'orld 
Herald  staff  and  field  archeologist  for  the  Nebraska  State  Museum,  who 
came  here  at  the  instance  of  myself  and  made  a  personal  examination  of  the 
house  -ite  and  bones  and  assisted  in  some  excavations  while  at  the  scene  him- 
self, had  the  following  to  say: 

"I  am  not  prepared  to  sa\-  how  old  the  skeletal  parts  in  the  burial  are 
but  believe  it  would  not  be  stretching  the  truth  to  place  an  age  on  them  of 
one  thousand  five  hundred  to  three  thousand  years.  I  find  upon  analysis 
that  some  of  the  .skull  bones  I  brought  home  with  me  are  mineralized  to  a 
very  large  degree,  that  practically  all  their  animal  matter  has  been  displaced 
by  mineral  matter  and  that  they  are  very  highly  mineralized  or  "fossilized." 
Wy  reasons  for  estimating  the  age  of  the  skeletons  are: 

I'irst :  Uy  finding  absolutely  prehistoric  beads  closely  associated  with 
the  liones.  In  fact,  linding  them  in  place,  and  highly  impregnated  or  covered 
with  oxide  oi  manganese,  giving  to  some  of  them  the  appearance  of  having 
real  cuticle  composed  of  mineral. 

Second:  By  finding  pre-Columbian  utensils  with  the  skeletons,  viz., 
two  scajnila  implements,  commonly  called  hoes  or  digging  tools,  differing 
from  the  modern  bone  hoes. 

Third:  By  finding  an  antler  implement,  not  at  all  unlikt  a  terra-cotta 
phallus  in  my  possession,  not  u^ecl  liy  any  Missouri  river  Indians. 

Innirth  ;  By  finding  a  part  of  a  familiar  tlint  blade  closelv  associated 
with  the  bones  and  other  f;imiliar  boulders,  only  found  by  me  in  Xebraska's 
oldest  aboriginal  house  ruin>.  wiiicb  certain!}-  b;i\e  a  geological  age  of  from 
two  thousand  to  fi\e  thousand  years. 

I  have  not  heard  of  any  iron  knives  or  arrow  heads  being  found  as.soci- 
ated  with  the  skeletons  and  it  is  known  that  the  Americans  had 
metal  point;-  ])rior  to  metal  adornments. 



The  beautiful  modern  towns  and  cities  we  live  in  with  their  paved  streets, 
electric  lights,  telephones,  sewers  and  all  modern  conveniences,  including  the 
automobile,  with  -which  we  can  race  across  the  country  and  enjoy  the  view 
of  large  improved  farms  \\ith  their  beautiful  homes,  in  a  way  lull  us  into  a 
sense  of  believing  it  was  ever  thus  and  that  we  were  the  beginning  of  all  in 
what  we  call  a  new  country.  Such  conclusions  receive  a  rude  shock  when 
evidence  is  produced  to  the  contrary  and  we  see  that  this  land  was  the  home 
of  peoples  in  the  distant  past  of  whom  we  can  know  but  little.  We  were 
again  reminded  of  this  fact  in  May  of  last  year  (May  ii,  1916),  when  a 
large  olla  was  found  nine  feet  below  the  surface  in  the  side  walls  of  a  drain- 
age ditch  on  lot  No.  8  of  the  northeast  quarter  of  the  southeast  quarter  of 
section  19,  township  i,  north  of  range  17,  east  of  the  sixth  princii>al  meridian, 
which  is  about  three  miles  cast  of  Falls  City  and  one  mile  west  of  the  old 
village  of  f'reston.  The  place  where  found  is  a  United  States  government 
tract  in  the  Iowa  Indian  lands.  At  this  point  the  Great  Nemaha  river  makes 
a  loop  or  horseshoe  and  a  drainage  ditch  had  been  built  across  the  neck  of 
land  running  east  and  west.  It  was  found  in  the  south  wall  of  the  large 
ditch  about  eight  or  nine  feet  below  the  surface  of  the  ground  at  the  top  of 
the  ditch.  This  piece  of  ancient  pottery  was  fashioned  by  hands  that  had 
long  since  laid  aside  the  working  tools  of  life;  how  long  since  we  do  not 

It  has  been  observed  that  the  making  of  pottery  was  not  much  carried 
on  by  nomadic  tribes  because  of  the  fragility  of  the  vessels,  but  found  its 
highest  development  among  peoples  of  sedentary  habits.  The  clay  used  was 
mixed  with  various  tempering  ingredients,  such  as  sand  and  pulverized  stone, 
potsherds  and  shells ;  the  shapes  were  extremely  varied  and  generally  worked 
out  by  the  hand,  aided  by  simple  modeling  tools.  The  baking  was  done  in 
open  or  smothered  ovens  or  fires  or  in  extremely  crude  furnaces.  Many 
ollas  found  in  dififerent  parts  of  the  country  are  highly  decorated.  Author- 
ities agree  that  the  tribes  of  the  plains  did  not  practice  the  art  of  making 
potter}-  except  in  the  most  simplest  forms,  but  those  of  the  ancient  tribes  of 
the  middle  and  lower  Mississippi  valley  and  Gulf  states  were  excellent  potters. 

The  olla  above  referred  to  was  found  in  the  flood  plain  of  the  Nemaha. 
It  measured  eighteen  inches  in  depth  and  about  three  feet  in  circumference 
and  the  top  opening  was  twelve  inches.  It  was  found  in  a  sub-soil  of  clay. 
The  entire  bottom  has  received  many  feet  of  soil  deposit  brought  down  from 


flood  and  overflow,  but  those  best  acquainted  with  the  country  say  that  not 
more  than  three  or  four  feet  have  been  added  in  this  way  in  the  past  fifty 
years  they  have  known  the  country.  The  olla  was  photographed,  just  as 
found  by  L.  C.  Edwards,  in  an  upright  position,  as  if  it  had  been  sitting  on 
a  floor.  A  vase  similar  was  found  at  the  Yankton  townsite  of  the  Missouri 
river  bluffs,  north  of  Rulo,  but  these  two  are  so  far  as  known,  the  only  ones 
ever  found  in  Richardson  county. 

The  manner  in  which  the  olla  chanced  to  see  the  light  of  day  and  tell  a 
tale  of  partly  civilized  human  life,  as  it  existed  in  the  Xemaha  valley,  long 
centuries  before  the  white  man  saw  that  tortuous  stream's  winding  course 
through  the  broad  flood  plain  fringed  with  groves  and  guarded  on  either 
hand  by  the  rolling,  indented  hills,  was  due  to  the  digging  of  the  cut-off 
channel  for  the  Nemaha  river  from  the  Burlington  railroad  bridge,  a  mile 
west  of  Preston,  in  a  northeast  course,  to  cut  off  a  sharp  bend  and  shorten 
the  stream.  The  work  was  done  for  the  drainage  district  No.  i,  of  Richard- 
son county,  with  a  drag  line  dredge.  The  line  of  the  ditch  was  over  a  tract 
of  land  belonging  to  the  Sac  and  Fox  tribes  of  Indians  and  is  still  owned  by 
the  tribe,  being  reserved  by  the  government  as  a  mill  site,  when  all  the  other 
lands  were  allotted.  The  olla  was  not  exposed  l)y  the  dredge,  although  it 
cut  deeper  than  the  position  where  it  was  found.  The  olla  was  exposed  by 
the  erosion  and  widening  of  the  ditch  by  the  floods  of  19 15  and  was  brought 
so  near  the  slope  of  the  ditch,  thus  widened,  that  the  action  of  the  frost  of 
the  previous  winter  or  spring  after  the  ice  went  out,  cracked  and  broke  it. 
It  was  not  injured  by  the  dynamite  used  in  blasting  to  any  preceptible  degree, 
but  its  being  found  was  due  to  C.  G.  Buchholz,  being  in  charge  of  the  dyna- 
mite gang,  blowing  the  ditch  deeper.  The  location  would  have  been  favor- 
able for  a  fishing  camp  or  a  permanent  home,  as  it  is  protected  on  all  sides 
by  heavy  timber  and  was  in  a  high  bend  of  the  river  and  very  seldom  over- 
flowed. The  high  bluff,  within  a  few  hundred  feet,  would  have  furnished  a 
good  lookout  and  it  was  at  all  times  accessible  from  the  south,  as  the  high 
prairie  came  right  up  to  the  bluff.  There  was  and  is  a  good  spring  of  water 
within  five  hundred  feet  of  this  ancient  house  site.  The  fact  that  this  olla 
was  found  in  an  upright  position,  ten  feet  underground,  is  not  strange,  as 
it  was  supposed  to  have  been  the  custom  of  the  ancient  peoples  to  whom  this 
Wonged,  to  live  in  large  community  or  communal  houses,  or  at  least  to  have 
had  one  such  for  community  worship  or  ceremony.  Those  houses  were  four 
or  five  feet  under  ground  with  the  remainder  above.  There  is  apparently 
three  or  four  feet  of  fill  from  the  dift'erence  in  the  nature  of  the  soil.  The 
clay  of  the  Nemaha  valley  plains  originally  scoured  down  when  the  stream 


•:let()x  yan( 

BY   L.   C.   EDWARDS  AND   A.   P.   KEIM. 


was  a  real  river  about  the  time  of  the  ice  age  ended  and  the  great  lake  that 
occupied  the  whole  south  half  of  Nebraska  drained  off  in  this  direction. 
Since  the  stream  dwindled  down  to  its  present  size,  it  has  been  overflowing, 
but  not  as  much  as  formerly,  as  within  the  period  of  the  white  man's  settle- 
ment and  the  breaking  of  the  prairies  and  the  plowing  of  the  fields  soon  filled 
the  narrow,  deep  stream  and  caused  overflows  that  carried  the  suspended 
soil  out  upon  the  bottom  lands  and  all  of  these  places  have  been  filled  up  by 
the  new  soil  deposits,  in  many  places  as  much  as  five  feet,  since  1870.  The 
belief  is  prevalent  that  any  ten  years  since  1870  have  seen  as  much  filling  on 
an  average  over  the  flood  plain  as  was  made  in  one  hundred,  before  the  sod 
was  broken.     The  olla  was  brought  to  Falls  City. 


On  January  14,  1914,  in  company  with  a  party  of  well-known  Falls  City, 
Nebraska,  citizens,  I  examined  a  "burial"  about  one  and  one-half  miles  north 
of  the  village  of  Rulo,  Nebraska,  in  Richardson  county,  not  far  north  of  the 
Kansas  line.  In  the  party  were  Rev.  James  Noble,  rector  of  St.  Thomas's 
Episcopal  church;  Lewis  C.  Edwards,  register  of  deeds  of  Richardson  county; 
.V.  R.  Keim,  editor  of  the  Falls  City  Daily  Journal;  Robert  Rule  and  Harry 
Jenne,  Falls  City  business  men,  and  Col.  Charles  Marion,  a  well-known  auc- 
tioneer of  that  part  of  Nebraska. 

Several  weeks  prior  to  my  visit  1  had  been  informed  of  the  fact  that 
human  bones  had  been  found  protruding  from  the  south  wall  of  a  ravine, 
which  had  been  cut  into  the  hills  by  rains.  As  it  is  a  common  thing  to  find 
bones  almost  anywhere  in  the  Missouri  valley,  I  was  not  especially  interested, 
but  I  learned  later  that  "Spanish"  coins  of  a  "very  ancient  date"  and  many 
trinkets  of  "silver",  had  also  been  found  with  the  remains.  I  decided  to 
make  a  personal  investigation  in  l^ehalf  of  the  state  museum.  University  of 
Nebraska.  As  this  paper  is  not  intended  as  an  expose  of  a  "plant"  of  value- 
less "junk",  it  is  only  necessary  to  state  that  the  job  was  a  very  bungling 
affair  and  has  been  pretty  thoroughly  aired  through  the  investigations  of  Mr. 
Floyd  Morehouse,  a  son  of  the  tenant  of  the  farm.  It  might  be  stated,  how- 
ever, before  disposing  of  that  part  of  the  matter,  that  the  supposed  Spanish 
coins  were  in  reality  emblems  of  the  Catholic  Knights  of  St.  George,  on  which 
were  inscriptions  in  Latin.  The  fact  that  Nebraska  has  had  for  a  year  a 
statute  making  such  forgeries  a  crime,  was  one  of  the  agencies  in  prevent- 
mg  a  very  large  traffic  in  the  spurious  "relics",  planted  with  what  were  with- 
out question  pre-Columbian  remains. 


The  above  article  and  photos  appeared  in  the  March- April,  1914,  issue 
of  "Records  of  the  Past"  Magazine,  published  at  Washington,  D.  C.  The 
author,  Mr.  Robert  F.  Gilder,  of  Omaha,  has  kindly  consented  to  the  use  of 
the  storv  in  this  History  of  Richard.son  County. 


The  Indian,  like  his  white  brother,  had  a  certain  amount  of  caste  or 
rank.  They  were  divided  into  "gentes".  They  had  as  many  as  fourteen 
gentes :  Trout,  Sturgeon,  Bass,  Great  Lynx,  or  Fire  Dragon,  Sea,  Fox, 
Wolf,  Bear,  Bear-Potato.  Elk,  Swan,  Grouse,  Eagle  and  Thunder.  In 
earlier  periods  there  seemed  to  have  l)een  a  more  rigid  order  or  rank,  both 
socially  and  politically.  For  example,  chiefs  came  from  the  Trout  or 
Sturgeon  tribes,  and  war  chiefs  from  the  Fox  gens;  and  there  were  certain 
relationships  between  one  gens  and  another,  as  when  one  acted  the  role  of 
servant  to  another,  seen  on  occasion  of  the  gens  ceremony.  Marriage  was 
restricted  to  men  and  women  of  the  different  gentes,  and  was  generally 
attended  with  the  exchange  of  presents  between  the  family  of  the  pair. 

In  the  case  of  death,  a  man  might  marry  the  sister  of  his  deceased  wife, 
or  the  widow  might  become  the  wife  of  the  brother  of  her  dead  husband. 

Polygamy  was  practiced,  but  was  not  usual ;  it  was  the  privilege  that 
went  with  wealth  and  social  prestige.  A  child  followed  the  gens  of  his 
father,  but  it  frequently  happened  that  the  mother  was  given  the  right  to 
name ;  in  that  case  the  child  took  a  name  peculiar  to  the  gens  of  the  mother, 
Init  was  yet  in  the  gens  of  the  father.  But  for  this  fact  the  gens  of  an  indi- 
vidual could  generalh-  be  known  from  the  nature  of  the  name.  The  name 
is  intimately  connected  with  the  gens;  for  example,  a  name  meaning  "he 
that  moves  ahead  flashing  light,"  refers  to  lightning,  and  is  a  name  peculiar 
to  the  Thunder  gens.  Besides  the  grouping  into  gentes,  the  tribe  was  further 
divided  into  two  great  social  groups  or  phratries :  Kishko  and  Oskrash.  The 
painting  color  of  the  first  was  white  clay  and  that  of  the  second,  was  char- 
coal. A  child  entered  into  the  group  at  birth,  sometimes  the  father,  some- 
limes  the  mother,  determining  which  group.  The  several  groups  engaged 
one  another  in  all  manner  of  contests,  especially  in  athletics.  The  Sauk 
never  developed  a  soldier  society  with  the  same  degree  of  success  as  did  the 
Foxes,  but  they  did  have  a  buffalo  society;  it  is  said  that  the  first  was  due 
to  contact  with  the  Sioux,  and  it  is  reasonable  to  suppose  that  the  second 
was  due  to  influence  also  of  the  plains.     There  was  a  chief  and  a  council. 


XEBKASKA.  '  '  -^  '  >  ■ 


As  stated,  the  chiefs  came  from  the  Trout  and  Sturgeon  gentes,  and  the 
council  consisted  of  these,  the  war  chiefs,  or  heads  of  families,  and  all  the 
warriors.  Politically,  the  chief  was  little  more  than  a  figurehead,  but  socially 
he  occupied  the  first  place  in  the  tribe.  Not  infrequently,  however,  by  force 
of  character  and  by  natural  astuteness  in  the  management  of  tribal  affairs, 
the  chief  might  exercise  virtually  autocratic  powers.  Furthermore,  his  per- 
son was  held  sacred,  and  for  that  reason  he  was  given  royal  homage. 

The  religion  of  the  Sauk  is  fundamentally  in  the  belief  in  what  are  now 
commonly  known  as  Manitos.  The  sense  of  the  term  is  best  given  by  the 
combined  use  of  the  two  words  "power"  and  "magic".  The  world  is  looked 
on  as  inhabited  by  beings  permeated  with  certain  magic  force,  not  necessarily 
malicious  and  not  necessarily  beneficent,  the  manifestation  of  which  might 
produce  one  or  the  other  effect.  Objects  in  nature  held  to  be  endowed  with 
this  force  become  the  recipients  of  varying  degrees  of  adoration.  A  child 
is  early  taught  to  get  into  personal  relation  with  some  Manito  by  means  of 
fasting  and  vigil  to  secure  his  tutelary  or  genus.  The  Manitos  of  the  Sauk 
mythology  and  religious  worship  are  represented  in  all  nature.  They  are 
human  beings,  animals,  birds,  fishes,  reptiles,  insects,  plants,  fire,  water  and 
all  the  elements  personified.  The  mythology  of  the  Sauk  is  rich  with  fables 
of  anthropomorphic  beasts  and  beings.  The  principal  myth  is  concerned  with 
the  god  of  life,  called  Nanaboszo,  by  cognate  tril^es.  with  die  flood  and  with 
the  restoration  of  the  earth. 

The  Sauk  had  numerous  ceremonies,  social  and  religious.  Some  of 
these  they  still  retain.  The  chief  two  religious  ceremonies  still  in  existence 
are  the  gens  festivals  and  the  secret  rite  of  the  Midewiwin.  or  Grand  Medi- 
cine Society.  The  gens  festival  is  held  twice  a  year — in  the  spring,  when 
thanksgiving,  is  offered  to  the  Manitos  for  the  new  season,  and  in  the  sum- 
mer after  the  fields  ripen.  The  meeting  of  the  Midewiwin  is  generally  held 
but  once  a  year,  during  the  spring,  when  a  ceremony  is  conducted  by  a  group 
of  men  and  women  bound  together  by  vows  of  secrecy.  The  society  is 
entered  by  initiation  and  the  payment  of  a  fee.  and  the  ceremony  is  con- 
ducted by  an  elaborate  ritual  on  the  occasion  of  the  admittance  of  a  new 
member,  who  takes  the  place  of  one  who  died  during  the  preceding  year. 

Next  in  importance  to  these,  are  the  rites  connected  with  death  and 
adoption.  To  express  grief  for  dead  kindred,  they  blackened  their  faces 
with  charcoal,   fasted,  and  abstained  from  the  use  of  vermilion  and  orna- 


RicriARDSON  cou: 

ments  in  dress.  The  Sauk  practiced  four  different  methods  of  burial:  (  i) 
the  corpse  was  laid  away  in  the  branches  of  a  tree  or  upon  a  scaffold;  (2)  it 
was  placed  in  a  sitting  posture,  with  the  back  supported,  out  on  the  open 
ground;  (3)  it  was  seated  in  a  shallow  grave,  with  all  but  the  face  buried 
and  a  shelter  was  placed  over  the  grave;  (4)  there  was  complete  burial  in 
the  ground.  The  ghost  world  is  said  to  be  in  the  West,  beyond  the  setting 
sun.  and  thither  it  is  said  the  people  go  after  death.  The  brother  of  the 
culture-hero  is  master  of  the  ghost  world,  while  the  culture-hero  himself  is 
said  to  be  at  the  North,  in  the  region  of  the  snow  and  ice.  The  Sauk  are 
looking  for  his  return,  when  they  believe  the  world  will  come  to  an  end,  and 
they  and  the  culture-hero  will  go  to  join  his  brother.  The  Sauk  was  first 
known  to  history  in  1650. 

— From  the  "Hand  Book  of  Americans,"  Bureau  of  Ethnology,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 


The  churches,  as  in  these  later  da}'s,  were  pioneers  in  the  new  country, 
and  the  great  work  done  by  these  institutions  is  deserving  of  the  highest 
commendation.  Viewed  in  the  light  of  more  recent  history,  as  it  relates  to 
the  troublesome  times  encountered  by  those  who  would  become  settlers,  it 
is  almost  unthinkable  that  they  should  have  found  men  ready  and  willing 
to  sacrifice  themselves  and  who  would  have  dared  to  enter  this  then  deso- 
late, unsettled  country  and  spend  the  greater  portion  of  their  lives  among 
the  early  Indians  of  this  region.  Yet,  we  have  the  proof  in  reports  made 
by  those  early  missionaries  to  the  missionary  boards  of  the  Baptist,  Method- 
ist, Catholic,  Episcopal  and  Presbyterian  churches. 

It  appears  that  they  were  here  long  in  advance  of  those  whom  we  desig- 
nate as  the  pioneers  of  the  county;  The  first  missions  were  located  to  the  south 
and,  in  what  is  now  known  as  northeast  Kansas,  but  a  short  distance 
south  of  the  Kansas-Xebraska  state  line.  One  of  these  missions  is  still 
maintained  in  Doniphan  county,  Kansas.  Rev.  Isaac  McCoy,  of  the  Bap- 
tist church,  was  one  of  the  earliest  of  these  missionaries  and  was  well 
acquainted  with  conditions  on  the  Iowa  and  Sauk  reservations,  both  of 
which  extended  into  this  county.  He  was  here  in  1839,  which,  of  course, 
was  long  before  the  erection  of  Nebraska  Territory  and  found  the  lowas 
at  that  time  to  number  more  than,  one  thousand,  while  the  Sauks,  located  but 
a  little  way  to  the  west,  had  more  than  five  hundred  members  in  the  parts  of 
their  tribe  occupying  this  territory.  In  reports  made  by  him  he  indicated 
that  the  ciinditi<-)ns  of  these  people  were  inipro\ing  somewhat  and   that   tlie 


general  government,  under  treaty  stipulations,  was  affording  them  consid- 
erable assistance  in  the  building  of  dwellings  and  mills ;  in  fencing  and  plow- 
ing their  lands,  and  in  caring  for  live  stock  and  the  building  of  schools.  .\t 
this  earlv  time  the  Western  Missionary  Society  of  the  Presbyterian  church 
had  established  a  mission,  which  was  for  a  time  in  charge  of  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Ballard.  Upon  their  retirement  it  was  taken  over  by  Rev.  \\'illiam  Hamil- 
ton and  Messrs.  and  Mesdames  Irving  and  Bradley.  The  assistance  ren- 
dered by  the  government  to  the  Indians  in  the  building  of  houses  was  great- 
ly appreciated  and  some  of  the  old  houses  so  built  were  located  south  of 
the  Great  Nemaha,  near  Falls  city,  and  the  ruins  of  the  same  were  found 
by  the  pioneers  coming-  here  in  the  earlv  fifties. 

The  Methodists  at  this  time  had  a  small  mission  in  charge  of  Reverend 
Berryman  and  the  Catholics,  likewise,  were  in  the  field  with  a  small  mission. 


The  Rev.  William  Hamilton,  who  was  as  well  known  as  any  of  the 
early  missionaries  after  coming  here  in  1837,  spent  the  remainder  of  his 
life  in  Nebraska. 

He  was  born  in  Lycoming  county,  Pennsylvania,  on  the  banks  of  the 
Suscpehanna,  West  Branch,  on  August  i,  1811,  and  although  his  father 
was  killed  by  the  Indians,  while  peaceably  engaged  on  his  farm,  the  young 
man,  upon  offering  himself  as  a  foreign  missionary,  requested  that  he  be 
sent  among  the  Indians  of  this  country. 

After  completing  his  studies  at  college  Mr.  Hamilton  was  licensed  to 
preach  b)^  the  Presbytery  of  Northumberland,  in  the  spring  of  1837,  and 
returned  to  a  seminary  to  resume  studies  with  his  old  class.  During  that 
summer  he  was  accepted  by  the  Presb}terian  Ijoard  of  foreign  missions  as 
their  missionary,  and  at  the  same  time  was  married  to  Julia  Ann  N.  McGiffin 
of  \\^ashington,  Pennsylvania.  He  was  ordained  by  the  Presbytery  of  North- 
umberland in  1837,  and  immediately  started  to  his  field  in  the  West.  He 
left  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania,  October  30,  1837,  and  reached  Liberty  Land- 
ing on  Saturday,  November  i8th,  having  been  en  route  nearly  a  month  from 
Pittsburgh,  and  traveled  from  St.  Louis  to  a  point,  the  present  site  of  Glas- 
gow, Missouri,  within  eighty-six  miles  from  the  field  to  his  future  labors. 
Forty-five  miles  of  this  was  on  horseback  to  the  old  agency,  nine  miles  below 
East  Black  Snake  Hills,  the  present  site  of  St.  Joseph,  Missouri.  He  reached 
this   place  on  the   27th  of   Deceml^er,  and  was  detained   at  the   agency   on 


account  of  there  being  no  way  to  make  a  crossing  of  the  ^Missouri  river  until 
it  might  freeze. 

From  the  agency  at  St.  Joseph  he  footed  it,  while  his  wife,  a  little 
Indian  girl  and  a  white  girl  in  Mr.  Ballard's  family,  rode  horseback.  The 
ice  was  only  strong  enough  to  cross  on  foot,  and  they  waited  until  a  trader 
bought  a  mule  from  an  Indian,  and  hiring  it  and  an  Indian  pony,  his  wife 
rode  the  mule  and  the  two  girls  rode  the  pony,  while  he  took  tt  afoot.  They 
had  twenty-five  miles  to  go  to  reach  the  Indians  on  Wolf  creek,  and  night 
overtook  them  at  Mosquito  creek,  seven  or  eight  miles  from  their  destination. 
As  they  had  intended  to  get  through,  no  provision  had  been  made '  for  camp- 
ing out,  or  for  dinner,  supper  or  breakfast.  It  was  very  dark  and  knowing 
nothing  of  the  road  they  camped  by  that  stream,  and  he  spent  most  of  that 
night  cutting  wood  that  the  party  might  not  freeze,  having  an  extra  axe  in 
his  saddle  bags  and  succeeded  in  affixing  a  temporary  handle.  The  follow- 
ing morning  they  started  without  breakfast  and  reached  Wolf  creek  about 
eleven  o'clock.  The  water  at  the  ford  lacked  but  three  or  four  inches  of 
overreaching  the  pony's  back  and  the  bank  was  very  miry;  not  until  four 
o'clock  in  the  afternoon  did  they  succeed  in  gaining  the  other  bank,  and  all 
were  wet  to  the  skin.  The  weather  for  that  time  was  quite  warm  or  they 
might  all  have  perished  with  cold,  as  it  was  the  29th  day  of  December. 

Mr.  Irving  and  wife  and  other  missionaries  were  there  in  a  log  shanty, 
and  they  were  most  kindly  received  by  them  and  shared  their  hospitality 
until  thev  could  fix  up  the  other  end  of  the  log  house  for  their  home.  Irving- 
had  a  small  quantity  of  flour  which  he  gave  to  the  Hamilton  party  and  with 
some  corn  and  beef  they  were  able  to  get  from  a  trader  at  Iowa  Point,  some 
six  miles  away,  when  it  was  issued  to  the  Indians,  they  were  able  to  make 
out.  Mr.  Hamilton  walked  the  six  miles  on  one  occasion  and  ground  the 
corn  on  a  hand  mill,  as  long  as  it  was  prudent  to  stay,  and  carried  the  meal 
home  on  his  back.  On  another  occasion  he  went  to  Ft.  Leavenworth,  fifty- 
one  miles,  to  take  the  borrowed  mule  home,  expecting  to  cross  there  and  go 
thirty  miles  further  to  St.  Joseph,  that  is,  over  eighty  miles,  to  get  to  a 
place  only  twenty-five  miles  from  the  mission,  and  return  the  same  way;  but 
when  he  got  to  the  fort  the  cold  of  the  preceding  night  rendered  the  river 
impassable  on  account  of  the  ice.  Alxiut  sundown,  when  he  was  nearly 
twenty  miles  from  the  garrison,  though  he  know  nothing  of  the  distance, 
there  came  up  suddenly  what  would  now  be  called  a  blizzard,  and  it  seemed 
as  though  he  should  perish,  if  he  had  not  had  a  buffalo  robe  on  his  saddle 
which  a  trader,  who  had  traveled  with  them  from  St.  Louis,  when  he  parted 
with  them  at  Fayette,  gave  to  Mr.  Hamilton,  saying  he  might  need  it  some 


time.  The  next  day  he  started  back,  having  obtained  a  sack  of  flour  at  the 
garrison  through  the  kindness  of  General  Kearney,  and  arrived  at  his  home 
on  the  third  night  near  midnight,  having  had  to  break  the  ice  to  cross  Wolf 
creek.  It  was  February  before  they  were  able  to  get  their  trunks,  and  then 
in  doing  so  he  had  to  make  another  trip  occupying  ten  days.  During  his 
absence  his  wife  and  Mr.  Irving  and  wife  had  the  pleasure  of  trying  to  live 
on  the  siftings  of  corn  meal. 

The  Iowa  Indians  at  that  time  numbered  some  eight  hundred  souls,  and 
the  Missouri  Sacs  about  five  hundred.  They  were  much  given  to  heavy 
drinking  in  those  days,  when  they  were  able  to  obtain  liquor,  and  sometimes 
the  sprees  might  extend  for  days  at  a  time,  or  until  they  had  killed  some  of 
their  number,  when  they  would  swear  ofif,  as  it  was  called,  for  a  certain 
number  of  days,  but  before  the  expiration  of  the  allotted  time  some  of  them 
would  break  over  the  rule,  and  then,  like  one  sheep  going  to  water,  it  was  a 
signal  for  all  to  follow.  Mr.  Hamilton  spent  more  than  fifteen  years  of 
his  life  among  tliem,  and  Mr.  Irving  who  had  kept  a  diary,  claimed  that  the 
Indians  had  at  different  times  during  their  drunken  sprees,  murdered  as 
many  as  sixty  of  their  number,  while  not  one  of  their  people  had  been  killed 
by  any  other  tribe,  though  they  had  killed  others.  At  first  they  were  very 
jealous  of  the  missionaries,  thinking  they  had  come  to  trade,  and  when 
told  that  this  was  not  the  object  of  the  party,  suggested  that  they  might  as 
well  return  home,  as  they  could. see  no  higher  object  for  their  being  there. 
The  Indians,  however,  in  due  time  became  very  friendly  with  the  missionaries. 

missioner's  life  threatened. 

Reverend  Hamilton  was  once  waylaid,  as  the  interpreter  had  told  him, 
by  the  head  chief,  a  very  bad  man,  when  he  had  gone  to  the  mill  and  was 
returning  after  night.  He,  however,  took  a  different  road  when  nearing 
his  home,  with  no  apparent  reason,  and  thus  avoided  him.  The  mission- 
aries had  also  been  under  consideration  by  the  Indians  when  they  were  in 
a  mood  to  commit  murder,  but  they  had  crossed  the  river  and  shot  a  white 
man  living  on  the  bottoms.  No-Heart  (for  whom  No-Heart  creek  and  an 
earlv  village  by  that  name  south  of  Rulo  was  named),  when  a  little  drunk, 
told  Mr.  Irving  that  the  missionaries  should  not  die — a  remark  not  under- 
stood at  the  time — but  plain  enough  when  they  heard  of  the  shooting  on  the 
east  side  of  the  Missouri  river.  All  this  happened  before  the  purchase  of 
the  country  in  1854.  Mr.  Hamilton's  life  was  threatened  at  one  time  by  a 


man  who  had  been  a  blacksmith,  the  latter  drawing  a  pistol  and  a  bowie  knife 
on  him.  The  culprit  was  at  a  later  time  burned  in  Te.xas  for  the  shooting 
of  a  prosecuting  attorney  in  a  court  room,  and  confessed  at  the  stake  the 
murder  of  several  whites  and  an  Indian. 

Reverend  Hamilton,  after  enduring  the  years  of  hardships  among  the 
Iowa  and  Sacs  at  the  mission  on  Wolf  river,  was  transferred  to  the  Otoe 
and  Omaha  mission  at  Bellevue,  Nebraska,  in  1853.  reaching  this  latter 
place  on  the  6th  of  June  of  that  year. 

]\Ir.  Hamilton,  who  had  spent  most  of  his  active  life  working  among 
the  tribes  of  Indians  in  this  state,  writing  on  the  subject,  on  May  22,  1884, 
had  the  following  to  say: 

"I  could  relate  many  things  in  connection  with  the  treatment  of  the 
Indians,  that  ought  to  make  us,  as  a  nation,  blush,  but  it  would  require  a 
book  to  tell  all  I  have  witnessed  of  fraud  practiced  upon  them,  and  by  many 
persons;  things  that  I  have  personally  known  to  be  true,  would  now  hardly 
be  believed.  The  policy  of  teaching  them  English  is  well  enough,  but  the 
idea  of  driving  their  ovvii  language  out  of  their  minds,  may  do  to  talk  about, 
but  will  not  be  done  in  many  generations.  Even  the  few  who  seem  to  un- 
derstand our  language  as  well  as  we  do  ourselves  (only  a  few),  prefer 
speaking  their  own.  Their  mode  of  thought  is  so  different  from  the  English, 
and  I  might  sav,  from  all  modern  European  languages,  that  it  is  a  great 
l)arrier  to  their  acquiring  our  language  perfectly.  It  must  be  the  work  tif 
time,  and  while  they  are  instructed  in  English,  the  great  truths  of  the  Gospel 
must  be  heard  in  their  own  language  wherein  they  were  born.  With  these 
instructions  in  religion  and  the  education  of  the  young,  strict  justice  on  the 
part  of  the  government  should  be  done  them.  They  ha\-e  rights  that  seem 
to  have  been  little  respected. 

"Although  I  seemed  to  offend  an  agent  forty-si.x  years  ago  by  saying 
the  whites  would  have  this  country  before  long,  and  I  could  not  believe  what 
he  so  confidently  asserted  again  and  again,  that  they  could  not,  for  it  was 
set  apart  forever  for  the  Indians,  yet  time  has  shown  what  he  could  not  then 
believe  has  literally  come  to  pass.  When  the  treaty  was  ratified,  it  was  not 
long  until  great  numbers  were  seeking  a  home  in  what  was  thought,  not  a 
centurv  ago,  to  be  a  desert  country,  and  not  fit  for  the  hunting  grounds  of 
the  Tndian.s.  \\'hen  I  came  ^^'est  in  1837.  most  of  Iowa  was  unsettle*.! 
and  owned  b\-  the  Indians,  and  the  buffalo  roamed  tn-er  it.  there  being 
.1  few  settlements  on  the  Mississippi.  1  have  seen  all  of  Missouri  settled  up. 
.-ind    1    might    sa\    as   far   smith  as   Arkansas.      When   asked  in   an  early  day 


how  far  my  diocese  extended.  I  replied,  I  supposed  north  to  the  forty-ninth 
degree  of  latitude,  and  west  to  the  summit  of  the  Rocky  mountains,  as  at 
that  time  I  knew  of  no  other  Preshyterian  minister  within  these  bounds. 
Reverend  Dunbar  had  been  among  the  Pawnees,  but  had  left.  The  popula- 
tion of  the  United  States  did  not  at  that  time  exceed  fifteen  million  of  souls. 
Now  what  do  we  see?  Churches  and  schools  all  over  this  then  Indian  coun- 
try and  a  population  of  fifty-five  millions. 

"When  I  came  among  the  Indians  fifty  years  ago  I  saw  the  red  man 
riding  on  horseback,  and  his  wife  walking  and  carrying  a  load,  and  the  little 
girls  carrying  something,  and  boys,  if  there  were  any,  carrying  bows  and 
arrows.  Before  I  left  the  lowas,  I  saw  the  v>ife  on  the  horse,  and  the  man 
walking.  The  same  may  be  said  of  the  Omahas.  Now,  it  is  quite  common 
to  see  the  man  and  his  wife  riding  together  in  a  wagon.  Then,  the  women 
packed  the  wood,  often  three  miles,  on  their  backs — that  was  in  summer : 
now  it  is  hauled  in  wagons,  the  men  generally  doing  the  work,  when  able. 
Then,  when  not  on  the  hunt,  the}-  were,  when  sober,  either  playing  ball  or 
cards,  or  some  other  game ;  now  they  are  engaged  in  farming.  True,  they 
keep  up  their  dances,  i.  e.,  the  heathen  part,  but  generally  take  the  Sabbath 
for  them,  as  they  pretend  to  work  on  the  other  days,  but  they  also  work  on 
the  Sabbath.  It  is  over  thirty  years  since  I  left  the  lowas.  and  they  have 
greatly  diminished,  as  have  the  Otoes  and  Sacs.  Whiskey  has  been  their 

"The  Indians  do  not  worship  idols  as  many  heathens,  that  is,  carved 
idols  or  images,  but  are  idolaters  in  the  true  sense  of  the  word;  but  the  idol 
is  more  in  the  mind  and  they  apply  the  name  of  god  to  many  things  and 
ideas — different  gods  for  different  things.  Wakanda  in  Omaha,  Ponca, 
etc. ;  Wankanta  in  Iowa,  Otoe,  etc. :  Wa-ka-tangka  in  Sioux,  which  is  reall\- 
the  great  or  war  god;  Tanga,  Sioux;  Tangga,  Omaha;  Tanra,  Iowa,  signify- 
ing great.  Waka  is  a  snake  in  Iowa  and  Otoe,  and  uda  is  good  in  Omaha : 
perhaps,  good  snake,  as  pe  is  good  in  Iowa,  and  peskunya  is  bad,  or  not 
good:  while  uda  is  good,  in  Omaha,  but  pe-azhe  in  Omaha  is  not  good, 
showing  the  pe  retained  in  the  negative  Great  Spirit  is  introduced,  I  have 
no  doubt  by  the  whites,  as  the  only  idea  of  that  spirit  is  the  spirit  of  the  per- 
son. Moleto,  or  meneto,  is  the  name  of  God  in  the  Sac  and  kindred  lan- 
guages, and  a  Sac  interpreter  told  me  it  meant  big  snake.  The  Sac  language 
is  as  musical  as  the  Greek.  The  Winnebagoes  use  a  term  for  God  signifying 
the  maker  of  the  earth,  but  also  the  same  nearl\-  as  the  lowas." 



In  1834  two  Presljyterian  workers.  Rev.  John  Dunbar  and  Samuel  Allis, 
began  work  among  the  Pawnees  of  Nebraska  under  the  auspices  of  the 
American  board,  and  were  later  joined  by  Doctor  Satterlee.  After  some 
time  spent  in  getting  acquainted  with  the  people  and  the  language,  a  per- 
manent station  was  selected,  in  1838,  on  Plum  creek,  a  small  tributary  of 
the  Loup  river,  by  consent  of  the  Pawnees,  who  in  the  meantime  had  acknowl- 
edged the  authority  of  the  government.  Circumstances  delayed  the  work 
until  1844,  when  a  considerable  mission  and  a  government  station  were  begun, 
and  a  number  of  families  from  the  different  bands  took  up  a  residence  adja- 
cent thereto.  In  consequence,  however,  of  destructive  inroads  of  the  Sioux, 
the  ancient  enemies  of  the  Pawnee,  the  mission  effort  was  abandoned  in 
1847  3nd  the  tribe  returned  to  its  former  wild  life. 

About  the  year  1835  work  was  begun  by  the  Presbyterian  Board  of  For- 
eign Missions  among  the  Iowa  and  Sauk,  then  residing  on  the  Missouri  river, 
in  east  Nebraska  (  Richardson  county  that  now  is ) .  Attention  was  also  given 
to  some  others  of  the  removed  tribes,  and  about  ten  years  later  a  mission 
was  established  among  the  Omaha  and  Otoe  at  Bellevue,  near  the  present 
Omaha,  Nebraska,  where,  in  1850,  Rev.  Edward  IMcKinney  compiled  a  small 
Omaha  primer,  the  first  'publication  in  that  language.  Both  missions  con- 
tinued on  down  to  a  modern  period,  despite  the  shifting  fortunes  of  the  tribes. 
Other  prominent  workers  were  Rev.  Samuel  Irvin,  who  gave  thirt\-  years  of 
his  life,  beginning  in  1837,  to  the  first  tribes  named;  and  Rev.  William  Ham- 
ilton, who,  beginning  in  1837,  with  the  same  tribes,  was  transferred  to  the 
Bellevue  Mission  in  1853,  rounding  out  a  long  life  with  a  record  of  a  half  a 
century  spent  in  service.  Working  in  collaboration  these  two  produced 
several  linguistic  works  in  the  Iowa  language,  published  by  the  ^lission  Press, 
between  1843  to  1850,  besides  a  collection  of  Omaha  hymns  and  some  manu- 
script translations  by  Hamilton  alone  at  a  latter  period. 

The  earliest  Baptist  worker  in  the  central  region  was  the  Rev.  Isaac 
McCov,  afterward  for  nearly  thirty  years  the  general  agent  in  the  Indian  mis- 
sion work  of  that  denomination. 

The  ]'4)iscopalians  appear  to  have  done  no  work  in  the  interior  until 
<il)out  18^0. — Prom  the  "Hand  Book  of  American  Indians." 

Spanish  Explorations. 

To  no  agency  other  or  more  than  the  natural  greed  that  possessed  the 
early  Spanish  explorers,  do  we  owe  the  discovery  of  what  we  now  know 
as  Nebraska.  There  were  men  in  the  old  world  country  who,  while  slow 
to  believe  in  the  theories  of  Columbus  and  slow  enough  in  giving  him  assist- 
ance when  most  needed,  were,  however,  awakened  to  the  greatest  of  activity 
when  stories  of  the  wonders  of  the  New  World  were  brought  back  b}-  the 
first  expedition.  This  same  spirit  possessed  the  early  conquerors  of  the  new 
world.  Each  expedition  fitted  out  brought  to  western  shores  adventurers 
lired  with  a  desire  to  investigate  the  stories  told,  retold,  magnified  and  dis- 
torted to  unbelievable  proportions.  Those,  while  bearing  no  semblance 
of  probability,  only  served  to  whet  the  desires  of  those  who  had  come.  No 
manner  of  privation  could  stop  these  early  adventurers. 

The  spirit  of  the  cavalier,  fired  with  the  romance  of  treading  strange 
paths  and  communing  with  strange  races  of  people,  whose  existence  on  this 
side  of  tlie  planet  until  those  days  was  absolutely  unknown  to  the  world,  was 
as  if  at  this  late  date  after  the  world  had  been,  as  we  believe,  thoroughly 
tra\erstd.  we  or  some  one  should  happen  to  discover  ways  and  means  of 
communication  or  intercourse  with  another  race  of  mankind  on  some  other 
planet.  The  existence  of  peoples  in  a  western  hemisphere,  not  known  to  be 
existent,  must  have  been  an  event  sufficient  to  fire  the  imagination  of  the 
then  civilized  world  as  had  nothing  before  or  since.  That  its  effect  was 
(if  stupendous  importance,  and  so  regarded  at  that  time,  we  have  ample  e\i- 
dence  from  the  record  of  subsequent  events. 

The  adventurous  Spaniard  was  fired  with  excitement  after  the  return 
of  Columbus  and  efforts  were  at  once  commenced  to  outfit  expeditions  which 
should  conquer  the  new  world  for  the  Spanish  crown.  Of  these  numerous 
expeditions  we  have  neither  time  nor  space  here  to  speak,  but  must  point  out 
that  the  same  spirit  which  prompted  them,  pervaded  those  of  a  later  time, 
who  hearkened  to  the  voice  of  legendary  stories  reaching  their  ears  from 
various  sources,  telling  of  famous  peoples  to  the  north  nf  ^Mexico,  who  had 
not  been  visited  by  the  European.     The  desire  to  inxade  tlie  great  tractless 


unknown  Xorth,  led  to  nn  expedition  headed  by  one  Francisco  \^asquez 
Coronado.  which  in  the  hght  of  more  subsequent  knowledge  of  the  country 
traversed,  the  distance  covered,  the  people  likely  to  have  been  encountered, 
and  the  climatic  conditions  and  other  innumerable  obstacles,  of  necessity,  to 
be  overcome,  not  to  mention  their  mode  of  travel,  seems  to  have  been  more 
really  Quixotic  than  any  of  the  many  vagaries  ascribed  to  the  unbalanced 
mind  of  that  mythical  gallant  in  the  days  of  knight  errantry,  described  by 
the  noted  .Spaniard,  Cervantes. 

It  was  here  that  the  nature  of  the  early  Spaniard  manifested  itself  most 
plainly.  He  had  pillaged  ever_\-  people  with  whom  he  had  come  in  contact 
in  the  new  world  and  by  the  same  promptings  in  a  desire  for  what  he 
might  obtain  by  force,  gave  ear  to  the  stories  of  beautiful  cities  and  peo- 
ples of  fabulous  wealth  to  be  found  in  the  North.  Hence  it  is  that  he  and 
his  followers  were  the  first  to  visit  the  land  we  now  prize  as  our  state. 

Gathering  aliout  him  a  band  of  some  few  hundred  of  his  countrymen  on 
horseback,  together  with  se\eral  hundred  Indians  with  supplies,  a  start  was 
made  in  February,  1540.  During  that  year  they  journeyed  as  far  north 
as  the  territory  now  included  in  the  present  state  of  Arizona,  where  they 
spent  the  winter.  In  the  following  spring,  in  the  month  of  April,  the 
journe\-  was  continued  on  northward.  The  expedition  was  a  failure  and  so 
foredoomed  from  the  start,  if  measured  by  its  accomplishment  of  any  of 
the  purposes  originally  set  forth,  for  the  reason  that  it  failed  utterly  in 
finding  any  of  the  fabled  cities  or  peoples,  the  like  of  which  had  been 
described  to  them :  but  it  did  succeed,  or,  at  least,  a  very  few  survivors  of 
the  original  part}-  succeeded,  in  penetrating  to  a  farther  point  north  and 
west  than  had  an)  exploring  party  up  to  that  date.  In  accounts  made  of  the 
trip  it  seems  most  certain  that  they  reached  the  fortieth  parallel  north 
degree  of  latitude  (Kansas-Nebraska  state  line),  and  by  sonnie  it  is  believed 
that  they  may  have  actually  invaded  the  interior  of  Nebraska.  This  being 
true,  they  were  the  first  besides  the  natives  to  see  what  is  now  Nebraska. 
This  expedition  started  out  originally  from  a  point  about  four  hundred 
miles  north  of  the  Cit\-  of  Mexico  and  their  wanderings  covered  a  period 
of  two  years.  1540  to  1542,  and  in  the  path  of  their  travels  for  the  first  time 
beheld  the  grandeur  of  the  grand  canyon  of  the  Colorado.  This  great  can- 
yon, which  in  these  later  days  is  considered  the  grandest  spot  in  the  western 
hemisphere,  fur  its  scenic  wonders,  made  but  little  impression  on  them  as 
compared  witii  what  the\-  had  been  led  to  hope  would  be  found,  and  they 
pressed  on  tln-Dugh  the  hot  summer  months  and  endured  much  suffering 
and  pri\'ation. 



Coronado,  in  writing  of  what  he  had  found,  said:  "I  have  reached 
the  fortieth  parallel  of  latitude,"  "The  inhabitants  are  good  hunters,  culti- 
vate corn,  and  exhibit  a  friendly  disposition.  They  said  that  tv^^o  months 
would  not  sufifice  to  visit  them  entirely.  In  the  whole  extent  of  the  prov- 
ince, I  have  seen  but  about  twenty-five  villages,  and  these  are  built  of  straw. 
The  men  are  large  and  the  women  well  formed.  The  soil  is  the  best  which 
it  is  possible  to  see  for  all  kinds  of  Spanish  fruits.  Besides  being  strong  and 
black,  it  is  very  well  watered  by  creeks,  fountains  and  rivers.  Here  I  found 
plums,  such  as  I  have  seen  in  Spain,  walnuts  and  excellent  ripe  grapes." 

Jarmacillo,  one  of  Coronado's  lieutenants,  writing  at  a  later  time  in 
regard  to  the  expedition,  had  the  following  to  say  of  his  observations: 
"The  country  has  a  fine  appearance,  such  as  I  have  not  seen  excelled  in 
France,  Italy,  or  in  any  of  the  countries  which  I  have  visited  in  the  service 
of  his  majesty.  It  is  not  a  country  of  mountains,  there  being  but  hillocks 
and  plains,  with  streams  of  excellent  water.  It  afforded  me  entire  satisfac- 
tion. I  judge  that  it  must  be  quite  fertile  and  well  suited  to  the  cultivation 
of  all  sorts  of  fruits.  For  a  grazing  countr}-,  experience  proves  that  it  is 
admirably  adapted;  when  we  consider  the  herds  of  bison  and  other  wild 
animals,  vast  as  the  imagination  can  conceive,  find  sustenance  there.  I 
noticed  a  kind  of  plum  of  excellent  flavor,  something  like  those  of  Spain: 
the  stems  and  blue  flowers  of  a  sort  of  wild  flax,  sumach,  along  the  margins 
of  the  streams,  like  the  sumach  of  Spain,  and  palatable  wild  grapes." 


Speaking  further  in  regard  to  this  part  of  the  new  world  those  chron- 
iclers, who  were  the  first  from  the  then  civilized  world  to  see.  made  report 
as  follows  referring  to  the  buffalo:  "These  oxen  are  of  the  bigness  and 
color  of  our  bulls,  but  their  horns  are  not  so  great.  Tliey  have  a  great 
bunch  on  their  foreshoulders  and  more  hair  on  their  forepart,  tlian  on  their 
hinder  part,  and  it  is  like  wool.  They  have,  as  it  were,  a  horse  mane  upon 
their  backbone,  and  much  hair  and  very  long  from  their  knees  downward. 
They  have  great  tufts  of  hair  hanging  down  from  their  foreheads,  and  it 
seemeth  that  they  have  bears,  because  of  the  great  store  of  hair  hanging 
down  from  their  chins  and  tiiroats.  The  males  have  very  long  tails  ,  and  a 
great  knol)  or  flock  at  the  end,  so  tliat  in  some  respects  they  resemble  the 

88  rickai;dsox  county,  Nebraska. 

lion,  and  in  some  other,  the  camel.  They  push  with  their  horns,  they  run, 
thev  overtake  and  kill  a  horse,  when  they  are  in  their  rage  and  anger. 
Finally,  it  is  a  foul  and  fierce  beast  of  countenance  and  form  of  body. 
The  horses  fled  from  them,  either  because  they  were  afraid  of  their  deformed 
shape  or  else  because  they  had  never  seen  them.  Their  masters  have  no 
other  riches,  nor  substance;  of  them  they  eat,  they  drink,  they  apparel,  they 
shoe  themselves;  and  of  their  hides  they  make  many  things,  as  house  shoes, 
apparel  and  ropes;  of  their  bones  they  make  bodkins,  of  their  sinews  and 
hair,  thread;  of  their  homs,  maws  and  bladders,  vessels;  of  their  dung,  fire; 
and  of  their  calves,  skins,  budgets  (buckets),  wherein  they  draw  and  keep 
water.  To  be  short,  they  make  so  many  things  of  them  as  they  have  need 
of,  or  as  many  as  suffice  them  in  the  use  of  this  life." 

The  party  encountered  a  storm  and  while  the  same  happened  four 
hundred  years  ago,  yet  in  detail  it  would  pass  for  similar  disturbances  many 
of  us  have  witnessed  in  our  own  time :  "One  evening,  there  came  up  a  ter- 
rible storm  of  wind  and  hail,  which  left  in  the  camp  hailstones  as  large  as 
porringers  and  even  larger.  They  fell  thick  as  rain  drops,  and  in  some 
spots  the  ground  was  covered  with  them  to  the  depth  of  eight  or  ten  inches. 
The  storm  caused,  said  one,  many  tears,  weakness  and  vows.  The  horses 
broke  their  reins,  some  were  even  blown  down  the  banks  of  the  ravine,  the 
tents  were  torn,  and  every  in  the  camp  broken." 

The  authorities  do  not  positively  fix  it  as  a  fact  that  Coronado  ever 
actually  penetrated  far  enough  north  to  have  touched  Nebraska,  having  only 
his  word  for  it,  and  to  make  that  doubtful,  the  fact  that  the  early  explorers 
invariably  erred  from  one  to  two  points  off,  in  reckoning  or  computing  the 
degrees  of  latitude.  If  correct,  he  undoubtedly,  as  he  said,  did  reach  the 
south  boundary  of  our  state ;  and  if  in  error,  as  much  as  indicated  above, 
he  would  then  have  reached  central  Kansas.  In  any  event,  the  undertaking 
was  most  wonderful,  considered  from  any  angle  regardless  of  the  motives 
of  its  prompting.  People  residing  in  the  vicinity  of  Junction  City,  Kansas, 
so  certainly  believe  the  story  of  this  party's  visit  to  their  section  of  the  coun- 
try at  the  time  indicated,  that  in  1902  they  erected  a  monument  with  suitable 
inscriptions   for  the  purpose  of  commemorating  the  e\ent. 

There  are  recorded  many  other  and  wonderful  tales  of  romantic  value 
telling  of  adventurous  explorers,  who  at  later  dates  may  have  visited  the 
land  of  Qui  vera,  hut  they  savor  so  much  of  the  fable  that  they  can  have 
but  little  interest  of  historical  value,  except  for  showing  the  state  of  mystery 
that  must  have  surrounded  this  unknown  region  in  those  shadowy  days  of 
the  past. 



Not  until  nearly  two  hundred  years  later  do  we  find  an  authenicated 
case  of  any  visit  to  this  region  by  the  white  man,  and  it  is  then  a  party  of 
Frenchmen  under  the  leadership  of  the  Mallet  brothers,  Pierre  and  Paul. 
They,  like  the  later  exploring  parties,  made  use  of  the  good  old  Missouri 
river  as  a  means  of  transit  and  in  their  description  of  the  trip  gave  the 
length  in  leagues  of  the  distance  between  points  along  the  stream  from 
St.  Louis  to  the  northern  part  of  the  state  of  Nebraska,  where  they  appear 
to  have  disembarked  and  from  this  point  traversed  the  state,  going  to  the 
southwest  and  on  to  Mexico.  They  are  said  to  have  been  the  first  white  men 
to  visit  the  state  and  they  it  was  who  were  the  first  of  this  race  to  negotiate 
the  Platte  river  and  name  it.  From  reports  of  their  visit  was  obtained  the 
first  really  authentic  description  of  the  country  now  included  in  what  is 

Stories  told  by  this  party  encouraged  others  to  come  up  the  river  and 
we  find  that  many  of  the  early  visitors  soon  began  to  carry  on  quite  an 
extensive  and  (to  them)  profitable  trade  with  the  natives,  taking  their  furs 
in  exchange  for  cheap  trinkets  they  were  able  to  bring  from  the  East  and 
from  Europe.  Manuel  Lista  was  the  most  widely  known  among  these 
early  traders  so  far  as  this  part  of  the  country  is  concerned. 

As  soon  as  the  country  was  acquired  by  the  government  from  France 
tinder  what  was  known  as  the  "Louisiana  Purchase,"  Lewis  and  Clark 
were  sent  to  make  an  in\-estigation  for  our  government.  This  famous 
expedition  was  sent  out  in  1804  and  consumed  the  greater  part  of  two 
years  on  the  trip.  The  various  visitors  to  the  West  in  those  days  made  the 
trip  up  the  river  in  open  boats,  using  oars,  and  sometimes  pulled  the  lioats 
with  horses  on  the  shore  or  by  men  with  a  rope  attached  to  the  Ix)at.  This 
method  of  travel  was  both  tedious  and  slow. 


The  first  steamlx)at  used  on  the  Missouri  river  for  navigation  pur- 
poses was  that  of  Major  Stephen  Long,  who  was  in  the  government  serv- 
ice and  had  been  sent  West  to  explore  the  Platte  river  and  the  region  east 
of  the  mountains  in  1819.  This  boat,  the  "Western  Engineer,"  was  out- 
fitted at  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania,  and  left  that  point  on  its  long  journey 
on  Mav  5.   1819.     This  party  went  down  the  Ohio  river  to  St.  Louis  and 


thence  up  the  Missouri  to  Council  Bluffs.  The  boat,  being  the  largest  and 
first  of  its  kind  under  its  own  power  to  make  the  voyage,  was  a  strange 
sight  to  the  simple  natives  and  the  smoke  emitted  from  its  funnels  was 
terrifving  to  them.  The  party  arrived  at  Omaha,  or  near  the  later  site  of 
that  city,  some  time  in  the  month  of  September  of  that  year.  Those  people 
spent  many  months  among  the  Indians  of  the  state,  then  going  west  to  the 
mountains.  The  Major  had  in  his  party  a  number  of  scientific  men  who 
made  a  close  study  of  the  country  and  the  people. 

That  the  country  from  the  Missouri  river  west  to  the  mountains  at 
that  period,  was  regarded  as  unlikely  to  ever  become  of  much  value  for 
agriculture,  will  appear  from  what  he  reported  to  the  government,  speaking 
in  this  connection:  He  said:  "It,  (the  country)  is  almost  wholly  unfit  for 
cultivation  and  of  course  uninhabitable  for  people  depending  upon  agricul- 
ture for  their  subsistence." 

Major  Long  and  his  men  proved  no  Ijetter  prophets  as  to  the  future 
of  Nebraska  than  many  who  came  later;  but,  being  a  representative  of  the 
go\ernment,  his  report  was  given  undue  credence  and  its  effect  was  detri- 
mental to  this  country  for  many  years.  However,  notwithstanding  what  he 
said,  it  is  a  well-known  fact  that  the  Indians  then  living  here  had  in  their 
crude  way  succeeded  in  raising  a  considerable  quantity  of  vegetable  and 
cereal  crops.  The  Pawnees,  Omahas,  Poncas  and  Otoes  were  raising  a 
number  of  varieties  of  all  the  different  kinds  of  corn  we  now  have:  besides 
they  cultivated  some  fifteen  kinds  of  beans,  eight  kinds  of  S(|uash.  one  of 
melons  and  innumerable  other  articles  of  food  value. 

From  what  source  Major  Long  drew  his  conclusions  is  not  clear  as  the 
native  had  found  it  ix)ssible  and  had  raised  all  that  was  sufficient  for  his 
well  being,  for  centuries  before  the  advent  of  the  white  man  upon  the  scene, 
and  subsequent  e\ents  ha\e  more  than  proven  that  the  white  man  could  do 

LEWIS  ANn  Clark's  expedition. 

Soon  after  the  acquirement  of  the  Louisiana  Territory  from  the  French, 
the  American  government,  desirous  of  having  authoritatixe  information 
relative  to  the  same,  commissioned  Capt.  Meriwether  Lewis  and  C'apt.  Will- 
iam Clark.  l)oth  of  whom  at  the  time  were  officers  in  the  United  States 
army,  to  set  out  on  an  expedition  and  explore  and  report  on  the  same.  They 
were  to  ascertain  the  source  and  courses  of  the  Missouri  and  determine  the 
most  convenient  water  route  to  the  Pacific  and,  incidenth',  to  gather  all  pos- 
sible  information   in  regard   tn  tlie  new   countr\'.      Tliev  made  tlieir  wav   to 


St.  Louis,  Missouri,  and  al  that  place  outfitted  themselves  for  the  long 
journey  up  the  Missouri  river.  The  start  on  this  memorable  trip  was  made 
from  the  above  place  on  May  14,  1804. 

P'oUowing  is  a  description  of  the  company  and  outfit  taken  from  the 
journal  of  Lewis  and  Clark: 

"The  party  consisted  of  nine  young-  men  from  the  state  of  Kentucky, 
fourteen  soldiers  of  the  L'nited  States  army,  who  volunteered  their  services, 
two  French  watermen,  an  interpreter  and  hunter,  and  a  black  servant  belong- 
ing to  Captain  Clark — all  of  these,  except  the  last,  were  enlisted  to  serve  as 
privates  during  the  expedition,  and  three  sergeants  appointed  from  amongst 
them  by  the  captains.  In  addition  to  this  were  engaged  a  corporal  and 
six  soldiers,  and  nine  watermen  to  accompany  the  expedition  as  far  as  the 
Mandan  nation,  in  order  to  assist  in  carrying  the  stores,  or  repelling  an 
attack,  which  was  most  to  be  apprehended,  between  Woos  river  and  that 
tribe.  The  necessary  stores  were  subdivided  into  seven  bales,  and  one  box, 
containing  a  small  portion  of  each  article  in  case  of  accident.  They  con- 
sisted of  a  great  variety  of  clothing,  working  utensils,  locks,  flints,  powder, 
ball,  and  articles  of  the  greatest  use.  To  these  were  added  fourteen  bales 
and  one  box  of  Indian  presents,  distributed  in  about  the  same  manner,  and 
consisted  of  richly-laced  coats  and  other  articles  of  dress,  medals,  flags, 
knives  and  tomahawks  for  the  chiefs — ornaments  of  dififerent  kinds  par- 
ticularly beads,  looking  glasses,  handkerchiefs,  paints,  and  generally  such 
articles  as  were  deemed  best  calculated  for  the  taste  of  the  Indians. 

"The  party  was  to  embark  on  board  of  three  boats;  the  first  was  a  keel 
boat,  fifty-five  feet  long,  drawing  three  feet  of  water,  one  large  scjuare  sail 
and  twenty-two  oars;  a  deck  of  ten  feet  in  the  bow  and  stern  formed  a 
forecastle  and  cabin,  while  the  middle  was  covered  by  lockers,  which  might 
be  raised  so  as  to  form  a  breast  work  in  case  of  attack.  This  was  accom- 
panied by  two  perioques  [pirogues]  or  open  boats,  one  of  six  and  the  other 
of  seven  oars.  Two  horses  were  at  the  .same  time  to  be  led  along  the  banks 
of. the  river  for  the  purpose  of  bringing  in  game,  or  hunting  in  case  of 

.\fter  a  slow  and  laborious  voyage  they  reached  a  point  opposite  to 
where  the  Great  Nemaha  empties  into  the  Missouri,  on  the  afternoon  of 
July  nth,  where  they  went  into  camp  for  a  couple  of  days.  (The  Great 
Nemaha  at  the  present  time  empties  into  the  Missouri  river  at  a  jwint  sev- 
eral miles  north  of  the  spot  located  liy  Lewis  and  Clark,  it  having  changed  its 
course  in  later  years,  during  times  of  liigh  water." 



The  following  from  the  journal  of  Lewis  and  Clark,  describes  what 
they  found  at  the  mouth  of  the  Xemaha : 

"Jul)-  12,  1804 — (Thursday) — We  remained  here  today  for  the  pur- 
pose of  refreshing  the  party  and  making  hmar  observations.  The  Nemaha 
empties  itself  into  the  Missouri  from  the  South,  and  is  eighty  (80)  yards 
wide  at  its  confluence,  which  is  in  latitude  39''  55'  56".  Captain  Clark 
ascended  it  in  a  piroque  about  two  miles,  to  the  mouth  of  a  small  creek  on 
the  lower  side.  On  going  ashore,  he  found  in  the  level  plain  several  arti- 
ficial mounds,  or  graves,  and,  on  the  adjoining  hills,  others  of  larger  size. 
This  appearance  indicates  sufficiently  the  former  population  of  this  country, 
the  mounds  being  certainly  intended  as  tombs,  the  Indians  of  the  Missouri 
still  preserving  the  custom  of  interring  the  dead  on  high  ground.  From  the 
top  of  the  highest  mound  a  delightful  prospect  presented  itself — the  level' 
and  extensive  meadows  watered  b}-  the  Nemaha  and  enlivened  by  the  few 
trees  and  shrubs  skirting  the  borders  of  the  river  and  its  tributary  streams; 
the  lowland  of  the  Missouri  covered  with  undulating  grass,  nearly  five  feet 
high,  gradually  rising  into  a  .second  plain,  where  rich  weeds  and  flowers  are 
interspersed  with  copses  of  the  Osage  plum ;  farther  back  were  seen  small 
groves  of  trees,  an  a,bundance  of  grapes,  the  wild  cherry  of  the  Missouri, 
resembling  our  own,  but  larger,  and  growing  on  a  small  bush,  and  the 
choke-cherry,  which  we  observed  for  the  first  time.  Some  of  the  grapes 
gathered  today  are  nearly  ripe.  On  the  south  of  the  Nemaha  and  aliout 
a  quarter  of  a  mile  from  its  mouth,  is  a  cliff  of  freestone,  in  which  are 
\arious  inscriptions  and  marks  made  by  the  Indians.  The  sand  island  on 
which  we  are  encamped  is  covered  with  the  two  species  of  willow — broad 
and  narrow  leaf." 

"July  13. — W'e  proceeded  at  sunrise  with  a  fair  wind  from  the  south, 
and  at  two  miles  passed  the  mouth  of  a  small  river  on  the  north  called 
Big  Tarkio.  A  channel  from  the  bed  of  the  Missouri  once  ran  into  this 
river  and  formed  an  island  called  St.  Joseph's,  but  the  channel  is  now  filled 
up  and  the  island  is  now  added  to  the  northern  shore.  Farther  on  to 
the  south  is  situated  an  extensive  plain,  covered  with  a  grass  resembling 
timothy  in  its  general  appearance,  except  the  seed,  which  is  like  flax  seed, 
and  also  a  number  of  grape  ^•ines.  At  twelve  miles  we  passed  an  island  on 
the  north,  al)()\e  which  is  a  big  sand  bar  covered  with  willows,  and  at 
twenty  and  a  half  miles,  stopped  on  a  large  sand  bar  in  the  middle  of  the 
ri\er,  op];)osite  a  high,  handsome  prairie,  which  extends  to  the  hills  four  or 



five  miles  distant,  though  near  the  bank  the  land  is  low  and  subject  to  be 
overflowed.  This  day  was  exceedingly  fine  and  pleasant,  the  storm  of  wind 
last  night  from  the  northeast  having  cooled  the  air." 

"July  14th.— \\^e  had  some  hard  showers  of  rain  before  seven  o'clock, 
when  we  set  out.  We  had  just  reached  the  end  of  the  sand  island,  and  seen 
the  o))posite  banks  fall  in,  and  so  lined  with  timber  that  we  could  not 
approach  it  without  danger,  when  a  sudden  squall  from  the  northeast  struck 
the  boat  on  the  starboard  quarter  and  would  certainly  have  dashed  her  to 
pieces  on  the  sand  island  if  the  party  had  not  leai^ed  into  the  river,  and  with 
the  aid  of  the  anchor  and  cable,  kept  her  oft" — the  waves  dashing  over  her 
for  a  space  of  forty  minutes,  after  which  the  river  became  almost  instantly 
calm  and  smooth.  The  two  pirogues  were  ahead,  in  a  situation  nearly 
similar,  Init  fortunately  no  damage  was  done  to  the  boats  or  the  loading. 
The  wind  having  shifted  to  the  southeast,  we  came,  at  the  distance  of  two 
miles,  to  an  island  on  the  north,  where  we  dined.  One  mile  above,  on  the 
same  side  of  the  river,  is  a  small  factory,  where  a  merchant  of  St.  I-ouis 
traded  with  the  Otoes  and  Pawnees  two  years  ago.  Near  this  is  an  exten- 
sive lowland,  part  of  which  is  overflowed  occasionally,  the  rest  is  rich  and 
well  limbered.  The  wind  again  changed  to  the  northwest  by  north.  At 
seven  and  one-half  miles,  we  reached  the  lower  point  of  a  large  island.  A 
small  distance  above  this  point  is  a  river,  called  by  the  Maha  (now  Omaha 
Indians ) ,  the  Nish-na-ba-tona.  This  is  a  considerable  creek,  nearly  as  large 
as  the  Mine  river,  and  runs  parallel  to  the  Missouri  the  greater  part  of  its 
cfiurse,  lieing  fifty  yards  wide  at  its  mouth.  In  the  prairies  or  glades,  we  saw 
wild  timothy,  lambsc[uarter,  cuckleberries,  and.  on  the  edge  of  the  river, 
summer  grapes,  plums  and  gooseberries.  We  also  saw  today  for  the  first 
time,  some  elk,  at  which  some  of  the  party  shot,  but  at  too  great  a  distance. 
We  encamped  on  the  north  side  of  the  island,  a  little  above  the  Nishnaba- 
tona,  having  made  nine  miles.     The  river  fell  a  little. 

"July  15th. — A  thick  fog  prevented  us  leaving  the  encampment  before 
seven.  yVt  about  four  miles,  we  reached  the  extremity  of  the  large  island, 
and  crossing  to  the  south  (side  of  the  Missouri!,  at  a  distance  of  seven 
miles,  arrived  at  the  Little  Nemaha,  a  small  river  from  the  south,  forty 
yards  wide  a  little  above  its  mouth,  but  contracting  as  do  most  all  rivers 
em])tying  into  the  Missouri  at  its  confluence.     '■'     *     * 


Because  of  the  con(]uest  of  Canada  in  1760,  the  province  of  Louisiana 
alone  remained  to  France,  Init  not  for  long.     On  November  3,  17OJ,  it  was 


ceded  to  Spain,  witli  tlie  exception  of  the  eastern  half,  which  fell  to  Eng- 
land. The  portion  west  of  the  Mississippi  river,  including  what  is  now  the 
state  of  Nebraska,  was  thenceforth  for  thirty-eight  years  Spanish  territory, 
Ijut  the  Spaniards  did  not  at  once  assume  possession  of  the  same.  The  east 
])ortion  taken  by  the  English,  passed  on  September  3,  1783,  to  the 
Unitetl  States,  following  the  close  of  the  Re\olutionary  War.  Later,  (ju 
October  i,  1800,  by  the  terms  of  a  treaty  concluded  between  the  Emperor  of 
France,  Napoleon  Bonaparte,  and  the  King  of  Spain,  the  western  part  then 
under  Spanish  domination  was  re-ceded  to  France.  This  treaty  was  con- 
firmed by  a  treaty  at  Madrid,  starch  21,  1801.  France,  however,  sold  Louis- 
iana Territory  to  the  United  States  on  April  30,  1803,  which  date  was  the 
first  that  Nebraska  passed  officially  under  the  fiag  an.d  authority  of  the 
American  government.  An  act  was  passed  on  Octoljer  31,  1803,  l)y  the 
American  Congress  authorizing  the  President  to  take  formal  possession  (if 
the  Louisiana  Territory  and  form  a  temporary  government  thereof.  Auth- 
ority from  this  act  vested  the  powers  of  government  in  such  person  or  per- 
sons and  was  to  be  exercised  in  the  manner  the  President  of  the  L^nited 
States  might  direct.  Amos  Stoddard  was  then  appointed  as  governor  of 
the  new  territory,  which  was  known  as  Upper  Louisiana.  A  later  act  of 
Congress  erected  Louisiana  into  the  "Territory  of  Orleans  and  the  District 
of  Louisiana." 

The  purchase  of  Louisiana  was  negotiated  under  the  administration 
of  Thomas  JefYerson  and  the  price  paid  amounted  to  fifteen  million  dollars. 
France  received  in  payment  more  than  eleven  million  dollars  in  bonds  from 
the  United  States  and  the  remainder  of  the  purchase  price  was  paid  In-  the 
United  States  to  citizens  of  this  country  in  settlement  of  claims  held  b\-  them 
against  the  French  government.  No  census  of  the  territory  had  been  taken, 
but  estimates  placed  the  number  of  whites  as  l>eing  no  more  than  fifty  thou- 
-sand.  James  Wilkinson  was  appointed  governor  by  President  Jefiferson.  and 
I<'rederick  Bates,  secretary.  St.  Louis  was  made  the  capital.  The  judges 
were  J.  Meigs  and  John  P>.  C.  Lucas.  Those,  together  with  the  governor, 
constituted  the  Legislature. 


On  June  4,  18 12,  an  act  of  Congress  changed  the  Territory  of  Louis- 
iana to  the  Territory  of  Missouri,  included  in  the  boundaries  of  which  was 
tlie  present  state  of  Nel)raska.  This  act  provided  for  a  g<nernor  and  secre- 
tary, together  with  a  Legislature  composed  of  a  council  and  House  of  Pc])- 


resentatives.  Under , this  arrangement  the  members  of  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives were  to  be  elected  Ijy  the  people  and  they,  the  House  members, 
were  to  submit  the  names  of  eighteen  other  persons  from  whom  the  Presi- 
dent by  and  with  the  consent  and  advice  of  the  Senate,  would  select  nine  to 
serve  as  a  council  or  upper  branch  of  the  Legislature.  Judicial  power  was 
vested  in  superior  and  inferior  courts  and  justices  of  tlie  peace.  The  judges 
of  these  courts  were  selected  by  the  President.  On  the  19th  day  of  January, 
18 16,  the  Legislature  passed  a  law  adopting  the  common  law  of  England  as 
the  law  governing  the  territory  and  it  so  remained  until  the  later  davs,  when 
Governor  Richardson  was  called  upon  to  serve  tiie  people  of  Nebraska  in 
its  more  limited  lx)undaries,  and  the  repeal  of  the  criminal  code  of  this  law 
by  an  act  of  the  Nebraska  Territorial  Legislature,  was  one  of  the  first 
troublesome  features  with  which  he  had  to  deal  upon  his  arrival  to  assume 
charge  of  his  new  post. 


Out  of  what  was  known  as  the  Territory  of  Missouri  the  new  Territory 
of  Kansas  came  into  being  on  the  second  day  of  March,  1819.  Two  years 
later,  on  the  2nd  day  of  March,  1821,  the  state  of  Missouri  was  created. 
At  first  the  boundary  line  on  the  west  passed  north  and  south  at  the  mouth 
of  the  Kansas  river.  In  1836,  when  the  title  of  the  lowas,  Sacs  and  Foxes 
was  extinguished  by  a  treaty,  the  boundary  lines  of  Missouri  was  extended 
west  to  the  river,  as  it  now  exists.  The  new  addition  was  known  as  the 
Platte  Purchase.  On  the  west  side  of  the  river  was  what  we  n(jw  know- 
as  southeast  Nebraska,  Richardson,  Nemaha  and  Otoe  counties. 

In  1825  the  United  States  government  made  a  deal  with  the  Kansas 
Indians,  whereljy  they  got  lands  held  by  that  tribe  l>etvveen  the  Kansas, 
Missouri,  Nemaha  and  Nodaway  rivers,  and  later,  in  1834,  the  Pawnee 
Indians  relinqui.shed  their  holding  to  the  government.  Their  lands  were  all 
located  south  'of  the  Platte  river  in  Nebraska.  At  aljout  the  same  time  most 
of  the  land  held  by  the  Otoes  and  Missouri  Indians  between  the  Little  and 
Great  Nemaha  rivers  passed  to  the  government.  In  lieu  of  these  concessions 
Congress  passed  an  act  on  June  30.  1834,  designating  that  all  of  the  country 
west  of  the  Mississippi,  and  not  within  the  states  of  Louisiajia  and  Missouri 
or  tlie  Territory  of  Arkansas,  should  be  taken  for  the  purposes  set  forth 
in  an  act  to  be  Indian  country.     This  included  what  is  now  Nebraska. 

During  the  years  which  followed  until  the  erection  of  Nebraska  as  a 
territorv,  there  was  a  flood  of  tra\el  by  gold   seekers  lured  to  the    I'acilic 


slopes,  and  before  them  tlie  Mormon  migratory  movement  and  the  niihtary 
expeditions.  Nebraska  Territory  lay  in  the  path  and  must  be  crossed  by  all 
on  the  long  journey  westward.  It  was  the  grand  highway  then  as  now  for 
western  travel. 


It  required  several  attempts  before  Nebraska  Territory  was  finally  and 
definitely  erected  by  an  act  of  Congress.  The  first  effort  in  Congress  to 
make  a  territory  west  of  the  Missouri  river  was  made  in  1851,  but  this 
atempt  did  not  get  to  the  voting  stage.  At  a  meeting  of  Congress  the  fol- 
lowing year,  1S52-3,  a  bill  was  introduced  by  \\'illard  P.  Hall,  a  member  of 
the  House  from  Missouri,  organizing  what  should  be  known  as  the  "Terri- 
tory of  the  Platte,"  which  included  much  of  what  is  now  Nebraska.  The 
bill  was  referred  to  the  committee  on  territories,  of  which  William  A.  Rich- 
ardson, of  Illinois,  later  to  be  governor  of  Nebraska,  was  a  member. 

Mr.  Richardson  reported  a  bill  organizing  about  the  same  territory-  into 
a  territory  which  he  desired  should  be  known  as  the  "Territory  of  Ne- 
braska". The  bill  met  with  strenuous  opposition,  but  finally  passed  the 
house  on  a  vote  standing  ninety-eight  to  forty -three,  on  February  10,  1853. 
It  went  to  the  Senate,  where  it  also  found  opposition  which  prevented  its 
passage,  at  that  session.  When  the  following  Congress  convened,  on  Decem- 
ber 14,  1853,  Senator  August  C.  Dodge,  of  Iowa,  introduced  a  bill  to  organ- 
ize the  Territory  of  Nebraska.  His  bill  had  reference  to  the  same  territory 
mentioned  in  the  bills  before  former  sessions  of  Congress,  all  of  which 
contemplated-  the  Platte  river  as  the  northern  boundary  line.  Opposition  to 
the  entry  of  Nebraska  as  a  territory  turned  principally  upon  the  question 
of  whether  it  should  be  lawful  or  not  to  hold  slaves  within  the  new  territory. 
Those  members  from  the  Southern  states  desired  that  slave  territory  be 
extended  while  the  Northern  members  were  opposed  to  it. 

During  those  several  years  while  Congress  was  haggling  over  the  mat- 
ter, prospective  settlers  were  gathering  in  the  border  states,  desirous  of  being 
allowed  to  enter  the  state  for  the  purpose  of  taking  up  land  for  homes.  people  were  restive  of  the  dilatory  tactics  in  Congress  and  at  a  meet- 
ing held  at  Bellevue,  Hadley  D.  Johnson,  of  their  number,  was  selected  and 
commissioned  to  go  to  \\'^ashington  to  explain  their  wishes  in  the  matter. 
He  was  received  by  the  committee  having  in  charge  the  bill  and  given  a 
hearing.  His  efforts  in  the  cause  of  the  settlers  so  impressed  Senator 
Douglas  that  the  latter  secured  the  recommittal  of  the  bill.  On  January  23, 
1854,  another  bill  was  oft'ered  in  the  Senate,  greatly  changed  in  form,  which 


passed  that  body  on  March  4th  of  that  year.  WiUiam  A.  Richardson,  in  the 
House  again  introduced  a  bill,  which  in  its  form  was  very  similar  to  the 
Senate  measure. 

The  final  vote  on  the  measure,  and  the  one  which  carried  it,  was  had  on 
May  24th  and  the  same  was  approved  by  President  Pierce,  May  30,  1854. 
The  act,  as  passed,  provided  that  Congress  had  no  jurisdiction  over  the  new 
territory  as  regards  the  status  of  slave  holding,  but  granted  that  the  people 
of  the  new  territory  should  have  the  right  and  privilege  of  making  laws 
suitable  to  themselves  covering  this  c|uestion. 

The  new  territory  thus  taken  in  covered  an  area  of  three  hundred  and 
fifty-one  thousand  five  hundred  and  fifty-eight  square  miles  and  extended  north 
from  the  fortieth  parallel  of  north  latitude  (the  line  between  Kansas  and 
Nebraska)  to  the  British  possessions  (the  line  between  Canada  and  the 
United  States),  from  the  eastern  boundary  (the  Missouri  river,  dividing 
Missouri  and  Iowa  from  Nebraska),  west  to  the  summit  of  the  Rocky 
mountains.  On  the  28th  of  February,  1861,  the  Territory  of  Colorado  was 
created  and  this  reduced  the  area  of  Nebraska  by  some  sixteen  thousand 
thirty-live  square  miles.  On  March  16,  1867,  the  Dakotas  were  formed  and 
further  reduced  Nebraska  by  two  hundred  and  twenty-eight  thousand  nine 
hundred  and  seven  square  miles ;  and  still  later  a  tract  of  fifteen  thousand 
three  hundred  and  seventy-eight  was  taken  from  Washington  and  Utah, 
but  this  was  later  included  in  some  forty-five  thousand  ninety-nine  square 
miles,  which  now  forms  a  part  of  the  state  of  Idaho.  The  present  area  of 
the  state  of  Nebraska  is  seventy-five  thousand  nine  hundred  and  ninet)-five 
square  miles. 

At  the  time  the  Louisiana  Purchase  was  arranged  between  the  United 
States  and  the  government  of  France,  in  1803,  slavery  was  a  legalized  insti- 
tution, and  many  of  the  residents  held  slaves.  In  the  treaty  ceding  the 
territory  to  the  United  States,  Napoleon  had  incorporated  an  expressed 
stipulation  that  the  inhabitants  of  Louisiana  "Should  be  incorporated  into 
the  Union  of  the  United  States  and  admitted  as  soon  as  possible,  according 
to  the  principles  of  the  federal  Constitution,  to  the  enjoyment  of  all  the 
rights,  advantages  and  immunities  of  citizens  of  the  United  States,  and  in 
the  meantime  they  should  be  maintained  and  protected  in  the  free  enjoy- 
ment of  their  liberties,  property  and  the  religion  which  they  professed." 
The  effect  of  this  clause  was  to  have  much  attention  in  later  years  when  the 
Territory  of  Nebraska  was  formed  and  was  much  debated  in  Congress  when 
the  matter  of  slave  holding  in  the  territory  was  before  Congress. 



Tliis  act  passed  by  Congress  in  1854,  during  the  administration  of 
Franklin  Pierce,  for  the  purpose  of  organizing  the  Territories  of  Kansas 
and  Nebraska.  It  provided  among  other  things,  that  the  questions  of  slav- 
ery should  be  left  to  the  people;  that  questions  involving  the  title  of  slaves 
were  to  be  left  to  the  local  courts,  with  the  right  to  appeal  to  the  United 
States  Supreme  court ;  and  that  the  Fugitive  slave  laws  were  to  apply  to  the 
territories.  Further,  so  far  as  this  region  was  concerned,  the  ^lissouri  Com- 
promise of  1820,  which  excluded  slavery  from  the  Louisiana  Purchase  north 
of  latitude  36°  30'  north,  except  from  the  state  of  Missouri,  was  declared 
repealed.  This  measure  disrupted  the  Whig  party,  most  of  the  Southern 
Whigs  joining  the  Democrats,  and  led  to  the  organization  of  the  Republican 
party  in  1856.  It  was  also  one  of  the  prime  factors  in  bringing  about  the 
Civil  War. 

CI  I. \ ITER  IV. 
Early  Settlement  and  Early  Surveys. 

"Now  let  us  climb  Nebraska's  loftiest  hill. 
And  from  its  summit  view  the  scene  beyond ; 
The  moon  comes  like  an  angel  down  from  Heaven, 
Its  radiant  face  is  the  unclouded  sun, 
Its  outspread  wings,  the  overreaching  sky. 
Its  voice,  the  charming  minstrels  of  the  sky. 
Its  breath,  the  fragrance  of  the  bright  wild  flowers. 
Behold  the  prairie,  broad  and  grand  and  free — 
'Tis  God's  own  garden,  unprofaned  by  man." 

— -"Nebraska:"  A  Poem,   1854. 

The  unsettled  region  of  southeastern  Nebraska  presented  an  attractive 
and  seductive  picture  to  the  pioneers  of  sixty  years  ago.  The  beautiful 
and  fertile  wocxied  valleys,  the  flowing  streams,  the  vast  reaches  of  the 
upland  prairies — all  provided  an  enticemeent  not  equalled  anywhere  else  in 
this  land.  The  early  visitors  to  the  country,  from  Coronado  to  the  mem- 
bers of  the  Lewis  and  Clark  expedition,  were  all  united  in  singing  the 
praises  of  the  region  which  is  now  Richardson  county,  as  being  a  fitting 
abode  for  the  industrious  white  man.  The  country  round  about,  was  a 
paradise  for  the  nomadic  Indian  tribes  and  the  adventurous  hunters  and 
trappers.  It  was  a  veritable  Garden  of  Eden,  awaiting  the  advent  of  the 
hardy  American  pioneers,  who  would  break  the  way  for  less  venturous  settlers, 
who  were  to  figure  in  the  development  of  tlie  land.  The  Missouri  river  was 
an  easy  and  comfortable  method  of  reaching  this  land  of  plenty  and  afforded 
transportation  for  the  necessities  of  life  and  the  meager  lielongings  of  the 
first  comers  and  homeseekers  to  the  county. 

The  earlv  American  pioneer  was  a  distinct  specimen  oi  humanity,  fie 
was  dififerent  from  his  fellow  .-Xmericans  in  many  ways.     In  Ins  veins  flowed 


the  blood  of  generations  of  forbears,  who  had  Hved  on  the  frontier  of  civiH- 
zation  and  were  continuous  homeseekers  from  both  choice  and  necessity. 
The  pioneer  ever  had  his  vision  turned  to  the  Westward  and  dreamed  of 
wide  ranges  and  far-reaching  soHtudes,  where  he  could  live  free  and  un- 
molested far  away  from  the  trammels  of  civilization.  It  was  his  habit  to  be 
moving-  onward  as  each  new  section  became  peopled  with  followers,  who 
came  to  reap  the  benefits  of  his  early  hardships  and  toil  in  hewing  a  home 
from  the  wilderness  and  prairies  of  the  West.  To  the  pioneer  of  the  early 
fifties  must  be  given  the  credit  for  proving  to  the  world  that  man  could 
exist  and  be  comfortable  in  what  was  formerly  called  the  "Great  American 


The  first  families  to  journey  to  the  region  which  is  now  Richardson 
county,  were  of  the  real  pioneer  class,  whose  ancestors  preceding  them 
were  pioneers  for  many  generations.  They  were  from  the  state  of  Ten- 
nessee, which  had  not  yet  reached  its  full  development  and  has  not  done 
so  to  this  day.  and  from  Missouri,  ^''irginia,  the  mother  of  presidents  and 
the  seat  of  some  of  the  oldest  families  of  the  nation,  mothered  the  progenitors 
of  this  pioneer  class.  The  Carolinas,-no  doubt,  had  a  share  in  producing 
some  of  the  ancestors  of  those  venturous  people  who  came  to  the  banks  of 
the  Missouri  in  the  early  fifties,  to  found  homes  and  cities  for  themselves 
and  children.  Their  forbears  were  a  restless  and  ambitious  lot,  who  were 
continually,  from  generation  to  generation,  moving  onward  to  newer  fields 
wherein  to  rear  their  families  and  find  sustenance.  From  Virginia  and 
the  Carolinas  this  migration  spread  to  Tennessee  and  Kentucky.  The  chil- 
dren of  the  Tennessee  and  Kentucky  pioneers  followed  the  river  routes  north- 
westward to  the  newer  lands.  The  navigable  streams  which  coursed  through 
Tennessee  to  the  Ohio,  thence  to  the  Mississippi  and  then  up  the  Missouri 
river,  afforded  a  safe  and  easy  means  of  transportation  for  their  goods  and 

Beyond  certain  sections,  or  more  proper!}-  speaking,  the  eastern  section  of 
Nebraska,  nature  had  placed  difticulties  in  the  way  of  the  pioneer  for  founding 
homes  that  to  this  day  have  not  been  fully  overcome.  Richardson  county, 
being  situated  in  the  basin  of  the  ^lissouri  river  and  its  afiluents.  made  an 
ideal  place  of  residence  and  afforded  a  certainty  of  crop  raising  which  the 
more  western  sections  of  the  state  do  not  furnish.  Hence,  we  find  tliat 
many  of  the  earlier  pioneers  of  this  county  remained  aiKJ  here  reared  fami- 


lies,  who  are  at  present  the  proud  descendants  of  those  who  were  the  real 
pioneers  of  the  county. 

The  first  homeseekers  in  the  early  fifties  chose  the  breaks  of  the  Mis- 
souri and  Nemaha  rivers  for  their  abiding  places  and  avoided  the  high 
uplands  of  the  fertile  prairie  section  for  good  and  sufficient  reasons.  The 
broken  land  in  the  region  of  old  St.  Stephens  and  Archer  afforded  two  things 
which  the  settler  must  have  to  sustain  life — wood  and  water  in  abundance, 
without  the  trouble  of  digging  wells  and  carting  the  wood  for  his  fireplace 
a  long  distance.  The  settler  selected  the  site  for  his  home  in  the  vicinity  of 
a  forest  and  stream  and  more  often  near  a  gushing  spring.  He  felled  the 
forest  trees  with  which  to  build  his  cabin;  game  was  plentiful  in  the  woods 
and  fish  abounded  in  the  streams.  His  wants  were  simple  and  easily  sup- 
plied; he  was  comfortable  and  well  fed.  The  pioneer  and  early  homeseeker 
passed  by  the  marsh  lands  of  the  Nemaha  and  its  smaller  branch  and  sought 
the  high  breaks  of  the  southwestern  part  of  the  county,  where  were  beauti- 
ful and  wooded  valleys  with  flowing  streams,  which  furnished  ideal  sites  for 
primitive  homes.  Some  of  the  oldest  families  of  Richardson  county,  who 
are  descended  from  these  early  pioneers,  still  reside  in  Speiser  and  Hum- 
boldt precincts.  They  have  broad  acres  and  comfortable  homes  and  are 
prosperous  and  contented.  The  high  hills  and  ranges  afliord  pasturage  for 
their  herds  and  the  wooded  valleys  afford  homesites  and  areas  of  fertile, 
cultivated  land.  This  hilly  country,  which  embraces  the  highest  points  in 
the  county,  bids  fair  to  witness  another  important  development  at  the  present 
time.  Geologists  have  stated  that  oil  may  be  found  in  the  depths  of  the 
ground  and  capitalists  are  already  drilling  for  the  coveted  mineral  wealth. 
Coal  is  found  in  the  hills.    Altogether,  it  is  a  desirable  place  of  residence. 

The  pioneers  who  settled  the  eastern  part  of  the  county  and  made  homes 
in  the  Missouri  river  breaks,  were  the  town  builders  and  took  an  active  part 
in  the  early  organization  of  the  county.  Their  descendants  at  this  day  are 
among  the  most  prominent  of  the  county  citizenry  and  have  accumulated 
wealth  and  position  through  the  foresight  of  their  parents  and  their  t)wn 
inherent  abilitv,  in  taking  ad\'antage  of  the  opportunities  afforded  by  the 
development  of  a  new  country. 


For  purposes  of  classification  the  settlement  of  Richardson  county  may 
be  divided  into  four  distinct  epochs,  which  include  well-defined  classes  of 
settlers.    These  epochs  are  as  follow : 


First.  The  real  pioneer  era,  which  dates  from  the  year  1854  to  i860  or 
1 86 1.  The  men  who  came  during  this  era  were  the  hardy  and  adventurous 
homeseekers,  who  left  friends  and  relatives  and  old  home  ties  behind  them  in 
the  older  states  in  order  to  be  the  first  to  assist  in  building  up  a  new  state.  Too 
much  credit  cannot  be  given  this  class,  inasmuch  as  they  bore  the  brunt  of  the 
solitude  and  the  lonesome  life  and  hardships  incidental  to  living  in  an  almost 
unpeopled  wilderness. 

Second.  The  old  settlers,  or  early  settlement  period. — The  people  who 
came  during  the  years  from  i860  to  1869  or  1870,  were  of  a  class  who 
came  after  the  way  was  broken  and  while  the  population  of  the  county 
was  yet  sparse.  They  traveled  overland  from  the  older  states  and  followed 
the  Missouri  river  as  had  their  predecessors,  found  the  land  inviting  and 
remained  to  make  a  home  and  grow  up  with  the  county.  \\^hile  these  people 
are  pioneers  in  a  certain  sense  they  can  be  better  classed  as  "old  settlers 
of  the  second  era  of  settlement.'"     This  era  included  1866-1870. 

Third.  The  homesteaders.  After  the  enactment  of  the  Homestead 
Law.  there  was  a  rush  of  Civil  ^\'ar  veterans  and  people  from  the 
older  Middle  West  states  to  the  county,  to  take  advantage  of  the  free 
homesteads  provided  for  in  this  act.  The  settlers  came  from  Ohio,  Illinois. 
Indiana.  Kentucky  and  Missouri  during  this  era  and  settled  upon  the  uplands 
or  prairies.  The  earl\-  part  of  this  period  was  a  trying  time  to  all  classes 
of  settlers  on  account  of  the  dry  years.  Many  settlers  and  homesteaders 
were  forced  to  relinquish  their  homes  and  return  to  old  home  places.  Those 
who  stayed  and  fought  the  good  fight,  reaped  the  rewards  in  later  years  of 
abundant  crops  and  prosperity  which  followed. 

F^nirth.  The  era  of  building  and  development,  and  permanent  settlers, 
1 870- 1 890. — The  free  lands  having  all  been  taken  up  during  the  homesteading 
era,  another  influx  of  settlers  came  to  purchase  the  lands  of  their  predecessors 
and  make  permanent  homes  in  the  county.  This  class  came  from  the  older 
states  to  the  Eastward  and  from  foreign  lands.  Many  of  these  came  with 
funds  with  which  to  Iniy  their  farms  and  live  stock.  They  were  the  builders 
and  developers  of  the  county  in  a  certain  sense  and  the  greatest  industrial 
progress  which  the  c<nint\'  has  made  dates  from  this  influx. 


The  following  is  a  list  of  those  whd  settled  in  Richardson  county  before 
i860,  as  near  as  can  be  ascertained  : 



1854:  Wilson  M.  Maddox,  Fred  Harkendorff,  Jesse  Crook,  Mary 
Harkendorff.  Mrs.  Jesse  Crook,  Mr.  William  R.  Crook.  Mrs.  J.  R.  Wilhite, 

D.  L.  Thompson,  Elias  Minshell. 

1855 :  Benjamin  F.  Leechman  and  family,  Lucinda  Crook,  James 
Forney,  \\'.  H.  Keeling. 

1856:    James  Stumbo,  G.  J.  Crook,  John  Crook. 

1857:     Frank  Crook,  J.  R.  Dowty,  Polly  Wamsle}-,  Chris  Wamsley. 

1858:     W.  R.  Goolsby,  A.  P.  Forney,  Mrs.  Rose  A.  Allison,  William 

E.  Dorrington,  Isham  Reavis  and  family,  Mrs.  Sarah  Goolsby. 

1859:  John  Fallstead,  William  McK.  Maddox  and  family;  Mrs.  Daniel 
Gantt,  Anderson  Miller,  George  W.  Marsh,  Margaret  Miller,  S.  T.  Miller, 
Ike  Allison,  Elias  Firebaugh. 




George  Goolsby,   A.   D.   Goolsby,   A.   H.    Sloan. 

J.  F.  Cornell,  W.  H.  Cornell,  Lavina  Cornell. 

C.  F.  Peabody,  Isaac  Clark  and  wife;  T.  C.  Cunningham. 

George  D.  Clark,  J.  W.  Patterson,  C.  C.  Parsons. 

W.  H.  Mark,  Emerson  Smith,  J.  M.  Dietrich,    John  Hossack, 

W.  S.  Marsh,  R.  L.  Marsh,  T.  S.  Marsh. 

1854:     Abner  Boyd,  Mrs.  J.  T.  Adams,  W.  H.  Whitney. 

1855:     S.  H.   Roberts,  Joseph  Hare,  Mrs.  W.  \\'.  Spurlock,  daughter 
of  J.  C.  Lincoln;  S.  P.  Gist,  J.  C.  Lincoln  and  wife. 
"  1856:     W.  A.  Crook. 

1857:     William  Kinsey,  and  family:  Will  Whitney. 

1859:     Ester  Waggoner,  H.  C.  Jemiings,  Morris  Malone,  J.  H.  Cum- 
mings,  Stewart  Russell. 


J.  Robert  Cain. 

William  C.  Hall.  Mrs.  Kate  Messier. 

G.  W.  Smith,  M.  H.  Van  Deventer. 


1854:     John  B.  Didier. 

1856:     Charles  Jenkins,  Fulton  Peters 

1855  :     Ellis  Goolsby. 
1859:     Daniel  Riley. 


1853  :  Joseph  Zulek,  Charles  Zulek. 

1854:  Samuel  Bobst. 

1857:  H.    D.    Tinker,    O.    J.    Tinker,    Edward    P.    Tinker,    Franklin 

1854:     Thomas  F.  Brown,  Davis  Speiser,  Sr. 
1856:     George   Riechers    (now  of  Falls  City). 


1855  •     William  R.  Cain,  and  family. 

1848:     Stephen  Story  and  wife. 

Others  who  settled  in  the  county  before  i860,  were:  1854.  Rebecca 
T.  Edwards,  1855:  George  Coffman,  1856;  J.  O.  Stout,  James  Dedrich,  Mrs. 
A.  H.  Cornell;  1857,  Z.  J.  Parsons,  L.  A.  Kinsey;  1858,  S.  J.  Harris.  James 
Clark,  William  Colerick:  1859,  William  Parchen.  A\'illiam  Rieschick;  1858, 
J.  G.  Wist,  1859.  Mrs.  George  Linsicum;  1858,  Airs.  J.  B.  Morton;  1859, 
Margaret  Maddox;  1855,  J.  C.  Miller;  1854,  Christian  Bobst;  1853,  Con- 
rad Smith,  Rulo;  1855,  Mrs.  Dan  Van  \'alkenburg,  Rulo;  1854, 
C.  W.  Roberts,  Salem;  1856.  J.  R.  Kelley,  Salem;  1855,  Mrs.  Mary  A. 
Hurley.  Humboldt:  1855,  Margaret  Higgins  Edwards,  J.  F.  Shubert;  1859, 
Sarah  K.  Goolsby,  Verdon.;  1858,  Mrs.  Eliza  Clark,  Verdon;  1858,  Mrs.  Kate 
Thomas;  1855,  Isaac  Crook,  Archer;  1854,  Charles  Rouleau  and  Eli  Bedard. 
Rulo;  1857,  Eli  Plante,  Rulo;  1854,  William  Level,  Archer,  and  Frank  L. 


Surrounded  as  we  are  in  Richardson  county  today  with  comforts  in- 
numerable and  attendant  prosperity,  ,so  prodigal  that  its  resources  seem  ex- 



haustless,  many  of  us  are  inclined  to  scorn  the  achievements  of  the  pasi, 
claiming,  as  we  do,  for  ourselves  the  credit  for  what  our  county  is  today. 
We  would  not  minimize  what  is  being  done  nor  what  has  been  done,  fully 
recognizing,  as  we  do,  the  high  standard  of  the  present  sojourner  here; 
but  while  giving  credit  in  fulsome  measure,  it  is  urged  that  it  should  not 
be  carried  to  the  point  of  forgetting  our  debt  for  this  heritage  from  those 
who  have  gone  before,  and  that  they  are  responsible  to  a  very  large  degree 
for  the  present  happy  condition. 

While  we  have  grown  from  a  few  scattered  hamlets  on  the  Missouri 
river  bluffs  to  a  county  recognized  throughout  the  state  as  one  among  the 
very  first  in  wealth  and  importance,  we  must  recognize  that  these  blessings 
are  but  the  ripened  fruit  from  the  sacrifices,  privations,  labor  and  forethought 
of  the  men,  and  women,  too,  who  first  came  to  the  county  and  caught  the 
vision  of  its  possibilities.  Through  all  the  trials  and  adversities  common 
to  that  period,  their  courage  stood  firm,  and  their  spirit  mounted  to  a  vision 
that  many  lived  to  see  in  the  fulness  of  its  fruition.  In  the  face  of  all  the 
seemingly  unsurmountable  difficulties  and  obstacles,  there  was  ever  among 
them  an  indomitable  spirit  which  did  not  falter,  but  was  as  proud  and  true 
as  found  in  the  peoples  who  liave  pioneered  any  country  in  the  history  of 

It  is  almost  impossible  for  us  of  this  day  and  generation,  to  properly 
visualize  the  foreboding  prospect  \\hich  faced'  the  pioneer  who  came  here 
in  the  first,  second  and  third  decades  of  the  county's  settlement.  Where 
we  find  paved  streets,  well-defined  roads  and  good  bridges,  green  fields  and 
beautiful  groves,  they  saw  only  pathless  prairies  and  tangled  grasses  in  the 
valleys — a  part  of  the  center  and  solitude  of  the  Great  American  Desert 
or  great  plains.  Land  was  the  cheapest  thing  in  sight;  its  expanse  and  vast- 
ness  were  appalling.  The  countrv  was  one  open  wilderness,  trackless,  un- 
known, and  the  home  only  of  the  wild  animals  and  aborigines,  whose  habita- 
tion dates  back  of  written  history.  Where  we  retire  each  night  in  comfortable, 
modern  homes,  protected  by  an  established  order  of  government,  at  peace 
with  all  mankind,  they  sought  slumber  under  the  starry  canopy  of  Heaven, 
beside  the  trail,  or  in  the  dug-out  or  sod  house,  never  knowing  when  their 
lonely  shelter  might  l>e  sought  out  by  the  Indian  on  the  warpatli.  and  their 
lives  made  to  pay  forfeit  for  their  intrusion.  Over  the  same  country  that 
they  viewed  from  the  heavy,  ox-drawn,  cumbersome  wagon  in  long,  weari- 
some journey,  we  speed  in  high-powered  motor,  with  hundredfold  more 
radius  of  travel.'  With  the  telegraph,  and  the  telephone  in  every  house,  we 


are  enabled  to  have  instant  and  personal  communication  with  distant  friends. 
where  they  had  to  wait  for  weeks  and  months  for  the  letter  l)rought  by  the 
freighter  or  passing  traveler. 

But  they  came ;  not  because  they  had  been  actually  crowded  out  at  home 
— many  leaving  comparative  comfort  behind,  and  staked  their  all  on  the 
caprice  of  a  bare,  naked  chance  that  they  would  be  able  to  survive  the 
rigorous  vicissitudes  that  must  come  before  such  a  world  could  be  con- 
quered. They  found  arid  ands  of  the  prairie  and  conquered  them;  they 
built  towns  and  villages  where  before  had  been  a  solitude. 


The  white  race,  unlike  their  brethren  of  other  peoples,  ha\e  been  pre- 
eminent from  the  dawn  of  history  as  the  pathfinders  who  have  migrated  to 
the  four  corners  of  the  globe  and  traversed  the  recesses  of  the  darkest  conti- 
nents in  quest  of  adventure  and  excitement,  with  the  consequent  gain  that 
has  always  followed  in  the  wake  of  their  undertakings.  The  stout  hearts 
of  this  pioneering  people  have  braved  every  danger,  overcome  every  obstacle 
incident  to  travel  or  climate,  conquered  the  savage  wherever  found,  subdued 
the  wild  beast  and  the  land,  and  prepared  and  made  safe  the  sections  visited 
for  the  host  that  followed.  Leaving  Europe,  they  played  star  parts  in 
bringing  dominion  over  the  Americas.  Our  pioneers  were  the  advance  guard 
of  the  great  movement,  which  has  now  penetrated  every  part  of  North  Amer- 
ica. Those  coming  here  were  in  advance  of  their  time  and  because  the 
title  to  the  lands  were  still  held  by  the  aborigines,  had  to  be  restrained 
by  the  government  from  entering  the  territory  until  the  spring  of  1854. 
Those  pioneers,  many  of  them,  had  reached  western  Missouri  a  year  or  two 
previous  and  had  taken  up  temporary  residence  there,  pending  such  action 
by  the  government  as  might  open  the  country  for  settlement  to  the  whites. 
The  Indian  titles  under  the  treaties  made  many  years  before  were  not  extin- 
guished until  1854,  and  the  act  known  as  the  Kansas-Nebraska  bill,  did 
not  reach  its  final  stage  of  passage  until  May,  1854. 

This  being  the  case  when  the  settlers  arrived  in  1854,  they  found  the 
season  far  too  much  advanced  for  the  preparation  of  the  land,  so  necessary 
for  the  successful  growing  of  crops  that  year.  Jesse  Crook  had  taken  a  claim, 
included  in  which  was  the  land  now  known  as  the  William  Nutter  farm,  the 
east  half  of  the  northeast  quarter  of  section  2.  of  township  1.  uortii  of 
range  16,  and  had  succeeded  in  breaking  up  a  jiart  of  it:  to  be  exact,  that 
part  south  of  the  present  new  home  of  Mr.  Nutter;  luit  what  lie  or  his  few 


neighbors  were  able  to  Ijreak  that  year  was  very  Httle,  and  the  claim  is 
made  by  some  that  not  one  entire  section  was  brought  under  the  plow  that 
year.  Under  such  conditions,  those  who  came  in  that  year,  not  being  able 
to  subsist  on  what  could  be  produced  in  the  ntw  country,  were  obliged  to 
rel\-  on  what  they  had  brought,  or  were  able  to  obtain,  fmm  the  other  side 
of  the  river.  The  following  winter  is  said  to  have  been  mild  compared 
to  what  had  been  expected,  and  with  the  coming  of  spring  and  the  infln.x 
of  a  new  crop  of  settlers,  a  real,  earnest  effort  was  made  to  break  up  the 
land.  This  was  a  tedious,  difficult  and  slow  task  to  be  performed  with  the 
farming  utensils  at  hand,  but  a  good  showing  was  made.  We,  of  today, 
can  scarcely  gauge  the  intense  interest  that  must  have  been  manifest  among 
those  people,  who  had  the  honor  of  putting  in  the  first  crop  ever  attempted 
to  be  raised  by  white  men  in  this  unknown  and  untried  region.  But  we 
know  they  must  have  had  little  time  to  moralize  on  what  they  were  doing 
as,  the  while,  their  interest  was  quickened  by  the  ever-present  wolf  of  dire 
necessity,  which  stalked  their  foosteps,  and  then  as  now,  there  were  mouths 
to  •  feed.  Those  people,  with  scanty  stores,  who  had  come  long  distance.^ 
from  friends  or  loved  ones,  expecting  to  wring  an  existence  from  the  soil, 
watched  those  efforts  with  many  misgivings;  but  the  season  of  1855  was 
on  its  good  behavior  and  all  conditions  considered,  the  harvest  was  ample. 
What  had  been  regarded  in  the  light  of  an  experiment,  had  now  developed 
into  a  wondrous  reality — the  land  properly  handled  had  proved,  as  it  has 
ever  proved,  the  one  Ijest  friend  to  its  children.  The  story  of  the  success 
of  those  who  had  come,  quickly  found  its  way  Eastward  to  those  who  had 
waited  for  another  to  open  the  gate,  and  they  came  in  ever-increasing  num- 
bers to  try  their  fortunes  in  the  West.  The  press  of  the  countr\-  was  solic- 
ited in  a  campaign  made  to  induce  settlement  in  the  ne\\-  territory  and  the 
results  were  effective  in  the  way  of  inducing  many  to  join  in  the  develop- 
ment of  the  country :  but  the  country  was  new  and  large  and  the  settlement 
seemed  slow  to  those  from  the  more  densely  settled  section  of  the  East.  Land 
was  cheaj):  it  seemed  like  all  out-of-doors  was  lying  here  awaiting  the  hand 
of  the  plowman — but  the  market  was  not  good  and  money  was  scarce. 


It  was  at  this  period — in  1856 — that  the  Territorial  Legislature  took 
a  hand  and  thought  to  alleviate  conditions  in  a  financial  way,  by  the  intro- 
duction of  systems  of  finance,  calculated  to  make  money  easier  to  lie  had. 

What  thev  did,  if  viewed  in  the  light  of  present  conditions,  seemetl  to 


have  teen  the  height  of  folly;  but  judged  from  conditions  as  the\  subse- 
quently existed,  notably  in  1896,  when  the  entire  country  was  aroused  over 
the  nation's  finances — the  mantle  of  charity  might  well  be  used  in  considera- 
tion of  what  was  done  by  these  embryo  legislators,  who  had  thought  to 
ameliorate  the  condition  of  a  handful  of  settlers  in  the  western  territory. 

This  wild-cat  money  period  was  initiated  by  the  Territorial  AssemJ^ly 
meeting  at  Omaha,  in  the  winter  of  1856,  where  it  was  arranged  for  the 
establishment  of  what  was  known  as  "banks  of  issue,"  which  it  claimed 
would  accomplish  the  ends  desired.  Six  of  such  banks  were  soon  in  opera- 
tion and  represented  one  for  each  five  hundred  of  the  population  in  the 
territory  at  the  time  mentioned. 

Under  the  charters  given,  they  were  allowed  pnwer  to  issue  as  many 
dollars  of  indebtedness  as  the  circumstances  of  each  individual  shareholder 
might  demand  for  themselves.  This  country  had  not.  at  that  time,  progressed 
so  far  as  now,  in  a  knowledge  of  correct  financial  methods,  and  the  effect 
that  followed  the  operations  of  these  banks  when  they  got  into  business, 
seemed  at  first  to  have  solved  the  problem,  and  perhaps  to  a  greater  degree 
than  was  anticipated. 

Undertakings,  previously  forestalled  for  lack  of  capital,  were  now  under 
no  such  impediment,  for  money,  such  as  it  was,  was  plentiful.  Under  this 
stimulus,  the  wildest  speculation  was  indulged  in;  cities  sprang  up  as  if  In- 
magic — townsites  were  platted  and  staked  out.  Beautifully  lithographed 
stock  shares  in  these  townsite  companies  were  bandied  about,  and  everyone 
seemed  engaged  in  boosting  for  some  town  which  was  sure  to  become  the 
metropolis.  Smooth  dealers  had  agents  in  other  states,  where  many  of  these 
lots  were  sold  to  unsuspecting  purchasers  at  fabulous  prices.  Every  man 
who  had  a  claim,  became  obsessed  with  the  idea  that  his  was  the  location 
for  the  city  of  the  future  and  interested  himself  in  getting  townsite  companies 
formed  and  spent  too  much  of  his  time  in  chasing  such  phantoms,  when  hv 
might  better  have  been  employed  in  looking  after  the  development  of  his 


The  fe\er  for  speculation  in  all  manner  of  schemes  jiut  afloat,  possessed 
the  people  of  all  communities  and  had  the  effect  of  luring  men  away  from 
the  land,  and  in  such  a  state  of  affairs,  a  less  acreage,  acconling  t"  the 
population,  was  tilled  than  formerly.  The  b<wm  thus  occasioned,  lunvexer. 
was  characteristic  of  similar  fluctuating  inflations  which  have  visited  the  stale. 
Init  was  temporary.      There   were  a    few    far-sighted   men  in   the   territory 


at  the  time  who  could  forecast  the  results  sure  to  follow  what  was  happen- 
ing, but  the}-  were  so  much  in  the  minority  that  in  1857  the  elections  of 
the  fall  brought  together  another  legislative  assembly,  which,  instead  of 
gi\-ing  relief,  was  so  thoroughly  imbued  with  the  spirit  of  the  times  that 
more  of  the  wild-cat  banks  were  given  charters,  and  further  aid  was  ex- 
tended those  fostering  schemes  for  making  easy  money. 

Many  new  towns  were  mapped  out  and  more  agents  were  at  work  selling 
stock  and  lots.  A  period  of  the  wildest  speculation  existed  around  those 
paper  towns:  but  the  bubble  was  soon  to  burst  and  carry  down  the  usual 
crop  of  fools,  ruined  and  bankrupt.  Ruin,  poverty  and  utter  desolation 
were  now  the  common  fare  of  an  entire  population  which  had  been  seduced 
into  strange  paths  in  c|uest  of  easy  money. 

Those  few  not  enamored  by  the  glittering  prospects  so  temptingly  offered 
and  who  had  remained  with  the  soil  as  actual  producers,  were  the  ones 
best  pi-epared  to  weather  the  storm.  The  long,  dreary,  cold  winter  of  1858 
found  the  people  but  little  prepared  as  they  had  produced  little  and  had 
exhausted  the  supplies  they  had.  During  this  period  a  chance  offered  for 
study  and  reflection  and  many  learned  that  the  new  country  was  more  in 
need  of  producers  and  people  to  till  the  soil  than  of  real-estate  and  town 
boomers.  The  experience  thus  gained  was  read  into  revision  and  improve- 
ment of  the  banking  laws,  which  have  ever  proved  beneficent  to  the  people 
of  the  state. 

The  following  year  was  none  too  good  for  the  real-estate  broker  and 
town-lot  hawkers,  and  they  quickly  di.sappeared  as  a  class.  With  their  going 
a  renewed  and  rightly  directed  interest  was  manifest  in  the  work  of  improv- 
ing agricultural  conditions,  which  has  since  kept  a  continual  flow  of  gold 
inward  to  the  people  of  the  state.  Thus,  for  the  first  time  the  boats  leaving 
for  the  South  bore  away  cargoes  of  grain  and  live  stock,  which  in  turn 
brought  back  monev  to  be  used  for  the  further  de\elopment  of  the  countr)-. 

Right  at  that  time  the  people  became  embroiled  in  one  of  the  bitterest 
of  contests — that  of  designating  a  permanent  point  for  the  county  seat. 
In  all  new  countries  might  makes  right  to  a  far  greater  extent  than  in 
those  more  fully  systemized.  The  settlement  of  the  river  tier  i.f  counties, 
of  which  Richardson  is  the  farthest  south  and  of  the  first,  so  far  preceded 
that  of  the  counties  King  further  west,  that  much  of  what  was  endured 
here  was  not  repeatetl  in  the  latter. 


From  the  date  of  the  organization  of  the  count}-  in  Marcli,  1855,  when 
Archer  was  designated  as  the  county  seat,  there  was  a  brief  period  of  peace, 
liut  from  the  following  year,  when  the  county  seat  was  removed  to  Salem, 
there  was  for  nearly  fifteen  years  a  constant  strife,  which  stirred  the  people 
from  one  end  of  the  county  to  the  other  and  the  effects  of  which  was  felt 
in  the  community  for  many  years. 

An  act  approved  by  the  Territorial  Legislature  on  February  g.  1857, 
provided  for  an  election  to  determine  the  county  seat  of  Richardson  county 
and  appointed  the  first  Thursday  of  April,  the  same  year,  the  date  of 
balloting.  The  election  resulted  in  the  defeat  of  Falls  City  and  the  choice 
of  Salem  as  the  county  seat.  The  county  offices  were  not,  however,  moved 
to  Salem  at  once,  and  before  their  removal  an  election  for  a  permanent  loca- 
tion of  the  county  seat  had  been  held,  the  contestants  receiving  an  equal 
number  of  ballots  each,  and  the  election  was  virtually  undecided.  Although 
the  first  election  had  resulted  in  the  choice  of  Salem,  many  of  the  appurte- 
nances of  the  county  seat  had  not  been  removed  to  that  point  and  when  the 
later  elections  finally  determined  that  Falls  City  should  be  the  county  seat, 
they  took  up  their  final  al^ode  in  this  cit}-. 

THE    EPIL5EMIC    OF    1 86o. 

The  early  summer  of  i860  was  signalized  by  the  advent  of  the  most 
fatal  and  contagious  disease  which  has  ever  visited  the  county.  This  was  the 
bloodv  flux;  something  resembling  acute  dysentery.  The  disease  was  supposed 
to  have  started  at  Rulo.  having  been  brought  there  by  emigrants  cm  smne 
river  steamer.  It  was  not  confined  to  that  town,  but  spread  rapidl\-.  untd 
only  the  sparseness  of  the  population  prevented  a  strong  likeness  to  the 
scenes  of  the  great  plague  in  London.  In  Salem  as  many  as  sixteen  died 
fnim  this  disease  in  one  week,  but  at  the  other  settlements  it  was  not  so  bad, 
I'alls  City  having  had  scarcely  an\-  cases.  In  the  newspapers  of  the  time,  it 
was  magnified  beyond  all  due  proportions,  but  a  careful  investigation  of 
the  matter  robs  it  of  much  of  its  terror.  It  was  epidemic,  and  caused  many 
deaths,  yet  ran  its  course  rapidly  and  disappeared  so  quickly  as  to  leave 
little  impression  on  the  memory  of  the  busy  pioneers. 


The  process  of  "claim  jum]iing."'  or  obtaining  by  means  at  least  ques- 
tionable,   the   lands   nu    which    others   had    made    settlement,    was    frct|uently 


in  practice  in  1857.  The  person  who  was  "jumped."  very  frequently  was 
a  non-resident,  and  had  simply  made  a  claim  as  a  speculation,  intending 
to  pre-empt  if  there  seemed  a  probability  of  rapid  increase  in  the  value 
of  his  land,  or  to  allow  a  lapse  if  it  suited  his  convenience.  Many  of  those 
who  built  claim  shanties  to  hold  the  land  for  them  until  they  could  return 
with  their  families  from  Missouri  or  points  East,  returned  to  find  the  claim 
house  demolished  and  some  newcomer  fully  settled.  An  apt  illustration  of 
the  state  of  things  at  that  time  is  the  case  of  Mr.  Berry,  who  came  to  a 
point  near  Humboldt  and  located  a  claim  by  building  thereon  a  log  affair 
of  legal  size.  Returning  to  his  former  home  in  Kansas,  he  loaded  his  wagons 
and  started  out  on  his  return  in  the  spring  of  1858.  When  near  Salem,  his 
wife  became  so  ill  as  imperatively  to  need  rest,  and  Mr.  Berry,  accompanied 
by  his  son,  proceeded  up  the  Nemaha  to  the  location  of  their  claims. 

The  son's  claim  was  the  first  visited,  and  here  were  found  the  ruins 
of  the  claim  hut  and  evidences  of  calm  usurpation  on  someone's  part.  This 
could  hardly  be  called  a  surprise,  for  the  son  was  unmarried,  and  had  small 
hopes  of  retaining  his  claim  in  any  event.  Continuing  their  investigation 
in  the  dusk,  which  had  already  commenced,  the  father  and  son  saw  a  light 
gleaming  from  the  house,  which  had  been  put  up  on  the  preceding  visit. 
Without  attempting  to  dispossess  the  intruders,  the  Berrys  turned  to  the 
cabin  of  a  settler  on  the  next  claim,  where  they  learned  that  a  young  married 
couple  had  thought  the  new  nest  just  what  they  needed,  and  had  taken 
possession  without  the  formality  of  a  lease. 

It  must  be  remembered  that  although  the  Berrys  had  put  up  a  claim 
shanty,  they  had  not  a  scrap  of  paper  to  show  in  proof  of  their  legal  right 
to  the  land.  Armed,  then,  only  with  the  unwritten  code  of  those  early  days, 
voung  Berry  entered  the  cabin  and  demanded  of  the  wife  of  the  "jumper." 
she  being  its  only  occupant,  instant  evacuation.  This  was  as  promptly  re- 
fused, and  after  allowing  five  minutes  for  the  removal  of  the  household  goods. 
Berry,  with  the  assistance  of  a  sister,  who  had  joined  him,  deposited  them 
in  a  heap  on  the  ground,  just  outside  the  door.  This  done,  the  wagons  (jf 
the  settlers  were  driven  up,  and  the  goods  unpacked  and  placed  in  the  dwelling. 

At  about  this  time  young  Berry  saw  the  man  whose  goods  he  had  so 
summarily  evicted,  stealing  along  beside  a  pile  of  firewood.  On  reaching 
the  chopping  block  he  seized  tlie  ax,  which  was  lying  there,  and  rushed 
toward  the  house,  pouring  out  vile  epithets  upon  his  enemies  and  apparentl) 
intending  to  drive  them  out  again.  Young  Berry,  however,  caught  up  an 
old  musket,  and  returned  the  attack  of  the  ax  man  with  a  ba\onet  charge. 


It  was  ancient  warfare  against  the  modern — the  battle  ax  against  firearms : 
and  the  latter  won  the  day,  the  intruder  being  run  down  and  forced  to 
return  and  offer  an  ample  apology  for  his  scurrilous  language. 

Shortly  after  that  young  Berry  was  returning  home  in  the  afternoon, 
when  he  discovered  the  rudiments  of  an  adobe  hut  on  his  claim,  and  near 
it  was  a  boy  guarding  some  tools.  Inquiry  developed  the  fact  that  his 
enemy  was  again  attempting  to  gain  a  foothold  on  which  to  get  a  title  to 
the  land.  The  boy  was  dispatched  to  the  owner  of  the  tools  with  a  lucid  and 
laconic  message  to  the  effect  that  further  building  on  that  site  would  be 
unhealthy,  and  the  hint  was  frankly  accepted.  In  other  parts  of  the  county 
"claim  jumpers"  were  much  more  harshly  treated,  and  old  settlers  could 
probably  tell  many  tales  of  the  vindication  of  innate  right,  did  not  the  sense 
of  prudence  forbid. 

THE  JAY-HAWKERS   OF    1862. 

All  through  the  years  of  the  War  of  the  Rebellion,  there  were  scattered 
bands  of  men  who  went  by  the  name  of  "jayhawkers."  Those  bands  were 
plentiful  enough  along  the  frontier  line  of  the  North  and  South  parties,  and 
although  nominally  under  one  flag  or  the  other,  had  oftentimes  a  freedom 
from  allegiance  to  anyone  save  themselves  that  was  very  convenient.  Odier 
bands,  while  fully  as  freebooting,  were  strong  in  their  allegiance  to  their 
party.  Such  a  band  was  raised  near  the  Kansas  and  Nebraska  line  early 
in  the  war  and  made  constant  forays  into  the  vexed  and  rebellious  Missouri 
border.  On  one  occasion,  this  band,  passing  eastward  through  Falls  City  and 
returning  to  a  camp  just  west  of  town,  were  pursued  by  a  force  of  Union 
soldiers,  who  had  perforce  acceded  to  the  demands  of  despoiled  Missourians 
for  redress.  Upon  the  arrival  of  the  Federal  troops  at  Falls  City,  the  camp 
of  the  jayhawkers  was  in  full  sight;  but  while  the  troops  were  resting  and 
giving  a  hearing  to  the  various  charges  of  the  "secesh,"  who  had  accompanied 
them  in  the  hope  of  getting  extra  advantages  thereby,  the  marauders  moved 
over  to  the  south  of  the  Kansas  line.  Here  no  engagement  took  place,  for 
the  simple  reason  that  the  jayhawking  party  had  l)een  increased  to  formidable 
proportions  and  the  handful  of  soldiers  were  powerless.  It  is  broadly  hinted 
that  the  Federalists  surrendered  with  very  good  grace  and  without  any 
needless  bitterness,  and  some  old  settlers  make  still  stronger  statements.  The 
fact  remains  that  the  troops  returned  peaceably  to  their  (|uarters  in  IMis- 
souri,  and  that  the  most  serious  result  of  their  attack  was  the  depleted  larders 
of  the  l^'alls  Citv  citizens. 

Dawsdu    IMoiieer. 

JOHN   1).  Sl'KACINS, 
rolice  JwlKe. 


At  the  time  of  tlieir  first  occupation  of  Falls  Citv,  manv  of  the  most 
pronounced  Union  men  felt  anything  but  easy,  and  undoubtedly  there  was 
considerable  danger,  as  the  charges  preferred  against  them  by  the  fire-eating 
delegation  which  accompanied  the  troops  were  of  the  most  serious  character, 
and  had  they  been  acted  upon  by  the  troops,  would  have  made  matters  un- 
pleasant. Other  jayhawking-  parties  made  their  appearance  from  time  to  time, 
and  executed  their  peculiar  tactics,  but  none  of  these  later  forays  were 
prolific  of  incidents  worthy  of  remembrance.  \\'ith  the  close  of  the  war. 
fighting  and  jayhawking  for  a  living  fell  into  disfavor  and  later  was  entireh- 

THE    "underground"    RAILROAD. 

Old  John  Brown,  who  died  just  before  the  war  in  a  futile  attempt  to 
hasten  the  "good  time  coming,"  which  had  formed  so  large  a  part  of  his 
life's  hopes,  spent  a  large  amount  of  his  time  in  Richardson  county.  One 
of  his  stations  was  located  on  the  blufif  near  Falls  City,  and  after  a  time  in 
the  city  itself.  Many  of  the  older  residents  ha\e  vivid  remembrances  of 
the  stalwart  old  hero  and  his  eccentric  ways  of  bringing  sinners  to  book. 
A  sample  of  his  quality  comes  out  in  strong  relief  in  the  simple  story  of 
one  of  the  last  trips  of  his  dusky  train.  On  the  route  a  child  was  born,  and, 
with  the  grateful  courtesy  so  natural  with  the  race,  was  named  "John 
Brown."'  Arriving  at  the  station  near  Falls  City,  the  refugees  were  overtaken 
by  a  band  of  South  Carolina  rangers,  who  proposed  to  reconvey  their  chattels, 
without  loss  of  time,  to  the  galling  serfdom  of  the  "sunny  South."  In  this, 
however,  the  proud  Southerners  reckoned  wrongly,  for  John  Brown's  force 
surrounded  them  and  forced  submission  to  a  superior  force.  What  fol- 
lowed must  have  been  a  sight  for  the  gods  and  men,  f(jr  old  John  Brown, 
stepping  to  the  front,  deUvered  a  scathing  rebuke  for  the  profanity  which 
had  been  so  freely  heaped  upon  the  colored  folks,  and  then  forced  the  rangers 
kneeling,  to  repeat  the  Lord's  Prayer  after  him.  Then  depriving  them  of 
their  horses  and  arms,  he  started  them  homeward.  It  is  safe  to  say  that 
the  Lord's  Prayer  was  fully  remembered  1)}'  them  as  the\-  plodded  wearily 
back  to  the  coast,  and  that  "nigger  catching"  seemed  less  amusing  by  half 
ere  the  trip  was  over. 

A  little  prior  to  this  time,  the  "nigger  catchers"  had  made  a  neat  specu- 
lation out  of  the  avarice  of  the  Indians  living  nearby.  Emancipation  was 
breathed  on  every  wind  that  blew  from  the  South  to  the  North,  and  the 
slaves  could  not  wait  for  that  great  boon  to  come.  They  must  reach  out 


and  grasp  it  for  themselves.  Thus  it  came  about  that  the  exodus  of  scatter- 
ing slaves  was  nearly  constant,  and  the  rewards  of  their  exasperated  owners 
placed  at  a  high  figure.  It  was  hardly  profitable  for  a  white  man  to  hunt 
negroes,  for  the  whole  sport  had  acquired  a  bad,  in  fact  a  villainous,  odor 
in  the  nostrils  of  the  community.  Yet,  many  did  not  scruple  to  detain 
the  fugitives  under  one  pretext  or  another,  until  the  owners  could  send  for 
them,  and  some  even  employed  the  Indian  braves,  who  were  familiar  with 
all  the  hiding  places  along  the  heavily  timbered  river  bottoms,  to  bring  in 
captives.  On  one  occasion,  Sewall  Jemison,  the  editor  of  the  Broad, 
came  upon  two  parties  who  were  haggling  over  the  price  to  be  paid  for  a 
runaway  slave,  who  stood  near  them,  apparently  resigned  to  his  fate.  While 
the  Indian  buck  was  explaining  that  for  so  fat  and  large  a  prize  a  liberal 
price  should  be  paid,  Jemison  captured  the  bone  of  contention,  and  sent  him 
off  by  a  special  train  of  the  underground  railway.  To  record  a  tithe  of  the 
exploits  of  John  Brown  and  his  friends  on  the  northern  Kansas  trail,  through 
Brown  county  to  Richardson  county,  Nebraska,  and  thence  northward,  would 
require  a  book  of  considerable  size.  Of  these  daring  feats  Falls  City  and 
points  nearby  were  oftentimes  the  theater,  but  the  history  of  the  time  so 
recent,  and  yet  so  old  in  the  life  of  a  Western  town,  has  already  drifted 
out  of  the  memory  of  its  witnesses,  and  is  written  nowhere  so  fully  as  in  that 
ledger  whose  fast-filling  pages  are  ever  unfilled  and  whose  balance  sheet 
is  perfect. 


To  the  French  must  be  awarded  the  honor  of  having  been  among  the 
very  first  of  the  white  settlers  of  the  county,  and  looking  backward  at  this 
late  date,  it  seems  strange  that  it  should  have  been  so  from  the  fact  that 
there  now  remain  so  few  of  that  nationality  in  the  county  and  they  but  the 
descendants  of  those  early  pioneers. 

The  first  settlement  was  made  in  the  summer  of  1855,  when  E.  H. 
Johnson  together  with  William  Kenceleur,  Charles  Rouleau,  Eli  Bedard  and 
Eli  Plante  reached  the  present  site  of  Rulo,  coming  thereto  from  Sioux  Cit}-, 
Iowa.  This  party  stopped  overnight,  as  they  entered  the  county  at  the  north, 
and  were  guests  of  John  B.  Didier,  also  a  Frenchman,  who  then  resided  in 
what  is  now  Barada  township.  It  is  worthy  of  note  that  j\Ir.  Didier.  who  had 
preceded  them  as  a  resident  of  Richardson  county,  has  outlived  them  all,  and 
now  at  tlie  advanced  age  of  more  tiian  ninety  years,  is  still  among  us  and  a 
resident  of  the  identical  farm  on  which  these  early  pioneers  found  him. 


Their  visit  was  made  for  the  purpose  of  inspecting  lands  allotted  to 
their  wives  under  the  treaty  of  1831,  made  with  the  Indians  at  Prairie  du 
Chien,  Wisconsin.  Under  the  terms  of  this  treaty  the  wives  of  these  men, 
being  classed  as  partly  Indian  blood  or  mixed  bloods,  were  entitled  each 
to  a  half  section  of  land  in  what  is  known  as  the  half-breed  tract,  in  the 
east  part  of  the  county,  along  the  Missouri. 

At  the  time  of  their  arrival  they  found  but  two  white  men  resiiling 
here,  and  they  the  husbands  of  Indian  women.  One  of  the  two  was  U.  X. 
DuPuis,  the  husband  of  the  widow  of  "White  Cloud,"  the  noted  old  head 
chief  of  the  Iowa  Indians.  "White  Cloud,"  the  last  and  most  famous  of  die 
real  and  regular  chiefs  of  this  tribe  had  died  but  a  short  time  prior  to 
the  arrival  of  this  party  and  was  interred  in  the  Rulo  cemetery,  located  a 
little  to  the  north  and  west  of  the  village.  The  other  of  the  two  "whites" 
was  Charles  Martin,  tlian  whom,  there  never  lived  a  more  pict.urescjue  or 
chivalric  character  of  the  old  plains  and  mountains.  Martin  was  a  daring 
and  wonderful  hunter,  who  had  spent  years  on  the  plains  and  Western 
mountains,  before  there  had  been  any  thought  of  settlement  by  the  white 
people  in  this  section  of  the  country.  He  was  possessed  in  full  measure 
of  distinguishing  traits,  which  marked  him  well,  even  at  a  period  and  among 
a  class  of  people  not  at  all  lacking  in  great  personal  courage.  He  was 
remarkable  even  in  his  person  and  appearance  and  is  described  like  most 
of  the  great  plainsman  type,  tall  and  straight,  like  the  Indian  with  whom  he 
had  spent  much  of  his  life,  and  was  of  commanding  figure,  Roman-nosed 
and  keen  of  eye.  In  his  life  on  the  plains  he  had  spent  many  years  in 
the  tractless  solitudes  of  the  great  prairies  as  a  trapper  and  hunter.  In 
the  late  forties  he  had,  while  hunting  high  up  in  the  mountains  of  Utah, 
come  accidently  upon  a  camp  of  an  Indian  tribe,  who  had  lately  lost  their 
chief  in  battle  with  another  hostile  Indian  band,  and  had  captured  an  Indian 
maiden  of  the  enemy  people.  According  to  custom  with  them,  the  Indians 
were  at  the  time  engaged  in  the  work  of  making  a  sacrifice  of  the  dusky 
captive  partly  to  appease  the  spirit  of  the  departed  chief  and  in  retaliation 
for  the  great  loss  they  had  suffered.  The  ceremony,  which  was  of  a  highly 
religious  order  had  been  viewed  for  some  time  by  the  hunter  at  a  safe  dis- 
tance, but  when  he  realized  the  ghastly  significance  of  it  all  and  saw  that 
thev  really  meant  to  destroy  the  life  of  the  maiden,  who  had  already  been 
bound  to  the  pyre,  he  at  once  interceded  and  after  much  parley  succeeded 
in  effecting  her  purchase,  explaining  to  them  that  the  ends  would  all  be 
served  bv  her  utter  banishment  from  the  land,  as  he  would  carr\-  her  away 


to  an  unknown  country  far  from  the  land  of  her  fathers.  In  exchange  he 
gave  some  ponies  and  tents  he  had  in  his  equipment 

When  the  French  party  of  settlers  led  by  Rouleau  and  Bedard.  and 
Plante.  arri\ed  at  Rouleau,  or  Rulo,  as  it  is  now  called,  they  found  Martin  and 
his  captive,  who  had  but  recently  journeyed  thither  and  she  was  his  wife. 
It  is  attested  b\-  those  who  knew  them  in  the  many  }-ears  that  followed. 
that  she  made  for  him  a  most  estimable  helpmate.  Martin  was  one  of  the 
pioneer  merchants  of  Rulo,  putting  up  the  first  store  and  engaging  in  busi- 
ness with  F.  I,.  Goldsberry,  the  latter  for  many  years  a  prominent  figure 
in  the  county. 

In  the  year  following — 1856 — this  party  made  permanent  settlement 
at  Rulo  and  the  town  took  its  name  from  Charles  Rouleau,  the  h>enchman, 
and  member  of  the  expedition.  Rouleau  and  Bedard  had  married  sisters  and 
were  the  chief  founders  of  the  city.  At  that  time  Stephen  Story  was  the 
other  I  inly  wliite  settler  of  the  county,  e.xcept  John  B.  Didier,  known  to  this 
part}-  and  he  was  found  near  the  site  of  what  was  afterwards  the  village  of 
St.  Stej.hens  founded  and  named  by  him. 


Alany  people  of  many  lands,  impelled  to  leave  their  old  homes  through 
persecutions  and  misrule  at  various  periods  in  their  mother  countries,  have 
sought  and  still  continue  to  seek  new  and  peaceful  homes  in  this  land  of 
the  free.  But  nf  all  these,  few,  perhaps  have  a  histor\-  so  dramatic,  e\en 
tragical  as  it  has  often  been  referred  to,  as  the  Bohemian  immigrant. 

The  first  Bohemian  to  locate  near  the  present  site  of  Humlx)ldt  was 
Charles  Zulek.  Leaving  his  native  home  with  his  family  in  1854  he  came 
direct  to  America,  spending  the  first  winter  in  Illinois.  In  the  winter  of 
1855  he  started  west  in  search  of  a  home,  arriving  at  St.  Joseph,  Missouri. 
in  the  early  days  of  June.  Proceeding  thence  by  Jioat  to  .\rago.  in  tiiis 
county,  where  they  were  attracted  l)y  the  fertility  of  the  country,  they 
decided  to  settle.  The  early  hardships  of  this  pioneer  family  were  typical 
of  all  the  settlers  of  that  period.  It  is  said  that  Zulek  often  walked  to  St. 
Joseph  (a  distance  of  seventy  miles)  for  ins  iirovisious.  carrying  them  home 
on  his  back.  And  when  the  l)urden  became  too  heavy,  he  divided  it,  carrying 
a  part  foi-  ^ome  distance,  then  returning  for  the  other  ])art,  and  so  on  until 
he  reached  lionie. 

Later,  when  the  homestead  law  was  put  into  effect,  a  number  of  liohemi- 
ans  came  to  Xeliniska.      I'"irst  among  them  was   b'rank  Skaiak.  who  was  also 


tlie  first  to  take  a  homestead  on  the  prairie.  Skalal<  left  Bohemia  in  iS(>5, 
coming-  West  by  way  of  Chicago,  where  there  was  a  flourishing  Bohemian 
settement.  At  St.  Joseph,  Missouri,  Frank  Skalak  with  his  farnily  took  a  Ijoat 
for  Arago,  where  they  accidentally  became  acquainted  with  Zulek.  On  that 
day  Zulek  had  come  to  Arago  to  secure,  if  possiljle,  a  loan  to  pa\-  off  an 
obligation  he  was  owing  a  party  in  Missouri.  Being  a  countryman  he  imme- 
diately secured  the  loan  from  Skalak,  although  they  had  never  met  before. 
Thereupon,  Skalak  with  his  family  returned  with  Zulek  to  locate  in  this  sec- 
tion of  the  country.  Wenzel  Skalak,  then  a  boy,  now  one  of  the  prominent 
Ijusiness  men  of  Humboldt,  declares  that  the  loan  then  made  was  a  most 
fortunate  one  indeed,  as  it  was  the  means  of  causing-  them  to  locate  here. 
However,  he  does  not  advise  so  hazardous  a  method  of  curbstone  banking  as 
that   was. 

In  recounting-  those  early  clays  he  related  that  he  hired  out  to  Zulek 
for  the  munificent  sum  of  forty  dollars  per  year,  Ijreaking  sod  barefooted 
in  grass,  waist  high,  using  a  twenty- four-inch  plow  and  driving  from  four 
to  six  yoke  of  oxen.  He  had  to  walk  to  Arago  or  \eliraska  Cit)-  to  have 
his  plow  sharpened.  Their  provisions  were  also  secured  at  those  places. 
In  1867  Ruel  Nims  &  Company  opened  the  first  store  in  Humboldt,  occu- 
pying the  old  stone  store  facing  the  old  bed  of  the  Long  Branch,  a  short 
distance  south  of  the  present  business  section  of  Humboldt.  Young  Wenzel 
at  once  secured  a  position  as  a  clerk  with  this  firm,  receiving  five  dollars 
per  month  salary.  Being  an  efficient  clerk  his  salary  was  soon  increased  to 
ten  dollars  per  month,  the  following  year.  He  afterwards  was  in  the  employ- 
ment of  various  firms  in  the  city  until  he  engaged  in  business  for  himself, 
n(3w  owning-  the  large  hardware  and  implement  business  on  the  west  side 
of  the  public  square  in  the  city.  John  Wohoun,  another  pioneer,  setlleil 
on  the  prairie  with  the  Skalaks  and  in\ited  their  friends  (Bohemians)  and 
soon  had  a  nucleus,  from  which  grew  one  of  the  largest  settlements  of 
foreigners  in  the  county.  Those  who  secured  homesteads  at  this  time  were : 
Anton  Eis,  M.  Nemechek,  Ferdinand  I'idermutz,  John  Petrashek.  \'acia\ 
Prachal,  Vaclav  Holechek,  Jan  Janata,  Ferd  Blecha,  Fr.  Xemecliek,  Jos. 
Musil,  Jno.  Cizner,  and  X'aclav  Hlavaty.  All  of  these  men  who  braved  tlie 
hardships  of  the  early  pioneer  are  n(jw  dead,  save  one,  b'rank  Xeniechek,  Sr.. 
who  still  resides  on  the  place  he  chose  when  coming  to  the  state.  The 
Bohemian  settlement  at  Hunijjoldt  is  without  doubt  the  oldest  of  that  peoi)Ie 
in  the  state.  One  of  the  chief  factors  in  holding  the  settlement  together  was 
the  organization  of  a  fraternal  society  known  as  the  C.  S.  V.  S.   (Bohemian 


Slavonic  Benevolent  Association),  which  was  organized  in  the  United  States 
but  a  few  years  before  their  coming  here.  The  local  lodge  was  organized 
May  31,  1879,  with  the  following  charter  members:  Fr.  Novak,  F.  A.  Witt, 
Wenzel  Skalak,  Fr.  Hubwa,  Vaclav  Pracheji,  Jos.  Hon,  Fr.  Hon,  Jos.  Novak, 
\'ojta  Kohn,  Vojta  Blecha,  Vac.  Wiesner,  Jas.  Blecha,  Fr.  Hnizda,  J.  J. 
Dvorak,  Jos.  Rousek,  and  R.  \^ertisaka.  But  three  of  the  charter  members 
now  reside  here  and  only  half  of  them  are  still  living.  The  lodge  was  organized 
for  fraternal,  beneficiary,  educational  and  social  purposes.  For  many  years 
a  Bohemian  school  was  maintained,  so  that  the  younger  generation  might 
have  opportunity  to  learn  something  of  the  mother  tongue  and  the  history 
of  the  great  men  among  the  people,  the  pictures  of  many  of  whom  adorned  the 
walls  of  the  homes  beside  those  of  Washington  and  Lincoln,  and  to  whom 
they  were  often  compared.  A  library  was  also  established,  from  which 
Bohemian  books  could  be  had  free  by  those  desiring  the  same.  In  later  times 
other  Bohemian  societies  were  formed  among  which  were  the  J.  C.  D. 
(Bohemian  Ladies  Society)  and  among  the  young  people  the  Sokols  and 
Komensky  Club;  the  former,  an  organization  of  Bohemian  Turners  and 
the  latter,  a  literary  society.  The  C.  S.  P.  S.  is  in  the  most  flourishing  con- 
dition of  them  all  at  the  present  time,  having  a  membership  of  more  than  a 
hundred  and  owns  its  own  home  and  grounds. 

Inasmuch  as  the  chief  industry  of  the  Bohemian  in  his  native  land  was 
that  of  agriculture,  so  it  has  been  here,  and  they  are  today  numbered  among 
the  most  industrious  and  successful  of  the  farming  community  here.  Vet 
all  along  the  Bohemian  has  been  well  represented  in  the  business  circles  of 
Humboldt.  All  are  prosperous  and  well-to-do  and  more  than  ordinarily 
successful  in  the  various  occupations  in  which  they  may  he  found  engaged. 
All  along  they  have  taken  a  keen  interest  in  the  upbuilding  of  the  commun- 
ity to  which  they  gave  a  large  impetus  for  settlement.  Although  at  first, 
many  of  the  customs  and  traditions  of  the  old  world  were  adhered  tn,  yet 
they  have  now  been  discarded  and  even  the  most  typical  Bohemian  immi- 
grant has  been  transformed  into  a  patriotic,  peaceful,  contented  American. 
Although  they  still  cling  to  their  mother  tongue,  even  that  is  giving  wa\ 
to  the  language  of  the  new  world.  It  will  be,  too,  only  a  matter  of  time 
when  even  this  pioneer  settlement  will  lose  its  Bohemian  characteristics 
altogether  and  become  thoroughly  Americanized.  Only  the  old  Bohemian 
cemetery  in  the  west  end  of  the  county  will  bear  testimony  to  the  fact 
that  here  the  Bohemian  settler  had  once  found  that  haven  which  he  sought 
and  in  return  gave  birth  to  a  newer,  happier  posterity. 




Daniel  Webster,  at  the  dedication  of  the  Bunker  Hill  monument,  immor- 
talized the  Pilgrim  Fathers  for  their  heroism  in  the  settlement  of  New 
England,  but  not  less  worthy  of  commendation  was  the  love  of  home  and 
spirit  of  lofty  independence  that  animated  the  pioneers  who  crossed  the 
Missouri  river  half  a  century  and  more  ago. 

Michael  Riley  and  Thomas  F"arrell,  brothers-in-law,  found  conditions 
in  their  native  land  as  intolerable  as  did  the  "Mayflower'  Pilgrims,  and  the 
saine  aspiration  for  freedom  and  manly  independence  impelled  them  to  join 
in  the  wake  of  many  thousands  of  their  countrymen  who  were  immigrating 
from  Ireland  in  the  middle  of  the  last  century.  After  a  few  years  residence  at 
Salem,  New  Jersey,  they  and  their  equally  plucky  young  wives  determined  to 
go  West  in  quest  of  homes  and  independence. 

They  landed  in  Richardson  county  in  1859  practically  penniless.  From 
the  first  observation  of  the  country  they  were  impressed  with  its  future 
possibilities  and  they  wisely  decided  to  cast  anchor  and  grow  up  with  it. 
In  the  meantime  they  continued  to  correspond  with  relatives  in  New  England, 
with  the  result  that  in  the  spring  of  1867  Bryan  Riley  and  two  sons,  and 
Thomas,  Dennis  and  Nora  Fenton  proceeded  West,  on  the  strength  of  the 
pioneer  representation.  St-.  Joseph,  Missouri,  was  at  this  period  the  nearest 
point  by  rail,  and  after  passage  on  the  river  steamboat  to  Aspinwall  and  a 
drive  across  the  boundless  prairie,  at  last  the  humble  but  hospitable  log 
cabin  home  of  Michael  Riley  was  located  on  the  bank  of  the  Nemaha,  not 
far  from  the  site  of  the  present  village  of  Dawson.  On  entering  the  home 
of  his  long-separated  brother,  Bryan  Riley  was  first  awakened  to  the  changed 
conditions  of  Western  life:  the  door  of  the  log  house  was  too  low  to  admit 
of  a  tall  man's  entrance  without  making  a  low  bow,  and  as  Mr.  Rilev  was 
of  an  unbending  spirit,  he  received  a  bump  on  the  forehead  that  made  him 
declare  forcibly  that  he  was  ready  to  go  back  to  civilization  on  the  return 
steamboat.  After  breakfast  on  the  following  morning  and  a  look  through 
the  yards  of  fine  cattle  and  fat  hogs,  not  overlooking  well-filled  smoke 
houses  and  bulging  corncribs,  the  lump  on  his  forehead  gave  way  to  a 
desire  to  possess  a  portion  of  the  rich  soil,  and  after  perfecting  titles  to  as 
much  of  it  as  their  means  afforded,  Thomas  Fenton  at  once  returned  to 
his  home  in  Norwich,  Connecticut,  to  report  progress  and  organize  a  colonx- 
of  neighbors  and  relatives  for  the  following  spring. 

In  the  meantime,  \\^i]liam  Fenton,  with    Mrs.    Brvan  Rilev,     her  son 


and  daughter  and  grandson,  M.  B.  Miller,  proceeded  \\'est,  and  landed  at 
Dawson  in  June,  1867.  The  missionary  labors  of  Thomas  I~enton.  backed 
Ijy  encouraging  letters  from  those  on  the  ground,  resulted  in  a  colony  of 
about  twenty  families  setting  out  for  the  West  in  April,  1868.  They  were: 
The  Ryans,  Rileys,  Fentons,  O'Gradys,  Murphys,  Clancys,  Carvers,  and 
O'Donnells.  besides  a  number  of  young  people  who  located  in  (3maha.  Those 
old  neighbors  and  relatives  and  the  Rothenbergers  and  Tiehens  constituted 
what  was  termed  the  Irish  settlement,  or  the  Dawson  Catholic  colony. 

The  radical  change  from  the  New  England  factory  villages  to  the  bound- 
less plains  of  Nebraska  caused  the  young  people  to  feel  like  Robinson  Crusoe 
on  his  island,  but  the  elders  of  the  colony  recognized  a  soil  and  climate 
very  like  their  native  Ireland,  and  like  the  signers  of  the  Declaration  of 
Independence,  they  agreed  to  stand  or  fall  together.  The  loss  most  keenl\- 
felt  by  the  younger  members  was  the  social  life  so  much  accustomed  to  in 
the  Eastern  factory  villages,  but  even  in  this  matter  the  Yankee  spirit 
asserted  itself,  and  spelling  schools,  lyceunis,  etc.,  were  started  to  dispel  the 
ennui  of  frontier  life.  The  inventive  genius  of  the  Yankee,  coupled  with 
the  native  wit  of  the  transplanted  son  of  Erin,  found  a  rich  field  in  the  early 
days  of  the  little  colony  and  a  judicious  application  of  these  traits  surmounted 
many  an  obstacle  that  would  perplex  settlers  of  greater  wealth.  As  an  instance 
we  may  cite  the  case  of  Commodore  O'Grady.  After  purchasing  his  first 
eighty  acres  and  a  little  mule  team,  he  had  left  for  working  capital  just 
five  dollars  and  a  shot-gun,  with  which  to  provide  a  house  and  tide  his  little 
family  over  until  a  crop  was  raised.  As  an  old  sailor  he  had  weathered 
too  many  rough  seas  to  be  discouraged  and  he  went  about  putting  on  as  bold 
a  front  as  a  millionaire.  He  made  a  deal  with  a  timber  owner  for  some 
old  trees  that  leaned  into  the  river,  for  the  shot-gun,  and  the  timber  man 
at  once  went  chuckling  among  his  neighbors  telling  how  he  had  beaten  the 
sailor  out  of  his  gun  for  the  trees  that  never  could  be  gotten  out  of  the  river 
bed.  It  suited  the  sailor  to  be  taken  for  a  lamb,  while  making  similar  deals, 
Ijut  when  the  river  was  frozen  over  the  next  winter,  he  appeared  on  the 
ground  with  a  gang  of  neighbors  with  whom  he  had  exchanged  summer 
work  The  trees  were  felled  on  the  ice,  and  to  the  surprise  of  the  timber 
lords,  the  "old  sailor"  with  his  mules  rolled  the  logs  out  of  the  river  like 
so  many  empty  barrels.  The  logs  were  next  hauled  to  a  saw-mill  and  ripped 
into  himber,  that  made  a  plain  l)ut  comfortable  house,  in  which  w;is  reared 
a  family  of  robust  boys  and  girls,  and  whose  tinited  industry  while  minors, 
built  up  an  estate  that  would  excite  the  envy  of  an  English  liaron. 



The  breaking  of  the  prairie  sod  was  a  matter  that  tested  the  patience 
of  the  primitive  farmers,  but  after  the  usual  experimenting  it  was  accom- 
plished, as  in  the  case  of  getting  the  logs  out  of  the  river,  by  the  doubling 
up  of  the  neighboring  forces.  Here  a  description  of  an  earl\-  breaking  team 
may  be  of  interest  to  those  who  may  imagine  the  early  settlers  had  nothing 
to  do  but  sit  and  watch  their  land  grow  into  value.  Commodore  O'Grady's 
little  mules  alone  could  no  more  break  the  tough  sod  than  a  span  of  goats, 
and  after  all  the  teams  in  the  settlement  were  paired,  there  was  no  match 
for  the  mules  but  a  yoke  of  oxen,  possessed  by  the  Hon.  Jerry  Fenton,  and 
as  Hugh  O'Grady  hated  oxen  and  Jerry  distrusted  mules,  there  was  no 
harmony  of  action  between  the  team  or  drivers.  At  this  stage  William 
Fenton,  who  had  found  empoyment  in  the  quartermaster's  department  in 
Omaha,  invested  his  first  season's  wages  in  a  span  of  cavalry  horses  at  a 
governent  sale,  and  hitching  them  on  in  the  lead  of  the  mules  and  oxen,  the 
latter,  recognizing  true  leadership,  struck  out  in  a  manner  to  excite  the  admi- 
ration of  the  joint-stock  company. 

The  year  previous  to  the  arrival  of  the  colony  from  Connecticut,  there 
were  an  equal  number  of  congenial  spirits  who  had  moved  into  the  settle- 
ment from  Ohio,  Illinois,  Indiana,  and  Iowa;  notably,  the  Drapers,  Lib- 
bees,  Aliens,  Biisers,  Bennett,  E.  C.  Hill,  Sr.,  George  Smith,  I.  H.  Burr, 
H.  S.  Belden,  Ben  Miles,  and  S.  C.  Barlow.  While  this  aggregation  of  early 
settlers  earned  the  jocular  title  of  a  community,  "half  Irish  and  half  Yankee," 
it  is  to  their  credit  that  from  the  date  of  their  first  ac(|uaintance  to  tiie 
present  time  they  were  a  unit  in  everything  of  a  progressive  nature. 

In  the  autumn  (if  1867  the  hearts  of  the  settlers  were  elated  at  the  sight 
of  an  ox-train  heading  toward  the  ford  of  the  Xemaha.  Their  joy  was 
caused  bv  the  knowledge  that  the  nnmigrant  train  consisted  of  Joshua 
Dawson  and  a  son,  with  material  for  building  a  saw-  and  grist-mill  on  the 
Nemaha.  The  completion  of  the  mill  in  1868  attracted  a  .store,  postoffice 
and  blacksmith  shop  and  from  this  date  on  "Dawson  Mills''  on  the  map 
has  had  as  prominent  a  space  as  towns  of  greater  aspiration.  While  the 
present  village  that  was  platted  with  the  advent  of  the  railroad  is  officially 
styled  "Noraville."  Xora,  herself,  would  not  recognize  any  reference  to  the 
present  village  than  the  good,  old-fashioned  name  of  Dawson.  The  mill 
and  store  afforded  the  early  settlers  a  convenient  center  to  congregate  and 
discuss  all  matters  pertaining  to  public  welfare  and  que.'^tions  of  a  hcrtl  law. 


and  voting  bonds   for  a  railroad  through  the  county   created  much  differ- 
ence of  opinion. 

The  breaking  up  of  the  land,  the  building  of  houses  and  stables,  hum- 
ble in  their  day,  and  the  planting  of  groves,  orchards,  and  hedges  engaged 
the  time  and  attention  of  the  early  settlers,  but  they  did  not  lose  sight  of 
the  importance  of  providing  the  schools  and  churches  for  the  education  and 
religious  training  of  their  children.  In  fact,  since  the  date  of  the  first  settle- 
ment the  writer  can  testify  that  there  has  never  been  aught  but  a  friendly 
rivalry  among  the  citizens  in  their  generous  desire  to  keep  the  Dawson 
schools  up  to  the  highest  standard  of  excellence.  The  character  and  zeal 
of  the  colonist  in  this  respect  were  subjected  to  the  severest  test  at  a  time 
when  their  financial  ability  was  very  limited.  The  first  attempted  church 
edifice  was  wrecked  by  a  storm,  when  only  partially  completed.  A  vear 
later  saw  it  rebuilt  and  immediately  destroyed  by  fire.  A  third  time  it  was 
built  stronger  and  better  and  after  serving  its  usefulness  it  was  destroyed 
by  an  electrical  storm  and  replaced  by  the  present  substantial  brick  structure. 
But  the  aged  and  many  youthful  members  of  the  colony  have  long  since 
pre-empted  claims  in  the  silent  city  on  the  hill,  while  a  few  surviving  mem- 
bers, who,  as  romping  boys  and  girls,  served  an  apprenticeship  in  New  Eng- 
land factories,  are  waiting  their  turn  to  be  ferried  across  the  river.  No 
doubt  many  of  them  fell  short  of  attaining  the  goal  of  their  highest  aspira- 
tions, but  they  came  west  in  quest  of  homes  and  independence,  and  they 
succeeded  in  leaving  their  children  far  better  equipped  to  grapple  with  the 
battles  of  life  than  they  were  on  landing  in  Richardson  county. 


The  settlement  of  people  from  Illinois  and  Somerset  county,  Pennsyl- 
vania, four  miles  north  of  Falls  City,  began  in  1868,  with  the  arrival  of 
Francis  .Shaffer,  C.  Forney,  J.  Johnson,  and  Philip  Meyers.  They  were  soon 
followed  by  Samuel  Kimmel,  the  Lichtys,  Pecks,  J.  ^Meyers  and  others. 
Elder  Samuel  Stump,  who  came  with  his  family  from  Ohio,  was  (|uite 
an  acquisition  to  the  colony.  He  was  considered  a  fearless  expounder  of 
the  old  Gospel  until  he  died. 

At  that  time  these  people  paid  from  seven  to  ten  dollars  an  acre  for 
this  one-hundred-and-fifty-doUar  land,  and  being  before  the  days  of  either 
railroad,  there  was  much  tedious  hauling  to  make  the  needed  improvements. 
Wiien    the    frightful    drought   and    grasshoppers    came    in    1874    the    Silver 



Creek  community  stood  the  calamity  remarkably  well  and  went  right  on 
gaining  new  citizens  from  the  East. 

Any  history  of  that  part  of  Richardson  county  would  be  incomplete 
without  reference  to  Rev.  John  Forney.  He  was  not  only  a  builder  of  the 
community,  but  served  faithfully  as  a  preacher  and  medical  doctor  for  a 
great  number  of  people,   for  a  very  small  consideration. 

The  school  house  was  built  in  1870.  For  many  years  it  served  for  church 
services,  school  and  literary  societies.  Many  weighty  problems  of  national 
importance  have  been  threshed  out  on  this  old  school  house  floor,  by  the 
lyceums  that  met  weekly  during  the  winter  months. 

Silver  Creek  Brethren  church  was  built  in  1878.  The  cemetery  was 
laid  out  years  before  and  the  first  burial  there  was  in  1870.  Most  of  the  old 
settlers  of  the  Silver  Creek  neighborhood  have  now  removed  to  the  city,  while 
their  descendants  are  occupying  the  well-improved  homes  they  built.  All  are 
living  and  dying  as  American  citizens,  except  Joseph  Meyers  and  family.  They 
moved  to  Jerusalem,  Palestine,  years  ago,  where  nov*'  in  the  hills  of  Judea, 
Uncle  Joe  and  some  of  his  family  lie  buried.  Mrs.  Meyers  and  the  other  chil- 
dren are  still  living. 


The  claims  of  the  first  settlers,  together  with  the  dates  they  settled  on  the 
lands  of  the  United  States,  on  the  Great  Xemaha  river,  were  as  follow : 

John  O'Laughlin March  22 1854 

John  Blew March  21 1854 

J.icob  B.  Newton March  29 1854 

Francis  N.  Purkett March  28 _i854 

Samuel   Crozier   March  28 1854 

J.  B.  Key April  29 1854 

H.  Cleney May  20 1854 

Thomas  Newton May  20 1854 

Meredith  Teed June  t6 1854 

Decatur  Putney June  i 1854 

S.  C.  Cieamen March  29 1S54 

John  S.  Lumpkins March  27 1854 

Joel  Heney June  12 1854 

James  Matthew February  25 1854 

Ambrose  Howeston June  12 1854 


Pierson   Hoiiser June  17 

Jespa  Adamson   June  17 

W.  C.  Forster June  17 

A.  C.   Forester June  17 

Francis  A.  Mc\'ey June  17 

Charles  W.  ^rc\'ey June  17 

Robert  H.  :\Ic\'ey June  17 

James  T.  Davenport July    i    

Ann  T.  Hashbarger July   i    

Christian  Bobst \pril    12   

Robert  T.  Archer \pril    12   

Jacob  Adams \pril    12 

Robert  L.  Turner \pril    12 

George  T.  Bobst ^__April    12 

Harry  Abrams June  4 

Thomas    Dragon    \iiril    12 

A.  J.  Dragon \pril    12 

Joseph    Frice    April    11    

John  R.  ^Morris \pril   24 

B.  Frank  Leachnian \pril   24 

Daniel  Picklris May   15 

Henry   Shellliorn   August  2 

John  T.  Williams Vugust  12 

denrge  W.  Cowlev .-August  12 

James  T.  Runels August  19 

Gerhom  Shellhorn \ugust  19 

John  Shellhorn \ugust  19 

John  Lore August  18 

Henry  G.  Lore \ugust  18 

Thomas  F.  Brown July  3 

Washington  Cobb July  3 

Thomas    C.    Dunken \ugust  10 

Merion  Kingston September  15  _. 

William  W.  Soper September  15  __ 

Samuel  S.   Soper September  15  __ 

Redmond   \\'arren September  16  _. 

Winslow  L.  Soper September  16  _. 

Jerr}-  P.lair September  iG  _. 

11.    Ilonner  September  21   _. 


F.  Homier September  Ji    1854 

J.   Onstott S'eiitember  21    1854 

Christian  Iseley September    18 18^4 

John  Luginliill  ___^ October  3   1854 

Peter  Luginl>ill October  3 181^4 

Christian  Luginbill : October  3 1854 

John  B.  Rothenberger Octi)l;er  2S 1854 

Harmon  Warden Oclolier  2H 1854 

Echnond  Shellhorn March  3 1855 

J.    Russell Octo];er    1    1854 


The  reser\ation  known  as  the  Half-Breed  Tract,  which  was  set  aside 
for  half-breeds  and  mixed  bloods  of  the  Omaha.  Iowa,  Otoe  and  Yankton, 
and  Santee  bands  of  Sioux,  by  a  treaty  concluded  at  Prairie  du  Chien, 
Wisconsin  on  July  15,  1830,  was  surveyed  by  John  C.  McCoy,  a  son  of 
a  Rev.  Isaac  McCoy,  an  early  Baptist  missionary  among  the  Indians,  in 
1837-38,  the  former  working  under  directions  of  his  father. 

This  work  was  the  first  surveying  done  in  this  territory  and  preliminar\- 
to  the  movement  of  the  Indians  to  the  above  tract.  Under  the  terms  of  the 
above  treaty  the  reser\-ation  was  located  in  the  east  part  of  this  county 
and  Nemaha  county  and  was  bounded  on  the  east  by  the  Missouri  ri\-er. 
which  also  was  and  has  always  been  the  boundary  lietween  the  territories 
of  later  states  of  Missouri  and  Nebraska. 

The  north  boundary  being  the  Little  Nemaha  river,  in  what  is  now 
Nemaha  county;  the  west  by  a  line  known  as  the  "Half-Breed  line."  which 
was  drawn,  starting  at  a  point  west,  ten  miles  from  the  mouth  of  the  Little 
Nehama  river  and  running  direct  southeasterlv  to  a  point  ten  miles  west  from 
the  mouth  of  the  Great  Nemaha  in  Richanlson  county,  which  latter  river 
formed  the  south  boundary  of  said  reservation. 

It  was  here  that  a  dispute  arose  after  the  first  survey  had  been  made, 
as  there  was  a  difference  of  opinion  as  to  whether  the  distance  from  the 
mouth  (jf  the  Great  Nemaha  river  west,  should  be  measured  in  a  direct 
line  from  the  mouth  of  the  river  ten  miles  west,  or  whether  the  ten  miles 
should  be  ascertained  Ijy  following  the  meanders  of  the  stream. 

This  difference  of  opinion  did  not  become  a  matter  of  vital  importance 
until   \ears  afterward,  when,  in    18^^  t'le  matter  of  the  location  of   Archer 


as  a  county  seat  became  a  moot  question  and  the  jealousies  of  other  [Mjints 
desiring  the  honor,  caused  an  investigation  to  be  made.  It  was  claimed  that 
if  the  line  were  correctly  run,  Archer  would  be  inside  the  reservation  and 
therefore  not  eligible  as  a  site  for  a  city,  much  less  a  county  seat,  and 
the  question  also  involved  the  right  of  white  settlers-  to  lands.  The  dispute 
all  hinged  on  the  manner  of  calculating  the  distance  west  from  the  Great 
Nemaha  river,  the  ten  miles.  The  new  survey  was  begun  by  William  H. 
Goodwin  in  December,  1856,  and  was  concluded  in  October  of  the  follow- 
ing year. 

The  Half-Breed  or  west  boundary  line,  as  established  bv  the  first  survey 
made  by  McCoy,  struck  the  Great  Nemaha  at  the  north  quarter  section 
corners  between  sections  16  and  17,  in  what  is  now  known  as  Jefferson  town- 
ship, its  north  point  intersecting  the  Little  Nemaha  river  in  Nemaha  county, 
at  about  the  center  of  section  15,  just  east  of  the  city  of  Auburn,  in  what 
is  now  known  as  Douglas  precinct. 

The  change  as  made  by  the  later  survey  of  Goodwin,  moved  the  Half- 
Breed  line  to  the  west  and  its  south  point  of  intersection  with  the  Great 
Nemaha  river  was  placed  in  the  southeast  corner  of  the  northeast  quarter 
of  section  25,  in  what  is  now  Falls  City  township.  Archer  had  been  desig- 
nated by  the  governor  as  county  seat  of  this  county  and  might  have  remained 
so  until  this  day  but  for  the  change  of  this  line  by  the  early  surveyors. 

In  the  interim  between  the  running  of  the  first  and  second  lines,  a 
number  of  settlers  had  come  into  the  country  and  settled  on  land  which, 
like  Archer,  was  efifected  by  the  change  of  this  selfsame  line,  and  hoping 
to  hold  the  same,  carried  the  controversy  to  the  halls  of  the  national  Con- 
gress at  Washington. 

The  following  memorial  to  Congress,  passed  by  the  Territorial  Legisla- 
ture shortly  after  the  abrogation  of  the  McCoy  survey,  and  the  making  of 
another,  asked  Congress  to  relieve  the  settlers  who  had  been  surveyed  into 
the  Half-Breed  tract,  if  within  its  constitutional  power  to  do  so. 


For  the  Relief  of  Certain  Citizens  of  Riehardsoii  County. 

Whereas,  A  portion  of  the  inhabitants  of  Richardson  county  in  lliis 
territory,  have  in  good  faith,  settled  upon,  and  made  all  the  improvements, 
many  of  which  are  highly  valuable  that  were  required  by  neighlxirhood, 
territorial  and  the  L^nited  States  laws,  to  enable  them  lo  acquire  title  to 
the  same,  bv  strict  conformitv  with  law,  and 


Whereas,  Such  settlement  and  improvement  was  made  after  the  surveys 
made  by  authority  of  the  United  States,  had  determined  that  their  settle- 
ment and  improvement  did  not  encroach  upon,  or  include  any  portion  of 
the  public  land  reserved  from  sale,  or  settlement,  by  reason  of  any  treaty 
then  known  to  exist;  and, 

Whereas,  It  has  since  such  settlement  was  made,  been  ascertained  that  the 
authorized  surveys  were  erroneous,  and  that  the  correction  of  such  error,  will 
include  within  the  boundaries  (of  the  Half-Breed  Reservation),  a  portion 
of  the  lands  so  settled  upon,  therefore  placing  an  inseparable  barrier  to  their 
acquiring  title  thereto,  by  pre-emption  or  any  other  known  law,  and  summar- 
ily depriving  them  of  their  homesteads,  taking  from  them  the  fruits  of  their 
toil  and  labor  without  redress,  except  the  same  can  be  given  them  by  a  special 
act  of  Congress,  for  their  relief  and  believing  it  to  l>e  a  duty  incumbent 
upon  us,  as  the  representatives  of  the  people,  to  aid  them  in  obtaining  redress 
for  grievances,  which  in  no  wise  resulted  from  any  disregard  of  law  on 
their  part,  so  far  as  it  may  be  legitimately  within  our  power,  and  believing 
as  we  do,  that  the  hardships  and  losses  that  must  inevitably  result  to  the 
inhabitants  aforesaid,  makes  it  an  imperative  duty  for  our  most  earnest 
effort;  therefore,  be  it 

Resolved,  By  the  council  and  house  of  representatives  of  the  territory 
of  Nebraska,  that  our  delegate  in  Congress  is  hereby  respectfully  requested 
to  present  to  that  honorable  body  a  bill,  setting  forth  the  hardships  which 
must  result  to  a  portion  of  our  inhabitants,  and  to  urge  the  immediate  pas- 
sage of  such  bill,  for  their  relief,  so  far  as  they  may  have  power  to  do,  and 
strict  justice  to  the  parties  agreed,  demand;  and  be  it  further 

Resolved,  That  the  secretary  of  the  Territory  be  requested  to  transmit 
a  copy  of  the  foregoing  preamble  and  resolution  forthwith  to  our  delegate 
in  Congress. 

Approved,  February  the  9th,  1857.     Third  session. 

The  mouth  of  the  Great  Nemaha  in  1838,  at  the  time  when  the  first 
survey  above  referred  to,  was  made,  was  located  in  the  southeast  part  of 
section  25,  township  i,  north  of  range  18,  and  was  likewise  at  the  same 
point  when  the  later  survey  was  made  in  1856,  but  in  more  recent  years  the 
Missouri  river  broke  through  an  old  bed  of-  the  Nemaha  at  a  point  further 
north  and  about  two  miles  west  of  the  older  point  indicated  first  by  Lewis 
and  Clark  in  notes  of  their  journey  up  the  river  in  1804,  and  the  later  survey 
of  1838. 

The  new  survev  of  the  Nemaha  that  was  ordered  in   1856,  was  made 


over  the  same  ground,  from  the  same  point  on  the  ^lissouri,  but  by  some 
process  extended  the  initial  point  of  the  west  boundary  of  the  Half-Breed 
tract,  two  miles  further  west  than  did  the  McCoy  survey  and  about  two 
and  one  half  miles  to  the  south  of  that  point.  The  effect  of  the  change 
was  to  push  the  entire  line  further  west. 

The  resolution  above  was  sent  to  the  Nebraska  delegate  in  Congress 
at  the  time,  Fenner  Ferguson,  who  bad  been  in  the  state  at  the  Lime  the 
later  survey  was  made  and  he  took  the  matter  up  and  succeeded  in  having 
a  bill  passed  in  June,  1858,  which  settled  the  matter  by  readopting  the  old 
or  first  survey.  This  action  settled  the  location  of  the  Half-Breed  line,  but 
did  not  save  Archer.  It  was  claimed  that  some  sixty  settlers  were  on  the 
land  in  question.  A  bill,  which  was  passed  in  1859,  gave  the  proceeds  of 
the  land  between  the  two  lines,  to  the  half-breeds  who  had  not  received 
allotments,  which  amounted  to  about  $400  each,  as  the  land  was  sold  at 
one  dollar  and  a  quarter  per  acre,  the  government  price  for  a  half  section, 
as  long  as  the  fund  lasted. 


The  survey  and  sectionizing  of  Richardson  county,  was  of  the  lands  of 
Nebraska  Territory  commenced  first,  for  the  reason  that  the  initial  p(Mnt 
of  all  the  surveys  of  Nebraska  lands  is  located  at  the  southeast  corner 
of  Nebraska,  which,  likewise,  is  the  southeast  corner  of  the  county.  This 
work  was  commenced  in  1854,  the  year  of  the  arrival  of  the  first  of  the 
Richardson  county  pioneers,  who  arrived  here  on  April  17th,  and  the  surveyors 
began  their  work  in  the  month  of  November  of  that  year. 

The  first  party  sent  out  by  the  government  were  charged  with  the 
work  of  running  the  base  line  west  from  the  Missouri  river  for  a  distance 
of  one  hundred  and  eight  miles.  The  fortieth  parallel  of  north  latitude, 
the  dividing  line  between  the  states  of  Nebraska  and  Kansas,  was  designated 
as  the  base  line  and  required  to  be  marked. 

The  first  party  arriving  at  the  point  where  the  survey  was  t<>  be  com- 
menced, went  to  great  pains  with  the  instruments  they  had  at  hand  and 
their  knowledge  of  the  business,  to  locate  the  exact  line  r.f  the  fortieth 
parallel.  The  first  thing  to  be  done  was  to  establish  the  initial  point  and 
mark  the  same;  this  was  done  bv  the  erection  of  a  large  iron  monument. 




A  large  iron  monument  was  intended  to  be  placed  at  the  exact  south- 
east corner  of  the  state  of  Nebraska  (which  also  marks  the  southeast  corner 
of  Richardson  county),  but  this  would  have  been  on  the  river's  edge  between 
the  states  of  Nebraska  and  Kansas,  and  because  of  the  habits  of  the  Missouri 
river  was  not  deemed  a  practical  location  for  a  permanent  marker,  hence 
it  was  placed  on  the  bluff  nearly  one  hundred  and  fifty  feet  above  and 
overlooking  the  river.  It  marks  a  dividing  line  between  the  states,  and 
was  placed  there  under  directions  made  by  Surveyor-general  John  Calhoun, 
of  the  territories  of  Nebraska  and  Kansas,  at  that  time  located  at  Wyan- 
dotte, near  Kansas  City,  Missouri. 

The  contract  for  the  erection  of  the  monument  had  been  let  to  Charles 
A.  Manners  &  Company,  a  firm  which  had  some  surveying  contracts  in  the 
territories  of  Kansas  and  Nebraska.  Orders  from  the  surveyor-general, 
land  office,  Washington,  D.  C,  set  forth  the  point  at  which  a  monument 
should  be  erected.  The  matter  of  officially  fixing  a  spot  where  the  monu- 
ment should  be  placed  was  given  by  the  land  commissioner  in  the  following 
language,  contained  in  instructions  forwarded  to  those  who  were  to  deter- 
mine the  corner  and  erect  a  monument  marking  same : 

"Your  township  corner  binding  on  the  Missouri  river  will  be  the  south- 
east corner  of  township  or  fractional  township  No.  i,  north  of  the  base 
line  of  range  number  i8,  and  at  the  intersection  of  the  point  on  the  Missouri 
river,  a  conspicious  and  enduring  monument  is  to  be  erected  by  your  deputy. 

The  first  work  done  in  this  locality  was  that  of  a  party  in  charge  of  a 
surveyor,  John  P.  Johnson,  who,  with  his  men,  surve3-ed  the  Kansas  and 
Nebraska  dividing  line  on  the  fortieth  parallel  west  for  a  distance  of  sixty 
miles  and  they  had  marked  the  starting  place  with  a  wooden  stake  sur- 
rounded by  a  pile  of  stones  which  they  had  gathered  nearby.  The  work 
done  by  this  party  was  highly  unsatisfactory  and  had  not  fulfilled  the  re- 
quirements of  the  government  and  Manners  &  Company  had  been  employed 
to  go  over  the  work  and  rectify  the  mistakes.  A  party  consisting  of  twenty- 
four  men  in  the  employ  of  this  company,  were  sent  to  St.  Joseph,  Missouri, 
with  instructions  to  get  the  iron  post  or  monument  which  had  been  sent 
to  that  place  a  year  previous  and  haul  it  to  the  point  southeast  of  Ruio 
and  erect  the  same  on  a  permanent  foundation. 



The  monument  is  of  iron  and  was  cast  in  the  form  of  a  pyramid,  meas- 
uring fourteen  inches  square  at  the  Ijase  and  eight  inches  at  the  top  and  is 
seven  feet  long.  It  bears  on  its  sides  in  raised  letters  the  following  words 
and  figures:  On  the  north  side  the  word,  "Nebraska,"  and  on  the  opposite, 
or  south  side,  the  word,  "Kansas,"  and  on  the  west,  "40''  in  latitude," 
and  on  the  east,  "1854,"  which  represented  the  year  the  monument  was 
erected.  The  words  Kansas  and  Nebraska  run  perpendicular  with  the  post, 
while  the  figures  of  the  date  are  horizontal. 

This  party  arrived  at  St.  Joseph  and  after  loading  the  monument  in 
a  wagon,  hauled  it  north  to  a  point  on  the  ^Missouri  side  of  the  river  opposite 
from  the  point  where  it  was  to  be  erected. 

There  were  no  ferries  in  operation  in  this  vicinity  at  that  time  and 
they  must  depend  upon  other  means  of  conveying  it  to  the  western  shore. 
An  Indian  was  found,  who  owned  a  canoe  and  he  agreed  to  take  them  o\er. 
His  boat  was  small  and  he  could  take  but  eight  men  on  each  of  the  three 
trips.  On  the  third  trip  the  monument  was  loaded  in  for  passage  and  its 
weight,  together  with  that  of  the  liien,  really  overloaded  the  light  bark. 
The  Indian,  however,  was  skilled  in  the  use  of  his  oars  and  while  the 
top  of  the  boat  barely  missed  the  water  two  inches  and  although  the  river 
was  quite  rough,  yet  he  succeeded  in  landing  them  all  safely  on  the  Nebraska 
shore,  but  not  before  the  men,  some  of  whom  could  not  swim  and  who  were 
riding  astride  of  the  iron  monument,  had  the  scare  of  tlieir  lives,  fearing 
death  in  the  tur1)id  and  muddy  water. 

The  monument  was  hauled  up  to  the  summit  of  the  bluff  and  in  due 
time  placed  on  a  firm  foundation,  where  it  remained  through  all  the  years 
until  1890,  when  David  D.  Reavis  and  Fred  W.  Miller,  both  of  Falls  Cit\-. 
who  were  employed  in  the  work  of  making  a  resurvey  of  some  lands  on 
the  Io\\  a  Indian  Reservation,  found  it  lying  upon  the  ground. 

.Vfter  the  first  party  had  completed  the  work  of  setting  up  the  monu- 
ment, the\-  were  compelled  to  wait  for  some  time  pending  further  instruc- 
tions, which  were  not  received  until  June.  1855.  \\'hen  these  were  received 
it  was  learned  that  the\-  were  to  make  corrections  on  the  entire  base  line 
as  far  as  it  hatl  lieen  surveyed,  wliich  they  proceeded  to  do. 

Soon  after  the  completit)n  of  the  work  of  establishing  correctly  the 
l);ise  line,  work  was  commenced  on  making  sur\e\s  to"  the  north  in  Richard- 
son  cipuntx'.     The  accurate  sur\e\"  and   markings  jjlaced  at   section  corners 


greatly  facilitated  the  matter  of  describing  the  lands  taken  by  settlers.  The 
orders  for  the  survey  instructed  that  the  land  be  surveyed  in  divisions  or 
blocks,  six  miles  square,  to  be  designated  a  township,  and  the  townships 
were  divided  into  blocks  one  mile  square  and  known  as  sections,  containing 
six  hundred  and  forty  acres.  The  townships  were  numbered  beginning  at 
the  northeast  corner  with  number  one;  on  running  west  six  miles  the  last 
section  on  the  west  side  was  numbered  six;  the  one  immediately  south  being 
numbered  seven,  and  thence  eastward  to  number  twelve,  the  one  immediately 
below  being  thirteen;  this  sytem  of  numbering  being  continued  as  before 
described  until  number  thirty-six  was  reached  in  the  southeast  corner  of 
each  township.  The  rows  of  townships  from  east  to  west  are  known  as 
ranges.  The  townships  run  consecutively  from  a  meridian  and  a  base  line, 
which  were  first  run  with  great  accuracy,  at  right  angles  to  each  other, 
forming  a  cross,  the  north  and  south  line  being  a  meridian,  the  east  and 
west  a  base  line.  All  lands  east  of  the  meridian  line  are  described  as  range 
east;  all  lands  west  of  the  meridian  are  described  as  range  west.  All 
lands  north  of  the  base  line  are  described  as  township  north ;  all  lands 
south  of  the  base  line  are  described  as  township  south. 

From  the  intersection  of  the  meridian  and  base  line  begins  a  survey. 
and  also  the  numbering  of  the  various  townships  and  ranges.  I'^ach  six 
miles  square  is  called  a  "congressional  township,"  and  are  numbered  from 
one  up,  thus,  township  number  i,  2,  3,  etc.,  south  of  the  base  line,  and  i,  2, 
3,  etc.,  north  of  the  base  line,  and  range  i,  2,  3,  etc.,  east  of  the  meridian, 
and  range  i,  2,  3.  etc.,  west  of  the  meridian.  Each  township,  or  six  miles 
square,  has,  therefore,  two  numbers  on  its  face — a  range  number  and  a 
township  number.  Each  of  these  townships  is  subdivided  into  thirty-six 
scjuares,  called  sections,  and  are,  as  nearly  as  ma\-  he.  each  one  nn'le  square. 

These  sections  contain  six  hundred  and  fortx*  acres  of  land,  except  the 
north  and  west  sides  of  the  township,  which  are  al\va\s  fractional,  owing  to 
the  fact  that  it  is  impracticable  to  make  a  township  precisely  six  miles 
square.  The  surveying  of  a  township  always  began  at  the  southwest  conier 
of  section  thirty-six. 

The  state  line  between  Kansas  and  Nebraska  is  the  Ixise  line  for  all 
the  surveys  in  these  two  states;  hence  the  entire  state  of  Nebraska  is  town- 
ship north,  while  the  entire  state  of  Kansas  is  townshi]>  south.  The  meridian 
line  for  these  two  states  is  called  the  sixth  principal  meridian,  and  runs 
north  from  Oklahoma,  passing  a  little  east  of  Wellington,  Sumner  countv. 
and  a  little   west   of  ^\'ichita,   Sedgwick  county,   and   on   north   through   the 


state  of  Nebraska,  to  a  point  on  the  Missouri  river  opposite  Yankton,  South 

Each  section  in  a  township  is  divided  into  four  equal  parts,  called 
quarter  sections,  the  lines  running  north  and  south  and  east  and  west 
through  the  center  of  the  section  are  called  the  one-half  section  line,  and 
at  their  intersection,  in  the  center  of  the  section  by  a  long-established  custom 
the  section  number  is  placed.  Each  quarter  section  contains  one  hundred  and 
sixty  acres,  except  the  following  sections  on  the  north  and  west  sides  of 
the  township,  viz:  i,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  18,  19,  30,  31.  The  fractional  lots 
of  either  more  than  or  less  than  forty  acres  are  usually  numbered  from 
I  to  4.  \'ery  frequently  they  are  not  numbered  at  all,  and  never  when 
the  lot  is  a  full  forty-acre  tract. 

The  work  of  the  early  surveyors,  under  the  efficient  service  of  Charles 
A.  Manners,  in  establishing  and  correcting  the  base  line,  was  completed 
for  a  distance  of  one  hundred  and  eight  miles  by  June,  1856.  The  work 
of  carrying  the  line  on  west  to  the  summit  of  the  Rocky  mountains  was 
done  later,  being  completed  in  1859.  In  this  work  were  employed  at  differ- 
ent times,  Charles  A.  Manners,  N.  P.  Cook,  Jared  Todd  and  William  Withe- 
row,  the  latter  being  a  resident  of  this  county.  Rulo  township,  located 
in  the  southeast  corner  of  the  county,  was  the  first  surveyed,  the  lines  being 
run  by  Meriwetiier  Thompson,  in  the  month  of  September,  1855.  the  work  of 
subdividing  the  township  being  done  by  Michael  McManus,  a  resident  of  St. 
Stephens  in  this  county,  in  June  of  the  following  year. 

The  work  of  surveying  the  county  was  completed,  or  practicallv  so, 
by  1858,  and  Maj.  ^^'.  H.  Keeling,  still  a  resident  of  the  city,  was  among 
those  employed  in  the  work. 

Organization  of   Richardson   County. 

Our  county  takes  its  name  from  that  of  William  A.  Richardson,  who, 
holding  a  commission  from  President  Buchanan  as  territorial  governor, 
arrived  in  the  state  on  January  ii,  1858.  Richardson  had  been  a  member 
of  Congress  from  his  home  state,  Illinois,  and  with  Stephen  A.  Douglas  was 
largely  identified  with  the  struggles  incident  to  the  passage  of  the  Kansas- 
Xebraska  bill  in   1854. 

Governor  Richardson  was  appointed  to  succeed  Governor  Izard  and 
arrived  at  Omaha  early  in  January,  1858,  assuming  his  duties  on  January 
12th.  Upon  his  arrival  here  he  found  the  Territorial  Legislature  torn  by 
factional  strife,  engendered  over  a  desire  among  some  of  the  members  who 
represented  a  constituency  desiring  the  removal  of  the  capitol  from  Omaha 
to  some  other  place.  Immediately  upon  his  arrival  he  waS  confronted  with 
a  joint  resolution  presented  to  him  by  a  committee  from  some  seceding  mem- 
bers who  had  met  at  Florence,  a  suburb  of  Omaha. 

In  the  resolution  it  was  pointed  out  that  they  had  been  forced  to 
"Adjourn  to  the  nearest  place  of  safety,  by  the  disorganizing  and  turbulent 
acts  of  a  minority  of  their  own  body,  aided  by  the  violence  of  an  unre- 
strained mob  at  Omaha,  causing  well-grounded  apprehension  as  to  the  per- 
sonal safety  of  the  majority  and  re(iuesting  His  Excellency  to  communicate 
with  the  Legislature  at  this  place  at  his  earliest  convenience." 

The  record  shows  that  the  new  governor  was  not  seriously  impressed 
with  the  cause  of  the  "seceders'"  and  failed  to  officially  recognize  them  as  the 
"Legislature."  He,  however,  importuned  them  to  return  to  the  capitol  and 
guaranteed  their  personal  safety,  but  the  closing  date  for  the  session  being 
near  at  hand,  his  friendly  overtures  were  not  accepted. 

Later,  a  proclamation  was  issued  by  Governor  Richardson  on  August 
14,  1858,  calling  a  special  session  of  the  Legislature  and  that  body  assembled 
at  Omaha  on  September  21st  of  that  year. 

Governor  Richardson  held  his  office  only  until  December  5.  1858,  when 
he  resigned  and  at  once  returned  to  his  home  state,  Illinois,  to  assist  his 
friend.  Stephen  A.  Douglas,  in  his  contest  against  Al>raham  Lincoln  for  the 


United  States  senatorship.  It  came  to  the  knowledge  of  Richardson  that 
the  national  administration  was  opposed  to  Douglas  and  this  attitude  on 
tlie  part  of  tlie  government  displeased  the  governor,  who  cared  no  longer  to 
hold  an  appointive  position  under  it. 

Richardson  county  is  the  southeast  corner  county  of  the  state 
of  Nebraska.  It  was  one  of  the  original  eight  counties  organized  in  the 
territorv.  It  is  now  bovmded  on  the  north  by  Nemaha  county,  on  the  west 
by  Pawnee  county,  on  the  south  by  the  line  dividing  the  states  of  Nebraska 
and  Kansas,  and  on  the  east  by  the  Missouri  river.  Being  one  of  the  first 
counties  organized  in  the  state  it  has  always  been  known  and  numbered  as 
first  in  the  districts,  being  from  its  earliest  days  the  first  representative  dis- 
trict in  the  Legislature,  and  first  state  senatorial  district  and  so  numbered  in 
tlie  larger  judicial  and  still  larger  congressional  district. 


As  a  county  it  was  so  ordered  by  proclamation  made  by  Acting  Go\er- 
nor  Cuming  in  1854.  which  made  its  organization  but  temix3rary.  The  year 
following,  in  1853,  it  was  reorganized  by  act  of  the  Territorial  Legislature. 


The  first  election  was  held  in  the  county  as  then  (in  1855)  bounded, 
including  part  of  Nemaha.  Johnson,  Pawnee  and  what  is  still  included  as 
Richardson.  At  this  election  but  ten  votes  were  cast.  But  two  voting  places 
were  named  in  the  governor's  proclamation,  at  Level's  cabin,  north  of  pres- 
ent site  of  Falls  City  in  the  woods,  and  Christian  Bobst's  cabin,  near  Cincin- 
nati, in  what  is  now  Pawnee  county.  At  this  election  the  first  re])resenta- 
tives  to  tlie  first  Territorial  Legislature  tn  he  held  at  Omaha  City  were 
chosen.  I.  L.  Sharp  for  the  council,  or  upper  branch  of  that  body,  was 
not  a  resident  of  the  county,  Ijut  claimed  as  his  home,  Glenwood.  Iowa,  and 
Jolm  .^.  Singleton,  wiiose  family  had  not  yet  crossed  to  this  side  of  the 
ri\er,  was  honored  with  election  to  the  House. 


At  the  election  the  following  were  chosen  as  officers  of  the  county : 
County  judge.  John  C.  Miller;  county  clerk.  ¥.  L.  Goldsberry:  county  treas- 
urer. Louis  Mesplais.  At  this  election  Salem.  Archer  and  Speiscr  were 
nruned  as  the  polling  places. 



From  the  Richardson  county  records  appears  the  following  report  of  a 
meeting  of  the  county  commissioners  held  at  Salem,  Nebraska,  on  May  17, 

Saiciii.  Ricliardsoii  County,   ycbraska. 

Special  Term  of  County  Court.     May  17th,  1858. 

At  a  special  meeting  of  the  Board  of  County  Commissioners  of  Rich- 
ardson county,  Nebraska,  Territory,  began  and  hdd  at  their  usual  place  of 
holding  court  in  the  town  of  Salem  on  Monday  the  17th  day  of  May,  1858. 
Present,  Joseph  Yount  and  Arnett  Roberts,  commissioners. 

Now  comes  into  open  court,  John  A.  Burbank,  Isaac  L.  Hamby,  J. 
Edward  Burbank  and  others  of  the  Town  of  Falls  City  in  said  county  and 
file  their  petition  to  be  incorporated  under  the  name  and  style  of  the  Town 
of  Falls  City,  which  petition  reads  in  the  following  words : 

Richardson  County.  Territory  of  Nebraska,  ss. 

To  the  Hon.,  the  County  Commissioners  of  the  county  of  Richardson: 

We,  the  undersigned  petitioners,  citizens  of  the  aforesaid  county  in  the 
Town  of  Falls  City,  would  represent  to  your  honorable  body,  the  utility  and 
public  benefit  of  the  incorporation  of  said  town  of  Falls  City,  as  located  on 
the  southeast  quarter  of  section  ten  (10)  and  the  northeast  quarter  of  sec- 
tion fifteen  (15)  in  township  one  (i)  north  of  range  No.  sixteen  (16) 
east,  for  which  we  ])ray  for  polity  established  for  local  government  of  the 
undersigned,  for  which  we,  your  petitioners,  will  ever  pray. 

And  further  pra>  that  John  A.  Burl^ank,  Isaac  L.  Hamby  and  J. 
Edward  Burbank.  William  W.  Buchanan  and  Alexander  Rickard  he  ap- 
pointed as  officers  for  said  incorporation. 

(Signed)  J.  E.  Burbank,  Isaac  L.  Hamby,  John  A.  Burbank,  Alex- 
ander Rickard,  William  W.   Buchanan  and  others. 

It  is  therefore  ordered  and  declared  liy  the  l)oard  that  all  the  territory 
within  the  geographical  limits  of  Falls  City,  together  with  all  the  addititon 
that  may  hereafter  be  made  thereto  according  to  law.  be  and  the  same  is 
hereby  declared  to  be  a  town  by  the  name  and  style  of  Falls  City.  That  said 
town  is  made  a  body  corporate  and  politic  and  is  \ested  with  all  the  powers 
and  attributes  of  a  municipal  corporation,  under  and  by  virtue  of  an  act  of 
the  Territory  of  Nebraska  approved.  January  23.  1856. 

And  it  is  further  ordered  bv  the  board  tliat  John  A.  Burbank.  Isaac  L. 


Hamb\-,  J.  Edward  Burbank,  Alexander  Rickard  and  William  W.  Buchanan 
be  and  are  hereliv  appointed  as  trustees  for  said  town  and  they  shall  hold 
their  offices  until  their  successors  are  elected  and  qualified. 
By  order  of  the  commissioneers, 

James   R.   Trammell,   Clerk   County   Court. 

By  Charles   McDonald,  Deputy. 


Richardson  was  one  of  the  eight  original  counties  created  by  the  first 
Territorial  Legislature,  which  convened  at  Omaha  on  January  16,  1855,  in 
pursuance  of  a  proclamation  issued  by  Acting  Governor  T.  B.  Cuming, 
designating  that  city  as  a  meeting  place.  It  is  located  in  the  southeast  corner 
of  the  state,  the  line  dividing  the  states  of  Kansas  and  Nebraska,  or  the 
fortieth  parallel,  being  its  south  boundary.  Its  boundary  was  defined  as 
follows : 

"Began  at  the  northwest  corner  of  the  half-breed  tract;  thence  west- 
wardly  along  the  south  bank  of  the  Little  Nemaha  river;  thence  westerly  to 
a  point  sixty  miles  west  of  the  Missouri ;  thence  south  to  the  fortieth  parallel, 
the  boundary  of  the  territory;  thence  east  along  said  boundary  to  the  Mis- 
souri river,  thence  north  along  the  Missouri  and  west  ten  miles  to  the  south- 
east corner  of  the  half-breed  tract;  thence  northerly  along  the  boundary  of 
said  tract  to  the  place  of  beginning." 

THE    HALF-BREED    TRACT.  ■   ' 

The  necessity  for  the  provision  of  some  place  to  which  the  half-breeds, 
who  were  largely  the  progeny  of  French  adventurers,  trappers  and  traders, 
could  be  assigned,  was  plainly  evident  early  in  the  last  century.  It  required 
but  little  logic  to  show  that  the  lawful  son  of  a  Frenchman  could  not  be  sub- 
ject to  the  laws  governing  Indians  of  full  blood,  or  forcibly  amalgamated 
with  a  tribe,  nor  could  the  half-Indain  assume  the  full  rights  of  his  father. 
The  half-breeds  were  a  new  element  in  Uncle  Sam's  cosmopolitan  brood,  and 
special  measures  were  necessary  to  meet  their  case.  Having  decided  on  a 
modified  form  of  reservation  for  this  large  class,  it  remained  for  the  gov- 
ernment to  select  a  fitting  location  for  such  a  grant.  It  must  be  remembered 
that,  at  this  time,  all  beyond  the  Missouri  was  "the  wilderness".  When, 
then,  in  1839,  the  chiefs  of  the  various  tribes  and  the  representatives  of  the 
government  met  at  Prairie  du  Chien,  Wisconsin,  there  was  a  vast  amount 


of  land  which  answered  all  the  requirements  of  a  good  reserve,  being  watered 
and  wooded,  and  abounding  in  game. 

The  treaty  setting  aside  the  lands  for  the  half-breeds  in  Richardson 
and  Xemaha  counties  was  made  between  William  Clark,  superintendent  of 
Indian  afifairs,  and  Willoughby  Morgan,  a  colonel  of  the  regular  army,  with 
deputies  from  the  Sacs  and  Foxes,  four  bands  of  Siouxs,  the  Medawah- 
Kantons,  Sissetongs,  W^ahpetons  and  Wahpacootah,  the  Omahas,  Otoes  and 
Missouris,  on  July  15,  1830.     The  provisions  of  the  treaty  read: 

The  Omahas,  lowas  and  Otoes.  for  themselves  and  in  behalf  of  the 
Yankton  and  Santee  bands  of  Sioux,  having  earnestly  requested  that  they 
might  be  permitted  to  make  some  provision  for  their  half-breeds,  and  par- 
ticularly that  they  might  bestow  upon  the  tract  of  country  within  the  fol- 
lowing limits,  to-wit : 

Beginning  at  the  mouth  of  the  Little  Xe-mohaw  river  and  running  up 
the  main  channel  of  said  river  to  a  point  ten  miles  from  its  mouth  in  a 
direct  line;  from  thence  in  a  direct  line  to  strike  the  Great  Ne-mohaw  ten 
miles  above  its  mouth,  in  a  direct  line  (the  distance  between  the  two  Ne- 
mohaws  being  about  twenty  miles);  thence  down  said  river  to  its  mouth; 
thence  up  with  the  meanders  of  the  Missouri  river  to  the  point  of  begin- 
ning. *  *  *  The  President  of  the  United  States  may  hereafter  assign 
to  any  of  the  said  half-breeds  *  *  =i=  any  portion  of  said  tract  not 
exceeding  a  section  of  si.x  hundred  and  forty  acres  to  each  individual. 

This  territory  was  surveyed  in  1857,  ^^^  the  domain  of  the  half- 
breeds  thus  officially  designated,  but,  before  the  line  was  fairly  run,  it  was 
condemned  as  being  incorrect,  and  a  new  survey  ordered.  The  new  line 
started  at  a  point  some  distance  farther  up  the  Great  Nemaha  river,  but 
preserved  the  original  point  on  the  Little  Nemaha.  The  additional  terri- 
tory thus  given  the  Indians  was  of  little  value,  but  the  new  line  passing 
through  the  county  seat,  Archer,  forever  destroyed  that  thriving  village. 
The  existence  of  a  county  seat  on  an  Indian  reserve  was  an  anomaly,  and 
it  was  at  once  removed.  Archer  had  been  designated  as  the  county  seat  in 
March,  1855. 


The  lirst  formal  census  of  Nebraska  Territory  was  ordered  taken  in 
1855,  for  the  purpose  of  making  a  readjustment  of  the  legislative  repre- 
sentation. Reports  from  Richardson  county  showed  a  total  of  two  hun- 
dred and  ninety-nine  persons  on  the  enumeration  rolls.  The  census  was 
taken   by   deputy    marshals   Joseph    L.    Sharp,    Charles   P..    Smith,    ]\Iichael 


I\Iiirphy,  E.  R.  Do\le,  !•".  W.  Synimes,  Munsen  S.  Clark  and  Charles  W. 
Pierce.  They  were  empowered  to  designate  suitable  places  for  voting  pre- 
cincts and  also  name  the  judges  and  clerks  of  election.  The  work  incident 
to  the  enumeration  was  commenced  on  October  24th,  1854,  and  to  be  com- 
pleted by  November  _'oth.  The  voting  precincts  designated  in  Richardson 
county  were  two  in  numlier :  One  at  the  house  of  William  Level,  with 
John  Purket,  Robert  T.  Archer,  and  James  M.  Roberts  as  judges ;  William 
\'.  Soper  and  John  A.  Singleton,  clerks.  The  second  precinct  was  at  the 
house  of  Christian  P.obst.  with  Henry  Shellhorn.  Henry  Abrams,  and  V/ill- 
iam  J.  Burns,  judges;  Christian  Bobst  and  W.  L.  Soper.  clerks."  The 
house  of  William  Level  referred  to  was  located  north  of  the  present  site 
of  Falls  City,  while  that  of  Christian  Bobst  was  near  the  present  town  of 
DuBois  in  Pawnee  county,  then  a  part  of  Richardson  county. 

Following  the  enumeration,  notices  of  an  election  were  distributed  among 
the  people  stating  that  the  same  would  be  held  for  the  purix)se  of  choosing 
a  delegate  to  Congress  and  a  territorial  Legislature  to  convene  during  the 
following  winter.  The  election  was  held  on  December  12  and  Richardson 
county  cast  forty-se\en  votes. 

The  proclamation  ordering  the  census  was  as  follows: 

rroclainatioii  by  the  Acting  Governor. 
Executive  Deportment.  Xebraska   Tern'forx. 

October  21,  1854. 

An  enumeration  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  territory  will  commence  on 
Tuesday  next,  October  24.  1854.  under  the  officers  instructed  to  complete 
the  same,  if  possible,  within  four  weeks.  Immediately  after  said  census, 
notices  will  be  distributed  for  the  election  of  a  delegate  to  Congress,  and  a 
territorial  Legislature,  to  convene  this  winter.  Said  enumeration  in  the 
districts  bordering  on  the  Missouri  river,  will  commence  one  week  from  the 
above  date,  viz.,  on  Tuesday,  October  31st.  and  simultaneously  on  that  day 
in  each  of  said  districts.  The  purpose  of  this  notice  is  to  enable  persons 
who  have  removed  temporarily  from  the  territory  to  return  in  time  for 
said  census,  but  in  no  case  wall  names  be  enrolled  except  of  actual  and 
permanent  residents  of  the  territory. 

Given  under  my  hand  at  Omaha  Citw  Xebraska  Territory  on  the  21st 
day  of  October.   1854. 

T.  B.  Cuming. 

Acting  Governor  of  Xebraska. 



Based  on  a  populatidii  of  two  tliousand  seven  hundred  and  thirty-two 
found  by  the  first  census  in  the  Territory  of  Nebraska,  ordered  b\-  Acting 
Governor  Cuming,  Richardson  county  was  given  the  following  representation 
in  the  first  Legislature :     One  councilman,  two  representatives. 

That  session  of  the  Legislature  met  at  Omaha  on  January  16,  1855, 
and  was  a  day  fraught  with  intense  excitement  owing  to  the  disappointment 
of  men  throughout  the  territory  o\er  the  fact  that  the  territorial  capitol  had 
not  been  located  in  their  part  of  the  territory  and  many  had  vowed  that  no 
session  of  the  Legislature  should  be  held.  The  day  passed  off,  however, 
without  serious  friction. 

In  that  session,  J.  L.  Sharp  had  the  honor  of  representing  Richardson 
county  in  the  upper  branch,  or  council,  as  president.  In  the  House  the 
honor  fell  to  D.  M.  Johnson  and  J.  A.  Singleton.  There  were  thirteen  coun- 
ciimen  and  thirty-six  representatives,  a  total  of  forty-nine  members. 


From  a  report  of  the  auditor  made  in  1855.  we  learn  that  the  valuation 
returned  on  both  real  and  personal  property  in  Richardson  county  totaled 
the  sum  of  twenty-six  thousand  six  hundred  and  forty-three  dollars. 


First  session — Councilman,  J.  L.  Sharp,  president.  House,  D.  M.  John- 
son, J.  A.  Singleton.      (January   16,   1855.) 

Second  session — Councilman  (no  change.)  House,  A.  D.  Kirk.  Rich- 
ardson, W.    H.  Hoover.   Richard.son  and   Xemaha,  jointl)'.      (December   18, 

Third  session — Richardson  and  Pawnee  counties,  Charles  McDonald. 
(January  5,   1857.)      House,  .\.  V.  Cromwell,  X.  J.  Sharp. 

lM)urth  session — (."ouncilman.  no  change  from  preceding  sessioiL  House. 
A.  v.  Cromwell.  \\'ingate  King,  i-lichardson  and  Pawnee  counties.  Decem- 
ber 8.  1857. 

Fifth  session— (.'ouncilman,  Charles  McDonald,  I'iichardson  and  Pawnee: 
seat  contested  by  F..  S.  Dundy.  (Extra  .session  September  _m,  1858.) 
House,  Richardson  and  Pawnee,  William  C.  h'leming,  A.  C.  Dean.  At  this 
ses-^ion   Governor   Richardson,   for  whom  tin's  county  was  named,   was   then 


chief  executive  and  in  his  message  he  called  attention  to  the  fact  that  the 
previous  Legislature  had  repealed  the  criminal  code,  and  the  sole  method  of 
procedure  then  in  vogue,  was  the  common  law  of  England,  under  the  pro- 
visions of  which  perjury,  forgery  and  other  crimes  less  than  capital,  were 
punishable  Ijy  death. 

Sixth  session — Decemlier  5,  1859  (no  change  in  council).  House, 
Richardson.  Houston  Nuckolls,  J.  E.  Burbank  and  Nathan  Meyers. 

Seventh  session — December  3,  i860.  Council,  Richardson  and  Pawnee, 
E.  S.  Dundy.     House,  F.  A.  Tisdel,  A.  M.  Acton,  H.  B.  Porter. 

Eighth  session — (No  change  in  council).  House.  Richardson,  L.  Allga- 
wahr,  J.  S.  Ewing,  H.  B.  Porter. 

Ninth  session— January  7,  1864.  House,  Richardson,  Lewis  Allga- 
wahr,  J.  C.  Lincoln,  M.  ^^^  Breman. 

Tenth  session — January  5,  1865.  Council  divided  into  districts  and 
Richardson  county,  nth  and  represented  by  J.  N.  McCasland.  House, 
Richardson,  Oliver  \\'.  Dunning.  F.  A.  Tisdel,  Charles  F.  ^,^^1lther,  E.  H. 

I^leventh  session — January  4,  1866.  (Omaha)  J.  N.  McCasland,  coun- 
cil. House,  Richardson,  Lorenzo  Crounse  (later  governor),  William  Parchen, 
J.  D.  Ramsey,  John  Jay  Hart.  At  this  session  Hon.  E.  S.  Towle.  of  this 
city,  was  chosen  as  assistant  clerk  of  the  house. 


At  an  election  held  in  the  territory  on  June  _',  1866,  upon  the  adoption 
of  the  constitution,  Richardson  county  voted  as  follows:     For,  503;  against, 

37  ^■ 

LTnder  the  terms  of  that  constitution,  provisiun  was  made  for  the  meet- 
ing of  the  Legislature  on  Jul\-  4.  1866.  M  this  meeting  Richardson  cmmty 
was  represented  as  follows:  House,  William  I'archen,  B.  F.  Cunningham. 
J.  M.  Deweese,  J.  T.  Hoile. 

Twelfth  session — January  10,  1867.  House,  Richardson,  G.  Duerfeldt. 
J.  M.  Deweese  and  Joseph  T.  Hoile. 


Board  of  county  commissioners  meeting  at  Salem  on  July  6,  1857: 
The  county  commissioners  of  Richardson  county  had  divided  said  county 

into  three  precincts  and  to  include,  respectively,  the  following  described  terri- 

torv.  to-wit : 


No.  I — Archer  precinct  contains  townships  Nos.  i,  2  and  3  of  ranges 
Nos.  16,  17  and  18,  in  said  county. 

No.  2 — Salem  precinct  contains  townships  Nos.  i,  2  and  3  of  range  No. 
15  and  the  east  half  of  townships  No.  i,  2  and  3  of  range  14,  in  said  county. 

No.  3 — Speiser  precinct  contains  the  west  half  of  townships  Nos.  i,  2 
and  3  of  range  No.  14  and  townships  Nos.  i,  2  and  3  of  range  No.  13  in  said 

By  order  of  the  board  of  count\-  commissioners  of  said  county.  F.  L. 
Goldsbury,  county  clerk. 

The  county  commissioners  met  according  to  law  and  ordered  that  there 
be  three  notices  for  each  precinct  naming  the  various  officers  to  be  balloted 
for  at  the  August  election  in  1857  in  Richardson  county,  Nebraska  Territory. 

Ordered  that  Alexander  Rickard,  Wingate  King  and  William  Goolsby 
be  and  the  same  are  hereby  appointed  judges  of  election,  at  Archer  precinct 
and  Joseph  Hare.  John  W.  Brinegar  and  John  Ogden  be  and  the  same  are 
hereby  appointed  Judges  of  election  at  Salem  precinct,  and  John  Luginbill, 
Henry  Abrams  and  James  Cameron  be  and  the  same  are  hereby  appointed 
judges  of  election  at  Speiser  precinct.  Ordered  that  notices  be  given  to  each 
of  said  judges  at  least  ten  days  prexious  to  said  election.  Court  adjourned 
until  July  6,  1857. 

F.  L.  Goldsbury,  County  Clerk. 

The  county  commissioners  met  at  Salem,  July  6,  1857,  according  to  law, 
Joseph  Yount  being  absent,  the  following  business  being  transacted :  The 
account  of  R.  W.  Furnas  was  presented  for  striking  two  hundred  assessors' 
blanks  for  the  sheriff  of  Richardson  county — but  was  not  accepted.  The 
account  of  W".  H.  Mann  was  next  presented  for  services  rendered  in  record- 
ing the  plat  of  the  road  from  Archer  in  Richardson  county  to  Brownville  in 
Nemaha  county.  Allowed  for  said  services — $5.00.  An  account  of  said 
Mann  ffir  services  rendered  in  writing  election  notices  for  Richardson  county 
was  allowed  by  said  commissioners — $6.00. 

TAXES    COl.I.F.CTEP,     1857. 

Samuel  Keiffer  on  behalf  of  Isaac  Crook,  county  treasurer,  presented  a 
statement  of  the  amount  of  taxes  collected  by  him  for  the  year  1857,  which 
was  as  follows : 

Whole  amount  of  county  tax $291.91 

Whole  amount  of  territorial  tax 179-94 

Whole  amount  of  school  tax 59-98 


The  sum  of  two  hundred  ninety-nine  dollars  and  ninety-one  cents  of 
county  tax  was  paid  over  to  the  court  and  an  order  issued  to  Samuel  Keififer 
for  the  sum  of  fifteen  dollars  for  commission  as  collector  on  the  part  of  the 
county,  the  territorial  and  school  tax  remaining  in  his  hands. 

William  Tramwell  presented  and  was  allowed  by  the  commissioners 
at  Salem  on  January  4,  1857,  the  sum  of  seventeen  dollars  for  making  tax 
list  of  Richardson  ciiunty. 

TAX   LEVY,    1857. 

5  mills  on  the  dollar  levied   for  county. 
3   mills  on   the  dollar  lex'ied   for  territory. 
I  mill  for  school. 
Poll  ta.x  of  50  cents. 

Samuel  Keiffer  was  county  assessor  of  the  county  in  the  year  1858  and 
was  paid  for  that  service  the  sum  of  twenty-seven  dollars  and  seventy-tive 
cents.     The  assessment   rolls   contained   three   hundred   and   seventy  names. 

At  a  meeting  of  the  county  commissioners  held  at  Salem,  Nebraska 
Territory,  on  January  4,  1858,  a  petition  was  presented  by  F.  L.  Goldsbur\- 
for  a  precinct  to  he  called  Rulo,  with  the  folldwing  result: 


At  a  meeting  df  commissioners  held  at  Salem.  Xebraska  Territory,  in 
April.  1858.  A.  D.  Kirk  presented  a  petition  signed  by  M.  H.  W'oodhn  and 
twenty-seven  other  citizens  of  the  town  of  Rulo,  praying  for  a  municipal 
corporation   for  said  town  of  Rulo.  with  the  following  result: 

The  court  being  satisfied  that  a  majority  of  the  taxable  inhabitants  of 
said  town  have  signed  said  petition  praying  for  such  corporation  it  is  there- 
fore ordered  that  the  inhabitants  within  the  following  boundaries  as  set  forth 
in  said  ])etition  to-wit :  Beginning  at  a  point  on  the  Missouri  river,  where 
the  line  dividing  sections  8  and  17  strike  the  same,  thence  west  along  said 
line  to  the  northwest  corner  of  section  t8;  thence  south  to  the  southwest 
corner  of  section  18;  thence  east  to  the  Missouri  river;  thence  up  said  river 
to  the  ])lace  of  beginning,  be  and  they  are  hereby  declared  incorporated  as 
a  body  corpcjrate  and  politic  b\-  the  name  and  style  of  the  town  of  Rulo. 
Charles  Martin,  l-:ii  Redard.  Tames  D.  Ramsev.  .\.  D.  Kirk  and  P.  B.  McCoy 


are  herein'  appointed  trustees  for  said  town  vmtil  their  successors  are  elected 
and  qualified. 

Eli  Bedard,  A.  D.  Kirk  and  P.  B.  McCoy  were  at  once  appointed  judges 
of  the  election,  for  offices  of  the  said  municipal  corporation,  to  be  held  on 
the  first  :\Ionday  of  May,  1858. 


Richardson  county  was  bounded  as  follows :  Commencing  at  the  north- 
west corner  of  the  half-breed  tract,  thence  westwardly  along  the  south  bank 
of  the  Little  Nemaha  River,  thence  westwardly  to  a  point  sixty  miles  west 
of  the  Missouri  river,  thence  south  to  the  fortieth  parallel  (the  boundary 
between  Kansas  and  Nebraska ),  thence  east  along  said  territory  boundary  to 
the  Missouri  river,  thence  north  along  the  Missouri  river,  and  west  ten  miles 
to  the  southwest  corner  of  the  half-breed  tract,  and  thence  northerly  along 
the  boundary  of  said  tract  to  the  place  of  beginning. 

Precincts. — There  shall  be  two  precincts  or  places  of  voting  in  said  Rich- 
ardson county,  viz.,  one  to  be  held  at  the  house  of  William  Level  (a  cabin  in 
the  woods,  northeast  of  present  site  of  Falls  City),  in  precinct  No.  i.  The 
second  at  the  house  of  Christian  Bobst,  precinct  No.  2.  John  Purket,  Robert 
T.  Archer,  and  James  \Y.  Roberts  shall  be  the  judges  of  election  of  the  first 
precinct,  and  William  \W.  Soper  and  John  A.  Singleton,  clerks  of  the  same; 
and  Henry  Shellhorn,  Henry  Abranis  and  William  F.  Bums,  judges  of  elec- 
tion of  precinct  No.  2,  and  Christian  Bobst  and  \^^  L.  Soper,  clerks  of  the 


Pawnee  county,  which  now  joins  Richardson  county  on  the  west,  was 
made  uji  from  territory  contained  in  the  original  boundaries  of  Richardson 
county — the  latter  being  originally,  sixty  miles  long  east  and  west  from  the 
Missouri  river.  The  new  county,  later  to  be  known  as  I'awnee,  was  laid  off 
in  1855  ''ito  townships,  and  sectionized  in  1856.  At  first  it  contained  but 
four  townshi]xs,  or  twenty-four  miles  square.  One  row  of  townships  was 
taken  from  off  the  north  side  later  and  added  to  what  is  now  4<nown  as  John- 
son county. 

Christian  Bobst,  residing  southeast  of  the  present  site  of  Pawnee  city, 
arrived  there  on  the  4th  of  April.  1854,  in  company  with  Robert  Turner, 
Jacob  .\dams  and  Robert  Arclier  ( the  latter  being  the  man  for  whom  Archer 
\illage  in  this  countx"  was  named).     Christian  Bdbst.  the  leader  of  the  party. 


selected  the  best  timber  claim  probably  in  southern  Nebraska,  the  northwest 
quarter,  section  25.  township  i,  range  12,  South  Fork  precinct.  Mr.  Bobst 
erected  what  was  the  first  dwelling  house  in  that  part  of  Richardson  county. 
He  was  appointed  probate  judge  by  Governor  Izard,  in  the  fall  of  1854,  for 
Richardson  county.  No  lines  at  that  time  having  been  regularly  established, 
his  jurisdiction  extended  over  all  the  settlements  west  of  the  Missouri  river. 
Joseph  Frey,  who  came  the  same  summer,  was  appointed  justice  of  the 
peace,  and  Robert  Turner,  constable,  by  the  same  authority.  For  the  first 
few  years  after  the  territorial  government  was  formed.  Pawnee  was  attached 
to  Richardson  county  and  for  the  most  part  during  that  period  the  offices 
were  lield  by  men  living  in  tlie  eastern  part  of  what  is  now  Richardson  county, 
wiiich  state  of  affairs  was  not  the  most  pleasing  to  the  settlement  to  the 
west  and  had  much  to  do  with  the  early  effort  to  form  the  new  county  of 
Pawnee.  For  a  considerable  time  the  whole  of  the  country  to  the  west  had 
to  get  their  mail  at  the  residence  of  Judge  Christian  Bobst  on  South  Fork. 
An  office  was  established  at  Pawnee  city  long  before  there  was  any  estab- 
lished route  to  supply  it,  and  had  to  depend  on  private  enterprise  for  its  sup- 
ply from  Pleasant  valley — Bobst's  office. 

An  election  was  held  on  the  25th  day  of  August,  1856,  for  the  purpose 
of  selecting  a  seat  of  justice  for  the  new  county.  Three  points  were  entered 
in  the  contest.  Pawnee  city.  Table  Rock  and  Turkey  creek.  By  some  means 
the  poll  books  of  the  election  held  at  Table  Rock  were  not  signed  by  the 
officers  of  the  election  board,  but  when  the  returns  were ,  carried  down  to 
Archer,  the  then  county  seat  of  Richardson  county,  the  county  clerk,  Neal 
J.  Sharp,  after  canvassing  the  returns,  declared  the  Pawnee  city  site  duly 
elected  as  the  seat  of  justice  (county  seat)  for  Pawnee  county.  This  point 
was  then  called  "Enon"  (Bibical  reference.) 

Notwithstanding  the  certificate  had  been  issued  by  Mr.  Sharp  in  favor 
of  Pawnee  city,  the  Hon.  Judge  John  C.  Miller,  probate  judge  of  Richard- 
son county,  when  the  matter  was  brought  properly  before  him,  declared  such 
certificate  null  and  \oid ;  that  no  choice  had  been  legally  made,  and  therefore 
ordered  that  a  new  election  be  held  on  the  4th  day  of  November,  1856.  At 
this  latter  election  Pawnee  city,  the  present  county  seat,  was  chosen.  All 
accounts  agree  that  the  first  white  men  who  were  ever  on  what  is  now  the 
present  site  of  Pawnee  city,  formerly  a  part  of  Richardson  county,  were 
James  O'Loughlan,  Charles  McDonald  and  Arthur  McDonald.  These  men 
had  settled  at  Salem  in  this  county  and  visitetl  the  site  on  July  20.  1854. 
Looking  o\er  the  ground  fnim  a  jxiint  of  vantage,  they  espied  a  large  body 









?■    ■    11 


■  .- 


'  j^jp'.^K.J'iW 















of  Indians  with  ponies  grazing.  They  did  not  make  themsehes  known,  but 
withdrew  to  tlieir  homes  on  South  Fork.  This  was  doubtless  the  first  time 
white  men  had  ever  stood  on  this  ground. 


From  minutes  of  Ijoard  of  count}-  commissioners.  Falls  City.  August 
29,   i860. 

Falls  City,  Richardson  County,  Nebraska  Territory. 

Commissioners  Court,  August  29,   i860. 
Richardson  County, 
Nebraska  Territory,  ss: 

Having  been  appointed  and  commissioned  to  view  and  locate  a  county 
road  by  the  county  commissioners  court  of  Richardson  county,  Nebraska 
Territory  in  July,  i860,'  I  proceeded  on  the  7th  day  of  August,  i860,  witli 
Joseph  Broady,  surveyor,  and  F.  Bnxady  and  John  Furrow,  chain  carriers, 
and  were  all  sworn  as  the  law  directs  by  .\.  D.  S.  Ayers,  a  justice  of  the 
peace  in  and  for  Richardson  county,  Nebraska  Territory.  We  then  pro- 
ceeded with  the  aforesaid  surveyor  and  chain  carriers  and  J.  G.  Babcock,  for 
i^agman.  and  J.  S.  Babcock  and  E.  P.  Tinker  with  four  yoke  of  oxen  and 
plow  to  mark  the  road.  J.  S.  Babcock  furnished  two  yoke  of  oxen  and  E. 
P.  Tinker  furnished  two  yoke  of  oxen. 

We  then  went  to  the  line  between  sections  thirty  (30)  and  thirty-one 
(31),  town  three  ( 3 ) ,  range  thirteen  (13),  in  Richardson  county,  Nebraska 

Commencing  at  the  west  line  of  said  county  we  proceeded  on  route 
descriljed  in  said  petition  to  the  Nemaha  county  line,  observing  all  the  points 
mentioned  in  petition.  The  surveyor  will  make  a  report  of  said  road.  I 
find  it  a  good  and  practicable  route.  I  therefore  report  favorable  to  said 
road  and  recommend  your  honorable  body  to  establish  the  same. 

Oliver  J.  Tinker.  Commissioner. 

In  the  bill  of  expense  for  the  use  of  the  oxen  appears  the  following 
claims : 

J.  S.  Babcock  and  2  yoke  of  oxen $8.00 

E.  P.  Tinker  and  2  yoke  of  oxen 8.00 

A.  J.  Deshazo,  County  Clerk. 



Clerks  Office,  Falls  City,  Nebraska  Territory,  January  6,   1862. 

Commissioners  court.  Commissioners  met  pursuant  to  adjournment. 
Present — C.  S.  Cornell,  George  W.  Scott  and  Levi  Forbe,  commissioners, 
and  George  \^andeventer,  county  clerk. 

Ordered  that  the  election  precincts  of  Richardson  county  be  described 
and  bounded  as  follows,  to-\vit : 

l-Vanklin  precinct  consists  of  congressional  township.  No.  3,  north,  range 

13,  east. 

Porter  precinct  consists  of  township  3,  north  of  range  14,  east. 

Humboldt  precinct  to  be  bounded  as  follows :  Commencing  at  the 
northwest  corner  of  congressional  township  No.  2,  on  the  dividing  line 
lietween  Pawnee  and  I^ichardson  counties,  thence  south  five  miles  to  the  south- 
west corner  of  section  30,  township  2,  range  13,  east;  thence  east  along  the 
section  line  nine  miles  to  the  southeast  corner  of  section  28,  in  township  2, 
north  of  range  14,  east;  thence  north  along  the  section  line  five  miles,  to  the 
township  line,  between  townships  2  and  3  north  of  range  14,  east;  thence 
west  along  the  township  line  nine  miles  to  the  place  of  beginning. 

Speiser  precinct  to  he  bounded  as  follows :  Commencing  at  the  north- 
west  corner  of  section  31,  township  2,  range  13,  east  on  the  dividing  line 
between  Pawnee  and  Richardson  counties,  thence  south  along  the  county  line 
to  the  line  between  Kansas  and  Nebraska;  thence  east  along  said  line,  nine 
miles,  to  the  section  line  between  sections  33  and  34  of  township  i,  range  14, 
east;  thence  north  along  the  section  line  to  the  northeast  corner  of  section 
T,!,.  township  2,  north  range  14,  east;  thence  west  along  section  line  nine  miles, 
to  the  place  of  beginning. 

Salem  precinct  bounded  as  follows ;  Commencing  at  the  northwest 
corner  of  section  3,  township  2,  north  of  range  14,  east;  thence  running 
south,  along  the  section  line,  dividing  townships  one  and  two,  north  range 

14,  east  to  the  line  between  Kansas  and  Nebraska;  thence  east  along  said 
line  to  the  range  line;  ijetween  ranges  15  and  16,  east;  thence  north  along 
said  range  line  nine  miles,  to  the  northeast  corner  of  section  24,  in  township 
2,  north,  range  15  east;  thence  west  along  the  section  line  to  the  range  line 
between  ranges  14  and  15;  thence  north  along  the  range  line  three  miles, 
to  the  township  line  between  townships  2  and  3,  nurth;  thence  west  along  the 
township  line  to  the  place  of  beginning. 

Commissioners  Court,  Special  Term,  May   14.   i860. 


Muddy  precinct.  A  petition  praying  ior  a  voting  precinct  to  be  formed 
out  of  Fails  City  and  Salem  precincts.  The  petition  was  granted.  Said  pre- 
cinct to  be  called  Muddy  precinct  and  Ixjunded  as  follows  beginning  at  the 
southeast  corner  of  section  13,  township  2,  north  of  range  16,  east;  thence 
west  on  said  line  to  the  Franklin  precinct;  thence  north  to  the  county  line; 
thence  east  to  the  range  line  between  ranges  16  and  17,  east.  William  J. 
McCord  was  appointed  justice  of  the  peace  for  Muddy  precinct.  O.  M. 
Johnson  and  E.  S.  Slagle  were  appointed  constables  for  Muddy  precinct. 

Humboldt  precinct.  A  petition  was  presented  on  April  i,  1861,  signed 
by  A.  J.  Halbert,  Merrit  Wells,  James  Cameron  and  twenty-two  others,  pray- 
ing that  a  new  precinct  be  organized  in  township  2,  range  T3,  bounded  as  fol- 
-lows :  Commencing  one  mile  north  of  the  southwest  corner  of  township  2, 
range  13,  at  the  Pawnee  county  line  and  running  east  nine  miles  to  the  center 
or  range  14;  thence  north  along  the  section  line  to  the  north  line  of  said 
township,  five  miles;  thence  west  along  the  township  line,  nine  miles  to  the 
Pawnee  county  line ;  thence  south  five  miles  along  the  county  line  to  the  place 
of  beginning,  all  of  which  was  granted  by  the  board. 

Falls  City  precinct  bounded  as  follows :  Commencing  at  the  northwest 
corner  of  section  19,  township  2,  range  16,  east  on  the  range  line  between 
ranges  15  and  16;  thence  south  on  said  range  line,  nine  miles  to  the  line 
between  Kansas  and  Nebraska;  thence  east  on  said  line,  nine  miles  to  the 
section  line  between  sections  33  and  34  in  township  i,  north  of  range  17; 
thence  north  along  the  section  line  eight  miles  to  the  northeast  corner  of 
section  28,  township  2,  range  17;  thence  west  along  the  section  line,  three 
miles  to  the  range  line  between  ranges  16  and  17;  thence  north  one  mile 
along  the  range  line  to  the  section  line  dividing  sections  13  and  24,  township 
2,  north  range  t6,  east;  thence  west  along  said  section  line  six  miles  to  the 
place  of  beginning. 

Muddy  precinct  bounded  as  follows :  Commencing  at  the  place  where 
the  range  line  between  ranges  14  and  15,  east,  intersects  the  county  line 
between  Nemaha  and  Kichardson  counties;  thence  south  along  said  range 
line,  nine  miles  to  the  section  line,  between  sections  18  and  19  in  township 
2,  north  of  range  15,  east;  thence  east  along  said  section  line,  twelve  miles 
to  the  range  line  between  ranges  16  and  17,  east;  thence  north  along  said 
range  line,  nine  miles  to  the  county  line  between  NemaJia  and  Richard.son 
counties;  thence  west  along  said  county  line,  twelve  miles,  to  the  place  of 

St.  Stephens  precinct  bounded  as  follows:  Commencing  at  a  place 
where  the  range  line  between  ranges  16  and   17  intersects  the  county  line, 


between  Xemaha  and  Richardson  counties,  thence  south  along  said  range 
Hne,  seven  miles  to  the  section  line  between  sections  6  and  7  of  township 
2,  north  of  range  17;  thence  east  along  said  section  line,  to  the  Missouri 
river ;  thence  up  the  Missouri  river,  to  the  line  between  Nemaha  and  Rich- 
ardson counties:  thence  west  along  said  county  line  to  the  place  of  beginning. 

Arago  precinct  bounded  as  follows:  Commencing  at  the  northwest 
ct)rner  of  section,  township  2,  range  17,  east,  on  the  range  line  between  ranges 
16  and  17:  thence  south  along  range  line,  three  miles  to  the  section  line 
lyClween  sections  19  and  20,  township  2,  north  of  range  17,  east;  thence  east 
along  said  section  line  to  the  Missouri  river,  thence  up  the  Missouri  river  to 
the  section  line  dividing  sections  i  and  2  of  township  2,  north  of  range  17, 
east :  thence  west  along  the  section  line  to  the  place  of  beginning. 

Rulo  precinct  bounded  as  follows:  Commencing  at  the  northwest  cor- 
ner of  section  zy  on  the  section  line  between  sections  28  and  27  of  township 
2,  range  17,  east;  thence  south  along  said  section  line,  eight  miles  to  the  line 
between  Kansas  and  Nerbaska :  thence  east  along  said  line  to  the  Missouri 
river:  then.ce  up  the  Missouri  river  to  the  section  line  between  sections  19  and 
30  of  township  2,  range  18:  thence  west  along  said  section  line  to  the  place 
of  beginning. 

Action  of  the  board  of  commissioners  at  a  meeting  held  On  October 
6,  1862,  in  response  to  a  petition  signed  by  citizens  of  Arago  and  St.  Stephens 
])recincts,  merged  the  two  precincts  into  one  to  be  known  as  Arago. 

Ohio. — S.  J;  Harris  had  the  honor  of  naming  Ohio  township.  It  was 
he  who  petitioned  to  have  the  township  organized  to  its  present  boundary 
and  named  it  tor  his  native  state,  Ohio. 

ACT.S    OF    TERRIIORIAI.    I.KGISLATURE,     1857-58. 

An  act  passed  and  approved  on  February  lo,  1857,  authorized  Charles 
McDonald  to  erect  a  mill  dam  across  the  north  fork  of  the  Grand  Nemaha 
river,  on  the  northwest  quarter  of  section  22,  township  2,  north  of  range  No. 
14,  east  of  the  sixth  p.  m.,  Richardson  county,  Nebraska  Territory. 

.\n  act  passed  ant!  aj^proved  at  the  same  session,  February  10,  1857,  pro- 
\idcd  for  the  incorporation  of  the  town  of  Salem,  Richardson  county, 
Xeliraska  Territory.  Section  I\'  of  this  act  provided  that  "Whenever  eight 
of  the  resident  householders  of  said  town  shall  petition  the  county  clerk  of 
said  Richardson  county,  asking  for  the  organization  of  said  municipal  gov- 
ernment the  said  clerk  shall  fix  the  time  for  tlie  municipal  election,  which 


shall  not  be  more  than  twenty  daj's  after  the  petition  is  presented  to  him,  and 
shall  appoint  three  judges  of  said  election,  and  shall  give  notice  thereof  by 
posting  up  notices  in  three  public  places  in  said  town     *     *     *." 

Section  V.  At  the  aforesaid  election  the  legal  voters  shall  elect  a  town 
council  consisting  of  five,  who  shall  possess  the  qualifications  of  electors: 
Provided,  That  (the)  person  receiving  the  highest  number  of  votes  shall  be 
president  until  otherwise  provided  In-  law,  also  a  town  clerk  and  marshal, 
which  election  shall  be  the  first  organization  of  the  said  town,  and  thereafter 
said  offices  may  be  abolished  or  new  nftices  created  as  may  be  prescribed  by 


Section  I.  Of  an  act  passed  and  approved  on  March  7th,  1855,  entitled 
an  Act  defining  the  boundaries  of  counties  herein  named  and  for  other  pur- 
poses. (Had  reference  to  Richardson,  Nemaha,  Blackbird  and  Dakota 
counties.)  This  act  materially  reduced  the  boundary  of  Richardson  county 
and  contained  the  following  important  sentence :  "The  seat  of  justice  is 
hereby  located  at  the  town  of  Archer,  in  said  Richardson  county." 

An  act  to  provide  for  the  permanent  location  of  the  county  seat  of 
Richardson  county : 

Section  I.  Be  it  enacted  by  the  council  and  House  of  Representatives 
of  die  Territory  of  Nebraska,  That  the  Board  of  County  Commissioners,  of 
Richardson  County,  Territory  of  Nebra.ska,  are  hereby  authorized  and 
empowered  to  cause  an  election  to  be  held  on  the  first  Tuesday  of  April,  A. 
D.  1857,  at  the  different  voting  precincts  in  said  county,  for  the  purpose  of 
permanently  locating  the  county  scat  of  said  Richardson  county.  For  this 
purpose  each  voter  may  designate  upon  his  l^allot  the  place  of  his  choice  for 
the  county  seat,  and  when  the  votes  are  canvassed,  the  place  having  the 
majority  of  all  votes  polled  shall  be  the  county  seat,  and  public  notice  of  said 
election  shall  be  given  within  thirty  days,  by  the  Board  of  County  Commis- 
sioners, by  posting  up  notices,  in  three  several  places  in  each  precinct  in 
said  count}'.  * 

Section  II.  It  shall  be  the  duty  of  said  Board  of  County  Commission- 
ers to  give  at  least  twenty  days  notice  of  said  election,  by  causing  notices  to 
be  posted  up  at  three  different  places  in  each  precinct,  and  the  qualifications 
of  voters,  the  manner  of  holding  elections  and  making  returns  thereof,  shall 
be  in  accordance  with  the  statutes  of  this  territory  governing  elections. 

Section  III.  If  no  one  place  has  a  majority  of  all  the  votes  polled  as 
provided  for  in  section  i  of  this  act,  it  shall  be  the  duty  of  the  county  com- 


missioners  of  said  county,  within  one  month  after  said  election,  to  order  a 
special  election  and  give  ten  days  notice  thereof,  by  posting  up  notices  in 
three  public  places  in  each  precinct  in  said  county,  at  which  election  votes 
shall  be  taken  by  ballot  between  the  two  highest  places  voted  for  at  the  first 
election,  and  the  place  having  the  highest  number  of  votes  shall  be  the  county 
seat  of  said  county,  and  notice  thereof  shall  be  given  as  required  by  section 
one  of  this  act. 

Section  No.  IV.  Any  contest  of  any  election  held  under  the  provisions 
of  this  act  shall  be  brought  before  the  county  clerk  and  shall  be  conducted 
and  deti.-rmined  according  to  law  governing  elections  in  this  territory. 

Section  Xo.  W  That  the  county  seat  of  said  county  be  and  the  same 
is  herebv  temporarily  located  at  the  town  of  Salem,  in  said  Richardson 
countv.  until  said  election  is  held  anil  determined  according  to  the  provisions 
of  this  act : 

Provided,  that  the  county  commissioners  of  said  county  shall  become 
satisfied  that  the  town  of  Archer,  the  present  location  of  the  county  seat  of 
said  county,  is  located  on  and  embraced  within  the  limits  of  the  half-breed 
Indian  reservation  in  said  county. 

Section  AT.  This  act  to  take  effect  and  be  in  force  from  and  after 
its  passage. 

Approved.  February  9,  1857. 

An  act  supplementary  to  an  act  to  provide  the  permanent  location  of 
the  seat  of  justice  of  Richardson  county. 

Section  i.  Be  it  enacted  by  the  Council  and  House  of  Representatives 
of  the  Territory  of  Nebraska,  That  the  seat  of  justice  of  Richardson  county 
be  and  the  same  is  hereby  located  at  West  Salem  on  the  west  half  of  the 
southwest  y4  of  section  Xo.  (3)  three,  and  the  east  yi  of  the  S.  E.  ^4  of 
section  X'o.  (4 1  four  in  township  Xo.  (i)  one,  north  of  range  X^o.  (15) 
fifteen  east  in  said  county. 

Section  2.  That  it  shall  be  the  duty  of  the  county  commissioners  to 
remove  the  records  of  said  county  to  said  place  above  named  immediately 
3,frer  the  taking  of  efi"ect  of  this  act. 

Section  3.  That  so  much  of  the  act  to  which  this  act  is  supplementary 
as  conflicts  with  the  provisions  of  this  act.  be  and  the  same  are  hereby 

Section  4.  This  act  shall  take  efl:'ect  and  l>e  in  force  from  and  after  the 
first  day  of  March.  .\.  D.  1857. 

Approved  Fel)ruary  13.  1857. 


The  first  act  to  come  under  this  head  affecting  Richardson  county  was 
that  incorporating  the  "Town  of  Archer,"  which  was  approved  on  January 
25,  1856. 


Proclamation  of  acting  Governor  Cuming,  of  the  Territory  of  Nebraska, 
issued  from  the  executive  department  of  Nebraska  Territory  on  December 
20,  1854,  assigned  "Hon.  Edward  R.  Hardin,  assistant  justice  of  the  Supreme 
Court,  to  the  second  judicial  district,  embracing  all  that  portion  of  territory 
lying  south  of  the  Platte  river  in  Nebraska  Territory."  The  proclamation 
recited  that  the  appointment  was  made  for  the  "purpose  of  administering 
justice  in  the  Territory  of  Nebraska." 

An  Act  to  provide  for  permanent  location  of  county  seat  of  Richardson 
county.     Approved  February  9,  1857. 

An  Act  to  establish  permanently  County  Seat,  Richardson  Countv,  bv 
vote  of  the  people.     Approved  October  3,  1858. 

An  Act  to  authorize  H.  W.  Summerlad,  and  George  Walther  to  keep 
a  ferry  across  the  Missouri  at  Arago.     Approved  January  3rd,  1862. 

An  Act  to  authorize  Felix  Kitch,  A.  P.  Forney,  and  Joshua  Murray 
to  keep  a  ferry  across  the  Missouri  at  Rulo,  Nebraska  Territory.  Approved 
January  11,  186 i. 

They  were  allowed  to  charge :  For  two  horses  or  mules  and  buggy, 
!|5i.oo;  for  each  extra  pair,  25  cts;  for  horse,  or  mule  and  rider.  25c;  for  two 
horses  or  mules,  and  buggy,  75c ;  i  horse  or  mule  and  buggy,  50c :  for  horse 
or  mule  led,  25c;  loose  cattle  per  head,  loc;  hogs  and  sheep  per  head,  5c: 
f(_)otmen,  loc;  each  cwt.  of  freight  loc;  lumber  $3.00  per  feet. 

An  Act  to  establish  and  keep  a  ferry  at  Winnebago,  by  Neal  J.  Sharp 
and  John  Singleton.     Approved  March  6,  1855. 

An  Act  to  Incorporate  the  "German  Sangerbund  of  Arago"'  by  F.  Kam- 
merer,  H.  W.  Sommerlad,  J.  O.  W'irth,  H.  Volbrecht,  Charles  F.  \\'alther 
and  L.  Allegewahr,  had  for  its  object  the  promotion  of  artistic  taste  in  gen- 
eral and  vocal  music  in  particular  by  the  practice  and  performance  of  sacred 
and  secular  music.      Approved  January  9th,  1862. 

An  Act  to  Incorporate  Arago.     Approved  January  10,  i860. 

An  Act  to  Incorporate  Falls  City.     Approved  January  13th,   i860. 

An  Act  to  Incorporate  Falls  City  Library  Association,  by  C.  H.  Norris. 
David  Dorrington,  H.  O.  Hanna.  George  Van  Deventer,  J.  H.  Burbank.  J. 
Edward  Burbank,  S.  H.  Schuyler.  E.  S.  Dundy  and  Jacob  Good.  Approved 
December  21st,  1861. 


An  Act  to  Incorporate  Riilo.     Approved  November  ist,  1858. 

An  Act  Supplemental.     Approved  January  11,  1861. 

An  Act  to  locate  Road  "Little  Xemaha  River  to  Kansas  Line."  Will- 
iam Trammel,  Louis  Misplay  and  Levi  Dodge,  empowered  to  view  and  locate 
road,  at  or  near  where  military  Road  crosses  same  near  Dr.  Jerome  Hoover's 
mill,  running  thence  southerly  on  most  direct  and  feasible  route  by  way  of 
Maple  Grove  ford,  on  Muddy  Creek,  thence  to  ford  the  Grand  Nemaha  river 
below  the  falls,  known  as  Singleton's  Ford,  thence  to  the  Kansas  line. 

Approved  January  22,  1856. 

An  Act  to  authorize  Charles  McDonald  to  erect  a  mill  dam  across  the 
north  fork  of  the  Grand  Nemaha  River  in  Richardson  County,"  on  n.  w.  % 
of  Section  Xo.  22,  Twp.  2,  North  of  Range  No.  14.  Approved  February 
10,  1857. 

An  Act  defining  the  boundaries  of  counties  herein  mentioned  and  for 
other  purposes.  This  Act  reduced  the  size  of  Richardson  county  to  the  pres- 
ent size  and  located  the  county  seat  at  Archer.     Approved  March  7th,  1855. 

An  Act  to  authorize  Silas  Babcock,  to  erect  mill  dam  across  Long 
Branch  at  "any  point  within  four  miles  from  town  of  Franklin,  in  Richard- 
son Co."     Approved  January  6th,  i860. 

An  .\ct  to  authorize  \\^illiam  A.  TafHemire  and  Garret  N.  Martindale 
to  erect  a  mill  dam  across  Muddy  Creek,  Richardson  County,  on  n.  w.  y^ 
Sec.  16,  Twp.  I,  N.  of  Range  No.  16.     Approved  February  11,  1865. 

An  Act  to  attach  the  Counties  of  Gage  &  Jones  to  the  Council  Districts 
composed  of  Pawnee  and  Richardson.     Approved  January  11,  1862. 

An  .Act  to  locate  road  from  Brownville  to  Archer.  A.  L.  Coot,  Strander 
Fronian.  F.  G.  McMillen,  appointed  Commissioners  to  meet  in  .\rcher.  May 
1st,  1856.  $3.00  per  day  for  time  actually  employed.  Approved  January 
2nd,  1856. 

An  .\ct  to  appoint  Commissioners  to  view  and  locate  a  territorial  road 
from  Pbttsriiouth  in  Cass  County  to  Archer  in  Richardson  County.  Will- 
iam kakes,  Cass  County;  John  Singleton,  Richardson  County,  and  Gideon 
Bennett,  of  Pierce  County.  "The  nearest  and  most  practicable  route  to 
Nebraska  City,  thence  to  Brownville,  to  Archer  in  Richardson  County,  thence 
to  the  Kansas  line  by  way  of  the  ford  on  the  Grand  Nemaha  river,  known 
as  the  Singleton's  ford,  having  due  regard  for  personal  property  as  well  as 
ground  o\er  which  road  shall  pass;  to  be  30  feet  wide;  all  male  inhabitants 
between  ages  of  21  and  43  required  to  work  2  days  each  year  on  road. 
Approved,  Alarch  14,  1855. 


xAn  Act  to  Inc.  Town  of  Salem.     Approved  February  loth,  1857. 

An  Act  to  Inc.  Town  of  St.  Stephens.     Approved  November  3,  1858. 

An  Act  to  Authorize  School  District  No.  37  to  issue  bonds  for  the  pur- 
pose of  erecting  High  School,  $20.00.     Approved  February  2nd,  1875. 

An  Act  to  restore  Civil  Rights  to  Joseph  Deroin.  Approved  February 
1 8th,  1867. 

An  x\ct  to  vacate  Block  No.  126,  Falls  City,  Richardson  County. 
Approved  February  12,  1867. 

An  Act  to  authorize  Falls  City  Precinct,  in  Richardson  County,  to  issue 
bonds  to  aid  in  the  construction  of  a  court  house  for  Richardson  County, 
$20,000.     Approved  February  14th,  1873. 

An  Act  to  vacate  the  alleys  in  Blks  6,  ^2,  and  125  Falls  City,  Richard- 
son county.     Approved  February  9th,  187 1. 

An  Act  to  authorize  Zachariah  J.  Parsons  to  establish  a  ferry  across  the 
Missouri  at  Rulo.     Approved  February  5th,  1866. 

An  Act  extending  the  time  for  commencing  of  a  railroad  in  Richardson 
County.  St.  Louis  and  Nebraska  Trunk  R.  R.  Was  to  be  located  so  as  to 
pass  through  Rulo  and  Arago. 

'  An  act  to  provide  for  the  perfecting  the  probate  records  of  Richardson 
County  and  confirming  the  same.     Approved  February  9th,  1871. 

An  act  to  provide  for  selling  10  acres  of  northeast  J4  sec.  16  twp.  i 
north  of  Range  No.  16  in  Richardson  county,  so  as  to  include  the  burying 
ground  situated  on  said  land.     Approved  June  24th,  1867. 

An  act  to  revive  the  herd  law  within  precincts  of  Muddy,  Porter, 
Franklin,  Humboldt.  Grant.  Tibert}-,  in  Richardson  county.  Approved  June 
3rd,  1871. 

.\n  Act  to  vacate  the  townsite  of  ^Vinnebago.  Approved  February  5th, 

An  Act  to  vacate  the  Townsite  of  Yankton.  Approved  February  lotli, 

An  Act  tn  vacate  the  Townsite  of  Archer,  in  Richardson  County. 
Approved  February  10,  1866. 

Location  of  County  Seat. 

We  have  gone  to  a  great  deal  of  pains  to  examine  the  official  records 
of  the  county  in  tracing  the  various  elections  on  the  .matter  of  locating  the 
county  capital  the  one  eA^ent  among  all  others  important  in  the  beginning 
of  county  government.  The  matter  of  its  location  in  Richardson  county 
differs  little,  perhaps,  from  that  of  other  counties  from  the  fact,  that  of  the 
citizens  of  a  new  country,  many  at  the  very  outset  become  excited  over  this 
one  momentous  event  from  other  causes  than  a  desire  in  getting  a  point  most 
advantageous  to  all  as  to  geographical  location.  In  all  new  countries  the 
matter  of  real-estate  values  are  at  once  effected  and  it  thus  becomes  a  matter 
of  pecuniary  interest  to  a  very  great  number  of  the  people.  So  it  was  in 
our  case,  as  will  be  seen  by  following  the  history  of  the  various  contests. 
If  the  historian  were  confined  strictly  to  the  official  minutes  of  the  meetings  of 
the  commissioners'  court  in  session  at  th  eearly  territorial  county  seat  of 
Archer,  or  that  of  the  later  one  at  Salem,  the  story  told  in  the  minutes  would 
convey  but  little  information  bearing  upon  the  various  phases  of  the  elec- 
tions. The  record  made  by  them  is  here  given,  however,  for  the 
purpose  of  showing  that  official  notice  of  the  various  elections  was  taken 
and  for  the  further  purpose  of  showing  officially  the  dates  of  such  elections 
and  the  names  of  those  present  on  the  several  occasions,  who  took  part  in  an 
official  sense.  This  we  have  believed  was  important  in  an  historical  story, 
such  as  this,  of  what  was  no  doubt  the  most  hotly  contested  elections  ever 
held  in  the  county  and  the  ones  upon  which  the  turning  point  in  the  history 
of  a  very  great  area  of  the  county  was  most  largely  affected. 

The  official  minutes  of  the  commissioners  court  go  so  far  as  to  say  in 
the  various  instances  that  "no  choice  was  had  between  the  various  contest- 
ants," but  gave  no  result  in  figures  throwing  light  on  the  result  of  the  canvass 
of  the  votes  in  a  definite  sense.  Nor  do  they  give  any  idea  of  the  struggles 
in  every  precinct  of  the  county  in  the  matter  of  the  work  done  by  the  friends 
and  various  partisans  of  the  towns  entered  in  the  races.  This  part  is  left 
for  others  to  tell  and  much  of  it  will  never  be  told,  as  no  record  of  it  is  now 



That  an  election  for  the  purpose  of  giving  the  people  of  the  county  a 
chance  to  make  a  selection  of  a  town  within  the  county  for  a  seat  of  gov- 
ernment was  long  expected,  and  that  events  had  for  years  been  shaping  to 
that  end.  is  more  than  proven  from  the  fact  that  more  than  one  townsite  had 
been  laid  out  by  speculators  with  an  idea  single  to  its  availability  for  just 
such  a  purpose  and  those  sponsoring  the  same  had  bended  every  energy  pos- 
sible at  their  command  in  an  attempt  to  win  friends  for  their  particular  town. 


Taken  from  minutes  of  board  of  county  commissioners'  meeting  held 
at  Salem,  Nebraska,  Territory  on  (special  term)   November  15,  1858: 

"Now  comes  the  county  commissioners  and  in  pursuance  of  an  act  of 
the  Legislative  Assembly  of  the  Territory  of  Nebraska,  entitled  an  act  to 
establish  permanently  the  county  seat  of  Richardson  county,  approved  Octo- 
ber 3,  1858,  it  is  by  said  board  ordered  that  an  election  shall  be  held  at  the 
several  voting  precincts  of  Richardson  county  on  Monday,  the  sixth  day  of 
December,  1858,  for  the  purpose  of  determining  the  choice  of  a  majority 
of  the  voters  of  said  county  as  to  the  location  of  said  county  seat. 

"It  is  also  ordered  that  in  pursuance  of  law  an  election  shall  be  held  "at 
the  same  time  and  places  to  ascertain  the  choice  of  a  majority  of  the  voters 
of  said  county  on  the  question  whether  an  act  passed  at  the  fourth  regular 
session  of  the  Legislature  of  the  Territory  of  Nebraska  to  Restrain  Sheep 
and  Swine  from  running  at  large  shall  l)e  enforced  in  Richardson  County." 

The  following  were  appointed  as  judges  and  clerks  of  election : 

Archer  precinct  No.  i  :  Ambrose  Shelly,  Archibald  McMillan,  ^Vingato 

Salem  precinct  No.  2 :  John  Cornell,  John  W".  Brinegar,  Richard  M. 

Speiser  precinct  No.  3 :  John  Luginbill,  Elijah  G.  Davenport,  James 
M.  Allen. 

.Rulo  precinct  Ni  1.  4 :     Charles  Martin,  John  Stone,  R.  F.  Cunningham. 

St.  Stephens  No.  5  :     William  R.  Cain.  Jacob  Wagoner,  Lewis  Philip. 

Franklin  precinct  No.  6 :     John  Corlett,  H.  B.  Porter.  William  Furrow. 


Taken  from  minutes  of  board  of  county  commissioners  held  at  Salem, 
Richardson  count}-,  Nebraska  Territory,  December  9,  1858,  there  being  pres- 
ent Commissioners  F.  L.  Goldsburv  and  Arnett  Roberts : 


"Xow  comes  the  Board  of  County  Commissioners  and  by  them  it  is 
ordered  that  a  second  election  shall  Ije  held  in  the  several  voting  precincts  of 
said  county  on  Saturday,  the  25th  day  of  December,  1S58,  for  the  purpose  of 
determining  the  location  of  the  coiuity  seat  of  said  county  in  pursuance  of 
the  provisions  of  an  act  of  the  Legislature  of  said  territory,  entitled  an  Act 
to  Locate  permanently  the  County  Seat  of  Richardson  County,  approved 
October  3,  1858.  there  having  been  no  place  elected  to  be  the  said  county 
seat  at  the  election  on  the  6th  day  of  December,  1858,  and  it  is  further  set 
forth  in  said  order  that  the  town  of  Rulo,  St.  Stephens,  Falls  City,  and  Salem 
are  to  be  the  four  contending  points  for  said  county  seat,  they  being  the  four 
highest  points  voted  for  at  said  election  on  the  6th  day  of  December,  1858." 


Taken  from  minutes  of  county  commissioners  at  meeting  held  at  Salem 
•  on  the  27th  day  of  December,  1858: 

"Special  Term  of  the  County  Court  held  at  Salem  on  the  27th  day  of 
December,  1858,  a  petition  from  the  citizens  of  Archer  Precinct  praying  for 
the  removal  of  the  voting  place  from  Archer  to  Falls  City,  presented  and 
si^ed  by  Phillip  Breamer  and  eighty-nine  others,  of  which  said  prayer  was 

A  third  election  on  the  coiuity  seat  question  was  then  ordered  to  be  held 
on  the  tenth  day  of  January,  1859,  for  the  purpose  of  permanently  locating 
the  county  seat  of  Richardson  County. 

The  following  named  persons  were  judges  of  said  election  to  serve  in 
the  different  precincts: 

Archer  No.  i  :     W.  AL  Maddox,  W.  King,  Isaac  Crook. 

Salem  No.  2 :    J.  Coffman,  R.  M.  DeLong,  T.  Greenup. 

Speiser  No.  3 :     J-  Luginbill,  J.  B.  Shellhorn,  E.  J-  Davenport. 

Rulo  No.  4:     C.   ■Martin,  B.  F.  Cunningham,  J.  W.  Stone. 

St.  Stephens  No.  5 :     J.  Campbell,  F.  Chauvin,  J.  Cowan. 

Franklin  No.  6 :     J.  Scott,  J.  Corlett.  A.  D.  S.  Ayers. 

The  foregoing  business  was  transacted  by  Commissioners  F.  L.  Golds- 
bur\-  and  Arnett  Roberts. 


Cop\-  (if  tlie  following  appears  on  the  minute  book  of  the  county  com- 
missioners,  l-'ebruary.  18^9: 


"Salem.   Richardson   Coiint\-,    Nebraska   Territory,   February    ii,    1S59. 

"Know  All  Men  by  These  Presents: 

"That  John  A.  Burbank.  }»Iayor  of  Falls  City,  on  behalf  of  the  corporate 
authorities  of  the  Town  of  Falls  City  is  firmly  held  and  bound  to  the  county 
of  Richardson  and  Territory  of  Nebraska  in  the  penal  sum  of  Five  Thousand 
Dollars,  lawful  money  of  the  United  States,  for  the  payment  of  which  I  bind 
myself  and  successors. 

"The  conditions  vi  the  above  is  that  if  the  above  named  parties  shall 
erect  or  cause  to  be  erected  upon  the  public  square  in  Falls  City  a  two-story 
Brick  or  Concrete  Court  House,  Thirty  bv  Fifty  feet  in  dimensions  and  to 
cost  not  less  than  ($3,000.00)  Three  Thousand  Dollars  to  commence  the 
same  on  the  First  Da>-  of  A'lay  next  and  to  donate  the  same  with  the  Twenty- 
J''our  Lots  contained  in  the  Public  Square  to  the  County  of  Richardson. 

"Provided  the  County  Seat  should  be  located  at  Falls  City  by  Vote  of 
the  People  at  coming  election  and  to  be  held  so  long  as  the  County  seat  shall 
remain  at  Falls  City  and  no  Longer,  then  this  obligation  to  be  void  other- 
wise to  remain  in  full  force. 

"^^'itness  M}-  fland  and  Official  seal  this  igth  December,  1858. 

"John  A.  Burbank  (Mayor.)     F.  C. 

•'S.  R.  Jamison.  Dct.  Clk." 

locating  county  seat. 

From  minutes  of  county  commissioners  court  held  at  Salem,  Nebraska, 
iMarch  7,  i860: 

The  following  named  persons  are  api»inted  judges  of  election :  Falls 
Cit\-  precinct,    David  Dorrington.  James  Buchanan  and  E.   W.  Hutchinson. 

St.  Stephens  precinct,  Jacob  Wagoner,  William  R.  Cain  and  L.  Allege- 

Ruk)  precinct.  Isaac  May,  A.  P.  btirney  and  Joshua  Murry. 

I'ranklin  precinct,  H.  B.  Porter.  J.  W.  Davis  and  Boyd  Reeves. 

Salem  precinct.  Thomas  Greenup.  S.  McDaniel  and  R.  M.  DeLong. 

Speiser  precinct.  L.  DeWebber,  J.  Shellhorn  and  J.  Luginbill. 

Ordered  that  there  be  an  election  held  in  the  several  voting  precincts  of 
Richardson  County.  Nebraska  Territory,  according  to  an  act  of  the  Legis- 
lature approved  January,  i860,  for  the  jnu-pose  of  locating  the  county  seat 
of  said  county,  on  the  Thirst  ^Monday  in  .\pril,   i860. 


Commissioners  Omrl,  April  7,  i860.  Present.  Thomas  ]\lclntire  and 
Charles  Cornell. 

At  an  electiim  held  in  Richardson  county  on  the  first  jMonda}'  of  April, 
1866,  for  the  purixise  of  locating  the  county  seat  of  Richardson  county.  No 
place  getting  a  majority  of  all  the  votes  polled,  the  board  ordered  that  an 
election  be  held  on  the  i6th  day  of  April,  i860,  to  decide  which  of  the  fol- 
lowing named  places  shall  be  tlie  county  seat,  viz :  Salem,  Falls  City,  Rulo 
and  Arago. 

Present,  Thomas  ]\lclntire  and  Charles  Cornell.  At  an  election  held  on 
the  i6th  day  of  April,  i860,  in  Richardson  county  for  the  purpose  of  locat- 
ing the  county  seat  of  said  county.  No  one  place  getting  a  majority  of  all 
the  votes  polled  the  board  ordered  that  another  election  be  held  on  Monday 
the  4th  of  June,  i860,  to  decide  which  of  the  following  named  places  shall 
be  the  county  seat  viz :  Falls  City  and  Rulo.  they  being  the  two  places  which 
received  the  highest  number  of  votes  at  the  election  held  on  the  i6th  of  April. 

A.  J.  De.shazo.  County  Clerk. 


"Seven  petitions  were  presented  asking  to  change  the  time  appointed  for 
the  County  Seat  Election  be  changed  from  June  to  an  earlier  day.  The 
petitions  were  granted.  The  time  was  changed  from  the  first  Monday  in 
June  to  Tuesda}'  the  22nd  day  of  May." 

A.  J.  Deshazo,  County  Clerk. 

"On  to  wit:     25th  day  of  b'ebruary  A.  D.  1859: 

"Xow  at  this  day  the  matter  of  the  contested  election  for  the  County 
Seat  of  Richardson  county  being  for  determination  as  between  Falls  City, 
Contestant,  and  Salem,  Defendant.  The  same  having  been  hereto  before 
on  to  wit  the  19th  day  of  February  A.  D.  1859  argued  and  submitted  by 
counsel  for  said  parties  respectively.  And  having  been  considered  and  duly 
weighed.  It  is  considered,  determined  and  adjudged  that  the  judges  of 
election  at  the  St.  Stephens  Precinct  were  not  lawfully  qualified  to  hold  said 
election  ^^•herefore  in  canvassing  the  votes  cast  at  said  election.  The  votes 
cast  at  said  St.  Stephens  Precinct  were  properly  and  of  right  should  have 
been  rejected.  And  it  is  further  determined  and  considered  and  proved  by 
evidence  produced  in  said  contest  and  by  the  admission  of  parties  that  more 
votes  were  cast  at  the  Falls  City  Precinct  at  .said  election  in  favor  of  Salem 
for  Cnunty  Seat  than  were  returned  by  the  election  Board  of  said  precinct 


also  that  at  least  one  illegal  vote  was  at  said  election  and  at  said  Falls  City 
Precinct  cast  and  connted  by  the  election  Board  of  said  Precinct  in  Favor  of 
said  Falls  City  for  County  Seat  wherefore  by  reason  of  the  premises  afore- 
said it  appears  that  a  majority  of  the  legal  votes  cast  at  said  election  were 
cast  in  favor  of  Salem. 

"And  it  is  therefore  considered  adjudged  and  determined  that  at  an 
election  held  in  the  county  of  Richardson  and  Territory  of  Nebraska  on  the 
loth  day  of  January  A.  D.  1859  under  the  provision  of  an  act  of  the  Legis- 
lature of  the  Territory  of  Nebraska  approved  on  the  3rd  day  of  October  A. 
D.  1858  entitled  'a  Bill  for  an  Act  to  establish  permanently  the  County  Seat 
of  Richardson  County  by  a  vote  of  the  people'  the  Town  of  Salem  in  said 
county  was  Chosen  and  is  hereby  under  the  provisions  of  said  act  adjudged 
and  determined  to  be  the  County  Seat  of  Said  County. 

"James  T.  Wright,  County  Clerk." 

The  foregoing  is  taken  verbatim  from  the  minute  books  of  the  county 

The  following  is  taken  from  official  minutes  in  county  clerk's  office: 
Salem,  Richardson  County,  Nebraska  Territory. 
County  Clerk's  Office  February  4th,  1859. 

Personally  appeared  before  me  County  Clerk  of  Richardson  County,  N. 
T.  E.  S.  Dundy  in  behalf  of  the  town  of  Falls  City  wherein  they  contest  the 
election  for  County  Seat  in  Richardson  County,  Nebraska  Territory. 

Because  the  Board  of  Canvassers  refused  to  count  the  vote  polled  at 
the  St.  Stephens  Precinct — Second  because  the  said  Board  of  Canvassers 
acted  erroneously,  illegally  and  without  authority  of  law  in  rejecting  and 
refusing  to  count  the  votes  taken  at  the  St.  Stephens  Precinct  on  the  loth 
day  of  January  1859. 

There  being  no  disposition  taken  and  no  witnesses  present  in  behalf 
of  Falls  City,  all  they  asked  was  that  the  poll  books  of  St.  Stephens  Precinct 
be  taken  as  evidence  in  the  case  which  was  agreed  to  and  the  testimony  in 
behalf  of  Falls  City  was  closed. 

It  was  further  agreed  to  by  both  parties  that  the  matter  lay  over  for  one 
week  for  the  purpose  of  the  defense  procuring  further  evidence  and  Satur- 
day the  19th  day  of  February  1859  being  the  day  appointed  for  that  trial. 

James  S.  Wright.  County  Clerk. 



•Falls  City 

Before  A.  J.  Deshazo 
County  Clerk  of  Richardson  County  Nebraska 
Territory,  on  the  5th  of  June,  i860. 

Contested  election  Held  for  County  Seat  of  said  County  on  22nd  May, 

Now  nth  August  A.  D.  i860  the  above  entitled  case  after  having  been 
continued  from  day  to  day  for  the  cNamination  of  witnesses,  taking  testi- 
monv  ect.  came  up  for  argument  and  final  disposition.  And  after  examina- 
tion of  the  testimony  and  the  papers  in  the  case,  and  the  law  regulating  elec- 
tions ect.  and  after  hearing  the  arguments  of  counsel  for  the  parties,  Plfifs. 
and  Defendants,  the  Clerk  being  fully  advised  in  the  premises,  it  is  ascer- 
tained, considered  and  determined,  decided  and  adjudged  that  Falls  City 
received  a  Majority  of  All  The  Legal  Votes  polled  at  the  election  held  in 
said  county  on  the  22nd  May  i860,  for  the  location  of  the  county  seat  of  said 
county,  under  and  by  virtue  of  the  provision  of  the  act  of  the  Territorial 
Legislature,  entitled,  an  Act  for  the  Location  of  the  County  Seat  of  Richard- 
son County  by  a  vote  of  the  People,  approved  13th  January  i860. 

It  is  hereby  further  determined,  decided  and  adjudged  that  Falls  City, 
the  Plaintiff  in  this  case  is  the  lawful  and  Permanent  County  Seat  of  Richard- 
son County  aforesaid,  it  having  received  a  majority  of  all  the  legal  votes 
polled  in  said  county  on  the  22nd  May  i860,  that  being  the  last  election  held 
for  the  location  of  the  same,  and  that  Rulo  the  Defendant,  has  no  lawful 
and  valid  claim  to  the  same,  as  appears  from  the  law  and  the  evidence  in 
the  case. 

This  13th  (lay  of  August  i860. 

A.  J.  Deshazo,  County  Clerk. 


The  final  effort  to  cliange  the  county  seat  in  Richardson  county  was  set- 
tled by  an  election  held  on  October  10,  1871,  in  response  to  a  petition  which 
had  been  presented  to  the  county  board  of  commissioners  by  citizens  of  Salem. 
In  canvassing  the  county  for  signers  the  Salemites  represented  that  thev 
wanted  to  make  just  one  more  effort,  and  that  this  should  be  the  last.     The 


petition  was  circulated  in  every  nook  and  corner  of  the  county  and  the  parti- 
sans of  Salem  worked  as  they  had  never  worked  before.  When  a  sufficient 
number  (two-thirds)  of  the  vote,  had  been  obtained,  the  petition  was  pre- 
sented on  August  31,  1871.  In  arranging  for  the  election,  the  county  board 
had  decided  to  be  governed  in  the  registrations  made  for  the  election  of  dele- 
gates to  the  constitutional  convention  in  May,  and  upon  a  canvass  of  the 
different  precmcts  it  was  found  that  there  were  2,421  names  registered  and 
that  it  would  require  1,614  signers  to  the  petition  to  get  the  election.  The 
Salem  committee  found  that  they  had  only  1,587  names  and  asked  until  Sat- 
urday morning  of  that  week  to  procure  the  remainder  of  what  would  be 
required.  The  request  was  granted  and  Saturday  morning  they  again  appeared 
with  a  sufficient  number  of  signatures  to  bring  the  total  to  1,650.  The  com- 
missioners thereupon  ordered  that  an  election  be  held  as  requested  and  desig- 
nated as  the  day,  October  10,  1871. 

In  the  intervening  days  was  staged  one  of  the  fiercest  contests  in  the 
annals  of  Richardson  countv  elections.     The  result  was  as  follows  : 

County  Seat.            fllli  lllllll^ail 

Falls  City   77     133     470    33      8  104     11     103     53     ___     67      3     81     C    17     1171 

Siileni    119       23         4     12  100  56     01       26     .31       m  162  157     28  06     26     10.30 

Geneva    ___     ___     _._       2        1     — ._  3 

Humboldt    ___     ___     1     __     ___     __     ._     

On  October  12.  1871,  the  AU^inaha  J'allcy  Joiinial,  published  at  h'alls 
City,  had  the  following  to  say,  descriptive  of  the  election  just  held : 

"Last  Tuesday,  Octol^er  loth,  1871,  was  another  eventful  da\-  in  the 
history  of  Richardson  county.  The  question  for  decision  was  this:  'Shall 
the  Coimty  Seat  be  Removed  from  Falls  City  to  Salem?"  Under  the  law  it 
requires  two-thirds  of  the  vote  polled  to  be  given  to  a  certain  point  before  a 
removal  can  be  effected.  In  this  case  Salem  was  the  point,  but  instead  of  get- 
ting the  two-thirds  majority,  she  lacked  about  seventy-seven  votes  of  getting 
half  the  vote  polled. 

"This  virtuallv  settles  the  question,  and  leaves  l-"alls  City  as  the  seat  of 
government  for  Richardson  countv. 

"There  was  an  immense  throng  of  people  in  town  from  early  on  Tuesday 
morning  until  late  Wednesdav  evening — all  extremely  an.xious  as  to  the  results 


of  the  election,  Ijoth  in  regard  to  the  county-seat  (|uestiiin  and  tlie  election  of 
county  officers.  Excitement  ran  very  high,  I)ut  no  quarreling,  and  very  little 
drunkenness  was  visible.  The  election  board  brought  their  labors  to  a  close 
about  daylight  on  Wednesday  morning  and  the  result  showed  four  hundred 
and  seventy  for  Falls  City  and  four  for  Salem  in  the  city  on  the  county-seat 
question.  By  this  time  there  was  enough  precincts  heard  from  to  show  a 
majority  in  favor  of  Falls  City.  There  was  rejoicing  among  the  people,  and 
town  property  was  declared  to  be  worth  thirty-three  per  cent,  more  than  it 
was  before  the  result  was  known,  and  it  was  resolved  by  unanimous  consent 
that  some  store  boxes  should  be  .sacrificed  on  Wednesday  evening. 

"About  twenty-five  new  buildings  are  now  proposed  to  be  built  imme- 
diately, and  business  men  are  looking  about  them  with  renewed  energ\-. 


"On  Wednesday  evening  a  large  number  of  the  leading  citizens,  half- 
grown  boys,  etc.,  congregated  in  front  of  the  City  Hotel  at  the  southwest 
corner  of  the  court  house  square  (Seventeenth  and  Stone  streets,  as  it  is  now 
known),  and  determined  to  have  a  'blow  out'  on  a  small  scale  on  the  pros- 
pects of  the  election  and  the  result  of  the  county-seat  vote  in  particular.  So 
a  huge  bonfire  was  built  and  enjoyed  for  awhile  when  the  'village  blacksmith' 
turned  out  his  artillery  and  fired  a  national  salute  of  thirty-seven  guns  in 
honor  of  the  victory.  George  Van  Deventer,  Colonel  Burbank  and  Hon.  A. 
R.  Scott  were  then  called  for,  in  the  order  of  their  names,  and  responded  with 
appropriate  remarks  for  the  occasion.  The  crowd  then  dispersed  with  deaf- 
ening cheers  for  the  speakers  and  for  Falls  City,  the  county-seat  of  Rich- 

Commenting  on  the  result  of  the  election  insofar  as  it  affected  the  ]5rin- 
cipal  contestants  and  the  people  of  the  county  as  a  whole,  W.  S.  Stretch  had 
the  following  to  say  in  his  paper,  the  Xciiialia  Valley  Journal,  under  date  of 
October  19th,  1871  : 

"Our  most  sanguine  hopes  and  ardent  wishes  in  respect  to  the  county- 
seat  question  are  being  realized  with  far  greater  rapidity  than  an\-  one  could 
reasonably  anticipate  ten  days  ago. 

"Salem  and  Falls  City  have  fought  their  liattle  nobly,  bravelw  persist- 
ently, and  the  verdict  has  Ijeen  rendered  in  favor  of  the  latter.  The  defeated 
army  accepts  the  situation  and  is  now  willing  to  let  bygones  be  li>gones  and 
all  join  hands  and  work  togetlier  for  the  best  interests  of  the  county. 

■'Tohn  Holt.   T-  Cass  Lincoln,  and  Doctor  Brooke,  Salem's  most  ardent 


workers  for  ten  years  past — men  who  had  thousands  of  dollars  depending 
upon  the  issue,  and  who  gave  unsparingly  of  their  money,  time  and  energies, 
not  hesitating  to  sacrifice  personal  friendships  where  they  conflicted  with  their 
purpose,  we  are  told,  have  buried  the  hatchet  forever.  There  are  a  few,  how- 
ever, who  are  unwilling  to  let  the  fire  be  quenched,  but,  fortunately,  they  are 
very  few  in  numbers  and  are  to  be  pitied  rather  than  feared. 

"AH  honor  to  Holt,  Lincoln,  Brooke  and  others,  who  have  shown  the 
wisdom  and  manliness  to  drop  the  vexatious  and  harmful  question.  They 
have  come  to  the  conclusion  that  it  cannot  benefit  Salem,  and  realize  that  it 
has  been  a  great  injury  to  themselves  and  the  county  at  large.  \Vhen  we 
realize  that  these  men  have  been  the  life  and  soul  of  the  contest  from  its 
commencement,  and  that  the)'  have  now  alxindoned  it  and  withdrawn  their 
material  support  and  influence,  it  will  be  conceded  to  be  a  dead  issue  by  all. 

"Falls  City  holds  no  grudge  against  Salem  for  bringing  all  her  force 
and  influence  to  bear  upon  the  vote  for  county  seat,  neither  should  the  latter 
feel  aggrieved  at  Falls  City  for  equal  vigilance  and  energy  in  maintaining 
what  she  legally  possessed,  for  to  sum  up  the  whole  thing,  it  was  only  a  mat- 
ter of  dollars  and  cents  between  the  two  towns.  We  regret,  however,  that 
much  was  said  and  done  by  both  parties,  which  is  calculated  to  irritate  and 
do  great  injustice  and  harm  to  all  concerned.  But  we  are  glad  to  know  that 
Falls  City,  while  she  cannot  help  rejoicing  over  the  victor}',  has  no  desire  to 
detract  one  iota  from  the  merits  of  Salem,  but  manifests  a  disjiosition  to 
heal  the  wounds  of  the  late  conflict,  and  lay  aside  all  of  those  local  dissensions 
which  have  proven  so  disastrous  to  the  development  of  our  county  for  years 
past.  She  recognizes  in  the  leading  citizens  of  Salem  a  noble  and  manly 
spirit,  and  we  can  assure  them  and  the  people  of  the  county  generally  that 
she  will  in  the  future,  as  she  has  tried  to  do  heretofore,  work  for  the  best 
interests  of  the  county,  and  do  all  in  her  power  to  elevate  it  to  that  standard 
of  wealth,  prosperity  and  population,  where  it  should  already  stand,  and  ulti- 
mately will  attain — the  first  in  the  state. 

"But.  however  essential  it  is  for  us  to  dwell  together  in  harmony,  this 
alone  will  not  develop,  build  up  and  beautify  our  country  and  enrich  our 
people.  We  must  have  mo^e  substantial  improvements,  for  without  them  no 
})eople  ever  have  or  ever  will  prosper.  We  want  factories,  railroads,  county 
buildings,  improved  highways,  etc..  and  to  obtain  all  of  these  it  require.^- 
money  and  manual  labor.  We  Jlre  opposed  to  the  people  voting  further 
count}-  aids  to  railroads,  but  are  very  much  in  favor  of  ])recinct  aid  to  rail- 
roads or  any  other  public  improvement  or  convenience.     I'or  instance,  if  a 


railroad  should  be  proposed  to  run  via  Falls  City  north  through  this  county, 
we  do  not  think  it  just  to  tax  Humboldt  or  Speiser  precinct  in  the  west  end 
to  build  it :  but  we  think  it  would  be  right  and  proper  and  highly  remunerative 
for  Falls  City,  Muddy,  Ohio  and  Barada  precincts  to  render  liberal  aid  to  the 
project.  And  we  confidently  expect  that  those  precincts  will  be  asked  to  aid 
a  narrow  gauge  railroad  from  Grasshopper  Falls  northward  through  this 
county  before  two  years  elapse. 

"W'e  believe,  too.  that  the  people  of  Richardson  county  will  be  called 
before  many  months  to  vote  a  tax  for  the  building  of  a  court  house,  and 
when  they  are  asked  to  do  so.  we  think  it  will  be  for  the  best  interests 
of  every  property-holder  and  voter  of  the  county  to  support  the  measure. 
The  counties  all  around  us  l:ave  good  court  houses,  and  they  look  upon 
us  as  penurious  and  miserly  for  not  providing  ourselves  with  proper  public 
buildings.  Let  us  not  be  sneered  at  any  longer,  for  we  are  amply  able 
to  afford  as  good  buildings  as  any  county  in  Nebraska.  We  have  now 
as  gdod  a  jail  as  can  be  found  in  the  state,  and  for  thirty  or  forty  thou- 
.sand  dollars  on  twenty-}ear  eight  per  cent,  bonds,  we  can  have  as  good 
a  court  house.  When  we  have,  this  county  will  soon  be  thickly  popu- 
lated, and  in  a  few  years  we  can  take  our  stand  as  the  banner  county  in 
the  state  in  point  of  wealth  and  population." 


The  first  court  house  erected  for  that  sole  use  was  built  in  1863,  at  a 
cost  of  three  thousand  dollars.  It  occupied  the  center  of  the  public  square 
in  block  Xo.  59.  the  site  of  the  present  court  house  and  was  built  as  per  agree- 
ment I>y  the  citizens  of  Falls  City  made  prior  to  the  elections  held  to  determine 
a  location  for  the  county  seat  at  the  time  the  same  was  removed  from  Salem. 
It  was  a  frame  structure  and  gave  way  in  the  days  of  the  early  seventies  to 
tilt  tiieii  new  and  now  present  building; 

On  .\pril  JO,  1872,  a  proposition  for  the  issuing  of  twenty-five  thousand 
(Inllars  in  coupon  bonds,  to  be  used  in  the  building  of  a  new  court  house,  was 
sul)niitted  to  the  county  com.missioners  in  due  form.  The  provisions  of  the 
proposal  were  that  a  building  of  brick  and  stone,  two  stories  high,  and  not 
less  than  thirty-six  by  sixty-six  feet  on  the  ground  floor  and  containing  two 
fireproof  vaults,  should  l)e  erected.  The  bonds  issued  were  to  bear  ten  per 
cent  interest,  which  was  to  be  met  by  an  annual  special  tax.  The  principal 
wa>  to  be  paid  in  ten  years  time,  the  county  retaining  the  right  to  make  pay- 
ment at  an  earlier  date  if  it  seemed  preferable.     In  accordance  with  this 


proposition,  the  commissioners  authorized  an  election  to  take  place  on  May 
13,  iS/2,  in  the  several  precincts.  At  this  election  the  measure  failed  to 
secure  a  majority,  and  was  lost. 

On  February  14,  1873,  the  Legislature  passed  an  act  enabling  the  pre- 
cinct of  Falls  City  to  issue  bonds  for  the  building  of  a  court  house  of  stone 
and  brick,  not  less  than  forty-seven  by  eighty-five  feet,  and  containing  fire- 
proof vaults  for  the  safe  keeping  of  the  county  records. 

In  accordance  with  this  act,  a  proposition  was  submitted  to  the  county 
commissioners,  who  by  the  provisions  of  the  act  were  duly  authorized,  and 
I)v  them  an  election  was  ordered  for  May  13,  1873.  These  bonds  were  to 
be  in  the  sum  of  fifteen  thousand  dollars,  to  be  payable  on  ®r  before  the 
expiration  of  ten  years,  and  to  draw  ten  per  cent  interest,  which  was  to  be 
paid  1)y  a  special  tax,  to  be  levied  on  the  first  of  May,  each  year.  The  pre- 
cinct decided  on  the  issuing  of  the  bonds  by  a  vote  of  two  hundred  and  eighty 
to  one  hundred  and  fourteen.  Shorth-  after  the  election,  the  work  of  remov- 
ing the  old  court  house  and  erecting  the  new  court  house  was  commenced 
under  the  charge  of  H.  E.  Moritz,  of  Speiser  township,  president  of  the 
board  of  county  commissioners,  and  pushed  to  completion. 

The  fifteen  thousand  dollars  in  bonds  were  sold  for  Ijetween  eigiUy  and 
ninety  cents  on  the  dollar,  and  the  proceeds  used  for  the  new  building.  The 
sale  of  the  bonds  did  not,  however,  supply  sufficient  means  to  meet  the  cost 
of  completion  and  furnishing  of  the  court  house  and  as  much  as  fifteen  thou- 
sand dollars  were  raised  for  this  purpose.  Maddox  had  the  contract  for  the 
excavation  of  the  cellar  and  employed  some  of  the  county  prisoners  on  the 
job  while  it  lasted.  The  brick  used  in  the  construction  were  of  home  manu- 
facture, the  same  coming  from  the  kilns  of  Mr.  Beagle  on  the  banks  of  the 
Nemaha.  Rock  for  the  foundation  was  procured,  at  what  at  that  time  was 
known  as  the  Dundy  quarries,  and  now  owned  by  Doctor  Minor,  south  of 
the  city.  These  rocks  were  first  class  and  the  quarries  still  furnish  an  abund- 
ance of  building  material  to  this  day.  The  sand  used  was  furnished  by  Chris. 
Hershey  and  was  procured  at  the  Maddox  and  Brannin  farms.  Charles 
Loree,  clerk  of  the  district  court  at  the  present  time,  says  that  he  was  busy 
in  those  days  hauling  wood  from  his  father's  timber  to  the  Beagle  brick  kilns, 
where  it  was  used  in  burning  the  brick. 

In  1882  further  improvement  was  made  b\-  enlargement  and  the  build- 
ing of  additional  rooms  in  wings  on  both  the  north  and  .south  side  of  the 
main  building. 

l66  RICirAKDSOX      COUNTY,    NI 


The  count}-  jail  is  the  most  substantial  structure  owned  by  the  county, 
being  constructed  entirely  of  stone  and  is  located  on  the  northeast  corner  of 
the  court  house  square.  It  is  arranged  with  the  cell  houses  on  the  first  floor, 
while  the  jailer  and  family  have  rooms  on  the  second  floor.  It  was  erected 
in  1871  at  a  cost  of  three  thousand  five  hundred  dollars,  by  J.  H.  Burbank. 


It  is  saitl  that  many  of  those  who  had  to  do  with  the  laying  out  and 
building  of  Falls  City  desired  that  it  be  named  Lanesville  in  honor  of  one 
of  its  founders,  a  man  by  the  name  of  Jim  Lane.  Falls  City,  however,  was 
later  decided  upon  from  the  fact  that  on  account  of  a  flood  which  washed 
away  many  of  the  homes  of  those  then  residing  at  a  village  on  the  banks  of 
the  Nemaha  named  Nemaha  Falls,  had  come  up  on  the  higher  ground  and 
they  insisted  that  the  vt'ord  falls  l^e  retained  because  of  the  name  of  their 
town  and  from  the  fact  that  it  had  been  so  named  on  account  of  the  falls  of 
the  Xeniaha  river  at  that  point.  Accordingly,  Falls  City  was  chosen  and  has 
so  remained  as  the  name  of  the  city  to  this  day. 

When  Joseph  Hare  arrived  at  Salem  in  1854  he  found  but  two  others 
had  preceded  him,  S.  H.  Roberts  and  John  Singleton. 

W.  T.  Stout  sold  the  land  on  which  the  town  of  Falls  City  is  now 
located  for  the  sum  of  fifty  dollars.  Jim  Lane,  of  the  Town  Company,  was 
the  buyer. 

FIRST    governor's    FIR.ST    RECEPTION. 

The  first  reception  to  Nebraska's  first  governor,  Hon.  David  Butler, 
who  was  a  resident  of  Pawnee  City,  was  given  by  the  citizens  of  Falls  City, 
soon  after  he  was  inaugurated  governor  and  at  a  time  when  he  was  a  guest 
of  Hon.  E.  S.  Dundy,  of  this  city,  who  was  later  a  United  States  district 
judge  at  Omaha.  Hon.  Isham  Reavis  gave  an  address  of  welcome  and  Doc- 
tor Messier  was  leader  of  the  band  that  furnished  the  music. 

While  on  this  \'isit  the  governor  issued  his  first  proclamation  conven- 
ing the  state  Legislature.  Judge  Dundy  wrote  the  proclamation  and  the 
governor  sign.eil  it. 

On  the  (juarter  century  anni\er>ary  of  Nebraska's  statehood,  R.  D. 
Messier  recalled  to  mind  the  following  interesting  incident  in  connection  with 
the  reception  of   the  governor   in   Falls  City  on  a  visit  made   while  chief 


executive.  Pie  said  "1  am  reminded  of  an  interesting  little  circumstance  of 
those  early  days  wlien  Falls  City  was  a  stage  station  and  "Scotty"  would 
blow  his  'orn."  ("Scotty"  was  Scotty  Bradford,  a  driver  of  one  of  the 
stages  owned  by  Squire  Dorrington.) 

"I  was  then  a  boy,  when,  walking  up  Stone  street  at  the  old  "Dorring- 
ton corner."  so  well  known  to  all  old  settlers  and  where  now  stands  the  Dorr- 
ington Ijlock  (at  corner  of  Sixteenth  and  Stone  street)  I  met  Hon.  E.  S. 
Dundy.  He  stopped  and  informed  me  that  that  night  Falls  City  was  to  be 
honored  as  a  city  by  the  arrival  of  her  hrst  governor — the  later  great  and 
good  Governor  Butler.  I  say  great  and  good,  for  who  ever  knew  Governor 
Butler  intimately,  but  to  love  him  for  his  big  heart  and  generous  nature. 

"What  I  want,"  said  Judge  Dundy,  "is  to  know  if  you  can  drum  up 
some  music?"  I  had  an  old  fife  and  the  judge  had  some  drums,  so  we  went 
to  his  little  old  brick  law  office  and  fished  them  out  of  the  back  room  and  by 
procuring  a  few  feet  of  rope,  fixed  them  so  they  could  be  used.  Then  the 
question  was,  who  could  beat  them.  Col.  W.  A.  Presson  happening  along 
volunteered  to  hammer  the  bass,  and  I  skirmished  around  and  found  some- 
one else  to  beat  the  snare.  We  then  retired  to  the  suburbs  of  the  city  (and 
by  the  way  it  was  not  far )  and  practiced.  \Yt\\.  the  music  was  not  as  fine  as 
Gilmore's  band  or  Thomas's  orchestra,  but  it  was  the  best  the  town  afforded. 

"Six  o'clock  came  and  with  it  the  stage  and  in  the  stage,  the  governor. 
He  was  the  guest  of  Judge  Dundy.  After  supper  we  repaired  to  the  resi- 
dence and  commenced.  The  late  Flon.  Judge  Marvin  introduced  the  gov- 
ernor and  the  Hon.  Isham  Reavis  made  the  speech  of  welcome.  (Here  we 
must  make  a  little  statement.)  We  as  a  band  thought  we  were  giving  the 
occasion  a  rosewood  finish  with  our  music,  when  Judge  Reavis  apologized  to 
the  governor  for  ouf  poor  music  on  the  ground  that  we  were  out  of  practice. 

"This  was  the  first  reception  of  the  first  governor  of  our  great  state. 
Nebraska  has  had  several  governors  since  but  none  so  good  nor  any  with  such 
a  checkered  career." 


At  the  time  the  .\tcliison  &  Nebraska  railroad  (now  owned  by  and  a 
Itart  of  the  Chicago,  Burlington  &  Ouincy  system),  from  Atchison  to 
coln  was  completed  through  to  the  latter  place,  a  proper  celebration  of  the 
event  took  place  at  Lincoln.  The  company  ran  an  excursion  from  Atchison 
to  Lincoln  and  prominent  citizens  from  each  of  the  stations  along  the  line 


were  invited  to  the  same.  Falls  City  was  honored  with  al)out  forty  invitations 
and  the  train  was  scheduled  to  leave  Atchison  early  in  the  day  and  was  timed 
to  reach  this  station  I)y  8  o'clock  a.  m.,  but  failed  to  arrive  although  our  dele- 
gation were  present  at  the  station.  Many  waited  about  the  station  during 
most  of  the  forenoon  and  still  the  belated  train  did  not  put  in  its  appearance. 
The  delay  caused  many  to  forego  the  pleasure  and  they  returned  to  their 
homes.  Among  the  party  was  a  number  of  young  mothers  who  with  their 
babes  h?d  intended  to  go,  but  among  them  was  Mrs.  Sarah  Schoenheit  (now 
Mrs.  J.  R.  Wilhite)  who  changed  her  mind  and  decided  to  stay  at  home. 
The  excursion  train  reached  Falls  City  about  noon.  Returning  to  her  home 
in  the  bus.  she  conversed  with  the  station  agent  and  inquired  of  him  if  she 
might  not  be  able  to  go  on  the  regular  train  which  would  be  along  about  3 
o'clock  as  she  now  felt  that  she  must  not  miss  this  historic  event.  The  agent 
advised  her  that  her  ticket  could  be  fi.xed  so  that  it  would  be  acceptable  and 
with  her  baby  and  a  small  nurse  girl  she  returned  in  the  afternoon  and  made 
the  journey,  arriving  at  Lincoln  in  the  evening,  but  not  too  late  to  enjoy  most 
of  the  program  arranged  for  the  occasion.  The  Falls  City  party,  who  had 
gone  on  the  earlier  train  were  much  surprised  to  see  her  later,  but  tliey  all 
joined  with  the  enormous  crowd  present  in  Lincoln  that  evening  in  making 
it  an  event  memorable  in  the  history  of  that  city. 


In  the  summer  of  1855,  a  town  was  surveyed  out,  about  two  and  one- 
half  miles  northeast  of  Falls  City,  which  was  christened  Archer.  In  the 
same  year,  at  a  point  seven  miles  west  of  the  site  of  Falls  City,  the  village  of 
Salem  was  platted.  At  that  time  Archer  was  the  county  seat,  so  designated 
by  the  Territorial  Legislature,  and  the  residents  and  promoters  of  the  place 
felt  at  first  secure  in  the  idea  that  it  would  remain  so,  but  a  dispute  arose 
over  the  location  of  the  half-breed  line  to  the  east,  which  was  a  boundary  line 
of  land  reserved  to  the  Indians.  To  settle  the  misunderstanding  the  gov- 
ernment ordered  a  re-survey  for  the  purpose  of  making  corrections,  if  the 
same  were  found  necessary.  The  new  surveyors  found  an  error,  w'hich 
caused  the  line  to  take  in  a  goodly  portion  of  the  Archer  townsite.  This 
condition  robbed  Archer  of  any  possibility  of  remaining  the  county  seat  at 
that  time.  The  residents  of  Salem,  therefore,  sent  a  petition  to  the  Terri- 
torial Legislature  asking  that  the  county  seat  l>e  removed  to  that  place  and 
it  was  accordingly  done. 

In  1857  the  noted  F'ree-Soil  leaders,  Jim  Lane,  Judge  Hunt,  Ike  Hamby 


and  John  A.  Burbank  took  a  section  of  land  for  a  townsite,  and  had  it  platted 
and  recorded  as  Falls  City,  and  began  the  erection  of  improvements  thereon : 
but  in  1859  that  portion  of  the  townsite  lying  on  the  west  was  vacated  by  a 
legislative  act,  and  was  taken  up  by  the  town  company  as  individual  prop- 
erty. Included  in  the  land  located  originally  were  the  farms  of  Anderson 
Miller  and  George  Roy. 

In  the  same  year  Jesse  and  Isaac  Crook  and  others  removed  their  fam- 
ilies from  Archer  to  Falls  City,  giving  it  quite  a  little  boom,  and  resulted  in 
calling  the  county  commissioners  together  and  they  were  asked  to  arrange 
for  the  holding  of  an  election  for  the  purpose  of  again  locating  the  county 
seat.  This  was  done  and  the  election  was  held,  resulting  in  a  plurality  of 
si.x  votes  in  favor  of  Falls  City.  In  the  contest  as  aspirants  for  county  scat 
honors,  were  Falls  City,  Rulo,  Salem,  Geneva  and  St.  Stephens.  This  elec- 
tion took  place  in  the  summer  of  i860.  .\t  that  time  Geneva,  which  was 
located  in  the  exact  geographical  center  of  the  county,  was  a  town  of  con- 
siderable importance,  having  several  business  houses  and  quite  a  number  of 
residences,  but  after  the  county  seat  question  was  settled  the  town  went  into 
rapid  decline,  and  all  that  remains  of  it  are  two  tall  trees  and  traces  of  cel- 
lars, over  which  the  houses  stood. 

During  the  years  that  preceded  the  final  location  of  the  count)-  seat  at 
Falls  City,  much  bitterness  between  the  citizens  of  the  various  competing 
points  was  engendered,  and  many  was  the  rough  and  tumble  firstcuffs  that 
took  place,  but  nothing  of  a  serious  nature  happened  until  on  the  day  of  the 
election,  when  Doctor  Davis,  of  Rulo,  and  a  man  by  the  name  of  Thomas  J. 
Meek,  of  Falls  City,  were  killed  in  the  old  frame  hotel,  known  as  the  City 
Hotel,  and  kept  at  that  time  by  Isaac  Minnick.  The  hotel  building  was 
located  on  the  corner  lot  on  Stone  street,  now  occupied  by  the  three-story 
brick  building  owned  by  the  Richardson  County  Bank,  Holland  &  Slocum  and 
Falls  City  Lodge  No.  9  of  the  Masonic  fraternity.  The  City  Hotel  was  built 
by  Jesse  Crook,  who  with  his  wife  operated  it  for  a  time  as  a  hotel  and  the 
same  was  later  in  charge  of  Isaac  Minnick. 


The  building  faced  the  west  on  Stone  street  with  a  side  entrance  on  the 
north  side.  It  was  a  story-and-a-half  building,  the  stairway  leading  to  the 
upper  story  going  ;directly  up  from  the  north  entrance.  It  was  in  the  room 
at  the  head  of  those  stairs  that  Doctor  Davis  was  killed  by  Meek,  and  it 
was  on  the  stairs  that  Meek  was  killed  by  Doctor  Dunn,  of  Salem,  under 


the  following  circumstances :  So  great  was  the  anxiety  of  Rulo,  and  of 
Salem,  which  had  joined  hands  to  defeat  the  location  of  the  county  seat  of 
Falls  Citv,  that  Doctor  Davis  had  been  sent  to  Falls  City  from  Rulo  and  Doc- 
tor Dunn  from  Salem,  to  watch  the  polls  and  see  that  no  illegal  votes  were 
polled.  Mr.  Meek  had  been  selected  by  the  people  of  Falls  City  for  the 
same  purpose.  During  the  day  an  altercation  ensued  between  the  men,  in 
which  Mr.  Meek  had  been  worsted  and  was  forced  to  retire  to  repair  dam- 
ages. He  went  across  the  street  to  the  business  house  of  J.  Burbank,  where 
he  loaded  two  re\olvers  and  prepared  to  return  to  the  hotel.  In  the  mean- 
time. Davis,  who  had  become  hurt  in  the  melee,  had  laid  down  on  a  bed,  in 
the  room  at  the  head  of  the  stairs  mentioned  above.  When  Meek  returned 
he  w  ent  to  the  head  of  the  stairs  and  began  firing  at  Doctor  Davis,  who  w-as 
King  on  the  bed.  In  the  meantime  Doctor  Dunn  came  to  the  foot  of  the 
stairs  and  perceiving  what  was  going  on,  drew  his  gun  and  began  firing  at 
Meek,  one  ball  piercing  his  heart  and  he  fell  dead.  Doctor  Davis  lived 
for  a  few  days  after  being  shot.  Having  killed  Meek,  Doctor  Dimn  went 
out  and  mounted  his  horse  and  escaped  to  Salem.  As  he  went,  however,  he 
was  fired  at  by  the  editor  of  the  Broad  Axe,  a  Mr.  Jameson,  who  had  a 
shotgun  in  his  hand,  and  by  another  person  who  had  a  rifle,  but  neither  of 
which  hit  him.  He  was  never  arrested,  although  he  passed  through  Falls 
City  a  few  days  afterwards,  with  a  wagon-load  of  ladies,  bound  for  Rulo. 
He  was  counted  a  brave,  mad  man — dangerous  with  a  gun,  and  the  people 
"wanted  no  truck  with  him.'"  Such  was  the  baptism  of  blood  that  gave  to 
our  citv  the  countv  seat  and  started  it  on  its  course  of  advancement. 

Roster  of  County  Officers. 

The  records  disclose  that  the  first  officers  of  Richardson  county  could 
not  have  been  rightly  accused  of  having  been  attracted  to  public  service  for 
any  reason  on  account  of  the  emoluments  attached  thereto,  as  the  first  officers 
were  appointive,  and  tlierefore  temporary,  and  carried  with  them  but  very 
little,  if  anything,  in  the  \\a\'  of  salary.  Yet,  as  the  years  went  by,  tliere 
arose  the  keenest  rivalry  between  candidates,  a  condition  that  exists  to  this 

Ijut,  as  a  review  of  the  lists  of  those  elected  will  show — some  of  the 
ver\  ablest  men  of  the  county  have  from  time  to  time  served  its  neople  in 
puljlic  capacity,  rendering  most  efficient  service  and  the  history  of  county 
government  in  Richardson  county  has  been  singularly  free  on  the  whole  from 
scandal  of  any  kind  by  those  entrusted  with  public  duty. 

The  first  definite  record  in  the  court  house  shows  that  the  county  began 
its  official  career  with  the  is.suance  of  commissions  by  Acting  Governor  Cum- 
ing at  Omaha  on  January  i,  1855. 


At  that  time  (January  i,  1855).  Xeal  J.  Sharp  became  the  lirst  county 
clerk,  which  office  was  combined  in  this  count\-  with  that  of  regi.ster  of  deeds, 
b\-  appointment.  The  salar)-  in  this  instance  was  provided  for  by  fees  and 
for  the  first  year:  so  little  was  done,  it  could  not  have  amounted  to  more 
than  one  hundred  dollars.  Sharp  held  the  office  until  the  spring  of  1856, 
when  he  was  succeeded  by  J.  C.  Lincoln,  of  Salem.  Lincoln  served  only 
until  the  fall  of  that  same  year,  when  it  appears  that  ¥.  L.  Goldsbery  assumed 
charge.  In  the  fall  of  1857,  William  H.  Mann  was  elected  to  the  office  and 
held  the  same  until  1861,  when  George  \^andeventer,  from  near  Stella,  was 
the  successful  candidate  at  an  election  held  and  occupied  the  office  until  1864. 

.\t  the  election  in  1864  James  Cameron  and  William  Mann  were  the 
candidates.  The  election  was  indecisive  and  James  ^^'ard  was  api)ointed  to 
act  as  clerk  until  the  contest  might  he  settled.     On  March  ir.   1865,  a  deci- 


sioii  was  had  giving  the  office  to  Mann,  ahhough  the  election  boards  had 
favored  Cameron.  Mann  served  continuously  until  1870,  when  August 
Falsken  was  chosen  as  his  successor.  Falsken  was  impeached  on  July  21, 
1 87 1,  and  Frank  Rathen  named  to  succeed  him,  for  the  unexpired  time. 

I'^alsken,  however,  came  back  and  was  re-elected  by  the  people  of  the 
county  and  served  during  the  term  of  1872-73.  At  the  end  of  this  lime 
L.  A.  Ryan  was  elected  and  served  a  term  of  two  years.  He  was  succeeded 
as  follows :  Ruel  Nims,  two  years,  W.  H.  Hay,  four  years ;  George  Pearson, 
two  years;  M.  W.  Musselman,  four  years:  George  Marsh,  four  years:  E.  O. 
Lewis,  four  years,  ending  in  1896. 

In  the  year  1886,  owing  to  result  of  last  state  census  taken  in  1885. 
the  office  of  county  clerk  and  that  of  register  of  deeds,  which  had  always  been 
together,  were  now  separated  and  in  the  fall  of  that  year  Charles  Loree  was 
elected  as  the  first  to  serve  as  register  of  deeds.  The  office  remained  in  the 
same  room  with  that  of  the  clerk,  however,  and  the  register  occupied  the 
north  part  of  the  room  next  to  the  vault  while  the  clerk  and  the  commis- 
sioners occupied  the  south  and  east  portion.  Charles  Loree  served  as  reg- 
ister for  six  \ears,  when  the  population  of  the  county,  as  ascertained  by  the 
census  of  1890,  sliovved  a  falling  off  (the  population  required  at  that  time 
under  the  statute  for  the  separate  office  of  register  of  deeds  was  18,003),  and. 
the  office  of  register  of  deeds  was  again  merged  with  that  of  county  clerk  and 
Mr.  Loree,  foreseeing  the  change  that  was  to  come,  w'isely  ran  for  county 
clerk  that  year  and  was  elected.  He  served  as  such  until  January  l.  1S98. 
when  he  was  succeeded  by  George  E.  Schneider,  who  served  four  \ears  or 
until  1902  and  Loree  was  retained  as  deputy  county  clerk. 

Following  Schneider,  J.  C.  Tanner  was  elected  and  served  four  years. 
On  January  i,  1906,  John  H.  Hutchings,  of  Falls  City,  who  had  been  elected 
in  November,  1905,  became  county  clerk  and  served  four  years.  He  was 
followed  by  George  A\'.  Morris,  who  served  four  years,  and  he  by  Ora  Marsh, 
the  present  incumbent. 


The  man  having  the  honor  to  be  first  probate  judge  was  Christian  Bol)st, 
the  father  of  Samuel  Bobst,  who  is  still  a  resident  of  Humboldt.  The  elder 
Bobst  was  the  leader  of  a  party  of  the  first  settlers  in  this  part  of  the  West. 
He  was  a  native  of  Baltimore,  ^Maryland,  and  was  born  in  that  city  on  Sep- 
tember 2,  1802.  He  and  his  party  came  into  the  country  in  1854.  in  the 
month  of  April,  and  he  located  his  cabin  on  the  south  fork  of  the  Xemaha  on 


the  iKjrthwest  quarter  of  section  25,  township  i,  north  of  range  12,  on  April 
4tli.  His  house  was  the  first  erected  in  what  w  as  later  to  Ije  a  part  of  Pawnee 
county;  however,  at  that  time,  a  part  of  Richardson  county. 

Christian  Bobst  receixed  the  appointment  of  probate  judge  from  the  first 
governor  of  the  .Territoi-y  of  Nebraska,  Hon.  Francis  Burt,  in  the  fall  of 
1854.  with  the  designation  that  he  was  to  act  for  Richardson  county,  at  that 
time  one  of  the  eight  original  counties  of  the  state.  His  jurisdiction  extended 
over  the  county  as  then  bounded:  comprising  territory  now  included  in  the 
counties  of  Pawnee,  Johnson,  Nemaha  and  Richardson;  the  south  line  being 
the  Kansas-Nebraska  boundary  to  a  distance  of  sixty  miles  west  from  the 
Missouri  river,  and  the  north  line  being  the  Little  Nemaha  river,  in  what  is 
now  Nemaha  county,  with  the  Missouri  river  as  the  east  line,  and  on  the  west 
by  what  was  then  Tones  county.  This  appointment  was  made  through  recom- 
mendations of  Col.  Neal  J.  Sharp,  of  this  county,  who  was  a  memlser  of  the 
first  territorial  Legislature.  Mr.  Bobst  and  the  Frey  family,  also  early  set- 
tlers in  that  neighborhood,  started  the  town  of  Cincinnati,  long  ago  dead  with 
all  its  founders.  When  Pawnee  county  came  into  being,  old  Cincinnati  was 
included  in  the  newer  county. 

Mr.  Bobst  was  an  able  and  fearless  man  and  made  himself  conspicuous 
in  much  of  the  work  incident  to  the  formative  period  in  those  days  of  the 
pioneers.  He  and  his  party  came  into  the  state  from  the  south,  coming  up 
through  Kansas  from  Leavenworth,  and  entering  the  state  near  where  they 
settled  and  were  there  when  the  first  settlers  entered  this  more  easterly  part 
of  the  count)  at  St.  Stephens.  For  many  years  all  of  the  residents  of  the  county 
got  their  mail  at  the  home  of  Judge  Bobst. 


A  little  later,  however,  when  the  size  of  the  county  was  materially  reduced 
in  area.  J.  O.  Miller,  of  Archer,  and  the  father  of  Mrs.  William  M.  Maddox, 
now  a  resident  of  Falls  City,  was  appointed  probate  judge  and  is  generally 
recognized  as  having  the  best  claims  for  having  been  the  first  judge  of  Rich- 
ardson county;  however,  the  officer  was  at  that  time  from  (1855  to  1875). 
known  as  probate  judge.  The  duties  of  this  office  under  the  early  terri- 
torial laws  were  vastly  different  than  now.  covering,  as  the\-  did,  a  much 
larger  field  of  importance  in  man\-  ways.  Many  of  the  duties  of  this  oftice 
have  since  been  distributed  to  other  offices.  |.  O.  Miller  held  the  office  niUil 



An  act  was  passed  and  the  same  appro\ed  by  the  Territorial  Legislature 
on  February  21.  1855,  establishing  the  office  of  register  of  deeds,  or  recorder 
of  deeds,  as  sometimes  known,  the  purpose  of  which  was  an  office  where  deeds 
conveying  real  estate  are  officially  made  a  matter  of  record  for  publication. 
The  office  was  at  first  established  in  the  eight  counties  first  to  be  organized  in 
the  territory  and  under  the  law  was  called  the  register's  office.  The  office  was 
established  as  a  fee  office,  viz.,  the  incumbent  depending  upon  the  fees  earned 
for  his  salary,  and  it  has  so  remained.  The  first  persons  to  hold  the  office  were 

Xeil  J.  Sharp  was  the  first  to  serve  in  this  iiuportant  office  and  held  it 
by  appointment  from  the  governor  of  the  territory,  Mr.  Gumming.  He 
served  from  1855  until  1861,  when  he  was  succeeded  by  William  H.  Mann. 

The  first  deed  to  appear  in  the  records  of  the  office  appears  in  book  A 
at  page  No.  i  and  was  as  follows : 

Francis  X.  Purket 

Ambrose  Shelley. 

I'or  and  in  consideration  of  the  sum  uf  Two  Hundred  Dollars  paid  in 
hand,  1  hereby  sell  and  con\-ey,  quit-claim,  unto  Ambrose  Shelley  all  my  right, 
title  and  interest  to  certain  of  the  public  lands  upon  which  I  now  reside  situate 
upon  the  Muddy  Creek,  Richardson  County,  Territory  of  Nebraska  and 
jjounded  north  l>y  the  claim  sold  by  John  Purket  to  Joseph  Minter — being  one 
mile  east  and  west  and  one  mile  north  and  south,  the  creek  running  through 
the  claim.  The  tiiuber  on  the  northwest  corner.  To  have  and  to  hold  the' 
same  with  all  the  improvements  thereon. 

In  witness  whereof,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand,  the  nth  day  of  Nov- 
ember, 1855. 

Franci.s  M.  Purket. 
Territory  of  Nebraska, 
Count}-  of  Richardson,  ss. : 

I  liereb\  certif}-  that  on  the  12th  day  of  .\pril,  1855,  personally  appeared 
before  me  iM-ancis  M.  Purket  known  to  me  to  be  the  identical  person  whose 
name  appears  on  the  foregoing  deed  as  grantor  and  acknowledged  the  same 
to  be  her  \oluntary  act  and  deed  for  the  purposes  therein  set  forth. 


In  testimony  whereof  I  liave  hereunto  set  my  name  and  affixed  prixate 
seal.  No  pul^lic  seal  having  )et  Iieen  provided  at  Archer,  day  and  date  alxive 
written.  N.  J.  Sharp, 

Register  of  Deeds. 

The  record  does  not  show  an\-  other  to  hold  the  office  as  register  of  deeds 
until  the  election  of  Charles  Loree  in  the  fall  of  1885.  The  office  in  the 
meantime  having  been  administered  in  conjunction  with  that  of  county  clerk. 

The  national  census  was  taken  in  1900  and  it  was  ascertained  that  the 
county  had  gained  sufficient  population  for  the  office  (18,003)  and  in  igo2 
William  H.  Rieger  was  elected  register  of  deeds  for  a  term  of  four  years. 
He  was  followed  by  L.  C.  Edwards,  of  Humboldt,  who  was  elected  in  Novem- 
ber, 1905,  and  served  from  January  4,  1906,  until  January  7,  1915 — nine 
years.  He  was  succeeded  by  Norman  B.  Judd,  of  Falls  City,  the  present 
incumbent,  who  was  elected  for  a  term  of  four  years. 

In  the  register  of  deeds  office  as  it  is  conducted  in  Richardson  county 
ami  throughout  the  .state,  for  that  matter,  is  kept  a  record  of  all  real  estate 
land  conveyances.  The  earliest  records  to  be  found  there  are  dated  in  1856 
and  1857.  Deeds,  mortgages,  releases,  assignments,  mechanics  liens,  wills 
and  all  papers  affecting  the  titles  to  real  estate,  are  brought  to  this  office  and 
there  copies  of  same  are  made  in  large  books  arranged  especially  for  that 
purpose.  In  the  early  days  all  this  work  was  done  with  pen  and  ink  in  what 
is  called  "long  hand"  and  the  work  was  quite  arduous.  Exact  copies  of  such 
instruments  as  are  offered  for  record  are  made  and  the  same  properly  indexed 
that  they  ma}-  be  easily  found  by  parties  desiring  to  see  the  same.  The  first 
books  used  were  small  and  with  but  few  pages  and  the  indexing  was  done  in 
the  fore  part  of  same.  Later,  large  books  were  provided,  containing  some 
se\en  hundred  pages  and  books  of  equal  and  larger  size  for  indexes.  The 
method  pursued  was  still  to  write  the  copied  instrument  with  pen  and  ink ;  yet, 
at  a  later  date  a  system  in  vogue  in  older  states,  was  adopted,  of  having  a  por- 
tion of  the  instruments  printed  on  the  pages  of  the  records,  leaving  the 
recorder  to  supply  the  portion  necessary  for  each  individual  instrument  com- 
ing into  his  hands.  Looking  back  from  the  present  time,  it  is  amusing  to 
recall  that  some  of  the  able  members  of  the  legal  profession  of  the  county 
objected  to  the  latter  method  of  using  the  printed  forms,  and  the  officer  in 
charge  in  those  days  went  so  far  in  answer  to  the  objectors  as  to  make  dili- 
gent inquiries  from  some  twenty-five  or  thirty  counties  of  the  state  to  learn 
the  custom  emploxed.  It  was  found  that  the  counties  over  the  state  were 
adopting  the  printed  tonus  very  generally,  and  this  seems  to  have  silenced 


those  who  would  have  re(|uired  the  recorder  to  continue  the  antiquated  method 
of  reducing  his  entire  record  by  the  old  method  of  writing  the  same  in  long 
hand.  A  later  method,  and  one  which  has  proved  a  great  saving  in  the  mat- 
ter of  space  used  and  time  saved,  besides  making  a  much  neater  record,  was 
the  adoption  of  the  "loose-leaf"  system  in  the  office  by  the  writer,  while  in 
charge  of  the  office.  The  deed  mortgage  and  index  records  were  all  changed 
to  the  loose-leaf  system  and  the  same  is  Ijeing  adopted  in  other  offices  at  the 
court  house,  although  the  same  first  found  favor  in  the  office  of  the  clerk  of 
the  district  court.  With  a  loose-leaf  system,  a  wide-carriage  typewriter  is  used 
and  displaces  almost  entirely  the  old  long-hand  method. 


For  several  years  after  the  organization  of  Richardson  county,  the  duties 
of  clerk  of  the  district  court  were  performed  by  the  county  clerk,  and  it  was 
not  until  the  entry  of  Nebraska  in  the  sisterhood  of  states  and  the  adoption 
of  the  new  Nebraska  state  Constitution  in  1875,  that  the  new  office  of  clerk 
of  the  district  court  was  formed  and  the  duties  of  its  incumbent  separated 
finally  from  that  of  the  county  clerk. 

The  first  to  hold  the  office  of  clerk  of  the  district  court  in  Richardson 
county  was  W.  S.  Stretch,  who  was  appointed  in  1875  ^"d  '^^Id  office  until  1879. 
He  was  succeeded  as  follows:  T.  C.  Cunningham,  from  1879  to  188.^; 
Charles  Loree.  1883  to  1887 — (Loree  this  year  being  elected  register  of 
deeds.)  Thomas  Brannin,  1887  to  1889  (resigned);  John  L.  Cleaver, 
appointed  to  fill  vacancy,  or  until  December  10,  when  he  was  succeeded  bv 
C.  L.  Metz,  who  served  out  the  remainder  of  Brannin's  term  until  1891,  when 
he  was  re-elected  for  four  years,  or  until  January  i,  1896.  Charles  L.  Metz, 
1896  to  igoo:  G.  J.  Crook,  1900  to  1904;  Charles  Loree,  1904  to  1917; 
re-elected  1916,-  for  term  of  four  years. 


The  county  treasurer's  office,  which  has  always  been  considered  as  one 
of  the  most  important  offices  in  the  county  was  first  entrusted  to  the  hands 
of  Isaac  Crook,  a  brother  of  Jesse  Crook,  and  one  of  the  very  first 
settlers  of  the  county.  Mr.  Crook,  coming  first,  had  no  precedents  to 
guide  him  and  the  duties  at  that  time  were  very  similar  to  a  practice  yet 
maintained  in  some  states,  where  the  treasurer  is  more  properly  designated  as 
"ta.x  collector."  The  latter  term  more  fully  describes  the  duties  of  the  first 
treasurer,  as  it  was  rec|uired  of  him  that  he  go  about  the  county  and  per- 


sonally  meet  and  collect  funds  due  from  the  taxpayers.     This  practice  was 
later  discontinued. 

Mr.  Crook  was  appointed  in  1856  and  continued  in  office  until  about 
i860.  He  was  followed  by  D.  A.  Tisdell,  of  Salem,  who  served  until  1863. 
Others  follow  in  this  order :  D.  R.  Holt,  1865  to  1871 ;  P.  B.  Miller,  1871  to 
1875;  Fred  W.  Miller,  1875  to  1877;  John  W.  Holt,  1877  to  1882;  J.  R. 
Cain,  1882  to  1886;  William  A.  Greenwald,  1886  to  1890;  Jack  F.  Walsh, 
1890  to  1892;  George  W.  Marsh,  1892  to  1896;  John  H.  Morehead,  1896  to 
1900;  Robert  Wyatt,  1900  to  1902;  O.  E.  Zook,  1902  to  1906;  Joshua  S. 
Lord,  1906  to  1910;  John  H.  Hutchings.  1910  to  1915;  G.  W.  Morris,  1915 
to  1917;  Morris  now  serving  second  term. 



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Year.         County   Surveyor. 


1857-J.  J.  Lebo   [2] 
1858— Ml.  McManus  [2] 
1859 — A.  J.  Cur  ranee 
i860 — A.  J.  Currance 
1861 — Joseph   Broady 
1862 — Joseph   Broady 
1863 — John  Gray 
1864 — John  Gray 
1865 — ^John  Gray 
1866— M.  Adam 
1867 — M.  Adam 
1868 — Allen  J.  Currance 
1869 — Allen  J.  Currance 
1870 — Allen  J.  Currance 
1 87 1 — Allen  J.  Currance 
1872 — Ira  Beckwith 
1873 — Ira  Beckwith 
1874— Thomas  V.  Wilson 
1875— Thomas  V.  Wilson 
1876— P.  A.  Tisdell 
1877— P.  A.  Tisdell 
1878— Thos.  W.   Moore 
1879— Thos.   W.  Moore 
1880— S.  C.  McElroy 
188 1— S.  C.  McElrov 
1882— J.   L.   McElroy 
1883— J.   L.   McElroy 
1884 — Creighton  Morris 
1885 — Creighton  Morris 
1886 — Creighton  Morris 

Register  of  Deeds. 


1892— F.  W.  Miller 
1893— F.  W.  Miller 
1894— R.  E.  Grinstead 
1895— R.  E.  Grinstead 
1896— R.  E.  Grinstead 
1897— R.  E.  Grinstead 
1898— R.  E.  Grinstead 

G.  W.   Parker 

S.  S.  Keiffer 

S.  S.  Keiffer 

S.  S.  Keiffer 

S.  S.  Keiffer 

W.  M.  Maddox 

Henry  C.  Burnam 
Russell  Peery 
B.  M.  Nelson 
B.  M.  Nelson 
G.  R.  Summers 
G.  R.  Summers 
N.  B.  McPherson 
N.  B.  McPherson 
John  Schulenberg 
John  Schulenberg 
\Vm.  ^^an  Lue 
Wm.  Van  I.ue 
A.  Miller  [12] 

A.  Miller 

B.  F.  Leechman 
B.  F.  Leechman 
M.  C.  Ryan 

M.  C.  Ryan  Chas.  Loree 

M.  C.  Ryan  Chas.  Loree 

M.  C.  Ryan  Chas.  Loree 

M.  C.  Ryan  Chas.  Loree 

M.  C.  Ryan  Chas.  Loree 

H.  H.  Pierce  Chas.  Loree 

H.  H.  Pierce 

H.  O.  Staver 

H.  O.  Staver 

H.  O.  Staver 

H.  O.  Staver 

1 84 


1899— R. 




1905— R. 
1906— R. 
1907— R. 
1908— R. 
1909 — R. 
1910 — R. 
191  i-R. 
191 3— R. 

1914— R. 
191 5— J- 
1917— J. 

County   Surveyor. 
E.  Grinstead 




E.  Grinstead 
E.  Grinstead 
E.  Grinstead 
E.  Grinstead 
E.  Grinstead 
E.  Grinstead 
E.  Grinstead 
E.  Grinstead 
E.  Grinstead 

E.  Grinstead 

F.  Relf 
F.  Relf 
F.  Relf 


Wm.  J.  Wells 
Wm.  J.  Wells 

J.   A.   Waggoner 
J.   A.   Waggoner 
J.   A.   Waggoner 
J.  A.   Waggoner 
Dr.  M.  L.  Wilson 
Dr.  M.  L.  Wilson 
W.  R.  Waggoner 
W.  R.  Waggoner 
W.  R.  Waggoner 
George  W.  Reneker 
George  W.  Reneker 
George  W.  Reneker 
George  W.  Reneker 
George  W.  Reneker 

Register  of  Deeds. 

William  Rieger 
William  Rieger 
William  Rieger 
William  Rieger 
L.  C.  Edwards 
L.  C.  Edwards 
L.  C.  Edwards 
L.  C.  Edwards 
L.  C.  Edwards 
L.  C.  Edwards 
L.  C.  Edwards 
L.  C.  Edwards 
L.  C.  Edwards 
N.  B.  Judd 
N.  B.  Judd 
N.  B.  Judd 

(  2  )     J.  .1.   I.eho   resigned  and   Michael   McManus  was  appointed  to  fill  out  the  term. 
(12)     A.  Miller,  wlio  was  regularly  elected,  did  not  qualify.     Alex  Kerr  was  appointed. 


Tlie  act  creating  this  office  was  passed  hy  the  Territorial  Legislature 
and  approved  February  21,  1855.  and  Xeal  J.  Sharp  was  appointed  as  the 
first  register  of  deeds  of  the  countw  The  cjffice  was  later  comliined  with 
that  of  county  clerk  and  so  remained  until  1885,  when  the  population  had 
increased  tn  such  an  extent  that  the  Inisiness  was  changed  to  a  separate  and 
distinct  office  as  it  liad  lieen  originally. 


The  board  of  superxisors  organized  according  to  law  and  elected  W.  \\'. 
Abbey,  of  Falls  City,  as  permanent  chairman,  the  board  of  county  commis- 
sioners having  surrendered  their  offices  as  previously  stated. 

1886:  Alember.s— W^  W.  .Vbbey,  Samuel  Lichty,  Falls  City:  Charles 
E.  Nims.  G.  R.  Grinstead.  Humboldt  township  and  precinct;  Leopold  Porr. 
Speiser;  James  Johnson,  Porter;  Joseph  McGinnis,  Nemaha;  Philander  Hall, 
Salem;  John  F.  Cornell,  Liberty;  George  \\'atkins,  Muddy;  R.  .\nkrom, 
Barada ;  Francis  Shaffer,  Ohio ;  Jerry  Kanaly.  Jefferson ;  James  T.  Kinzer, 
.\rago;  W.  H.  Rowell.  St.  Stepiiens.  and  Charles  Cole,  Franklin. 



The  first  work  of  the  new  organization  was  to  make  inquiry  iiitu  the 
matter  of  delinquent  taxes,  which  state  of  affairs  at  that  time  in  the  count)- 
was  a  pressing  ciuestion,  and  the  adoption  of  a  new  set  of  rules. 

Samuel  Lichty,  of  the  new  Ijoard,  offered  the  following  resolution, 
which  was  intended  as  a  matter  of  economy,  no  doubt: 

"Whereas:  $300.00  a  year  has  heretofore  been  paid  for  the  services  of 
the  court  house  janitor.  Resolved,  This  Board  of  Supervisors  will  not  allow 
any  bills  for  sweeping,  attending  fires  (stoves  then  being  used  for  heating 
purpose  in  each  of  the  county  offices),  or  furnishing  water  for  any  cif  the 
county  offices." 

Be  it  said  for  the  good  sense  of  a  Richardson  county  board  of  super- 
visors that  the  above  resolution  did  not  carry,  the  vote  (if  the  meniljers 
present  standing,  three  for,  and  nine  against. 

1888:  Hugh  Boyd,  Rulo;  C.  C.  Sloan,  Ohio;  W.  H.  Logan,  Falls  City; 
Leopold  Porr,  Speiser;  Charles  B.  Gridley,  Franklin;  Jos.  Johnson,  Porter; 
Felix  Kitch,  Jefferson ;  D.  M.  Neher,  Humboldt ;  J.  G.  ^NIcGinnis,  Nemaha ; 
I.  G.  Burr,  Grant;  Philander  Hall,  Salem;  J.  F.  Cornell.  Liberty;  W.  H. 
Crook,  Falls  City;  Henry  Fisher,  Arago;  Henry  D.  VVeller,  Muddy. 

1889:  Felix  Kitch,  C.  E.  Nims,  R.  Coupe,  Thomas  F.  Brown.  V.  A. 
Smidi,  Robert  Lord,  Charles  Cole.  Cyrus  Jones ;  \Y.  PL  Crook,  Francis 
Shaffer,  John  Cornell,  August  Buchholz.  Henry  Fisher,  T.  R.  Jones,  J.  \\'. 
Jones,  B.  F.  :^Iiles. 

1890:  James  Tangney,  August  Buchholz,  Thomas  Lynch,  B.  F.  Miles, 
Thomas  F.  Brown,  August  Xeitzel.  J.  F.  Cornell,  W.  H.  Crook,  C.  W. 
Hedges,  J.  A.  Boyd,  Charles  Cole,  Cyrus  Jones,  Francis  Shaft'er,  Robert. 
Lord,  Richard  Coupe.  P.-  .\.  Smith,  David  Neher,  J.  W.  Jones. 

1891  :  C.  A.  Hedge,  C.  B.  Gridley,  S.  C.  Stump,  J.  H.  Smith,  of  Hum- 
boldt; J.  W.  Jones,  Isaac  Fisher.  B.  I-.  Miles,  C.  I'red  Cain.  Falls  City:  John 
Gagnon,    Rulo. 

1892:  William  Stephenson,  Speiser;  Joseph  Boyd,  .\rago:  W.  J. 
McCray,  Porter;  Oliver  Fuller,  Liberty;  j.  W.  Spicier,  Barada:  J.  H.  Smitli. 
Humboldt ;  T.  P.  Jones,  Falls  City ;  James  Tangney,  Jefferson ;  Isaac  I-'isher, 
Nemaha ;  John  Gagnon,  Rulo ;  C.  B.  Gridley,  Franklin ;  C.  A.  Hedges,  l-'alls 
City;  J.  W.  Jones.  ^Muddy;  B.  F.  Miles.  Grant:  Sol  C.  Stump,  Ohio. 

1893:  R.  K.  Davis.  Humboldt;  T.  P.  Jones,  Falls  City;  Alex  McGehie. 
Muddy;  George  Smith,  Grant;  W.  R.  Smith,  Ohio;  C.  A.  Fledges.  Falls  Cii>  : 
G.  E.  Schneider,  Nemaha:  C.  B.  Gridley,  Franklin:  John  Gagnon,  Rulo. 

1894:  J.  FI.  Smith.  Humboldt:  Joseph  Frederick,  Arago;  C.  A. 
Stewart,  Salem:  W.  H.  Sailors,  Barada:  Henry  Ebel.  Jefferson;  G.  R.  Grin- 


stead,  Humboldt:  William  Stephenson.  Speiser;  Oliver  Fuelo,  Liberty;  T.  P. 
Jones,  Falls  City:  W.  J.  McCray,  Porter;  John  Gagnon,  Rulo;  C.  B.  Gridley, 
Franklin ;  C.  A.  Hedges,  Falls  City ;  G.  E.  Schneider,  Nemaha ;  A.  H. 
jMcGehie,  W.  R.  Smith,  George  Smith.  Grant. 

1895:  Joseph  Johnson,  William  Cade,  M.  M.  Stearns;  M.  B.  Miller, 
C.  A.  Hedges,  S.  D.  Hoffnel,  George  E.  Schneider;  Charles  Bright,  C.  E. 
Nims.  W.  R.  Smith. 


Special  meeting  of  the  county  board  of  supervisors: 

To  Ellis  O.  Lewis,  clerk  of  the  Board  of  Supervisors  of  Richardson 
county,  Neljraska. 

W^e,  the  undersigned  members  of  the  Board  of  Supervisors,  in  and  for 
Richardson  county,  Nebraska,  request  you  to  notify  each  member  of  the 
said  board  and  publish  notice  in  some  newspaper  in  said  county  that  a  meet- 
ing of  said  board  will  be  had  at  the  court  house  in  Falls  City  in  said  countv 
and  that  on  the  13th  day  of  .\ugust,  1895,  at  10  o'clock  P.  I\[.  for  the  trans- 
action of  the  following  business:  "To  divide  the  said  county  into  seven 
districts,  such  districts  to  be  known  as  supervisor  districts,  the  same  to  be 
numbered  from  one  to  seven,  to  assign  one  member  to  each  district.  To 
organize  the  board,  elect  a  chairman  and  appoint  the  different  committees." 

Jo-seph  Frederick.  Henry  Ebel. 

C.  A.  Hedges.  William  Cade. 

C.  A.  Stewart.  George  R.  Grinstead. 

M.  B.  ]\Iiller.  George  E.  Schneider. 

In  compliance  with  the  above  request  I  have  hereby  called  a  special 
meeting  of  the  county  board,  .\  13,  1895,  at  10  o'clock  P.  M. 

E.  O.  Lewis,  County  Clerk. 

1806:  Joseph  Frederick  (  i)  ;  Jason  Timmerman  (2)  ;  C.  E.  Nims  (3)  ; 
li.  S.  Belden  (4)  :  Charles  Hedges  (5)  :  R.  .\.  Wherry  (6)  ;  Frederick  \^'itt- 
wer  (71. 

1897:  H.  S.  Belden,  Jacob  Daeschner,  Joseph  Frederick.  Joseph  Glasser, 
G.  Iv  Schneider,  Jason  Timmerman.  R.  .\.  ^\"herry. 

1898:  W.  J.  AlcCray.  K.  F.  Auxier,  k.  .V.  Wherry,  Jacob  Daeschner, 
Joseph  I'Vedei'ick.  Joseph  (ilasser.  l-'red.   Wittwer. 

1899:  John  Ramsey,  W.  J.  AFcCray,  Josepli  Glnsser.  1{.  E.  .\u\ier, 
Jacol)  Daeschner.  ^^■.  ^\■.   K-nne,  I'-mest  \\'ickham. 


1900:  John  Ramsey,  E.  Wickham,  J.'Daeschner,  Joseph  Glasser,  J.  J. 
Tanner,  E.  E.  Auxier,  J.  ^V.  Spickler. 

1901  :  Chris.  Madovvse,  Joseph  Glasser,  John  ]^Jooney,  William 

1902 :  Chris.  Madowse.  Joseph  Spickler,  Joseph  Glasser.  W.  G.  Hum- 
mel, J.  W.  iVIooney,  John  Hinton,  William  Stephen. 

1903 :  G.  J.  Santo,  J.  W.  Spickler,  W.  G.  Hummel,  Joseph  Glasser, 
John  H.  Hatchings,  John  ETinton,  C.  B.  Snyder. 

1904 :  Charles  Santo,  Charles  Snyder,  John  H.  Hutchings,  Joseph 
Glasser,  John  Hinton,  W.  J.  McCray,  J.  J.  Bauer. 

1905:  John  Hinton.  W.  J.  McCray,  J.  J.  Bauer,  C.  J.  Santo,  C.  F. 
Zoeller,  Charles  Atwood,  J.  O.  Stalder. 

1906:  John  Elinton,  W.  J.  McCray,  Joseph  Bauer,  C.  J.  Santo,  C.  F. 
Zoeller,  Charles  Atwood,  J.  O.  Stalder. 

1907:  Henry  Stemmering,  W'.  J.  McCray,  Joseph  Glasser,  J.  J.  Bauer, 
C.  F.  Zoeller,  John  Hinton,  J.  O.  Stalder. 

1908:  John  Hinton,  William  McCray,  H.  H.  Fritz,  J.  O.  Stalder,  H. 
Siemmering,  Henry  Zoellers. 

1909:  Harmon  Loennig,  R.  .-\.  Coupe,  H.  Siemmering,  Henrv  Stitzer. 
EL  H.  Fritz,  W.  J.  McCray,  John  Hinton. 

1910:  R.  A.  Coupe,  Henry  Fritz,  H.  Stitzer,  Harmon  Eoennig,  John 
Hinton,  H.  Siemmering,  L.  M.  Weddle. 

191 1 :  N.  C.  Campbell,  R.  A.  Coupe,  H.  Nutzman,  M.  ]\IcHouver.  John 
Elinton,  E.  M.  Weddle,  H.  Fritz. 

1912:  M.  Sheehan,  J.  A.  Weaver,  T.  R.  Edwards,  M.  McHouver,  X. 
C.  Campbell,  H.  Nutzman,  R.  A.  Coupe. 

1913:  N.  C.  Campbell,  H.  Zoeller,  Chris.  :\Eidowse,  H.  Stitzer,  T.  R. 
Edwards,  M.  Sheehan,  J.  A.  Weaver. 

1914:  C.  Madowse,  N.  C.  Campbell.  H.  Stitzer,  H.  Zoeller,  T.  R. 
Edwards,  I\E  Sheehan,  J.  A.  Weaver. 

191 5:  N.  C.  Campl)ell,  H.  W.  Wyatt,  E.  J.  Duryea,  C.  Madowse,  T. 
R.  Edwards,  M.  Sheehan,  J.  A.  Weaver. 

1916:  The  following  members  were  elected  but  were  not  allowed  to 
take  their  office  on  account  of  change  to  county  commissioner  system: 
X.  C.  Campljell,  H.  Wyatt,  J.  .\.  Weaver,  A.  Eouchs.  E.  J.  Duryea,  Ciiris. 
Madowse,  Morris  Shellenberger.     No  organization. 



During  the  fall  of  1916  a  petition  having  the  requisite  number  of  signa- 
tories (resident  voters  of  the  county),  as  required  by  statute,  a  proposition 
was  submitted  to  the  voters  at  the  general  election  held  in  the  montli  of 
November,  giving  opportunity  to  affirm  or  negative  a  change  in  the  form  of 
county  government. 

The  sujjervisor  system,  witl:  seven  districts,  had  been  in  vogue  since 
August  13,  1895,  and  it  was  proposed  to  return  to  the  original  commissioner 
system  of  three  meml^ers,  as  had  obtained  in  the  Aery  early  days  of  the 

No  proposition  ever  submitted  to  the  \-oters  of  the  cnuntv  had  been  so 
little  agitated,  nor  one  where  there  seemed  so  little  sentiment  expressed  one 
way  or  the  other,  among  the  voters  of  the  county. 

It  being  a  national  election,  the  largest  vote  e\er  polled  was  recorded: 

The  total   official   vote  polled    in   the   co'.intx-   that   year 

(November.    19x6)    was   5-074 

Those    A'oting    in    favor    of    change    to    commissiuner 

system   1.498 

Those  voting  for  continuance  of  supervisor  system 1.444 

Total  of  those  voters — voting  on  the  proposition ^,942 

Total  of  those  not  voting  on  the  proposition -.1,^- 

jy.lajority  in   favor  of  tlie  change 54 


Under  the  law  the  county  judge,  count\  clerk  and  treasurer  are  con- 
stituted a  lx)ard  to  appoint  members  (;f  the  board  of  county  commissioners, 
the  latter  to  serve  initil  the  next  regular  election,  \\hen  their  successors  will 
be  chosen  by  the  voters  of  the  county. 

l"he  following  from  the  official  records  in  the  county  clerk's  office  tells 
its  own  stor\- : 

"Whereas,  at  the  general  election  iield  in  Richardson  county,  Nebraska, 
on  the  7th  day  of  November,  1916,  the  (|uestion  of  continuance  of  township 
organization  form  of  county  government  was  lawfully  submitted  to  the  voters 
of  the  county  and  a  canvass  of  the  votes  cast  at  said  election,  it  was  found 
and  declared  that  a  majority  of  the  votes  cast  on  said  (|uestion  were  against 
the  coniinuance  of  tow!ishi]i  organization  in  said  county. 


"On  January  6,  1917.  O.  O.  Alarsh,  amnty  clerk:  George  W.  Murris, 
county  treasurer;  and  John  W'iltse,  county  judge,  met  in  the  county  clerk's 
office  at  Falls  City,  Neliraska,  pursuant  to  law  for  the  purpose  of  appointing 
three  commissioners  for  Richardson  county,  Nebraska. 

"The  availability  of  tlie  various  candidates  for  said  appointment  in  the 
\arious  districts  was  considered  and  discussed  by  the  appointive  Ijoard,  and 
tlie  following  were  appointed :'" 

1917:  Hugh  E.  JMiyd,  Humboldt:  Aaron  Louchs.  Falls  City;  X.  D. 
Vu.xier,  Verdon. 


E.  A.  Tucker,  Edwin  Falloon,  Jule  Schoenheit.  Frank  Martin.  Amos 
Gantt,  Jaines  E.  Leyda,  Richard  C.  James,  1916-8. 


John  P.  Maule,  Dan  J.  Osgood,  A.  J.  Weaver,  Isham  Reavis. 


Clerk  of  tlie  district  court,  Charles  Loree. 

Deputy  clerk  of  the  district  court,  L.  C.  Edwards. 

Sherifif,  Dan  B..  Ratekin. 

Deputy  sheriff,  Rice  McNulty. 

County  superintendent,  Daniel  Webber. 

County  treasurer,  George  W.  Morris. 

Deputv  county  treasurer,  l-'rank  Smith. 

County  clerk,  Ora  Marsh. 

Deputy  county  clerk,  Ray  Daggett. 

County  judge,  Virgil"  Falloon. 

Clerk  county  judges  office,  Mrs.   Lorena  Ilumbarger. 

Recorder  of  deeds,  Norman  B.  Judd. 

Assistant  recorder  of  deeds,  Charleotta  P.Ianding. 

Surveyor,  J.  F.  Relf. 

County  attorney,  Richard  C.  James. 

District  judge,  John   B.   Raper. 

County  commissioners — (Appointed  on  the  adoption  of  the  commission 
system  or  countv  govermnent  at  the  1916  election) — Aaron  Louchs.  Falls 
Citv;  X.  D.  .\uxier.  X'erdon :  Hugh  Iv  Boyd.  Humboldt. 




liarada  precinct,  as  now  constituted,  lies  in  the  northeast  corner  of  tlie 
c(jiinty,  and  is  one  of  the  very  first  parts  of  the  countv  to  be  settled.  It  con- 
tains an  abundant  supply  of  excellent  water  and  is  well  timbered.  The  soil 
is  very  fertile,  producing  heavy  crops  of  all  kinds  of  grain,  grown  in  this 
latitude.     For  the  most  part  the  land  lies  well. 

As  in  its  earliest  days,  its  soil  has  in  the  driest  years  stood  the  drought 
better  than  any  part  of  the  county.  At  times  when  other  parts  of  the  county 
and  the  lands  on  the  opposite  side  of  the  river  have  been  hard  hit  from  this 
cause,  old  Barada  has  produced  a  crop.  This  was  particularlv  true  a  few 
years  ago,  when  there  was  bitt  little  corn  grown  on  account  of  drought  — at 
that  time  Barada  produced  almost  a  normal  yield. 

This  township  lies  mostly  in  what  was  formerly  known  as  the  Half- 
Breed  Tract  or  Reservation,  and  was  first  settled  by  the  French  and  half- 
breed  Indians,  to  whom  the  land  was  allotted  in  tracts  of  three  hundred  and 
twenty  acres  to  each  individual  who  was  fortunate  enough  to  have  his  or 
her  name  on  the  list. 


Antoine  Barada,  for  whom  the  precinct  and  village  of  Barada  was  named 
was  among  the  first  white  settlers  in  this  part  of  the  county,  Firmin  Douville 
and  Zephyr  Recontre,  the  latter  of  whom  lived  to  be  over  one  hundred  years  of 
age  and  in  the  latter  part  of  his  life  resided  in  South  Dakota  and  who  accom- 
panied the  famous  Lewis  and  Clark  expedition  in  1804  on  its  journey  up  the 
Missouri  and  west  over  the  Rocky  mountains  to  the  mouth  of  the  Columbia 
river,  near  .Vstoria,  Oregon,  being  the  first,  with  Stephen  Story  and  John  B. 
Didier,  to  settle  in  Barada  precinct. 

Mr.  Barada  was  a  most  remarkable  man  in  his  day  and  time  and  was 
born  at  St.  Marv's,  near  Ft.  Calhoun,  across  the  Missouri  river  from  Omaha, 


in  1807,  the  son  of  a  Frenchman  from  France,  Michael  Barada,  and  his 
mother,  a  full-blood  member  of  the  Omaha  tribe  of  Indians.  His  father, 
Michael  Barada,  was  an  educated  Frenchman,  and  was  employed  by  the 
United  States  government  as  an  interpreter  and  served  in  that  capacity  in 
the  making  of  the  famous  Prairie  du  Chien  treaty,  which  was  negotiated  at 
a  town  in  Wisconsin  bearing  that  name  and  the  treaty  is  known  as  the  Treaty 
of  Prairie  du  Chien. 

The  elder  Barada  and  his  wife  and  young  Antoine  were  stationed  at  Ft. 
Liasr  on  the  Missouri,  about  two  hundred  miles  north  of  St.  ]\Iary's  (above 
Omaha).  It  was  here  that  the  lad  was  stolen  from  his  parents  at  the  fort  l)y 
a  band  of  Sioux  warriors  and  held  in  captivit}'  at  a  point  some  distance  farther 
west,  and  a  ransom  demanded.  The  lad  was  recovered  some  six  months  later 
by  his  father  upon  the  payment  of  "two  ponies"  as  a  ransom.  Upon  his  re- 
turn to  the  fort  with  the  lad,  the  father,  fearful  of  repeated  abductions,  gave 
the  boy  to  some  soldiers  who  had  promised  to  take  him  East,  where  he  would 
be  educated  at  the  West  Point  Military  Academy.  The  boy  was,  accordingly, 
taken  down  the  river  to  Carondolet,  south  of  the  City  of  St.  Louis  by  the  sol- 
diers, who,  however,  upon  their  arrival  there  and  after  imbibing  freely  in 
spirits,  immediately  forgot  their  high  resolves  in  his  behalf  and  abandoned 
him  in  the  streets  where,  after  their  departure,  he  was  found  stranded  and 
restored  to  his  aunt,  Mrs.  Moosac.  Later,  he  was  employed  in  a  stone  (|uarry 
owned  by  Coates  &  Whitnell,  an  English  concern.  He  resided  for  some  time 
in  St.  Louis  and  was  perfectly  familiar  with  the  mountain  and  plain  from  the 
Missouri  river  to  the  Pacific  coast. 

Barada  visited  this  county  with  a  party  of  Indiains  in  the  year  1816  and 
in  later  years  when  the  first  of  the  pioneers  came,  they  found  him  here  where 
he  spent  the  remainder  of  his  life.  On  his  first  trip  here  with  the  Indians  in 
1816  they  found  a  drove  of  elk  and  deer  stranded  in  the  frozen  mud  on  the 
banks  of  the  Missouri,  near  the  mouth  of  the  Nemaha,  south  of  Rule,  and 
which  they  slaughtered  for  meat.  He  made  many  trips  across  the  plains  and 
over  the  mountains.  On  one  occasion  he  was  met  by  his  mother  in  the 
Blackbird  hills  north  of  Omaha  and  she  tried  in  vain  to  dissuade  him  from 
such  travel,  but  being  under  contract  he  continued  in  service  for  one  year  l)e- 
fore  returning  to  her.  He  was  a  thick,  heavy-set  man  of  broad  shoulders 
and  of  prodigious  strength  and  is  remembered  by  Richardson  county  people 
particularly  for  this  trait.  Many  stories  are  told  among  those  who  knew 
him  best  of  instances  where  he  lifted  great  weights  and  performed  feats 
demonstrating  his  great  physical  prowess.     .\t  the  government  arsenal  in  St. 


Louis  there  remains  unto  this  day  a  great  stone  fashioned  for  a  doorsill  which 
he  lifted  "clear  of  the  ground."  It  bears  carved  on  its  sides  the  following 
witness:  "1700  pounds''  and  his  name  and  date  inscribed  thereon. 

Barada  died  in  this  county  in  1887  and  was  buried  in  the  Catholic  ceme- 
tery about  a  half  mile  east  of  the  village  of  Barada,  which  bears  his  name. 
His  sister,  Euphraisia,  was  the  wufe  of  Fulton  Peters,  another  pioneer  of 
Barada  township.  He  left  a  number  of  descendants,  the  result  of  his  mar- 
riage to  a  French  woman,  Josephine  \'ierhen,  who  was  familiarh-  known  as 
"IMarcelite".  He  had  nine  children  of  whom  three  are  living :  Julia  (  Provo) , 
at  W'althill,  Nebraska;  Celistia  (Kuhn),  Rosalia,  Nebraska,  and  Thomas 
Barada.  also  of  the  Blackbird  reservation,  north  of  Omaha. 

The  French  Indians  to  whom  these  lands  were  allotted  originally,  soon 
sold  out  their  holdings  to  immigrate  to  points  further  \\"est.  where  they 
figured  for  a  time  in  some  capacity  or  another  on  the  very  verge  of  civiliza- 


Among  the  oldest  .settlers  of  the  township  was  J.  L.  Stephens,  familiarly 
known  and  hailed  throughout  that  portion  of  the  county  as  "Stephens."' 
Jack  was  "a  fellow  of  infinite  jest"  and  his  description  of  the  difficulties  of 
swine  culture  in  those  earh  days,  must  have  been  heard  to  be  rightly  appre- 

John  May  was  another  of  the  early  pioneers  who  by  a  strict  attention 
to  business,  early  secured  a  competence.  In  the  eastern  part  of  the  town- 
ship was  a  settlement  of  Germans  who  largely  predominate  to  this  day.  This 
part  of  the  township  early  had  a  very  neat  and  substantial  Catholic  church 
erected  by  the  enterprise  of  Buchholz,  Spadth,  the  Kelleys  and  other  Cath- 
olics. In  the  northern  part  of  the  township  there  was  an  abimdance  of  saw 
timber,  consisting  of  oak  and  walnut.  There  was  located  a  steam  saw-mill 
by  Hiram  Browning,  who  supplied  the  people  of  the  surrounding  country 
with  a  large  amount  of  fencing  and  frame  timlser  for  houses.  In  the  north- 
west corner  of  the  township  was  what  was  known  as  the  King  settlement, 
so  called  from  the  fact  that  Squire  J.  P.  King  was  the  first  to  commence  in 
this  corner.  Here  Henry  and  Milton  Shubert  produced  ten  thousand  bushels 
of  corn  in  one  season,  about  1870,  and  in  the  same  season  Slocum  produced 
five  thousand  bushels.  This  township  has  good  schools  and  a  progressive 
people  who  are  always  in  the  forefront. 

The  last  governor,  the  Hon.  John  H.  Morehead,  began  his  life  in  this 
count\    in  this  iirecinct.  where  for  inanv  vears  he  conducted  successfullv  a 


mercantile  business  and  later  Iiecanie  the  owner  of  many  highly-improved 
farms,  which  he  still  owns. 

Hon.  Henry  Gerdes,  number  of  the  state  board  of  control  of  state  insti- 
tutions, spent  most  of  his  life  in  this  precinct,  where  he  and  his  son  still  have 
valuable  holdings  of  real  estate. 

The  apple  orchards  alone  have  made  this  precinct  famous  throughout 
the  state,  as  the  (juality  raised  there  always  command  the  highest  prices. 


St.  Stephens  precinct  lies  in  the  northeast  corner  of  tiie  county  ex- 
tending to  the  Missouri  river  on  the  east  and  the  county  line  on  the  north. 
It  has  in  later  years  been  joined  on  to  Barada  and  is  now  so  known.  The 
precinct  took  its  name  from  the  old  town  of  St.  Stephens,  which  no  doubt 
took  its  name  from  the  predeliction  of  some  Frenchman  for  a  saintlv  name 
for  a  cluster  of  very  rough  and  ragged  hills  and  bluffs  that  constituted  the 
site  upon  which  the  so-called  town  was  located.  The  precinct  had  a  fewer 
number  of  acres  than  any  other  precinct  in  the  county. 

The  surface  of  the  country  in  this  section  is  quite  uneven  and  a  large 
portion  of  the  lands  being  broken  and  bluffy.  This  disadvantage  was  how- 
ever counterbalanced  by  a  goodly  supply  of  good  hard  wood  timber  and 
excellent  water.  There  is  a  considerable  amount  of  good  tillable  land  lying 
in  the  southwest  part  of  the  precinct,  on  the  head  waters  of  the  Half-Breed 

The  Missouri  bottom  lands  in  this  precinct  amount  to  several  tiiousand 
acres  and.  include  timber,  swamp  and  some  of  the  best  land  in  the  countv. 
The  timber  is  mostly  cottonwood,  walnut  and  sycamore.  The  timber  in  tlie 
early  daj's  was  large  and  afforded  abundant  supply  of  saw  logs,  which  were 
rapidly  transformed  into  lumber  of  the  first  quality  by  Sweet  &  Patterson, 
who  owned  a  good  saw-mill,  to  which  they  later  added  a  grist-mill.  The 
demand  at  this  point  for  lumber  was  great  and  these  early  lumbermen  were 
not  able  to  supply  the  f|uantity  required,  yet  running  their  mill  to  its  utmost 

James  Cottier  was  one  of  tlie  early  landholders  of  prominence,  as  well 
as  Gus  Duerfeldt.  Mr.  .Stump,  and  William  Parchen. 

The  precinct  in  the  early  days  had  a  postoffice  known  as  Williamsvillc. 
but  its  market  at  that  time  was  at  Arago. 

ig4  RICHARDSON      CtlUNT'^;, 


rails  Cit_\-  precinct  is  six  miles  s(|imre,  bordered  on  the  south  by  the 
Kansas-Nebraska  state  line  and  is  sonthermost  of  the  second  tier  of  precincts 
west  from  the  Missouri  river,  and  includes  some  of  the  most  beautiful  and 
fertile  lands  to  be  found  in  southeast  Nebraska. 

Nature  has  dealt  most  generously  with, this  localit}^  bestowing  upon  it 
such  a  combination  of  her  favors  as  is  seldom  granted  to  any  section.  The 
land  is  smooth,  undulating  and  almost  inexhaustible  in  fertility.  An  abund- 
ance of  never-failing  stock  water,  supplied  by  springs  and  small  streams,  is 
found  almost  upon  every  quarter  section  in  the  precinct.  A  plentiful  supply 
of  good  building  stone  is  found  on  the  Great  Xemaha  river  and  Pony  creek. 
In  addition  to  all  this,  a  most  beautiful  landscape  is  afforded  by  a  combina- 
tion of  uplands,  broad  valleys  and  beautiful  groves  constantly  presented,  to 
the  eye. 

These  are  some  of  the  general  features  and  advantages  of  this  precinct, 
besides  which  it  has  many  special  ones  that  are  deserving  of  notice.  Of  these 
the  most  important  is  the  (ireat  Nemaha  river,  which  runs  entirely  through, 
the  precinct  from  west  to  east:  its  \alley,  the  most  beautiful  in  the  west,  is 
from  one  to  two  miles  in  width.  The  lands  it  embraces  are  rich,  alluvial 
flats  or  Ijottom  lands,  wet  in  places,  but  all  susceptible  to  drainage,  and  as 
corn  and  grass  lands  unexcelled  by  any  that  the  sun  ever  shone  upon. 

The  Great  Nemaha  is  more  than  one  hundred  miles  in  length,  reaching 
far  into  Kansas,  with  its  southwest  branches  and  nearly  to  the  state  capitol  in 
the  northwest,  draining  an  immense  area  of  country  anil  furnishing  a  ne\er- 
failing  volume  of  water. 

The  Falls  of  the  Xemaha,  where  the  banks  and  bed  of  the  stream  in  the 
earh-  times  were  formed  of  stone  and  where  the  water  had  a  perpendicular 
fall  lit  four  feet  over  a  ledge  of  rock,  gave  the  name  to  the  precinct  as  well 
as  to  the  city,  which  we  know  as  Falls  City. 

The  power  furnished  !\v  these  falls  was  used  for  many  years  by  String- 
lield  &  .Stumbo  for  a  mill. 

On  the  south  side  of  the  Nemaha  river,  and  extending  to  the  Kansas 
line,  is  a  Iwdy  of  fine  land  that  once  formed  a  part  of  the  Sac  &  Fox  Indian 
reservation,  but  which  was  purchased  from  the  Indians  and  thrown  open  for 
occupation  and  improvement  by  the  white  man.  This  section  now  presents 
one  of  the  best  settled  neighborhoods  in  the  entire  county. 

The  Nemaha  has  two  tributaries  from  the  south  within  the  limits  of  the 
precinct.     The   lirst   is    Ponv   creek,   a   small   creek    which   empties   into  the 



Nemaha  a  half  mile  below  the  falls.  The  land  lying  between  the  Pony  creek 
and  the  Nemaha  is  very  choice,  being  mostly  second  bottom  lands  of  great 
richness  and  beautifully  situated.  The  corn  patches,  or  farms,  of  the  Sac  & 
Fox  Indians  were  located  here.  The  old  Indian  village  occupied  the  bluff,  or 
line  plateau,  above  and  south  of  the  Falls  of  the  Nemaha. 

The  village  site  and  adjacent  lands  are  now  corn  and  wheat  fields;  and 
within  a  half  mile  from  the  spot  where  the  bark  wigwams  once  stood  was 
later  a  neat  and  substantial  school  house,  indicating  the  intelligence  and  enter- 
prise of  this  later  commmunity. 

Below  Ponv  creek,  some  two  or  three  miles,  the  waters  tif  Walnut  creek 
flow  into  the  Nemaha.  This  stream  is  of  considerable  size  and  runs  due 
north  for  a  distance  of  seven  or  eight  miles  from  Hiawatha,  Kansas. 
Tlie  Southern  Nebraska  &  Northern  Kansas  railroad  was,  as  surveyed,  to 
run  from  Hiawatha  to  Falls  City  along  this  valley.  The  Walnut  lands  are 
generally  excellent  in  quality  and  among  the  highest  priced  lands  in  the  county. 


At  the  crossing  of  the  Nemaha  near  the  old  Burliank  farm,  a  portion  of 
which  is  now  owned  by  James  Neeld,  and  on  the  main  line  of  travel  from 
southern  Nebraska  to  northern  Kansas  was  the  Loree  bridge,  a  substantial 
structure  above  high  water,  erected  b}'  the  county  at  a  cost  of  three  thousand 
dollars.  This  bridge  was  liuilt  by  Majnr  Loree  and  the  mud  sills  used  were 
hewn  from  trees  grown  in  the  count}-.  One,  an  oak,  was  obtained  from  the 
farm  of  \Villiam  Boyd,  near  Salem,  and  the  other,  a  walnut,  was  got  from 
the  Indian  reservation  east  of  Falls  City,  special  permission  being  had  from 
the  government  to  cut  the  same.  The  remarkable  fact  about  these  two  heavy 
timbers,  so  far  as  this  country  is  concerned,  if  judged  from  the  present  when 
there  is  hardly  any  timber  in  the  county  which  might  properly  be  called  "saw- 
timber^"  is  the  fact  that  they  each  squared  eighteen  inches  on  both  ends  and 
were  fortv  feet  long.  Imagine  the  size  of  a  tree  at  the  base  which,  when 
hewn,  might  .square  as  above  indicated  and  forty  feet  in  length  and  the  value 
i:f  either  (oak  or  walnut)  at  the  present-day  prices.  In  placing  them,  special 
block  and  tackle  equipment  was  brought  from  St.  Joseph,  ^lissouri. 

The  Muddy  creek  runs  through  the  northeast  part  of  the  precinct.  What 
was  known  in  the  earlier  days  as  the  .\rcher  bridge  spanned  this  stream  on 
the  road  between  Falls  City  and  Arago.  Near  the  bridge  on  the  .south  side 
of  the  Muddy  was  the  old  .\rcber  caniji  meeting  gro\e  where  many  revivals 
had  been  experienced  and  immense  c.mcourses  had  often  met:  where  l-'ourth 


of  July  picnics  and  celel:)rations  had  been  -held  and  man)'  interesting  events 
transpired,  tliat  will  form  a  part  of  the  unwritten  history  of  this  community 
and  count}'. 

Not  far  from  the  camp  ground  was  the  residence  of  Isaac  Crook,  one  of 
the  fust  pioneers  settlers  of  the  precinct  and  county,  who  arrived  in  1855  and 
who  was  the  first  county  treasurer. 

The  lands  lying  between  the  ^Fuddy  and  the  Nemaha  could  not  be 
improved  upon,  either  as  to  situation  or  soil.  It  is  no  exaggeration  to  say 
that  of  the  twenty  or  thirty  sections  of  upland  that  lie  between  these  two 
streams  within  the  precinct,  there  is  not  one  foot  that  cannot  easily  be  culti- 

The  town  of  Falls  City  is  located  upon  the  beautiful  ridge  that  divides 
the  waters  of  the  (ireat  Nemaha  river  and  Muddy  creek.  Its  location  is 
declared  by  all  who  have  ever  visited  it,  to  be  one  of  the  most  delightful — the 
grounds  upon  which  it  is  built,  sloping  gently  to  the  south  and  commanding 
a  view  of  the  country  for  miles  in  every  direction.  The  to\\nsite  was  laid 
ofif  and  occupied  some  time  during  the  summer  of  1857  by  James  Lane,  John 
A.  and  J.  E.  Burbank,  Isaac  L.  Ilamby  and  others.  Among  the  early  resi- 
dents and  those  who  have  done  most  to  upbuild  this  town  and  to  advance  its 
interests  and  who  were  its  most  active  citizens,  were  Hon.  E.  S.  Dundy,  Hon. 
Isham  Reavis,  Daniel  Reavis,  August  Schoenheit,  David  R.  Holt.  Jesse  Crook, 
Ed.  S.  Towle,  James  Cameron,  Anderson  Miller,  W.  M.  Maddox,  Dr.  H.  O. 
Haniia,  David  Dorrington  and  William  H.  Mann. 

LTp  until  1870-71  the  population  had  not  reached  above  about  seven  hun- 
dred, l)ut  with  the  coming  of  the  railroad  the  business  interests  exiierienced 
a  boom  and  the  town  grew  very  rapidly.  The  next  greatest  period  of  boom 
was  in  later  years,  in  1912  and  1913,  when  the  Missouri  Pacific  Division  was 
finally  located  here,  when  it  experienced  the  greatest  boom  in  all  its  history 
for  the  same  period  nf  time. 


Rulo  precinct  occupies  die  southeast  corner  and  takes  its  name  from  the 
city  of  Rulo.  The  town  was  founded  by  Charles  Rouleau,  a  bYenchman,  who 
settled  on  the  site  of  the  town  in  1855.  The  town  is  located  on  the  Missouri 
river  alx)ut  two  miles  north  of  the  Great  Nemaha,  and  lies  on  what  was 
l(irmerl\-  known  as  the  Half-Breed  tract:  consequently,  the  town  and  the 
land  surrciunding  it  were  allotted  to  and  for  a  long  time  held  by  the  half- 
jjreed  Indians  and  white  men  who  bad  married  into  the  Lo  family. 


This  class  of  occupants  was  not  particularly  distinguished  for  enter- 
prise, if  we  accept  the  lively  manner  in  which  the}-  conducted  their  real-estate 
transactions,  frequently  disposing  of  the  same  piece  of  land  two  or  three 
times,  and  their  very  liberal  patronage  of  the  dealer  in  the  fluid  extract  of 
sod  corn. 

For  some  years  this  element  seriously  retarded  the  progress  ant!  growth 
of  this  section  of  our  county,  but  they  disappeared  before  the  tide  of  immi- 
gration that  was  attracted  to  this  \icinity  by  its  many  natural  advantages. 
The  town  of  Rulo  contained  several  hundred  (perhaps  seven  or  eight  hun- 
dred) people  prior  to  the  coming  of  the  railroad  in  1871  and  thereafter  rapidly 
improved.  In  the  year  1870,  just  prior  to  the  coming  of  the  railroad,  which 
was  built  in  from  the  south  on  this  side  of  the  river,  this  point  handled  more 
than  one  hundred  thousand  bushels  of  corn.  A  steam  corn  sheller  was  used 
for  shelling  the  corn  and  the  grain  merchants  there  had  much  to  complain  of 
in  regard  to  transportation  facilities.  One  line  of  steamers  had  a  monopoly 
upon  the  entire  carrying  trade  on  the  river  and  practiced  extortion  in  the  way 
of  high  freight  rates  and,  like  the  later  and  greater  railroad  monopoly,  were 
as  much  displeasing  to  the  shipper,  as  they  carried  the  grain  when  they  pleased, 
witliout  reference  to  the  convenience  or  interest  of  the  shippers.  This  condi- 
tion caused  the  shippers  to  pray  for  the  speedy  arri\al  of  the  "iron  horse," 
which  forever  (or  at  least  to  the  present  time),  has  put  the  boats  out  of  busi- 
ness. They  felt  that  the  first  snort  of  the  iron  horse  coming  from  the  south 
or  east,  along  the  valley  of  the  Missouri,  would  spoil  the  nice  little  thing  so 
long  enjoyed  by  the  steamboat  men  exclusively. 

This  precinct  embraces  a  very  excellent  body  of  land,  all  of  which  is  now 
highly  improved.  The  character  of  the  farm  buildings,  improvements  and 
so  forth,  will  compare  favorably  with  those  of  any  other  part  of  the  state. 

In  the  early  days  cheap  lumber  was  obtained  from  the  Rush  bottoms  just 
across  the  river  and  from  the  extensive  establishment  of  Mr.  Sprinkle,  near 
the  Yankton  townsite  north  of  Rulo.  The  Great  Nemaha  river  runs  through 
the  southern  part  of  the  precinct.  The  uplands  of  this  valley  consist  of  smooth 
undulating  prairie,  which  in  most  cases  slopes  gradually  doAvn  to  the  bottom 
lands  of  the  Nemaha,  which  are  from  one  to  two  miles  wide.  Several  small 
streams  afiford  an  abundance  of  water  and  groves  of  timber. 

A  portion  of  the  Sac  and  Fox  and  Iowa  Indian  reservations  were  located 
in  this  precinct,  on  the  south  side  of  the  Nemaha  river. 

Rulo  precinct  has  grown  rapidlv  and  is  one  of  the  wealthv  precincts  of 
the  countv. 



Arago  precinct  lies  in  the  central  east  portion  of  the  connty.  and  extends 
to  the  Missouri  river. 

The  town  of  Arago  gives  the  name  to  the  precinct.  This  town  was 
founded  by  a  colony  of  Germans  from  Buffalo,  Xew  York,  in  the  summer 
of  1858.  Owing  to  its  location  on  the  ^Missouri  river,  where  it  had  a  boat 
service  both  up  and  down  that  stream,  and  its  other  flattering  prospects  as 
a  town,  the  sale  of  town  lots  was  quite  lively.  Judge  C.  H.  Walther  was 
the  pioneer  merchant  of  the  place,  antl  there  also  was  at  the  time  Hon.  Lewis 
Algewahr,  who  was  then  running  a  saw-mill,  surveying  the  township,  etc. 
Somerland  was  with  the  Burchards,  Fredericks  (Uncle  Peter),  the  Neitzels, 
Nutzmans,  Stock  and  Wirth  among  its  citizens.  The  first  and  greatest 
attempt  at  a  packing  house  was  the  pork-packing  establishment  conducted 
at  this  place,  by  Mr.  Lewis  Algewahr.  As  a  grain  market  Arago  stood 
second  to  no  other  place  in  the  county  in  the  early  days.  It  had  dry  goods, 
drugs,  meat  market,  pork-packing  establishment,  cooper  shop,  flour-  and 
saw-mills,  grain  merchants,  brewery,  furniture  store,  jewelry,  blacksmith, 
tin,  and  shoe  shops,  hotels,  saloon,  a  singer  hall,  a  fine  brass  band,  etc..  etc., 
besides  a  jolly,  good-natured  population. 

The  precinct  embraces  some  very  fine  land,  and  is  well  supplied  with 
those  essentials  for  farming  purposes — timber  and  good  water.  The  land 
in  some  portions  of  the  precinct  is  a  little  rough,  but  is  used  as  pastures. 
The  population  is  now,  as  in  the  older  days,  largely  German,  as  any  one 
can  see  not  only  from  the  dialect  and  customs  prevailing,  but  from  the  thrift 
and  prosperity  exerywhere  prevailing. 

The  German  settlement  was  first  commenced  by  a  colony  from  Buft'alo. 
to  which  we  ha\e  already  alluded  as  founding  the  village  of  Arago  in  1858. 
Rallying  around  the  little  nucleus  formed  at  Arago,  the  settlement  rapidly 
extended  until  it  became  a  large  and  distinctive  element  in  our  population. 
Prior  to  the  organization  and  location  of  the  German  colony,  there  was 
some  settlement  made  in  this  precinct,  but  mostly  from  Missouri.  The 
lands  of  this  i)recinct  being  altogether  on  the  Half-Breed  Reserve,  were 
allotted  to  half-breed  Indians. 

Among  the  early  settlers  in  this  \icinity  were  Houston  Xuckols,  Stephen 
Story,  Steve  Lyon  Picotte,  William  R.  Cain.  Mr.  Cain  remained  on  his 
farm  for  many  \ears  an  honored  and  honorable  citizen,  Ijut  in  later  years 
reniined  to  balls  Citv,  where  he  spent  his  declining  years.  Houston  Nuckols 
has    passed    from    this    stage   of   action    "to   that   bourne    from    whence    no 


traveler  ever  returns. '"  Who  among  the  old  settlers  can  forget  Houston 
Nuckols  and  his  schemes?  How  he  ruled  the  limited  world  in  which  he 
moved;  how  he  carried  on  his  real-estate  transactions,  much  as  boys  would 
swap  jack  knives,  and  how,  after  a  few  years  of  active  and,  in  many  respects, 
successful  strife  with  the  world,  he  at  last  fell  a  victim  to  the  fatal  cup. 
St.  Stephens,  which  was  founded  Ijy  Nuckols  and  Story,  flourished  for  a 
few  years  as  a  trading  post  and  ferry  crossing  the  Missouri,  but  was  Anally 
absorbed  by  the  more  enterprising  town  of  Arago.  Many  of  the  pioneers 
crossed  on  this  ferry,  with  its  captain,  sometimes  called  "Pap  Price." 

The  precinct  made  very  little  progress  until  the  coming  of  the  Germans 
from  Buffalo,  since  which  time  it  has  improved  steadily  and  rapidly  until 
at  the  present  time  it  is  one  continuous  field  of  highly  improved  farms. 

Winnebago  Branch  runs  through  this  precinct  from  northwest  to  south- 
east, and  the  Half-Breed  Branch  from  the  north  through  the  entire  length 
of  the  precinct  to  the  south,  with  many  diverging  branches  that  afiford  an 
abundant  supply  of  water. 

The  soil,  location  and  exposure  of  the  lands  in  this  precinct  are  well 
adapted  to  the  culture  of  all  kinds  of  fruit.  It  must  take  first  rank  in  this 
respect.  The  precinct  is  well  supplied  with  schools  in  the  hands  of  very 
competent  instructors  and  as  a  consequence  contains  a  highly  intelligent 
class  of  people.  The  advantages  of  soil,  water,  etc.,  together  with  the 
energy  and  enterprise  of  the  people,  combine  to  make  it  a  powerful  com- 


The  first  permanent  settlement  made  in  Richardson  covmty  was  at  a 
point  now  embraced  within  the  limits  of  what  is  known  as  Ohio  precinct 
or  township. 

During  the  summer  of  1854  John  Level  settled  at  Archer  Grove.  He 
was  the  first  white  man  who  broke  the  solitude  of  this  beautiful  expanse  of 
prairie  wilderness:  the  first  of  a  population  now  numbering  many  thousand 
people.  He  did  not  have  time  to  sing  "Oh!  solitude,  where  are  thy  charms," 
for  he  was  quickly  followed  by  others  and  in  a  few  months  a  settlement  was 
formed  and  the  town  of  old  Archer  laid  off  at  which  the  seat  of  government 
was  at  once  established. 

The  Half-Breed  Reservation  complication  which  arose  about  this  time 
soon  ruined  the  prospects  of  the  new  town,  the  seat  of  government  departed, 
and  with  it  the  glory  of  Archer. 

But  this  did  not  verv  much  retard  the  settleiuent  of  the  rich  fine  lands 


of  Ohio  township.  Prior  to  the  laying-  out  of  old  Archer  and  early  in  the 
year  of  1855  Uncle  Billy  Goolsby  located  on  Goolsby  Branch  at  Goolsby 
Grove,  where  he  at  once  inaugurated  a  vigorous  war  of  extermination  upon 
the  wolves  and  wildcats  of  that  section,  which  he  prosecuted  as  long  as  a 
wolf  or  wildcat  could  be  started  within  five  miles  of  the  premises,  and  where 
he  lived  for  many  years  in  the  possession  of  one  of  the  most  beautiful  and 
valuable  farms  in  the  county.  At  about  the  same  time  or  perhaps  a  little 
earlier  John  F.  Harkendorf  settled  on  Muddy  creek,  near  the  present  crossing 
of  that  stream,  known  as  the  Harkendorf  bridge.  He  was  probably  the 
first  German  settler  in  the  county  and  a  fair  representative  of  that  thriving 
and  prosperous  class  of  our  citizens. 

These  were  among  the  first  settlers  of  the  county.  In  the  spring  of 
1856  the  Widow  McElroy  settled  on  McElroy  Branch  and  gave  name  to 
that  stream.  Since  that  time,  each  succeeding  year,  saw  an  influx  of  immi- 
gration. The  settlement  of  this  township  was  for  most  part  in  the  ordinary 
way,  by  people  from  different  states  and  countries.  In  the  northeast  part  of 
the  township  a  settlement  of  Germans  had  been  formed  who,  with  their 
usual  industry,  rapidly  improved  their  lands. 

Within  two  years  antedating  1870  the  most  important  event  in  the  set- 
tlement of  this  precinct  was  the  advent  of  a  large  class  of  Dunkards.  They 
were  sober  and  industrious  in  habits,  normal  and  upright  in  principle  and 
possessing  energy  and  intelligence  and  means,  which  made  them  ever  useful 
and  desirable  citizens. 

The  natural  resources  and  character  of  the  land  entitle  it  to  especial 
notice.  The  soil  is  the  best,  being  deep,  rich  and  fine.  From  the  location 
of  the  principal  stream  through  the  southern  part  of  the  township  the  lands 
nearly  all  lie  to  the  south,  causing  grass  and  grains  to  start  earlier  than 
with  any  other  exposure.  It  is  well  watered.  The  Muddy  creek  runs 
entirely  through  the  southern  part  of  the  township.  Three  smaller  streams 
empty  into  it  from  the  north,  affording  abundant  water  in  every  section. 
These  streams  are  all  fed  by  unfailing  springs  of  excellent  soft  water,  and 
do  not  dry  up  in  the  dryest  season.  The  lands  lie  smooth  down  to  the 
water's  edge,  there  being  no  bluffs  or  rough  lands  in  the  whole  towaiship. 
The  valley  of  the  Muddy  is  from  one  to  two  miles  wide  and  consists  of 
first  bottom  lands.  From  the  Muddy  northward  the  land  rises  gradually 
to  the  north  end  of  the  precinct. 

This  township  is  amply  supi)lied  with  good  schools  and  churches  and  is 
one  oi  the  best  of  the  countv. 



]\Iuddy  precinct  is  at  present  composed  of  a  single  township,  witli  two 
voting  places,  the  one  at  Stella  and  the  other  at  Shubert,  and  for  conven- 
ience known  as  east  and  west  Muddy.  Formerly  it  embraced  about  one- 
fifth  the  area  of  the  entire  county,  including  the  Muddy  creek  for  several 
miles  and  all  north  of  that  stream  to  the  county  line.  As  at  present  bounded 
it  comprises  a  fine  body  of  land  on  the  north  side  of  the  Muddy  and  extend- 
ing to  the  county  line.  Sardine  branch  and  several  other  streams  pen*"- 
trating  it  in  various  directions,  afiford  to  this  part  of  the  county  an  abundance 
of  good  water.  The  soil,  like  that  of  most  of  the  uplands  of  the  county, 
is  a  rich,  sand)'  loam,  well  adapted  to  the  culture  of  corn,  wheat,  oats,  rye, 
barley  and  potatoes.  The  supply  of  timber  within  the  precinct  is  not  \ery 

The  first  settlement  of  this  precinct  was  made  as  early  as  1858.  About 
this  time  G.  B.  Patterson  and  C.  Slagel  located  on  Sardine  branch :  C. 
Van  Deventer  and  the  Wilkinson  family  on  "Johnny  Cake  ridge,"  and  the 
Hays  family  on  Muddy  creek.  A  large  amount  of  lands  in  this  precinct 
early  fell  into  the  hands  of  land  speculators,  who  proved  a  curse  to  the 
country  and  much  retarded  the  early  and  rapid  settlement,  holding  their 
lands  until  the  sweat  and  toil  of  the  pioneer  had  enhanced  prices  and  enabled 
them  to  obtain  enormous  returns  upon  their  small  investments.  The  lands 
are  now  among  the  best  and  command  the  highest  prices  paid  for  land  in 
the  county.  The  land  warrants  with  which  they  were  entered  cost  the 
speculator  from  seventy-five  to  eighty  cents  per  acre.  Of  course  the  increased 
value  was  owing  to  the  increased  value  made  by  the  actual  occupants,  and 
it  is  not  strange  that  all  manner  of  expedients  were  resorted  to.  to  oblige 
the  capitalists  to  pay  for  a  small  portion  of  the  improvements  in  the  way 
of  school  houses  and  road  taxes. 

The  large  amount  of  these  speculators'  land  for  a  long  time  accounted 
for  the  light  populatiou  of  this  precinct,  but  in  time,  like  in  all  the  country, 
this  impediment  was  swept  away  and  the  precinct  is  now  as  well  settled 
as  any  and  as  prosperous  as  the  best. 

The  citizens  of  Muddy  are  intelligent  and  wideawake  and  have  always 
taken  an  active  interest  in  the  political  and  material  questions  connected 
with  the  history  oi  our  county. 

The  vote  of  the  precinct  has  always  been  counted  as  being  solid  for  tiie 
party  of  progress.  Since  the  first  settlement  in  1858,  schools  have  been 
maintained  in   the  different  neighborhoods  of  the   precinct.      In   the  earlier 


times  mail  facilities  were  poorly  arranged  and  mail  from  this  point  was 
routed  to  cross  the  Missouri  river  and  thence  was  carried  north  nearly  to 
the  Iowa  state  line,  where  it  again  crossed  the  Missouri  at  Aspinwall  and 
thence  to  its  destination  in  Liberty  precinct. 

Muddy  is  the  home  of  two  of  the  liveliest  towns  of  the  county,  Stella  and 
Shubert,  the  former  in  the  extreme  west  and  the  latter  in  the  extreme  east 
part  of  the  precinct,  both  having  railway  connection,  the  former  on  the  Mis- 
souri-Pacific railroad  and  the  latter  on  the  Nebraska  City  branch  of  the 
Burlington   railroad. 


Porter  precinct,  named  in  honor  of  Colonel  Porter,  the  first  settler  in 
this  locality,  is  situated  in  the  northwestern  part  of  the  county.  It  contains 
thirty-six  sections  of  as  fine  land  as  Nebraska  affords.  There  was  early  a 
scarcity  of  timber  in  this  part  of  the  country,  but  wherever  settlements 
were  made  groves  and  hedges  were  planted  so  this  deficiency  was  not  long 
felt.  The  branches  of  the  Little  Muddy,  a  tributary  of  Muddy  creek,  waters 
the  township. 

The  precinct  settled  slowly  from  the  fact  that  large  bodies  of  the  land 
was  held  by  speculators,  who  were  slow  to  part  with  it;  but  in  later  times 
it  got  more  and  more  into  the  hands  of  actual  occupants,  who  speedily 
went  to  work  in  a  way  of  making  development  of  the  same. 

Dr.  R.  S.  Molony,  Sr.,  of  Galesburg,  Illinois,  was  the  owner  of  one 
of  these  tracts  containing  some  four  thousand  acres.  This  tract  was  put 
on  the  market  in  such  a  way  as  to  prove  profitable  to  the  new  owners  and 
convenient  to  many  persons  of  limited  means,  who  were  seeking  homes. 
The  owner,  Dr.  R.  S.  Molony,  sold  alternate  sections  in  farms  of  eighty 
to  one  hundred  and  sixty  acres  on  ten  years'  time  at  ten  dollars  per  acre, 
with  ten  per  cent  interest.  He  rapidly  found  purchasers  for  a  considerable 
portion  of  his  land,  and  a  live,  energetic  settlement  of  people  was  soon  formed 
in  that  vicinity.  His  son,  R.  S.  Molony,  a  very  enterprising  young  gentle- 
man, soon  made  a  fine  three  hundred  and  sixty  acre  farm  adjoining  this 
tract  and  acted  as  agent  for  the  sale  of  the  remainder  of  the  land.  This 
land,  which  is  accounted  among  the  very  best  in  Richardson  county  today, 
and  readily  sells  for  more  than  two  hundred  dollars  per  acre,  was  originally 
bought  by  the  senior  Molony  with  school  script  during  war  times  for  the 
very  meager  sum  of  but  a  few  cents  per  acre. 

One  of  the  very  earliest  settlers  in  this  part  of  the  county  was  J.  E. 
Crowe,  who  for  a  number  of  years  carried  on   farming  operations  in  this 


precinct  on  an  extensive  scale.  About  i<SCi8  Mr.  Crowe  sold  the  s,n-eater 
part  of  his  fine  tract  of  three  or  four  thousand  acres,  and  his  fine  farm, 
known  and  famed  in  the  west  end  of- .the  county  as  the  "Crowe  Farm"  to 
Capt.  W.  T.  Wilhite.  who  occupied  it  for  many  years  and  was  ably  assisted 
for  a  time  in  its  cultivation  by  his  brother,  Hon.  J.  R.  Wilhite,  afterwards 
and  for  many  years  county  judge  of  the  county  and  now  a  resident  of  Falls 
Citv.  About  the  same  time  a  brother  of  Mr.  Crowe — John  Crowe — opened 
a  fine  large  farm  in  the  same  neighborhood. 

Barney  Mullen,  James  Cornelius  and  J.  Corwin  Fergus  and  E.  C.  Hill, 
Sr..  were  early  and  substantial  settlers  of  this  precinct  and  possessed  of 
many  hundred  of  acres  of  the  finest  land  in  the  precinct,  the  two  former  of 
whom  are  still  living  residents  of  the  county. 

The  prairie  land  of  this  precinct  was  exceptionally  fine  and  smooth. 
The  attention  of  farmers  in  this  locality  has  heretofore  been  tinmed  largel\- 
to  the  cultivation  of  wheat,  which  succeeds  well. 

The  stock  both  of  cattle  and  hogs  of  this  precinct  is  of  a  superior  quality, 
owing  to  the  enterprise  and  intelligence  of  the  leading  farmers  in  improving 

This  locality,  being  remote  from  market,  its  growth  was  for  a  time 
greatly  retarded;  but  this  inconvenience  was  removed  by  the  building  of 
the  town  of  Humboldt,  which  immediately,  by  its  rapid  growth,  supplied 
the  facilities  for  buying  and  selling  so  essential  to  successful  farming.  The 
improvements  made  have  been  generally  of  most  substantial  character  and 
th*^  precinct  is  amply  supplied  with  school  houses  and  churches. 

The  postofifice  at  Monterev  in  the  early  days  accommodated  the  people 
with  mail  facilities  but  in  these  later  days  the  rural  mail  routes  supply  each 
farmer  with  the  mail  he  receives. 

Porter  i)recinct  is  now  in  the  forefront  of  the  precincts  of  the  county, 
having  as  small  a  percentage  as  any  of  unusable  lands  and  is  the  home  of 
some  of  the  wealthy  and  most  extensive  farmers  of  the  county. 


Liberty  precinct  lies  immediately  north  of  Salem,  and  was  part  of  Salem 
and  Aluddy  precincts  until  1869,  when  the  county  commissioners  in  revising 
precinct  boundaries,  determined,  as  far  as  practicable,  to  constitute  each 
township  of  lands  within  the  county  a  voting  precinct.  Thus,  Liberty  came 
into  existence  and  consists  of  the  territory  embraced  in  township  2  of  range 
No.  15.  Eacli  township  in  the  county  at  this  time.  1917,  constitutes  a  voting 


The  precinct  occupies  the  divide  between  the  ^[uddy  and  Xemaha.  The 
raih'oad  village  of  Verdon,  located  in  this  precinct  with  the  coming  of  the 
Missouri- Pacific  railroad  in  1882,  has  grown  to  be  one  of  the  very  prettiest 
of  the  towns  of  the  county  and  has  a  fine  business  section,  well  built  up.  and 
many  beautiful  homes. 

The  lands  of  the  precinct  are  niostl\-  uplands,  and  are  very  well  situated 
for  agricultural  purposes. 

The  Muddy  creek  flows  through  the  northern  part  of  the  precinct.  Some 
of  the  earliest  settlements  of  the  county  were  made  in  this  precinct.  Of  these 
were:  Mr.  Borden,  on  the  Mudd\-,  who  came  into  the  precincf  in  1855 ;  John 
and  Charles  Cornell,  who  came  in  1857:  John  S.  Ewing,  William  Kinser  and 
Robert  Worley,  who  settled  there  in  1858. 


Salem  precinct  is  composed  of  township  No.  i,  range  No.  15,  and  com- 
prises some  of  the  choicest  lands  and  one  of  the  oldest  settlements  of  the 
county.  The  town  of  Salem  is  one  of  the  first  in  the  county.  In  the  sum- 
mer of  1857  there  was  already  quite  a  village  there  with  stores,  postoffice  and 
blacksmith  shop.  It  is  said  that  one  son  of  Vulcan,  who  presided  over 
a  pioneer  forge  at  this  place,  was  often  complained  of  by  his  customers  wu'th 
having  charged  exorbitant  prices  for  his  work.  Upon  one  occasion  one  of 
them  remarked  that  he  "ought  to  make  a  pretty  good  living  at  such  prices  for 
his  work."  With  a  fine  blending  of  humor  and  impudence  he  replied:  "I 
didn't  come  awa}-  out  here  to  make  a  living,  but  to  make  a  raise." 

-Vmong  the  early  settlers  in  Salem  and  pioneers  in  the  mercantile  busi- 
ness in  this  county  were  J.  Cass  Lincoln  and  John  Holt,  who  built  up  one  of 
the  most  extensive  businesses  in  the  county  and  were  powerful  men  in  the 
formative  period  in  this  county.  The  town  of  Salem  is  situated  in  the  forks 
ot  the  Great  Xemaha  river  and  possesses  many  natural  advantages.  It  is  the 
first  station  west  of  Falls  Cit\-  located  on  the  main  line  of  the  Burlington  & 
Missouri  River  railroad.  The  first  flouring-mill  of  the  county  was  located  at 
this  point  and  continued  in  l)usiness  until  recent  years,  when,  on  account  of 
the  installation  of  the  drainage  system,  when  the  waters  were  diverted,  it  dis- 
continued l)usiness. 

Many  of  the  earlier  settlers  of  the  county  resided  at  Salem  or  along  the 
Xemaha.  Among  them  were:  J.  C.  Lincoln,  John  Holt,  Mr.  Pierce.  F.  A. 
Tisdel,  Sr.,  U.  .\.  Tisdel,  .\.    |.  Currence.  Doctor  Brooke,  Oliver  Jennings, 


and  of  the  farmers,  A.  S.  Russell,  Washington  Whiting,  James  Billings, 
Andrew  Ogden  and  Abner  Bo}d. 

Alany  of  the  earlier  settlers  of  this  precinct  were  from  the  adjoining  state 
of  Missouri,  and  brought  with  them  their  customs  of  that  section,  one  of 
which  was  a  weekly  shooting  match,  which  usually  occurred  on  Saturday 
afternoons,  when  the  adult  male  population  assembled  in  some  grove  and 
engaged  in  the  manly  sport  of  shooting  at  a  mark  with  rifles,  the  prize  usually 
being  a  quarter  of  beef  or  a  plump,  fat  turkey.  These  gatherings  were  invari- 
ably jolly  and  sociable,  and  sometimes  under  the  exhilarating  influence  of  a 
little  "old  rye,"  became  decidedly  lively.  During  the  summer  of  1857  those 
matters  were  quite  popular;  but  now,  alas,  owing  to  the  sad  and  degenerate 
times  into  which  we  have  fallen,  they  have  totally  disappeared,  and  instead 
the  3-oung  men  play  baseball  and  the  older  ones  talk  politics  or  war,  all  of 
which  goes  to  demonstrate  that  man  is  a  progressive  animal. 

All  along  the  bluffs  of  the  Nemaha  an  abundance  of  building  stone  is 
found.  The  lands  north  of  the  Nemaha  are  very  fine,  reclining  to  the  south 
with  an  undulating  surface,  a  deep,  rich  soil,  and  are  well  improved.  On  the 
south  side  of  the  Nemaha  are  several  beautiful  streams,  with  ver}'  fine  valleys; 
Rock  creek  is  the  largest  of  these  and  its  valleys  afford  some  of  the  most 
beautiful  situations  and  richest  and  most  valuable  lands  in  the  state. 

Contrary  creek  is  another  fiiie  stream,  with  a  considerable  amount  of 
timber  skirting  its  banks.  It  was  so  named  by  Jesse  Crook,  a  pioneer,  who, 
on  coming  to  it  for  the  .*irst  time,  was  struck  with  its  apparent  contrary  course 
in  its  meandering. 

The  fair  grounds  of  the  old-time  Richardson  County  Agricultural  Society, 
were  located  near  the  town  of  Salem  and  the  fairs  which  were  held  at  this 
beautiful  place  annually  from  the  very  earliest  times,  were  the  best  attended 
in  the  state  and  the  meetings  were  looked  forward  to  each  year  with  the 
greatest  interest.  Those  annual  fairs  had  an  educational  value  to  an  agri- 
cultural community  such  as  ours,  that  has  been  wholly  lacking  in  the  modern 
meetings  which  have  sought  to  take  their  places.  Salem  precinct  with  her 
manifold  natural  advantages  and  intelligent  population,  has  always  kept  even 
with  the  development  of  our  county  and  her  place  as  one  of  our  best  precincts 
will  always  be  secure. 


When  the  lx)ard  ui  county  cunimissioners  organized  this  precinct  they 
conceived  the  nol)le  and  patriotic  idea  of  doing  a  special  honor  to  the  b.ero 


of  Appomatox,  and  so  they  called  this  little  territory  of  thirty-six  sections, 
Grant.  The  names  of  individuals,  more  or  less  distinguished,  have  been 
attached  to  nine  of  the  fifteen  precincts  composing  the  covmty. 

These  have  been  most  appropriately  arranged  in  groups  or  pairs  as  fol- 
lows :  In  the  west  we  find  two  eminent  Germans,  Humboldt  and  Speiser. 
In  the  east  two  distinguished  Frenchmen,  Rouleau  and  Arago.  In  the  center 
two  celebrated  Americans,  Grant  and  Porter.  In  the  northeast  a  pair  of  rare 
examples  of  goodness  and  virtue.  St.  Stephens  and  Barada,  and  in  the  north- 
west the  philosopher,  who  chained  the  lightning  and  brought  the  subtle  electric 
fluid  from  the  clouds — Franklin. 

Notwithstanding  that  the  subject  of  this  article  is  honored  with  the  name 
of  the  great  Ulysses,  yet  its  greatness  is  not  all  in  its  name.  It  contains  an 
enterprising  community  of  several  thousand  people,  good  soil,  water,  wood, 
stone,  etc.  It  has  the  elements  of  wealth  and  consequent  greatness  within 
itself.  The  north  fork  of  the  Great  Nemaha  runs  through  the  south  part  of 
the  precinct,  affording  wood,  water  and  a  splendid  mill  site. 

The  Burlington  &  Missouri  River  railroad  runs  through  this  portion  of 
the  precinct  along  the  Nemaha  Aalley.  The  company  located  the  depot  and 
station  about  a  half  mile  north  of  what  was  known  as  the  Dawson  Mills, 
where  one  of  the  best  of  the  smaller  towns  of  the  county  now  stands. 

The  village  is  located  about  half  way  Ijetween  Humboldt  and  Salem. 
The  southwest  portion  of  Grant  precinct  extends  to  and  includes  the  south 
fork  of  the  Nemaha  in  the  vicinity  of  Miles'  ranch.  This  ranch,  or  farm, 
embraces  several  thousand  acres  and  was  founded  by  Stephen  B.  Miles,  Sr..  a 
wealthy  man  and  one  of  the  older  citizens  of  the  county,  and  is  still  owned 
intact  by  a  .son,  Joseph  H.  Miles,  and  his  sons.  Stephen  and  \\'arren.  Mr. 
Miles  has  erected  some  of  the  best  buildings  of  the  county  upon  the  ranch. 
The  original  owner,  S.  B.  Miles,  Sr.,  made  his  home  nn  this  ranch  for  years 
and  gave  his  personal  attention  to  its  development.  There  was  for  years  in 
the  earlier  times  a  good  store  building  containing  an  extensive  stock  of  goods 
in  this  vicinity,  the  proprietor  of  which  was  Warren  Cooper. 

This  precinct  contains  a  goodly  supply  of  timber  situated  on  the  Nemaha 
also  a  good  proportion  of  bottom  and  upland.  The  general  features  are  much 
the  same  as  in  adjoining-  townships,  with  a  better  quality  and  a  greater  (juan- 
tity  of  building  stone. 

The  land,  for  the  most  part,  except  along  the  water  courses,  was  occu- 
pied as  homesteads  under  the  act  of  Congress,  and  these  homesteads,  in  all 
instances  have  been  converted   into  homes  of   substantial   farmers.     School 


houses  have  been  built  and  schools  are  maintained  in  all  the  districts.  The 
first  settlements  of  the  precinct  were  made  along  the  streams,  but  extended 
rapidly  to  the  high  prairies  or  divides. 


There  was  a  settlement  emljracing  a  considerable  number  of  families 
from  the  Emerald  Isle  established  in  this  locality.  It  was  at  this  settlement 
that  a  son  of  Erin  was  accosted  on  the  day  following  the  presidential  election 
in  November,  1868,  by  a  bearer  of  returns  from  another  precinct  with  "How 
did  this  preciiTct  go?"  Pat  answered  readily,  "All  right,  to  be  shure."  "Yes, 
but  what  do  >ou  call  'all  right'  "?  "Dim-my-cratic,  av  coorse."  "Well,  what 
majority  did  you  give?"  "Ten  majority  for  Grant,  be  jabers."  The  inter- 
rogator, thinking  that  Patrick  was  getting  political  matters  "slightly  mixed," 
passed  on  with  his  returns  and  an  jncident  of  the  election,  which  he  thought 
would  be  worth  repeating  when  he  reached  town. 

^^  ith  the  completion  of  the  railroad  and  the  increased  facilities  for  trans- 
portation, this  precinct  like  all  others  along  the  line  of  railwa}.-,  received  a 
new  impetus  in  its  development. 

The  citizens  looked  forward  with  anxiety  for  the  coming  of  the  iron 
horse  and  in  due  time  their  desires  were  realized. 


Speiser  townshi]i  is  in  the  extreme  corner  of  the  county  and  is  one  of 
the  oldest  townships  of  the  county.  In  its  earliest  ])eriod  it  embraced  almost 
the  west  third  of  the  present  county.  The  lands  are,  many  of  them,  very 
fine ;  the  soil  rich  and  well  adapted-  to  the  raising  of  western  staples,  and 
especial!}-  wheat  and  corn,  of  which  large  quantities  are  annually  produced. 

The  south  fork  of  the  Nemaha  with  its  tributaries,  Easley  creek.  Four 
Mile  and  other  small  creeks  afford  an  ample  supply  of  water.  It,  like  most 
of  the  western  portion  of  the  county  is  well  supplied  with  all  kinds  of  the 
best  building  stone.  In  the  earlier  years  a  quantity  of  good  coal  was  suc- 
cessfully mined  and  supplied  the  farmers  and  the  people  at  Humbohlt  and 
surrounding  to\\ns  with  am])le  fuel. 

Among  the  earlv  settlers  and  substantial  farmers  were:  George  Gird, 
at  one  time  county  commissioner :  H.  Holcombe,  Hon.  O.  P.  Dunning,  S.  M. 
Durvea,  Peter  and  John  Fankhauser,  Jacob  Hunzer.  J.  U.  Hunzeker,  David 
Speiser,  Sr.,  for  whom  the  township  was  named,  and  Thomas  F.  Brown  and 


Christian  Buljst.  This  precinct  has  more  than  kept  pace  with  other  portions 
of  the  county  in  settlement  and  general  improvement. 

A  large  number  of  Germans  and  Swiss  settled  in  this  precinct  along 
Four  Mile  and  Dry  Branch  and  the  Xemaha,  and  by  their  industry  and  perse- 
verance have  done  much  to  develop  this  part  of  the  county. 

Middleburg,  on  the  south  Xemaha,  was  the  postoffice,  presided  over  for 
many  years  by  Uncle  Jacob  I'^rey,  a  pioneer,  and  where  the  citizens  of  Speiser 
received  their  mail.  The  office  was  in  later  years  discontinued  and  the  place 
known  as  2\Iiddleburg  is  no  more,  except  in  name. 

The  people  of  this  precinct  are  blessed  with  a  number  of  the  best  of 
country  schools,  which  have  always  been  in  the  hands  of  very  competent 
instructors,  and  where  the  young  idea  is  taught  to  ''shoot." 

Speiser  has  always  been  an  important  section  of  the  county  and  the 
people  residing  there  have  in  all  the  years,  played  a  leading  part  in  the  affairs 
of  the  county. 


It  was  most  fitting  that  one  of  the  precincts  of  the  county  should  bear 
the  name  of  the  great  river  which  traverses  and  drains  the  county  from  one 
end  to  the  other,  the  Great  Nemaha  river,  mentioned  by  the  first  white  men 
to  explore  the  country,  as  they  passed  by  on  the  Missouri  and  known  to  the 
Indians  for  centuries  before. 

Ne-ma-ha  is  an  Indian  name  and  the  word  belongs  to  and  is  a  part  of 
the  language  of  the  Omaha  Indians  of  this  state.  The  tribe  is  now  on  a 
reservation  north  of  the  city  of  Omaha  in  this  state  and  that  city  was  named 
in  their  honor. 

Henry  Fontenelle,  a  descendant  of  the  early  French  Indian  fur  traders 
and  related  to  the  Omaha  tribe  of  Indians,  in  his  writings  of  the  word 
Nemaha,  says:  "Ne-ma-ha":  Name  of  Nemaha  river,  meaning  "Omaha's 
river."  From  this  it  would  seem  that  the  prefix  "Ne"  before  "maha" 
indicated  the  possessive,  meaning  "river  of  the  Omahas."  Whether  this 
trilje  of  Indians  ever  had  any  connection  with  this  part  of  the  state  is  more 
than  we  are  able  to  say,  but  from  a  perusal  of  the  earliest  maps  obtainable, 
always  will  be  found  the  name  "Xemaha"  in  reference  to  the  river  so  well 
known  in  Richardson  county. 

Nemaha  is  one  of  the  best  watered  townships  in  the  count\ .  The  S<nith 
Fork  of  the  X^emaha  runs  through  the  entire  northern  part  of  the  precinct, 
and  Honev,   Rattlesnake,  Easley,  and  Four  Mile  creeks  all  empty  into  the 


Nemaha  from  the  south.  Portions  of  the  precinct  afford  very  fine  farming 
land,  while  some  parts  are  rough,  but  all  can  be  used  for  grazing.  There  is 
an  abundance  of  stone  in  this  vicinity,  affording  cheap  and  desirable  ijuilding 

In  the  early  days  a  flouring  and  grist  mill  and  postoffice  at  Well's  mills, 
accommodated  the  community  of  that  part  of  the  county  with  the  staff  of 
life  and  mail  facilities. 

The  Wells  family  of  that  precinct  established  the  mills  aliout  i860  and 
were  among  the  first  settlers  of  that  locality.  David  Barrow  was  a  one-time 
proprietor  of  the  mills.  Hon.  O.  C.  Jones  was  one  of  the  early  settlers  of 
that  region.  There  was  a  population  in  1870  of  about  four  hundred  within 
the  limits  of  the  precinct,  and  about  si.\t\-  improved  places  or  farms. 


The  many  hills,  winding  streams  and  sequestered  valleys  of  Nemaha 
and  Speiser  precincts  proved  an  incentive  to  the  rugged  and  honest  moun- 
taineers of  Switzerland  in  the  pioneer  days,  and  many  of  them  with  their 
characteristic  love  of  freedom  and  industry,  settled  among  the  hills  and 
breaks  of  a  wilderness  between  the  Nemahas,  where  few  of  the  native  born 
would  have  cared  to  undertake  the  task  of  making  homes.  Most  of  the 
dauntless  pioneers  who  first  settled  along  the  state  line  in  these  precincts 
have  long  since  passed  to  their  reward,  leaving  behind  to  the  younger  gen- 
eration the  legacy  of  rich  homes,  nestling  in  sheltered  valleys  that  would  be 
the  envy  of  an  old  world  prince. 

Among  the  early  settlers  of  this  precinct  were  the  Wittwer  brothers, 
John  and  Gottlieb,  soon  to  be  followed  by  their  other  brothers,  Frederick, 
David  and  Christian,  and  William  Wrighton,  who  came  in  the  late  fifties. 
The  farm  homes  at  that  time  were  few  and  far  between.  Middleburg  ( in 
the  edge  of  Speiser)  was  in  full  bloom  as  a  town,  with  a  sawmill  owned 
by  Peter  Emeigh  and  a  store  run  by  a  Mr.  Tindale.  The  sawmill  and  store 
moved  away  and  left  nothing  but  a  postoffice,  which,  with  a  town  hall  used 
for  dancing  and  social  entertainments,  remained  for  years.  The  early  set- 
tlers thought  that  the\-  would  always  have  all  the  range  for  cattle  that  the\ 
would  need,  but  in  a  few  years  the  range  was  fenced  into  well-improved 
farms.  Salem  was  the  nearest  town,  but  two  or  three  trips  each  year  had  to 
be  made  to  St.  Joseph  for  clothing  and  implements.  During  the  year  1868 
the  first  school  district  of  tlie  precinct  as  organized  three  miles  .s(|uare,  known 


as  district  No.  70,  or  the  "Rattlesnake  District."  This  district  has  always 
remained  as  originally  laid  out.  The  residents  of  this  district  made  a  "bee" 
and  built  a  log  school  house  near  its  center. 

A  subscription  was  taken  up  for  the  floor,  doors  and  windows.  The 
seats  and  desks  were  home-made.  Charles  Nelson  taught  the  first  school  for 
twenty  dollars  per  month  and  "board  around."  Twenty  pupils  were  all  that 
were  enrolled.  The  first  school  board  was  composed  of  John  Wittwer,  Mr. 
Rodgers  and  William  Wrighton.  In  1879  the  present  house  was  built  and 
furnished  with  all  modern  conveniences.  The  school  population  has  grown 
until  there  has  been  as  many  as  eighty  in  attendance  and  the  teacher's  wages 
have  kept  apace  until  fifty  dollars  is  paid. 

In  1873  a  church  was  organized  in  the  old  log  school  house,  that  has 
been  well  attended  ever  since,  and  during  the  summer  of  1895  a  new  church, 
twenty-eight  by  forty-five  feet,  was  built,  which  is  known  as  the  Reformed 

It  is  impossible  at  this  time  to  give  a  complete  and  accurate  list  of  the 
earlv  Swiss  pioneers  of  this  precinct,  but  among  those  prominent  and  whom 
we  now  call  to  mind  were,  besides  those  enumerated :  M.  VonBergen,  Julius 
Schmitt.  Gottlieb,  John  and  Fred  Marmott,  S.  C.  Duryea,  John  O.  Stalder, 
Charles  Dankmeyer  and  Frederick  Feldman. 


The  storv  of  the  organization  of  Porter  precinct  is  briefly  told  in  the 
following  minutes  copied  from  the  record  of  the  commissioners  court : 

June  ist,  1861.  Present:  Thos.  Mclntyre,  C.  S.  Cornell  and  Levi 
Forbes,  commissioners. 

The  following  petition  was  presented : 


Petition  to  organize  and  establish  a  Voting  Precinct  in  Township  Three 
range  Fourteen  signed  by  Twenty-six  voters  was  presented  to  the  Board  of 
Commissioners,  said  voting  place  to  be  at  the  house  of  T.  Workman  and 
known  as  "Porter  Precinct."  all  of  which  was  granted  by  the  Board. — 
From  page  27  of  Minute  Book  No.  i  of  the  records  of  the  county  clerk's 
office  of  Richardson  countv. 



1870  1880 

Arago  precinct,  including  Arago  village  (a) i.^45  888 

Arago  village 364  154 

Barada  precinct,  including  Barada  village 886  1,207 

Barada  village 70 

Falls  City  precinct,  including  Falls  City  village   (b) 1,166  2,819 

Falls  City  village 607  1.583 

Franklin  precinct 225  677 

Grant  precinct 515  739 

Humboldt  precinct,  including  Humboldt  city 605  1,627 

Humboldt  city 917 

Liberty   precinct    506  685 

Muddy    precinct    408  728 

Nemaha  precinct 404  566 

Ohio    precinct    622  921 

Porter  precinct   219  546 

Rulo  precinct,  including  Rulo  village  (b) 1.326  1.418 

Rulo   village   611  673 

Saint  Stephens  precinct 601  484 

Salem  precinct,  including  Salem  village 681  1.035 

Salem  village 3^4  473 

Speiser  precinct 3?i^  ^^ 

Note. — (a)  Since  1870,  parts  to  Falls  City  and  Rulo.  (h)  Since  1870, 
from  part  of  Arago. 


1855                1856               i860                  1870                  T874                     1875  1876 
299                532                2,385                9.780                 15,000                 15,000                    I  1.3-7 

1877              1878                  1879                  1880                     1890                     1900  19 10 
12,223         12.509              13.433              15.031                 16,700                 19,774                    17.774 


Villages  incorporated  bv  special  act  of  Territorial  Legislature  from  1855 
until  the  enactment  of  general  incorporation  laws  in  1 864-69 : 


Archer    Richardson  county January  25,  1856 

Salem   Richardson  county Feljruary   10,  1857 

Rulo   Richardson  county Xoveml)er   i.  1858 

St.  Stephens Richardson  county November  3,  1858 

Arago Richardsdu  county January   10.  i860 

Falls  City Ricliardson  county January   13.  i860 

Reference  to  the  charters  of  these  cities  discloses  the  fact  that  authority 
was  jjenerally  vested  in  the  city  council,  consisting  of  a  mayor  and  three 
aldermen ;  a  recorder,  assessor,  marshal  and  treasurer,  all  electixe  officers 
being  chosen  for  a  term  of  one  year,  b\'  the  voters  of  the  entire  \illage,  the 
powers  of  these  officers  iieiug  s]jecified  in  detail.  The  maxnr  was  ex-officio 
police  judge  and  the  marshal,  the  officer  of  the  court.  The  powers  conferred 
were  regulation  of  health,  order  licensing  of  various  business  and  entertain- 
ments by  an  occupation  tax,  establishing  of  streets  and  alleys,  and  the  fixing 
of  penalties  for  violation,  b'unds  were  raised  by  selling  at  public  auction  by 
the  marshal  of  lots  upon  which  delinquent  taxes  were  due  and  deeds  for 
same  were  executed  by  the  marshal  or  mayor.  Under  such  charters  the  city 
government  was  allowed '  to  lx)rrow  money  for  any  purpose  and  in  any 
amount,  when  authorized  to  do  so  b\-  a  two-thirds  majority  of  the  legal  voters 
assembled  in  a  regularly  notified  town  meeting.  (General  incorporation  acts 
passed  by  the  state  Legislature  in  1864  and  1869  made  an  end  of  the  special 
legislation  granting  municii)al  charters  to  Nebraska  cities  and  villages. 
While  succeeding  .sessions  of  the  Legislature  have  made  many  changes  in 
the  laws,  yet  the  early  plan  of  reposing  authority  in  the  ma\or  and  council 
has  largely  remained. 


Town.                                        Date.  .Acres. 

.Salem .May  22.  1858 200 

Xemaha  I'alls June  23,  [858 ^00.53 

Geneva July  20.   1858 320 

Falls  City \ug.    16.    1858 320 

.\rchcr l'"eb.  25.    183c) -5.>97 

LIST  OF   row  xs,  crriKs  .\xi)  villages  ix    i86(). 

.Vanie.  SectioiL   Township.  Range. 

.\thens 17  2  X.  l-:ast  of  6th  p.  ul 

.\rago    12  2  .\.  i':ast  of  6tb  p.  UL 


Name.  Section.     Township.         Range. 

Archer i              i  X.  East  of  6th  p.  ni. 

Dawson's  Mill 22             2  X-  East  of  6th  p.  ni. 

Elmore    20             2  X.  East  (if  6th  p.  m. 

Falls   City 10              i  X.  East  of  6th  p.  m. 

Humboldt   3             2  X'.  East  of  6th  p.  m. 

Long  Branch 20             3  N.  East  of  6th  p.  m. 

Middleburg   25              i  X.  East  of  6th  p.  m. 

Miles'  Ranch 33              2  X^.  East  of  6th  p.  m. 

Mills    I               I  X.  East  of  6th  p.  m. 

Monond 19              2  X.  of  6th  p.  m. 

Monterey 17              3  X.  East  of  6th  p.  m. 

Nohart 34              i  X.  East  of  6th  p.  m. 

St.   Stephens i              2  X.  East  of  6th  p.  m. 

Salem    3              i  X.  East  of  6th  p.  m. 

Wells 31              2  X.  East  of  6th  p.  m. 

Williamsville 30              3  X\  East  of  6th  p.  m. 


Xame.             iQio  1900     1890  1880   1870   i860 

Arago 154    3^4    I93 

Barada  village . 118  147           70         886* 

Dawson  village 340  },22             153           

Falls  City 3.253  3,022         2,102  1,583         607         473 

Franklin 2},-/ 

Hnmboidt  city 1,176  1,218          1,114            91/          605*       

Xoraville  village 93  

Preston  village 122  149          

Rulo  village 661  877             786  673         611          440 

St.  Stephens 6or'^       404 

Salem    ,^91  533             .S04  47.i         304         ''>94 

Shubert  village 311  303           

Speiser 394 

Stella   village 430  49'*^^            399          

\  erdon  village 406  340            353           

^■M'opulatiou  of  precinct  or  village  not  separated  by  census. 



Statement  showing  bonded  indebtedness  on  ist  day  of  October,   191. 

City  and 




?  1 26, 500.00 




The  total  population  of  Richardson  county,  according  to  the  1910  census, 
is  17,448,  of  which  81.3  per  cent  is  reported  as  rural.  The  density  of  the 
population  is  given  as  twenty-six  per  square  mile.  The  rural  population  is 
uniformly  distributed  throughout  the  county.  There  has  been  a  slight  de- 
crease in  the  population  since  1900. 

Falls  City,  the  county  seat,  with  a  reported  population  of  3,255,  is 
located  in  the  southeastern  section  at  a  junction  of  two  railroads,  and  is 
a  distributing  point  for  farm  implements  and  supplies.  Humboldt,  Rulo, 
Stella,  Verdon,  Salem,  Preston,  Dawson,  and  Shubert  are  other  towns  of 
local  importance.  Straussville  is  a,  railroad  point.  Barada  and  Nim  City 
are  small  inland  towns. 

Richardson  county  is  well  supplied  with  railroads,  few  points  being- 
more  than  nine  miles  from  a  railroad  station,  except  in  the  northeastern 
part  of  the  county,  where  the  greatest  distance  is  about  thirteen  miles.  The 
Missouri  Pacific  (Omaha  and  Kansas  City  line),  crosses  the  county  from 
north  to  south,  giving  direct  connections  with  Omaha  and  Kansas  City.  The 
main  line  of  the  Chicago,  Burlington  &  Ouincy  from  Denver  to  Kansas 
City  crosses  from  east  to  west,  and  gives  direct  access  to  the  markets  of 
Lincoln,  Denver,  and  Kansas  City.  The  Nebraska  City  line  of  the  same 
system  extends  northward  from  Salem  and  terminates  at  Nebraska  City. 
From  Rulo  the  Atchison  and  Rulo  branch  extends  southeastward  into  Kan- 
sas. The  Chicago,  Rock  Island  &  Pacific  (Horton  branch)  tnuches  the 
extreme  southwestern  corner  of  the  county. 

There  are  many  excellent  graded  roads  through  the  county,  including 
the  Omaha-Kansas  City  highway.  Most  of  the  roads  follow  section  or 
land  lines.  All  the  roads  are  of  earth,  and  little  attention  is  given  to  the 
minor  roads.  The  more  important  highways  are  dragged  as  .soon  as  the 
ground  permits  after  each  train.     There  are  no  toll  roads. 

Kansas  City.   St.  Joseph,  and  Omaha  constitute   the  principal   markets 


for  the  county.     Some  dairy  products  are  shipped  to  Lincohi.  Most  of  the 

cattle  are  shipped  to  St.  Joseph  and  Kansas  City,  and  some  to  Omaha.     In 

the  local  towns  there  is  a  small  demand  for  dairy  products,  berries,  and 

Rural  mail  delivery  and  telephone  lines  reach  practically  all  parts  of 
the  county.  Most  of  the  public  schools  are  well  kept,  and  are  accessible 
to  all  communities. 

Incorporation  of  Towns  and  Precincts. 


Taken  from  mintues  of  board  of  county  commissioners  of  Richardson 
county,  Xebraska  Territory,  special  term,  August  i6,   1858: 

"Xow  comes  into  open  court  H.  Conklin,  David  W.  Thomas,  Lafayette 
Spears,  H.  I.  Vandal  and  twenty-three  others  citizens  of  the  town  of  Winne- 
bago in  said  county  and  present  their  petition  praying  for  the  incorpora- 
tion of  said  town  and  that  a  police  be  established  for  their  regulation  and 
go\erament  under  the  name  and  style  of  the  Town  of  Winnebago  which 
petition  is  in  the  following  words  towit : 

"To  the  Honorable  the  County  Commissioners  of  Richardson  County, 
X'ebraska    Territory. 

"The  undersigned  petitioners  residents  and  taxables  of  the  town  of 
Winnebago,  Richardson  county,  N.  T.  respectfully  represent  that  the  said 
town  is  located  on  the  west  bank  of  the  Missouri  river  in  said  county  of 
Richardson  that  the  said  Town  has  been  well  and  accurately  surveyed  and 
the  lots,  streets,  alleys,  be  named  numbered  and  marked  and  staked  off 
according  to  law  and  that  the  plat  of  the  official  survey  duly  certified  and 
acknowledged  is  a  correct  representation  of  the  said  town.  A  number  of 
buildings  in  the  said  town  have  been  completed  and  are  now  occupied  by 
bonified  settlers  therein,  and  others  are  now  in  prospect  of  erection.  We 
therefore  pray  that  the  town  may  be  incorporated  and  a  police  established 
for  the  government  and  regulation  thereof  and  they  will  pray,  etc. 

"(Signed.)  H.  Conklin,  Da\id  W.  Thomas,  Lafayette  Spears  and 


"The  court  Ijeing  satisfied  that  a  majority  of  the  taxable  inhabitants 
of  said  town  ha\e  signed  said  petition  it  is  therefore  ordered  ami  declared 
by   said  court  that  all  the  territory   within  the  geographical   limits  of   said 


town  as  sliown  and  tlesignated  1j\'  said  plat  of  said  town  be  and  the  same 
is  declared  a  town  by  the  name  and  style  of  the  town  of  Winnebago;  that 
said  town  is  made  a  body  corporate  and  politic  and  is  vested  with  all  the 
powers  and  attributes  of  a  municipal  corporation  under  and  by  virtue  by 
an  act  of  a  legislative  assembly  of  the  'i^rritory  of  Nebraska,  approved 
January  25th,  1856,  and  it  is  further  ordered  by  the  court  that  Joseph  Pecotte, 
Paul  Pecotte,  Levi  Dodge,  Lewis  Philips  and  Bruno  Connoyer  Ije  and 
are  hereby  appointed  Trustees  to  Organize  the  First  Municipal  Government 
for  said  town  and  to  hold  said  office  under  their  successors  are  elected  and 


The  first  mention  found  in  the  records  of  the  county  commissioners 
about  that  tract  of  land  now  comprising  what  is  known  as  Humboldt  town- 
ship was  in  a  petition  presented  to  a  meeting  of  the  commissioners  by  O.  J. 
Tinker,  at  their  meeting  in  April,   1858,  which  was  as  follows: 

"A  petition  was  presented  signed  by  O.  J.  Tinker  and  Thirty-Three 
others  praying  that  a  precinct  be  formed  and  established  composed  of  tlie 
following  territory  to-wit : 

"Township  No.  3  and  the  North  14  of  Town  2,  North  of  Range  13 
East  and  Township  3  North  of  Range  14  East,  and  that  Beneilict  AIc.\tlee 
be  appointed  to  the  office  of  Justice  of  the  Peace  aiid  A.  B.  Young  and 
Daniel  Shadley  be  appointed  Constables  in  said  Precinct.  Ordered  that  said 
Precinct  be  thus  established  and  certificates  of  appointment  and  commis- 
sion be  issued  in  accordance  with  said  petition."  No  name  was  mentioned 
for  said  precinct. 


On  Tuesday  morning  at  9  o'clock  on  .\pril  6,  1858.  the  county  commis- 
sioners received  the  following  petition : 

"A  petition  was  presented  signed  b>-  William  R.  Cain  and  Thirty- 
Eight  others  praying  for  the  establishment  of  a  voting  precinct  with  St. 
Stephen  for  the  voting  ground.  Ordered  that  St.  Stephen  Precinct  Xo.  5 
be  established  with  the  following  boundaries  to-wit: 

"Beginning  at  a  point  on  the  Missouri  River  where  the  North  line 
of  Richardson  county  intersects  the  same;  Thence  west  along  said  line  to  the 
N.   W.   corner   (^f   Township   No.   3    North   of   Range   No.    17   E.      Thence 


South  along  the  Hne  dividing  Ranges  17  &  16  to  the  South  west  corner  of 
Section  No.  18  in  Township  No.  2  N.  of  Range  No.  17  E.  Thence  east 
along  said  section  line  to  the  Missouri  river;  Thence  up  the  middle  of  the 
main  channel  of  the  Missouri  river  to  the  place  of  beginning;  and  that  St. 
Stephen  be  made  the  place  of  voting  therein.  It  is  further  ordered  that 
John  McFarland  be  appointed  to  the  office  of  Justice  of  the  Peace  and 
Henry  R.  Price  be  appointed  to  the  office  of  Constable  for  said  Precinct." 

From  records  of  county  commissioners  in  session  at  Saleiu.  Nebraska 
Territory — Tuesday  morning,  9  o'clock,  July  6,   1858: 

The  Honorable  the  County  Court  met  pursuant  to  adjournment,  Arnett 
Roberts  and  Joseph  Yount  present  and  acting  Commissioners. 

Incorporation  of  the  town  of  Geneva.  Now  comes  into  open  court 
Joseph  Embody,  Henry  Hill,  I.  W.  Davis  and  others  of  the  Town  of 
Geneva  in  said  county  and  file  their  petition  to  be  incorporated  under  the 
name  and  style  of  the  Town  of  Gene\a,  which  petition  reads  in  the  words 
following : 

"We  the  undersigiied  citizens  and  petitioners  of  the  Town  of  Geneva 
pray  that  our  Honorable  Commissioners  of  the  County  of  Richardson  that 
we  may  be  corporated  and  a  place  established  for  their  local  government. 
We  wish  to  be  incorporated  by  the  name  of  Geneva.  Geneva  is  situated 
on  the  Northeast  Quarter  of  Section  22  and  the  Southwest  Quarter  of 
Section  No.  15,  Township  No.  2  Range  No.  15  East  of  the  6th  Principal 
Meridian,  Richardson  County,  Nebraska  Territory. 

"(Signed)   Joseph  Embody,  Henry  Hill,  I.  A\'.  Davis,  and  others." 

The  prayer  of  the  petitioners  was  immediately  granted,  vested  with  all 
the  powers  under  and  b}'  virtue  of  an  act  of  the  Legislature  of  the  Territory 
of  Nebraska,  apporved  January  25,  1856,  and  the  following  were  appointed 
as  trustees  of  the  village :  Joseph  Embody,  Henry  Hill,  Francis  M.  May. 
I.  W.  Davis  and  Henry  Pilcher,  to  serve  until  their  successors  were  duly 
elected  and  qualified. 


From  records  of  commissioners  of  Richardson  county,  Nebraska  Ter- 
ritory, in  session  at  Salem,  June  7,  1858: 

June  Term  County  Court.     June  7th,  1838. 

"At  a  special  meeting  of  the  Board  of  County  Commissioners  of  Rich- 


ardson  County,  Nebraska  Territory,  being  held  at  the  usual  place  of  holding 
court  in  the  Town  of  Salem,  on  Monday  the  /th  day  of  June  A.  D.  1858, 
Present  Joseph  Yount  and  Arnett  Roberts,  Commissioners. 

"Being  a  petition  constitution  presented  for  the  Town  of  Nemaha  Falls. 
Now  come  in  open  court.  A.  I.  Deshozo,  E.  Hamilton.  S.  T.  E.  Willis,  A.  W. 
Barnes,  Henry  Warnecke,  I.  Hamilton  and  others  of  the  town  of  Nemaha 
Falls  in  said  county,  prayer  of  their  petition  to  be  incorporated  under  the 
name  and  style  of  the  Town  of  Nemaha  Falls." 


From  minutes  of  the  board  of  county  commissioners  meeting  at  Salem, 
Nebraska  Territory,  April  6,    1858: 

"Ordered  that  the  Boundaries  of  Rulo  Precinct  Number  Four  be  estab- 
lished as  Follows :  Beginning  at  a  Point  on  the  Missouri  River  where  the 
section  line  dividing  Sections  18  and  19  in  Township  No.  2  North  of 
Range  No.  18  intersects  the  same;  thence  west  along  said  line  to  the  center 
of  Township  No.  2,  North  of  Range  No.  17  E.  Thence  South  along  the 
section  line  to  the  Great  Nemaha  River ;  Thence  down  the  main  channel  of  the 
Great  Nemaha  river  to  the  Missouri  river;  Thence  up  the  middle  of  tlie 
main  channel  of  the  Missouri  river  to  the  place  of  beginning,  and  that  tlie 
town  of  Rulo  be  the  voting  place  therein." 


In  almost  every  new  county  opened  for  settlement  there  are  organized 
many  new  towns  which,  in  the  minds  of  the  promoters,  are  destined  to 
become  famous.  There  are  usually  multitudes  of  reasons  why  each  town 
should  become  a  metropolis,  but  these  reasons  are  usually  apparent  only  to 
the  minds  of  the  promoters. 

.\rcher,  our  first  county  seat,  was  the  most  important  of  such  little 
towns  in  the  early  days  of  this  county.  That  it  did  not  prosper  and  remain 
the  county  seat  is  due  not  so  much  to  lack  of  interest  on  the  part  of  the  people 
or  to  the  purely  visionary  qualifications  as  seen  by  the  promoters,  as  to  the 
Territorial  Legislature  which,  in  granting  the  land  for  a  townsite,  located 
it  upon  what  was  thought  to  be  the  Half-Breed  Indian  Reservation. 

Early  in  1855  a  grant  for  a  county-seat  townsite  was  secured  through 
the  efl'orts  of  Col.  Neil  J.  Sharp,  who  had  been  elected  to  the  Legislature  at 
the  first  election  held  in  the  territory.  December  12,  1855.     This  tract  was 


on  the  east  side  of  the  .Miuldy,  about  three  and  one-half  miles  northeast  of 
the  present  site  of  Falls  City,  in  section  Xo.  36,  township  No.  2,  north  of 
range  No.  16,  in  what  is  now  known  as  Ohio  township,  and  from  the  town- 
site  Falls  City  is  easily  visible.  In  the  summer  of  1855  a  townsite  company 
was  organized.  Among  those  taking  an  active  part  in  starting  the  new  town 
were  John  C.  Miller,  the  father  of  Mrs.  Margaret  Maddox,  at  present  (191 /J 
a  resident  of  Falls  City;  Colonel  Sharp.  AM  D.  Kirk,  Huston  Xuckols, 
Ambrose  Shellcx-  and  Robert  Archer,  for  whom  the  town  was  named.  The 
affairs  of  the  count}  were  then  in  the  hands  of  county  officers  appointed  by 
Acting-Governor  Cuming  during  the  previous  winter  and  the  offices  were 
purely  nominal.  The  first  county  election  was  held  in  Xovember,  1855,  when 
John  C.  Miller  was  elected  probate  judge:  Col.  Neil  J'.  Sharp,  clerk  and  reg- 
ister of  deeds :  M  G.  McMullin,  sheriff,  and,  it  is  believed,  Ambrose  Shelley, 
or  Isaac  Crook,  as  treasurer. 


Wilson  AL  Maddox  and  Margaret  A.  Miller,  the  daughter  of  Judge  John 
C.  Miller,  were  the  first  couple  married  after  the  county  seat  was  established 
at  Archer,  and  the  thirtl  couple  to  be  married  in  the  county.  Licenses  were 
not  required  then,  but  marriages  were  recorded  by  the  clerk  and  certificates 
issued  by  the  judge  and  officiating  minister,  if  one  was  present.  The  counts- 
seat  became  the  Gretna  Green  of  Kansas  couples,  where  a  license  and  age 
limit  were  not  observed.  For  a  few  years  the  present  age  limit  and  license 
were  not  required  in  this  territory. 

The  little  village  seemed  to  thri\e  wonderfull\-  for  a  new  town  in  a 
sparsely  settled  country  and  all  went  well  until  early  in  January,  1856.  when 
it  became  known  that  I)}-  \irtue  of  an  early  treaty  the  town  was  on  the  half- 
breed  lands.  This  treaty  was  made  in  1840.  when  the  Omahas,  Otoes  and 
lowas,  who  also  represented  the  Santie  and  Yankton  bands  of  Sioux,  asked 
that  a  tract  of  land  be  set  aside  for  their  half-breeds  or  mixed-bloods.  Will- 
iam Clark,  superintendent  of  Indian  affairs  and  Willoughby  Morgan  acted 
for  the  government,  .\mong  the  rivers  designated  in  this  treaty  as  bound- 
aries of  the  half-breed  lands  are  the  Big  or  Great  Ne-mo-haw  and  Little 
Xe-mo-haw,  which  afterwards  become  known  as  the  Nemahas.  \\'hat  a  pity 
the  old  Indian  names  and  their  true  meanings  could  not  lie  retained. 

The  first  survey,  which  pmved  incorrect,  did  not  include  Archer.  Init 
liefore  it  wa^^  hardl)-  lucated.  a  new  line  was  run  and  though  it  added  little  to 
the  half-breed   lands,  it  took  in  the  townsite.      It  was  the  death  warrant  of 


tlie  county  scat,  though  numerous  efforts  were  made  to  save  it.  Aljel  D. 
Kirk,  prominent  here  at  that  time,  was  sent  to  Washington,  D.  C.  but  his 
efforts  were  of  no  avail.  1 1on.  KUner  S.  Dundy,  then  a  young  man  without 
money  or  renown,  Init  with  unliounded  ambition,  had  settled  at  Archer  and 
took  up  the  light  for  the  villagers  and  settlers,  whose  claims  laid  in  the  con- 
demnefl  tract.  He  entered  into  an  agreement  with  them  that  for  two  per 
cent  of  the  assessed  \alue  of  their  property  he  would  go  to  Washington  and 
tr\-  to  save  their  lands.  Right  well,  too,  did  he  plead  their  cause,  for  he  suc- 
ceeded in  getting  an  act  through  Congress  by  which  the  settlers  were  per- 
mitted to  retain  the  lands  they  had  started  to  improve.  Tn  many  cases  the 
settlers  would  have  been  better  off  fmanciall)-  to  have  let  their  claims  revert 
to  the  government,  moved  their  buildings  and  taken  other  claims;  but  most 
of  the  people  had  a  horror  of  getting  away  from  the  river  and  the  timljer 
along  its  banks,  out  upon  the  open  prairie. 


It  might  truthfull)  be  stated  that  right  here  was  where  Judge  Dundy 
laitl  the  foundation  of  his  success  of  later  years.  When  he  landed  at  Archer 
his  sole  possessions  were  die  clothes  on  his  l)ack;  a  limited — very  limited — 
nun-.ber  of  law  books  in  a  "satchel",  and  a  fiddle.  Clients  were  few,  fees 
fewer  and  small,  when  they  could  be  collected  at  all,  and  Dundy's  only  equip- 
ments for  life  at  that  time  were,  a  fine  education,  a  cheerful  disposition, 
coupled  with  a  keen  sense  of  humor,  faith  in  tlie  new  country,  amljition  to 
succeed,  assets  that  did  not  balance  well  against  dollars  when  pay-day  rolled 
around — but  the  stuff  that  makes  a  man. 

Judge  Dundy  w^as  in  every  sense  a  social  favorite  in  the  settlement. 
Alanv  a  dance  at  the  hotel  in  Archer  was  arranged  by  him  and  he  seemed 
happiest  when  doing  the  fiddling.  At  every  social  gathering,  Dundy,  the 
future  federal  judge  at  Omaha,  and  his  fiddle  were  on  hand.  He  is  remem- 
bered in  later  years  as  a  white-haired  but  distinguished  old  man.  still  fiddling, 
alwavs  coming  down  with  his  heel  to  mark  the  time  and  was  watched  with 
as  much  admiration  perhaps  as  are  the  noted  violinists  of  the  present  day. 

Hut,  back  to  .Archer.  As  soon  as  it  became  evident  that  the  townsite 
a.uM  not  be  saved,  many  other  towns  were  started.  Falls  City  was  backed 
bv  most  of  the  Archer  residents  and  many  buildings  were  moved  there  from 
the  old  town.  The  house  now  owned  by  I'" red  Keller,  at  the  corner  of 
Xineteenth  and  Stone  streets  in  block  No.  2j.  was  a  two-story  house  built 


and  owned  by  the  Goldsberrys  at  Archer.  Perhaps  there  were  others,  but 
they  were  destroyed  by  earh-day  fires. 

Rulo  became  prominent  because  of  river  advantages;  Salem,  because  of 
its  central  location  and  because  in  the  meantime  several  settlers,  considered 
wealthy  in  those  days,  had  located  there.  All  the  new  towns  wanted  the 
county  seat  and  the  contest  which  finally  settled  between  Falls  City  and  Salem 
was  long  and  bitter,  extending  over  a  period  of  nearly  seventeen  years,  result- 
ing in  an  enmity  which  has  never  been  entirely  overcome  in  many  instances. 

Considerable  time  elapsed  before  Archer  was  entirely  extinct.  Event- 
ually, all  the  town  lots  and  adjoining  land  were  bought  up  by  Wilson  M. 
Maddox  and  Ijecame  a  part  of  the  old  Maddox  farm  across  the  Muddy,  now 
owned  by  Benjamin  Poteet. 

The  old  Archer  cemetery  still  exists,  though  the  remains  of  the  first  set- 
tlers who  were  buried  there,  have  in  many  cases  been  removed  to  other  ceme- 
teries. But  many  were  left  and  the  old-time  headstones  mark  not  only 
the  graves  of  the  loved  ones,  pioneers  young  and  old,  but  the  graves  of  hopes 
and  ambitions  and  the  grave  of  the  first  county  seat  of  Richardson  county. 


The  following  petition  bearing  the  date  of  January  19,  1859,  was  pre- 
sented to  the  county  commissioners  at  Salem,  and  the  following  copy  of  same 
is  taken  from  the  minutes  of  the  board : 

"To  the  Honorable  the  County  Commissioners  of  Richardson  County. 

"Your  Petitioners,  residents  and  legal  voters  of  the  town  of  Archer,  Rich- 
ardson County,  respectfully  pray  your  Honorable  body  to  Incorporate  the 
said  Town  of  Archer  and  appoint  Five  Trustees  to  form  and  constitute  the 
corporate  authorities  of  the  said  town  under  and  by  Notice  of  the  statute 
in  such  cases  made  and  provided  and  they  will  pray. 

Archer,  19th  January,  1859. 

"E.  S.  Dundy,  D.  F.  Thompson,  Jolin  P.  W'elty.  J.  C.  Miller.  John  S. 
Skaggs,  Michael  Skaggs." 

The  prayer  of  the  petition  was  granted  by  the  board  on  January  27,  1859. 

The  plat  of  Archer  was  filed  for  record  on  July  4,  1855.  The  streets 
were  named  for  the  founders  of  the  town,  Trammel,  \\'^hite.  Miller,  Sharpe, 
Shelley,  Kirk,  Hare,  Crook,  and  Howard.  There  were  one  hundred  blocks 
in  the  town  with  an  open  square  in  center  for  court  house. 

The  following  taken   from  pages   50  to  53   of  "Deed    Record."   .\.   B, 



and  D,  in  the  register  of  deeds  office  of  Richardson  county,  shows  recorded 
plat  of  Archer  as  follows : 

Plat  of  Archer,  Richardson  County,  Nebraska  Territory,  1855. 
"We  the  undersigned  proprietors  of  the  Town  of  Archer,  Richardson 
County,  Nebraska  Territory,  have  caused  to  be  surveyed  and  platted  the  town 
of  Archer  and  have  set  apart  the  claim  upon  which  the  same  is  located  for 
that  purpose  with  lots,  streets  and  alleys  with  out  lots  and  reservations  as 
designated  upon  the  within  platte.     July  4th,  1855." 

A.   D.   Kirk, 
John  C.  Miller, 
Ambrose   Shelley, 
N.   J.    Sharp. 

Territory  of  Nebraska,  County  of  Richardson,  ss. 

On  the  loth  day  of  July  personally  appeared  before  me  Ambrose  Shelley, 
A.  D.  Kirk,  John  C.  Miller,  and  N.  J.  Sharp  known  to  me  to  be  the  identical 
persons  whose  names  appear  to  the  foregoing  instrument  and  acknowledged 
the  same  to  be  their  voluntary  act  and  deed  for  the  purpose  therein  set 

William  Trammel,  Justice  of  the  Peace. 

Territory  of  Nebraska,  County  of  Richardson,  ss. 

I,  Christian  Bobst  hereby  certify  that  I  have  examined  the  within  sur- 
vey and  platte  of  the  town  of  Archer  and  believing  that  the  requirements 
of  the  law  has  been  substantially  complied  with  by  the  owners  of  the  claim 
upon  which  the  same  is  located  do  hereby  direct  the  same  to  be  placed  upon 

Christian  Bobst,  Judge  of  Probate. 
July  loth,  A.  D.  1855. 

All  lots  are  132  feet  Nortli  &  South  by  66  feet  East  and  West.  Out 
lots  show  their  own  size.  All  streets  are  66  feet  wide  except  Hickory  and 
Sharp  which  are  99  feet  wide.  All  alleys  are  i6i/<  feet  wide.  Lots  on  the 
East  and  West  side  of  the  Square  are  reserved  but  are  the  same  size  of 
others.  All  lines  are  run  east  and  west  and  North  and  South  at  a  varia- 
tion north  10',  30"  East.  I  hereby  certify  that  the  within  platte  of  the  Town 
of  Archer  is  surveyed  as  thereon  set  forth  and  that  the  same  is  correct  with 
the  exceptions  of  a  few  Blocks.     July  9th,  1855. 

N.  J.  Sharp,  Surveyor. 


.\  line  in  Block  jf)  shows  the  original  purchase.  Approved  and  filed  the 
loth  day  of  July,   A.   D.    1855. 

C.  BoBST,  Judge  of  Probate. 
I'^iled  for  recortl  the  10th  day  of  July,  1855. 

X.  J.  Sharp,  Register  of  Deeds. 
Taken  from  page  6  of  "Deed  Record,"  A,  B  and  D  of  records  of  regis- 
ter of  deeds  office,  Richardson  county. 

Ambrose  Shelley,  et  al.,  to  Town  of  Archer. 

Articles  of  association  Archer  Townsite  Company  made  and  entered  into 
the  14th  day  of  June  A.  D.,  1855,  by  and  between  Ambrose  Shelley,  John 
C.  Miller,  A.  D.  Kirk,  and  N.  J.  Sharp,  all  of  the  County  of  Richardson. 
Territory  of  Nebraska,  the  object  and  purpose  of  this  association  is  and  shall 
be  to  purchase  claims  for  the  purpose  of  establishing  the  Town  of  Archer, 
the  Seat  of  Justice,  for  the  County  of  Richardson,  Nebraska  Territory,  and 
deal  in  town  lots  and  lands,  in  said  county.  The  said  Town  of  Archer  is 
to  be  Located  upon  the  prairie  tract  of  land  at  a  stake  about  30  rods  East 
of  the  South  East  Corner  of  a  Piece  of  Brakeing  or  plowed  land  extending 
80  rods  South,  east  North  and  west  to  be  160  rods  square  said  stake  being 
in  the  center  which  is  together  with  the  remainder  the  claim  now  occupied 
by  the  said  Shelley  and  known  as  the  M inter  Claim  and  the  claim  now  owned 
by  P.  Pollard  embracing  the  mill  site  near  the  Indian  Ford  and  Stone  Druary 
(320)  acres  on  the  Muddy  Creek  the  whole  containing  (600)  acres  with 
the  improvements  thereon  are  hereby  conveyed  by  the  said  Shelley  to  the 
said  company  for  and  in  consideration  of  the  sum  of  five  hundred  and  fifty 
dollars  which  sum  is  to  be  paid  as  per  agreement. 

Ambrose   Shelley. 
(Signed)     John   C.   Miller. 
A.   D.    Kirk. 
N.    J.    Sharp. 
Recorded  July  2nd,   1855. 

County  Commissioners  met  according  to  law,  November  24,  1856.  the 
whole  Board  being  present  and  the  following  business  was  transacted.  Viz : 
Account  of  Jacob  Cofifman  for  acting  as  Clerk  of  election  McMahan's  Precinct 
at  the  November  election  of  1856  allowed.     $1.50. 

C.  McDonald  Acct.  for  acting  as  Clerk  of  Election  in  Pawnee  County 
at  the  -Vugust  election  of   1856 — allowed.     $1.50. 


N.  J.  Sharp  for  extra  services  rendered  as  Register  of  Deeds  for  tlie 
years  1855  and  1856  allowed,  $50.00. 
Court  Adjourned. 

F.    L.    GOLDSBURY,   Clk. 

The  County  Commissioners  met  according  to  law.  January  5th.  1857,  the 
whole  Board  being  present.  The  following  business  was  transacted :  Peti- 
tion of  Citizens  of  McMahan's  Precinct  for  the  Appointment  of  a  Justice 
of  the  Peace  for  said  Precinct  and  recommended  J.  N.  Johnson  be  appointed. 

J.  N.  Johnson  was  appointed.  Justice  of  the  Peace  for  McMahan's  Pre- 
cinct. Account  of  F.  L.  Goldsbury  presented  and  allowed  for  Canvassing 
election  Pawnee  County  August  25th,   1856.     $1.50. 

Acct.  of  G.  W.  Miller,  allowed  $3.15. 

Acct.  of  J.  P.  Weltz,  allowed  $1.50. 

The  oath  of  Office  was  administered  to  J.  N.  Johnson. 

F.  L.  Goldsbury,  County  Clerk. 


Salem,  N.  T.,  April  6th,    1857. 
County  Commissioners  did  not  appear  e.xcept  Arnett  Roberts,  nothing 
done.     Adjourned  till  Court  in  Course. 

F.  L.  Goldsbury,  County  Clerk. 

By   Isham    Reavis. 

On  a  bright  Sunday  afternoon  last  summer,  18 — ,  while  John  W.  Dor- 
rington,  of  Yuma,  Arizona,  an  old-timer  in  Falls  City,  was  here  on  a  visit. 
he  proposed  that  we  go  out  to  Archer,  that  is  to  say,  where  it  once  stood, 
and  take  a  look  at  the  old  place.  It  was  agreed  and  we  went.  There 
were  four  of  us;  three  have  seen  the  town  in  its  decadency,  the  other  had 
seen  only  its  abandoned  site,  and  the  cemetery  over  the  ravine  to  the  north, 
in  which  many  of  its  early  settlers  lie  buried.  There  is  nothing  in  the  pros- 
pect suggestive  of  the  fact  that  a  town  of  three  hundred  people  or  more  ever 
stood  there  or  that  it  had  ever  been  anything  but  the  cornfield  it  now  is. 

The  cemetery  mentioned  is  now  Archer;  the  once  living  \illage  has 
vanished,  and  is  but  a  memory. 

Most  people  have  an  unexplainable  desire  to  visit  a  graveyard,  and  tlie 


party  that  went  over  on  that  beautiful  Sunday  afternoon  were  no  exception 
to  the  rule. 

I  had  in  mind  the  fear  that  the  place  might  have  been  neglected  and 
become  overgrown  with  weeds  and  underbrush.  Such  things  happen  some- 
times to  these  places,  especially  where  they  are  isolated  from  a  town  and 
left  for  whoever  may  be  willing,  to  give  them  attention  and  care.  In  this 
case  I  was  agreeably  disappointed  in  my  expectations. 

We  found  the  cemetery  in  good  presentable  order,  finely  located  on 
grounds  gently  sloping  to  the  west  and  south,  with  a  thick  covering  of 
grass  over  which  the  lawn  mower  had  recently  passed :  there  was  no  sign 
of  neglect  anywhere,  but  just  the  reverse. 

What  interested  me  most  was  the  community  of  the  dead  who  lie  buried 
there.  Some  have  been  there — two  to  my  knowledge — for  more  than  half 
a  century.  Dr.  B.  S.  Hutchins  was  one,  McMullen  the  other.  Doctor 
Hutchins  died  in  the  summer  or  fall  of  1858.  I  never  met  him  but  once,  and 
then  I  knew  he  was  going  slowly  down  to  his  grave,  with  that  fell  disease, 
consumption.  He  left  a  little  daughter,  ten  or  eleven  years  old.  who  grew 
to  womanhood  in  the  county  and  is  with  us  yet,  the  wife  of  our  respected 
townsman,  F.  M.  Harlow. 

Passing  from  one  gravestone  to  another,  I  found  that  I  had  known 
all  those  people  when  in  life,  and  I  regret  to  say,  though  I  have  lived  in 
the  near  vicinity  of  this  out-of-the-way  God's  acre  for  more  than  fifty 
years,  that  was  my  first  visit  to  it.  It  was  like  a  revival  of  old  acquaintance, 
going  among  those  silent  heralils,  each  announcing  the  resting-place  of  some- 
one I  had  known  in  the  days  of  yore :  each  one  of  them  as  I  read  the  names 
of  the  gravestones,  w^as  present  to  my  mental  \isi()n,  as  I  last  saw  him  or 
her  in  life,  and  the  time  in  which  they  lived. 

W'ith  Judge  Miller  and  Doctor  Hutchins,  I  saw  the  spreading,  vacant 
prairie  again,  and  the  crumbling  town  they  helped  to  build.  The  old,  van- 
ished life  and  surroundings  came  back  td  me  like  ghnstly  xisitations,  and 
so  with  all  the  others. 

.\  little  to  the  west  on  the  south  side  of  die  creek,  is  the  old  camp 
meeting  ground,  where  the  pious  Alethodists  of  Archer  and  surrounding 
countrv  used  to  repair  exery  \ear  to  worship  God  in  one  of  His  first  temples, 
according  to  the  poet,  a  ijeautiful  grove  of  }Oung  timber,  but  that,  too,  is 
gone.  Without  the  grove  the  camping  ground  could  not  be  located,  or  at 
least  we  could  not  do  it,  and  so  that,  with  the  shadowy  congregation  that 
worshipped  there  in  the  long  ago,  have  become  mere  misty  and  confused 



We  finally  stood  on  the  spot  wliere  the  town  once  was.  A  plowshare 
had  passed  over  it  and  in  all  the  wide  expanse  about  us,  there  was  nothing 
that  even  whispered  of  the  times  when  a  bustling  and  energetic  people  li\ed 
there,  except  the  graves  of  some  of  their  dead. 

But  what  of  the  others  of  the  three  hundred  or  more  ( and  that  was  a 
considerable  population  for  a  town  in  those  days),  who  inhabited,  hoped, 
and  wrought  here?  Gone,  in  their  several  and  restless  wanderings  about 
the  world  and  out  of  it,  with  only  the  two  ladies  I  ha\e  mentioned  above, 
remaining.     The  story  of  Archer  is  both  pathetic  and  tragic. 

By    Miss    Eunice   Haskii 

Ancient  history  of  Stella  chronicles  that  the  town  had  its  beginning 
when,  in  August,  1881,  a  public  meeting  was  held  at  the  Muddy  school 
house  in  the  Tynan- Vandeventer  district,  where  farmers  of  this  locality 
and  business  men  from  Falls  City  discussed  the  proposition  of  trying  to 
get  a  railroad  and  locate  a  new  town  at  this  point.  A  proposition  was 
submitted  to  the  Missouri  Pacific  Company  and  a  few  weeks  later  the  pre- 
liminary survey  for  a  road  to  run  from  Hiawatha  to  Omaha  was  made. 
Grading  was  begun  September  6,  and  finished  as  far  as  Stella,  November 
25.  The  next  month  the  track  was  laid  and  a  switch  put  in.  On  Saturday. 
January  7.  1882,  the  station  building  was  raised.  From  a  mere  switch 
Stella  began  to  spread  out,  and  in  the  fall  of  the  same  year  there  were 
twenty-five  business  firms  in  the  new  town.  One  thing  necessary  to  the 
existence  of  the  place  was  a  postoffice  and  this  was  moved  bodily  to  Stella 
from  Dorrington,  a  star  route  office  which  stood  on  the  corners  one  and 
a  half  miles  west. 

The  first  house  erected  in  Stella  belonged  to  D(ictor  Livingston  and 
occupied  a  prominent  position  in  the  middle  of  what  is  now  Alain  street. 
It  was  first  built  near  the  present  site  of  the  Lutheran  church,  hut  when 
the  streets  were  laid  out  it  was  moved  south  onto  a  lot  near  the  Christian 
church.  The  house  was  struck  by  lightning  and  burned  in  April,  1S8-'.  .Mrs. 
Livingston  was  killed  by  the  same  bolt. 

The  pioneer  merchants  of  Stella  were  Moore  &  Higgins,  Graham  & 
l^aslev  and  Hull  &  Coldren.  John  Higgins  started  the  creamery  and  Xutter 
&  Knapp  were  the   first   stock  buyers,    Metzger  &   Fisher  the  first  millers. 


Nearly  all  the  first  stores  were  located  on  Second  street,  which  runs  south 
of  the  lumber  yard,  but  as  the  town  grew  it  became  evident  that  Main 
street,  which  runs  lengthwise  of  the  ridge  on  which  the  town  is  built,  was 
a  much  better  location  for  business  houses,  and  the  first  merchants  either 
moved  their  buildings  or  built  new  ones  on  that  street. 

The  village  of  Stella  was  incorporated  in  1882  and  the  first  village 
board  consisted  of  L.  G.  Ciphers,  chairman ;  A.  Graham,  Sol.  Jameson, 
John  Higgins  and  G.  M.  Gates.  C.  M.  Shepherd  was  clerk  and  George 
Smith,  marshal,  all  of  whom  are  dead  or  moved  away  long  ago.  Mr.  Gates 
entered  the  ministry;  he  resides  at  University  Place,  and  the  past  two  years 
has  preached  at  the  Methodist  church  in  Stella,  on  alternate  Sundays. 

Tlie  school  district  was  organized  in  October,  1882.  H.  D.  Weller 
was  moderator;  T.  W.  Moore,  director;  L.  F.  Quint,  treasurer.  Like  the 
village  officers,  all  are  dead,  or  moved  away.  The  first  settlers  in  the  town 
sent  their  children  to  the  country  to  attend  Muddy  school  in  the  Tynan- 
\'andeventer  district,  but  in  those  days  the  Muddy  school  building  was 
nearer  town  than  now — located  near  the  J.  L.  Hay's  home,  where  D.  S.  Hinds 
now  lives. 


The  first  school  in  Stella  was  begun  in  July.  1884,  in  the  Ferguson 
&  Coldren  hall,  and  continued  with  but  one  week's  vacation  until  the  next 
June.  This  hall  was  then  located  on  the  corner,  east  of  the  lumber  yard. 
Later,  it  was  moved  to  Main  street,  on  the  corner  north  of  J^Iartin's  store, 
and  there  it  was  burned  with  several  other  buildings  in  the  spring  of  1908. 
The  wife  of  the  Rev.  G.  M.  Gates  was  the  first  teacher. 

.\  school  house  was  built  in  1884,  on  the  hill  east  of  town,  on  the  site 
now  occupied  by  C.  M.  Harrison's  bungalow.  This  school  building  burned 
in  the  spring  of  1889,  and  the  remaining  six  weeks  of  the  term  were  taught 
Ijy  the  principal  and  his  wife,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  W.  Lawson,  as  a  private 
school  in  the  Christian  church. 

.\.  new  building  was  erected  on  the  site  of  the  burned  building,  and 
school  opened  in  it  in  November,  1889.  In  1898,  the  school  became  so 
crowded  that  more  space  was  necessary,  and  a  school  building  was  erected 
for  the  primary  department.  In  1914  this  school  building  was  converted 
into  a  residence  by  .\lfred  Shellenbarger. 

In  June,  191 3,  bonds  were  voted  for  a  new  building,  and  earl\-  in 
T914,  it  was  readv  for  occupancy,  and  "the  bell  on  the  hill"  called  fi>r  the 
last   time.    The   new   school   building  is   modem,   and   with   equipment    and 


campus,  has  an  approximate  valuation  of  $20,000.  The  location  is  at  the 
north  end  of  Main  street.  Seven  teachers  are  employed  for  the  twelve 
grades.  R.  A.  Clark  is  president  of  the  school  board;  ]\Irs.  I.  L.  Callison, 
secretary,  and  E.  C.  Roberts,  treasurer.  The  other  membe*-,.  are  Mrs.  Fred 
Gilbert,  J.  F.  Folly  and  J.  F.  Weddle.  Graduates  of  the  school  have  reorgan- 
ized the  alumni,  and  are  endeavoring  to  build  a  strong  society. 


The  Baptist  church  at  Prairie  Union  was  the  first  religious  organiza- 
tion in  this  part  of  the  county.  It  was  organized  March  3,  1867.  Within 
the  corporation  of  Stella  the  Methodists  are  the  oldest  organization  and 
they  began  the  erection  of  their  church  in  October,  1882.  The  edifice  was 
dedicated  on  Sunday,  August  26,  1883,  and  the  first  pastor  was  Rev.  G.  W. 
Southwell.  The  next  denomination  to  establish  a  church  in  Stella  was  the 
Christian,  whose  building  was  dedicated  November  25,  1883.  The  church 
was  organized  by  Rev.  R.  C.  Barrow,  state  evangelist.  The  Lutherans 
organized  their  church  here  in  March,  1884,  and  the  first  minister  was  Rev. 
J.  Vy.  Kimmel.  The  Baptist  church  of  Stella,  was  organized  on  March 
19,  1891.  This  church  is  modern  in  its  construction,  and  on  July  15,  1917, 
held  dedicatory  services  for  the  completion  of  a  new  modern  basement  under 
the  entire  building.  The  Lutheran  and  Methodist  churches  each  have  par- 

The  first  flouring-mills  were  built  in  1882  and  were  owned  and  operated 
by  Metzger  &  Fisher.  In  1887  the  Metzger  &  Clark  mill  burned,  a  loss 
that  was  a  great  blow  not  only  to  the  owners  but  to  the  community.  .V 
new  mill  was  built,  however,  with  the  finest  of  improved  machinery  and  in 
1896  this,  too,  was  burned.  Jameson  Brothers  and  the  Clarks  were  among 
those  interested  in  this  mill. 

The  first  elevator  in  Stella  was  erected  by  JamesiMi  Brothers  in  1882, 
and  for  five  years  they  merely  bought  and  sold  grain.  In  1888  they  enlarged 
their  plant  by  adding  machinery'  for  making  corn  meal.  On  April  30,  1889, 
their  plant  was  destroyed  by  fire,  but  they  rebuilt  immediately  on  the  same 
site  and  moved  into  their  new  quarters  in  July,  1889.  Three  years  later 
this  mill  was  sold  to  the  Stella  Grain  Company  and  was  run  as  a  Farmers 
Mutual  Elevator  for  two  years. 

Then,  Jameson  Brothers  went  into  a  stock  company  known  as  the 
Stella  Corn  Meal  Mills,  and  a  six-hundred-barrel  mill  was  built  at  a  cost 
of  $11,000.    This   mill    (burned   in    1896),    was   closed   on   account   of   the 


depression  of  Inisiness  in  1894,  and  Jameson  Brodiers  leased  tlieir  former 
building  from  the  Stella  Grain  Company,  and  operated  it  until  they  built 
a  flour  and  cnrn  meal  mill  in  1899.  This  new  mill  had  a  capacity  of  three 
hundred  barrels,  and  cost  $8,000.  About  1902,  Jameson  Brothers  dissolved 
]jartnership.  The  mill  was  dismantled  about  1905,  and  part  of  the  ma- 
chinery shipjied  away.  Henry  Brenner  is  now  the  owner  of  the  building, 
which  he  uses  fi)r  a  grain  elevator,  and  which  also  houses  the  electric  light 
plant.  John  .\.  Mayer  owns  and  manages  the  other  grain  elevator  in  Stella. 
In  iHHj.  Stella  boasted  a  waterworks.  A  reservoir  was  Iniilt  on  Main 
street,  where  now  stands  the  Baptist  church.  Pipes  were  laid  and  water 
was  served  to  patrons  of  the  works.  The  old  creamery  building  on  the  hill 
east  of  town,  once  did  a  flourishing  business  here.  It  finallv  passed  out  of 
usefulness  for  lack  of  an  active  manager. 


Fire,  at  dift'erent  times,  has  wrought  great  destruction  in  the  business 
part  of  Stella.  In  1888,  several  buildings  were  burned  on  the  corner  where 
The  Press  ofiice  now  stands.  Ten  years  afterward  several  buildings  on  the 
solid  business  blocks  on  the  west  side  of  Main  street  were  burned,  and  in 
1903  almost  all  the  east  side  went  up  in  one  smoke. 

Stella  has  a  good  opera  house,  erected  in  1898  by  a  stock  company — 
now  owned  by  R.  .\.  Clark  and  managed  by  A.  E.  CambUn.  The  Stella 
Telephone  Company  was  organized  in  1899,  ''^"'^'  ser\-es  both  Stella  and 
Shubert,  with  a  central  station  at  each  town.  The  lines  of  the  company 
extend  east  as  far  as  the  Missouri  river.  In  all,  about  .seven  hundred  patrons 
are   served. 

About  i8gy,  an  electric  light,  heat  and  in)wer  company  was  granted  a 
franchise.  In  1907,  John  H.  Brenner  ol)tained  this  franchise,  installed  a 
plant,  and  in  the  spring  of  1908  Stella  was  electric  lighted.  In  a  few  years 
transmission  lines  were  built  and  Shubert  supplied  with  current  fron>  Stella. 
In  March,  1916,  an  accident  happened  to  some  of  the  machinery  at  the  light 
plant,  and  the  Ihenners  <lid  not  care  to  go  to  the  e.xi)ense  of  replacing  it. 
In  the  fall,  they  dispo.sed  of  their  plant  to  the  Nebraska  Cas  and  I-'lectric 
Com[)any.  of  Cle\e!and.  ( )hio,  with  \\'estern  headquarters  at  Omaha.  By 
January,  \')\J.  the  new  owners  had  rehabilitated  the  plant  and  again  Stella 
and  Shubert  l>ecanie  electric  lighted. 

Stella  has  .s])lendi(]  sidewalks  of  brick  or  cement.  bVom  the  new  school 
building,   or   the   home   of    U.    .\.    I'lark.    in    the   extreme   north   part   of   the 


town,  to  the  Stella  cemetery  gate,  a  mile  awav,  there  is  a  continuous  walk 
of  brick  or  cement.  The  cement  walk  from  town  to  the  Stella  cemetery, 
with  a  bridge  of  cement  and  iron  across  the  little  stream  in  the  east  part 
of  town,  is  one  of  the  big  achievements  of  the  community  within  the  past 
few  years,  at  a  cost  of  considerably  more  than  a  thousand  dollars. 

At  the  time  this  history  is  written,  July,  191 7.  Stella  and  vicinity  are 
actively  engaged  in  Red  Cross  work,  and  nearly  two  thousand  dollars  in 
money  has  been  subscribed.  The  officers  of  the  Stella  Red  Cross  auxiliary 
are  R.  A.  Clark,  president;  Dick  Curtis,  vice-president:  ]\Iiss  Lucile  Harris, 
secretary,  and  J-  M.  Wright,  treasurer. 


The  Ladies'  Research  Club,  organized  March  13,  1896,  has  taken  a 
leading  part  and  has  been  a  tremendous  force  for  good  in  the  community 
for  more  than  twenty  years.  This  club  has  far  outgrown  the  original  pur- 
pose of  organization,  which  was  to  study  history  and  literature.  The  club 
has  earned  money  in  various  ways  to  be  used  for  public  purposes,  such 
as  the  improvement  of  the  city  park.     Mrs.  A.  W.  Montgomery  is  president. 

The  Ladies'  Auxiliary  of  the  Stella  Cemetery  Association  has  done 
nobly  during  the  ten  years  of  its  existence.  During  that  time  the  Stella 
cem.etery  has  been  changed  from  an  unkept  place  to  a  thing  of  beauty ; 
various  improvements  and  conveniences  added  to  the  cemetery:  strong, 
attractive  front  entrance  gates  built,  and  the  cement  walk  with  bridge, 
made  between  town  and  cemetery.  Mrs.  Angeline  Raper  is  president.  Each 
of  the  four  churches  has  strong,  active  women's  societies,  each  doing  a 
good  work.  Various  lodges  and  other  societies  flourish  in  the  town.  The 
Stella  orchestra  gives  its  services  free  to  play  whenever  the  occasion  demands. 

Stella  has  been  a  good  business  town,  from  the  very  beginning.  The 
town  and  railroad  were  badly  needed  by  the  farmers,  and  that  gave  the 
place  a  good  start.  J.  W.  Clark,  of  Covington,  Kentucky,  was  the  father 
of  Stella.  The  town  is  named  for  a  daughter.  Stella,  who  is  dead;  and  the 
Florence  hotel,  which  he  built  here  when  the  town  started,  was  named 
for  another  daughter,  also  dead. 

In  1857,  treaties  were  concluded  with  the  Indians  which  enabled  the 
government  to  sell  the  land,  and  by  attending  these  sales  Mr.  Clark  obtained 
titles  to  numerous  tracts  in  this  vicinity.  He  himself  never  lived  here,  but 
after  the  town  started  he  sent  his  son,  H.  E.  Clark,  to  Stella  to  look  after  his 
interests.     H.  E.  Clark  moved  to  Kansas  City  in   1904,  and  since  then  his 


brother,  R.  A.  Clark,  is  the  onh'  member  of  the  family  residing  in  Stella. 
J.  W.  Clark  passed  away  eighteen  years  ago. 

The  original  townsite  of  Stella  comprised  forty  acres.  It  was  four 
blocks  square,  extending  from  the  street  south  of  the  Christian  church  to 
the  street  north  of  the  Lutheran  church.  The  boundaries  on  the  east  and 
west  were  the  same  then  as  now. 


Stella  has  two  strong  banks,  The  Bank  of  Stella,  owned  by  Hull  and 
Ferguson,  and  the  State  Bank  of  Stella,  at  that  time  owned  by  Sweet 
Brothers,  were  purchased  by  J.  R.  Cain  for  a  corporation,  and  both  merged 
into  the  present  State  Bank  of  Stella  in  January,  1886.  The  incorporators 
were  Sol  Jameson,  J.  L.  Slocum,  George  W.  Holland,  B.  R.  Williams,  J. 
R.  Cain  and  Charles  Metz.  Mr.  Cain  is  still  connected  with  the  bank. 
He  is  the  president,  and  is  assisted  by  E.  C.  Roberts,  as  cashier  and  H. 
V.   Davis,  as  assistant  cashier. 

The  Farmers  State  Bank  was  organized  with  fourteen  stockholders  in 
the  fall  of  191 5,  and  opened  for  business  in  January,  1916.  I.  L.  Plasters 
is  president;  George  W.  Lambert,  vice-president,  and  J.  M.  Wright,  cashier. 
The  directors  are  I.  L.  Plasters.  G.  W.  Lambert.  C.  A.  Larimore,  John 
Sayer  and  J  F.  Shubert. 

The  Stella  Press  was  started  by  Gird  Brothers  in  August,  1882.  The 
paper  changed  names  a  time  or  two.  and  had  eleven  differeent  editors  during 
the  first  twenty  years  of  its  existence.  For  fifteen  years  the  Stella  Press 
has  been  owned  and  edited  and  published  by  Clyde  G.  Haskins  and  Miss 
Eunice  Haskins.  The  Press  had  strenuous  times  until  alxiut  twenty  years 
ago,  and  for  a  while  had  to  battle  for  existence  with  other  papers  in  the 


Three  physicians  are  located  at  Stella  at  the  present  time:  Dr.  G.  -M. 
Andrews,  Dr.  A.  \\\  Montgomery  and  Dr.  George  Egermayer.  Dr.  I.  L. 
Callison  and  Dr.  E.  W.  James  are  the  dentists.  Dr.  J.  H.  Brey  is  the  veterin- 
arian. .\.  J.  Baldwin  and  L.  R.  Chaney  are  engaged  in  the  real-estate  and  in- 
surance business.  E.  E.  Marr  is  agent  for  the  Missouri  Pacific,  and  H.  T. 
Wilson  is  postmaster.  Miss  Mabel  James  has  the  millinery  store,  and  W. 
K.  Knight,  of  Falls  City,  kcejis  his  Stella  photographer's  studio  open  on 


^  :m^  :M ... 


11  m 




The  Hays  lumber  yard  is  managed  by  Neil  Duncan.  J.  \\'.  Curtis,  Jr., 
does  the  town  draying,  and  Amil  Moritz  keeps  the  livery  stable.  John  S. 
Mann  runs  the  harness  shop,  as  he  did  in  the  beginning  of  things  at  Stella. 
H.  C.  Frankell  sells  implements  and  automobiles,  and  J.  M.  Goodloe,  in 
his  garage,  and  Stine  &  Freed,  in   their  blacksmith  shop,   do  repair  work. 

D.  C.  Allen  keeps  busy  making  walks  and  doing  other  cement  work. 

Dishman  &  TomHnson  dispense  drugs  at  the  Rexall  store ;  J.  F.  Weddle 
sells  hardware,  furniture  and  implements;  C.  M.  Byrd  manages  the  Farmers 
Union  Store;  J.  S.  Kimsey  is  owner  of  the  city  meat  market  and  sells  ice; 
H.  W.  Wolf  still  keeps  his  carpenter  shop  open;  Marion  C.  Marts  does  a 
big  business  at  his  poultry  station;  W.  K.  Frankel  stays  at  his  jewelry  store 
when  he  is  not  papering  and  painting;  J.  M.  Loney  and  E.  B.  McCann 
run  the  restaurants;  E.  C.  \^erhune  and  Guy  Dodson  are  the  barbers;  G. 

E.  Hansen  sells  dry  goods  and  groceries ;  Joe  Wagner  is  the  live  stock 
dealer.  Esburn  Wheeler  and  Ira  H.  Martin  have  the  big  general  stores  in 
Stella.  Mr.  Wheeler's  store  is  a  department  business,  with  a  balcony  for 
furniture  and  undertaking.  Mr.  Martin  is  conducting  the  business  founded 
by  his  uncle,  the  late  W.  H.  Hogrefe,  soon  after  the  town  started. 

Stella  has  a  splendid  modern  hotel,  centrally  located  on  Main  street — 
"The  Overman,''  built  in  1904,  by  J.  H.  Overman,  the  proprietor. 

Stella  is  an  ideal  small  town — clean,  well  kept  and  pretty;  a  good  place 
in  which  to  live,  and  to  trade;  a  good  market  for  live  stock  and  grain;  near 
to  the  big  markets  of  the  west — Kansas  City,  St.  Joseph  and  Omaha;  on 
the  main  line  of  the  Missouri  Pacific  railway,  with  good  shipping  facilities 
and  good  passenger  service.  It  has  good  schools  and  good  churches:  a 
healthy  place,  with  good  water,  situated  on  a  hill  rising  from  the  valley  of 
Muddy  creek,  where  the  boys  go  swimming  in  summer,  and  where  they 
skate  and  ice  is  cut  in  winter.  On  the  route  covered  by  three  great  automo- 
bile highways — the  Scenic,  between  Omaha  and  Kansas  City;  the  George 
Washington,  between  Savannah,  Georgia,  and  Seattle,  Washington,  and  the 
King  of  Trails  between  Galveston,  Texas  and  Winnipeg,  Canada.  Truly, 
the  people  of  Stella  live  in  a  community  that  is  wonderfully  blessed. 


The  site  for  the  village  was  chosen  by  J.  C.  Lincoln,  Thomas  Hare  and 
J.  W.  Roberts  oli  the  30th  day  of  January,  1855,  and  a  plat  of  the  original 
town  may  still  be  found  in  the  first  record  kept  b)-  the  county  commissioners. 


where  it  was  recurded.  West  Salem,  which  was  an  addition  to  the  original 
town,  was  laid  out  to  the  west  on  May  14th,  1857,  and  is  now  well  built  up. 
The  latter  addition  was  surveyed  by  Joseph  B.  Nickle  and  was  the  property 
of  Charles  McDonald  and  J.  C.  Lincoln.  In  an  effort  to  get  the  counly  .seat 
a  large  portion  of  the  lots  in  what  is  known  as  West  Salem  was  deeded  to 
Richardson  county. 

The  first  village  trustees  were  appointed  by  territorial  authorities  as 
follows :  I*.  W.  Birkhauser,  H.  Price.  J.  X'andervortt  and  Anson  Rising, 
with  Samuel  H.  Roberts  as  mayor. 

The  first  to  visit  the  site  of  the  town  were  Joseph  and  Thomas  Hare, 
John  Roberts  and  John  A.  Singleton,  who,  with  Jesse  Crook,  came  upon  the 
scene  in  1854  from  Missouri,  while  on  a  trip  of  inspection  of  the  new  coun- 
try with  an  idea  of  locating  here  permanently.  These  men  were  at  once 
pleased  with  the  place  from  the  fact  that  they  found  the  waters  of  the  ri\er 
available  to  furnish  power  for  mill  sites,  while  the  banks  of  the  streams  were 
at  that  time  heavily  wooded  with  a  growth  of  heavy  timber  which  could  be 
used  for  building  purposes.  The  Hare  brothers  conceived  the  idea  of  estab- 
lishing a  saw-mill  to  provide  lumber  for  early  settlers  and  soon  had  machin- 
ery on  the  ground  and  set  up  a  lumber  mill. 

The  same  year  J.  C.  Lincoln,  a  relative  of  President  Abraham  Lincoln, 
who  greatly  resembled  the  martyred  president,  arrived  and  opened  up  the 
first  trading  post,  selling  to  the  Indians  and  white  settlers  who  came  in. 
John  W.  Holt,  who  was  later  to  play  an  important  part  in  the  business  his- 
tory of  the  county,  was  an  early  arrival  and  became  associated  in  the  business 
with  Mr.  Lincoln,  which  firm  continued  as  one  of  the  leading  business  con- 
cerns for  more  than  a  quarter  of  a  century. 

Salem  became  early  an  important  factor  in  county  affairs  from  the  fact 
that  the  county  seat  of  government  was  removed  to  it  from  Archer.  This 
incident  attracted  many  of  the  early  settlers  to  that  vicinity  and  materially 
assisted  in  making  it  one  of  the  permanent  towns  of  the  county. 

J.  C.  Lincoln  was  the  first  to  serve  the  people  as  postmaster  and  was 
succeeded  by  John  W.  Holt,- who  resigned  the  office  in  March,  1869.  The 
office  was  first  located  in  the  store  building  of  Mr.  Lincoln,  while  he  served. 

D.  .\.  Tisdell  was  the  pioneer  hotel  man  at  Salem  and  remained  in  the 
business  for  many  years  and  owned  a  number  of  the  hotels  at  that  place. 
The  first  was  built  in  1859  and  stood  on  the  brow  of  the  hill.  It  was 
destroyed  by  fire  in  1878. 

The  l""irst   Baptist  church  was  the   first  to  be  built  at   Salem  and  was 


erected  in  1869.  At  that  time  they  were  joined  h-v  the  Presbyterians.  It  was 
located  in  a  prominent  site  and  had  a  seating  cap:icit\-  of  three  hundred.  The 
first  pastor  to  serve  the  congregation  was  Rev.  E.  D.  Thomas. 

The  Free  Will  Baptist  church  was  one  of  the  early  churches  repre- 
sented and  a  church  was  built  in  1868  with  Rev.  A.  Curtis  in  charge. 

The  Presbyterian  church  was  organized  in  1863  '^y  l'^e\-  John  Lilh  and 
twenty  others. 

The  Salem  Lodge  Xo.  21.  Independent  Order  of  Odd  h'ellows,  is  one 
c>f  the  oldest  and  most  prosperous  of  the  Odd  h^ellow  lodges  of  the  count_\- 
and  was  first  established  on  July  9th,  1870,  with  the  following  charter  mem- 
bers: D.  H.  Hull,  X.  Snyder,  D.  C.  Simmons,  Joseph  H.  .\llen,  G.  Hard  and 
X.  Snider. 

Lodge  Xo.  47,  Free  and  Accepted  Masons,  was  organized  on  June  26th, 

The  Salem  of  tixla}-  is  a  town  of  six  or  se\en  hundred  inhabitants,  situ- 
ated on  the  Burlington  &  Missouri  railroad,  se\-en  miles  west  of  b'alls  C^ity. 
.\t  this  point  the  railroad  branches,  the  branch  forming  a  short  line  to 
Xebraska  City,  in  Otoe  county,  to  the  north,  and  intervening  points.  The 
depot  is  located  more  than  half  a  mile  from  the  business  section  of  the  city 
and  the  visitor  having  entered  a  conveyance,  that  makes  all  the  trains,  is 
driven  past  the  grain  elevator  and  stockyards  and  along  a  beautifully  shaded 
street  that  leads  past  the  old  fair  grounds  across  the  iron  bridge  that  spans 
the  Xemaha,  near  one  of  the  first  mill  sites  of  the  county,  and  thence  winds 
uj)  the  long  hill  and  on  to  the  main  street  of  the  town. 

Along  this  street  are  the  business  houses,  being  for  the  most  part  sub- 
stantial brick  structures,  the  fine  nati\e  building  stone  having  been  largely 
used  in  their  construction.  All  lines  of  business  usually  found  in  a  thriving, 
up-to-date  city,  are  to  be  found  represented  there  anil  represented  by  a  li\e 
bunch  of  business  men. 

The  people  of  Salem  are  progressive  and  enterprising  and  in  the  long 
vears  since  the  town  was  founded,  it  has  kei)t  |)ace  with  the  growth  of  the 
country  that  surrounds  it.  .\bove  the  tree  tops  in  the  valleys,  the  church 
spires  ascend  to  the  very  summit  of  the  highest  hill,  two  public  school  buildings 
accommodate  the  sons  and  daughters  of  Salem,  and  capable  teachers  attend 
to  the  educational  wants  of  the  community.  It  is  from  this  hill  that  the  mag- 
nificent view  before  mentioned  is  afforded.  To  the  north  and  northeast  the 
eve  can  see  for  miles  and  miles. 


By    D.    A.  Tisdell. 

In  1854  two  men  named  John  A.  Singleton  and  William  Roberts,  took 
claims  on  the  south  fork  of  the  Nemaha  and  one  Mr.  Short  took  a  mill  claim 
at  the  junction  of  the  north  and  south  Nemahas,  where  Salem  now  stands. 
The  first  election  in  Richardson  county,  which  then  included  what  is  now 
Pawnee  count)^  was  held  in  the  fall  of  1854,  and  John  A.  Singleton,  from 
our  precinct,  was  elected  to  the  House  of  Representatives  of  the  Territorial 
Legislature,  being  the  first,  with  D.  M.  Johnson,  to  represent  our  county  in 
the  Legislature,  which  convened  in  Omaha,  January  16,  1855.  The  next 
settlers  in  the  precinct  were :  J.  W.  Roberts,  Thomas  and  Joseph  R.  Hare.  J. 
C.  Lincoln  and  Charles  McDonald.  The  two  latter  located  and  laid  out  the 
town  of  Salem,  in  January,  1855,  J.  Cass  Lincoln  starting  a  trading  post  and 
Thomas  R.  Hare  erecting  a  sawmill  to  supply  lumber  to  the  three  settlers 
who  preceded  him,  and  afterwards  a  gristmill  to  crack  the  corn  that  Single- 
ton and  Roberts  raised  to  feed  McDonald,  who  was  in  the  real  estate  busi- 
ness and  who  disposed  of  corner  lots  in  Salem  at  fabulous  prices  to  Eastern 

West  Salem  was  laid  out  on  May  14th.  1857.  This  addition,  now  prac- 
tically included  in  the  town,  was  surveyed  by  Joseph  B.  Nickle,  and  was  the 
property  of  Charles  McDonald  and  J.  C.  Lincoln.  (J.  C.  Lincoln  was  a 
second  cousin  of  President  Abraham  Lincoln.)  A  part  of  West  Salem  was 
donated  to  the  county  as  an  inducement  to  retain  the  county  seat. 

Among  the  number  who  settled  in  the  precinct  in  1855  were :  John  and 
Weston  Ogden,  Galliger,  Abe  Roberts.  W.  H.  Whitney  and  J.  W.  Headrick. 
Those  of  1856  were  Mr.  Oliver  and  Green.  Additions  of  1857  were  A.  J. 
Currence,  Lara  Hoppes,  David  and  Robert  Boyd. 

Up  to  that  time  nothing  unusual  transpired  outside  of  the  usual  walks 
of  life  incident  to  the  settling  of  a  new  country.  In  the  spring  of  1859  there 
was  (juite  an  influx  into  the  precinct.  Among  those  who  settled  in  the  pre- 
cinct were:  F.  .\.  Tisdell,  Sr.,  and  Jr..  J.  W.  Leverett.  J.  M.  Wa.shburn. 
J.  R.  Brooks,  M.  D.:  \\'illiam  Slossen  Peres,  .\.  Tisdell.  John  Billings,  A. 
Rising.  Levi  Wheeler.  .\.  I-Vitz.  Lemmon  lioys.  H.  C.  Jennings,  and  S.  \'an- 
dervort.     The  two  latter  returned  to  Illinois  in  the  following  fall. 

Tisdell  &  Company  brought  a  steam  saw-mill  with  them  that  was  kept 
running  for  several  years  supplying  lumber  for  the  needy.  In  the  winter  of 
i860  I  came  to  Nebraska  and  located  at  Salem  on  the  26th  dav  of  Februarv. 



Soon  thereafter  I  bought  eighty  acres  of  land  adjoining  the  townsite  from 
John  Billings,  and  got  some  of  it  liroke  tlie  following  spring,  with  the  expec- 
tation of  bringing  my  family  in  the  near  future  and  making  that  my  perman- 
ent home.  The  gold  excitement  in  the  far  West  induced  me  w  ith  others  to 
seek  our  fortune,  if  possible,  among  the  mountains  near  Pike's  Peak. 


About  sixteen  miles  due  north  of  Falls  City  the  town  of  Shubert  is 
located,  and  of  all  the  towns  in  the  county  this  is  one  of  the  most  important, 
from  the  standpoint  of  business  transacted  and  general  commercial  activity. 
It  is  the  principal  trading  point  for  a  wide  extent  of  country,  that  is  not  only 
well  adapted  for  all  kinds  of  farming  and  agricultural  pursuits,  but  for  stock 
raising  as  well. 

Having  a  most  advantageous  location,  it  is  not  wonderful  that  there 
should  have  grown  here  a  thriving  town  of  some  five  hundred  people  and 
tiiat  the  town  should  from  the  first  show  a  degree  of  progress  and  a  growth 
that  showed  the  site  to  be  well  chosen  and  the  town  to  fill  a  want  in  that  sec- 
tion of  the  country.  Those  who  have  built  up  Shubert  to  what  it  is  today, 
have  not  only  built  wisely  but  they  have  built  well.  The  town  is  laid  out  on  a 
generous  scale,  the  streets  being,  very  wide,  and  along  the  main  street  are  to 
be  found  many  business  blocks  of  brick  that  would  be  a  credit  to  larger  towns. 
One  thing  that  impresses  the  visitor  is  that  nothing  seems  to  be  overdone,  but 
each  branch  of  industry  is  just  sufficiently  represented  to  induce  good,  healthy 
competition,  which  is  the  life  of  trade  and  hence  the  very  life  of  the  town. 
Shubert  is  fortunate  in  possessing  a  class  of  business  men  who  are  not  only 
progressive  and  up-to-date,  but  who  are  accommodating  and  congenial.  Their 
stores  are  all  large  and  well  kept  and  are  stocked  with  a  sufficient  variety  of 
merchandise  to  meet  the  demands  of  an  ever  increasing  trade. 

What  is  true  of  the  business  section  of  the  town,  as  to  appearance, 
applies  to  the  residence  section.  There  are  many  substantial  homes,  whose 
appearance  stands  as  evidence  of  the  prosperity  of  the  owners  and  their  pride 
in  living  well  and  in  the  appearance  and  beauty  of  the  town. 

The  Nebraska  City  Branch  of  the  Burlington  &  Missouri  Railroad  passes 
through  Shubert  and  in  the  course  of  a  }ear  immense  amounts  of  stock,  grain, 
etc.,  are  shipped  out.     Shubert  is  also  reached  by  the  county  telephone  lines. 

Shubert  people  may  well  boast  of  their  public  school  building,   which 


is  a  large  two-story  brick  structure  and  as  fine  as  any  in  the  county.  The 
schools  are  kept  ever  in  the  front  rank,  and  no  teachers  but  the  most  compe- 
tent are  ever  employed.  In  the  way  of  churches  the  town  is  supplied  with 
a  number  of  creditable  edifices  and  all  churches  are  largely  attended  and 
are  in  a  prosperous  condition. 

One  newspaper,  the  Slmhcri  Citizen,  is  published  there  by  J.  L.  Dalby, 
who  is  a  veteran  newspaper  man  of  the  county,  and  his  paper  has  always 
championed  the  best  interests  of  Shubert. 

TOWN    OF    RULO. 

The  town  of  Rulo,  might  well  be  termed  the  "front  door  of  Richardson 
county."  It  is  located  on  the  eastern  boundary  of  the  county  on  a  series 
of  high  hills  that  overlook  the  Missouri  river  and  at  a  point  where  the  old 
.^.tchison  &  Nebraska,  now  known  as  the  Burlington  &  Alissouri  railroad, 
enters  the  state. 

There  is  much  of  historical  interest  connected  with  the  town  of  Rulo, 
and  much  of  the  earlier  history  of  the  county  was  formed  in  the  vicinit}-  of 
this  place.  It  was  originally  one  of  the  many  settlements  that  were  made 
along  the  Missouri  river  at  the  time  when  the  flood  of  emigration  first  met 
the  flood  waters  of  this  river  and  rested  a  moment  as  it  were,  before  sweep- 
ing westward  to  inundate  the  great  plains  that  lay  beyond  and  to  ulti- 
mately sweep  away  the  last  vestige  of  all  that  was  aboriginal  and  uncivilized. 
The  land  upon  which  Rulo  now  stands  was  originally  part  of  the  lands 
granted  to  the  wife  of  Charles  Rouleau  under  the  terms  of  the  treaty  of 
Prairie  Du  Chien.  It  is  from  her  that  the  town  takes  its  name  and  it 
should  be  so  spelled,  but  time  has  brought  into  use  the  shorter  form  (^f 

It  was  first  laid  out  in  1856  and  incorporated  in  1859,  at  which  time 
l)art  nf  the  lands  belonging  to  Mrs.  Bedard,  a  sister  of  Mrs.  Rouleau,  was 
included  in  a  plat  of  the  townsite.  The  location  is  one  that  nnist  have  com- 
mended itself  strongly  to  the  pioneers,  as  a  better  site  for  a  town  couUl  not 
be  found.  It  stands  on  a  cluster  of  hills  from  the  top  of  which  the  eye 
may  follow  the  graceful  curves  of  the  Missouri  river  for  miles  and  miles, 
and  may  gaze  across  the  bottom  land  upon  the  opposite  side  until  vision 
is  shut  out  by  the  veil  of  distance.  The  person  standing  on  one  of  these 
hills  may  look  into  three  states  for  he  is  standing  in  Nebraska  and  to  the 
south  loom  the  hills  of  northern  Kansas,  and  to  the  east  the  spreading  flats 
of  western  Missouri. 



The  older  residents  of  this  county  will  recall  many  names  that  are 
closely  linked  with  the  history  of  Rulo.  Charles  Rouleau,  Eli  Bedard,  E. 
H.  Johnson,  Charles  Martin.  Eli  Plante,  F.  X.  Dupuis  and  scores  of  others 
have  long  since  gone  to  their  last  long  rest,  but  it  seems  as  though  their 
spirit  still  dwells  amid  the  familiar  haunt  of  the  hills.  The  earlier  settlers 
of  Rulo  came  with  the  various  expeditions  that  set  out  to  explore  the  mys- 
teries of  the  then  unknown  West,  but  who  stopped  to  cast  their  lots  on 
the  banks  of  the  turbid  Missouri.  The  Rulo  of  today  is  a  far  different 
place  and  the  linger  of  time  has  so  marked  it,  as  it  has  the  whole  West. 
Many  of  the  descendants  of  the  pioneers  still  reside  there  and  have  shared 
m  the  foresight  of  their  ancestors,  who  knew  a  good  thing  when  they  saw 
it,  and  founded  the  town  of  Rulo. 

When  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  railroad  was  built  (the  first  rail  of 
this  road  was  laid  across  the  Nebraska-Kansas  state  line  on  May  12,  1871), 
a  station  was  established  a  few  miles  west  of  Rulo  known  as  the  "Rulo 
Y,"  and  from  there  a  stub  line  was  built  to  Rulo.  But  in  1885  the  rail- 
road company  found  that  this  arrangement  was  unsatisfactory  and  accord- 
ingly a  magnificent  steel  bridge  was  built  to  span  the  Missouri  at  Rulo  and 
the  line  built  to  connect  with  what  is  known  as  the  Kansas  City  and  Council 
Bluffs  line  on  the  other  side  of  the  river.  This  line  connects  at  Napier, 
Missouri,  and  thus  rail  connection  was  had  with  Kansas  City  and  St.  Joseph, 
iNIissouri,  on  both  sides  of  the  river.  The  bridge  is  one  of  the  largest 
spanning  that  stream.  The  Missouri  at  this  point  is  quite  treacherous  and 
the  cutting  by  the  current  has  given  the  government  and  the  railroad  com- 
panj^  much  trouble  and  large  sums  of  money  have  been  expended  in  trying 
to  curb  it.  The  bridge  was  more  than  two  years  in  process  of  construction 
and  cost  more  than  a  million  dollars.  The  bridge  came  to  be  the  subject  of 
warm  legal  controversy  soon  after  its  completion,  when  it  came  to  be  assessed 
for  taxation.  Richardson  county  wanted  it  taxed  ( i.  e.,  that  is.  the  west  half 
of  it, )  at  its  value,  independent  of  the  other  part  of  the  company's  roadbed  in 
the  c<junty.  The  case  was  carried  to  the  supreme  court  and  in  course  of  time 
a  decision  was  rendered  adverse  to  the  county,  which  in  efifect  allows  it  to  be 
taxed  the  same  as  other  mileage  of  the  railroad  in  the  county.  The  company, 
however,  has  alwa\s  charged  an  additional  sum  of  fifty  cents  extra  for  each 
passenger  carried  over  it,  and  the  same  is  true  as  to  freight,  which  is  burdened 
with  an  extra  charge  for  transport  over  the  structure. 

The  early  days,  with  their  thrilling  history,  have  passed  away,  and  where 
lawlessness  once  reigned  in  a  rough  river  town  of  the  border,  a  thoroughlv 



modern  little  citv  now  stands,  inhabited  by  more  than  a  thousand  prosperous 
and  contented  people.  The  town  is  well  built,  the  business  blocks  for  the 
most  part  being  two-story  brick  structures  and  occupied  by  successful  mer- 
chants, who  enjoy  a  good  trade  and  a  patronage  that  is  merited. 

The  rugged  topography  lends  a  peculiar  beauty  to  the  town  and  neat 
and  comfortable  homes  nestle  in  the  valleys  and  on  the  hill  sides,  hidden 
beneath  a  veritable  forest  of  trees.  Above  the  tops  of  these  trees  the  spires 
of  many  churches  testify  to  the  religious  sentiment  that  prevails  and  on 
the  quiet  Sabbath  morning  the  sound  of  the  bells  float  out  on  the  air  that 
once  bore  the  red  man's  war  song  or  the  cry  of  wild  animals,  succeeded  first 
by  the  weird  song  of  the  steamboat  whistle,  followed  by  the  song  of  civili- 
zation, the  church  bell.  Rulo  boasts  of  as  fine  a  public  school  building  as 
may  be  found  in  the  county.  It  is  a  large,  brick  building,  equipped  with 
all  the  modern  appliances  and  capable  teachers  are  always  employed.  Rulo 
is  also  a  good  market,  having  a  large  territory  to  draw  from  and  affording 
good  shipping  facilities.  A  large  grain  and  stock  business  is  transacted 
here  and  a  great  deal  of  all  kinds  of  produce  is  shipped  out. 


The  town  of  Preston  was  laid  out  and  plattetl  on  land  bordering  the  edge 
of  the  great  Sac  and  Fox  Indian  Reservation,  which  comprised  thousands  of 
acres  of  land  lying  in  the  southeastern  part  of  the  county.  It  was  for  many 
years  one  of  the  principal  shipping  points  of  the  county.  Jeft'erson  precinct, 
in  which  Preston  is  located,  is  one  of  the  most  fertile  and  productive  precincts 
in  the  county  and  the  great  majority  of  the  products  is  shipped  to  the  outer 
world  from  Preston.  The  town  is  located  about  a  mile  south  of  the  point 
where  the  Muddy  flows  into  the  Nemaha  and  six  miles  southeast  of  Falls  City. 
Its  existence  dates  from  1881,  when  the  town  was  first  platted  by  a  man  from 
Hiawatha  as  "Bluffton,"  but  as  there  was  at  that  time  another  town  in  the 
state  having  the  same  name,  or  one  \ery  similar,  the  postal  authorities  made 
objections  and  the  name  was  changed  to  Preston. 

The  construction  of  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  railroad  line  marked  the 
beginning  of  an  era  of  development  and  prosperity  for  the  surrounding 
country  and  rendered  imperative  the  need  of  a  station  with  adequate  shipping 
facilities,  .\round  this  station  the  pretty  little  town  of  Preston  sprang  up.  A 
big  elevator  was  constructed  to  take  care  of  the  grain  that  was  to  l>e  shipped 
while  the  railroad  yards  furnished  accommodations  for  the  stock  raisers  who 
desired  to  ship  stock  to  the  markets  of  Kansas  City  and  St.  Joseph.     The 


ST.    JIARK'S      F,\AX(;i:i.K'AI.    LITHKItAX    t'lIfltCH,    NEAR    VERDOX 


town  was  very  nicely  located  on  the  high  banks  that  adjoins  the  Nemaha  bot- 
toms on  the  south  and  overlooks  the  rich  lands  that  stretch  away  on  every 

The  close  proximity  of  the  large  tribe  of  Sac  and  Fox  Indians  was  a 
great  source  of  revenue  to  the  merchants  of  Preston.  Here  a  great  portion 
of  the  Indian  annuities  were  paid  and  spent  and  the  presence  of  the  red  man 
on  the  streets  was  a  very  common  sight. 

Preston  was  well  supplied  with  stores,  a  bank,  an  opera  house,  school 
building  and  many  homes  as  beautiful  as  might  be  found  in  the  countv. 


This  little  inland  town  was  located  several  miles  south  of  the  town  of 
Dawson,  in  Nemaha  township,  on  the  southwest  quarter  of  southeast  quarter 
of  section  17,  township  i,  north  of  range  14  east  of  the  sixth  principal 
meridian,  by  Mrs.  Betsey  U.  Nims.  The  little  place  occupies  the  space  of 
about  one  city  block  and  was  regularly  platted  and  the  same  duly  recorded. 
The  plat  bears  the  date  of  July  20,  1903.  Its  promoters  probably  started  it 
as  a  rival  of  a  much  older  little  place  to  the  southwest  of  it,  which  was  known 
as  Middleburg.  The  latter  had  been  a  little  mail  station  from  the  very  early 
days,  and  was  in  the  same  township.  Nims  City  was  at  its  best  in  1906-7-8, 
and  boasted  of  a  church,  several  stores,  a  blacksmith  shop,  barber  shop  and  a 
large  public  hall  and  hotel.  The  hall,  or  opera  house,  was  and  is  still  used 
much  like  a  town  hall  and  was  a  very  popular  place  for  many  years  past  for 
the  young  people  who  desired  to  gather  there  in  the  winter  evenings  to  dance 
away  the  hours.  Frank  Nims  of  Falls  City,  a  son  of  the  founder,  was  the 
moving  spirit  in  the  place  and  resided  on  a  farm  nearby.  Since  his  departure 
and  that  of  others  prominent  there,  the  place  has  not  continued  to  prosper  as 


Verdon  is  the  second  station  north  on  the  Missouri  Pacific  line  from 
Falls  City ;  Strausville,  being  the  first,  and  is  eleven  miles  distant.  The  land 
on  which  stands  the  village  is  the  southeast  quarter  of  the  southeast  quarter 
of  section  10,  township  2.  north  of  range  15,  east  of  the  sixth  prime  meridian, 
and  was  patented  to  William  McK.  Maddox,  under  date,  September  15,  i860. 
The  land  was  later  owned  by  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  A.  Hall  and  it  was  they  who 
founded  the  town.  The  plat,  signed  by  John  A.  Hall  and  his  wife  Julia,  was 


filed  in  the  office  of  the  register  of  deeds  on  February  22.  1S82,  at  the  time 
of  the  building-  of  the  ^Missouri  Pacific  railroad  north  and  south  across  Rich- 
ardson county.  Since  the  original  plat  was  made  a  part  of  the  otificial  records 
of  the  county  a  number  of  additions  have  been  added  to  the  village  as  follows : 
By  Joseph  H.  Meyers  antl  wife  Maggie  A.,  on  the  west,  being  a  part  of  the 
west  half  of  the  southeast  (|uarter  of  section  10,  township  2,  nordi  of  range 
15,  dated  November  10,  1884.  This  addition  was  surveyed  by  Creighton 
Morris,  of  Humboldt,  on  October  6,  1884,  and  the  plat  was  filed  on  Noveniljer 
12,  1884;  and  another  addition  by  Miss  Camma  Hall,  being  the  southeast  one- 
half  of  the  nortlieast  quarter  of  the  southeast  quarter,  filed  on  September  1, 
1885.  This  addition  was  also  surveyed  by  Creighton  Morris,  October  8, 
1 884 :  and  another  by  the  Lincoln  Land  Company,  on  the  east  side  of  the  town. 

The  town  is  beautifully  located  on  a  hill  overlooking  Muddy  Creek  val- 
ley and  occupied  a  most  picturesque  location.  The  town  has  a  village  gov- 
ernment, a  board  of  trustees,  constituted  as  follows :  G.  C.  Goolsby,  chairman  ; 
C.  H.  Wear,  H.  J.  Corn,  trustees:  C.  G.  Humphrey,  clerk;  H.  X.  Timmerman. 
treasurer,  and  Frank  Waggner.  marshal.  The  population  of  \'erdon  has 
been  reported  as  follows,  according  to  the  United  States  government  census: 
1890,  253:  1900,  340:  1910,  406.  The  town  has  electric  lights  and  a  good 
.-vstem  of  local  telephones,  and  nearly  every  line  of  business  is  well  represented. 

There  was  for  a  time  much  uncertainty  as  to  where  the  town  which  we 
know  as  Verdon  would  be  located.  This  uncertainty  was  the  result  of  the 
railroads,  or  the  uncertainty  of  the  location  of  the  railroad.  Prior  to  the 
locatiiin  of  the  Missouri  Pacific  right-of-way.  the  Republican  River  \  alley 
Railroad  Company,  which  is  the  Burlington  Line,  now  extending  from  Salem 
to  Nemaha  City,  had  surveyed  a  line  from  Salem  to  Nemaha  City,  by  way  of 
the  present  line,  and  had  graded  the  road  from  the  north  down  to  Muddy  creek, 
just  south  of  the  town  of  \'erdon.  As  Salem  was  the  trading  point  of  that  entire 
communit\-  in  those  da\s,  the  community  was  anxious  that  the  Burlington  be 
extended  to  tap -the  main  line  of  the  Burlington  at  Salem.  It  was  at  this  time 
tliat  John  A.  Hall,  then  one  of  the  foremost  men  and  progressive  citizens  of 
that  section,  together  with  other  public-spirited  citizens  of  that  community, 
worked  up  an  interest  in  the  matter  and  the  precinct  voted  bonds,  the  proceeds 
of  which  were  to  be  used  in  the  constructiim  of  a  railroad.  The  line  was  to  lie 
run  to  Salem,  but  after  the  l)on(ls  were  voted  the  railway  company  changed 
its  surveys  and  turned  the  road  down  Muddy  creek,  from  the  point  where 
X'erdon  now  is  located,  and  ran  the  line  to  Falls  City  by  way  of  the  Muddy 
vallev  and  over  the  divide  east  of  Freeling  Switch,  which  is  now.  or  was, 
located  on  the  Missouri   Pacitic.      |ohn   Hall  then  brouijlit  an  iniunction  siu't. 


enjoining  collection  on  the  I)on(ls.  This  suit  was  successful  and  accounts 
for  the  fact  that  Liberty  precinct  was  relieved  from  paying  the  bonds  that 
were  voted.  All  the  other  precincts  involved  in  this  action  were  parties  in 
the  suit  and  escaped  liability  for  payment  on  the  bonds  with  the  exception 
of  Muddy,  which,  in  default  of  appearance,  was  held  and  obliged  to  pay,  which 
it  did.  The  Republican  River  \'alley  Railway  Company's  project  was  then 
abandoned;  this  all  being  prior  to  the  building  of  the  Missouri  Pacific. 

The  Missouri  Pacific  then  acquired  its  right-of-way  and  J.  l^^.  Houtz,  of 
Omaha,  located  the  towns  on  that  line.  It  is  alleged  that  his  nnethods  of  doing 
so  were  by  going  to  different  landowners  along  the  proposed  line  of  right- 
of-way,  and  undertaking  to  work  up  a  contest  between  them  for  the  location 
of  the  towns  on  the  line.  In  this  way  the  farmers  of  one  section  were 
induced  to  bid  against  one  another.  They  knew  that  the\-  were  reasonably 
sure  that  it  was  only  a  cjuestion  of  time  until  the  Burlington  would  build  a 
cut-off  from  Salem  to  Nemaha  City  and  knew  that  the  point  where  Verdon 
was  afterward  located  would  be  the  junction  between  the  two  roads,  but, 
nevertheless  Houtz  got  Captain  Ewing  interested  and  it  is  said  that  the  latter 
offered  thirty  acres  of  land  if  he  would  locate  the  town  at  a  point  designated 
by  him,  about  two  and  one-half  miles  of  the  present  location  of  Verdon. 
John  Hall  gave  to  the  Missouri  Pacific,  or  to  the  representative,  J.  E.  Houtz, 
the  undivided  half  of  the  southeast  c|uarter  of  the  southeast  (|uarter  of  sec- 
tion 10,  township  2,  north  of  range  15,  in  consideration  of  the  location  of  a 
depot  and  depot  facilities  at  that  point.  Besides  this  he  granted  a  right  of 
wa\'  north  through  the  north  half  of  that  section. 

August  Schoenheit,  of  Falls  Cit\-,  was  at  that  time  local  representatixc 
or  attorney  for  the  Missouri  Pacific  and  when  the  townsite  was  platted  he 
made  a  visit  to  the  home  of  Mr.  Hall  (near  \'erdon)  for  the  puqwse  of 
making  a  division  of  the  lots  between  Mr.  Hall  and  the  railway  company. 
Mr.  Hall  was  away  from  home  at  the  time  and  was  represented  in  the  division 
by  his  son,  Thomas  L.  Hall,  now  chairman  of  the  Nebraska  state  railwa\- 
commission,  who  was  familiar  with  the  lay  of  the  ground,  and  who  proceeded 
to  assist  in  dividing  up  the  lots.  The  di\ision  was  made  by  each  in  turn 
taking  a  lot,  Mr.  Hall  taking  the  first  and  Mr.  Schoenheit  the  second.  This 
procedure  was  continued  to  the  end.  The  action  <jn  the  part  of  the  younger 
Hall  was  made  subject  to  the  approval  of  his  father  on  his  return,  and  was 
later  ratified  by  the  elder  Hall.  In  1883  or  1884  the  Burlington  jjuilt  its  line 
down  from  Xemaha  City  to  Salem  and  established  its  depot,  which  location 
has  remained  the  same  until  this  day. 

This  matter  becomes  interesting  from  the  fact  that  such  methods  could  not 


now  be  used  in  tlie  location  of  depots  an<l  townsites  in  tlie  state  of  Nebraska. 
The  state  railway  commission  would  not  now  allow  the  railroads  to  become 
entangled  in  real-estate  deals  and  locate  the  depots  and  arrange  station  facili- 
ties for  their  sole  satisfaction  and  profit.  The  public,  which  patronizes  such 
places,  is  now  considered  to  have  an  interest  and  the  same  is  protected  by  the 
commission.  In  this  connection  is  worthy  of  note  that  the  commission  has 
compelled  the  removal  and  change  of  several  depots  in  the  state  of  Nebraska 
that  had  been  located  by  the  railroads  without  taking  into  consideration  the 
interest  of  the  community  and  the  traffic  in  each  particular  community  in 
locating  the  roads,  or  rather  the  depots,  on  account  of  some  real-estate  entan- 
glement. This  was  true  of  Gering,  I'^linchville,  Gandy  and  a  number  of  other 
places,  so  it  is  said. 

Verdon  is  just  one  of  those  little  centers  which  serves  its  own  particular 
community  and  is  typically  representative  of  a  great  class  of  this  size  towns  in 
the  county  and  state.  There  are  those  who  believe  that  it  is  much  lietter 
to  have  a  great  number  of  small  towns  serving  each  community,  rather  than 
to  have  great  cities.  It  tends  to  better  moral  and  civic  conditions  in  e\ery 
respect.  It  tends  to  a  more  economic  way  of  living.  It  tends  to  prevent  peo- 
ple in  general  from  getting  the  wanderlust.  People  in  the  smaller  towns  are 
often  happier  and  more  contented  than  those  in  the  larger  cities. 


Strausville  is  the  youngest  village  in  the  county  and  was  laid  out  b\'  its 
founder,  Gustave  Strauss,  and  his  wife  on  land  owned  by  them  and  bears 
liis  name.  It  is  located  on  parts  of  the  southeast  quarter  of  section  29  and 
parts  of  the  southwest  cjuarter  of  section  28  of  township  2,  north  of  range 
16,  Ohio  township.  The  little  village,  which  contains  four  blocks,  was  sur- 
veyed and  platted  by  M.  N.  Bair,  at  that  time  a  resident  of  Falls  City,  IVIay  i, 
1901,  but  the  plat  was  not  filed  for  record  in  the  register's  office  at  Falls  City 
until  June  i.  1912.  Straussville  has  always  been  quite  a  grain-receiving  station 
fur  the  farmers  in  that  section  and  boasts  of  a  store  and  Iilacksmith  shop. 



SCENE    IN    OLD    ST.    STEPHENS    CEMETERY.    liHT.       MONF.MEN'J 
1S5C  AND  1859,   STILL  STANDING. 

Series  of  First  Events. 


St.  Stephens  was  the  first  city  of  Richardson  county.  In  1861  it  was 
I  lie  largest,  most  flourishing  and  only  town  of  any  conse(|uence  in  the  county. 
Today  it  is  known  only  to  the  old  settlers.  Even  the  precinct  which  once 
bore  that  name  now  forms  a  part  of  Barada,  and  twenty  years  hence  St. 
Stephens  will  be  known  only  in  the  archives  of  the  court  house  and  to  the 
historian.  The  townsite  was  laid  out  by  Gen.  Ben  F.  Loan  and  Stephen 
Story  in  the  spring  of  1855,  on  land  belonging  to  Israel  Price.  Henry  Dukes, 
Stephen  Lyons  and  Stephen  Story.  S.  F.  Nuckolls  &  Company  conducted 
the  first  store.  A  A'Ir.  Archer  kept  the  first  hotel.  The  late  William  R. 
Cain,  of  Falls  City,  built  the  third  dwelling  house  in  town.  In  1856  Israel 
Price  started  a  blacksmith  shop  and  in  the  next  year  J.  W.  Crane,  of  St. 
Joseph,  Missouri,  started  the  second  store.  During  the  years  1857,  1858  and 
1859,  the  town  grew  rapidly,  reaching  the  height  of  its  glory  in  1861,  at 
which  time  it  had  two  general  stores,  one  kept  by  Crane  &  Lewis,  and  the 
other  by  D.  J.  Martin ;  two  saloons,  one  kept  by  Henly  Price  and  Henry 
Dukes,  and  the  other  by  George  Cooley.  Henry  Smith  was  the  blacksmith 
and  Allen  Gleason  ran  the  ferry  across  the  ^lissouri  river.  In  1857  Huston 
Nuckolls,  Stephen  Story  and  W.  P.  Loan  started  a  general  land  office  and 
in  the  spring  of  1858  they  held  a  public  sale  of  land  and  town  lots.  Father 
Thomas,  as  Tie  was  called,  a  Baptist  preacher,  living  near  Rulo.  preached  the 
first  sermon  ever  preached  in  the  toivn.  John  McFarland  was  the  first 
justice  of  the  peace;  Stephen  Lyons,  the  second;  William  Morgan,  the  third; 
S.  G.  Lewis,  the  fourth  and  William  R.  Cain,  the  fifth,  who  held  the  office 
for  eight  consecutive  years,  without  an  appeal  from  his  decisions.  Israel 
Price  was  the  first  constable.  The  first  school  was  taught  by  William  Bell 
and  the  second,  by  William  McMurren.  The  first  school  board  was  elected 
in   1859,  with  William  R.  Cain  as  president,  and  for  twenty-one  years  Mr. 


Cain  held  a  position  on  the  school  board  and  only  resigned  when  he  removed 
to  Falls  Cit\-.  Mr.  Cain  was  the  father  of  Hon.  J.  R.  Cain,  president  of 
the  Bank  of  Stella:  C.  Fred  Cain,  now  of  Miami,  Florida,  and  for  years  a 
merchant  of  Falls  City;  John  Cain,  of  Boseman,  Montana;  Mrs.  Laura  B. 
Ta-vton,  of  Falls  City,  and  Mrs.  James  Smith,  of  Butler,  Missouri.  The 
first  postmaster  was  T.  C.  Sicafoos.  The  first  doctor  was  David  Whitmire, 
and  \\  .  1'.  Loan,  was  the  first  lawyer.  The  prominent  citizens  of  St.  Stephens, 
when  at  the  height  of  its  prosperitv.  were  Aury  Ballard,  Doctor  Whitmire, 
J.  W.  Crain,  William  M.  Morrison,  D.  S.  Phillips,  Press  Martin,  Huston 
Nuckolls  and  W".  P.  Loan. — "Pioneer  Record." 

SOME    OF    THE    "iTRSTS." 

The  first  mill  in  the  count\-  ;it  whicli  grist  was  ground  was  located  at 
or  near  Salem  and  was  built  by  the  Hare  boys. 

The  first  white  man  to  settle  on  the  ALiddy  was  John  Harkendorff,  who 
located  there  in   1854. 

.\.  H.  Sloan  claimed  the  credit  of  ha\'ing  cast  the  first  vote  recorded 
in  Liberty  township. 

The  Goolsby  district  in  Ohio  township  had  the  first  public  school  in 
Richardson  county.     Air.  Bartlett  was  the  teacher. 

Jane  Cooper  taught  the  first  school  in  the  "Cupolo"  district  in  a  house 
later  occupied  by  Reece  Williams,  as  a  dwelling. 

William  H.  Crook  disputes  the  generall\-  accepted  story  that  the  first 
school  of  the  county  was  taught  at  or  near  Falls  City.  He  says  that  he  remem- 
bers going  to  a  good  school  in  a  little  log  house  that  stood  on  the  banks  of 
the  creek,  a  little  west  of  old  Archer,  Ijefore  Falls  City  was  e\er  laid  off :  and 
that  the  second  school  was  taught  by  a  one-armed  lady,  wh(ise  name  was 
Samuels.  He  also  recalls  that  she  was  great  on  "lickin'  and  larnin'."  She 
was  a  teacher  (jf  the  "old  school,"  who  Ijelieved  that  to  "spare  the  rod  was 
to  spoil  the  child:"  hence,  it  was  a  large  factor  in  her  method  of  discipline, 
and  good  traits  in  the  character  of  Mr.  Crook  are  some  of  the  results  of  that 
first  school. 

The  first  electiun  in  Ohio  town.ship  was  in  tlie  fall  of  1868  at  the  Goolsby 
school  house.  Twenty-eight  Denuicratic  and  fifty-six  Republican  votes  were 

The  first  while  men  to  e.xplore  the  county  adjacent  to  the  Great  Xemaha 
river  in  Richardson  countv  were  Jesse  Crook,  Isaac  Crook.   Tuhn  Singleton. 


and  W.  G.  Goolsby.  They  came  over  from  Missouri  and  went  as  far  west 
as  the  present  site  of  Salem.     The  visit  was  made  in  1854. 

The  Maple  Grove  cemetery  in  Ohio  township,  was  located  in  1859  ^v 
John  HarkendorlY,  Amos  Frank  and  S.  J.  Harris,  the  occasion  being  the 
death  of  Phelix  Misplis,  a  lad  about  thirteen  years  of  age. 

The  first  .session  of  the  Nebraska  state  Legislature  that  met  at  Lincoln, 
after  the  removal  of  the  territorial  capitol  from  Omaha,  was  convened  on 
January  7,  1869,  the  four  previous  sessions  having  met  at  Omalia  after 
the  adoption  of  the  state  Constitution. 

E.  E.  Cunningham  had  the  honor  of  being  the  first  to  represent  Richard- 
son county  in  the  first  state  Senate  to  meet  at  Lincoln,  and  Isham  Reavis 
was  "rtoat"  senator  for  Richardson,  Nemaha  and  Johnson  counties  at  the  same 
time  and  place. 

The  village  of  Arclier,  which  became  the  county  seat  for  a  time,  was 
located  in   1855. 

David  L.  Thompson  was  one  of  the  first  white  men  to  enter  Richard- 
son county  with  the  idea  of  making  it  a  permanent  home.  He  came  in  the 
early  fifties  and  located  at  the  county  seat.  Archer,  where  he  was  united  in 
marriage  to  China  M.  Miller,  a  daughter  of  Judge  J.  C.  Miller,  who  was  the 
first  judge  of  the  county  and  who  at  the  time  of  the  arrival  of  Thompson 
kept  a  hotel  and  store  in  the  new  town.  As  soon  as  l'"alls  City  got  fairly 
started  as  a  town  he  came  here  and  made  it  his  home  for  many  years  ant! 
served  for  a  time  as  deputy  sherifY. 


The  first  religious  service  which  could  have  been  classed  in  the  nature 
of  a  funeral  for  a  white  woman  in  Richardson  county,  is  said  to  liave  been 
held  for  Mrs.  Frank  Purkett,  who,  with  her  child,  froze  to  death  during 
child-birth.  The  husband  had  been  drinking  heavily  and  was  absent,  accord- 
ing to  reports  at  the  time. 


Numbered  among  the  very  first  settlers  of  the  county  was  James 
Stumbo,  who  came  here  in  1856  and  was  prominent  at  Nemaha  Falls,  an 
obsolete  town  on  the  banks  of  the  Nemaha  river,  near  the  present  site  of 
Falls  City.  He  was  the  father  of  twelve  children,  eight  sons  and  four 
daughters.     His  death  occurred  on  January  21,  1894. 

T.  L.  Overman,  of  Stella,  took  up  his  residence  at  first  at  St.   Deroin 


in  Xemaha  countv,  coming  to  that  place  in  March,  1858.  In  tlie  month 
of  June  of  that  year  Joseph  Deroin,  an  Indian  chief  for  whom  the  place 
was  named,  was  shot  by  another  Indian  by  the  name  of  James  Bedo.  Mr. 
Overman  succeeded  in  getting  many  things  at  a  sale  of  Indian  goods,  whicli 
liad  been  the  property  of  the  chief,  and  still  has  them. 


Tlie  Falls  City,  Nebraska,  Journal,  under  date  of  December  22,  1893, 
liad  the  following  to  say  relative  to  the  early  marriages  in  Richardson 
county :  ; 

"In  all  probability  some  marriage  contracts  were  entered  into  in  1854 
and  1855  that  were  never  recorded,  and  no  license  was  necessary  for  the 
performance  of  a  marriage,  and  even  a  law  requiring  the  contract  to  be 
recorded  in  the  register's  office  was  not  passed  until  the  spring  of  1855.  The 
contract  that  appears  on  the  record  as  of  the  earliest  date  is  that  of  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  W.  I\I.  Maddox,  which  is  given  below,  although  diis  was  the  third 
contract  filed. 

"Below  are  given  some  of  the  first  contracts  filed,  which  will  be  of  inter- 
est on  account  of  the  events  of  the  past  that  they  will  bring  to  the  minds 
of  the  older  settlers. 

"Married,  November  the  29th.  In  the  year  A.  D.  1855  By  Pharagus 
Pollard,  Acting  Justice  of  the  Peace,  of  Richardson  county,  Nebraska  Ter- 
ritory, Joshua  Boyd,  of  Holt  County.  Missouri,  to  i\Iiss  Elizabeth  Miller, 
of  Richardson  County,   Nebraska   Territory.      Pharagus   Pollard,  J.    P." 

Territory  of  Nebraska,) 
County  of  Richardson, )   ss. 

I.  J.  C.  Lincoln,  Register  of  Deeds,  of  said  county  do  hereby  certify 
that  the  above  is  a  correct  copy  left  on  file  for  record  in  this  office. 

Given  under  my  hand  and  private  seal  (there  being  no  public  seal  pro- 
vided in  this  county)  at  this  office  January  15th,  A.  D.   1856. 

(Sealj  J.  C.  Lincoln,  Register  of  Deeds. 

The  second  instrument  recorded  showed  that  on  December  i6th,  1855, 
Pharagus  -Pollard,  acting  justice  of  the  peace,  united  in  marriage,  Samuel 
Howard  and  Miss  Mary  Gallaher,  both  of  this  county,  at  the  home  of 
David  Gallaher.  This  instrument  was  recorded  in  the  office  of  register  of 
deeds,  January  15th,   1855. 


The  tliird  instrument  was  recorded  on  February  2nd,  1856,  in  tlie  regis- 
ter of  deeds  office  and  read  as  follows : 

"This  may  certify  that  on  the  Fourth  day  of  October,  1855,  I,  William 
D.    Gage,    Minister   of   the    Methodist    Episcopal    church,    did   unite    in    the 
bonds  of  matrimony,  Mr.  W.  M.  :\Iaddox,  of  Nebraska  City,  and  Margaret 
Miller,  of  Archer,  Richardson  County,  all  in  the  Territory  of  Nebraska. 
^VILLIAM  D.  Gage,  M.  M.  E.  Church. 

Territory  of  Nebraska,) 
Richardson    County,      )    ss. 

I,  E.  S.  Sharp,  Dept.  Register  of  Deeds,  of  said  county  do  hereby 
certify  that  the  above  is  a  true  copy  left  on  file  in  this  office  for  record.  Given 
under  my  hand  and  private  seal  (there  being  no  public  seal  yet  provided 
for  the  use  of  the  county).  Done  at  Archer  this  2nd  day  of  Februarv, 
A.  D.    1856. 

(Seal)  E.  S.  Sh.\rp,  Dept.  Register. 


The  fourth  instrument  was  filed  for  record  on  July  7,  1856,  and  was 
something  of  a  curiosity.  It  was  recorded  by  VV.  H.  Mann,  deputy  register, 
and  read  as  follows : 

"Know  All  Men  By  These  Presents:  That  Richard  Clinsey  and 
Perilla  Adamson  have  consented  together  in  Holy  Wedlock  and  have  wit- 
nessed the  same  before  me,  Joseph  Friese,  a  Justice  of  the  Peace  for  Rich- 
ardson County,  Nebraska  Territory,  and  thereto  have  pledged  their  faith 
either  to  the  other,  and  ha\-e  declared  the  same  by  their  consent,  I  do  declare 
that  they  are  Man  and  W^ife  fore\er  on  and  after  this  Thirteentli  day  of 
March,  A.  D.   1856. 

Joseph  Friese,  Justice  of  the  Peace. 

The  fifth  instrument  was  recorded  on  the  same  da\'  and  was  identical 
in  date,  phraseology  and  official  signature,  except  that  it  proclaimed  tlie 
marriage  of  James  O.  Loughlin  and  Liddy  Adamson. 

The  sixth  instrument  was  recorded  on  August  21,  1856,  and  showed 
that  Justice  Pharagus  Pollard  had  united  in  marriage  on  June  20,  1856, 
Marcellus  Housner  and  I'olly  N.  Shelley,  both  of  this  county  at  the  house 
of  A.  Shellev. 




The  first  couple  united  in  marriage  in  Lil^erty  precinct,  was  George 
Miller  and  Elizabeth  Cornell.  The  happy  event  occurred  on  February  i6, 
1856,  Rev.  Wingate  King  officiating. 

Dilliard  Walker,  who  for  many  years  resided  near  Humboldt,  entered 
the  county  in  1855.  His  wagon  was  the  third  to  cross  the  south  fork  of 
the  Nemaha  in  this  county.  A  man  named  Jemeson  and  Richard  Gird 
preceded  him. 

Stephen  B.  Aliles,  one  of  the  largest  landowners  in  the  county  at  his 
death  and  one  of  the  wealthiest  men  in  the  state,  was  the  man  who  first  car- 
ried United  States  mail  into  Richardson  count}-,  and  it  was  he  who  organ- 
ized the  first  bank  in  the  county. 

The  first  school  in  the  county  was  taught  by  Mrs.  Saunders,  on  what 
was  at  that  time  known  as  the  Kirk  Branch,  a  half  mile  northwest  of  Archer. 
The  school  was  held  in  the  year  1856. 

\y.  R.  Crook  assisted  in  the  work  of  surveying  the  town  of  Falls  City 
in    1857. 

The  Broad  Axe,  one  of  the  very  first  newspapers  published  in  the  county, 
was  for  a  time  printed  at  the  hotel  then  standing  on  the  lots  now  occupied 
by  the  Richardson  Countv  Bank,  and  owned  by  Jesse  Crook.  It  was  edited 
by  Edwin  Burbank  and  S.  R.  Jameson.     This  was  in  1858. 

The  first  court  to  be  held  in  Richardson  county  was  presided  over  by 
a  judge  at  Archer,  at  that  time  the  county  seat. 

B.  Frank  Leechman,  now  residing  on  his  farm  north  of  i'^alls  Citv.  was 
the  first  white  child,  so  far  as  known,  to  be  born  in  Richardson  county.  He 
still  resides  on  the  farm  on  which  he  first  saw  the  light  of  dav  and  is  one 
of  the  prosperous  farmers  of  the  county. 

William  Level,  long  since  deceased,  is  deserving  of  the  honor  of  having 
built  the  first  log  cabin  in  the  count}-.  It  was  constructed  in  1853  on  a  farm 
east  of  the  site  of  Archer,  and  the  first  election  ever  held  in  tiie  cotmtv  was 
held  in  this  same  cabin. 

Jesse  Crook  w  as  the  first  white  man  to  raise  a  crop  of  corn  in  Richard- 
son county,  and  the  same  was  grown  on  land  now-  owned  by  William  Xutter, 
southwest  of  Archer  in  1855, 


The  honcir  belongs  to  Miss  Lydia  A.  Giddings,  a  daugliter  of  Elder  C. 
W.  Giddings,  the  founder  of  the  town  of  Table  Rock,  a  town   just  west  of 


Humboldt  and  in  Pawnee  county,  about  thirty  miles  west  of  Falls  City. 
Prior  to  the  coming  of  the  Burlington  railroad,  as  it  is  known  today,  a  mail 
route  was  in  operation  between  Falls  City  and  Table  Rock,  but  the  stations 
were  very  much  different  from  those  now  on  the  line  of  the  railroad  between 
the  two  points,  i.  e.,  Falls  City  and  Table  Rock,  -many  of  them  being  men- 
tioned in  the  story. of  Defunct  Towns  of  the  County  in  another  part  of  this 
work.  Miss  Giddings  was  one  of  the  carriers  on  the  route.  Later,  she 
was  united  in  marriage  to  a  man  b\'  the  name  of  Holmes,  and  again  to  a 
Mr.  John  Gere.  When  last  heard  from  she  was  a  resident  of  Honolulu,  in 
the  Hawaiian  islands,  of  the  mid-Pacific,  and  her  sons.  Giles  H.  and  John 
N.  Gere,  Jr.,  held  responsible  positions  with  the  government. 


An  act  approved  January,  i860,  authorized  Silas  Babcock,  his  heirs 
or  assigns,  to  erect  a  mill  dam  not  to  e.xceed  ten  feet  high  across  Long  Branch 
creek  in  Franklin  precinct,  at  any  point  within  four  miles  of  the  town  of 


Julia  Tiu-ner  was  the  first  girl  baby  born  in  Richardson  county,  but 
a  later  survey  left  her  birthplace  in  what  is  now  Pawnee  county.  When 
first  surveyed  Richardson  county  also  included  Pawnee  county  and  Cincin- 
nati was  a  young  and  thriving  town  near  the  site  of  the  present  village 
of  DuBois  on  the  Rock  Island  railroad.  It  was  near  this  place  that  the 
little  lady  first  saw  the  light  of  day. 


An  act  of  a  session  of  the  Territorial  Legislature  authorized  Jacob  M. 
Davis  and  A.  C.  Anderson  to  establish  and  keep  a  toll  bridge  and  ferry 
across  the  Great  Xemaha  river  in  Richardson  county,  at  a  point  within 
six  miles  from  its  mouth.  The  rate  of  tolls  or  ferriage  was  limited  to 
fifty  cents  per  team  and  wagon :  footman  or  stock,  ten  cents. 


One  of  the  first  companies  organized  and  incorporated  for  the  purpose 
of  mining  in  the  county  was  known  as  the  Richardson  County  Mining  Com- 
pany, and  was  incorporated  by  an  act  of  the  Legislature  passed  and  approved 
on  February  12,  1866.  Those  named  in  the  act  incorporating  the  company 
were :  Peter  P.  Smith,  Charles  A.  Hergesheimer,  William  R.  Cain,  Stephen 
Belliles,  Alexander  St.  Louis.     They  proposed  to  prospect  for  coal. 



The  first  houses  in  Falls  City  were  in  most  instances  built  from  houses 
formerly  doing  service  at  Archer,  Winnebago  and  Yankton,  towns  which 
disappeared  from  the  map.  The  first  hotel,  the  Union  Hotel,  occupying 
the  same  location  as  the  present  "Union  House,"  was  constructed  from  a 
building  removed  to  Falls  City  from  Yankton,  by  Jacob  Good. 

Billiard  Walker,  pioneer,  assisted  in  the  building  of  the  First  house 
erected  in  Salem,  the  same  being  owned  by  Thomas  Hare.  Walker  also 
furnished  the  lumber  and  stone  for  the  first  church  at  Salem,  known  as  the 
Close  Communion  Baptist. 

Barada  precinct,  in  Richardson  county,  was  named  for  Antoine  Barada, 
a  well-kno\\n  half-breed  Indian.  It  is  said  of  him  that  he  was  a  man  of 
unusual  strength  and  fine  physical  proportions,  with  features  that  showed 
his  Indian  blood  most  unmistakably. 


The  residence  of  John  C.  Aliller,  known  as  Judge  Miller,  located  at 
Archer,  was  a  double  log  one  story  and  a  half  high  and  one  of  the  finest 
homes  of  the  time  in  this  county.  At  different  times  it  served  as  hotel, 
postoffice  and  court  house. 

Isaac  H.  Jones,  for  many  years  a  resident  of  Rulo,  settled  opposite  the 
Big  Nemaha  in  1848,  removing  to  Nebraska  seventeen  years  later. 


F'rom  the  family  record  of  Stewart  Russell,  of  Salem,  it  is  learned  that 
his  son,  S.  A.  Russell,  was  born  in  Liberty  precinct,  Richardson  county, 
February  13,  1858,  and  from  this  it  is  claimed  that  he  was  the  first  white 
child  born  in  that  precinct. 



Richardson  county  originally  was  covered  with  a  luxuriant  growth  of 
prairie  grasses,  with  marginal  areas  of  timber  along  the  streams.  The 
first  settlers  located  along  the  edges  of  first  bottoms,  where  there  was  an 
abundant  supply  of  fuel. 

During  the  first  few  years  vegetables,  corn,  and  wheat  were  grown  for 
the  subsistence  of  the  family.  As  claims  were  permanently  located  and 
conditions  became  more  stable,  the  farmers  began  to  break  the  prairie  land 
for  the  more  extensive  production  of  corn  and  wheat,  with  some  oats  for 
stock  feed.  A  wide  variety  of  vegetables  was  grown.  Some  hemp  was  pro- 
duced, but  this  crop  was  soon  abandoned.  No  clover,  timothy,  or  bluegrass 
was  grown  while  the  country  was  agriculturally  new.  Up  to  about  1874 
the  farmers  produced  spring  wheat  and  corn  as  their  main  cash  crops,  and 
some  oats,  winter  wheat,  rye,  barley,  buckwheat,  and  flax.  Very  few  cattle 
and  hogs  were  raised.  The  yields  reported  by  the  early  settlers  were  in 
many  cases  higher  than  at  present,  but  with  poor  methods  of  farming-  the 
yields  soon  decreased.  The  prices  of  crops  were  very  low  and  as  a  result 
the  farmers  generally  were  poor. 

Wheat  and  corn  continued  the  important  cash  crops,  but  within  the  last 
twenty  to  twenty-five  years  agricultural  conditions  have  graduall}-  improved 
and  today  most  of  the  farmers  are  thrifty  and  prosperous.  The  dairy  indus- 
try, the  raising  of  hogs  and  cattle,  and  the  feeding  of  beef  cattle  have  no 
doubt  been  important  factors  in  this  progress,  I)ut  the  impro\ed  conditions 
are  due  chiefly  to  better  methods  of  handling  the  soil. 

In  1879  corn  was  the  most  important  crop  in  the  county.  The  1880 
census  reports  eighty-six  thousand  seven  hundred  sixty-six  acres  in  ctjrn  and 
thirty-one  thousand  five  hundred  seventy-nine  acres  in  wheat.  Oats  are 
reported  on  about  six  thousand  acres,  and  barley  on  something  over  three 
thousand  acres.  Hay  was  cut  from  a  total  of  fifteen  thousand  four  huntlred 
ninety-two  acres.  After  1880  spring  wheat  declined  in  importance,  as 
owing  to  tlie  poor  yields  of  this  crop  it  was  found  more  profital)le  to  grow 
corn.      The   chinch  Inig.   the   grasshopper,    and   gnnvino;   wheal    continuously 


on  the  same  land  for  many  }ears  in  succession  were  the  main  causes  for  the 
poor  yields  of  this  crop.  Hay  was  an  important  crop,  and  some  rye,  buck- 
wheat, and  tobacco  were  grown.  The  orchard  products  were  vahied  at 
nine  thousand  three  hundred  twenty-eight  dohars,  and  market-garden  crops 
at  fifty-one  thousand  nine  luindred  sixty  dollars. 

By  1890  the  area  in  corn  had  increased  to  one  hundred  fifteen  thousand 
seven  hundred  eighty-live  acres  and  the  area  in  oats  to  twenty-one  thousand 
eight  hundred  twenty-six  acres.  Wheat  is  reported  in  the  census  of  1890 
on  only  ten  thousand  two  hundred  and  twenty-tliree  acres.  Hay  was  grown 
on  twenty-seven  thousand  and  twenty-four  acres.  r}e  on  nearly  two  tliou- 
sand  acres,  and  barley  on  less  than  five  hundred  acres.  Potatoes  are  reported 
on  nearly  one  thousand  ti\e  hundred  acres.  Market-garden  products  and 
small  fruits  had  a  total  value  of  only  two  thousand  and  seventy-five  dollars. 

From  1889  to  1899  there  was  a  steady  advance  in  the  acreage  of  all 
the  staple  crops.  In  the  1900  census  alxjut  one  hundred  and  thirty  thousand 
acres  are  reported  in  corn,  twenty-nine  thousand  acres  in  oats,  and  twenty 
thousand  acres  in  wheat.  Of  the  hay  crops,  wild  grasses,  reported  on  about 
eighteen  th(jusand  acres,  tame  grasses  on  about  ten  thousand  acres,  and 
alfalfa  on  nearly  one  thousand  acres  were  the  most  important.  The  acreage 
in  r}e,  barley,  and  buckwheat  was  small.  There  were  about  two  hundred 
and  fifty  thousand  apple  trees  in  the  county,  nearh  one  hundred  thousand 
grapevines,  and  about  seventy-five  thousand  peach  trees.  Of  the  live-stock 
products,  animals  sold  and  slaughtered  were  valued  at  one  million  one  hun- 
dred sixty-seven  thousand  four  hundred  and  ninety  dollars,  dairy  products 
at  sixty-five  thousand  four  hundred  seventy-four  dollars,  and  poultry  at 
ninety-four  thousand  eight  hundred  ninety-six  dollars.  From  1899  to  1909 
there  was  an  increase  in  the  number  of  acres  of  wheat  and  a  decrease  in  the 
acreage  of  other  crops,  especially  corn. 

At  present  the  production  of  grain  is  the  cliief  tvpe  of  farming  in 
Richardson  county,  though  dairying  and  the  raising  of  hogs  and  other  live 
stock  are  important  industries.  Corn,  oats,  wheat,  timothy  and  clover  mixed, 
alfalfa,  and  wild  grasses  are  the  chief  general  farm  crops.  The  tendency  is 
to  grow  less  corn  and  more  wheat  and  leguminous  crops. 


Corn  is  by  far  the  most  important  crop  in  acreage,  and  is  the  principal 
money  crop.  The  1910  census  reports  corn  on  one  hundred  and  three 
thousand  three  hundred  eightv-six  acres.     There  are  about  two  acres  of  corn 


to  every  acre  of  all  other  cereals  combined,  even  though  the  acreage  has 
declined  considerably  in  the  last  decade.  About  one-half  the  total  area  of 
improved  farm  land  in  Richardson  county  is  devoted  to  the  production  of 
com.  The  crop  is  grown  on  practically  all  the  soil  types  of  the  county,  but 
does  best  on  the  Marshall  silt  loam.  The  average  yield  for  the  county  is 
about  thirty  bushels  per  acre.  Reid's  Yellow  Dent  and  Iowa  Silver  Mine  are 
the  most  popular  varieties.  About  eighty-five  per  cent,  of  the  corn  is  listed, 
some  is  check-rowed,  and  in  a  few  cases  the  crop  is  double-listed.  Most  of 
the  corn  is  sold,  though  a  large  part  is  fed  to  hogs  and  beef  cattle.  It  is 
the  general  practice  to  pasture  the  corn  lands  after  the  ears  have  Ijeen  re- 
moved.    There  are  only  a  few  silos  in  the  county. 

Oats  rank  second  in  acreage  to  corri,  and  the  area  in  this  crop  seems 
to  be  increasing  steadily.  In  1909  there  were  twenty-five  thousand  and 
ninet)'-three  acres  in  this  crop.  Most  of  the  crop  is  fed  to  horses  and  mules ; 
the  remainder  is  sold  largely  in  local  markets,  though  some  is  shipped  to 
Kansas  City.  White  and  Green  Russian,  Kherson,  and  Swedish  Select  are 
the  principal  varieties  grown. 

The  third  crop  in  imiMrtance  is  wheat.  The  census  of  19 10  reports 
twenty-one  thousand  eight  hundred  seventy-one  acres  devoted  to  this  crop. 
About  1895  ^^'^^  state  experiment  station  demonstrated  the  superior  qualities 
of  a  variety  of  Russian  winter  wheat  known  as  Turkey  Red,  and  this  has 
almost  entirely  displaced  the  spring  varieties  formerly  grown,  as  it  produces 
better  yields,  can  be  sown  in  the  fall,  a  time  of  the  year  when  it  does  not 
interfere  with  other  farm  labor,  and  matures  before  the  .season  of  dry 
weather  and  hot  winds.  Wlieat  is  strictly  a  cash  crop,  and  most  of  it  is 
sold  directl\-  fr(im  the  threshing  machine  to  local  elevators.  Most  of  it  is 
shipped  later  to  Kansas  Cit\'.  A  small  proportion  of  the  crop  is  storetl  in 
farm  elevators  or  granaries,  and  held  for  higher  prices.  Scarcely  any  wheat 
is  grown  for  lionie  use.  the  flour  used  in  tiie  county  lieing  shipped  in.  Tiie 
value  of  cereal  crops  is  reported  in  the  1910  census  as  two  million  iliree 
hundred  forty-si.x  thousand  seven  hundred  eighty-seven  dollars,  and  of  other 
grains  ancl  seeds  as  ten  thousand  three  hundred  forty-eight  dollars. 

Timothy  and  clover  mixed  is  the  most  important  ha}'  crop  It  is 
re])orted  in  the  census  of  1910  on  eleven  thousand  three  hundred  twentv- 
nine  acres.  During  the  progress  of  the  survey  excellent  stands  of  this  croii 
were  seen,  though  it  is  reported  that  in  dry  years  the  crop  is  not  nearly  as 
good.  In  dry  seasons  considerable  difiiculty  is  experienced  in  obtaining  a 
good  seeding  of  clover.     There  arc  reported   four  thousand  seven  hundred 


ninetv-nine  acres  in  timothy  alone,  three  thousand  three  hundred  and  six 
acres  in  clover  alone,  seven  thousand  seven  hundred  and  three  acres  in  wild 
grasses,  two  hundred  ninety  acres  in  millet  and  one  hundred  sixty-one  acres 
in  other  tame  grasses.  Some  red-clover  seed  and  timothy  seed  are  produced. 
Ordinarily  clover  yields  two  to  four  bushels  of  seed  an  acre  and  timothy, 
four  to  eight  bushels.  Practically  all  the  hay  is  fed  to  work  stock  and  cattle, 
with  a  small  part  sold  in  local  towns  and  some  hay  shipped  to  outside 
markets.     Large  quantities  of  hay  are  imported  from  the  West. 


The  growing  of  alfalfa  has  passed  beyond  the  experimental  stage,  and 
this  promises  to  become  the  principal  hay  crop  of  the  county.  In  1909 
there  were  seven  thousand  seven  hundred  twenty-two  acres  in  alfalfa.  The 
crop  does  well  both  on  the  upland  and  on  the  well-drained  bottom-land  soils, 
three  and  sometimes  four  cuttings  being  obtained  each  year,  with  a  total 
yield  ranging  from  three  to  five  tons  per  acre.  Most  of  the  crop  is  fed  to 
cattle  and  work  stock,  and  some  is  used  as  hog  pasturage.  Alfalfa  hay  is  not 
shipped  out  of  the  county,  except  from  a  few  farms  where  it  is  the  main 
cash  crop.  It  is  sent  chiefly  to  Kansas  City  and  St.  Joseph,  and  sells  for 
twelve  dollars  to  fifteen  dollars  a  ton.  The  total  value  of  hay  and  forage 
crops  is  reported  in  the  census  of  1910  as  five  hundred  thirty-two  thousand 
five  hundred  nineteen  dollars. 

The  less  important  crops  of  Richardson  county  are  potatoes,  barley, 
rye.  kafir,  sorghum,  and  buckwheat.  Potatoes  are  reported  in  the  1910 
census  on  nine  hundred  forty  acres.  The  production  is  inadequate  to  meet 
the  local  demand. 

Trucking  receives  but  little  attention,  owing  to  the  distance  from  large 
markets.  Some  vegetables  are  grown  on  a  commercial  scale  near  the  cities 
and  \illages  of  the  county.  The  19 10  census  reports  the  value  of  vegetables 
produced  in  the  county  in  1909  as  eighty-three  thousand  six  hundred  eighty- 
two  dollars. 

Most  of  the  farmers  have  small  orchards  of  apple,  plum,  peach  and 
pear  trees.  These  fruits  do  well  when  properly  cared  for,  but  owing  to 
lack  of  care  the  trees  in  most  orchards  are  gradually  dying  and  less  apples 
are  produced  now  than  ten  years  ago.  There  are  several  commercial  orchards 
in  the  county,  mainly  in  the  vicinity  of  Falls  City  and  Shubert.  Though  the 
blufi"  zone  of  the  Missouri  river  is  admirably  adapted  to  apples,  it  has  tew 


commercial  orchards,  owing  to  the  fact  that  it  is  too  far  from  railroad  points. 
In  the  vicinity  of  Shubert  the  apples  are  sold  through  the  Central  Fruit 
Growers  Association;  in  other  localities  they  are  sold  direct  by  the  producer. 
Most  of  the  apples  are  shipped  to  points  in  western  Nebraska,  Kansas,  and 
South  Dakota. 

Apples  of  the  better  grades  are  stored  in  Omaha  for  shipment  at  the 
time  of  greatest  demand.  The  culls  are  made  into  cider  and  vinegar,  and 
bring  from  twenty  to  thirty  cents  a  hundred  pounds.  Graded  apples  sell  for 
an  average  of  two  dollars  and  fifty  cents  a  barrel.  The  principal  varieties 
of  apples  grown  are  the  Ben  Davis,  Winesap,  Jonathan.  Mammoth  Black 
Twig,  Missouri  Pippin,  Grimes,  York  Imperial,  Gano,  Duchess,  and 
Wealthy.  There  are  approximately  eight  hundred  acres  in  commercial  apple 
orchards.  Only  a  few  pears  are  produced  commercially.  The  value  of  all 
orchard  products,  including  small  fruits  and  nuts,  is  given  in  the  1910 
census  as  fifty-four  thousand  two  hundred  twelve  dollars.  The  number  of 
apple  trees  is  given  as  one  hundred  seventy-five  thousand  one  hundred  sev- 
enty-nine, with  about  sixty-seven  thousand  peach  trees  and  about  thirty- 
five  thousand  grapevines. 


Elias  Beaver,  who  came  to  Richardson  county  in  the  sixties  established 
the  first  commercial  apple  orchard  on  a  farm  six  miles  southwest  of  Falls 
City.  Mr.  Beaver  was  a  skilled  orchardist  and  the  success  of  his  orchards 
fully  established  the  fact  that  very  fine  commercial  apples  could  be  success- 
fully grown  in  this  section  of  Nebraska. 

The  late  Henry  W.  Shubert  was  the  pioneer  orchardist  of  the  northern 
part  of  the  county  and  his  son,  A.  G.  Shubert,  of  Falls  City,  set  out  the 
first  apple  trees  in  that  part  of  the  state  in  an  orchard  intended  for  commer- 
cial purposes.  The  success  of  the  Shubert  orchards  has  induced  others  in 
that  section  to  plant  orchards.  Shubert  Brothers  have  continued  the  work 
started  by  their  father  and  now  have  the  largest  orchard  acreage  in  the 
county  and  probably  in  the  state  of  Nebraska.  Their  trees  are  cared  for 
scientifically  and  cultivation  of  the  soil  with  staple  crops  is  continued  until 
the  trees  are  large  enough  to  bear  commercial  crops  of  fruit. 

Allan  Franklin,  of  Barada,  established  a  splendid  orchard  in  Barada 
precinct  and  the  work  is  carried  on  b\'  his  sons,  who  are  thorough-going 
fruit  men  and  orchardists  who  have  made  a  pronouncetl  and  well-paving 


success  of  the  orchard  business.  The  FrankHn  orchards  present  a  splendid 
appearance  at  all  seasons  of  the  year  and  the  crop  outlook  in  this  year 
(1917)  is  gratifying.  The  fruit  from  the  Franklin  orchards  commands  a 
ready  sale  at  high  prices. 

In  1896  Henry  C.  Smith  established  an  orchard  which  has  been  a  pro- 
nounced success.  Napoleon  DeMers  has  a  hne  small  orchard  in  the  north- 
east section  of  Falls  City — and  there  are  many  well  kept  small  orchards 
scattered  about  the  eastern  part  of  the  county.  However,  it  has  been  dem- 
onstrated that  the  large,  scientifically-kept  commercial  orchard  pays  best. 

Weaver  Brothers,  A.  J.  and  Paul  B.  Weaver,  have  two  hundred  acres 
of  bearing  orchard,  the  output  of  which  is  sold  to  the  same  buyers  year  in 
and  year  out  at  top  prices.  Weaver  Brothers  planted  their  first  commercial 
orchard  in  1893  and  their  success  has  been  well  merited.  Both  A.  J-  and 
Paul  B.  Weaver  are  recognized  authorities  on  apple  growing  in  this  section 
of  the  country  and  there  is  published  in  connection  with  this  chapter  an 
address  delivered  by  A.  J-  Weaver  upon  fruit  growing  at  the  Missouri  Valley 
Industrial  and  Farmers  Congress  in  December,  19 14,  which  is  a  classic  in 
itself  and  ably  portrays  the  methods  used  and  jiecessary  for  the  successful 
cultivation  of  apple  orchards.  There  is  shipped  from  the  Weaver  Brothers" 
orchards  each  year  from  fifty  to  seventy-five  cars  of  select  fruit  to  Minnesota 
buyers  in  Minneapolis,  St.  Paul  and  Chicago.  The  fruit  produced  in  these 
orchards  each  year  from  fift\-  to  seventy-five  cars  of  select  fruit  to 
the  famous  orcliard  country  of  the  Northwest  and  brings  equally  high  prices. 
The  value  of  the  orchard  products  produced  in  the  Weaver  Brothers' 
orchards  will  range  from  twenty-five  to  thirty  thousand  dollars  annually, 
and  a  force  of  skilled  workers  are  constantly  engaged  in  the  orchards  which 
received  the  direct  supervision  of  the  owners. 


Henry  C.  Smith  was  instrumental  in  organizing  the  first  Horticultural 
Societ}-  in  the  count}"  as  early  as  1872.  The  first  meeting  of  the  society, 
with  Mr.  Smith  as  secretary,  was  held  in  the  city  hall  on  September  18 
and  i<)  lit  that  year.  A  fine  exhibit  of  fruits,  jellies  and  flowers  was  made 
l:.v  the  different  fruit  growers  in  the  ciuuit}-  and  it  was  decided  to  hold 
quai^terly   meetings   of   the   ^society. 



Dairying  is  receiving  increased  attention.  Most  of  the  fanners  keep 
dairy  cows,  chiefly  Shorthorn  grades.  The  number  of  cows  per  farm  varies 
from  three  to  ten,  with  upward  of  forty  on  the  dairy  farms  in  the  vicinity 
of  Falls  City.  A  few  farmers  keep  no  dairy  cows.  J\Iost  of  the  dairying  is 
carried  on  during  the  summer  months,  and  in  the  winter  not  enough  milk  and 
butter  is  produced  for  home  use.  Most  of  the  cream  is  separated  on  the  farm. 
The  surplus  cream  is  shipped  mainly  to  St.  Joseph,  and  some  is  sent  to  Lin- 
coln, Omaha,  and  Kansas  City.  The  local  creamery  at  Falls  City  handles 
a  small  part  of  the  cream.  Some  butter  is  made  on  the  farms  and  sold  at 
local  markets.  The  average  price  obtained  for  butterfat  in  the  summer  is 
twenty-five  to  twenty-eight  cents  per  pound,  and  in  the  winter  thirty  to  thirty- 
two  cents.  The  1910  census  reports  the  total  value  of  all  dairy  products, 
excluding  home  use,  as  $124,021.  The  number  of  dairy  cows  on  farms  re- 
porting dairy  products  is  6,726. 

There  are  some  herds  of  beef  cattle,  mostly  on  the  farms  in  the  south- 
western part  of  the  county,  on  areas  of  Rough  stony  land.  The  cattle  are 
mainly  of  Shorthorn  and  Hereford  bi'eeding,  though  there  are  some  herds 
of  Polled  Durham.  A  number  of  farmers  feed  one  or  two  carloads  of 
cattle,  obtained  from  stockyards,  with  good  returns.  In  other  cases  a  few 
head  are  fattened  on  the  farm  each  year,  and  sold  when  prices  are  most 
favorable.  Alost  of  the  beef  cattle  are  marketed  in  St.  Joseph  and  Kansas 
City.  The  1910  census  reports  19,246  other  cattle  and  1.219  '^alve^  sold 
or  slaughtered. 

Considerable  attention  is  being  paid  to  the  breeding  of  farm  and  draft 
horses.  Nearly  every  farmer  raises  one  or  two  colts  each  vear,  and  some 
as  many  as  six.  In  this  way  the  farmers  supply  their  own  work  stock,  and 
occasionally  have  a  team  to  sell.  The  Percheron  and  Clydesdale  are  the  fav- 
orite breeds.  About  one-fourth  to  one-fifth  of  the  colts  are  mules.  The 
census  of  1910  reports  a  total  of  1.848  horses  and  mules  sold. 

There  are  only  a  few  flocks  of  sheep  in  the  county,  though  some  sheeji 
are  shipped  in  from  Kansas  Cit\-  for  feeding.  There  is  one  large  goat 
ranch,  carrying  about  one  thousand  head,  in  the  northeastern  part  of  the 
county,  on  the  Knox  silt  loam.  The  iqio  census  re])orts  6.960  sheep  and 
goats  sold  or  slaughtered. 

The  raising  of  hogs  is  the  most  important  li\-e-stock  industrv.  Xearh 
every  farmer  fattens  from  twenty-fi\-e  to  thirty  hogs  each  year,  and  some  as 


many  as  one  hundred  and  fifty.  On  tenant  farms  not  nearly  so  many  hogs 
are  kept,  which  is  also  true  of  other  Hve  stock.  Pork  production  is  profitable, 
though  cholera  is  prevalent  and  reduces  the  profits  considerably.  Most  of 
tlie  hogs  are  marketed  in  St.  Joseph  and  Kansas  City,  and  some  in  Omaha. 
Xearlv  everv  farmer  butchers  enough  hogs  to  supply  the  home  with  meat  the 
year  round.  Poland  China,  Duroc-Jersey,  and  Berkshire  are  the  leading 
breeds,  though  there  are  very  few  registered  herds.  According  to  the  19 lo 
census  46,982  hogs  were  sold  or  slaughtered  in  1909.  The  total  value  of 
all  animals  sold  and  slaughtered  is  reported  in  the  1910  census  as  $1,875,319. 
According  to  the  same  authority  the  total  value  of  poultry  and  eggs 
is  $240,815.  Practicallv  ever\-  farmer  keeps  a  small  flock  of  chickens,  rang- 
ing from  forty  to  one  hundred  and  fifty.  Most  of  the  eggs  and  poultry  are 
handled  by  the  two  poultry  establishments  at  Falls  City.  The  dressed  chickens 
are  shipped  mainly  to  Buffalo  and  New  York.  About  thirty-two  carloads 
of  chickens  and  ninety  carloads  of  eggs  are  sln'pped  out  of  Falls  City  each 


Considerably  more  attention  is  paid  to  the  adaptation  of  crops  to  the 
different  soils  than  ten  years  ago.  The  farmers  realize  that  the  Marshall 
silt  loam  and  Carrington  silt  loam  are  best  suited  to  corns,  wheat,  oats 
and  grass.  They  recognize  that  the  Knox  silt  loam  and  steep  slopes  of  the 
Shelby  loam  are  best  suited  to  alfalfa  and  for  use  as  pasture.  The  Wabash 
soils  are  generally  recognized  as  well  adapted  to  corn  and  less  well  suited 
to  the  small  grains,  and  the  same  is  known  to  be  true  of  the  other  l)ottom- 
land  txpes.  The  topography  of  the  Rough  stony  land  makes  it  suitable 
only  for  grazing. 

The  stubble  land  generally  is  plowed  in  the  fall,  either  for  winter 
wheat  or  corn.  Corn  land  usually  is  li.sted  and  sometimes  double  listed 
where  the  crop  succeeds  itself.  If  the  field  is  put  in  oats,  it  is  either  double 
disked  or  the  oats  are  sowed  broadcast  between  tlie  rows  of  corn.  \'aria- 
tions  and  modifications  of  the  alwve  practices  are  common.  It  is  necessary 
to  exercise  considerably  greater  care  in  the  preparation  of  the  seed  beds 
on  the  heaxier  tvpes  of  the  countv.  .\  little  barnyard  manure  is  used. 
Tt  is  a])|)lied  to  corn  or  as  a  topdressing  for  winter  wheat.  .As  a  rule  the 
barn  van!  is  cleaned  twice  a  year,  but  on  many  farms  a  large  part  of  the 
manure  is  wasted.  Green  manuring  is  not  practiced  and  scarcely  any  C(^m- 
mercial  fertilizers  are  used.     According  to  the  census  of  1910,' the  total  ex- 


penditure  for  fertilizers  in  this  county  in  1909  was  only  six  hundied  and 
twenty-six  dollars,  only  six  farms  reporting  their  use. 

The  fann  buildings,  especially  the  houses,  usually  are  well  painted  and 
kept  in  good  repair.  There  are  many  large,  modern  houses  in  the  count}-. 
The  barns  are  usually  small,  but  as  a  rule  are  substantial  and  well  kept. 
Hedge  fences,  established  before  the  introduction  of  barbed  wire,  are  com- 
mon. Most  of  these  consist  of  Osage  orange.  Most  of  the  cross  fences 
and  some  boundary  fences  are  of  barbed  wire,  though  woven  wire  is  coming 
into  more  general  use. 

The  work  stock  consists  mainly  of  medium-weight  draft  horses  and 
mules.  There  are  only  a  few  gasoline  tractors  in  the  county.  On  most 
farms  the  four-horse  hitch  is  used.  The  farm  equipment  consists  of  gang 
or  sulky  plows,  disk  harrows,  straight-tooth  harrows,  drills,  listers,  corn 
planters,  mowing  machines,  cultivators,  rakes,  hay  loaders,  stackers,  binders. 
and  wagons.  Thrashing-machines  are  favorably  distributed  for  use  by  the 
iarmers  in  all  sections  immediately  after  harvest. 

Definite  systems  of  rotation  are  followed  by  only  a  few  progress! \e 
farmers.  The  general  tendency  is  to  keep  the  land  in  corn  two  or  three 
years  or  even  longer,  following  with  one  year  of  oats,  and  from  one  to 
three  years  of  wheat.  Occasionally  the  wheat  land  is  seeded  to  clover  for 
two  or  three  years,  and  then  planted  to  corn.  Of  late  alfalfa  is  taking  the 
place  of  clover,  and  occupies  the  land  from  seven  to  ten  years,  or  longer. 
On  farms  where  there  is  no  permanent  pasture,  clover  and  timothy  fields 
usually  are  pastured  the  second  year. 

There  is  an  adequate  supply  of  farm  labor,  but  it  is  rather  difificult  to 
secure  efficient  help.  The  usual  wage  paid  is  twenty  to  thirtv-five  dollars 
a  month  with  board  and  washing.  Most  of  the  laborers  are  hired  from 
March  i  to  October  i  or  December  i,  though  a  few  farmers  employ  labor 
by  the  year,  because  it  is  easier  in  this  way  to  get  efficient  men.  Where  the\' 
are  hired  only  to  October  i  the  laborers  are  paid  additional  rates  of  three 
to  three  and  one-half  cents  a  bushel  for  husking  corn.  The  daily  wage  for 
transient  labor  during  han^est  time  ranges  from  two  to  three  dollars  per 
day,  with  board.  The  farmers  are  beginning  to  hire  married  men  with  their 
families,  and  the  owners  furnish  them  with  tenant  houses,  milch  cov/s. 
chickens,  gardens,  and  fruit.  Under  this  plan  the  wages  range  from  thirty 
to  forty  dollars  a  month.  Most  of  the  farm  work  in  the  countv,  however, 
is  performed  by  the  farmers  and  tlieir  families.  The  expenditure  for  la1x)r 
in  TQOQ  was  $314,735;. 



Most  uf  the  farms  in  Richardson  county  contain  one  hundred  and  sixty 
acres.  There  are  a  few  as  small  as  eighty  acres,  and  several  ranging  from 
four  hundred  to  several  thousand  acres.  According  to  the  1910  census, 
about  ninety-five  per  cent,  of  the  area  of  the  county  is  in  farms,  and  of 
the  land  in  farms  eighty-six  per  cent,  is  improved.  The  average  size  of 
the  farms  is  157.9  acres.  About  fift\-three  per  cent,  of  the  famis  are  oper- 
ated by  the  owners  and  practically  all  the  remainder  by  tenants.  Both  the 
cash  and  share  systems  of  renting,  as  well  as  a  combination  of  the  two,  are 
practiced,  the  share  system  being  most  popular.  Cash  rents  vary  from  three 
to  six  dollars  an  acre  for  general-farm  land,  depending  largely  on  the  char- 
acter of  the  soil.  Under  the  share  system  the  owner  receives  two-fifths 
to  one-half  the  products  of  the  farm  when  the  tenant  furnishes  all  imple- 
ments and  stock.  Where  the  land  is  not  so  productive  the  owner  furnishes 
one-half  the  work  stock  and  tools  and  there  is  an  equal  division  of  crops. 
In  the  combination  system  of  cash  and  share  renting  the  permanent  pastures 
and  lands  not  used  for  crops  are  rented  for  cash. 

The  value  of  farm  land  in  Richardson  county  ranges  from  twenty  to 
two  hundred  dollars  an  acre,  depending  on  the  nature  of  the  soil,  the  topog- 
raphy, improvements,  and  distance  from  railroad  points.  The  lowest-priced 
land  is  in  the  blufT  zone  of  the  Missouri  river,  and  the  highest-priced  in 
the  vicinity  of  Falls  Cit\-.  In  the  19 10  census  the  average  value  of  farm 
land  is  reported  as  $80.71. 

While  there  are  man\-  large  farms  in  Richardson  county  and  some 
extensive  land  holdings  the  large  estates  which  are  farmed  under  the  direct 
supervision  of  their  owners  are  small  in  number.  Among  the  largest  in- 
dividual farmers  of  the  county  is  Weaver  Brothers,  A.  J.  and  P.  B.  Weaver, 
who  own  and  farm  directly  over  three  thousand  acres  of  land  located  in 
Richardson  county.  The  land  is  farmed  according  to  the  latest  scientific 
agricultural  methdds  adapted  to  the  land  cultivated.  .\  small  army  of  men 
is  em|)l(iyed  in  the  farm  work  and  in  this  \ear  (1917)  sixty  men  are  on 
the  pa\-  roll,  whicli  will  exceed  $40,000  annuallv.  Weaver  Brothers  market 
from  fifteen  hundred  to  two  thousand  head  of  hogs  annually  and  produce 
and  feed   fur  the  market  over  five  hundred  head  of  cattle  each  vear. 


:he  miles  ranch. 


The  Miles  ranch,  located  in  the  vicinity  of  Dawson,  in  a  southerly  di- 
rection, embraces  a  total  of  five  thousand  acres  of  land  operated  in  a  body 
as  one  great  farm.  This  famous  ranch  was  established  by  the  late  Col. 
Stephen  B.  Miles  in  1856  as  a  place  to  recuperate  the  hundreds  of  horses 
and  mules  used  in  the  mail  and  stage-route  traffic  conducted  by  Mr.  Miles 
for  years  by  contract  with  the  United  States  government.  It  was  the  first 
of  the  great  ranches  established  west  of  the  Missouri  river  and  is  now  owned 
by  Joseph  H.  Miles,  son  of  the  founder. 

The  Miles  ranch  house  is  one  of  the  best-built  farm  houses  in  this  section 
of  Nebraska  and  the  materials  which  went  into  the  making  of  the  residence 
were  obtained  from  the  forests  along  the  banks  of  the  Nemaha  river  by 
the  builder.  The  Miles  house  is  built  entirely  of  native  lumber,  cut  and 
finished  on  the  place ;  and  everything  about  the  construction  of  the  residence 
is  of  native  materials,  even  to  the  stair  rails,  the  newel  posts  and  the  inside 
woodwork,  which  is  of  native  hardwood.  At  the  time  this  residence  was 
completed,  in  1867,  there  were  no  railroads  for  transportating  material,  and 
the  windows,  doors  and  shingles  of  the  building  were  transported  from  St. 
Louis  by  boat  and  then  hauled  to  the  ranch. 

One  of  the  finest  barns  in  the  country,  built  entirely  of  native  lumber 
and  stone  obtained  on  the  ranch  is  found  on  tlie  Miles  ranch.  This  barn 
is  modeled  after  the  famous  Pennsylvania  ■type  of  bank -barn  and  no  nails 
whatever  are  used  in  its  construction.  The  timbers  are  morticed  and  fastened 
together  with  wooden  pins.  The  barn  is  in  a  remarkable  state  of  preserva- 
tion, notwithstanding  the  fact  that  it  was  Iniilt  in  1861  bv  the  late  S.  B. 

Twelve  ranch  or  tenant  houses  are  located  on  the  farm  for  the  housing 
of  the  present  tenants,  and  which  were  used  up  to  three  years  ago  (  1914), 
for  the  housing  of  the  many  hands  who  were  employed  in  doing  tlie  ranch 
work.  The  ranch  is  equipped  with  its  own  private  grain  elevators  and  water 
system,  a  stand  pipe  having  been  erected  which  would  do  credit  to  a  small 
town,  and  gives  sufficient  pressure  to  reach  the  tops  of  the  highest  build- 
ings. The  water  supply  is  obtained  from  wells  and  an  immense  cistern, 
having  a  capacity  of  two  thousand  barrels. 

Since  1914  the  ranch  has  been  in  cliarge  of  Stephen  Miles,  son 
of  the  owner  and  the   farm  lands  which  are  cultivated    for  tlie  raisin"-  of 


grain  crops  have  been  farmed  on  the  share  system.  Prior  to  1914,  the 
ranch  was  ojjerated  in  an  entire  body  by  Joseph  H.  Miles,  the  owner. 

The  ranch  proper  consists  of  five  thousand  acres  in  all,  although  ]\Ir. 
Miles's  holdings  in  the  county  total  fifteen  thousand  acres  in  all.  Fifteen 
hundred  acres  of  the  land  is  planted  jearly  to  corn  and  produce  from  forty 
to  sixty  bushels  of  corn  to  the  acre,  making  an  average  total  of  over  seventy- 
five  thousand  bushels  yearly.  This  year  (191 7)  there  has  been  harvested 
five  himdred  acres  of  wheat,  which  produced  from  twenty  to  forty-eight 
bushels  of  grain  to  the  acre,  or  an  average  of  thirty-five  bushels  to  the 
acre,  making  a  total  of  seventeen  thousand  five  hundred  bushels  of  wheat. 
Three  hundred  acres  were  sown  to  oats,  which  produced  from  forty  to  si.xty 
bushels  to  the  acre.  One  hundred  acres  of  barley  were  harvested,  which 
gave  a  good  yield.  F(3ur  hundred  acres  of  tame  hay  or  timothy  were  cut. 
which  yielded  fifteen  hundred  tons.  The  ranch  has  over  three  hundred  acres 
of  natural  growth  timber,  which  furnishes  all  the  lumber  used  in  erecting 
new  buildings  or  .sheds  and  making  repairs.  There  are  fifteen  hundred  acres 
of  pasture  land.  The  ranch  is  bisected  by  the  south  fork  of  the  Nemaha 
river,  which  causes  the  only  waste  land  in  the  entire  ranch.  The  private 
Miles  drainage  ditch  was  only  recently  completed  (in  July,  191 7).  for  a 
distance  of  three  miles  through  the  ranch  bottom  lands,  at  a  cost  of  nearly 
twenty  thousand  dollars. 

Three  hundred  head  of  fine  fat  cattle  are  marketed  yearly  from  the 
rancli,  all  of  which  are  thoroughbred  stock  such  as  Hereford.  Shorthorn 
and  .\ngus  breeds.  From  one  thousand  to  fifteen  hundred  hogs  of  the 
Poland  China  and  Duroc -Jersey  breeds  are  marketed  annually.  The  ranch 
has  always  prided  itself  in  producing  only  pure  bred  stock. 


Tiie  Margrave  ranch,  consisting  of  several  thousantl  acres  of  land  in 
the  southeastern  part  of  the  county  and  in  Brown  county,  Kansas,  was 
established  by  the  late  W.  .\..  Margrave  and  is  operated  by  the  Margrave 
Corporation,  under  the  direct  supervision  of  William  A.  and  James  Mar- 
grave. The  shipping  headquarters  of  the  ranch  are  located  at  Preston  and 
the  ranch  proper  is  located  a  few  miles  east  and  south  of  Preston. 



Address  made  by  Hon.  A.  .J.  Weaver,  of  Falls  City,  before  the  Missouri  Valley  Industrial 
and  Farmers'  Congress,  held  at  St.  Joseph,  Missouri,  in  December,  1914,  and  later 
given  before  the  State  Horticultural  Association  at  Lincoln.  Nebraska,  and  printed 
in  Horticultural  journals  and  widely  published  as  the  best  article  on  scientific  apple 
grovi'ing  ever  presented  in  the  middle  west. 

Ladies  aud  Gentlemen:  Bill  Nye  once  said  ttiat  he  was  not  much  of  a  spealver, 
liimself,  but  that  he  was  a  good  extemporaneous  listener,  aud  after  the  interesting  and 
instructive  addresses  already  made  to  this  congress,  I  would  prefer  to  continue  as  a  good 
listener;  and  I  feel  that  in  attempting  your  further  instruction  I  am  but  illustrating 
Joseph's  dream,  that  after  the  feast  came  the  famine.  However,  as  one  deeply  inter- 
ested in  the  puiposes  of  this  congress,  I  am  glad  to  join  in  this  wonderful  conservation 
movement,  aud  today  I  want  to  congratulate  St.  Joseph  uix)n  placing  at  the  head  of  this 
movement  Col.  R.  M.  Bacheler,  who  is  a  real  benefactor  of  your  city.  For  months,  when 
he  should  have  been  thinking  of  his  own  business,  his  own  pleasure  and  comfort,  he  has 
been  siJending  weary  hours  for  the  success  of  this  congress.  Such  men  are  never  repaid, 
only  in  the  consciousness  of  a  public  duty  well  performed.  How  well  Colonel  Bacheler's 
duty  has  been  performed  toward  St.  Joseph,  and  the  great  country  tributary  to  it,  the 
success  of  this  meeting  attests. 


There  is  in  attendance  here,  and  uix>u  this  program,  representatives  of  every  imiwr- 
tant  business  aud  industry  in  the  Missouri  valley,  from  high  railroad  officials  to  bankers 
and  farmers.  And  we  are  particularly  pleased  to  learn  that  the  great  railroad  systems 
in  the  Middle  West  are  interested  in  the  work  of  this  congress.  A  few  years  ago 
railroads  were  in  politics,  and  at  this  time  of  the  year  vvere  guardians  of  our  I.«gislatures 
and  were  electing  our  United  States  senators.  Today  they  are  strictly  in  legitimate  busi- 
ness. They  are  sending  out  demonstration  trains  for  better  grain,  grasses  and  live  stock, 
promoting  good  roads  aud  assisting  materially  in  the  uplift  of  agriculture,  and  in  e.\tend- 
ing  the  limits  of  this  empire  of  wealth  and  prosperity.  The  attendance  of  W.  C.  Brown, 
ex-president  of  the  New  York  Central  Railroad,  and  the  trained  experts  of  the  different 
railroads,  clearly  demonstrate  that  we  are  entering  upon  a  new  era. 


Repeating  what  I  said  to  this  congress  last  year,  it  is  proper  that  St.  Joseph,  Mis- 
souri, should  be  the  center  of  this  new  movement  in  the  Missouri  valley ;  St.  Joseph, 
the  inspiration  and  life  of  the  early  histoiy  of  the  Sliddle  AVest,  where  the  first  pony 
exiDress  started  blazing  the  trail  westward  across  the  continent ;  St.  Joseph,  the  stay 
and  support  of  this  great  valley  when  reverses  and  set-backs  came,  and  now  the  leader 
and  first  on  the  firing  line  of  this  new  movement;  St.  Joseph,  full  of  romance  and  his- 
tory, full  of  wealth  and  conservatism,  yet  as  full  of  real  men  and  progress,  combining 
enough  of  the  Xew  England  spirit,  the  old  life  of  the  South,  the  newer  life  of  the  free 
West,  and  the  real  spirit  of  the  age,  to  make  it  the  magnificent  center  of  this  great  agri- 
cultural empire.  St.  Joseph,  our  banking,  live-stock  and  mercantile  center,  we  thank 
you  for  this  congress  aud  for  the  hospitality  extended  to  ns. 


It  has  been  lieautifully  sjiid  that  •'Nature  makes  the  whole  world  kiu."  aud  not  long 
ago,   as  I   looked   out  of  my    window   from  the  eighth   .story   of  your   beautiful    hotel.    1 


thought  how  true  this  was.  I  saw  the  smoke  rising  from  a  liuiuUetl  smoliestacks,  rei)re- 
senting  the  industrial  life  of  this  city.  I  saw  the  smolce  from  tlie  railroad  yards  and 
the  great  paoking  plants  of  South  St.  Joseph.  I  looked  back  of  these  and  saw  nestling 
in  the  wooded  slopes  churches  and  school  houses  and  homes.  Back  of  these,  for  hun- 
dreds of  miles,  I  knew  extended  fertile  farms,  the  basis  of  all  our  wealth ;  and  I  thought 
how  everything  went  back  to  nature  and  the  soil  and  how  all  these  things  were  dependent 
one  upon  the  other.  Tour  industries  would  he  silent,  your  railroads  would  become  dis- 
used streaks  of  rust  if  it  were  not  for  these  farms  surrounding  you.  On  the  other  hand, 
without  these  great  railroads,  which  are  the  arteries  of  commerce  and  trade,  and  these 
packing  plants,  which  are  the  farmers  market,  agriculture  would  stagnate,  in  fact  it 
would  never  have  been  born  upon  these  prairies. 


Then  I  contrasted  all  this  peace  and  progress  and  prosperity  with  the  conditions 
across  the  water,  where  half  the  world  is  at  war,  where  nation  grapples  at  the  throat 
of  nation,  where  men  are  mere  pawns  of  monaix'hs  and  where  human  life  and  property, 
by  the  thousands  and  tens  of  thousands,  are  being  daily  swallowed  up  in  the  terrible 
vortex  of  war. 

It  is  said  that  Confucius,  the  great  Chinese  statesman,  once  traveled  in  a  distant 
part  of  the  empire  which  was  infested  with  ferocious  wild  beasts.  One  day  he  came 
upon  a  woman  weeping  bitterly  and  stopping  to  inquire  the  cause  of  her  grief,  learned 
that  her  husband  had  recently  been  killed  by  a  tiger.  "Why,"  asked  the  Chinaman,  "do 
you  remain  in  a  province  infested  with  such  danger?"  "We  have  a  good  governuient 
here,"  was  the  woman's  reply.  "Behold,"  exclaimed  the  sage,  "a  bad  government  is 
more  to  be  feared  than  the  rapacious  tiger."  Today  in  peaceful  and  prosperous  America 
we  can  exclaim  with  the  Chinese  sage:  "A  bad  government  is  more  to  be  feared  than 
the  rapacious  tiger."  For  fifty  years  every  farmer  in  Europe  has  carried  a  soldier  on  his 
back.  Today  he  struggles  with  the  weight  of  two  or  three,  and  next  year,  or  the  next, 
when  this  cruel  war  is  over,  and  the  terrible  and  appalling  cost  in  men  and  treasure  is 
reckoned,  the  load  will  be  intolerable;  for  his  nation,  whether  victor  or  vanquished,  will 
be  hopelessly  in  debt  and  its  citizen,  nominally  free,  will  be  a  tax  vassal  for  a  lunidred 
years  to  come. 


America,  fortunate  in  her  isolation,  doubly  fortunate  in  her  form  of  government 
and  the  genius  of  her  people,  thrice  fortunate  in  her  wonderful  resources  of  mines  and 
forests  and  fields;  practically  free  from  debt,  with  the  wholesome  inclination  to  spend 
her  resources  for  better  homes  and  better  food,  for  agricultural  and  other  colleges,  for 
better  roads  and  the  hundreds  of  other  things  conducing  to  her  happiness  and  prosijerity. 
rather  than  upon  vast  armaments  and  navies !  America,  wonderful  America  I  We.  a 
handful  of  your  peaceful  citizens,  engaged  today  in  St.  Joseph,  in  quiet  conference  con- 
cerning the  pursuits  of  peace,  salute  you  as  truly  the  "Land  of  the  free  and  home  of  the 
brave.".  The  land  of  the  free,  because  we  are  free  from  the  military  systems  of  the  old 
world,  and  because  we,  the  people,  are  the  real  sovereigns,  and  our  public  officials  our 
servants,  and  not  our  master.s.  The  land  of  the  brave,  because  we  are  brave  enough  to  be 
just  to  every  man  beneath  our  flag,  and  every  nation  on  earth.  Our  flag  has  floated  over 
Cuba  and  Mexico,  but  not  for  conquest.  It  is  the  emblem  of  iieace  on  eartli  and  good 
will  to  men,  and  when  its  mission  in  foreign  lands  is  performed,  it  comes  home  with  all 
the  honor  and  dignity  and  justice  which  it  took  .-iway. 

My  friends,  you  will  pardon  this  digression  from  the  sul>ject  assignetl  nic.  but  1  li.ive 


merely  mentioued  these  tbiugs  to  emiiliusize  the  traiuiuility  miuI  prosperity,  wbiili  we  as 
a  nation  are  enjoying,  and  for  whicb  we  should  be  thankful.  In  this  connection  I  might 
add  that  this  conference  represents  a  territory  which  iu  size  and  wealth  would  be  an 
empire  in  Europe.  Each  of  its  magnificent  counties  would  be  a  principality.  In  fertility 
of  soil,  iu  climate,  in  the  character  and  intelligence  of  its  people,  the  Missouri  Valley 
country  Is  the  equal  of  the  best  of  Europe.  In  population  we  are  deficient,  but  popula- 
tion Is  fast  increasing  and  to  meet  this  added  responsibility  we  are  iu  conference  today 
as  an  Intelligent  citizenship,  to  devise  the  best  ways  and  means  for  Hie  future  of  our 
industrial  and.  farming  activities. 


The  past  is  gone,  and  with  it  its  train  of  mistakes.  One  of  these  was  in  mining  our 
soil  instead  of  farming  it,  in  selling  its  fertility  at  wholefsale  In  grain  Instead  of  in  con- 
centrates of  meat.  Another  was  in  neglecting  clover,  alfalfa  and  the  other  legumes. 
Another  was  iu  allowing  out  lands  to  be  gullied  and  washed  into  the  sea.  Another  was 
in  trying  to  produce  beef  and  pork  on  much  coru  and  little  roughage.  Another  was  in 
planting  orchards,  then  allowini,'  the  cattle,  hogs  and  Insects  to  destroy  them.  Another 
was  in  raising  wheat  year  after  year  on  the  same  laud,  and  then  corn,  year  after  year 
on  the  same  land.  Coburn  of  Kansas,  in  referring  to  the  average  of  thirteen  to  fifteen 
bushels  per  acre  on  Kansas  wheat  land  once  said.  "Men  write  of  the  'Shame  of  Cities"  and 
the  'Crime  of  Society,'  but  this  Is  the  'Crime  of  Agriculture"."  These  old  methods  were 
sad  mistakes,  and  were  indeed  costly,  not  only  to  the  individual,  but  to  the  aggregate 
wealth  of  the  community.  And  today  we  congratulate  ourselves  and  the  country  that 
we  are  teaching  and  practicing  better  ways. 

We  know  now  that  we  nnist  farm  and  husband  the  land  instead  of  mining  It.  We 
liuow  now  that  if  we  would  preserve  the  fertlity  of  the  soil,  we  must  handle  live  stock 
and  market  our  crops  In  the  form  of  beef  and  ikh-U  and  mutton.  We  know  now  that 
clover  and  alfalfa  are  as  necessary  to  the  life  of  our  laud  as  red  blood  is  to  the  life  of 
our  bodies.  We  know  now  what  nitrogen  and  humus  .ire.  and  that  they  are  the  soil's 
capital.  We  know  now  that  lands  which  wash  away  ue\er  return,  and  that  ugly  ditches, 
like  ugly  wounds,  are  not  only  unsightly,  but  are  sometimes  fatal.  Fields  have  been 
ruined  by  being  gullied  and  washed  to  pieces.  Xature"s  remedy  is  grass.  We  know  now 
that  cornstalks  in  a  silo  are  better  for  the  fanner  and  his  herds  than  cornstalks  in 
winter-swept  and  suow-bound  fields:  and  that  we  must  save  this  and  all  other  roughage, 
if  we  are  to  handle  live  stock  successfully  on  high-priced  land.  We  know  now  that  the 
hog  is  a  grazing  animal  and  that  alfalfa  should  be  on  his  bill  of  fare  the  year  round. 
He  should  not  only  have  alfalfa  pasture  from  April  to  November,  but  should  be  fed 
alfalfa  hay  the  rest  of  the  year  in  racks,  the  same  as  cattle.  We  know  that  while  the 
hog  is  growing  we  should  furnish  him  with  this  cheap  iirotein  ration,  but  that  when  he  is 
fattening  on  a  full  feed  of  coru,  .ilfalfa  hay  should  be  suiiplementetl  with  a  coueeutrated 
protein  ration  in  the  form  of  tankage.  Feed  a  hog  all  the  alfalfa  he  will  eat  and  at  the 
present  price  of  corn  you  cut  off  tweuty  cents  on  ever.\-  bushel.  We  know  now  that  every 
hog-yard  should  have  its  cement  feeding  floor,  for  every  bushel  of  corn  fed  on  a  feeding 
floor  saves  a  pound  of  pork.  We  know  now  that  lice  and  worms  are  the  two  greatest 
enemies  of  the  hog  raiser,  and  that  these  are  easily  controlled.  We  know  that  the  great 
hog  scourge  can  be  prevented  by  vaccination,  and  that  the  man  who  proiJerly  guards  his 
hogs  need  spend  no  sleepless  nights  on  account  of  hog  cholera.  These  observations  are 
made  from  some  cxiierionce  in  the  hog  business.  Weaver  Brothers  raise  two  thousand 
hogs  every  year,  and  we  believe  that  bogs  and  alfalfa  are  the  mr>st  profitable  combina- 
tions on  the  farm. 


Yes,  we  used  to  tbink  that  aiiybixly  couUl  l>e  a  fanner.  We  kuow  l)etter  uow.  It 
requires  as  luiR-b  or  more  braius  to  farm  successfully  as  it  does  to  succeed  in  any 
other  business.  We  used  to  think  that  we  had  to  sow  and  reap  like  our  fathers.  We 
know  better  uow.  We  eveu  change  our  owu  methods  in  the  light  of  our  own  experience. 
We  used  to  think  that  orchards  were  planted  to  grow  snialJ.  imperfect  and  .scabby  apples. 
We  know  better  uow.  A  new  age  is  here,  and,  regardless  of  our  (X"cupations,  we 
should  be  iu  sympathy  with  it.  Xo  matter  what  our'vocation,  we  are  all  farmers  in 
this  country,  in  the  sense  that  it  is  our  one  great  community  business  and  asset. 
Farming  is  the  basis  of  all  wealth,  and  especially  in  the  Middle  West,  and  we  should 
doff  our  hats  to  the  modern,  uivto-date  farmer,  and  accord  to  him  the  dignity  and 
worth  he  merits  as  one  of  our  most  useful  citizens. 


I  have  been  requested  to  deliver  at  this  session^  a  brief  address  upon  orcharding 
in  the  Missouri  valley.  While  I  am  but  incidentally  engaged  iu  raising  apples,  and 
would  rather  talk  about  hogs  and  alfalfa,  silos  and  cattle  raising  and  general  conservation 
of  the  soil,  yet  orcharding,  and  particularly  apple  raising,  is  a  great  industry  in  this 
section,  and  if  given  the  s;ime  attention  as  grain  or  live-stock  farming,  would  become  a 
notable  industry  and  highly  profitable.  I  make  this  statement  from  my  own  observations 
of  the  orchard  business  in  the  Missouri  valley,  and  i)articularly  my  experience  iu 
southeastern  Nebraska,  where  Weaver  Brothers  own  and  control  and  operate  over 
two  hundred  acres  of  apple  orchard.  We  produce  annually  from  thirty-five  to  one 
hundred  ear-loads  of  apples,  aud  sell  ou  an  average  more  thau  twenty  thousand  dollars 
worth  of  apples  each  year.  These  orchards  will  produce  annually  a  net  average  revenue 
of  ten  thousand  dollars  a  year  or  fifty  dollars  an  acre.  This  takes  into  consideration 
the  original  investment,  the  frost  damage  in  occasional  years  aud  unfavorable  seasons, 
both  as  to  production  aud  markets.  The  average  orchard  in  this  section  and  particularly 
the  small  orchard,  is  not  profitable,  aud  on  the  ordinary  farm  may  be  considered  as  a 
liability  instead  of  an  asset.  This  is  because  of  the  failure  to  properly  care  for  the 
same.  Success  iu  the  orchard  business  will  come  only  with  proper  cultivation,  fertiliza- 
tion, pruning,  .spraying,  proiier  grading,  and  reasonable  ability  to  market  the  crop.  In 
other  words,  commercial  apple  raising  is  a  business  and  must  be  handled  on  business 
principles,  if  it  is  to  succeed.  An  orchard  handled  in  this  way  will  not  only  yield  a 
nice  profit,  but  will  afford  a  great  deal  of  pleasure  to  the  man  engaged  iu  it.  The 
apples  produceil  in  this  section  are  the  equal,  if  not  the  superior,  iu  flavor  and  quality 
of  any  produced  in  the  United  States,  and  the  fruit  from  sprayed  and  cared-for  oi'chards 
is  eagerly  sought  by  the  buyers  for  the  best  city  markets. 

Fortunately  the  values  of  our  best  apple  lands,  which  .ire  the  hill  or  bluff  laiiils 
adjacent  to  the  Mi.ssouri  river,  have  never  been  inflated  and  can  be  purchase<l  from 
fifty  to  one  hundred  twenty-five  dollars  au  acre.  Fpoii  this  Ii.-isis  orcharding  Is  a 
safe  business  venture,  particularly  so  wheu  we  consider  the  inflated  values  of  orchard 
land  in  the  irrigated  sections,  from  which  points  the  freii-'lit  rate  to  Minneapolis  ami 
Chicago  is  as  much  per  bushel  box  .-is  it  is  for  a  tbroc-li\islicl  barrel  from  St.  .Joseiili  u> 
the  same  markets. 

A  large  fruit  dealer  from  .Minneapolis,  who  has  just  returned  from  the  ra<ifii- 
coast,  and  who  is  familiar  with  every  detail  of  the  .■ipple-marketing  bu.siness  told  me 
last  September,  that  the  orchardists  of  the  Missouri  valley,  who  es<'aped  the  expense  of 
irrigation  and  the  exiiensive  long  haul,  were  the  masters  of  the  apple  situation,  and 
that  all  that  was  uecessju-)-  to  the  highest  success  was  proper  methods.  I  might  add 
that  the  highest  compliment  I  have  ever  had,  as  au  orchardist.  was  paid  uje  when  this 


man,  iiitrocUioecl  uie  to  two  large  orclianlists  of  the  Yakima  valley,  Washiugtou,  .as 
one  of  the  very  few  men  in  the  southwest  who  knew  how  to  raise  and  pack  apples. 
These  two  men,  one  of  them  an  ex-superior  court  judge,  were  in  Minneapolis  to  sell 
their  crop  of  Western  box  apples.  I  dou't  know  what  success  they  had,  but  after  a 
thirty-miuute  conference  with  the  fruit  merchant,  I  sold  him  thirteen  cars  of  Nebraska 
apples,  and  have  in  previous  years  in  less  time,  sokl  him  as  many  as  thirty  cars,  and 
always  at  a  satisfactory  price.  Our  apples  are  sold  year  after  year  to  the  same  parties, 
on  the  same  basis  as  your  grain  merchant  sells  No.  1,  No.  2,  or  No.  3  wheat  and  corn, 
and  with  no  dispute  over  the  grades  and  quality.  liaising  apples  under  these  conditions 
in  the  Missouri  valley,  where  natural  conditions  are  almost  ideal,  makes  the  business 
a  desirable  one.  1  will  now  discuss  the  essentials  necessary  for  the  production  of  good 
apples,  as  practiced  in  our  own  orchards. 


We  spray  our  orchards  thoroughly.  We  siiray  three,  and  sometimes  four  times 
during  the  season.  The  first  is  the  dormant  spray,  before  any  foliage  has  appeared, 
with  either  Bordeaux  mixture  or  lime  and  sulphur.  We  prefer  the  lime  and  sulphur. 
We  use  Bordeaux  spray  after  the  foliage  appears,  as  it  produces  a  rusty  appearance  of 
the  apple,  especially  ou  the  Ben  Davis  variety.  These  sprays  are  used  as  a  fungicide, 
controlling  all  diseases  of  a  foreign  nature,  such  as  scab,  scale  and  kindred  diseases. 
For  the  dormant  spray  one  gallon  of  lime  and  sulphur  should  be  u.sed  with  twelve  to 
fourteen  gallons  of  water.  Where  Bordeaux  is  used  it  should  consist  of  four  pounds 
of  copper  sulphate,  four  pounds  of  lime  and  fifty  gallons  of  water. 

The  next  most  important  spraying  is  what  is  known  as  the  blos.som  spray,  which 
is  a  combination  of  lime  and  sulphur  and  arsenate  of  lead,  the  arsenate  of  lead  being 
the  recognized  insecticide  for  all  leaf-eating  insects,  and  the  one  great  apple  pest, 
the  codling  moth.  This  sjiray  is  made  by  using  lime  and  sulphur  diluted,  one  to 
thirty-five,  into  which  is  added  three  pounds  of  arsenate  of  lead  to  fifty  gallons  of 
water.  This  spray  should  be  applied  with  a  pressure  of  from  two  hundred  to  two 
hundred  and  fifty  ix)uuds  so  that  the  poison  spray  will  be  forced  into  the  calyx  cup 
of  every  blossom.  The  spray  nozzles  should  be  attached  to  the  siiray  rod  with  a 
forty -five  degree  elbow,  so  that  every  blossom  eau  be  reached  from  any  angle. 

The  man  handling  the  spray  rod  is  the  "man  behind  the  gun."  Carelessness  and 
indifference  here  may  cost  an  orchardist  hundreds  of  dollars.  Every  inside  and  top 
blossom  should  be  reached.  To  do  this  continuous  driving  with  the  sprayer  is  impossible. 
The  machine  should  be  stopped  at  each  tree  so  that  thorough  work  can  be  done.  If  the 
blossom  spraying  is  not  thorough  and  complete,  the  apples  will  be  wormy,  no  matter 
how  many  sprayings  you  give  later.     I  will  briefly  explain  the  reason  for  this, 

The  codling  moth  is  of  a  color  and  about  one-half  inch  in  length.  It 
deposits  its  eggfe  on  the  bark  of  the  tree  and  on  its  foliage  shortly  after  the  ]ietals  of 
the  blossom  falls.  These  eggs  are  white  specks  about  the  size  of  a  small  pin  head. 
Tiny  worms  which  hatch  from  these  eggs  gradually  work  their  way  to  the  small  apples 
and  through  the  cal,vx  cup  mto  the  apple  core.  If  the  spraying  has  been  thorough 
this  calyx  cup  is  full  of  poison  and  the  little  worm  dies  from  poison  food  without  getting 
into  the  apple. 

In  this  latitude  there  are  generally  two  broods  of  these  worms,  the  second  brood 
appearing  in  from  forty  to  sixty  days  after  the  first.  This  brood  conies  from  the  full- 
grown  worms  surviving  from  the  first.  After  about  three  weeks  spent  in  the  apple 
these   survivors   come   out.    seek   a    biding   place   and    here    spin   cocoons   and   change   to 



a  chrysalis.  From  tbis  comes  again  the  codling  moth,  then  the  eggs,  then  the  brood 
of  worms. 

In  the  South,  and  sometimes  here,  this  operation  is  repeated  a  third  time,  hence 
more  spraying  is  necessary  in  some  sections  and  seasons  than  iu  others.  In  this  latitude 
we  have  been  able  to  control  the  moth  with  two  poison  sprays,  one  immediately  following 
the  first  at  the  time  of  the  calyx  spray.  This  catches  the  late  bloom  and  also  any  of  the 
earlier  bloom  missed  in  the  first  application. 

To  spray  successfully  and  economically,  the  orchardist  should  provide  himself  with 
a  first-class  high-power  spraying  outfit.  We  use  in  our  orchards  seven  iwwer  machines, 
one  New  Beau  machine,  with  a  magueto  and  six  Cushmaus,  manufactured  in  St.  Joseph, 


Next  in  importance  iu  the  care  of  an  orchard  is  systematic  and  heavy  pruning.  Do 
not  do  it  all  in  oue  year,  but  do  part  of  it  every  year.  Keep  the  tops  cut  bade,  the 
center  cleaned  out  and  the  lower  branches  cut  away,  so  that  the  air  and  sunshine  will 
be  admitted.  After  doing  this  have  your  pruners  take  stepladders  and  go  around  the 
tree,  thinning  the  sides  of  the  tree  which  are  liable  to  become  too  bushy.  This  side 
trimmiug  is  very  important,  a  lesson  which  we  have  learned  within  the  last  few  years. 
In  this  connection,  however,  I  would  caution  the  orchardist  against  cutting  away  too 
many  side  branches  on  the  south  and  west.  These  parts  of  the  tree  get  enough  sun  in 
any  event  to  properly  color  the  fruit  and  too  much  pruning  on  the  south  and  west 
may  subject  the  limbs  and  trunk  of  the  tree  to  injury  from  the  hot  summer  sun.  We 
keep  all  water  sprouts  out  of  the  trees  by  sending  a  foreman  with  eight  or  ten  boys 
through  the  orchard,  the  last  of  June  each  year,  and  with  gloved  hands  all  sprouts 
are  rubbed  off  with  no  injury  to  the  tree,  and  at  small  expense. 

In  pruning  leave  no  stubs  as  these  are  a  source  of  infection  from  disease  and  borers. 
Stubs  do  not  heal  readily  as  the  wound  is  too  far  from  the  sap  circulation  of  the  tree. 
Many  orchards  have  been  ruined  and  are  being  ruined  by  the  stubs  left  in  pruning. 
The  limbs  should  be  taken  off  close  to  the  trunk  or  at  the  fork.  Paint  every  wound 
at  once,  that  means  within  two  or  three  days.  If  you  allow  the  wood  to  dry  and 
check  you  have  left  an  opening  for  disease,  insects  and  the  weather.  We  have  always 
used  white  lead  and  oil,  colored  with  lamp  black,  to  produce  the  tree-trunk  color. 
The  last  two  seasons  we  used  a  pruning  compound,  an  asiili.ilt  paint,  which  been 
recommended  to  us,  and  found  it  very  satisfactory. 

We  prune  only  in  May  and  June,  and  iu  any  event  ncit  l;\tcr  tli;ni  the  middle  of 
July.  These  are  ideal  mouths,  both  for  healing  and  painting.  In  tlie  winter  tinii' 
wounds  cannot  always  be  proni]itly  i)ainteil  .-ukI  :ire  siili.i(H-t  to  the  killing  ]irncess  of 
zero  weather. 

After  a  tree  is  put  in  shai)e  and  proiwrly  triunned,  a  little  work  each  year  will 
keep  it  in  good  condition.  I  would  urge  on  every  orchardist  the  necessity  of  making 
pruning  secondary  only  to  spraying.  AVe  have  learned  that  we  caiuiot  grow  both  wood 
and  good  fruit  on  the  same  tree.  We  have  .ilso  learned  that  fancy  ,i|iiiles  do  not  grow 
in  dense  foliage. 


As  spraying  and  pruning  are  the   Siamese   twins  ut'  orcharding.   «i   are  culliv.ition 
and  fertilization  likewise  twins  in  the  same  family 
are   well   colored,   fair   size   and   free   from    worms 
but  you  will  have  larger  apples,  more  of  them   an 
year  by  adding  proper  cultivation  and  fertilization. 

on  can  grow  good 


))runing   and    spra; 

ving    pr. 

inie   nearer   raising 

a   croi. 


We  use  tlie  ordinary  disk  as  soou  as  the  ground  is  dry  and  free  from  frost  and  tlicii 
harrow  after  every  rain.  This  keeps  a  dust  mulch  in  the  orchard  aud  conserves  all  the 
moisture.  This  cultivation  should  be  kept  up  until  the  middle  of  July,  even  until  the 
first  of  August.  If  there  is  any  sod  in  the  orchard  this  should  be  plowed  up,  and  then 
the  disk  and  harrow  used. 

Every  bearing  orchard  should  be  systematically  fertilized.  We  use  the  ordinary 
barnyard  manure  every  year,  where  available.  When  not,  we  use  nitrate  of  soda  and 
get  even  better  results.  Tliis  year  we  used  a  carload  of  nitrate  of  soda  purchased  of 
Swift  &  Company,  St.  Joseph.  Some  day  we  expect  to  have  a  soil  analysis  made  in  all 
our  orchards  aud  then  supply  only  those  elements  in  which  we  are  deficient.  We  have 
secured  excellent  results,  however,  from  the  ordinary  manure.  A  few  years  ago  we 
manured,  heavily,  ten  acres  in  one  orchard.  Since  then  we  have  noticed  the  increased 
yield  and  superior  quality  to  the  very  tree  row.  This  was  the  best  investment  we 
ever  made  in  the  orchard  business. 

We  contend  that  by  conserving  the  moisture  by  cultivation,  aud  feeding  the  tree.-i 
by  fertilization  we  can  raise  apples  every  year,  barring  loss  by  frost.  We  have  been 
raising  apples  every  year  from  the  same  trees  for  the  last  three  years  and  if  we  can 
continue  this  for  the  next  three  years,  will  be  quite  sure  that  this  continued  production 
is  from  proper  cultivation  and  fertilization. 

By  spraying  and  pruning,  the  tree  is  kept  healthy  and  vigorous;  by  cultivation  and 
fertilization,  there  is  enough  moisture  and  strength  of  soil  to  set  healthy  and  strong 
fruit  buds  every  year. 


Each  spring  the  hanging  bark  on  the  trunk  and  limbs  of  the  trees  should  lie  removed. 
This  should  be  done  just  before  the  dormant  spray.  This  clinging  bark  furuishes  a 
breeding  place  for  insects,  worms  and  disease.  For  its  removal  we  use  the  ordinary 
mud  currycomb,  the  surface  of  which  has  no  sharp  points  but  consists  of  circular  pieces 
of  corrugated  tin.  These  can  be  purchased  at  any  hardware  store  and  are  the  best 
things  we  have  found  for  this  work. 


The  old  uncared-for  orchards  in  this  country  are  dying  as  if  by  an  eiiideniic.  Some 
day  we  will  wake  up  and  find  that  the  only  orchards  which  are  left  are  the  commercial 
orchards,  which  have  received  proiJer  and  attention.  The  flat-  and  round-headed 
borers  are  doing  this  deadly  work.  P^ach  sununer  we  go  through  our  orchards  and  cut 
away  all  diseased  parts,  dig  out  the  borers  and  cvit  away  the  affected  part  back  to 
the  live  wood  and  bark,  disinfect  the  wouuds  with  Bordeaux  mixture  and  paint  the  wounds. 

The  round-headed  borer  works  in  the  wood,  the  flat-headed  borer  works  between  the 
wood  and  the  bark  and  keeps  killing  back  the  bark.  Poor  pnining.  esiiecially  where  stubs 
.ire  left,  is  responsible  for  much  of  the  trouble  from  borers. 

There  is  also  considerable  Illinois  canker  in  the  orchards  of  this  territory,  which 
esiiecially  affects  the  Ben  Davis.  The  same  treatment  is  recommended  and  by  use  of  the 
Bordeaux  spray  at  the  dormant  stflte,  and  the  use  of  lime  and  sulphur,  combined  with 
arsenate  of  lead,  as  a  summer  .spray,  it  is  claimed  that  the  ravages  of  this  new  disease 
can  lie  kept  in  check.  We  have  thoroughly  tried  this  treatment  and  in  normal  years  had 
fair  success,  but  the  last  two  dry  seasons  have  .shown  the  weakness  of  such  trees,  aud 
where  a  tree  is  much  affected,  we  recommend  its  destruction. 

The  planting  of  an  orchard  should  be  with  great  care  as  to  distance  between  the  trees 
and  the  selection  of  varieties.     Apple  trees  should  be  planted  forty  feet  apart  and  upon 


good  ricli  ground.  This  will  eiwble  the  trees  to  develop  to  good  size  aud  give  room  for 
work  iu  the  orehanl.  There  is  also  sutHcieut  room  to  grow  crops  between  the  rows  during 
the  productive  iieriod,  aud  thus  raise  the  orchard  at  small  expense. 

As  to  the  selections  of  varieties,  1  would  plant  one-sixth  Winesap,  one-sixth  Jonathan, 
one-sixth  Delicious,  one-sixth  Grimes  Golden,  one-sixth  Blaektwig  and  one-sixth  Ben  Davis. 
In  a  small  orchard  it  might  be  advisjible  to  increase  the  Jonathan  and  Winesjip.  but  in 
a  larger  orchard  I  would  limit  these  varieties,  on  account  of  their  propensity  to  drop 
before  the  proper  packing  season.  The  .separate  varieties  should  be  planted  in  separate 
blocks  on  account  of  economy  in  picking  and  packing. 

The  figures  I  have  given  in  this  address  as  to  the  production  and  returns  of  our 
orchards  are  based  on  the  Ben  Davis  variety,  nine-tenths  of  our  trees  being  Ben  Davis,  and 
we  never  regretted  this  proportion,  notwithstanding  the  i)rojudice  existing  in  some  sections 
against  the  Ben  Davis  apple.  On  account  of  the  serious  ravages  of  Illinois  canker  during 
the  last  two  dry  seasons,  however,  we  would  not  lie  enthusiastic  about  planting  too  many 
of  this  variety. 

The  Ben  Davis  is  really  .1  high-class  commercial  apple.  The  Ben  Davis  may  be  an 
inferior  apple  in  the  East,  but  in  the  Jllssouri  valley  it  grows  to  perfection,  attains  size 
and  color,  has  few  superiors  as  a  cooking  apple,  is  a  large  and  regular  producer,  and 
packs,  ships  and  stores  better  than  any  apple  that  we  can  raise. 

The  foregoing  observations  on  orcharding  are  but  the  essentials  of  this  important 
industry.  There  are  many  other  interesting  phases  of  this  business,  but  I  will  not  discuss 
them  owing  to  lack  of  time.  One  thing,  however,  I  would  emphasize,  and  that  is  that 
profitable  fruit  crops  are  not  the  gifts  of  Providence  any  more  than  the  other  crops  we 

In  conclusion.  I  desire  to  say  th.-it  orcharding  in  the  Jlissouri  valley  country  is  but  in 
its  infancy,  and  that  the  time  will  come  when  the  famous  orchards  tributary  to  the 
.Missouri  river  will  be  famed  the  world  over,  and  their  fruit  will  not  only  add  wealth 
to  the  owners  and  this  section,  but  will  bring  health  and  happiness  to  iieoples  who  are 
not  so  fortunately  situated  as  we  are. 

From  the  FalU  City  Journal.  December  12.    1912. 

Who  had  the  honor  of  planting  the  first  fruit  tree  in  Richardson  county 
has  not  been  recorded  in  the  annals  of  the  pioneers.  The  presumption  is 
fair  that  some  of  the  ox-teams  that  treked  covered  wagons  into  this  section 
in  1855,  holding  all  the  hopes  and  possessions  of  the  incoming  settlers,  had 
stowed  awav  some  plants,  herbs  and  small  fruit  trees  from  the  home  land. 
\\'hile  manv  of  the  new  homeseekers  and  makers  were  from  distant  states 
and  lands,  tliere  were  many  also  from  nearby  Missouri,  sections  of  wliich  had 
been  settled  from  thirty  to  fifty  years  and  already  enjoyed  some  of  the 
home  comforts  that  come  with  the  possession  of  a  fruitful  orchard.  How- 
ever, after  the  start  was  made  a  few  years  only  were  required  to  find  sdine 
fruit  trees  growing  near  the  dwelling  house  of  the  thrifty  citizens.  Of 
course,  there  were  those  who  had  been  born  to  the  inheritance  of  a  nomadic 
and  shiftless  frontier  sort  of  life,  who  failed  to  plant  even  the  cottonwood 


and  box-elder  aud  seemed  to  prefer  the  bleakness  of  the  wind-swept  prairie 
to  the  groves  and  orchards  that  soon  sprang  up  around  the  buildings  of  the 
settlers  from  Illinois,  Indiana,  Ohio,  Pennsylvania  and  New  England.  No 
thought  was  given  to  commercial  orchards  at  that  early  day.  The  plaritings 
were  of  a  few  trees  to  a  very  few  acres.  This  land  was  too  remote  from 
markets  to  think  of  anything  but  trying  to  supply  the  needs  of  tlie  planters. 
The  Germany  colony  that  settled  in  the  wooded  hills  along  the  IMissouri 
river  and  founded  the  town  of  Arago,  in  1858,  were  impressed  with  the 
idea  that  where  forest  trees  grew  so  luxuriantly  that  fruit  trees  would  also 
do  well.  They  had  occasion  to  remark  the  abundance  of  wild  fruits  such 
as  crab  apples,  plums,  pawpaws,  cherries,  haws,  mulberries,  grapes,  straw- 
berries, gooseberries  and  many  other  kinds,  and  after  the  first  year's  expe- 
rience in  farming  in  1859  or  i860  sent  to  Buffalo,  New  York,  from  whence 
they  had  come,  for  fruit  trees.  The  treasurer  and  general  agent  of  the 
Arago  colony  at  the  time  was  Hon.  Gust  Duerfeldt,  Sr.,  still  residing  at  the 
age  of  eighty-5ix  on  the  farm  he  settled  upon  in  Barada  township  in  1858. 
It  was  through  him  that  the  trees  were  purchased  from  the  eastern  nurser}' 
and  he  may  be  regarded  as  the  first  fruit-tree  agent  in  the  county.  A 
number  of  farmers  planted  small  orchards  from  the  trees  so  obtained,  some 
of  the  trees  are  yet  alive  and  producing  fruit,  but  most  of  the  trees  were 
of  varieties  that  did  not  respond  to  the  change  in  climate  and  soil  and  have 
long  since  been  displaced  for  varieties  that  proved  better  adapted  to  the 
new  situation.  While  the  settlers  along  the  ^lissouri  river  bluft"s  took  early 
to  the  planting  of  fruit  trees,  the  people  who  were  forced  to  take  the  open 
prairie  lands,  because  all  the  wooded  hills  had  been  gobbled  up  by  the  first 
comers,  were  in  doubt  about  trees  doing  well  and  because  of  this  doubt 
and  the  high  price  of  the  trees  and  the  lack  of  money  were  much  slower  in 


There  was  not  much  done  towards  planting  small  orchards  on  these 
prairie  lands  until  after  the  new  settlers  began  to  pour  in  from  the  country 
east  of  the  Mississippi  river,  about  1870.  Then  in  a  few  years  it  was  not 
difficult  to  tell  the  homestead  of  a  man  who  was  born  and  reared  on  the 
frontier  from  one  of  the  down-east  farmers,  who  surrounded  his  buildings 
with  fruit  trees  and  groves  and  settled  down  to  grow  up  with  the  ccnuitry 
and  develop  its  agricultural  and  horticultural  possibilities,  while  the  fron- 


tier's  man  liad  it  in  his  blood  to  love  cows,  ponies,  dogs,  and  herds,  and  nearly 
always  had  a  ramshackled,  run  down,  shiftless,  treeless  sort  of  a  surround- 
ing to  his  habitation.  Between  the  planting  of  an  orchard  and  the  eating 
of  fruit  therefrom  from  five  to  ten  years  intervened  and  it  was  back  to  old 
.Missouri  in  the  neighborhood  of  St.  Joseph  that  many  an  early  settler  went 
with  a  load  of  corn  to  exchange  for  apples  before  his  own  began  to  produce. 
This  trading  of  corn  and  wheat  and  money  for  Missouri  apples  went  on 
from  the  settlement  of  the  country  to  1880,  with  this  difference,  that  after 
about  1875,  the  Missourians  came  with  loaded  wagons  seeking  a  market 
and  Init  few  from  this  county  crossed  the  Missouri  river  seeking  fruit. 
About  1880  the  local  orchards  were  able  to  supply  the  home  trade,  but 
for  some  years  longer  wagon-loads  of  Missouri  apples  went  through  this 
c(nmty  seventy-five  to  one  hundred  and  fifty  miles  west  to  the  newer  settle- 
ment where  fruit  was  scarce:  but  after  a  while  the  Missouri  apples  and 
the  apple  wagons  disappeared  and  the  Nebraskan  who  wanted  apples  came 
to  Richardson  county  and,  finding  all  and  more  than  he  could  carry  away, 
returned  home  ladened,  spreading  the  news  of  a  new  land  of  Egypt  to 
which  all  might  come  and  be  satisfied,  with  fruit.  It  was  probably  this 
wagon  traffic  in  apples  that  attracted  the  attention  and  induced  some  to 
plant  larger  orchards,  believing  that  for  many  years,  and  perhaps  always, 
there  would  be  a  market  for  this  fruit  in  the  semi-arid  portions  of  this  state. 
The  farm  journals,  nursery  men,  tree  agents  and  agricultural  lecturers,  at 
least  since  1875.  had  persistently  preached  the  planting  of  trees  and  orchards. 
This  free  advice  had  some  effect,  for  there  were  but  few  fanns  on  which 
an  orchard  of  some  size  was  not  planted,  but  it  was  not  until  about  i8go. 
or  later  that  rirchards  of  much  size  were  planted  in  this  county.  Then  there 
was  an  era  of  planting,  but  after  several  years  it  was  apparent  that  there 
was  considerable  labor  and  care  necessary  to  start  an  orchard:  that  there 
were  hail  storms,  insects,  rabbits,  mice,  weeds  and  droughts  to  fight  and 
guard  against  and  loss  of  grain  crops  on  the  land  set  apart  for  orchards, 
and  the  enthusiasm  for  this  method  of  getting  rich  quick  and  without  work, 
lessened  and  has  never  been  regained.  Then  as  the  orchards  grew  and 
began  to  come  into  bearing  there  was  an  occasional  frost  or  an  unsea- 
sonable vear  when  the  fruit  was  poor,  undeveloped,  wormy  and  unsalable. 
.-md  in  the  vears  when  there  was  a  good  crop  the  markets  were  overstocked 
and  the  pvke  was  so  low  that  the  (Orchard  was  a  burden  and  many  were 
tempted  to  uproot  them.  :is  a   few  did. 



With  the  muhiplication  of  bearing  trees  the  insects  and  fungus  enemies 
increased  and  it  appeared  that  the  growing  of  apples  was  destined  to  be 
an  unprofitable  business,  but  just  then  a  new  light  dawned  on  the  owners 
of  a  few  orchards.  They  had  heard  of  spraying  and  they  took  the  trouble 
of  going  to  see  what  other  orchards  had  done  both  East  and  West,  and 
were  convinced  that  spraying  was  necessary  to  produce  salable  fruit.  The 
late  Henry  C.  Smith  was  one  of  the  first  to  undertake  spraying.  Congress- 
man Pollard  had  government  experts  sent  here  to  demonstrate  the  benefits. 
Slowly  the  idea  soaked  in  so  that  now  no  one  expects  to  raise  first  class 
apples  without  spraying.  Then  along  came  a  dry,  hot  year  and  notwith- 
standing the  spraying  the  fruit  was  inferior,  lacking  both  size  and  quality, 
then  it  occurred  to  Smith  that  the  fruit  grower  in  the  arid  region  not  only 
sprayed  his  trees  but  also  cultivated  the  soil  and  conserved  the  moisture. 
He  acted  upon  the  theory  that  such  a  plan  might  also  be  of  advantage  here. 
The  first  year's  trial  dispelled  all  doubt.  From  that  demonstration,  both 
spraying  and  cultivation  have  come  to  be  accepted  dogma  with  up-to-date 
orchardists.  The  Weaver  and  Smith  orchards  have  ))een  through  very  dry 
seasons,  in  both  1911  and  1912,  yet  the  fruit  was  full}'  developed  and  un- 
injured by  the  drought,  whereas  the  uncultivated  orchards  in  the  same  lo- 
cality produced  small,  defective  apples,  although  they  were  sprayed. 

But  there  is  still  something  more  that  is  necessary  for  rm  orchardist 
to  understand,  if  he  is  going  to  get  any  profit.  He  must  have  the  business 
capacity  to  sell  his  product  for  what  it  is  worth,  for,  of  what  avail  is  it 
to  him  to  prune,  spray,  cultivate  and  grow  a  perfect  apple  and  then  sell 
it  to  some  scalper  at  the  price  of  cider  apples.  Ex}>erience,  organization 
and  a  selling  combination,  among  fruit  growers  in  this  locality,  will  take 
care  of  that  after  a  while.  It  has  been  said  that  Richardson  countv  alone 
produced  more  car-loads  of  apples  than  some  of  the  Northwestern  states 
whose  fame  is  world  wide  as  apple  producers.  In  igii  six  hundred  cars 
were  shipped  out,  while  TQ12  has  a  record  of  one  thousand  cars.  There 
are  several  differences  to  l)e  taken  into  account  in  considering  the  capacity 
of  Richardson  county  to  produce  apples,  in  comparison  with  a  Northwestern 
state  that  grows  its  apples  under  irrigation  in  favored  spots  on  hill  tops 
adjacent  to  deep  valleys  that  drain  the  frosty  air  into  their  recesses  and  allow 
the  hill  tops  to  escape  harm.  The  valley  lands  here  are  unsuitable  as  orchard 
sites  also,  but  the  whole  of  Richardson  countv  is  in  the  rain  1>elt  and  all  is  eood 


apple  land  except  the  rive^valley^.  and  so  far  as  expansion  of  the  business 
is  concerned  it  would  be  easier  for  Richardson  county  to  produce  tiity 
thou?aiid  cars  of  apples  in  a  year  than  it  would  for  Oregon.  Idaho  or  Utah, 
for  the  acreage  in  those  states  that  is  suited  for  apples  is  verv-  restricted 
because  of  lack  of  water  and  suitable  land  in  juxtaposition. 

After  it  is  all  said  and  dtme  there  is  no  better  place  to  embark  in 
the  apple  business  than  right  here,  for  the  same  amount  of  attention  and 
care  devoted  to  orcharding  will  produce  as  g<X)d  an  apple  as  is  grown  any- 
where in  the  \\'est:  then  this  localir\-  has  the  advantage  of  nearness  to 
large  markets  and  less  expensive  maintenance  charges  in  the  way  of  water, 
tax  and  fertilizer.  It  is  quite  as  necessar}-  to  fertilize  the  soil  in  an  orchard 
here  as  an}-where.  if  good  crops  of  fruit  are  to  be  expected  yearly.  The 
experience  of  the  most  successful  apple  producers  show  that  ^-igorous  growth 
in  the  tree  can  be  maintained  that  way  and  this  vigor  is  what  tells  in  the 
qualitv-  and  quantity-  of  the  fruit. 

The  most  persistent  and  difficult  to  eradicate  of  all  the  enemies  of 
the  apple  tree  is  the  borer.  Sprapng  and  prmiing  help  some  in  the  control 
of  this  pest  anil  danger,  but  a  close  examination  of  each  tree  is  necessarv-  to 
locate  the  borer  and  he  must  be  dug  out  and  the  wound  treated  scientifi- 
cally or  great  injiuA-  follows  and  death  results,  if  the  borer  is  allowed  to 
work  out  his  life  hisior\-  in  that  tree  and  girdle  it.  Many  imagine  that  orchards 
are  subject  to  other  ailments,  but  the  holding  of  such  opinions  is  the  result 
of  incomplete  invesrigati«^.  The  borer  is  at  the  bottom  of  it  when  a  tree 
dies  in  this  counrv-  from  other  than  accidental  causes. 


Previous  to  the  digging  of  the  drainage  ditches  through  the  rich  bot- 
ttwn  lands  of  the  main  stream  of  the  Xemaha  river  and  the  nonh  and  south 
forks  of  the  Xemaha.  the  bottom  lands,  alth.-ugh  the  richest  in  the  world, 
were  unproductive  to  a  great  extent:  w^.rth  ver>-  linle  for  farming  pur- 
poses, and  valued  ver\-  low  in  dollars  and  cents,  and  were  subject  to  fre- 
quent overflow.  The  old  channel  of  the  Xemaha  and  its  two  forks  is  ver\- 
crooked  and  inadequate  to  carr>-  the  great  volume  of  water  which  comes 
dow-n  the  valley  in  time  of  hea\-A-  rains  in  the  spring  and  simimer  season. 
The  farmer  who  trieil  to  sow  a  crop  did  so  with  the  chances  against  liim. 
the  .>lds  being  in  favor  of  the  river  overflowing  and  destro\-ing  the  crop 


before  it  was  ready  to  harvest.  It  was  to  be  expected  that  someone  or 
group  of  individuals  would  eventually  undertake  to  redeem  this  vast  acreage 
of  appearently  worthless  land  and  make  it  fit  for  crop  production  by  re- 
moving the  flood  menace  through  the  digging  of  drainage  ditches.  The 
movement  began  in  1903,  when  the  first  agitation  for  a  drainage  ditch  was 
commenced.  Then  it  was  discovered  that  Nebraska  had  no  laws  providing 
for  incorporating  drainage  districts,  and  also  that  permission  had  to  be 
obtained  from  the  federal  government  in  order  to  incorporate  the  Indian 
lands  along  the  lower  stretches  of  the  Xemaha  within  the  district.  These 
difficulties  were  overcome,  however,  and  drainage  district  Xo.  i  \vas  suc- 
cessfully undertaken  and  the  ditch  pushed  to  completion.  Three  drainage 
districts  Xos.  I,  2.  and  4.  are  now  in  successful  operation  in  Richardson 
county,  and  a  second  attempt  is  now  being  made  to  revive  the  defeated 
project  for  drainage  district  Xo.  3.  wliich  is  intended  to  drain  the  overflow 
lands  of  the  Muddy  river. 


Drainage  district  Xo.  i  Ijegins  at  the  mouth  of  the  Xemaha  river, 
where  it  empties  into  the  Missouri,  and  drains  the  Xemaha  valley  as  far 
as  Dawson.  The  river,  before  the  completion  of  the  drainage  ditch,  had 
a  total  length  of  sixty-five  miles  from  Dawson  to  its  mouth.  This  distance 
has  been  shortened  to  a  length  of  thirty-one  miles,  and  vast  benefit  to  the 
contiguous  lands  has  been  noticeable.  Fifty-three  miles  of  public  highway 
were  affected  and  the  benefit  to  the  highways  has  l^een  estimated  by  engi- 
neers to  exceed  seventy-seven  thousand  dollars.  Thirty  thousand  acres  of 
rich  land  are  directly  affected  and  drained  by  the  completed  ditch.  The 
fall  of  the  stream  as  it  flows  through  the  new  channel  has  an  average  of 
three  and  one-half  feet  to  the  mile.  The  project  was  started  at  a  time  when 
there  were  no  drainage  laws  on  the  statutes  of  the  state  v)f  Xeliraska.  The 
promoters  of  the  undertaking,  hi i\\ ever,  succeded  in  ha\ing  a  wise  law 
enacted  by  the  state  Legislature  and  the  work  moved  onward  to  a  success- 
ful conclusion. 

The  Legislature  of  Xebraska  at  the  session  of  1905,  enacted  a  drain- 
age law  mi^re  comprehensive  than  any  then  existing  in  the  statute  books 
•  if  this  .state.  This  drainage  act.  with  subsequent  amendments,  is  found  in 
Statutes  of  1907.  Compiled  Statutes  of  Xebraska.  Chapter  eighty-nine,  .\rticle 
four.  Sections  one  to  thirtv->even. 


Under  the  provisions  of  this  statute  the  owners  of  about  sixteen  thou- 
sand acres  of  wet  and  overflowed  lands  signed  articles  of  association  and 
organized  themselves  into  a  drainage  district  with  outlines  embracing  twen- 
ty-six thousand  acres  and  presented  a  petition  to  the  district  court  of  Rich- 
ardson county,  asking  to  be  declared  a  public  corporation  of  Nebraska.  After 
ail  the  parties  whose  lands  or  interests  were  affected  were  brought  into 
court  and  after  proper  hearing  on  all  contested  matters,  the  court  entered 
a  decree  on  the  14th  of  February,  1906,  duly  establishing  and  forming 
the  organization  into  drainage  district  No.  i,  of  Richardson  county,  Ne- 
braska, as  prayed  for  by  the  petitioners,  with  boundaries  as  modified  by 
the  court,  and  declaring  the  drainage  district  a  public  corporation  of  the  state. 

On  the  17th  day  of  March  thereafter  the  landowners  of  the  drainage 
district  assembled  at  the  court  house  in  Falls  City,  and  elected  as  a  board  of 
supervisors,  Daniel  Riley,  R.  E.  Grinstead,  J.  H.  Miles,  C.  F.  Pribbeno  and 
J.  P.  Mooney,  to  carry  out  the  provisions  of  the  drainage  law  and  the  pur- 
pose of  the  drainage  organization.  The  board  qualified  and  organized  by 
electing  J.  H.  Miles,  chairman,  and  J.  P.  Mooney,  secretary,  and  employed 
.\.  M.  Munn,  a  drainage  engineer,  to  make  the  survey,  maps,  plats,  esti- 
mates, schedules  and  plans  required  by  section  9  of  the  drainage  act. 

In  December,  1906,  the  engineer  filed  his  report  with  the  board  and 
notice  was  given  to  all  parties  affected  as  required  by  section  13  of  the  act. 
and  on  Fe1)ruary  2,  1907,  and  subsequently  hearings  were  had  upon  the 
oljjections  and  claims  filed  under  sections  14  and  15,  and  upon  the  con- 
clusion of  the  hearings  and  the  equalization  of  the  assessments  on  April 
27,  1908,  the  lx)ard  levied  the  same  assessments  against  the  land  and  other 
propert}'  in  the  district  and  certified  the  same  to  the  county  clerk  as  pro- 
vided in  section  18.  The  engineer  reported  that  other  lands  than  those 
incorporated  originally  by  the  decree  of  the  court  would  be  benefited  by 
the  drainage  improvement  and  these,  by  a  subsequent  proceeding  in  the 
district  court  instituted  under  the  provisions  of  section  1 1  were  added  to 
the  district  and  notice  was  also  given  of  the  assessments  upon  these  added 
lands  and  a  hearing  was  had  thereon. 

^^'ithin  the  limits  of  the  district  were  found  certain  lands  belonging 
to  members  of  the  Iowa  tribe  of  Indians  and  the  Sac  and^Fo.x  tribe  of 
Indians.  Tliese  lands  could  not  be  taxed  under  existing  laws.  To  permit 
these  Indian  lands  to  be  reclaimed,  the  Congress  of  the  United  States 
enacted  a  law,  ajjproved  June  14.  1906,  the  title  being-  as  follows:  ".\n 
act   to  enalile  the   Indians   allotted   lands   in  severaltv   within   the  boundaries 


of  district  No.  i,  in  Richardson  county,  Nebraska,  to  protect  their  lands  from 
overflow,  and  for  the  segregation  of  such  of  said  Indians  from  their  tribal 
relations  as  may  be  expedient  and  for  other  purposes."  The  lands  have 
all  been  allotted,  and  the  funds  segregated,  but  the  secretary  of  the  interior 
has  held  back  fifty-seven  thousand  dollars  belonging  to  these  Indians  against 
the  Indian  lands. 

When  drainage  district  No.  i  was  established  and  declared  a  public 
corporation  by  decree  of  court,  February  14,  1906,  the  Chicago,  Burlington 
&  Quincy  railroad  took  an  appeal  to  the  supreme  court  from  the  order  in- 
cluding its  roadbed  in  the  district  and  making  the  railroad  company  an  in- 
voluntary member  of  the  political  organization  known  as  drainage  district 
No.  I.  In  the  supreme  court  the  railroad  company  assailed  the  constitu- 
tionality of  the  act  under  which  the  district  was  organized.  No  such  ques- 
tion has  been  raised  in  the  lower  court,  and  when  the  railroad  company 
first  disclosed  its  purpose  in  its  brief  filed  in  April.  1907,  attacking  the 
drainage  law  on  that  ground,  the  board  of  supervisors  thought  it  wise  to 
suspend  active  work  until  the  supreme  court  passed  upon  the  question  pre- 
sented. On  December  7,  1907.  the  court  filed  an  opinion  holding  the  act  con- 
stitutional in  respect  to  the  points  on  which  it  was  assailed,  but  the  second 
contention  of  the  railroad  company  that  it  was  not  "A  necessary  party  to 
the  proceeding  in  the  district  court  to  declare  the  drainage  district  a  public 
cor];)oration,"  was  sustained. 

Before  the  landowners  organized  this  drainage  district  they  appealed 
to  the  powers  at  Washington  for  expert  assistance  to  determine  for  them 
whether  the  wet,  submerged  and  overflowed  lands  of  the  Nemaha  river 
could  be  reclaimed  and  protected.  The  department  of  agriculture  sent  C. 
G.  Elliot,  engineer  in  cliarge  of  drainage  investigation,  who  looked  the 
situation  over  and  reported  that  the  work  was  feasible  and  the  valley  could 
l)e  reclaimed  at  reasonable  cost.  After  the  survey  by  A.  M.  Munn,  the 
engineers  employed  1)y  tlie  drainage  board,  had  been  reported,  the  board 
called  to  his  assistance  C.  G.  Elliot,  expert  drainage  engineer,  who  approved 
the  ])lans  and  estimates  of  the  engineer  in  charge  of  the  work.  The  esti- 
mates were  lilieral.  and  the  report  set  out  that  the  works  and  improvements 
formulated  and  agreetl  upmi  could  l)e  constructed  safely  within  the  esti- 
mates, the  total  estimated  cost  being  $285,900.  The  number  of  acres  in 
tlie  district  are  as  follows :  .Sac  and  Fox  Indians,  2,392.72 :  Iowa  Indians, 
378.67;  other  lands,  26,630.90;  total,  29,402.29. 

The  maximum  assessment  provided  for  was  nine  dollars  and  seventeen 


cents  an  acre.  These  lands  were  assessed  for  state  and  count)-  purposes 
at  a  valuation  of  twenty-five  to  fifty  dollars  per  acre,  while  the  adjoining 
uplands  were  assessed  at  from  fifty  to  one  hundred  dollars  per  acre.  In 
addition  to  assessments  against  the  lands  the  Chicago,  Burlington  &  Quincy 
railroad  was  assessed  $16,014;  the  Missouri  Pacific  railroad,  $3,500;  the 
county,  on  its  public  roads,  $18,600,  a  total  of  $38,114. 

On  June  15,  1908,  the  board  of  supervisors  authorized  the  issuance 
of  negotiable  bonds  to  the  amount  of  $260,000  to  defray  the  immediate 
cost  of  the  undertaking,  the  bonds  to  bear  date  of  June  30,  1908,  and  to 
mature  in  different  years;  the  first  bond  being  redeemable  or  reaching  ma- 
turity on  July  I,  1913,  and  the  last  portion  of  the  issue  reaching  maturity 
on  July  I,  1927.  The  bonds  were  issued  by  the  board  of  supervisors,  who 
were  as  fcillow:  Daniel  Riley,  chairman;  J.  P.  Mooney,  secretary;  R.  E. 
Grinstead,  J.  H.  Allies,  \\  F.  Pribbeno.  A.  R.  Keim,  attorney,  and  A.  ]\I. 
Munn,  engineer. 

The  drainage  ditch  was  completed  in  1913.  just  five  years  after  the 
actual  work  of  dredging  was  begun.  Bonds  to  the  amount  of  $202,000, 
bearing  interest  at  six  per  cent,  were  issued.  The  grand  total  cost  of  the 
ditch  to  date  has  been  $297,564. 

Thomas  Wilkinson,  of  Dawson,  is  the  present  chairman  of  district 
Xo.  I,  and  C.  F.  Bucholz  is  secretary.  Since  the  completion  of  the  ditch 
many  landowners  have  supplemented  the  work  by  ditching  and  tiling  their 
own  lands  as  individuals  and  are  reaping  considerable  benefits  from  the  ven- 
ture in  the  way  of  increased  crop  yields.  Over  one  thousand  acres  of 
land  in  the  bottoms  are  now  tile  drained  and  other  owners  are  making 
preparations  to  lay  tile  for  the  purpose  of  more  rapidly  draining  the  snil 
in  time  of  heav)-  rains. 

The  drainage  on  the  main  channel  of  the  Xemaha  river  has  not  lieen 
a  complete  success,  because  of  the  fact  that  too  much  of  tlie  old  channel 
of  the  stream  was  used.  In  the  further  dredging  of  the  south  fork  of  the 
Xemaha  the  district  is  getting  away  from  this  method  and  is  dredging  an 
entirely  new  channel,  it  being  noticeable  that  in  places  where  the  old  channel 
was  abandoned  entirely  it  very  rapidly  filled  up  and  the  new  stream  was  worn 
deeper  I)y  erosion,  thus  making  a  more  rapid  current  to  carry  awav  the 
>uiplus  flood  waters. 

J.  H.  Miles,  owner  nf  tlie  great  Aliles  ranch  in  the  vicinitv  (^f  Dawxm. 
dredged   a  continuation   of   the  ditch   incori^oralcd   in   district   Xo.    r,    on  liis 


own  account  through  his  land  on  the  upper  end  or  terminus  of  district 
No.  I.  Mr.  Miles  completed  three  miles  of  ditch,  which  is  of  vast  benefit 
to  his  bottom  ranch  lands. 

DRAIN.4GE   DISTRICT    NO.    4. 

Drainage  district  No.  4  begins  at  the  terminus  of  the  Miles  ditch  and 
continues  to  the  county  hne  for  a  distance  of  six  and  one-half  miles.  This 
ditch  drains  a  total  of  three  thousand  four  hundred  acres  and  the  flowing 
water  has  a  fall  of  four  feet  to  the  mile  and  is  now  in  charge  of  County 
Engineer  J.  F.  Relf.  The  estimated  cost  of  this  ditch  is  fifty-nine  thou- 
sand dollars.  The  work  in  this  district  is  well  under  way  and  is  being  dredged 
along  plans  formulated  from  knowledge  gleaned  from  the  dredging  of  the 
ditch  in  district  No.  i.  John  E.  Wissler  is  chairman  of  the  Iward  of  super- 
visors in  this  district. 


Drainage  district  Xo.  2  extends  from  Dawson  to  the  county  line  north- 
west of  Humboldt  and  embraces  a  total  of  five  thousand  eight  hundred 


The  Richardson  county  fair  ceased  to  be  an  institution  in  the  year 
1894.  During  the  long  career  of  the  fair  and  agricultural  exhibit  it  was 
easily  the  most  popular  institution  in  this  section  of  Nebraska.  The  first 
fair  was  organized  in  1867  and  the  fair  grounds  were  laid  out  at  Salem 
in  one  of  the  most  picturesque  and  beautifully  wooded  spots  in  the  ^^'est, 
along  the  banks  of  the  Nemaha  river.  Nature  has  so  endowed  this  spot, 
located  just  to  the  east  of  the  town  of  Salem,  that  it  was  a  natural  recreation 
ground  shaded  with  great,  natural  forest  trees  and  well  watered  and  carpeted 
with  velvety  blue-grass.  A  splendid  race-track,  one-half  mile  in  circum- 
ference, was  laid  out,  and  for  years  the  race  meets  were  exciting  and  inter- 
esting e^•ents  in  connection  with  the  fair.  An  impetus  was  given  to  the 
breeding  of  racing  animals  and  fine  live  stock,  and  many  of  the  old-time 
horsemen  lired  horses  which  became  famous  the  country  o\er  for  speed 
and  endurance  on  the  track.  The  late  John  ^^^  Holt  was  one  of  the  prime 
movers  in  the  establishment  of  the  county  fair;  Ralph  Andersun  served  as 


president  of  the  Fair  Association  for  a  number  of  years;  many  of  those 
who  were  prominently  identified  with  the  association  have  gone  to  their 
rewards  in  the  hfe  eternal  and  owing  to  the  lack  of  recorded  data  available 
concerning  the  history  of  the  county  fair  it  is  impossible  to  give  any  very 
authentic  account  of  the  various  fairs  which  were  held  for  nearly  thirty 
3ears  on  the  Salem  grounds. 

The  county  fair  was  an  institution  to  which  people  looked  forward 
during  the  year,  when,  with  the  crops  laid  aside  and  care  thrown  to  the 
winds,  entire  families  would  gather  at  Salem  for  the  one  great  event  of 
the  whole  year.  Everybody  deemed  it  necessary  to  attend  the  fair  and  there 
were  hundreds  of  exhibitors  at  each  annual  session.  The  Salem  fair  was 
— the  annual  reunion  and  home-coming  meet  for  the  greater  part  of  south- 
eastern Nebraska  during  the  heyday  of  its  prosperity.  With  the  coming  of 
the  nineties  and  the  advent  of  the  chautauquas  in  the'  land  the  popularity  of 
the  county  fair  gradually  waned  and  the  yearly  chautauqua  has  taken  its 
place.  The  county  fair  ceased  to  exist  after  1894  and  the  chautauqua 
then  came  into  its  own.  The  first  chautauqua  in  the  county  was  held  at 
the  Salem  fair  grounds  and  soon  became  an  even  more  popular  institution 
than  the  annual  fair.  Before  the  popularity  of  the  automobile  had  reached 
such  a  great  height,  as  high  as  ten  thousand  people  attended  the  Salem 
chautauqua  and  a  large  part  of  this  number  lived  in  tents  throughout  the 
session.  Such  famous  men  as  Gen.  Fitzinigh  Lee,  General  Gordon,  Gov. 
Bob  Taylor,  of  Tennessee,  T.  Dewitt  Talmage,  and  Sam  Jones,  the  great 
evangelist,  were  among  the  attractions  during  the  early  years  of  the  chau- 
tauqua. Of  late  years  several  chautauquas  are  held  in  the  county  each  season, 
practically  every  town  in  Richardson  county  having  its  list  of  attractions 
during  the  late  summer  season,  and  it  is  evident  that  tlie  chautauqua  has  come 
to  stay  as  an  established  institution.  Attempts  to  resuscitate  the  county  fair 
at  different  times  oi  late  years  have  not  been  successful. 

By   J.    O.    Shroyer. 

A  thousand  years  ago  the  Indian  recognized  these  beautiful  valleys,  the 
gently  undulating  uplands  and  the  sunny  hillsides  as  the  land  of  homes. 
The  mighty  Missouri,  the  winding  Nemahas  and  the  wandering  creeks  pro- 
\-ided  wood,  shelter  and  water. 

The  first  wanderers  who  crossed  the  desert,  paused  here  on  the  edge 


of  the  great  unknown  and  recuperated  their  forces  before  plunging  into  the 
terrors  of  an  unpathed  wilderness.  The  flowing  waters,  sheltering  timber 
belts  and  the  luxuriant  pasturage  recuperated  their  stock  and  put  energy 
into  the  human  heart.  When  the  first  real  homemaker  rafted  across  the 
river  and  ascended  the  bluffs  of  the  western  shore,  he  turned  his  eyes 
back  toward  the  Eastern  home.  He  remembered  those  groves,  orchards, 
productive  fields;  he  thought  of  the  well-filled  granaries,  those  splendid 
gardens  and  all  the  comforts  of  that  far-off  land.  But  as  he  turned  his  face 
to  the  West  the  rising  sun  of  that  splendid  morning  dashed  a  golden  glow 
over  the  landscape,  the  fogs  lifted  from  the  valleys  of  the  Nemahas  and 
drifted  off  into  the  azure  of  a  perfect  day;  the  emeralds  of  the  hills  and 
plains  caught  a  little  of  the  gilt  of  the  sunlight,  the  darker  sombers  of 
the  timber  belts  lay  enticingly  winding  away,  the  prairies  were  dotted  by  the 
golden  flowers  of  the  gumweed,  the  crimson  of  the  phlox,  the  tawn  of 
the  lily,  the  purity  of  the  plum  and  the  chokecherry.  The  wild  cucumber 
was  just  clambering  over  tlie  tops  of  the  underbrush  along  the  streams, 
and  the  clematis  clung  more  sturdily  to  the  chosen  tree,  while  the  wild 
grape  flung  its  flaunting  tendrils  graspingly  towards  the  swaying  bough,  put- 
ting forth  the  bloom  that  should  later  be  followed  by  the  purple  fruits  of 

There  he  saw  the  deer,  antelope,  and  buffalo;  he  saw  the  plover,  wild 
duck,  the  honking  goose  and  the  everpresent  grouse.  And  as  the  rising 
sunlight  began  to  simmer  the  ether  of  the  plains,  his  vision  blurred,  and  in 
the  optimism  of  the  hour  a  new  and  a  greater  land  lay  smilingly  before  him. 
He  saw  the  homesteads  spring  up  over  the  land,  he  saw  the  fields  of  waving 
corn,  the  herds  of  cattle:  he  saw  the  wild  fowl  translated  into  flocks  of 
poultry  and,  vision  of  visions,  he  saw  a  thousand  spires  of  smoke  arising 
from  tlie  firesides  of  a  thousand  homes. 

Then  the  development  went  on,  and  he  beheld  the  church  spires  as 
they  pointed  upward,  he  saw  the  children  playing  about  the  school  maid, 
as  she  cared  for  them  and  moulded  them  into  characters  of  worth.  He 
saw  more  than  corn  and  wheat,  cattle,  hogs  and  fruits;  he  saw  a  great  com- 
monwealth producing  sturdv  men  and  women,  to  go  forth  building  a  greater 
and  a  better  nation  than  the  world  had  ever  known. 

Who  was  the  first  man  to  grasp  the  plow  and  urge  his  strong  oxen 
across  the  wild  sod  and  watch  the  ribbon  of  chocolate  loam  that  strung  out 
its   productive  length  as  he  trailed   across  a   chosen   plot  of   ground?      Xo 


man  knows;  his  name  is  not  recorded,  bnt  the  inspiration  and  example  of 
his  act,  the  success  of  his  achievement,  taught  a  thousand  imitators,  and 
unawares  a  great  agricultural  industry  sprang  up. 


Forty  years  ago  we  visited  one  of  the  real  pioneer  homes  of  Nebraska, 
it  was  on  the  north  bank  of  Porter  run,  and  the  owner  was  a  pioneer  of 
the  true  type. 

He  iiad  dug  out  a  cavern  and  walled  it  with  stones  from  the  creek, 
a  joint  of  pipe  projected  through  the  roof  at  the  north  end,  a  door  opened 
to  the  sunny  end  on  the  south.  In  one  room  they  had  lived  and  reared  a 
family  of  boys  and  girls.  Far  and  near  it  was  l^nown  as  the  dug-out  of 
Tommy  Hodkins.  The  nearby  timber  provided  his  fuel,  the  spring  on  the 
creek  the  water,  the  luxuriant  grass  the  food  for  his  oxen,  the  wild  meat 
.of  the  plains  his  food,  supplemented  by  a  little  flour  or  meal  transported 
in  the  earlier  days  from  Nebraska  City.  Few  of  the  children  from  those 
very  earliest  homes  ever  stayed  to  enjoy  the  fruits  of  their  fathers"  exer- 
tion and  ambition.  They  inherited  the  wild  instinct  of  the  pioneer ;  they 
loved  the  open  lands,  and  the  encroachments  of  the  second  brigade  of  settlers 
drove  them  on  into  the  lands  of  the  setting  sun.  But  this  type  of  home 
was  the  first  and  it  was  a  comfortable  retreat  from  the  blasts  of  winter. 

The  breaking  plow  was  the  first  requirement  in  the  way  of  farm  ma- 
chinery; it  was  a  long-beamed,  low-built  affair  and  had  a  long  curving 
mouldlxiard  that  gently  turned  the  sod  and  left  it  in  an  unbroken  ribbon. 
It  had  a  standing  cutter  and  a  depth-gauging  wheel  at  the  end  of  the 
beam.  Then  came  the  "grasshopper"  plow.  It  had  long  rods  curved  in 
mouldboard  fashion  that  turned  the  sod,  and  the  share  was  a  flat  steel 
blade  that  sat  ]ierfect1y  flat  in  the  furrow  and  cut  a  root  or  stem  in  parallel 

T  have  followed  both  these  plows  down  the  long  furrow  and  ha\e 
often  sorrowed  as  they  turned  a  plover  nest,  with  its  speckled  eggs,  (ir 
caught  a  full  dozen  prairie  chicken  eggs  and  whirled  them  under  the  sod. 
Sometimes  it  was  different  when  a  two-foot  rattlesnake  came  buzzing  ui> 
with  the  sod  and  the  driver  jumped  swiftly  over  the  handles  and  onto  the 
lieam  to  avuid  the  poison  fangs.  The  little  six-inch  lizard  often  left  his 
tail  wriggling  in  the  gra.'ss  and  hurried  off  to  shelter.  The  swift,  darting 
liluerncer  glittered  in  the  sun  as  he  sped  more  swiftK"  than  an\-   reptile  and 


disappeared  in  a  nearby  clump  of  redroots  or  weeds.  The  redroot  was  a 
familiar  weed  in  those  days,  and  I  often  heard  the  judgment  of  a  piece 
of  ground  placed  on  the  number  of  redroots  that  infested  it.  But  as  a  bo)- 
I  considered  them  only  a  plow-duller  that  forced  me  oftener  to  pound  out  the 
clay.  They  were  helped  in  this  by  the  shoestring,  a  lowly  plant  that  sent 
long,  stringy  roots  through  the  soil  and  the  sound  of  their  cutting  was 
disquieting  to  the  driver  and  discouraging  to  the  team. 

The  plover  were  so  plentiful  that  I  have  often  knocked  them  over 
with  a  handy  redroot  or  the  whip  I  carried  to  urge  the  team.  The  chicken 
of  the  prairies  crowed  and  strutted  within  a  rod  of  me  as  I  hitched  and 
began  tlie  morning  work.  The  quail  was  more  plentiful  than  today  and 
many  deplore  the  passing  of  those  splendid  fowl  of  the  prairies.  I  ha\'e 
I  if  ten  noted  the  great  green-headed  mallards  as  they  sank  into  some  nearby 
pool  and  at  noon,  while  the  team  rested,  it  was  common  sport  for  the 
jiicineer  to  crawl  up  to  the  slough-grass  border  and  with  his  old  shotgun, 
drop  a  couple  of  the  fine  birds. 

The  pioneer  had  no  modern  disc  and  no  harrow  of  sufficient  cutting 
])ower  to  pulverize  those  sods,  hence  he  was  compelled  to  let  them  rot  through 
tlie  long  summer,  stopping  his  plowing  on  that  account  about  the  first  of 
July  or  at  least  by  the  middle  of  that  month.  Then  in  September,  or  pre- 
ferably .\ugust,  he  l)ackset  the  sod,  cutting  a  little  deeper  and  throwing 
u|)  an  inch  or  so  of  fine  soil  on  top  of  the  sod.  Then  with  a  wooden 
liarrow  with  perfect))-  round  teeth,  he  harrowed  the  field  and  sowed  his 
wlieat.  broadcasting  in  the  earlier  vears  and  sowing  with  a  hoe-drill  later 
(in.  I  can  remem1)er  the  stir  the  first  press-drill  made  some  thirty  years 

The  big-bcader  was  the  instrument  of  harxesting.  We  had  three  long 
lieader-boxes  on  wagons.  These  boxes  were  sitled  with  house  siding,  and 
luu!  tlie  oft^  side  some  two  or  three  feet  the  higher;  and  woe  be  to  the  driver 
who  piled  tlie  wheat  too  high  on  the  high  side,  as  the  whole  wagon  would 
upset  w  itli  ease.  This  heading-machine  was  propelled  by  si.x  or  eight  horses 
that  walked  side  by  side  heliind  the  machine  and  pushed  it  through  the 
fields,  a  long  sickle  cutting  the  grain  that  fell  on  the  carrier  and  was  elevated 
to  the  wagon.  Tlie  Marsh  harvester  came  about  1881.  the  wire  binder  a 
little  later,  but  it  was  not  :\  success,  ai^^^iut  few  were  used ;  the  Marsh 
harvester  lasted  but  a  few  }ears  and  was  driven  from  the  field  in  short 
order  b\-  the  twine-binder. 



Along  the  ^Missouri  bluffs  there  were  nooks  and  corners  among  the 
hills  that  afforded  sites  for  some  of  the  tirst  pioneer  homes.  The  timber 
provided  the  logs  and  the  old  log  house  of  the  Eastern  states  was  common 
as  well  as  dug-outs  in  the  hills.  The  hunting  was  good  and  helped  won- 
derfully in  the  agricultural  development,  as  the  sale  of  furs  often  was 
the  largest  money  income  the  pioneer  had.  In  those  sheltered  nooks  he 
could  raise  corn  and  vegetables,  and  the  tobacco  patch  was  no  uncommon 
sight.  The  plums,  grapes,  choke-cherries,  gooseberries  and  wild  raspberries 
afforded  a  fair  fruitage.  The  fish  was  plentiful,  but  the  real  agriculture 
never  started  in  that  locality.  Among  the  native  fruits  we  must  not.  forget 
the  pawpaw  that  appealed  to  the  emigrant  from  Indiana  as  no  other.  There 
are  still  groves  of  this  tree  along  the  bluffs  and  I  have  many  times  dined 
on  the  pawpaw. 

Perhaps  we  should  not  forget  the  old  water-mills  that  helped  forward 
the  agricultural  progress  of  this  country.  They  sprang  up  along  the  Xemahas 
and  afforded  the  pioneer  a  chance  to  secure  flour  and  meal  at  home;  here 
he  could  go  with  his  grist  some  three  or  four  a  year  and  get  his  grain 
ground.  I  have  often  driven  to  Luthy's  mill  west  of  Humlx)ldt.  on  the 
Nemaha,  and  stayed  until  my  turn  came  to  get  a  grist  ground. 

The  tree-fringed  streams  were  enticing  to  the  first  settlers  and  alnno 
their  banks  we  saw  the  first  homes  established.  It  was  not  the  best  land, 
but  the  wood,  shade,  prdtection  and  home  comfort  of  these  natural  groxes 
appealed  to  the  settler.  And  many  of  the  great  farms  of  Richardson  count} 
still  ha\e  the  home  upon  the  site  of  one  of  those  pioneer-day  spots.  \\'hen 
the  owner  found  that  his  land  was  not  so  convenient  and  valuable  to 
farm,  he  did  not  sell  the  old  home,  but  bought  some  of  the  uplands  of  the 
open  prairies  and  adding  this  to  the  old  homestead,  went  on  with  grain 
farming  on  the  open  land  and  caring  for  the  stock  on  the  old  timbereil 
homestead.  The  Corwin  Fergus  home,  the  old  Barney  Mullen  estate  and 
many  other  such  farms  still  attest  to  the  wisdom  of  this  plan  and  are  monu- 
mental examples  of  mixed  farming  that  brought  comfort  and  plenty. 

The  early  settler  found  a  Wuti  f ul  land.  Larkspur  gleamed  in  white 
and  blue:  the  red  phlox  of  the  prairies  and  the  blue  phlox  of  the  timber 
dazzled  the  eye :  the  yellow  gold  of  the  gumweed  bent  beneath  the  beam 
of  the  old  breaking  ])l()w  and  the  aster  and  lily  swayed  in  the  winds  of 
the  prairies.     .\nd  as  we  led  our  cows  out  to  the  lariat  ropes  atid  tied  the 


halter  in  the  swivel,  we  crunched  through  thousands  of  violets.  Many  a 
wind-swept,  sun-baked  prairie  home  was  sheltered  by  a  wild  cucumber  or 
grape  vine. 

The  first  pastures  were  fenced  in  the  seventies,  with  barb  wire,  and 
soon  afterward  farming  meant  stock  raising  as  well  as  grain  growing.  We 
planted  hedges  on  our  own  farm,  bringing  the  seed  from  the  old  Illinois 
home.  The  early  settler  had  no  money  to  buy  fencing,  but  could  grow  the 
osage  and  it  was  a  great  advantage  to  the  country ;  it  shut  oft  the  hot  south- 
ern winds,  tempered  the  northern  blasts  of  winter  and  set  the  landscape 
of  the  prairies  in  frames  of  living  green.  We  may  deplore  the  osage  hedge, 
but  it  had  a  wonderful  part  in  the  civilization  of  Richardson  county. 

Stock  growing  in  those  early  days  was  discouraging,  but  many  a  settler 
soon  saw  his  herd  of  cattle  grow  and  become  valuable.  Today  we  sell  our 
hogs  at  fifteen  cents  a  pound.  I  remember  when  we  bought  three  splendid 
Poland  sows  for  three  cents  a  pound. 

I  went  into  a  modern  farm  home  the  other  day.  Tlie  electric  light 
plant  flashed  out  and  ever}^  room  was  agleam ;  the  steam-heating  plant  in 
the  cellar  gives  it  an  atmosphere  of  summer  all  winter  long;  a  splendid 
water  system  sends  a  stream  of  liquid  all  over  the  Iiouse,  and  toilets,  lava- 
tories and  every  convenience  lighten  the  burden  of  the  housewife  and  make 
the  farm  home  as  modern  as  that  in  the  city.  In  our  early  pioneer  home  we 
lived  with  only  a  ship-lap  siding;  the  winds  swept  in  the  snows  of  winter. 
and  I  distinctly  remember  sitting  by  the  stove  all  day  long  clad  in  the  heaviest 
overcoat  I  could  get  hold  of.  Our  barns  were  forks  set  in  the  ground,  poles 
and  brush  laid  on  and  all  banked  with  straws  and  covered  with  slough  grass. 
Toda\-  our  horses  stand  in  barns  that  are  comfortable  and  commodious. 


Corn  was  so  cheap  and  coal  so  high  in  those  early  days  that  the  farmer 
burned  corn,  and  we  have  carried  in  many  a  bushel  of  corn  and  thrust  the 
big  ears  into  the  blaze  and  saw  the  kernels  crisp,  darken,  and  glow  in  the 
lieat.  F.xtravagant?  No,  it  was  economy,  for  the  coal  was  dearer  than 
the  corn. 

We  raised  tliat  corn  with  walking  cultivators  and  it  w'as  about  1886 
betore  we  bought  the  first  riding  cultivators.  In  those  early  days  we  had 
one  wav  of  getting  a  little  back  from  the  railroads.  Some  adventurous 
farmer  would  hie  awav  in  the  dead  of  night  and  the  next  morning  a  couple 


of  teams  would  sweep  across  a  big  field  of  corn  stalks  and  the  heavy  iron 
rail  would  do  the  breaking  most  effectively  and  quickly.  It  was  strange 
how  hard  it  was  to  discover  who  got  that  iron  from  the  railroad  premises. 
Everyone  used  it,  but  no  one  ever  saw  it  brought  into  the  neighborhood. 
It  had  no  owner,  but  many  users.  All  summer  long  it  lay  in  the  shelter  of 
a  weed  patch  and  only  in  the  dry  frosty  days  of  early  spring  did  it  come 

Alfalfa  came  into  our  agriculture  some  thirty  years  ago  and  it  has 
largely  assisted  in  the  progress  and  development  of  the  same,  but  clover 
was  the  first  and  perhaps  the  greatest  factor  in  maintaining  the  fertility 
of  the  virgin  soil.  It  is  the  great  agent  of  rotation;  it  is  the  cheapest  fertil- 
izer, it  is  the  greatest  combined  grazing  and  hay  plant. 

Many  a  farm  is  today  growing  more  grain,  hay  and  stock  than  it  could 
have  produced  in  the  pioneer  days  of  its  virginity.  When  I  read  or  hear 
speakers  tell  of  the  wasteful  depletion  of  the  soil  under  the  hands  of  the 
.\merican  farmer,  I  am  sure  that  such  a  condemnation  is  not  upon  the 
farmers  of  Richardson  county.  Great  train  loads  of  meat  animals,  great 
warehouses  filled  with  wheat,  corn  and  oats,  hundreds  of  cellars  filled  with 
fruits  and  vegetables  and  groaning  tables  loaded  with  the  best  living  that 
any  section  of  the  world  knows  of,  all  attest  to  the  tremendous  production 
of  the  land  today.  Richardson  county  can,  and  does  today,  grow  more 
tons  of  hay,  more  bushels  of  grain,  more  pounds  of  meat  and  more  fruits, 
vegetables  and  poultry  than  at  any  period  in  its  history.  The  stability  of  our 
agricultural  development  and  future  attainments  are  increased  every  decade. 


The  first  wells  upon  the  farms  of  Richardson  countv  were  bored  or 
dug  and  a  long  tin  or  galvanized  iron  pail  was  wound  up  at  the  end  of  a 
rope  and  the  water  poured  into  a  half-barrel  tub.  Today  the  wind-mills 
assisted  by  the  panting  gasoline  engines  throw  the  pure  steams  through 
piping  systems,  to  every  lot,  pasture,  shed  and  barn  about  the  premises; 
automatically  the  supply  is  regulated,  it  flows  into  the  house  and  the  water 
system  is  as  complete  as  that  of  a  city.  Great  standpipes  hold  barrels  of 
water  stored  for  stock  and  man.  Deep  cisterns  and  convenient  tanks  com- 
plete the  arrangements. 

The  pioneer  called  every  man  his  neighbor.  There  was  a  freedom. 
a  charitable  assumption,  an  equality  and  hungering  desire  for  companion- 
ship that  broke  down  evcrv  barrier  of  caste  and  clan. 


The  groveless  prairies  permitted  the  eye  to  wander  for  miles  across 
the  plains  and  some  morning  when  we  saw  the  white  gleam  of  new  lumber 
as  a  shack  arose,  perhaps  many  miles  away,  we  knew  another  friend  had 
come  to  our  country.  Many  an  evening  as  I  have  stood  upon  some  rising 
knoll  and  seen  the  lights  of  the  little  homes  flash  out  across  the  prairies, 
I  would  count  the  friends  who  clustered  about  those  lamps.  We  met  in  the 
little  white  school  houses  and  spelling  bees  "liter-aries,"  revivals,  funerals 
and  weddings  were  all  well  attended. 

Our  ways  of  traveling  were  primitive.  If  it  was  not  too  far  we  went 
afoot,  otherwise  we  used  the  best  we  had.  Sometimes  it  was  a  saddle  on 
one  of  the  old  farm  horses,  sometimes  it  was  a  spring  wagon,  sometimes 
it  was  the  old  farm  wagon.  Then  along  in  the  eighties  it  became  common  for 
the  top  buggy  to  appear  on  the  farm  roads.  About  this  time  we  saw  the 
orchards  and  groves  spring  up  until  they  hid  the  gleam  of  the  evening 
lamps;  the  social  life  of  the  old  communities  became  a  little  more  limited, 
our  neighborhoods  a  little  more  narrow.  We  beheld  a  little  of  the  unknown 
caste  begin  to  grow  into  the  social  Hfe. 

The  grading  of  the  schools  threw  the  interest  of  the  older  boys  and 
girls  from  the  old  school  house;  it  no  longer  was  a  recognized  center  of 
sociability,  it  became  too  circumscribed  for  the  religious  life  and  as  few 
of  them  were  ever  remodeled  or  rebuilt  to  keep  pace  with  the  community 
and  farm  growth,  the  agricultural  society  has  been  diverted  largely  to  the 
villages,  towns  and  cities.  Even  the  country  churches  felt  that  progress 
had  left  them  sitting  by  the  wayside  in  many  instances.  The  fact  that 
fifty  per  cent,  of  the  faims  became  the  homes  of  renters  also  had  its  effect 
on  tlie  social  life;  it  lost  some  of  the  stability  that  originally  characterized 
it.  But  tlie  automobile  is  again  enlarging  the  social  life  of  our  county, 
permitting  the  establishment  of  larger  business,  educational  atid  social  activi- 
ties. The  coming  together  of  the  rural  people  is  now  bringing  about  a 
new  era.  Cars  drive  miles  to  the  school,  the  picnic  or  the  business  meetings 
of  the  rural  people. 

The  Farmers  Union  has  come  into  being  and  organized  agriculture 
is  now  upon  us.  Numerous  local  organizations,  each  composed  of  from 
fifteen  to  one  hundred  members,  are  united  in  one  county  organization. 
These  locals  also  unite  in  district  organizations  that  own  elevators,  stores 
smd  exchanges:  the  farmer  is  demonstrating  that  he  is  a  business  man  as 
well  as  a  tiller  of  tlie  soil.  Tliev  ]m\e  again  enlarged  the  neiglihorhood 


bounds  and  today  these  bounds  are  even  wider  than  in  the  pioneer  days. 
The  county  organization  is  connected  with  the  state  union  and  through  it 
to  a  national  organization,  in^  twenty-seven  states. 

By  this  rural  organization,  the  i,iri:(.,-  ■•.  !i(hards(in  cuuniy  have 
united  into  one  community,  one  thousand  homes;  five  thousand  farm  people 
that  are  working  in  a  solid  body  for  the  uplift  of  the  agricultural  develop- 
ment of  the  community.  This  movement  being  just  in  its  infancy,  no  hand 
may  write  the  tremendous  import  of  the  awakening  of  the  farmers  of  this 
rich  agricultural  land  to  the  possibilities  that  lie  before  them.  It  is  causing 
them  to  think  and  think  hard  and  fast.  We  can  easily  predict  that  almost 
every  farm  home  will  be  reached ;  the  farmers  will  solve  the  social  life,  the 
economic  distribution  of  their  products  and  the  soil  maintenance  far  more 
efifectively  than  it  has  ever  been  done  by  entrusting  it  to  outside  interests. 
Fully  conversant  with  his  working  power,  the  strength  of  his  will  and  the 
possibilities  of  organized  effort,  the  future  of  this  county  is  contemplated 
serenely  by  the  farmer. 

If  working  almost  alone,  we  have  reached  the  climax  of  the  first  half 
century ;  that  we  see  today,  as  the  palatial  homes  beside  our  highways  attest, 
the  commodious  barns  testify  and  the  well  tilled  fields  beside  the  road  dem- 
onstrate, how  mighty  will  be  the  achievements  of  the  united  farmers  of 
the  next  half  century.  The  tractor  turns  the  stubble  with  a  rapidity  and 
ease  never  known;  the  cars  carry  the  farmer  swiftly  and  comfortable  on 
his  way  to  pleasure  and  business;  his  organization  will  enable  him  to  secure 
just  legislation  and  effectively  to  study  and  practice  economical  distribution 
and  marketing  of  his  products,  build  and  equip  tjie  best  rural  schools  in 
the  world,  educate  and  entertain  his  children  on  the  farm,  extend  the  social 
vision  of  his  neighborhood  life  and  build  an  agricultural  environment  sur- 
passing the  wildest  visions  of  the  most  optimistic  dreamer. 

.\    TRIBUTE   TO    THE    I'lONEER    MOTHERS. 

She  buikled  the  greatest  achievement  of  them  all — mother,  the  archi- 
tect of  "home,  sweet  home."  With  a  courage  born  of  the  love  and  hope 
of  a  parent  she  stepped  across  the  gangplank  of  the  ferry  and  turning 
reverentlv  she  gave  -one  last,  longing  look  toward  the  Eastern  horizon,  where 
far  away  in  the  dimming  distance  lay  the  home  of  her  youth.  Tender  and 
strong  were  the  chords  that  bound  her  to  the  past. 

Perhaps  a  tear  fell  into  the  surging  waters  as  she  placed  her  foot  upon 


tlie  Western  sands.  But  no  tear,  no  tide,  no  wave  of  rushing  tiood  can 
e\er  wash  out  the  imprint  of  the  footsteps  of  mother. 

Hope,  love,  ambition  for  the  children  and  the  instinct  that  bade  her 
rise  above  selfishness,  were  stronger  than  any  chain  that  ever  clanked  from 
the  forge.  Upon  this  hope  and  love  she  saw  the  rising  vision  of  a  million 

The  past  was  but  a  memory,  the  future  a  stern  Ijut  beautiful  realit}- ; 
the  heart  of  our  nation  bows  reverently  upon  her  hearth-stone.  Xot  with  the 
martyrdom  of  an  hour  did  she  lay  her  life  upon  the  altar  of  home,  but 
with  an  everlasting  self-abnegation  she  faced  the  blizzards  of  a  score  of 
years  and  the  droughts  of  their  summers.  Self -ambitions  and  the  anticijia- 
tion  of  her  youth  she  gently,  but  firmly,  laid  away  and  drew  the  curtain 
of  hope  and  love  before  them.  Let  them  lie  in  the  secret  place  of  her  heart. 
Her  God  alone  knows  the  sacrifices  she  made  that  day.  and  when  the  hands 
of  the  recording  angel  shall  write  the  last  record  of  her  life,  they  will  be 
emblazoned  upon  the  unsullied  page  and  we  shall  behold  a  tremenddus 

She  brought  the  flowers  and  fruits  of  that  Eastern  home  and  planted 
them  upon  the  sun-baked,  wind-swept  jirairies:  she  watered  and  cared  for 
them,  shaded  them  from  the  sweltering  sun  and  protected  them  from  the 
lilasts  of  the  blizzards  until  she  saw  the  .splendid  groves,  the  flower-adorned 
lawns  and  the  fruitful  gardens  throwing  their  shade  and  colors  across  the 
plain.  The  footsteps  and  achieved  ambitions  of  the  pioneer  mothers  ha\e 
marked  an  impress  upon  our  empire  that  time  and  eternitv  cannot  eflt'ace. 
Tt  shall  ever  grow  grandly  and  sublimel\-  in  our  appreciation. 

The  mothers  of  Nebraska  need  no  towering  monuments  to  remind  us 
that  they  lived  and  loved ;  no  tablets  of  bronze  or  stone,  as  every  fireside 
w  ithin  our  domain  stands  as  a  tribute  to  her  memory.  As  the  vine  entwined 
and  embowered  the  home  that  .she  built,  her  love  entwines  our  lives. 

Ungrateful  the  heart  that  forgets  the  pioneer  mothers  of  Nebraska,  the 
architect^'  of  "home,  sweet  home." 

Early  Transportation,   Navigation   and   Railroads. 

Richardson  county,  lying-  in  the  southeast  corner  of  Nebraska  and  first 
from  the  south  of  the  river  counties  of  the  state  was  at  once  effected  by  the 
vohnne  of  travel  coming  up  the  river  from  the  South  and  East. 

At  the  time  men  first  began  to  look  "toward  Richardson  county  with 
an  e}e  to  making  settlement  here,  no  railroad  was  within  hundreds  of  miles 
of  it  and  tlie  only  means  of  reaching  this  country  was  either  by  making 
the  journey  hither  overland  through  a  wilderness  as  j^et  without  well-defined 
wagon  trails,  or  up  the  river  by  boat.  This  latter  method  most  appealed  to 
the  early  adventurer  and  many  no  doubt  had  journeyed  up  the  river  long 
before  any  thought  of  settlement  in  this  part  of  the  West  was  entertained. 
Bordering  on  the  river  was  of  immense  advantage  to  the  early  peoples  and 
caused  the  river  counties  to  be  first  choice  of  the  pioneers. 

In  those  days  the  railroad  was  by  no  means  a  new  thing  in  the  older 
and  more  thickly  settled  parts  of  the  East,  but  necessity  hatl  not  caused 
its  extension  to  any  great  degree  in  this  direction. 

In  these  days  when  capital  is  more  easily  available,  the  railroad  verv 
often  goes  into  the  fastnesses  of  the  newer  countries  in  advance  of  immi- 
gration and  is  the  first  cause  of  its  settlement ;  but  in  the  davs  of  wliich  we 
s])eak,  the  people  were  pushing  out  in  advance  of  transportation  facilities  and 
were  dependent  on  the  hope  that  at  some  future  time  there  might  be  a  rail- 
road— but  to  many,  as  we  of  later  days  know,  the  railroad  was  onlv  a  dream, 
which  held  many  of  them  here. 

Being  forced  to  use  the  river,  which  was  then  as  now,  full  of  snags 
and  sand  bars  and  subject  to  overflow  and  with  the  low  water  stages, 
the  early  navigator  was  not  without  his  troubles:  but  under  such  dire  neces- 
sity the  obstacles  were  overcome  and  navigation  had  reached  a  high  state 
of  development.  In  those  days  the  steamboats,  both  for  the  carrying  of  all 
kind  of  freight  and  passengers,  were  numerous  and  while  slow  and  tedious 
served  remarkably  well  until  at  last  the  coming  of  tlie  railroad  made  that 
mode  of  tra\el  obselete. 

The  tremendous  subsidies  in  the  way  of  vast  land  grants  by  the  gov- 



ernment,  given  as  aid  to  railroad  building  and  intended  to  stimulate  this 
■line  of  industry,  coupled  with  the  big  profits  in  the  projection  and  operation 
of  new  lines,  had  its  effect  in  turning  attention  to  this  speedier  mode  of 
transportation  to  the  great  detriment  of  our  inland  waterways.  While 
they  have  in  the  past  and  do  still  receive  government  aid,  the  same  has 
been  used  for  most  part  in  restraining  the  encroachment  of  the  river  and 
not  with  any  idea  of  preserving  it  as  a  navigable  stream. 

In  Richardson  county,  Rulo,  Yankton,  Arago,  and  St.  Stephens  were 
river  towns  and  ports  of  entrance  for  many  of  the  pioneers  who  either 
remained  here  or  made  their  way  on  west  into  the  interior  or  to  tlie  moun- 
tains. Yankton  and  St.  Stephens  were  the  first  points  touched  by  river  boats, 
which  discharged  cargoes  and  the  latter  had  the  honor  of  being  the  first 
point  in  the  county  which  had  a  ferry  comiecting  with  the  Missouri  shore, 
and  the  same  was  in  charge  of  the  elder  Stephen  Story,  who  gave  the  name 
to  the  latter  village.  Rulo  came  next,  but  Arago  soon  outdistanced  all  in 
position  as  a  port  of  importance  and  continued  to  hold  its  supremacy  until 
the  coming  of  the  railroad.  These  cities  enjoyed  trade  from  long  distances 
inland,  serving  the  country  for  hundreds  of  miles  to  the  West.  Arago,  with 
its  packing  house,  distillery,  saw-  and  flour-mills  bid  fair  to  become  quite  a 
metropolis  and  was  for  a  time  a  place  of  first  importance  in  the  county  as 
neither  of  the  other  places  in  that  early  day  had  the  same  energetic  boosters. 

At  the  time  of  the  very  early  settlement  of  the  county,  the  only  regular 
means  of  communication  for  mail,  passengers  and  freight  with  the  outside 
world,  was  by  steamboat;  although  later,  because  of  the  railroad  reaching 
Atchison,  Kansas,  in  advance  of  any  rail  connection  from  other  directions, 
the  mail  was  sent  first  to  Atchison  by  rail  and  thence  north  either  by  boat 
or  carriers  on  regularly  established  postroads  which  came  via  Hiawatha, 
Kansas,  or  Rulo.  In  tlie  matter  of  river  tran.sportation'  for  all  purposes,  it 
must  be  remembered  that  amongst  its  other  disadvantages  to  the  early  pioneer 
in  the  way  of  a  dependable  convenience,  was  the  fact  that  during  the  winter 
months  it  was  practically  suspended  because  of  the  ice  in  the  river  for  long 
periods,  when  the  boats  were  obliged  to  tie  up  until  the  ice  would  go  out 
in  the  spring. 

The  better  river  boats  had  a  capacity  for  carrying  as  many  as  four 
hundred  passengers  and  the  fare  from  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  to  Rulo  or  St. 
Stephens  would  range  about  fifteen  or  twenty  dollars,  which,  of  course, 
included  meals  and  state  rooms.  The  culinary  department  of  those  boats 
was  generally  in  good  hands  anrl  the  larder  well  supplied  with  the  best  that 
money  could  Iniv. 


The  lengtli  of  time  usually  re(|uire(l  iu  luakin^;-  the  up  trip  from  St. 
Louis  to  this  county  was  about  seven  or  eight  days,  equal,  if  not  longer 
in  length  of  time,  than  would  be  required  for  modern  liners  in  crossing 
the  Atlantic  in  times  of  peace.  Those  having  had  the  pleasure  of  such 
journeys  in  the  old  days  generallv  described  them  as  having  been  quite  dull 
and  e\entless.  Such  an  experience  was  very  aptly  described  by  the  noted 
Mark  Twain  in  his  "Rou,ghing  It."   when  he  said: 

"W'e  were  six  days  in  going  from  St.  Louis  to  St.  Joseph.  Missouri. 
a  trip  that  was  so  dull  and  sleepy  and  eventless,  that  it  has  left  no  more 
impression  on  my  memory  than  if  its  duration  had  been  six  minutes  instead 
of  that  many  days.  No  record  is  left  on  my  mind  now  concerning  it,  but 
a  confused  jumble  of  savage-looking  snags,  which  we  deliberately  walked 
over  with  one  wheel  or  the  other,  and  of  reefs,  which  we  butted  and  butted 
and  then  retired  from,  and  climbed  over  in  some  other  places,  and  of  sand 
bars,  which  we  roosted  on  occasionally  and  rested,  and  then  got  our  crutches 
and  sparred  over.  In  fact,  the  boat  might  have  gone  to  St.  Joseph  by 
land,  for  she  was  walking  most  of  the  time,  anyhow,  climbing  over  reefs 
and  clambering  over  snags,  patiently  and  laboriously,  all  day  long.  The 
captain  said  it  was  a  bully  boat  and  all  she  wanted  was  more  'shear'  and 
a  bigger  wheel.  I  thought  she  wanted  a  pair  of  stilts,  but  I  had  the  sa,gacit\ 
not  to  say  so." 

In  addition  to  passengers  those  boats  carried  from  five  hundred  to 
six  hundred  tons  of  freight  and  the  rates  were  as  high  as  two  dollars  and 
fifty  cents  per  hundred  weight  on  merchandise  that  would  not  cost  to  exceed 
fifteen  cents  per  hundred  weight  in  these  days.  The  crews  consisted  of 
from  eighty  to  one  hundred  men  and  the  value  of  these  boats  were  estimated 
to  be  nearly  fifty  thousand  dollars  each.  The  river  then  as  at  the  present 
time,  was  filled  with  sand  bars  and  it  required  all  the  skill  of  the  most 
experienced  river  men  to  negotiate  it  in  safety  to  his  destination  with  the  boat. 

Government  regulations  concerning  river  traffic  required  two  experienced 
ri\  er  pilots  on  board  of  each  lioat  employed  as  c<5mmon  carriers,  and  they 
readily  commanded  salaries  of  from  two  hundred  and  fifty  to  five  hundred 
dollars  per  month.  With  the  passing  of  river  traffic  on  the  Missouri  many 
of  these  well-known  river  men,  such  as  captains  and  pilots,  were  left  with- 
out opportunitv  for  further  service  while  many,  as  in  other  lines  of  business, 
kft  for  other  fields,  where  they  might  continue  iu  the  same  line  of  employ- 
ment. Thus  it  was  our  pleasure  during  the  month  of  August  iu  the  year 
1916  to  meet  on  the  steamer  "deorgiana,"  on  the  Columbia  ri\er.  while 
making  a  trip   from    I'ortland  to   Astoria,   Oregon,   and   return,   one   who   in 


the  old  days  had  been  regularly  employed  on  the  Missouri  boats  and  it  is  to 
him  we  are  in  some  measure  indebted  for  first-hand  information  in  regard 
to  river  traffic. 

Gambling  on  the  ri\er  boats  in  those  days  was  b)-  no  means  restricted 
and  furnished  means  for  amusement,  which  at  times  provided  all  the  thrills 
which  might  be  lacking  from  other  sources,  and  all  early  accounts  seem  to 
agree  that  while  tlie  "plunger"  was  as  common  then  as  now.  the  stakes  were 
as  high  or  higher. 

There  were  lines  of  boats  which  might  be  termed  "through"  boats 
destined  to  and  from  certain  ports,  scheduled  for  regular  and  direct  service 
to  and  from  those  places  onl}-.  while  others  had  longer  routes.  The  boats  were 
run  much  as  trains  nowadays,  in  that  there  were  "through"  boats,  and  the 
local  or  "slow"  boat,  which  might  stop  to  pick  up  or  discharge  freight  or 
passengers  at  every  stop  en  route. 


First  in  importance  of  all  the  drawijacks  of  this  new  country  as  it 
was  found  by  the  pioneers,  was  the  lack  of  adequate  transportation  facili- 
ties and  the  question  of  finding  a  remedy  was  one  that  occupied  the  minds 
of  the  people  from  the  beginning.  The  first  official  action  to  be  found  looking 
toward  the  solution  of  this  then  weighty  problem  may  be  found  in  the 
territorial  statutes,  where  is  recorded  the  passage  of  an  act  by  the  Terri- 
torial Legislature,  which  was  approved  on  November  4,  1858.  This  act 
was  for  the  purpose  of  incorporating  what  was  to  be  known  as  "The 
Missouri  River  &  Nemaha  Valley  Railroad  Company."  Section  i  of  this  act 
named  the  following  well-known  pioneer  business  men  and  farmers  as  the 
incorporators  and  moving  spirits  in  the  enterprise ;  Francis  .L.  (joldsi^erry. 
Archer;  Charles  Martin,  Rulo;  Eli  Bedard.  Rulo;  D.  T.  Easley.  Rulo;  B. 
F.  Cunningham,  Rulo;  S.  B.  Miles:  Joseph  G.  Ramsey;  William  Kenceleur, 
Rulo;  A.  C.  Lierft.  A.  L.  Currance,  Joseph  Yount,  William  P.  Loan,.  St. 
Stephens;  William  Goolsby,  Archer;  Jesse  Crook,  Archer;  Samuel  Keiffer,  J. 
Cass  Lincoln,  Salem ;  T.  R.  Hare,  Salem ;  Arnett  Roberts,  Salem ;  J.  Lebo, 
John  A.  Rurbank,  Falls  City;  Thomas  J.  Whitney,  Christian  Bobst.  Cincin- 
nati; John  Frice.  F.  F.  Limming.  H.  N.  Gere,  J.  P.  Sutton.  J.  C.  Peavy, 
E.  W.  Fowler,  E.  Jordan,  and  their  successors  and  assigns.  The  objects 
of  this  act,  as  stated  therein,  "was  to  locate,  construct  and  finally  complete 
a  railroad  at,  or  as  near  as  practicable,  the  junction  of  the  Missouri  and 
the   Great    Nemaha   rivers,   upon    the   most   eligible    route   to   Ft.    Kearney. 


there  to  unite  with  any  railroad  which  may  hereafter  be  constructed  up 
the  \'alley  of  the  Great  Platte."  The  capital  stock  of  the  company  was 
to  consist  of  $3,000,000.     This  road  did  not  materialize. 


An  act  passed  by  the  Legislature  and  approved  on  January  3,  1862, 
authorized  H.  \\'.  Summerland  and  George  Walther  to  keep  a  ferry  across 
the  Missouri  river  at  Arago,  Richardson  county,  Nebraska  Territory.  They 
were  allowed  to  charge  the  following  rates:  For  two  horses,  mules,  oxen 
and  wagon,  75  cents;  for  each  extra  pair,  25  cents;  for  each  horse  or  mule 
and  rider,  25  cents;  for  two  horses  or  mules  and  buggy,  75  cents;  for  one 
horse  or  mule  and  buggy,  50  cents;  for  each  horse  or  mule  led,  25  cents; 
for  loose  cattle  per  head,  10  cents;  for  hogs  and  sheep  under  the  number 
of  ID,  each  5  cents;  for  over  10  and  under  50,  each  3  cents;  for  over  50, 
each  I  cent;  for  each  footman,  10  cents;  for  each  crate  of  freight,  5  cents, 
for  lumber  per  hundred  feet,  $1. 


A  petition  was  presented  to  the  commissioners  court  of  Richardson 
county  on  April  3,  i860,  praying  that  a  ferry  license  be  granted  to  Daniel 
Reavis  to  keep  a  ferry  across  the  Great  Nemaha  river.  The  said  petition  was 
granted  for  the  term  of  one  year  and  the  following  rates  for  ferriage  were 
affixed : 

One  pair  of  horses  or  yoke  of  oxen  and  wagon 25  cents 

Jor  each  additional  span  of  horses  or  oxen 10  cents 

Man  and  horse 10  cents 

One  horse  and   carriage   15  cents 

One  Footman  5  cents 

Loose  cattle  per  head 3  cents 

Hogs  and  sheep  per  head 2  cents 

The  said  Daniel  Reavis  to  pay  into  the  county  treasury  for  said  license 
the  sum  of  two  dollars.  In  addition  to  the  above  ferriage  fees  fifty  cents 
mav  be  added  when  tine  river  is  more  than  two-thirds  liank  full. 




There  was  no  regular  outfitting  point  for  freighting  in  the  early  days 
in  the  confines  of  what  is  now  Richardson  county.  Alost  of  this  kind  of 
traffic,  either  passenger,  freight  or  mail,  was  carried  on  from  other  points 
on  the  river,  notably  from  Atchison,  Kansas,  and  Brownville  or  Nebraska 
City,  in  this  state.  Atchison  was  the  principal  point  and  was  chosen  as 
an  outfitting  point  for  most  of  the  Salt  Lake  freighters,  because  it  had 
one  of  the  best  steamboat  landings  on  the  river,  and  the  country  lying  west 
made  possible  the  best  wagon  road  in  the  country. 

Twenty-four  miles  west  of  Atchison  this  road  was  intersected  by  an 
old  overland  mail  trail  from  St.  Joseph.  Leavenworth  also  had  a  road 
west,  over  which  was  planned  to  run  the  Pike's  Peak  express  stages  in  the 
spring  of  1859.  During  the  period  of  overland  freighting  on  the  plains  more 
trains  left  Atchison  than  at  any  other  point  on  the  river. 

The  cost  of  shipping  merchandise  to  Denver  was  very  high,  as  every- 
thing was  carried  by  the  pound  rather  than  the  hundred  pounds.  Flour, 
bacon,  molasses,  whiskey,  furniture  and  trunks  were  carried  at  pound  rates. 
The  rates  per  pound  on  merchandise  shipped  by  ox  or  mule  wagons  to 
Denver,  prior  to  i860,  were  as  follow:  Flour,  9  cents;  tobacco,  12I/2 
cents;  sugar,  13I/2  -cents;  bacon,  15  cents;  dry  goods,  15  cents;  crackers, 
17  cents;  whiskey.  18  cents;  groceries,  19'/.  cents;  trunks,  25  cents;  furni- 
ture, 31   cents. 

It  has  been  said  by  those  who  witnessed  the  tremendous  overland  traffic 

of  the  late  fifties  and  early  sixties,  that  the  people  of  this  generation  can 

form  no  conception  of  the  enormous  amount  of  traffic  overland  there  was 

in  those  days.  Trains  were  being  constantly  outfitted,  not  only  at  Atchison, 

but  at  all  points  on  the  river.    Twenty-one  days  were  about  the  time  required 

for  a  span  of  horses  or  mules  to  make  the  trip  to  Denver  and  keep  the 

stock   in   good   condition.      It   required   five   weeks    for  ox   trains    to   make 

the   same   distance,   and   to   Salt   Lake,   horses   and   mules   were  about   si.x 

weeks  making  the  trip,  and  ox  trains  were  on  the  road  sixty-five  or  seventy 

days.     It  was  the  ox  upon  which  mankind  depended  in  those  days  to  carry  on 

the  commerce  of  the  plains.     They  were  the  surest  and  safest  for  hauling 

the  large  part  of  the   freight  destined    for  the  towns  and  military  camps 

or  srarrisons  of  the  frontier.     Xext  in  importance  to  the  ox,  was  the  mule, 

urtji^^l  iffw. 

because  m^were  tough  and  reliable  and  could  endure  fatigue.     The  year 

r^fivsiimg  tc,  'cm^of  the  l^ig  years  nf  freighting  across  the  plains, 
"f-e  parties 'i'."V^V  -         " 


It  was  not  unusual  to  see  a  number  of  steamboats  lying  at  the  levees 
discharging  freight,  while  as  many  more  were  in  sight  either  going  up  the 
river  from  St.  Louis  or  down  from  St.  Joseph.  It  was  very  common  for 
boats  to  be  loaded  at  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania  or  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  destined 
for  Kansas  and  Nebraska  points  and  not  unusual  to  see  these  boats  loaded 
with  wagons,  ox  yokes,  mining  machinery,  boilers,  and  other  material  neces- 
sary for  the  immense  trade  in  the  W'est. 

A  very  large  part  of  this  traffic  West  from  river  points  was  over 
what  was  known  as  military  roads  along  the  south  bank  of  the  Platte.  On 
these  roads  could  be  seen  six  or  eight  yoke  of  cattle  hauling  heavily  loaded 
wagons  and  strings  of  four  or  six  horse,  or  mule  teams.  These  formed 
an  almost  endless  procession. 


The  liveliest  period  of  overland  trade  extended  from  1859  until  after 
the  war  in  1865,  during  which  time  there  was  on  the  plains  and  in  the 
mountains,  an  estimated  floating  population  of  two  hundred  and  fifty  thou- 
sand. The  greatest  majority  of  people  on  the  plains  produced  but  few  of 
the  necessities  of  life,  and  consequently  they  must  be  supplied  from  the 
river  points.  During  the  closing  year  of  the  Civil  Wrt.  the  travel  was 
immense,  most  of  the  immigration  being  lured  to  the  mining  camps  of  the 
West  and  Northwest. 

Those  trails  had  been  used  during  the  Great  Mormon  exodus  to  Salt 
Lake  and  by  the  California  forty-niners,  in  their  dash  for  the  fascinating 
gold  fields.  By  this  time  people  were  beginning  to  stop  in  Nebraska  and 
stake  out  claims,  and  to  become  residents.  Among  the  early-day  freighters 
and  mail  contractors  and  carriers  were  Col.  Stephen  B.  Miles,  later  a  mil- 
lionaire resident  of  this  county  and  his  able  assistant,  Joel  T.  Jones,  and  . 
l'"rancis  Withee,  a  freighter,  and  others.  Colonel  Miles  and  his  men  car- 
ried mail  from  St.  Louis  to  Salt  Lake  and  their  experiences,  if  reduced  to 
the  printed  page,  would  make  a  good  sized  volume  in  itself. 

In  the  vicinity  of  Sabetha,  Kansas,  are  many  graves  of  travelers,  over 
the  Santa  Fe  and  California  trails,  who.  unable  to  survive  the  hardships 
of  the  trip,  died  and  were  buried  with  scant  ceremony.  In  the  woods 
surrounding  Sabetha  were  many  wild  plum  trees.  A\'hen  the  body  of  a 
fortv-niner  was  buried,  the  rest  of  the  train  would  sit  around  the  while'^ncl 
eat  plums.  As  a  result  a  small  plum  thicket  grew  up  around  ev<»--'>it:  of 
the  early-day  graves.     A  well-known  resident  of  that  section  in 


a  distance  of  sixteen  miles  from  Salietha,  he  has  counted  thirteen  of  such 
graves,  all  of  them  being  directly  on  the  old  trail,  which  has  now  become  a 
highway.  A  few  graves  are  scattered  on  adjacent  farms.  A  famous  one 
is  on  the  farm  of  Matthias  Strahm,  near  Sabetha,  which  is  called  the  McCloud 
grave.  McCloud  was  returning  from  California,  when  he  was  followed  and 
struck  down  by  an  enemy.  It  was  afterward  learned  that  McCloud  was 
not  the  party  sought  by  his  murderer. 


A  regular  train  consisted  of  from  forty  to  sixty  wagons,  each  wagon 
drawn  by  six  or  seven  3'oke  of  oxen.  The  driver  of  each  team  outfit  walked 
beside  the  wagon.  The  wagon  boss  rode  on  a  pony  and  took  great  privilege 
with  the  king's  English.  Each  driver  carried  a  whip  over  his  shoulder 
when  not  in  use.  The  lashes  on  the  whips  were  fifteen  feet  long.  On  either 
side  of  the  trails,  for  many  years  after  the  wagon  travel  ceased,  could  be 
discerned  plainly  the  footpaths  made  by  these  drivers.  The  regular  gov- 
ernment trains  passed  over  the  roads  every  two  weeks ;  in  addition  there 
was  a  multitude  of  individual  freighters.  The  great  trails  were  sixty  feet 
wide  and  perfectly  smooth.  There  were  from  five  hundred  to  one  thousand 
tons  in  a  train  of  fifty  or  sixty  wagons.  Wlien  the  wagon  boss  had  secured 
a  camping  place,  the  lead  team  made  a  circle;  then  the  next  team  stopped 
the  front  wheel  against  the  front  one's  hind  wheel,  and  so  on  until  the 
forty  or  sixty  wagons  were  in  a  circle  with  an  opening  of  only  a  rod  or 
two  to  leave  the  highway  clear.  At  night  the  oxen  were  unyoked  and 
turned  loose  to  graze,  and  regularly  employed  herders  looked  after  them 
until  morning.  The  hind  wheels  of  the  wagons  were  as  high  as  a  man's 
head,  while  the  front  wheels  were  no  higher  than  those  in  use  on  wagons 
of  the  present  day.     The  tires  of  the  wheels  were  four  inches  wide. 

If  there  had  been  nothing  other  to  lure  people  into  the  West  in  the 
early  days,  there  was  the  ever  recurring  stories  of  gold  to  be  found  in 
the  Western  mountain  slopes  and  these  stories  became  greath'  magnified 
as  they  traveled  Eastward.  The  press,  too,  of  those  days,  was  not  adverse 
to  "playing  up"  the  stories  and  the  result  was  a  rush  to  the  mountains. 
Such  a  rush  occurred  in  1859  when  the  great  Tike's  T'eak  excitement  was 
on.  There  was  a  continuous  stream  of  jienple,  some  of  whom  appeared  in 
grotesc^ue  equipment.  Men  were  on  the  trail  with  packs  on  their  bucks,  some 
pushing  carts,  and  others  using  every  conceivable  means  of  conveyance.  In 
these  parties  every  man  had  a  pick,  spade  and  pan  to  be  used  in  getting  his 


share  of  the  coveted  gold.  On  one  occasion  during  this  great  rush  to  Pike's 
Peak  when  the  wagons  had  reached  Julesburg,  ninety  miles  from  Denver,  some 
Irishmen  were  met  who  had  gone  out  the  previous  year,  but  were  now 
returning  empty-handed.  They  declared  that  there  was  no  gold  to  be  found, 
that  the  stories  circulated  to  the  contrary  were  all  humbug.  This  statement 
caused  a  stampede  Eastward  again.  Men  on  this  trip  declare  that  they 
do  not  believe  that  there  was  a  spot  of  ground  on  the  trail  for  fifty  miles 
that  did  not  show  where  a  wagon  had  turned  around  and  headed  Eastward. 

Tliis  trail  is  now  marked  as  the  Rock  Island  highway,  with  the  poles 
painted  with  a  ring  of  white  and,  where  wagons  with  four  to  six  inch 
tires,  heavy  laden,  were  drawn  by  fourteen  long-eared  oxen  at  a  gait  ap- 
proximating not  more  than  two  miles  per  hour.  It  is  now  a  national  high- 
way for  the  high-powered  auto  in  the  hands  of  the  tourists,  who  ma}' 
speed  along  at  forty  or  fifty  miles  per  houh  and  negotiate  the  distance  to 
Pikes  Peak  in  a  couple  or  three  days. 

A  few  of  the  pioneer  freighters  still  living  can  recall  the  gathering 
of  these  immense  trains  of  fifty  or  sixty  wagons,  ten  to  sixteen  horses  to 
the  wagon,  as  they  would  go  into  camp  on  the  prairie  for  the  night.  The 
big  circle  was  made,  fires  built,  horses,  oxen  or  mules  tied  to  the  wagon 
wheels  or  turned  loose  for  the  night  while  the  party  gathered  under  the 
starry  canopy  of  the  heavens,  to  indulge  in  story  or  song  and  the  few 
straggling  settlers  of  that  day,  drawn  by  the  spectacle,  would  hover  on 
the  outskirts,  thrilled  by  the  adventures  of  the  traveler  pilgrims  who  had 
braved  the  desert,  plain  and  Indian  in  quest  of  gold. 

In  1861  a  daily  overland  mail  and  stage  line  w-as  established  from  the 
river  points  west  to  the  Pacific  coast  and  with  the  exception  of  but  a  few 
weeks  in  1862-64-65,  on  accotint  of  the  Indian  uprisings,  the  service  was 
continuous  for  more  than  five  years. 


The  distance  by  the  overland  stage  line  from  Atchison  to  Placerville 
was  1,913  miles,  and  was  the  longest  and  most  important  stage  line  in 
America.  There  were  153  stations  between  the  above  points,  located  about 
twelve  and  one-half  miles  apart.  The  local  fare  was  $225,  or  about  twelve 
cents  per  mile,  and  as  high  as  $2,000  was  frequenth-  taken  in  at  the  Atchison 
office  for  fare  alone.  The  fare  between  the  river  points  and  Denver  was  $75, 
or  a  little  over  8  cents  per  mile,  and  to  Salt  Lake  City,  $150.  Local  fares 
ran  as  higii  as  fifteen  cents  per  mile.     Each  passenger  was  allowed  t\vent\- 


five  pounds  baggage,  and  all  in  excess  of  that  amount  was  charged  for  at 
the  rate  of  $i  per  pound.  During  the  war  the  fares  ran  as  high  as  $ioo 
and  $175,  or  nearly  27  cents  per  mile. 

It  required  2,750  horses  and  mules  to  run  the  stage  line  between 
Atchison  and  Placerville.  It  required,  in  addition  to  the  regular  supply  of 
horses  to  operate  the  stage  lines,  some  additional  animals  for  emergencies, 
and  it  was  calculated  that  the  total  cost  of  the  horses  on  this  stage  line 
was  about  $500,000.  The  harness  used  was  the  finest  that  could  be  made, 
and  cost  about  $150  for  a  complete  set  of  four,  or  about  $55,000  for 
the  whole  line.  The  feeding  of  the  stock  was  one  of  the  big  items  of 
expense,  and  there  were  annually  consumed  at  each  station  from  forty  to 
eighty  tons  of  hay,  at  a  cost  of  $15  to  $40  dollars  per  ton.  Each  animal 
was  apportioned  an  average  of  twelve  quarts  of  corn  per  day,  which  cost 
from  2  to  10  cents  per  pound.  On  the  Salt  Lake  and  California  divisions, 
oats  and  barley,  grown  in  Utah,  was  substituted  for  corn,  but  cost  about 
the  same. 

The  stage  coaches  used  by  those  lines  were  manufactured  at  Concord, 
New  Hampshire,  and  their  quality  made  them  famous  wherever  stages  were 
used.  They  were  built  to  accommodate  nine  passengers  inside,  and  one  or 
two  could  ride  on  the  box  with  the  driver.  Some  of  the  stages  were  built 
with  an  extra  seat  above  and  in  the  rear  of  the  driver,  so  that  three  addi- 
tional persons  could  ride  there,  making  fourteen,  with  the  driver,  and  some 
times  an  extra  man  would  be  crowded  on  the  box,  making  as  manv  as  fifteen 
persons  who  could  ride  on  the  Concord  coach  without  verv  much  incon- 

The  coaches  cost  about  $1,000  each. and  the  company  owned  about  100 
of  them;  besides  which  they  were  financially  interested  in  about  one-half 
of  the  stations,  in  addition  to  thousands  of  dollars  worth  of  miscellaneous 
property,  at  different  places  on  the  lines.  There  was  a  crew  of  superintendents, 
general  and  local  attorneys,  paymasters  and  division  agents,  all  of  whom 
drew  large  salaries. 

Those  were  the  greatest  stage  lines  the  Western  world  has  e\er  known, 
carrying  passengers,  mail  and  express.  They  were  also  regarded  as  the 
safest  and  most  rapid  lueans  of  transit  across  the  plains  and  mountain 
ranges.  The  investment  in  the  undertaking  was  huge  and  the  cost  of  main- 
tenance, like  that  of  the  railways  of  later  days,  gigantic,  and  the  receipts 
at  the  time  seemed  in  keeping  with  the  bigness  of  the  enterprise.  }et  the 
great   loss   soon   to   l>e   sustained   by  those   thus   engaged    with   the   coming 


of  the  railroad  left  many  of  them  almost  paupers,  as  their  loss  was  enorm- 
ous, the  property  being  rendered  practically  worthless. 

The  Oregon  trail  was  the  best  known  of  the  trails  in  Xeljraska  and  the 
first.  It  commenced  at  Indeijendence,  a  small  town  just  east  of  the  present 
site  of  Kansas  City,  Missouri,  and  cutting  across  the  northeast  cnrner  of 
Kansas,  struck  the  Nebraska  state  line  near  the  dividing  line  between  Gage 
and  Jefferson  counties.  The  beginning  of  this  trail  in  Nebraska  was  made 
in  1813  by  a  party  returning  from  the  mouth  of  the  Columbia  river.  This 
party  left  no  trail  that  might  be  followed,  but  their  coming  opened  up  the 
way  for  others  who  traversed  the  ground  later  from  both  directions. 

Father  DeSmet,  who  knew  the  trail  well  and  had  traversed  it,  had 
the  following  to  say  in  describing  a  trip  made  with  a  compan\-  uf  Indians 
in  185 1  :  "Our  Indian  companions,  who  had  never  seen  Init  the  narrow 
hunting  paths  by  which  they  transport  themselves  and  their  lodges,  were 
filled  with  admiration  on  seeing  this  noble  highway,  which  is  as  smooth 
as  a  barn  floor  swept  by  the  winds,  and  not  a  blade  of  grass  can  shoot  up  on 
it  on  account  of  the  continual  passing.  They  conceived  a  high  idea  of  the 
countless  white  nations.  They  fancied  that  all  had  gone  over  that  road 
and  that  an  immense  void  must  exist  in  the  land  of  the  rising  sun.  They 
styled  the  route  the  'Great  Medicine  Road  of  the  Whites."  "  Some  of  the 
wagon  trains  on  these  trails  were  flft\-  miles  long. 


During  the  early  .settlement  of  the  county,  and  in  fact,  until  more  re- 
cent years,  many  projects  and  schemes  were  formeil  for  tlie  building  of 
railroads  across  the  cmmt}-,  antl  several  were  built — on  paper — that  ha\c 
never  to  this  da>"  materialized.  .\niong  those  were  the  St.  Louis 
&  Nebraska  Trunk  railway.  This  road  was  to  run  northwest  from 
I'tulo,  passing  through  Rulo,  .\rago  and  St.  Stephens  precincts,  ;md  on  to 
Brownville  and  north  to  Omaha.  For  the  Iniilding  of  this  niilroad  the  iieople 
were  to  issue  to  the  railroad  company  $60,800  in  bonds.  The  election  to 
vote  on  the  proposition  to  issue  the  bonds  was  called  for  Jul\-  (y,  iSjj. 
at  which  time  the  proposition  was  defeated,  and  the  road  \\a-~  ne\er  l)uilt. 
In  the  fall  of  1875,  what  was  then  known  as  the  Midland  I'acitic  railway. 
by  some,  and  by  others,  the  balls  City,  l>rown\ille  X:  i-ort  Kcarncx  railway. 
was  projected.  This  road  was  to  run  from  I'alls  City  to  Xeniaha  Cit\ , 
and  from  there  to  Brownville  and  Xcbrask.i  City.  in  order  to  hel])  the 
project  along,   I-'alls  City  voted  ^  and    .\lufldy   ])recinct,   $i_'.ooo.  and 



grading  was  commenced.  During  the  grading  of  the  bed,  howexer,  dissatis- 
fied parties  got  into  courts  and  tlie  courts  decided  that  the  precincts  had 
no  right  to  issue  the  bonds.  Those  of  Falls  City  were  destroyed  in  open 
court  by  Judge  Weaver,  but  the  ones  issued  by  Muddy  precinct,  for  some 
rea.son,  were  declared  legal  and  had  to  be  paid.  The  grading,  however,  was 
all  that  was  ever  done  to  the  road,  part  of  which  remains  to  this  daw 

Prior  to  either  one  of  these  projects,  however,  there  were  a  few  men 
in  Falls  City,  who,  looking  down  through  the  years,  could  discern  the 
magnitude  and  development  of  the  agricultural  and  shipping  interests  of 
the  county,  well  believing  that  so  grand  a  producing  county  should  have  a 
more  rapid  system  of  transportation  for  its  productions  than  that  offered 
by  the  boats  on  the  ^lissouri  river,  conceived  the  idea  of  Ijuilding  a  road 
from  Atchison  to  Falls  City,  and  to  continue  from  here  up  die  vallevs 
along  the  Xemaha  with  its  objective  point  the  city  of  Lincoln.  A  company 
was  formed  for  this  purpose,  with  the  following  officers :  John  Force, 
president:  F.  A.  Tisdell,  treasurer;  J.  F.  Gardner,  secretary;  Ishani  Reavis, 
attorney:  with  the  following  board  of  directors:  John  Loree,  August 
Schoenheit,  Daniel  Reavis,  Fdward  S.  Towle,  F.  A.  Tisdell,  D.  T.  Brinegar 
and  W.  G.  Sargent.  The  road  was  to  be  called  the  Xemaha  Valley,  Lincoln 
&  Loup  F(irk  rail\\ay.  The  building  of  the  .\tchison  &  Nebraska  rail- 
road, however,  "filled  a  long  felt  want"  and  the  comix-\ny  was  dislianded. 
without  doing  other  business. 


Without  doubt  the  most  momentous  event  in  the  historv  of  Richardson 
county,  the  one  which  forever  secured  its  future,  which  sped  up  its  de- 
\eloi)nient  and  brought  a  high  tide  of  immigration,  extended  its  commercial 
activity,  increased  the  selling  value  of  every  foot  of  real  estate  within  its 
Ixjrders,  and  opened  up  new  homes  for  thousands  of  ])eople,  who  until  then 
had  been  awaiting  its  completion,  was  the  railroad. 

It  is  not  necessary  here  to  recite  of  the  years  of  patient  waiting  and 
hardships  incident  to  the  isolation  that  had  gone  before,  or  to  dilate  upon 
the  energy  expended  by  those  wiio  had  fought  and  worked  to  bring  about 
the  building  of  the  various  roads,  which  had  been  proposed,  Init  never  l)uilt. 
and  the  consequent  disappointment  of  many  connected  therewith.  It  is 
rather  for  us  to  tell  of  the  road  that  was  built — the  glorious  consuniniatitm 
of  years  of  desire  among  the  then  pioneers.  They  did  their  part  tlie  while: 
what  they  did  do  did  not  liring  the  mads  they  had  hoped  to  see,  nor  through 


the  territory  they  had  hoped  a  road  would  follow,  vet  the  sum  total  of  all 
the  agitation  did  succeed  in  interesting  capital  in  the  building  of  a  road 
and  that  was  what  the  people  really  wanted. 

The  first  road  to  enter  this  part  of  the  state  and  the  one  directly  in- 
teresting to  us,  was  what  was  then  known  as  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  rail- 
road, connecting  southeastern  Nebraska  with  Atchison,  Leavenworth,  and 
Kansas  City,  which  cities  at  the  time  were  already  connected  by  rail  with 
Mississippi  river  points  and  the  East.  The  road  is  now  known  as  a  part 
of  the  Burlington  &  Missouri,  or  Chicago,  Burlington  &  Ouincy  branch  of 
the  Northern  Pacific  system. 

The  Atchison  &  Nebraska  was  one  of  the  famous  "Joy"  roads  and 
was  owned  and  controlled  in  Boston,  Massachusetts;  all  of  the  directors, 
except  James  F.  Joy,  Detroit,  Michigan,  and  Col.  P.  T.  Abell.  of  Atchison, 
Kansas,  were  of  Boston.  This  important  line  of  railroad  was  projected 
by  Atchison  citizens  in  1868,  Col.  P.  T.  Abell  being  the  prime  mo\  er.  Atchi- 
son county  voted  $150,000  in  bonds,  Doniphan  county,  $200,000,  in  aid  of 
the  building  of  the  road.  These  bonds  were  expended  in  grading  the  line 
from  Atchison  to  Nebraska-Kansas  state  line,  thirty-eight  miles.  Brown 
&  Bier,  of  Atchison,  were  contractors  and  built  the  road  north  to  the  state 

Every  county  along  the  entire  line  voted  bonds  in  aid  of  this  great 
enterprise.  In  1870  the  road  and  its  franchise  were  transferred  to  Hon. 
James  F.  Joy.  who  immediately  organized  a  new  company.  Hon.  G.  W. 
Glick,  of  Atchison,  was  elected  president  of  the  first  organization,  which 
position  he  filled  with  ability  for  several  months,  after  it  had  passed  into 
the  hands  of  Mr.  Joy,  when  he  resigned,  and  Col.  P.  T.  Abell  was  duly 
installed  as  president  of  the  road.  Colonel  Abell  discharged  the  duties  of 
president  with  distinguished  ability.  He  was  a  thorough  railroad  man  and 
an  able  legislator,  and  did  as  much,  if  not  more,  for  the  organization,  and 
building  of  railroads  than  any  man  in  northern  Kansas.  His  best  years 
were  spent  in  laboring  for  the  railroad  interests  of  Kansas  and  Nebraska. 

Soon  after  the  franchise  was  transferred  to  Mr.  Joy,  Col.  O.  Chanute 
was  appointed  chief  engineer,  Maj.  F.  R.  Firth,  resident  engineer  and  acting 
superintendent,  but  Colonel  Chanute  was  soon  appointed  superintendent  of 
the  Leavenworth,  Lawrence  &  Galveston  railroad,  and  Major  Firth  received 
an  appointment  as  chief  engineer  of  the  .\tchison  &  Nebraska  railroad.  Al- 
though Major  Firth  was  not  yet  twenty-five  years  of  age,  he  manifested 
ability  of  one  twice  his  years.  E.  B.  Couch  was  appointed  cashier,  and 
Henry   Deitz,    supply  agent,  both   excellent   appointments.      Soon   after   the 



building  of  the  road  commenced,  E.  L.  Bostwick,  was  made  chief  carpenter, 
which  position  he  occupied  while  the  road  was  being  constructed. 

On  the  22nd  day  of  September,  1870,  the  first  rail  was  laid,  and  on  the 
loth  day  of  January,  1871.  the  road  was  completed  to  the  Nebraska  state 
line.  It  was  the  original  intention  of  the  projectors  of  this  company  to 
follow  the  west  branch  of  the  Missouri  river,  via  Brownville  and  Nebraska 
City,  to  Omaha,  but  the  inducements  of  the  location  were  not  sufficient,  and 
they  decided  on  the  location  of  what  was  chartered  as  the  Burlington  & 
Southwestern  railroad,  and  the  property  franchise  of  this  road  in  Nebraska, 
consisting  of  ten  miles  ironed  and  about  thirty-five  miles  graded,  were  trans- 
ferred to  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  Railroad  Company. 


Grading  was  commenced  in  1871  between  the  state  line  and  the  Rulo 
"Y,"  where  a  junction  with  the  Burlington  &  Southwestern  was  made.  On 
the  Fofirth  of  July  of  that  year  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  was  opened  to 
Falls  City,  or  at  least  to  a  point  just  east  of  the  city  (about  a  mile),  known 
as  Piersons  Point — a  point  of  land  jutting  out  on  the  bottom^  fifty  miles 
from  Atchison.  On  the  6th  of  December  following,  the  road  was  completed 
to  Table  Rock  in  Pawnee  county,  eighty-four  miles  from  Atchison. 

Cold  weather  now  set  in,  and  the  company  deemed  it  best  to  suspend 
operations  until  the  following  spring.  Work  was  resumed  about  the  ist 
of  April,  1872,  and  on  the  15th  of  that  month  the  line  was  open  to  Tecum- 
seh,  the  seat  of  justice  in  Johnson  county.  In  June,  Capt.  M.  AI.  Towne 
accepted  the  appointment  of  assistant  superintendent  and  W.  \^'.  Rhoads 
was  appointed  acting  general  freight  and  ticket  agent.  Early  in  August 
the  road  was  completed  to  Lincoln,  Nebraska.  On  the  27th  day  of  the 
same  month,  the  first  passenger  train  went  through  to  the  Nebraska  state 
capitol,  a  distance  of  one  hundred  and  si.\  and  one-half  miles  from  Atchison. 

The  completion  of  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  railroad  opened  up  a 
country  that  was  unsurpassed  from  a  farming  and  stock-raising  point  of 
view — a  combination  of  prairie,  forest,  river  and  valley.  It  penetrated  a 
country  hitherto  inconvenient  to  market,  thus  affording  farmers  and  stock 
raisers  an  excellent  opportunity  to  market  their  production.  It  opened 
up  a  business  and  social  intercourse  between  the  business  men  along  and 
contiguous  to  the  road  and  the  business  men  of  Atchison  and  the  East. 
Their  interests  were  closely  identified  and  they  worked  earnestly  togetlier 


for  the  promotion  of  every  branch  of  commerce  and  trade.  This  fertile 
country,  which  had  so  long  been  fated  to  blush  unseen  and  waste  its 
sweetness  on  the  desert  air,  was  now  brought  into  direct  communication 
with  the  rest  of  civilization.  This  wedding  was  formally  solemnized 
when  was  heard  the  whistle  of  the  first  iron  horse  which,  with  its  train, 
came  roaring  up  the  valley  of  the  Nemaha,  and  with  this  invasion  the 
old  West  was  crowded  back  farther  toward  the  mountains. 

The  first  great  and  deplorable  accident  and  the  one  which  caused  the 
death  of  the  bright  young  superintendent,  Major  Firth,  who  had  acted  as  the 
first  superintendent  and  had  personally  supervised  the  construction  of  the 
road  into  this  county,  occurred  at  a  point  between  Highland  and  Doniphan, 
Kansas,  on  June  8,  1872,  on  the  road  he  had  built.  He  was  riding  on  the 
pilot  of  one  of  his  engines  when  a  bridge  gave  way  and  he  was  crushed 
beneath  the  engine  and  died  within  two  weeks.  He  died  when  engaged  in 
the  faithful  discharge  of  his  duty  to  the  railroad  company.  Immediately 
after  his  death,  Maj.  F.  O.  ^^'yatt  was  appointed  chief  engineer,  which 
position  he  occupied,  performing  his  duties  intelligently  and  faithfully  until 
the  1st  day  of  December,  when  lie  resigned,  and  Col.  Charles  C.  Smith  was 
given  his  place.  Colonel  Smith  was  a  practical  railroad  man  in  every  sense 
of  the  word,  and  under  his  efficient  management  this  popular  through  route 
from  St.  Louis  and  the  South  and  East  to  the  Union  Pacific,  in  a  short 
time  became  a  trunk  line  and  a  great  channel  for  rapidly  increasing  traffic 
between  the  North  and  West  and  St.  Louis.  The  road  was  substantially 
built  for  those  days  of  the  best  material,  and  the  rolling  stock  was  all  new 
and  of  the  latest  improved  pattern  for  the  time.  Until  that  time  no  accident 
had  befallen  any  passenger  over  the  line. 

The  completion  of  the  road  to  this  place  came  about  just  in  time  to 
be  celebrated  jointly  with  the  national  holiday  on  the  Fourth  of  July,  1871. 
It  must  not,  therefore,  be  presumed  that  the  old-time  people  of  this  com- 
munity did  not  take  advantage  of  such  an  occasion  to  blow  ofif  some  surplus 
steam  and  give  vent  to  their  feelings  at  such  a  time.  It  came  about  in 
this  wise : 

Tuesday,  tlie  I'ourth  of  July,  was  perhaps  as  favorable  a  day  as 
this  season  has  offered — clear  and  bright,  but  not  "hot";  a  cool  wind  was 
blowing  all  day,  and  certainly  no  one  could  have  asked  for  a  better  day  for 
outdoor  exercises.  Notwithstanding,  owing  to  the  uncertainty  of  the  appear- 
ance of  the  locomotive  on  that  day,  without  which  the  majority  were  in 
favor  of  having  no  celebration,  Sheriff  Faulkner,  of  this  county,  as  mar- 
shal of  the  day,  organized  a  procession  and  marched  around  town  and  to  the 


grounds  which  had  been  arranged  for  the  accommodation  of  tlie  guests. 
As  ma}^  be  sup])osed,  the  procession  was  not  large,  but- nevertheless  interest- 
ing, as  it  was  headed  by  the  Falls  City  brass  band  in  their  red,  white  and 
blue-trimmed  wagon.  The  band  did  well,  and  was  the  subject  of  many 
compliments  during  the  day.  The  orations,  readings,  etc.,  by  different  gentle- 
men of  this  city,  were  all  good,  and  the  public  dinner  was  a  success,  except 
that  a  few  perhaps  failed  to  get  their  share  in  consequence  of  there  Ijeing 
a  larger  crowd  than  was  expected,  and  more  than  there  was  provision  made 
for.  .The  most  interesting  part  of  the  program  to  almost  all,  was  that  con- 
cerning the  excursion  party,  which  commenced  at  about  two  o'clock,  when, 
the  people  started  for  the'  terminus  of  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  railroad, 
where  the  excursionists  were  to  stop.  At  3 130  o'clock  p.  m.,  a  whistle 
was  sounded,  and  shortly  a  train  made  its  appearance.  There  were  two 
cars,  one  coach  and  one  flat  car,  drawn  by  engine  No.  i.  As  soon  as  the 
train  stopped  the  band  struck  up  a  lively  piece.  After  which  they  adjourned 
to  a  grove  close  by. 

Hon.  Edwin  S.  Towle  delivered  the  welcoming  address,  followed  1)y 
Col.  P.  T.  Abell,  the  president  of  the  road,  who  spoke  ably  on  the  future 
prospects  of  this  state  and  Kansas,  the  railroad,  etc.  Judge  Ishani  Reavis 
being  called  for,  made  his  appearance  and  delivered  a  short  and  appropriate 
address.  G.  W.  Glick,  later  governor  of  the  state  of  Kansas,  was  then 
uproariously  called  for;  he  spoke  at  some  length,  and  closed  by  inviting  S.  S. 
Price,  of  Rulo,  to  address  the  assembly,  which  he  did,  closing  the  cere- 

Among  the  excursionists  were  Messrs.  Abel,  Hartford,  Quick,  Gus 
Byram,  George  W.  Glick,  Nelson  Abbott,  editor  of  the  Atchison  Patriot: 
H.  E.  Nickerson.  Alderson,  C.  Rohr,  Doctor  Challis,  George  Challis,  W.  W. 
Guthrie,  David  Auld,  Adam  Bremer,  C.  H.  Phillips,  Frank  Brier,  P.  Brown, 
of  Atchison ;  Judge  Price,  of  Troy,  and  others. 


What  the  fore  part  of  the  day  lacked  in  the  way  of  agreeable  amuse- 
ments, certainly  the  evening  and  night  made  up  for.  At  dusk  the  display 
of  fireworks  was  commenced  and  was  kept  up  until  a  late  hour,  also  about 
the  same  time  the  Odd  Fellows  ball  opened  in  the  Journal  building,  which 
owing  to  the  large  attendance,  good  music,  the  excellent  floor  and  ample 
room,  was  certainly  a  success.  In  this  connection  we  may  state  one  remark- 
able   fact — the  lady   guests   were    in   excess   of   the    gentlemen,    which    was 


contrary  to  all  precedent  in  Falls  City.  Heretofore  we  had  expected  to  see 
at  least  fonr  gentlemen  to  one  lady.  The  (juestion  was  where  did  they 
come  from  ?  \\'h)-,  there  were  more  [jeople  here  now  than  we  had  had 
at  our  last  hall:  liesides  there  were  people  here  from  all  parts  of  the  county 
and  from  Kansas.  The  hall  party  took  supper,  at  the  cit\-  hotel.  In  this. 
Mr.  Collins,  of  that  popular  house,  had  an  opportunity  to  show  what  he 
could  do'  in  the  way  of  getting  up  meals  for  special  occasions,  and  he  took 
advantage  of  it.  The  supper  was  CNxellent,  and  reflected  much  credit  upon 
the  house,  its  proprietor  and  the  landlady,  under  whose  personal  supervision 
the  tahles  were  arranged.  Ahout  fort\-  couples  were  seated  at  one  time  at 
the  tables. 

The  railroad  was  now  here,  a  reality,  and  writing  to  Mr.  W.  S.  Stretch, 
the  editor  of  the  Xciiiaha  J 'alley  Journal,  of  Falls  City,  V.  R.  Firth,  super- 
intendent of  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  railroad,  said:  "I  have  issued  an 
order  to  have  a  long  whistle  blown  half  an  hour  before  trains  leave  Trails 
City,  so  as  to  gi\e  passengers  ample  time  to  get  to  the  trains." 

In  further  celebration  of  the  completion  of  the  road,  word  was  re- 
ceived here  on  Thursday  morning  that  it  was  the  intention  of  the  managers 
of  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  railroad  to  give  a  grand  free  excursion  to 
Atchison  on  Friday,  the  7th  inst.  Accordingly  on  F"riday  morning,  a  large 
number  of  our  citizens  went  to  the  end  of  the  track  near  town,  and  at  about 
7:30  o'clock  a.  m.,  found  themselves  gliding  smoothly  along  over  a  Rich- 
ardson count}-  railway  for  the  first  time.  Among  the  part\-  were  some  of 
our  most  prominent  business  men,  wjio  intended  to  see  for  themselves  the 
far-famed  cit}-  of  Atchison,  and  the  beautiful  country  which  the  new  road 
opened  up.  The  gentlemanly  conductor.  Mr.  J-  Wiseman,  did  all  in  his 
power  to  render  the  party  comfortable,  and  w  ith  his  efficient  corps  of  attaches. 
succeeded  admirably.  The  road  was  one  which  would  compare  favorably 
with  any  in  the  state  at  that  time,  being  solidly  bifilt.  well  ballasted,  and 
good  bridges,  etc. 

At  8:10  Rulo  was  announced,  where  a  large  party  joined  them,  swelling 
the  number  to  (}ver  five  hundred  persons,  .\fler  the  train  had  fairly  started  on 
its  gratuitous  mission,  the  excursionists  formed  themselves  into  small  parties 
all  through  the  train,  where  vocal  music,  jovial  conversation,  etc..  tended  t" 
enliven  the  spirits  of  the  already  hapjiy  crowd. 

.\fter  a  pleasant  four  hours  ride  through  the  beautiful  valleys  of  the 
Xeniaha  and  Missouri,  during  which  they  feasted  their  e\es  upon  some  of 
the   nio^t    ni;ignificenl    scener\    in    the    wurld.    thev    arri\ed    .al    the    busy   city 


of  Atchison.  Mayor  Smith,  in  a  hriei  speech,  welcomed  them  to  the  city, 
and  tendered  them  the  hospitahties  of  the  citizens.  He  closed  by  introducing 
Judge  Mills,  also  of.  Atchison,  who  spoke  at  some  length,  of  the  Nemaha 
Valley  and  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  railroad.  Falls  City,  etc. 

Judge  Reavis,  of  Falls  City,  being  called  for,  said  that  he  had  not  in- 
tended addressing  the  enlightened  citizens  of  Atchison,  and  therefore,  begged 
to  introduce  his  young  and  eloquent  friend,  Capt.  George  \'an  De\  enter. 
\'an  DeVenter  was  in  his  element.  With  his  wanton  aptitude  he  jx)rtrayed, 
in  glowing  terms,  the  rapid  advancement  of  the  great  West,  what  it  had 
been  and  what  it  is,  and  closing  with  a  pleasing  compliment  to  the  citizens 
of  the  Nemaha  Valley,  Atchison  and  L^alls  City.  With  three  rousing  cheers 
for  Atchison,  Falls  City  and  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  railroad,  the  partv 
dispersed  for  dinner. 

After  dinner  quite  a  number  of  excursionists  procured  carriages  and 
visited  various  points  of  interest  in  the  city.  The  excursionists  were  uni- 
versally treated  with  great  cordiality  by  the  citizens  of  Atchisnn,  who  were 
undoubtedly  a  go-ahead  and  progressive  people.  They  found  the  citv  to 
be  growing  rapidly.  Business  of  all  kinds  was  in  flourishing  condition, 
and  they  were  agreeably  surprised  at  the  metropolitan  aspect  of   the  citv. 

At  3  130  p.  m.  they  started  on  the  return  trip,  fully  convinced  that  Atchi- 
son's prospects  for  becoming  the  city  of  the  Missouri  river  was  very  flatter- 
ing, and  that  ere  long  it  would  command  the  immense  trade  of  the  entire 
Missouri  \'alley. 

The  ladies  were  prettw  the  gentlemen  good  natured  and  the  day  pleasant, 
and  all  tended  to  make  tlie  entire  part\-  enjoy  themselves  hugeh-,  wliich 
they  undoubtedly  did.  Doctor  Horn,  the  genial  local  of  the  Patriot,  said 
that  without  saying  anything  in  any  way  detrimental  to  Atchison,  he  was 
of  the  opinion  that  Falls  City  excelled  in  handsome  ladies.  Imt  being  a 
married  man  he  could  not  accept  of  many  fine  opportunities. 

Messrs.  Dolan  &  Ouigg,  the  enterprising  wholesale  grocers  and  li(|U(ii 
dealers  of  Atchison,  tendered  the  hospitalities  of  their  large  establishment 
to  the  party,  who  were  in  no  way  backward  in  accepting  thereof. 

The  train  consisted  of  seven  coaches  and  two  flat  cars,  drawn  lj\-  enginu 
No.   12,  George  Rapp.  engineer,  and  were  filled  to  overflowing. 

A  meeting  was  organized  on  July  7,  1871,  l)y  the  b'alls  City  delegation 
on  board  the  above  train  on  its  return  trip  to  that  place  and  the  f(illi)\ving 
proceedings  were  had : 


On  motion  of  ]\Iaj.  John  Loree  (father  of  Charles  Loree),  Judge 
Thomas  Spragins  was  called  to  the  chair,  and  Howard  Leland  was  ap- 
pointed secretary.     The  judge  on  assuming  the  chair  said : 

Ladies  and  gentlemen  of  Falls  City:  We  have  enjoyed  one  of  those 
da)'s  that  come  to  a  people  1)ut  once  in  a  lifetime.  A  hundred  iron  roads 
ma\-  he  Iniilt  to  and  through  our  growing  little  city,  but  the  same  joyous 
emotions  that  have  swelled  our  hearts  this  day  will  not  come  with  them. 
It  is  like  the  first  baby  in  a  family — the  little  stranger  is  such  a  stranger. 
But  do  not  let  me  further  occupy  the  time  of  the  meeting.  I  understand 
the  object  is  to  express,  in  some  appropriate  manner,  our  appreciation  of 
the  kindness  of  the  ofificers  of  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  Railroad  Company, 
and  t(i  thank  them  for  the  many  courtesies  they  have  extended  to  our  people 
on  this  occasion.     What  is  the  further  pleasure  of  the  meeting? 

On  motion  of  Charles  H.  Rickards  (the  present  county  assessor  of 
this  county),  a  committee  of  three  was  appointed  by  the  chair  to  draft  reso- 
lutions expressing  of  the  sentiment  of  the  meeting.  The  chair  appointed 
Maj.  John  Loree,  the  Hon.  W.  M.  Maddox  and  Martin  Ryan  as  said  com- 

^^''hile  the  committee  was  absent  in  the  discharge  of  its  dut\-.  the  meet- 
ing was  regaled  by  our  young  and  promising  townsman,  George  \'an  De 
\'enter.  in  one  of  his  most  happy  and  telling  speeches.  The  speech  cannot 
be  given  here,  it  would  have  required  a  corps  of  phonographic  reporters  lu 
catch  his  glowing  words  as  they  dropped  in  rapid  succession  from  his  elo- 
quent lips.  Init  those  who  heard  him  on  that  day  were  slow  to  forget  the 

The  committee  on  resolutions  through  their  chairman.  Maj.  John  Loree. 
made  the  following  report,  which  was  adopted  unanimously  amid  the  most 
intense  enthusiasm : 

NVhereas,  Through  the  kindness  of  Col.  P.  T.  .\bell,  the  able  president, 
and  Major  Firth,  the  gentlemanly  and  efificient  superintendent  of  the  .Atchi- 
son &  Nebraska  railroad,  we  Iiave  this  day  en. joyed  one  of  the  most  delightful 
pleasure  excursions  of  our  lives,  and 

Whereas.  It  is  our  desire  to  express  more  publicly  our  appreciation 
of  this  mark  of  their  friendly  regard  as  well  as  to  bear  testimony  to  the 
abilitv  and  energy  of  these  gentlemen  and  their  associates,  who  in  the 
prosecution  and  management  of  the  affairs  of  what  in  our  judgment,  is  the 
most  significant  enterprise  in  the  Northwest,  have  furnished  their  fellow 
citizens  indubitable  evidence  that  difficulties,  however  difficult,  may  still  lie 
mastered,  therefore,  be  it 


Resolved,  That  the  thanks  of  the  whole  people  of  the  Valley  of  the 
Nemaha  are  due,  and  in  their  name  we  hereby  tender  same  to  the  officers 
and  employees  of  the  railroad  for  the  courtesies  extended  to  us  today,  no 
less  than  for  the  immeasurable  benefits  conferred  upon  us  in  the  construc- 
tion of  the  iron  road  in  our  beautiful  valley. 

That  we  hereby  pledge  our  hearty  support  to  the  company  in  the  further 
construction  of  the  road,  and  we  heartily  recommend  that  every  citizen  in 
the  valley,  from  Rulo  to  Lincoln,  do  all  that  men  may  do  to  further  the 
great  enterprise,  until  the  accomplished  fact  shall  be  a  continuous  line  of 
railwav  in  our  midst  which  shall  reach  from  sea  to  sea. 

That  we  never  felt  better  in  our  lives,  and  especially  are  we  glad  that 
we  visited  Atchison. 

That  the  secretary  be  directed  to  furnish  a  copy  of  these  proceedings 
to  the  local  press  for  publication  and  that  this  meeting  adjourn  with  three 
cheers  for  the  people  of  Atchison  and  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  railway. 

Thomas  Spragins.  president. 

Howard  Leland,  secretary. 


On  Saturday,  July  9,  1871,  the  myriads  of  good  people  of  Atchison, 
through  the  kindness  of  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  Railroad  Company  visited 
our  citv  on  half-fare  tickets.  They  arrived  at  alx)Ut  half-past  twelve,  and 
were  transferred  to  the  hotels  in  buggies,  carriages,  lumber  wagons,  and 
every  other  description  of  conveyances  that  could  be  engaged  for  the  oc- 
casion. Thev  remained  in  town  about  two  hours,  or  about  long  enough  to 
supply  the  inner  man  with  something  substantial,  and  then  took  their  depar- 
ture for  home.  Owing  to  the  general  "hub-bub"  and  hurry  to  get  back 
to  their  train  for  fear  of  being  late,  it  was  impossible  for  the  people  here 
to  get  a  list  of  or  make  the  acquaintance  of  many  of  them. 

But  it  was  observed  that  there  were  about  five  hundred  visitors  in  the 
crowd,  and  an  intelligent  one,  besprinkled  with  a  goodly  share  of  the  fair 
sex,  whose  beautiful  faces,  agreeable  manners  and  elegant  attire  were  the 
subject  of  much  admiration  among  the  Nemaha  Valleyites.  Our  hotel  men 
were  unable  to  get  but  few  of  the  names  registered,  though  their  guests 
might  be  numbered  by  hundreds.  The  following  registered  at  the  City  and 
Union  Hotels:  City  Hotel— F.  E.  Sheldon,  C.  E.  Peck,  A.  H.  Martin,  J. 
D.  Higgins,  A.  H.  Allen,  W.  S.  Thacker,  S.  Collins,  L.  E.  Gordon,  J.  Wilson 
and  ladies,  C.  E.  Gavlord,  H.  Denton,  L.  Gilbert,  Sarah  Riddle.  D.  Dickerson, 


Nancy  Riddle,  D.  C.  Hull,  \\\  A.  Foley,  A.  A.  Parson,  ^I.  Gerber,  F  ^1. 
Parsons,  J.  F.  Pigin,  E.  Parson,  J.  P.  Smith,  D.  S.  IMcKinney,  \\'.  F.  Onnis, 
C.  M.  Abbott,  M.  Utt,  J.  Wiseman  and  lady,  H.  M.  McDaus,  J.  ^f.  Idol 
and  lady,  J.  Hehn,  J.  Reisner,  W.  McKee,  E.  Shaw,  T.  J.  Ward  and  family, 
H.  Barnes,  G.  \"an  Camp  and  lady,  B.  Miller,  \Y.  B.  Bull,  Judge  Mills, 
H.  B.  Horn,  Miss  Ella  ^IcFarland.  Union  Hotel— \\'.  H.  Mann,  S.  \V. 
Bivins,  B.  Teemey,  H.  H.  Wood.  W.  Straw,  M.  A.  Albright.  J.  M.  Cro- 
well,  J.  Hoke  and  lady,  F.  K.  Armstrong,  Miss  Louie  Flick,  W.  S.  Good- 
rich, Shaw  Beery  and  ladv,  P.  C.  Hugh,  ^^lollie  Moore,  P.  T.  Abell,  Miss 
Ahell,  L.  T.  Woolfork,  Miss  Zull,  C.  H.  Caller,  B.  W.  Forbes,  F.  ^L 
Pierce,  G.  L.  Moore,  J-  ^^^  Mussey,  B.  S.  Campbell  and  family,  A.  T. 
Onis.  D.  C.  Jagglers  and  wife.  J-  E-  Ingles,  W.  F.  Goodrich,  C.  H.  Chass- 
ney,  Z.  Smith,  S.  Gourner,  A.  J.  Brown,  G.  H.  Rapp,  J.  C.  Dudley,  W.  R. 
Smith,  P.  Z.  Owens,  H.  :\IcCormick,  H.  Smith,  F.  M.  A'anner,  F.  H.  Smith, 
N.  Thomas,  J.  W.  Lincoln,  J.  Millard,  P.  T.  Abell,  Jr. 


The  first  time  schedule  of  this  road  was  put  into  effect  during  the 
week  of  July  13,  1871,  between  this  city  and  Atchison.  It  embraced  four 
trains  a  day — two  arrivals  and  two  departures.  The  accommodation  train 
left  Falls  City  at  7:15  o'clock  in  the  morning  and  the  mail  and  express  at 
2 :45  o'clock  in  the  afternoon  and  the  accommodation  arrived  from  the 
South  or  East  at  i  135  o'clock  in  the  afternoon,  and  the  mail  and  express 
at  7  130  o'clock,  night.  Parties  desiring  to  visit  .Atchison  could  leave  Falls 
City  at  7:15  o'clock  a.  m.,  and  return  home  at  7:30  p.  m.,  giving  them  three 
hours  and  ten  minutes  to  spend  in  Atchison  at  an  expense  of  $4. 


Charles  Loree,  the  present  (  191 7)  clerk  of  the  district  court,  who  had 
been  employed  b\-  the  .\tchison  &  Nebraska  Railroad  Company  as  car  ac- 
countant in  the  }ards  at  .Atchison,  although  a  resident  of  Falls  Cit\-,  was 
appointed  as  the  first  station  agent  at  Falls  City  and  rode  the  first  train  in 
to  arrive  at  this  point.  He  had  his  new  office  for  nearly  a  month,  or  until 
August  1st,  in  conjunction  with  that  of  Dr.  H.  O.  Hanna,  who  occupied 
rooms  in  a  building  located  on  the  present  site  of  the  Samuel  W'ahl  & 
Company's  store  at  the  corner  of  Fifteenth  and  Stone  streets  in  block 
Xo.    loj.      In    .\ugust.    1871.   he   bmisht    ior   himself   a   desk   and   took   uii 



quarters  with  Joseph  Burbank  in  the  latter's  grain  office,  near  the  present 
site  of  the  BurHngton  &  Missouri  depot  and  there  remained  until  a  depot 
which,  at  the  time  was  under  construction,  was  completed.  His  office  was 
the  western  headquarters  of  the  construction  crew  of  engineers  until  the 
latter  moved  on  further  west  as  the  building  of  the  road  progressed.  No 
tickets  were  received  or  sold  until  September  and  the  patrons  of  the  road 
were  obliged  to  make  settlement  with  the  conductors  of  the  trains.  He 
served  for  alx)ut  a  year,  or  until  the  coming  of  the  telegraph,  when  he 
gave  the  place  to  another,  as  he  had  had  no  training  in  the  use  of  the  Morse 
code  and  the  road  at  that  time  had  insufficient  business  to  require  the  presence 
or  expense  of  more  than  one  man  at  this  point. 

The  first  noticeable  effect  of  the  railroad  was  to  cut  rates  on  the  shipping 
of  produce.  In  the  years  immediately  preceding,  much  of  the  produce  of 
the  farms  in  this  section  had  either  to  be  hauled  to  Rulo,  .\rago  or  other 
river  points  for  the  steamboats,  or  was  taken  to  Hamlin  or  Hiawatha  in 
Kansas,  for  transportation.  Besides  the  distance  that  had  to  be  covered 
the  prices  were  high.  The  rate  from  Falls  City  to  Troy  Junction,  thirtx- 
eight  miles,  was  first  fixed  at  $18  or  9  cents  per  hundred  and  to  Atchison, 
a  distance  of  fifty-five  miles,  $28  or  14  cents  per  hundred.  At  this  time 
but  one  freight  boat  was  still  doing  business — the  "Elkhorn."  The  river 
boats  had  suffered  from  the  first  (in  1866),  with  the  advent  of  tlie  railroad's 
coming  to  Kansas  and  Missouri,  and  points  further  south  and  the  further 
extension  north  acted  at  once  to  put  them  out  of  business  that  would  be 
profitable  to  them. 


At  the  second  crossing  of  the  Xemaha  river  coming  up  from  Atchison, 
and  in  this  county  midway  between  Rulo  and  Falls  City,  in  point  of  north- 
west quarter  of  southwest  quarter  of  section  22,  township  No.  i,  north  of 
range  1,7,  about  a  nu'le  east  of  the  present  village  of  Preston  and  east  of 
the  Nemaha  river,  was  a  tract  of  about  ten  acres  of  land  owned  bv  the 
railroad  company.  In,  1871,  Major  Firth  had  these  grounds  laid 
off  into  one  of  the  finest  picnic  grounds  that  could  at  that  time  be  found 
in  two  states.  These  acres  were  heavily  covered  with  natural  timber  and 
the  compan\-  had  them  cleared  of  brush,  weeds  and  rubbish  and  sowed  to 
blue  grass.  .\  fence  was  built  and  a  broad  platform  made  at  the  railroad, 
an  ice  house  set  in  the  bank  of  the  river,  and  board  tents  put  up  in  various 
places.  This  soon  became  one  of  the  most  attractive  places  in  the  valley 
and  peo])Ie  came  by  tlie  hundreds   from   Atchison.   Doniphan,   Hiawatha  and 


all  over  this  county.  Many  big  events  took  place  there  and  it  continued 
popular  until  its  beauty  was  destroyed  by  the  floods  and  storms  in  later 

The  Atchison  &  Nebraska  railroad  was  completed  to  Salem  by  the 
24th  of  August,  1871,  and  the  regular  trains  all  ran  west  to  that  place 
and  connected  with  the  stages  for  Humboldt,  Table  Rock,  Pawnee  City, 
Beatrice  and  Tecumseh  and  all  points  north  and  west. 


The  first  railroad  depot  consisted  of  five  rooms,  a  freight  room  on  the 
west,  twenty-nine  by  thjrty-six  feet,  a  neat  little  ticket  office  on  the  south- 
east corner,  ladies  waiting  room  on  the  northeast,  and  gents  waiting  room 
on  the  south  center — the  entire  building  being  thirty  by  sixty  feet,  with  a 
twelve-foot  platform  all  around  it,  and  twelve  by  one  hundred  feet  on  the 
front  or  south  side.  Two  or  three  hundred  yards  east  of  the  depot  was 
a  turntable,  and  about  a  mile  farther  east  was  a  water  tank,  which  was 
supplied  with  a  wind  wheel  for  pumping  water.  Burbank  &  Holt  had  a 
grain  warehouse  just  west  of  the  depot,  at  which  place  they  bought  grain. 
Keim  &  Maust  at  once  built  an  elevator  a  few  rods  east  of  the  depot.  Coal 
was  delivered  from  Ft.  Scott  to  patrons  in  Fall  City  at  from  thirty  to  thirty- 
five  cents  per  bushel,  while  wood  was  selling  here  at  three  dollars  and  a  half 
per  cord. 

The  Atchison  &  Nebraska  railroad  reached  Humboldt  the  first  week  in 
October,  1871,  and  on  Friday,  October  6,  1871.  the  citizens  of  Humboldt 
were  given  an  excursion  to  Atchison,  Kansas. 

ATCHISON     &     NEBRASKA    CITY     R.\ILRO.\D. 

On  May  5,  1867,  the  charter  of  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  City  Railroad 
Company  was  filed  in  the  office  of  the  secretary  of  the  state  of  Kansas. 
The  original  incorporators  of  this  road  were  Peter  T.  Able,  George  W. 
Click,  Alfred  G.  Ottis,  John  M.  Price,  W.  W.  Cochrane,  Albert  H.  Horton, 
Samuel  A.  Kingman,  J.  T.  Hereford  and  August  Byram,  all  ni  whom  were 
citizens  of  Atchison,  Kansas.  The  charter  provided  for  the  cmistructiun  of 
a  railroad  "from  some  point  in  the  City  of  Atchison  to  some  point  on  the 
north  line  of  the  state  of  Kansas,  not  farther  west  than  twenty-five  miles 
from  the  Missouri  river,  and  the  lengtli  of  the  proposed  railroad  will  not 
exceed  forty-five  miles." 


Shortly  after  the  road  was  incorporated  the  name  was  changed  to  the 
Atchison  &  Nebraska  Railroad  Company,  and  under  this  name  subscrip- 
tions and  bonds,  and  capital  stock  were  made  in  Atchison  and  Doniphan 
counties.  Atchison  county  subscribed  $150,000,  and  in  addition  to  the  sub- 
scription of  the  county,  there  were  individual  subscriptions  amounting  to 
$80,000  in  the  county.  Work  was  commenced  on  the  road  in  1869,  and 
it  was  completed  in  1871  to  the  northern  boundary  of  Doniphan  county, 
three  miles  north  of  White  Cloud,  Kansas.  The  stockholders  of  the  Atchi- 
son &  Nebraska  graded  the  roadbed  to  the  state  line  north  from  Atchison, 
constructed  bridges  and  furnished  the  ties,  after  which  the  entire  property 
was  given  to  a  Boston  syndicate  in  consideration  of  the  completion  and 
operation  of  the  railroad.  This  railroad  was  afterwards  consolidated  wuth 
the  Atchison,  Lincoln  &  Columbus  Railroad  Company  of  Nebraska,  which 
railroad  had  been  authorized  to  construct  a  railroad  from  the  northern  termi- 
nal point  of  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  railroad  to  Columbus,  on  the  Union 
Pacific  railroad,  by  way  of  Lincoln,  and  the  railroad  was  completed  to 
Lincoln  in  the  fall  of  1872.  This  consolidated  road  was  purchased  by  the 
Burlington  &  Missouri  Railroad  Company  in  1880. 

The  first  railroad  built  between  the  Mississippi  and  the  Missouri  rivers 
was  the  Hannibal  &  St.  Joseph,  which  was  completed  to  St.  Joseph,  Mis- 
souri, February  23,  1859,  and  the  new  railroad  from  Atchison  connected 
with  the  Hannibal  &  St.  Joseph  at  the  latter  point. 


Thursday,  June  15,  1882,  was  a  day  long  remembered  by  those  who 
went  to  Atchison,  Kansas,  on  an  excursion  and  partook  of  the  hospitality 
of  that  generous  city,  the  occasion  being  the  completion  of  the  Missouri 
Pacific  line  through  to  Omaha. 

The  morning  of  that  memorable  day  dawned  with  threatening  rain, 
but  despite  this,  those  who  held  tickets  were  up  early  and  preparing  for 
the  trip.  At  eight  o'clock  it  began  and  it  looked  very  much  as  if  the  festivi- 
ties of  the  day  would  be  marred,  but  fortune  favored  us  and  by  noon  the 
clouds  had  disappeared  and  the  sun  came  forth  with  such  a  blaze  and  splendor, 
that  those  who  had  taken  the  precaution  to  clothe  themselves  in  heavy 
apparel  regretted  the  deed. 

.'Xt  9:10  o'clock  a.  m..  the  train  having  on  board  the  excursionists 
from  the  towns  farther  to  the  north,  drew  up  at  the  depot  in  Falls  City 
and  our  delegation  was  soon  seated  in  the  car  set  apart  for  tiieir  accom- 

3l6  RICllAUnSdN       "OUXTV,    NEBRASKA. 

moclation.  In  a  few  minutes  "all  aboard"  was  shouted  li_\-  the  conductor 
and  away  we  whirled.  At  Hiawatha  the  train  was  stopped  long  entnigh  to 
take  on  board  their  quota  of  excursionists  and  the  band  and  once  more 
the  journey  was  resumed.  From  Hiawatha  to  Atchison  the  train  passed 
over  as  fine  a  country  as  the  sun  ever  shone  upon.  Those  who  gazed  out 
upon  the  country  for  the  first  time  were  so  charmed  with  its  appearance 
that  they  were  mute  with  astonishment.  This  road  was  unlike  most  of  the 
roads  built  early  in  the  West,  in  that  it  does  not  run  along  the  creeks  and 
valleys,  but  passes  through  one  of  the  loveliest  and  most  fertile  sections 
of  the  West,  along  high  divides,  where  the  view  nn  either  side  is  almost 

While  the  excursionists  were  in  the  zenith  of  their  pleasure  and  pre- 
paring to  make  their  debut  in  the  cit}-.  an  accident  occurred,  which,  but 
for  the  coolness  of  the  engineer,  the  excursion  might  have  been  turned  into 
a  funeral.  While  rounding  a  curve,  the  train  running  about  twenty  miles 
an  hour,  a  cow  was  discovered  standing  upon  the  track.  The  engineer 
knew  that  to  stop  would  only  enhance  the  danger  of  a  wreck  and  his  only 
hope  was  to  knock  the  cow  clear  of  the  track.  He  acted  on  this  hypothesis 
and  throwing  the  valve  wide  open,  the  train  sprang  forward  to  the  accomp- 
lishment of  his  designs.  The  cow  was  thrown  from  the  track  but  the  l)ank 
being  so  steep  at  that  point  she  rolled  back  just  in  time  to  throw  the  front 
trucks  of  the  tender  off  the  rails.  The  track  was  instantly  sanded  by  the 
cool  and  nervy  engineer,  brakes  put  on  and  engine  reversed  and  the  train 
stopped  at  the  very  edge  of  the  trestle  work  of  a  bridge  thirty  feet  alxive 
the  bed  of  a  stream.  To  the  coolness  of  the  engineer  the  lives  of  the 
excursionists  were  due,  and  many,  if  not  all,  of  the  party  t(^i)k  time  to  give 
verbal  expression  of  their  sincere  appreciation. 

While  the  work  of  putting  the  tender  on  the  track  w;.s  going  on  the 
passengers  took  occasion  to  get  ofif  and  stretch  themselves.  The  band  akso 
came  on  terra  firma  and  discoursed  some  fine  music,  .\fter  an  hour's 
dela\-  the  welcome  sound  of  "all  aboard"  was  heard  and  the  party  was 
en  route  once  more  for  their  destination,  where  they  arrived  without  further 


.\t  the  dejjot  awaiting  their  arrival  was  a  large  crowd,  who  had  began 
to  grow  impatient  at  the  ncin-arrival  of  the  train,  when  it  came  into  view. 
.\s  the  train  drew  up  at  the  station  there  was  such  a  shout  as  must  have 
awakened  the  iMilated   "rush  lidttumer"   from  his  noon-dav  nap.      .Xccnrding 



to  instructions  of  the  committee,  who  had  accompanied  the  train  from  I'alls 
City  to  Atchison,  the  party  was  formed  in  hne,  each  town  in  a  hody,  and 
headed  by  Col.  John  A.  ]\Iartin  and  Henry  Clay  Park,  with  bands  playing, 
the  procession  moved  to  Apollo  Hall,  where  a  banquet  awaited  them. 

The  whole  city  of  Atchison  was  gaily  decorated  with  bunting,  ever- 
green and  other  attractive  material  and  presented  a  very  beautiful  appear- 
ance, which  was  conclusive  evidence  that  the  hosts  had  spared  neither  pains 
nor  mone)-  to  make  the  occasion  one  long  to  be  remembered. 

Apollo  Hall,  at  which  place  the  ladies  presided,  was  transformed  into 
a  beautiful  banquet  room  by  the  tasteful  arrangement  of  decorative  mate- 
rial; festoons  of  red  and  white  bunting  were  gracefully  hung  along  the 
walls,  the  chandeliers  were  wrapped  in  evergreens,  and  long  loops  of  leaves 
and  flowers  crossed  each  other  in  every  direction  and  added  greatly  tf)  the 
artistic  merit  of  the  arrangement.  In  the  center  of  the  floor  a  magnificent 
pyramid  of  fruits  and  flowers  was  arranged,  and  from  this  center  jjiece 
the  tables  were  arranged  to  form  a  Maltese,  cross — and  each  table  bore 
cjuantities  'of  tempting  viands  of  the  most  appetizing-  description.  Beautiful 
bouquets  enhanced  the  beauty  of  the  spread,  and  at  each  plate  a  charming 
button-hole  bouquet  was  placed.  In  the  windows  were  potted  flowers  in 
bloom  and  all  sorts  of  foliage  plants.  The  ro(jm  was  ful|  of  fragrance  and 
beauty,  and  made  a  banquet  hall  fit  for  a  king. 

Covers  had  been  laid  for  three  hundred  guests,  and  as  the  partv  filed 
in  they  were  seated  at  the  tables  by  the  ladies  in  attendance,  and  were 
surprised  and  delighted  wdth  the  magnificent  dinner  provided.  There  were 
a  number  who  were  not  seated  at  the  first  tables,  because  of  lack  of  space, 
and  these  and  the  Hiawatha  band  occupied  the  gallery,  at  intervals  the 
band  playing  beautiful  selections  to  enliven  the  feast.  The  ser\ice  could 
not  have  been  Isetter.  A  number  of  ladies  were  stationed  at  each  table 
who  quietly,  gracefully  and  hospitably  served  everything  the  guests  desired. 
Room  was  soon  made  for  the  waiting  guests  and  the  band  in  the  gallery, 
and  when  all  had  been  seated  and  pro\ided  for,  Henry  Clay  Park,  who 
acted  as  toastmaster.  or  master  of  ceremonies,  introduced  i\Iayor  King,  who 
said  that  in  his  pfiicial  capacity  it  became  his  pleasant  duty  to  thank  the 
guests  for  their  acceptance  of  their  invitations  and  to  extend  to  them  a 
hearty  welcome.  In  behalf  of  the  citizens  of  .\tchison,  he  extended  a  warm 
and  hospitable  welcome  and  greeting. 

On  behalf  of  the  visiting  ])arty,  .\.  H.  Gilmore,  of  Auburn,  Nebraska, 
returned   the   thanks   of   the   \isitors   to   the   mayor   and   people   of    Atcliison 


for  their  magnificent  reception,  and  stated  that  the  meeting  would  undoubtedh- 
redound  to  the  material  advantage  of  both  sections  now  connected  with 
the  new  railroad. 


After  the  banquet  came  toasts  and  responses  by  Col.  A.  S.  Everst, 
of  Atchison,  Judge  August  Schoenheit,  of  Falls  City,  Rev.  Dr.  Krohn. 
of  Atchison,  and  Webster  Wilder  of  the  Hiawatlia  World,  in  the  order  named. 
The  responses  were  short  and  appropriate  and  greatly  enjoyed  by  those 

At  this  point  a  dispatch  was  read  from  the  Board  of  Trade  at  St. 
Joseph,  Missouri,  inviting  the  excursionists  to  that  place.  It  was  moved  that 
the  thanks  of  the  excursionists  be  extended  to  the  people  of  St.  Joseph 
for  their  kind  invitation,  but  as  they  were  in  good  hands  it  behooved  them 
to  remain,  but  at  some  future  time  a  proposition  of  this  kind  would  be 
entertained.     The  motion  was  carried  unanimously. 

Recognizing  the  fact  that  it  was  a  day  to  entertain  and  not  a  da)- 
to  transact  business,  the  business  men  of  Atchison  threw  all  care  aside 
and  devoted  themselves  exclusively  to  making  their  guests  comfortable  and 
happy.  The  exercises  in  the  evening  consisted  of  a  display  of  the  fire  de- 
partment, Knights  of  Pythias  drill,  flambeau  parade  and  fireworks,  concert 
at  Turner  Garden  Hall  and  a  ball  at  Apollo  Hall,  all  of  which  was  wit- 
nessed and  highly  enjoyed  by  the  visitors.  The  only  part  of  the  program 
that  was  omitted  was  the  failure  of  the  balloon  to  ascend,  which  was  due 
to  an  accident  overtaking  it  just  at  the  time  it  was  expected  to  have  gone 
up.  But  there  were  so  many  other  attractions  that  the  failure  of  this  event 
to  happen  caused  but  little  comment.  At  1 1  .^o  p.  m.  the  guests  took  leave 
of  Atchison  and  returned  by  a  train  which  was  made  up  and  awaiting 
them  at  the  depot. 


A  proposition  to  vote  bonds  for  the  building  of  this  road  was  suli- 
mitted  to  the  voters  of  Richardson  county  in  the  summer  of  1872.  This 
called  for  the  issuance  of  $22,300  by  Rulo  precinct;  Arago,  $25,500,  and 
$13,000  from  St.  Stephens  precinct.  The  bonds  were  to  be  issued  by 
September  i,  1872,  to  run  twenty  years  and  bear  eight  per  cent,  interest. 
\Vhen  issued  they  were  to  be  placed  in  the  hands  of  three  trustees  and  by 
them  held  until    the  completion   of   the  contract   b\-   the   railroad   company. 


A  provision  was  stipulated  therein,  however,  that  upon  the  completion  of 
five  miles  of  grading  and  bridging,  Rulo  precinct  should  give  $2,500  per 
mile  for  that  portion  of  the  line  running  through  said  precinct,  and  $500 
and  $1,000,  respectivel)^  for  the  portion  of  the  line  in  the  north  precincts 
of  Arago  and  St.  Stephens.  Arago  was  to  give  $2,000  and  St.  Stephens 
$1,500  per  mile,  at  the  same  time,  and  under  the  conditions  as  above  cited 
for  Rulo  precinct.  The  road  was  to  be  completed  by  September  i,  1873, 
and  the  election  at  which  the  above  was  submitted  was  held  on  July  6,  1872. 
The  bonds  did  not  carry. 


A  railroad  under  the  above  title  was  projected  to  run  from  the  city 
of  Leavenworth,  Kansas,  along  the  Missouri,  north  to  Rulo  and  thence  to 
Arago  and  St.  Stephens.  It  had  been  arranged  to  have  a  branch  line  go 
west  up  the  valley  of  the  Muddy  and  on  north  to  Lincoln.  This  line  never 
got  farther  than  the  most  of  the  paper  railroads  of  those  days,  but  was  a 
subject  for  much  comment  and  of  great  concern  to  the  people  of  the  east 
end  precincts. 

In  the  fall  of  1875,  the  Midland  Pacific  railroad,  the  line  now  owned 
and  a  part  of  the  Burlington  System,  from  Nebraska  City  to  Lincoln,  graded 
a  roadbed  from  Nemaha  City  to  Falls  City,  a  distance  of  twenty-two  miles. 
For  this  extension,  i.  e.,  from  Nemaha  City  to  Fails  City,  Falls  City  voted 
$70,000  in  ]x)nds,  on  which  seventy  per  cent,  was  to  be  paid  on  the  com- 
pletion of  the  grading.  Pending  the  completion  of  the  work,  it  was  decided 
by  the  courts  that  the  precinct  could  not  legally  issue  bonds,  and  if  they 
should  issue  them,  could  not  be  held  liable  for  the  payment  of  either  principal 
or  interest.  This  resulted  in  the  non-completion  of  the  road.  The  only 
bonds  issued  were  the  first  installment  of  those  due  from  Muddy  precinct, 
amounting  to  $12,000. 

A  meeting  of  the  stockholders  of  the  Nenialia  \"alley,  Lincoln  &  Loup 
Fork  Railway  was  held  on  February  27,  1869,  and  John  Loree,  August 
Schoenheit,  Daniel  Reavis,  Edwin  S.  Towle,  F.  A.  Tisdell,  David  T.  Brine- 
gar  and  \V.  G.  Sergent  were  chosen  directors  for  the  ensuing  year.  The 
officers  of  the  road  were  John  Loree,  president;  F.  A.  Tisdell,  treasurer; 
J.  F.  Gardner,  secretan^;  Isham  Reavis,  attorney.  About  March  ist  of 
the  same  year,  John  Loree  and  August  Schoenheit,  of  this  road,  met  with 
the  directors  of  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  railwav,  and  a  consolidation  was 


agreed  upon,  after  which  the  Nemaha  \'alley.  Lincohi  &  Loup  Fork  rail- 
way disappeared  from  the  records.     It  was  not  built. 

The  Southern  Nebraska  &  Northern  Kansas.  This  railway  was  proj- 
ected in  1870,  and  was  to  receive  $10,000  in  bonds  from  the  county,  but 
never  graded  more  than  one  hundred  feet  of  road  bed  and  passed  out  of 
practical  existence. 

The  Kansas  &  Nebraska  Narrow  Gauge.  This  was  another  of  the  list 
of  paper  railroads  which  never  amounted  to  anything  but  talk. 

The  Missouri  Pacific.  On  April  26,  1876,  the  directors  of  the  Mis- 
souri Pacific  considered  a  proposition  submitted  by  citizens  along  the  towns 
of  the  proposed  line  to  build  a  road  from  Falls  City  to  Plattsmouth,  at 
a  distance  of  about  ten  miles  from  the  Missouri  river,  taking  the  present 
route  from  Atchison,  Kansas,  to  Falls  City,  and  between  Plattsmouth  and 
Omaha,  using  the  Burlington  &  Missouri  River  railroad  tracks.  A  delegation 
from  Nebraska  was  present  at  this  meeting  and  consisted  of  D.  H.  Wheeler, 
J.  A.  Horback,  T.  P.  Kennard.  J.  T.  Hoile.  S.  S.  Caldwell.  J.  G.  Klopper 
and  R.  W.  Furnace.  The  report  of  the  road  was  delivered  by  Mayor  Brown, 
and  was  a  rejection  of  the  ofifer  made,  accompanied  by  the  reasons  for  such 
action  too  numerous  to  mention  in  detail. 

In  1881,  the  Missouri  Pacific  entered  the  county  at  a  point  a  few  miles 
southwest  of  Falls  City  and  the  road  was  completed  through  the  county 
during  the  following  year. 

The  Burlington  &  Southwestern.  This  road,  sometimes  called  the  "Joy" 
road,  was  begun  in  December,  1869,  and  built  ten  miles  from  Rulo  in 
order  to  secure  the  bonds  voted  for  it,  which  were  due  on  the  completion 
of  that  amount  of  work.  These  bonds  amounted  to  $3,500  per  mile,  and 
were  exclusive  of  the  land  grant  to  the  railroad  company.  In  the  spring 
of  1870,  grading  was  continued  up  the  Nemaha  bottoms  and  in  June  of 
that  year  the  road  was  sold  to  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  railroad,  of  which 
]'.  T.  Abel  was  president.  Joshua  Tracy  was  vice-president  and  J.  K.  Hornish. 
superintendent  of  the  Burlington  &  Southw^estern. 

The  St.  Joseph  &  Nemaha.  The  St.  Joseph  &  Nemaha  Railroad  Com- 
pany once  made  a  sur\-ey  of  a  route  of  a  railroad  from  the  mouth  of  the 
Great  Nemaha  to  Tecumseh,  in  Johnson  county,  nearly  the  present  route 
of  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska  division  of  the  Burlington,  but  beyond  the 
survey,  under  Fix. -Gov.  Robert  Stewart,  of  Missouri. 'nothing  was  ever  done. 

Other  lines  talked  of  in  recent  years,  and  for  a  time  considered  some- 
what  seriously,   have   been   rail   cmniection    with    the    Sycamore   Springs    in 


tlie  south  central  part  of  the  county;  but  the  one  most  referred  to  is  rail 
connection  with  the  northeast  section  of  the  county,  where  the  immense 
apple  production  has  attracted  so  much  attention  in  the  last  decade. 


The  new  station  located  in  Porter  precinct  has  been  named  "Stella," 
after  the  daughter  of  Mr.  Clarke,  the  founder  of  the  town  and  the  owner 
of  the  land  upon  which  the  town  is  to  be  located.  Already,  preparations 
are  going  on  to  build  soon  as  the  spring  opens.  The  depot  grounds  and 
stock  yards  are  being  laid  out,  and  arrangements  for  the  building  of  a  large 
elevator.  Stella  is  beautifully  located  and  promises  to  become  quite  a  place. 
Of  course  the  Porterites  are  happy. — Falls  City  Xcu's.  January  5.  1882. 

January  5,  1882 — The  Missouri  Pacific  is  now  built  within  six  miles 
of  Carson  City,  in  Nemaha  county. 

Engineer  Wright,  who  has  charge  of  the  first  nineteen  miles  of  road 
of  the  Missouri  Pacific  out  of  Atchison,  spent  last  Sunday  in  the  city.  He 
informs  us  that  regular  trains  will  run  between  Atchison  and  Omaha  bv 
the  15th  of  March. — Falls  City  Ncws_,  January  5,  1882. 

The  Hall  Station  boom  has  petered  out.  The  owner  of  the  lands  wanted 
to  get  rich  too  fast.  For  instance,  corner  lots,  in  his  estimation,  are  worth 
$300  and  resident  lots  from  $50  to  $100.  The  company  did  not  see  it  in 
this  light  and  moved  on  to  Porter  precinct.  Lots  at  this  place  can  be 
had  at  from  $5  to  $10  each. — Falls  City  Ncivs,  January  5,  1882. 

August  3,  1882 — On  Saturday,  last,  we  made  a  flying  visit  t(^  the 
thriving  little  village  of  Stella,  situated  about  twenty  miles  northwest  of 
Falls  City  on  the  line  of  the  Missouri  Pacific  railroad.  There  is  in  the 
village  about  fifty  houses  all  told,  including  four  general  stores,  two  drug 
stores,  two  hardware  stores,  two  lumber  yards,  two  restaurants,  cMie  bil- 
liard hall,  one  harness  shop,  one  barljer  shop,  two  blacksmith  shops,  one 
grocery  store,  two  meat  markets,  one  photograph  gallery,  one  livery  stable, 
two  physicians,  one  millinery  and  dressmaking  establishment,  and  a  fine  hotel 
building  just  finished.  The  Gird  Brothers  have  the  material  on  liand,  and 
will  soon  issue  the  first  number  of  a  paper  to  be  called  Tlic  Stella  Tribune. 
The  new  station  is  kept  by  Mr.  J.  S.  Mason,  formerly  of  Missouri.  Mr. 
Mason  is  well  liked  by  the  business  men  of  Stella,  being  pleasant  and  ac- 
commodating. Stella  in  time  will  be  one  of  the  most  important  .shipping 
stations  between  Falls  City  and  Omaha. — Falls  City  News. 



The  automobile  as  a  means  of  transportation  came  I)ut  slowly  into  use 
in  Richardson  county  and  until  tlie  last  year  or  two  has  remained  princi- 
pally as  a  \ehicle  of  pleasure. 

The  first  automobile  to  make  its  appearance  in  the  west  end  of  the  county 
was  at  Humboldt  and  appeared  in  1898  or  1899  and  was  owned  by  Louis 
Slama.  a  Bohemian  jeweler,  who  at  the  time  had  a  shop  in  the  city  and  gave 
his  principal  attention  to  the  sale  and  repair  of  watches.  He  was  one  of  the 
first  to  adopt  the  "safety"  bicycle  and  being  of  an  inventive  turn  became  at 
once  interested  in  power  vehicles  or  "horseless  carriages''  as  they  were  some- 
times called  in  those  days. 

Slama  built  the  engine  which  he  used  in  his  first  automobile,  using  steam 
as  a  driving  power,  and  made  the  entire  equipment  for  his  machine  with  the 
exception  of  the  wheels  and  tires,  which  he  ordered  from  an  Eastern  firm. 
He  worked  at  spare  moments  for  some  months  in  assembling  and  perfecting 
the  entire  machine,  but  when  completed  it  was  found  to  be  practical  and  he 
was  able  to  go  about  the  country  and  negotiated  some  of  the  steepest  hills  and 
grades.  As  compared  to  some  of  the  gas  machines  which  made  their  appear- 
ance at  about  the  same  period  his  machine  was  really  superior,  as  the  gas 
engine  at  the  time  had  not  been  so  far  perfected  as  now  and  was  not  so 
generally  understood  when  applied  as  a  power  for  driving  an  autmobile.  It 
is  needless  to  say  that  his  machine,  which  in  general  appearance  was  very  much 
like  the  single-seated  gas  cars  comnK)n  in  tliose  days,  made  a  commotion  in 
the  community,  ^^^^enever  and  wherever  he  appeared  he  was  tlie  cynosure  of 
all  eyes  and  he  never  lacked  for  company  on  his  rides  about  the  countryside. 

The  next  machine  to  make  its  appearance  in  Humboldt  was  owned  by 
F.  \y.  Samuel'^on,  president  of  the  First  National  Bank,  and  was  a  single- 
seated  gas-driven  auto  (single-cylinder  type")  of  the  Olds  manufacture.  The 
Tittle  machine  in  appearance  looked  fine,  liut  gave  Mr.  Samuelson  more  trou- 
ble than  anvthing  he  had  probalily  ever  tried  to  operate.  As  measured  by 
the  more  recent  tvpes  of  machines  it  lacked  much  that  goes  to  make  a  practical 
machine  f^r  country  roads,  but  he  had  lots  of  sport  witli  it  and  was  able 
to  get  about  the  country  to  some  extent. 

Frank  Xims  and  Frank  Blakeney,  now  residents  of  b~alls  City,  but  in 
former  times  resident  of  farms  in  the  west  end  of  the  county,  were  the  next 
to  berrme  interested  in  autos.  were  pioneer  owners  of  machines  and  contril> 
uted  mucii   in  the  introduction  of  antomoliiies  in  the  count}'.   The  latter  re- 


maincd  ever  a  lover  of  the  auto  and  has  sold  hundreds  of  them  to  the  farmers 
of  the  county. 

Daniel  Blakeney,  die  father  of  Frank  Blakeney  mentioned  al)Ove,  was 
one  of  the  first  to  conceive  tlie  idea  of  the  commercial  value  of  the  auto  for 
use  on  the  country  roads,  estahlished  the  first  auto  livery  in  the  county  at 
Falls  City  and  equipped  himself  with  a  number  of  machines.  Being  faster 
than  horses  he  thought  to  use  them  on  tlie  country  roads  for  hauling  passen- 
gers about  the  county  and  solicited  the  trade  ni  die  traveling  salesmen  whose 
business  took  them  to  the  smaller  towns.  The  business  at  that  time  was  not 
a  success  for  many  reasons,  among  which  principall}-  was  the  imperfection 
of  the  early  machines  and  the  lack  of  good  roads.  After  operating  for  some 
time  under  these  and  other  disadvantages  the  business  was  discontinued.  It 
must  be  rememl)ered  that  this  kind  of  business  was  undertaken  by  Mr.  Blake- 
ney in  the  very  early  stages  of  the  introduction  of  the  automobile  in  Richard- 
son county,  and  die  machines  he  used  were  the  first  to  make  their 
appearance  here. 

The  first  auto  ever  to  travel  the  streets  of  Falls  City  under  its  own 
power  was  brought  here  by  a  circus  and  was  listed  as  one  of  the  big  exhibits 
of  the  show.  The  first  machine  ever  owned  in  Falls  City  was,  like  the  one 
mentioned  above,  made  by  a  mechanic,  ]\I.  N.  Bair,  residing  there,  and  was 
as  successfully  used  and  proved  as  much  of  a  curiosity  as  the  one  abo\e 
referred  to. 

The  ne.xt  to  own  a  machine  at  b'alls  City  was  .\lbert  ^laust,  wiio  liad 
his  machine  in  1905-06  and  was  much  envied  1j\-  his  friends  as  he  was  seen 
going  about  the  town.  Mr.  Maust  was  engaged  in  the  business  of  bu\ing  of 
grain  and  live  stock  from  the  farmers  adjacent  to  the  city  and  soon  incurred 
the  enmity  of  many  of  his  patrons,  from  the  fact  that  their  teams  took  fright 
as  they  saw  this  machine  on  the  countr\-  roads.  This  [jliase  of  the  matter 
came  to  such  a  pass  that  there  were  many  who  were  heard  to  advocate  the 
passage  of  some  kind  of  a  law  barring  the  autos  from  the  use  of  the  pul)lic 

Looking  backward  from  the  present  it  seems  amusing  to  remember  iiow 
greatly  wrought  up  tlie  people  of  those  times  l)ecanie  toward  the  owners  of 
autos.  From  this  feeling  expression  was  given  in  the  passage  of  laws  govern- 
ing machines  on  the  public  highway. 

The  first  machines  were  hard  to  sell,  as  the  prices  asked  for  them  seemed 
highly  exorbitant  to  the  farmers  and  citizens  who  were  accustomed  to  the  use 
of  horses  and  like  all  new  things  were   regarded  seriously  as  impractical. 

3-'-|  UK  IIARDSON      COrXTV,    Xi:i!RA.SKA. 

Tliose  who  first  engaged  in  the  business  had  trying  times  in  making  sales  and 
were  obhged  to  do  a  great  deal  of  "demonstrating"  to  the  prospective  pur- 
chasers, which  process  resulted  in  the  use  of  much  "gas"  of  both  the  vocal 
and  fluid  sort. 

The  first  regular  agency  for  the  sale  of  automobiles  in  Falls  City  was 
opened  by  Guy  Crook  and  Peter  Frederick,  Jr..  who  entered  the  business  in 
1908,  and  remained  in  the  business  for  a  year  or  two.  selling  many  of  the 
first  machines  used  on  the  roads  in  the  east  part  of  the  county.  Their  first 
sale  of  a  touring  car  was  made  to  Charles  Harkendorf,  a  farmer,  residing 
northeast  of  Falls  City.  The  next  machine  was  sold  to  Roy  Heacock.  resid- 
ing in  Falls  City.  The  physicians  of  the  city  who  had  a  large  country  prac- 
tice and  had  been  obliged  to  keep  horses  for  this  purpose,  were  among  the 
first  to  see  the  convenience,  economy  and  saving  of  time  that  would  result 
if  the  machines  were  found  able  to  do  their  work  and  each  in  turn  provided 
himself  with  one.  It  is  related  of  one  of  the  leading  physicians  who  had 
been  slow  to  believe  in  the  practicability  of  the  auto  tliat,  upon  being  inter- 
viewed by  one  of  the  above  salesmen,  he  proposed  that  a  "try-out"  be  made 
on  one  of  his  worst  trips,  whicli  took  him  some  twenty-five  miles  from  the  city 
and  over  the  worst  roads  in  the  county.  If  this  was  done  and  the  machine 
found  to  be  reasonably  satisfactory  he  could  be  regarded  as  a  "prospect." 
The  trip  was  made  in  record  time,  with  the  expectation  that  on  the  return  to 
town  the  sale  would  be  completed,  but  the  Doctor  was  not  yet  convinced,  or 
at  least  not  in  so  far  as  tliat  machine  was  concerned,  but  did  soon  procure 
a  machine  from  other  parties. 

Automobiles  are  now  owned  1)\  tlie  hundreds  in  all  parts  of  the  county 
and  principally  by  the  farmers,  who  have  found  them  more  useful  than  they 
had  dreamed,  and  their  coming  and  adoption  have,  as  a  consequence,  awakened 
a  live  interest  in  the  good-roads  movement  and  resulted  in  great  betterment 
of  the  highwavs  throughout  the  county.  No  machine  used  by  man  has  been 
so  universally  accepted  in  so  short  a  time;  where  a  dozen  years  ago  there 
were  not  a  half  dozen  machines  in  Richardson  county,  it  now  ranks  third 
in  tlie  state  in  the  number  of  machines  owned  per  capita. 

When  in  the  early  stages  of  the  introduction  of  the  automobile  it  was 
seen  that  the  auto  had  met  witli  almost  instant  and  universal  favor  there 
were  those  who  believed  their  purchase  on  so  large  a  scale  would  bankrupt 
the  county,  but,  in  so  far  as  we  have  been  able  to  learn,  there  has  never 
lieen  a  foreclosure  of  a  mortgage  in  Richardson  county  on  real  estate  that 
might  be  traced  directly  to  the  purchase  of  automobiles,  notwithstanding  the 
fact  that  so  manv  are  owned  here.     As  a  matter  of   fact  the  farmers  of 


Richardson  county  are  prosperous  to  a  degree  not  known  in  many  sections  of 
the  country  and  are  amply  able  to  bu)-  and  pay  outright  for  whatever  num- 
ber of  machines  they  may  find  necessary  to  use  in  their  business. 

The  introduction  of  the  auto-truck  is  now  fast  finding  its  way  into  the 
country  districts  of  Richardson  county  and  is  being  used  for  all  kinds  of 
hauling  and  is  greatly  appreciated.  The  same  is  true  in  the  cities  and 
villages,  where  most  of  tlie  horse-drawn  dray  lines  have  substituted  the  auto- 
truck and  found  it  much  more  satisfactory.  The  stage  line  has  gone  and 
with  it  the  horse-drawn  omnibus,  which  has  given  way  to  the  auto-bus 
now  used  in  all  the  towns  and  most  of  the  villages,  much  t(i  the  satisfacti<ni 
of  the  patrons  of  the   same. 

Schools  and  Education. 

B.v   Daniel    H.    Weber.   County   Superintendent    of   Public    Instruction. 

The  request  has  been  made  of  me  that  I  briefly  review  the  school  activi- 
ties of  this  county  from  the  time  of  its  early  settlement  until  the  present 
time.  This  is  not  easily  done,  because  until  comparatively  recently  no  com- 
plete records  were  left  in  this  office.  Some  schools  were  conducted  in  what 
is  now  Richardson  county  as  early  as  the  fifties,  many  years  before  Nebraska 
was  admitted  to  the  sisterhood  of  states.  These  early  schools  were  largely 
subscription  schools  and  were  held  anywhere  where  the  number  of  pupils 
warranted  it.  The  schools  were  not  authorized  and  governed  Ij}-  law .  Ijut 
were  held  by  common  consent.  Usually  some  deserted  squatter's  cabin  was 
conscripted  or  some  hospitable  settler  offered  his  rude  log  home  for  this 
purpose.  Indeed,  many  times  the  school  was  taught  by  some  married  man 
iir  woman  who  had  obtained  the  rudiments  of  an  education  in  the  East 
liefore  embarking  upon  the  journey  to  the  land  that  Horace  Greele}-  later 
stated  spelled  "opportunity."  Each  parent  paid  his  mite  in  proportion  to 
the  number  of  pupils  attending  and  the  mite  wasn't  very  large.  If  someone 
outside  of  tlie  community  was  selected  as  teacher  he  drew  a  portion  of  his 
salary,  if. we  might  term  the  paltry  wages  salary,  by  Ijoarding  with  liis 
his  various  patrons. 


In  1854,  there  was  not  a  public  school  in  Richardson  county,  and  it 
is  said  bj-  reliable  parties  that  Willis  Maddox,  Fred  Harkendorf,  AIar\ 
Harkendorf,  Jesse  ("rook  and  family,  Dave  L.  Thompson  and  Elias  Menshall 
were  the  only  white  persons  within  the  limits  of  \yhat  is  now  Richardson 
county.  Instead  of  listening  to  the  chimes  of  the  school  bells  and  feasting 
upon  the  views  of  well  ordered  farms  and  buildings,  these  sturdy  and  fear- 
less pioneers  were  compelled  to  be  contented  with  the  howl  of  the  wolf  and 
the  bark  of  the  prairie  dog.  The  county  was  peopled  with  Indians,  Init 
tlie  al)originals  lived  on   amicable  relations  witli   tlie  white  settlers.      Little 


did  those  early  pioneers  dream  that  this  count}'  would  ever  be  dotted  with 
farm  houses,  churches  and  schools  as  we  find  it  today.  Today  we  have,  a 
school  for  every  four  or  five  sections  of  land  and  very  few  pupils  have  to 
trudge  over  two  miles  in  getting  to  school.  The  roads  are  open  and  no 
dangers  beset  them  on  the  way.  The  schools  are  open  from  seven  to  nine 
months;  the  same  teacher  has  charge  of  the  school  for  the  entire  year,  the 
school  houses  are  Imilt  comfortably  and  attention  is  being  paid  to  sanita- 
tion, seating,  lighting  and  ventilation.  The  equipments  are  complete.  Con- 
trast this  condition  with  the  pioneer  school  which  was  built  of  logs,  the 
crevices  of  which  were  filled  with  straw. to  keep  out  some  of  the  wintry 
blasts  and  drifting  snows.  Shoe  boxes  were  used  as  desks  and  soap  boxes 
as  seats.  Slate  blackboards  were  unknown,  but  slates  instead  of  paper  tablets 
predominated  with  the  pupils.  .\  slab  or  two  of  fiat  boards  painted  black 
sufficed  for  the  board  need's  of  the  early  teacher.  Strange  to  say,  similar 
boards  are  still  found  in  some  of  our  present-day  schools.  In  the  early 
days  the  school  year  was  divided  into  the  fall,  winter  and  spring  term  and 
each  term  had  a  different  teacher.  Each  pupil  furnished  his  own  text-books 
and  all  were  of  a  different  kind,  which  condititm  presented  many  difficult 
problems  to  the  early  progressive  teacher  who  endeavored  to  secure  anything 
like  a  semblance  of  uniformity.  Unless  one  actually  attended  or  taught 
one  of  the  pioneer  schools,  it  is  indeed  difficult  for  the  uninitiated  to  visualize 
clearly  the  many  drawbacks  of  these  .schools. 


From  1854  to  i860  settlers  came  to  this  county  very  slowly  and  then 
settled  near  the  Missouri  river  because  of  the  traffic  that  was  wont  to  ply 
up  and  down  this  great  body  of  water.  It  was  the  only  means  of  trans- 
portation, as  the  nearest  railroad  was  many  miles  from  this  county.  Gradu- 
ally the  old  superstition  of  starving  to  death  or  being  blown  away  by  the 
winds  if  one  lived  on  the  prairies  was  dissipated,  and  the  settlers  pushed 
farther  Westward.  From  i860  to  1867,  in  which  latter  year  Nebraska  was 
admitted  to  the  union  a  great  influx  of  ix)pulation  was  seen.  Many  came  to 
escape  the  scenes  of  the  war,  others  because  of  the  opportunities  offered  in 
a  new  land.  Alx)ut  this  time,  and  l)e fore  general  settlement,  schools  began 
'to  be  established.  As  time  went  on  the  various  school  districts  were  organ- 
ized, the  early  records  of  which  are  missing.  On  other  pages  appears  the 
earlv  historv  of  a  number  of  these  districts.     .\t  first  all  the  .school  houses 


were  of  log  or  sod,  but  in  the  seventies  and  eighties  these  were  displaced 
with  frame  buildings.  About  1885  a  building  boom  began  to  sweep  the 
school  districts.  In  that  year  eight  new  school  houses  were  built  at  a  cost 
of  $10,000;  in  1886,  two  buildings,  at  a  cost  of  $11,000;  in  1887,  three, 
at  a  cost  of  $2,600;  in  1888,  four  at  a  cost  of  $8,500;  in  1889,  two  at  a 
cost  of  $7,000;  in  1890,  three  at  a  cost  of  $4,600;  in  1891,  three  at  $2,060; 
in  1892,  four  at  a  cost  of  $3,400;  in  1893,  six  at  a  cost  of  $3,400,  making 
thirty-five  new  school  buildings,  costing  $82,000  in  round  numbers,  built  in 
nine  years.  No  information  is  available  as  to  the  number  built  since  then. 
A  few  years  ago  the  people  of  Stella  voted  bonds  and  built  one  of  the  finest 
buildings  in  the  county,  .\bout  four  years  ago  Falls  City,  realizing  that 
the  needs  of  the  pupils  demanded  another  building,  erected  one  of  the  best 
and  most  costly  high  schcjol  Iniildings  in  the  state.  Last  year  (1916),  Daw- 
son reconstructed  its  building,  making  some  imi^rtant  and  needed  change.'^. 
A  few  years  ago,  Verdon  and  Shubert  each  erected  a  separate  room  fur 
the  primary  grades.  Since  I  have  been  superintendent  a  number  of  new 
buildings  have  been  erected.  In  191 5,  district  No.  31  tore  down  the  old 
structure  and  erected  a  modern  building  costing  over  one  thousand  dollars. 
Last  year  (1916),  districts  8  and  9  of  this  county  and  2  of  Nemaha  county 
consolidated  and  a  splendid  four-room  brick  building,  costing  over  ten  thou- 
sand dollars  was  erected,  which  is  pronounced  by  educators  as  the  best  and 
most  admirably  equipped  consolidated  school  in  the  state.  It  has  a  Delco 
lighting  system,  a  water  pressure  system,  steam-heating  plant  and  toilets. 
Two  of  the  rooms  are  so  constructed  that  they  can  be  thrown  together  for 
social  and  community  gatherings;  a  large  gymnasium  has  Ijeen  built,  and 
the  school  has  domestic  science  and  manual  training  ecjuipment.  In  every 
\va\-  the  school  has  been  arranged  so  that  it  can  take  its  place  in  looking 
alter  every  need  of  the  pupils  of  this  agricultural  center.  Twelve  grades 
will  lie  Iiandled  next  \ear,  under  the  supervision  of  four  esj)ecially  trained 
ami  wel!-(|ualifie(l  teachers.  .\  teacherage.  modern  in  all  its  equijiment.  has 
been  erected  for  the  needs  of  the  faculty.  The  district  owns  six  acres  of 
land  and  nuich  iiractical  demonstration  work  will  be  done.  The  principal 
owns  an  automobile  and  thus  has  a  convenient  means  of  conveyance.  A 
lecture  course  will  Ije  held  there  next  year.  Short  courses  will  also  lie  given 
annuall}-.  The  transportation  of  the  pupils  is  looked  after  by  three  men., 
two  of  whom  transport  the  pujiils  with  autonioljiles.  \'isitors  from  all  sec- 
tions of  this  county  as  well  as  from  other  counties  have  called  to  see  this 
new  departure  in  education.     District  No.  80  is  erecting  a  larger  and  iielter 


building  than  it  had  before,  the  same  to  cost  well  over  one  thousand  dollars, 
exclusive  of  the  equipment.  District  No.  i,  which  boasted  one  of  the  oldest 
and,  I  might  add,  one  of  the  worst  frame  buildings  in  the  count}',  was 
visited  by  the  Missouri  recently,  the  encroaching  waters  advising  thai  a 
new  building  had  best  be  erected  on  higher  ground.  Consequently  the  old 
building  was  razed  and  a  new  one  was  built  in  the  summer  of  1917.  Dis- 
trict Xo.  22  is  the  name  of  a  new  district  recently  organized  in  the  old 
Iowa  Indian  reservation  country  southeast  of  Rulo.  and  a  new  eighty-hun- 
dred-dollar building  was  erected  there  during  this  same  summer.  Other 
buildings  will  be  erected  next  year  and  in  the  years  immediately  following, 
as  a  number  would  be  condemned  by  any  building-  inspector  visiting  us. 


While  we  can  boast  of  more  and  better  buildings,  and  a  greater  number 
and  better  qualified  teachers,  yet  we  cannot  boast  of  any  increase  in  the 
school  census,  between  the  ages  of  five  and  twenty-one.  In  1886  we  had 
6,901  children  of  school  age,  and  126  teachers.  In  1890,  it  was  6,8[-| 
and  133.  In  1893,  we  had  6,846  school  children  and  141  teachers.  Today 
we  have  barely  over  6,000  school  children  and  175  teachers.  In  the  earl\' 
days  it  was  not  unusual  to  find  an  enrollment  of  from  fifty  to  eighty.  Toda\ 
the  average  is  not  over  fifteen  and  a  school  with  thirty  or  more  is  tlu 
exception.  District  No.  20,  near  Barada,  had  nearly  fifty  on  its  list  last 
year,  but  the  attendance  was  very  irregular.  Districts  53  and  42  still  ha\c 
verj'  good  enrollments. 

.\t  present  there  are  one  hundred  and  ten  public  school  houses  in  tlic 
county  and  in  addition  there  are  four  parochial  schools.  Ninety- four  are 
frame  and  sixteen  are  brick.  In  1883  there  were  108  buildings  \alued  at 
$145,000;  today  they  are  valued  at  $230,000,  of  which  Falls  City  alone 
claims  over  $100,000.  Text-books  are  valued  at  $75,000.  At  least  $350,000 
is  invested  for  educational  purposes  in  this  count}'. 

In  1880  there  were  two  grade  schools  in  the  county — Falls  City  and 
Humboldt,  this  former  having  eight  teachers  and  the  latter  four.  At  present 
Falls  City  has  thirty-three  teachers,  including  special  experts  for  manual 
training,  domestic  science,  athletics,  art,  penmanship,  etc.  Departmental 
work  is  carried  on  in  the  seventh  and  eighth  grades.  Humboldt  has  four- 
teen teachers  and  is  represented  in  practically  all  the  departments  mentioned 
for  brails  Citv.     Roth  schools  are  accredited  for  normal  training  work  and 


eacli  year  from  live  t^i  fifteen  teachers  complete  this  department  of  the 
work.  In  1881  the  Rulo  school  was  partially  graded  and  in  1888  the  progres- 
sive people  of  that  citj-  decided  that  better  conditions  were  necessary.  Hence 
a  fine  ten-thousand-dollar  brick  building  was  erected,  which  is  even  today 
sufficiently  large  for  the  growing  needs  of  that  thriving  little  city.  When 
the  building  was  completed  the  course  of  study  was  revised  and  the  course 
increased  so  as  to  include  the  work  of  ten  grades.  A  few  years  ago  the 
eleventh  grade  was  added.  There  is  ample  room  for  twelve  grades,  manual 
training,  domestic  science,  etc.,  whenever  the  sentiment  of  the  conmiunit} 
favors  their  installation.  In  point  of  attendance  the  school  ranks  third  in 
the  county.  During  the  past  year  five  teachers  were  employed  in  the  grades. 
In  1885  Salem,  Stella  and  \^erdon  were  added  to  the  list  of  graded  schools, 
each  at  that  time  planning  to  carry  nine  grades.  At  that  time  Verdon  and 
Stella  both  built  new  frame  buildings,  costing  about  three  thousand  dollars 
each.  \^erdon  gradually  increased  the  number  of  grades  until  1916,  when  the 
school  was  recognized  by  the  state  department  as  a  twelve-grade  school. 
During  the  past  year  several  attempts  were  made  to  vote  bonds  for  a  new 
building,  but  each  time  the  necessary  two-thirds  majority  could  nut  be  ob- 
tained. Stella  grew  in  grace  rapidly  and  has  had  twelve  grades  for  a  num- 
ber of  vears.  and  also  l)oasts  one  of  the  best  and  most  complete  average- 
sized  school  buildings  in  the  state,  ^'erd<ln  employs  six  teachers  and  Stella, 
seven.  In  1888  Salem  built  a  three-room  lirick  building  which  aliuost  im- 
mediately proved  inadequate  for  the  needs  nf  the  school.  Since  that  time 
two  frame  buildings,  in  different  parts  of  the  city,  have  been  commandeered 
for  the  primary  and  intermediate  grades.  Several  efforts  have  been  made 
b\  the  citizens  to  build  a  new  building,  but  on  account  of  the  other  heavy 
taxes  the  proposal  has  each  time  been  defeated.  The  school  now  has  elevtn 
.!L;rades.  In  1884  Dawson  was  added  to  the  list  and  bit  by  bit  she  has  in- 
creased her  course  until  now  she  has  twelve  grades  fully  accredited.  Six 
teachers  are  on  the  facult\-.  Preston  and  Barada  have  two-room  buildings 
and  some  years  carrv  nine  grades  and  <nhers  ten.  Usually  two  teachers 
are  employed.  It  is  not  known  exactly  when  Shubert  became  a  high  .school. 
but  in  1912,  the  eleventh  grade  was  installed  and  a  frame  building  was 
])urchased  for  the  primary  grades.  The  citizens  of  Shubert  are  progressive. 
l)ut  are  now  paying  the  limit  allowed  by  law  for  school  purposes,  so  it  ma\- 
])c  a  number  of  years  l)efore  another  grade  is  installed.  Dawson  has  a 
parochial  school  in  charge  of  Fr.  F.  \.  O'Brien,  with  three  teachers.  Rulo's 
l)arochial   school   was  not   in   session  last   year,   but  will   have  two  teachers 


next  year.  The  Falls  City  parocliial  .school,  under  the  management  of  Fr. 
J.  J.  Hoffman,  ha.s  eight  teachers  and  an  enrollment  of  about  one  hundred 
and  fifty.  Twelve  grades  are  carried  and  full  credit  is  given  for  the  normal 
training  work.  It  is  one  of  three  sch<ools  in  this  county  able  to  secure  credit 
in  this  branch.  The  Dawson  and  Rulo  parochial  schools  carry  eight  grades. 
C.  Merz  teaches  a  German  school  in  Ohio  township,  under  the  supervision 
of  the  Lutheran  church.  Half  the  instruction  is  in  German  and  half  in 
English.  On  another  page  will  appear  the  names  of  the  teachers  of  Rich- 
ardson county  for  the  school  year  1917-18,  also  a  list  of  the  school  officers 
fur  the  same  period. 


In  comparing-  the  schools  of  fifty  years  ago  with  the  schools  of  toda\-, 
one  will  be  startled  by  the  striking  changes  that  have  taken  place.  A  perusal 
of  the  lists  of  early  teachers  will  reveal  a  large  preponderance  of  men.  but 
slowly,  as  the  years  rolled  b\-.  fewer  and  fewer  men  volunteered  their  serv- 
ices until  today,  in  the  rural  schools,  the  proportion  is  twelve  to  one  in 
favor  of  the  women.  In  fact,  last  year  there  were  but  nine  men  on  the 
list  and  this  year  the  num!)er  has  diminished  to  eight,  with  several  of 
these  eligible  for  the  draft.  A  number  of  reasons  are  ascribed  for  this. 
In  tile  first  place,  many  young  men  seem  to  feel  that  they  are  not  fitted 
by  nature  to  be  teachers,  especially  where  younger  pupils  predominate.  I 
concur  in  that  view.  Others  feel  that  the  work  is  not  a  man's  task  and  feel 
that  it  savors  of  housework.  Others  do  not  like  it  because  it  lacks  per- 
manency and  leaves  the  individual  without  much  independence.  The  great- 
est objection  is  the  poor  wages.  While  the  prices  of  the  necessities  of  life 
have  doubled  and  tripled  and  then  some,  teachers  wages  have  hardly  been 
aft'ected.  Ten  years  ago  I  received  from  forty  to  forty  seven  dollars  and 